ARUBA NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR UNESCO NATIONALE UNESCO COMMISSIE ARUBA COMISION NACIONAL DI UNESCO ARUBA DIRECTOR-GENERAL’S CONSULTATIVE MEETING OF NATIONAL COMMISSIONS FOR UNESCO OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGION ON THE PREPARATION OF THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2006-2007 (33 C/5) and 13TH QUADRENNIAL AND STATUTORY REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF NATIONAL COMMISSIONS FOR UNESCO OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Oranjestad, Aruba, 3rd-7th May 2004 Final Report Monday, 3rd May 2004 The two above-mentioned meetings began with the Opening Speech by Mr Ahmed Sayyad, Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Cooperation, Representative of the Director-General, UNESCO, followed by the Welcoming Words of Mr Tai-Foo Ramon Lee, Minister of Labour, Culture and Sports and Minister in charge of Relations with UNESCO. The Official Opening was carried out by the Prime Minister of Aruba, the Honourable Mr Nelson Orlando Oduber. The three speakers mentioned the historic importance of having brought together National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean in Oranjestad, Aruba, an Associate Member of UNESCO. Following this, the Provisional Rules of Procedure were adopted, after which the Bureau was elected, with the following results: Chairperson: Aruba Ms Carla Zaandam Vice-Chairpersons: Bahamas Uruguay Mr Haldane Chase Ms Silvana Marin Rapporteur: Antigua and Barbuda Mr George Brown Co-Rapporteurs: Cuba El Salvador Ms Rosario Navas-Morata Ms Patricia Mejía-Lagos Rapporteur, 13th Meeting: Peru Mr Carlos Vásquez-Corrales 1 Co-Rapporteurs, 13th Meeting: Argentina Trinidad and Tobago Ms Silvana Campanini Ms Avril Ross The National Commissions approved the Provisional Agenda and Timetable and immediately proceeded to the overview of the process leading to the preparation of the UNESCO Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007 (Document 33 C/5), presented by Mr Hans d'Orville, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning of UNESCO. This document reports on the discussions with regard to the 13th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean. Wednesday, 5th May 2004 Opening Ms Carla Zaandam, Chairperson of the Aruba National Commission for UNESCO and host country, opened the meeting by thanking the local observers and members of several Aruban organizations for their presence. She expressed her hope that the delegations of Latin America, the Caribbean and UNESCO were enjoying their stay on the island. The Chairperson said she was very happy that all the countries of the region, with the exception of Panama and Colombia, were present at these meetings. Ms Zaandam pointed out that the topics of the Quadrennial Conference had been chosen by consensus by the National Commissions, and ended her opening speech by expressing the hope that the meeting would be fruitful and successful. Mr Haldene Chase, Secretary-General of the Bahamas National Commission for UNESCO and Chairperson of the 12th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean (Nassau, Bahamas, 7th-11th May 2001) introduced the follow-up to recommendations made at said meeting. With regard to the reform process being undertaken by UNESCO and its implications for the National Commissions of Latin America and the Caribbean, he mentioned the references in documents 31 C/4 and C/5 to the responsibilities of the Regional and Cluster Bureaus of UNESCO. During the period under consideration, the UNESCO Secretariat developed guidelines for improving the relations of the National Commissions with Field Offices, which will soon be published. Mr Chase also touched on the two circular letters sent by UNESCO’s Director-General regarding the shared responsibilities between UNESCO and Member States to reinforce National Commissions, from which repercussions are awaited. Mr Chase also commented on the growing links between UNESCO and other organizations, including the alliances with the United Nations system, Parliaments, Associated Schools, NGOs, etc. In particular, the articulated work between National Commissions and Parliamentary Groups has been considered fruitful for bolstering legal measures in keeping with UNESCO ideals. Finally, Mr Chase reminded the audience that the participants of the 12th Quadrennial Regional Conference had expressed their concern about the little amount of attention given to the Latin American and Caribbean region and the lack of balance between the importance given to the region in the texts of C/4 and of C/5, and the modest resources made available for activities in the region. The group expressly stated their hope that this tendency would be reversed in the next C/5, i.e. in the 33 C/5. 