Dynamic Macroeconomics Problem Set 1 Universität Siegen Dynamic Macroeconomics 1 / 22 Table of Contents 1 Cobb-Douglas Production Function 2 Simple Macroeconomic Model 3 Reading Exercise Dynamic Macroeconomics 2 / 22 Cobb-Douglas Production Function Dynamic Macroeconomics 3 / 22 a) Properties i and ii Consider the Cobb-Douglas production function Y = F (K , L) = ĀK α L1−α where K is the capital stock and L the labor force. The Cobb-Douglas function is homogeneous of degree one, since F (λK , λL) = Ā(λK )α (λL)1−α = Āλα+1−α K α L1−α = λF (K , L) Both factors of production are necessary, since F (0, L) = Ā × 0α L1−α = 0 = F (K , 0) = Ā × K α 01−α . Dynamic Macroeconomics 4 / 22 a) Properties iii and iv The marginal product of capital is ∂F (K , L) = αĀK α−1 L1−α = |{z} α Ā ∂K >0 | L 1−α >0 K {z } >0 For which 1−α L 1−α 1 1−α lim FK (K , L) = lim αĀ = αĀL lim =∞ K →0 K →0 K →0 K K 1−α 1−α L 1 1−α lim FK (K , L) = lim αĀ = αĀL lim =0 K →∞ K →∞ K K →∞ K For L the derivation is similar. Dynamic Macroeconomics 5 / 22 b) Elasticity of Y w.r.t. K The elasticity of Y w.r.t. K is given by Y ,K = ∂F (K , L) K ∂K Y = αĀK α−1 L1−α = αĀK α L1−α K Y 1 Y =α If K increase by one percentage point, Y will increase by α percentage points. The elasticity of Y with respect to L is 1 − α. Dynamic Macroeconomics 6 / 22 c) and d) Wages and rental rates On competitive markets, factors of production are paid their marginal product. Therefore the wage is w = FL and the share of wage income in total income is FL L (1 − α)ĀK α L−α L (1 − α)F (K , L) wL = = =1−α = Y Y F (K , L) ĀK α L1−α Therefore the rental rate of capital is r = FK and the share of capital income in total income is FK K αĀK α−1 L1−α K rK αF (K , L) = = =α = Y Y F (K , L) ĀK α L1−α For Cobb-Douglas production function, the income share going to the different factors of production is constant. Dynamic Macroeconomics 7 / 22 Wage shares in some countries Dynamic Macroeconomics 8 / 22 e) Per-capita production function To derive the production function per capita, start with the production function for total output and divide by the labor force: Y = ĀK α L1−α L1−α Y = ĀK α L L y = ĀK α L−α α K y = Ā L α y = Āk Dynamic Macroeconomics |:L |y ≡ Y L |k ≡ K L 9 / 22 f) Interpreting Ā Dynamic Macroeconomics 10 / 22 Table of Contents 1 Cobb-Douglas Production Function 2 Simple Macroeconomic Model 3 Reading Exercise Dynamic Macroeconomics 11 / 22 a) Firms optimization problem The firms optimization problem is max ĀK α L1−α − wL − rK K ,L (1) taking the factor prices w and r as given. The first order conditions for K and L are αĀK α−1 L1−α = r (1 − α)ĀK α L−α = w Interpretation? Dynamic Macroeconomics 12 / 22 a) Firms optimization problem ii How does demand for L change, if w changes? Start with F.O.C. for general function F (K , L) and use the implicit function theorem FL (K , L) = w FL (K , h(L)) = w Take derivative w.r.t. wage (using the chain rule) gives FL,L (K , h(L)) ∗ h0 (L) = 1 h0 (L) = 1 FL,L Sign? Dynamic Macroeconomics 13 / 22 a) Firms optimization problem iii What determines the trade-off between K and L? From F.O.C get α L r = 1−αK w First assume α = 0.5 and r = w . Then KL = 1. Interpretation? Now assume α = 0.5 but r > w . Then wr > 1 and thus KL > 1. Interpretation? Now assume r = w but α < 0.5. Then α L =1 1−αK L 1−α = 1>1 K α } | {z >1 Interpretation? (General tip: Look at the extreme case to make sense of the economic mechanisms at hand) Dynamic Macroeconomics 14 / 22 b) Endogenous and exogenous variables Table: Endogenous and Exogenous Variables Symbol Ls = L̄ K s = K̄ Ā α Ld Kd L∗ K∗ Y∗ Name Supply of Labor by Households Supply of Capital by Households Productivity parameter Production function parameter Demand of Labor by firms Demand of Capital by firms Equilibrium Level of Labor Equilibrium Level of Capital Equilibrium Level of Production Dynamic Macroeconomics Type Exogenous Exogenous Exogenous Exogenous Endogenous Endogenous Endogenous Endogenous Endogenous 15 / 22 c) General Equilibrium I Market clearing condition for Labor Ls = Ld Market clearing condition for Capital Ks = Kd Firm demand for capital and labor from first order conditions. Solution for labor L∗ = L̄ Solution for capital K ∗ = K̄ Solution for production Y ∗ = ĀK̄ α L̄1−α Dynamic Macroeconomics 16 / 22 d) Observed and predicted y Table: Model prediction for GDP per capita relative to USA Country United States Japan Italy Brazil China India South Africa Observed k 1 1.0949 1.0385 0.2420 0.2299 0.0057 0.1410 Observed y 1 0.7276 0.6949 0.2129 0.1816 0.0812 0.1907 Dynamic Macroeconomics Predicted y ∗ 1 1.0307 1.0127 0.6232 0.6126 0.1786 0.5205 17 / 22 e) Implied Ā Table: Model prediction for Ā relative to USA Country United States Japan Italy Brazil China India South Africa Observed k 1 1.0949 1.0385 0.2420 0.2299 0.0057 0.1410 Observed y 1 0.7276 0.6949 0.2129 0.1816 0.0812 0.1907 Dynamic Macroeconomics Implied A 1 0.7059 0.6171 0.3402 0.2964 0.4546 0.3664 18 / 22 f) Results from MatLab i) Dynamic Macroeconomics 19 / 22 f) Results from MatLab ii) Dynamic Macroeconomics 20 / 22 Table of Contents 1 Cobb-Douglas Production Function 2 Simple Macroeconomic Model 3 Reading Exercise Dynamic Macroeconomics 21 / 22 Table 1 of Hall/Jones (1999) Dynamic Macroeconomics 22 / 22