2 Ms Mary-Louise Kearney, Director of the Division of Relations with National Commissions and New Partnerships, presented the objectives and results for 2001-2003 and the outlook for 2004-2005 and the near future. She emphasized the United Nations (UN) reform action, especially the 1999 Global Compact, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, and the pursuit of more extensive relations with civil society. With regard to UNESCO, she underscored the reform consisting of a greater concentration of the UNESCO Programme, decentralization, new structure and rotation of staff members and promotion of alliances with civil society. Third, she raised the importance of training National Commissions’ staff and of UNESCO’s investment in this area. Special mention was made of the need to promote innovative training action that makes optimal use of the expertise and experience of Secretaries-General. In this regard, pilot projects took place in late 2003, carried out by Dominica, France, New Zealand and Slovenia. Their positive results will be shared amongst all National Commissions; further replication is desirable. With regard to the next stages, starting in 2004-2005, Ms Kearney referred to: • The exchange among National Commissions • The participation of their staff members in capacity building • The new role to be played by the National Commissions in planning and execution of the UNESCO Programme • The pursuit of partnerships with civil society. Finally, she commented on the particular challenges facing the Division, especially on the status given to the National Commissions, indicating the existence of Draft Guidelines on relations with the Field Offices, drawn up by a group of National Commissions. Comments from the remaining National Commissions were invited to improve this Draft. Concerning this matter, Ms Kearney pointed out the need for adequate resources for National Commissions, including Internet connectivity and the availability of new information and communication technologies. Ms Neda Ferrier, Chief of the UNESCO Section for National Commissions, elaborated on the topic of the Draft Guidelines, which contain a proposal for the improvement of relations between the National Commissions and the Field Offices. Deadline for submission of comments is 14th July 2004. A very high number of National Commissions expressed their ample gratitude for the work developed in Latin America and the Caribbean by Ms Kearney, emphasizing the significant improvement in joint activities and smoothness of communication between the Division and the National Commissions. United Nations International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition At this point, the meeting addressed the topic of the United Nations International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition, 2004. Mr Frederic Vacheron, Programme Specialist, UNESCO ORCALC (Regional Bureau for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean) reminded the audience that the United Nations International Call for said International Year was made last January. He also communicated the results of the Inaugural Meeting of the Regional Network of Institutions of Research on Afro-American Religions held in Havana, Cuba, in March 2004, during which the participants approved a number of key issues. These can be read in the Final Declaration and the detailed Network Action Plan. The participants were consulted on a convocation of artists from Latin America and the Caribbean to design a digital poster about the International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition. 3 Mr Jorge Espinal, Chief of UNESCO/Port-au-Prince, pointed out that several events coincided in the year 2004, namely: • the 200th anniversary of independence of Haiti -first independent country in Latin America • the International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition • the 10th anniversary of the launching of the UNESCO "Slave Route" Project. He pointed out the tragedy three continents suffered due to the slave trade, now recognized as genocide against humanity, and the need to generate a world memory and to give the topic an appropriate place in school curricula and textbooks. Mr Jean Coulanges, Secretary-General of the Haiti National Commission for UNESCO, offered a tribute to his country through the splendid rendition of three songs in Creole and French. Ms María Clemencia López-Jiménez, Secretary-General of the Venezuela National Commission for UNESCO, told participants about the growing awareness of her country on the slave subject and the activities conducted and to be conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Afro-Venezuelan Foundation, with which the National Commission has established links on this theme. A demonstration of educational programme on Afro-Venezuelan history and culture, drawn up for elementary school, pupils was shown to participants as an example of partnership between a National Commission and a non-governmental organization. Finally, Mr Eduardo Cifuentes-Munos, Director of the UNESCO Division of Human Rights, talked about the struggle against racism and discrimination. This UNESCO activity brings home the most genuine UNESCO tradition in this field, that of questioning the foundations of racism and supporting the struggle against apartheid. With regard to this topic, Mr Cifuentes stressed the value of a thought that produces tangible effects and impact on public policies. Therefore, it is not a passive contemplation of history, but an active struggle against existing exclusion and discrimination. He informed the audience that his Division is establishing racial discrimination indicators as a mandate emanated from the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Durban, South Africa, 2001), as well as a coalition of cities against racism. This last project entails the commitment to comply with 10 issues concerning local public policies in pursuit of this struggle. Mr Cifuentes ended his speech by drawing attention to the World Forum on Human Rights to be held in Nantes, France, from 16th to 19th May 2004. Thursday, 6th May 2004 Pluralism, Intercultural Dialogue and Indigenous People This topic was presented by a prestigious panel. Mr Frederic Vacheron, Programme Specialist, UNESCO ORCALC, first spoke about a group of concepts connected with the term "indigenous people" internationally used. He underscored that, in this field, self-definition should prevail, and he mentioned two key moments in this area: the 1981 Declaration of San José and the Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America, Meeting of Two Worlds, in 1992. He talked about United Nations actions in favour of indigenous peoples, accentuating the creation, in 1982, of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous People, as well as the 1993 UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and the International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples, from 1995 to 2004. Mr Vacheron 4 mentioned the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and its links with UNESCO actions in favour of indigenous peoples. He said a milestone in the action of the international community was the establishment, in 2000, of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples as a subsidiary organ of the ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council). Likewise, he highlighted the capital importance of the Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, and two normative initiatives: the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity and its Action Plan and the International Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The distinguished Ms Vilky J. Pérez Larrea, Vice-Minister of Culture of Ecuador, Chairperson of the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the Forum of Ministers of Culture and Persons Responsible for Cultural Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean, brought up the topic of intercultural dialogue and the indigenous movement in Ecuador. She emphasized the emergence of the indigenous movement in her country during the nineties as a crucial element in the social, political and cultural fields. She revealed that this phenomenon had further challenged the view of Ecuador as a culturally homogeneous and unidimensional nation and state. In this regard, she specified the need to intensify the research on the way in which the states, in their normative action, address the issues of pluriculturalism, multiculturalism and interculturalism. She explained in detail the connotations of the three terms and the formal acknowledgement of them by the Ecuadorian State. Ms Pérez Larrea pointed out that intercultural policies are the ones that, in her opinion, best adapt to the real needs of multicultural states, because they question the supremacy of a hegemonic culture and promote understanding of "the other". Finally, she warned about the danger of falling into an idyllic and romantic view of the indigenous world, which is also being affected by internal and intergenerational conflicts. Following this, Mr Fortunato Turpo Choquehuanca, Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Matters, reminded the audience that, after several years of negotiations, the Draft Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People was initially approved during the period of sessions of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous People. This instrument contains 17 articles and establishes the equality of the rights of said peoples and – at the same time – their right to be different. Unfortunately, this draft has been delayed in the United Nations Commission on Human Rights since 1993. Subsequently Mr Turpo Choquehuanca pointed out the need to explore certain connections between solidarity and cultural diversity, in a globalised world. He said indigenous peoples have the right to see the dignity of their culture, their traditions and their experiences reflected in public policies, and that they should be able to exercise their right to participate in state decisions. Apart from the mentioned Draft Declaration, Mr Turpo Choquehuanca indicated that the greatest achievement was the creation, in the year 2000, of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Matters, a body that has already had two sessions since it was set up. During its next session (May 2004), the Forum will recommend that indigenous peoples be represented on National Commissions for UNESCO. Finally, he informed the audience that the suggestion will also be made at that session to extend the United Nations Decade for Indigenous Peoples by an additional 10-year period and that UNESCO take up the leadership of it. He underlined that the Forum has taken the initiative to implement recommendations 109 and 110 of the General Report of the Third Session of the Permanent Forum regarding the establishment of an Intercultural Indigenous University in the Andes Region. Ms Olga Ruffins Machin, National Project Official, UNESCO ORCALC, described the welcome given by the Member States to the Virtual Forum of Ministers of Culture and Persons Responsible for Cultural Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Thanks to the support given by UNESCO, the original project gradually expanded until it became the "Portal of Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean". Ms Ruffins reminded the audience that the first digital version outlining main features was 5 presented in the context of the XIII Forum of Ministers. The Portal has 15 national coordinators designated by their countries and is open to other Member States. She said that the central goal of the Portal is to facilitate intercultural exchange and dialogue by means of virtual debates, like the one presently being held on underwater cultural heritage. Finally, she asked the National Commissions to support the Network by approaching the highest cultural authorities of their countries to make sure that those who have not yet designated their coordinators respond and join the project in an effective way. Ms María Clemencia López-Jiménez and Mr Alberto Sánchez Molina, of the Venezuelan National Commission for UNESCO, thanked the previous speakers and told participants about the great successes of their country in this area, since there are constitutional texts taking up indigenous rights in an explicit manner, in the preamble and in article 9, 119 (Chapter VIII). They showed an illustrated dictionary of the Yanomami language and culture, which also contains an inventory of the region’s fauna and flora. The Yanomami indigenous people live in a border area between Brazil and Venezuela. Education of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs Mr Fernando Sánchez Arias, 59th President of the Junior Chamber International (JCI), explained that the JCI is a federation of young entrepreneurs where young people can learn how to be better leaders. Mr Fernández Arias also underscored the contribution of JCI to the community and the educational programmes offered by the JCI University. Finally, he elaborated on the focus of the JCI and potential areas of involvement for interested parties. Renewable Energies Mr Osman Benchikh, Programme Specialist, SC/BES, Coordinator of Energy and Renewable Energies, UNESCO, brought up the topic of the potential and application of renewable energies for sustainable development in the LAC region and the world in general. He began by analysing the concepts of energies and renewable energies, as well as the indicators of access to and use of these energies by region and worldwide. He drew attention to the significance of renewable energies for the creation of jobs and to UNESCO's commitment in the field of energy, which dates back to 1952, when the Arid Zone Programme was started. Since then, this activity has been continued throughout several specialized congresses and conferences that culminated in the 1996 World Solar Summit and in several resolutions of the UN General Assembly. Mr Benchikh emphasized that the global goal is to maximize the energy capacity of Member States, to develop academic and technical capacities, and to define national and large-scale policies. He then presented the Renewable Energies Programme for the region, which is aimed at defining global projects in different related fields, generating capacity at universities, and boosting social consciousness with regard to the application of renewable energies and to basic necessities. Concerning renewable energies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr Alfredo Curbelo Alonso, Director, Division for Innovation and Energy, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba, laid emphasis on the importance of international commitment to the development of sustainable energy and compliance with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Secondly, he outlined the effect of energy on the three facets of sustainable development, i.e. the environmental, social and economic dimensions. He further commented on the present energy situation and the outlook regarding energy in Latin America, the review of technologies, and the need for a change of paradigm with regard to access to and consumption of energy. The latter should be aimed at promoting cultural change 6 and political decision-making processes in this area, and at solidarity and awareness-raising of civil society. Mr Curbelo Alonso concluded his speech by underscoring the assistance offered to countries by UNESCO to implement a Renewable Energies Programme in the region (the GREET Programme; documents concerning this programme were distributed). Participants gave both speakers an ovation. A considerable group of National Commissions for UNESCO expressed their thanks for the contributions made by UNESCO in this field, which is still little-known, and asked for specific support with regard to the presented programme. The floor was given to observers, including the Director of the Aruba Energy Plant and the former Director of the Aruban Environmental Department, both of whom underscored the relevance of the actions taken by UNESCO with a view to local development. After thanking the previous speakers, the Venezuelan National Commission pointed out it could be thought suspicious to defend this matter when coming from an oil producer country. However, Venezuela understands the importance of sustainable development and the search for new sources of energy. More information on the work of the Organization was requested. Ms. López-Jiménez proposed herself as link between UNESCO and the Ministry of Energy in order to maximize profit from the experience in this field, due to the fact that Venezuela, in its new law regarding hydrocarbons, foresees a high percentage of budget marked for scientific research. Barbados+10 Review and Mauritius 2004 Mr Dirk Troost, Chief SC/CSI & Focal Point for Barbados+10 and Mauritius 2004, UNESCO, showed a video and gave a dissertation on this topic. He began his presentation by making clear the new vision and actions of UNESCO with regard to Small Island States. In the future, this work will concentrate on three aspects: first, the consolidation and reinforcement of the Programme of Action related to these states; second, the expansion of these actions; and third, the pursuit of new focuses and perspectives in the region. Mr Troost also gave a presentation on Barbados+10 and Mauritius 2004, emphasizing the three most important issues for UNESCO: 1. Building networks for consolidation and strengthening the various fields of the Small Island Developing States Programme of Action 2. Incorporation of these States' cultural strengths (island music, traditional knowledge and skills), identity and cultural heritage in the Programme 3. Development of "out-of-the-box" thinking, considering the islands as cultural crossroads. In conclusion, Mr Troost put the accent on the weight UNESCO attaches to recognizing the perspective of the islanders, especially young people, on the environment and on local development, as well as to integrating new technologies, in particular the use of the Internet for virtual discussions to connect these traditionally isolated States at local, regional and international levels. Closing The Quadrennial Conference ended with participants expressing their warm thanks to the different UNESCO Sectors for having made this meeting possible and for the generous hospitality of the Aruba National Commission for UNESCO, which ensured the attainment of fruitful results throughout the meeting. 7 *** Tribute After the adoption of the report, a warm tribute was paid to Ms. Carmen Jarvis, Mr. Joaquim GentilNetto and Ms. Sylvia Thomas, respectively Secretaries-General of the Guyanese, Brazilian and Jamaican National Commissions for UNESCO, for their long-standing and appreciated trajectories. 8 DIRECTOR-GENERAL’S CONSULTATIVE MEETING OF NATIONAL COMMISSIONS FOR UNESCO OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGION ON THE PREPARATION OF THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2006-2007 (33 C/5) and 13TH QUADRENNIAL AND STATUTORY REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF NATIONAL COMMISSIONS FOR UNESCO OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Oranjestad, Aruba, 3-7 May 2004 AGENDA AND TIMETABLE Monday, 3 May 2004 10:00 - 12:00 Welcoming Words, by Mr Tai-Foo Ramon Lee, Ministry of Labour, Culture and Sports and Minister in charge of UNESCO’s Affairs Opening Speech, by Mr Ahmed Sayyad, Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Cooperation, Representative of the DirectorGeneral, UNESCO Official Opening of the Consultative Meeting of National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean Region on the Preparation of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007 (33 C/5) and 13th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean, by H. Exc. Mr Nelson Orlando Oduber, Prime Minister of Aruba Adoption of the Rules of Procedure Election of the Bureau (Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, Rapporteurs, Co-Rapporteurs) Approval of the Provisional Agenda and Timetable Overview of the process leading to the preparation of the 33 C/5, by Mr Hans d’Orville, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning, UNESCO 12:00 - 12:15 Coffee Break 9 12:15 – 13:00 Update on Decentralization, by Mr Philippe Ratte, Senior Programme Specialist, Bureau of Field Coordination, UNESCO 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 – 17:00 Discussion of the 33 C/5 - Cluster Meetings, led by UNESCO Offices in Latin America and the Caribbean 19:30 UNESCO Reception, hosted by Mr Ahmed Sayyad, Assistant DirectorGeneral for External Relations and Cooperation, Representative of the Director General, UNESCO Tuesday, 4 May 2004 09:30 - 11:00 Plenary Session. Presentation of Cluster Reports 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 - 13:00 Plenary Session. Questionnaire on the 33 C/5 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 - 15:45 Plenary Session. Questionnaire on the 33 C/5 (continuation) 15:45 - 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 - 17:00 Plenary Session. Questionnaire on the 33 C/5 (continuation) Wednesday, 5 May 2004 09:30 - 11:00 Plenary Session. Questionnaire on the 33 C/5 (continuation) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 - 13:00 Conclusion 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 - 15:45 Commencement of Work of the 13th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference for National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean, by Ms. Carla Zaandam, Chairperson, Aruba National Commission for UNESCO Follow-up to the 12th Quadrennial Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean (Nassau, Bahamas, 7 – 11 May 2001), by Mr Haldane Chase, SecretaryGeneral, Bahamas National Commission for UNESCO 10 Activities for National Commissions, by Ms. Mary-Louise Kearney, Director, Division of Relations with National Commissions and New Partnerships, UNESCO 15:45 - 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 – 17:00 United Nations International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition “Breaking the Chains”, Video Projection Projects of UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Culture, by Mr Frederic Vacheron, Programme Specialist, UNESCO ORCALC (Regional Bureau for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean) Words from Mr Jorge Espinal, Chief, UNESCO/Port-au-Prince Tribute to Haiti, by Mr Jean Coulanges, Secretary-General, Haitian National Commission for UNESCO Afro-Venezuelan History and Culture, by Ms María Clemencia Lopez-Jimenez, Secretary-General, Venezuelan National Commission for UNESCO Struggle against Racism and Discrimination, by Mr Eduardo Cifuentes-Munos, Director, Division of Human Rights, UNESCO Thursday, 6 May 2004 09:30 - 11:00 Pluralism, Intercultural Dialogue and Indigenous People Panel with: Mr Frederic Vacheron, Programme Specialist, UNESCO ORCALC Ms Vilky J. Pérez Larrea, Vice-Minister of Culture of Ecuador, Chairperson of the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the Forum of Ministers of Culture and Persons Responsible for Cultural Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean Mr Fortunato Turpo Choquehuanca, Member of the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Matters Ms Olga Rufins Machin, National Professional Officer, UNESCO ORCALC Ms María Clemencia Lopez-Jimenez, Secretary-General, Venezuelan National Commission for UNESCO 11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 - 12:30 Pluralism, Intercultural Dialogue and Indigenous People (continuation) 12:30 – 13:00 13:00 - 14:30 Education of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs, animated by Mr Fernando Sanchez Arias, 59th President of the Junior Chamber International Lunch 11 14:30 - 15:45 Renewable Energies Introduction: Renewable Energies for Sustainable Development. Potential and Applications, by Mr Osman Benchikh, Programme Specialist, SC/BES, Coordinator Energy and Renewable Energies, UNESCO Renewable Energies in Latin America and the Caribbean, by Mr Alfredo Curbelo Alonso, Director, Division for Innovation and Energy, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba 15:45 -16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 - 17:00 Renewable Energies (continuation) Identification of Priorities and Definition of Regional Project Proposals, by Mr Osman Benchikh, Programme Specialist, SC/BES, Coordinator Energy and Renewable Energies, UNESCO 17:00 – 18:00 Workshop Barbados+10 Review and Mauritius 2004, animated by Mr Dirk Troost, Chief SC/CSI & Focal Point for B+10/M’04, UNESCO Friday, 7 May 2004 09:30 - 13:00 Free 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 15:30 Adoption of the Recommendations of Latin America and the Caribbean on the 33 C/5, led by the Bureau of Strategic Planning, UNESCO 15:30 - 16:30 Adoption of the Final Report on 13th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference, led by the Aruba National Commission for UNESCO 16:30 Official Closing 12 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES DIRECTOR-GENERAL’S CONSULTATIVE MEETING OF NATIONAL COMMISSIONS FOR UNESCO OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGION ON THE PREPARATION OF THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2006-2007 (33 C/5) CONSULTA DEL DIRECTOR GENERAL CON COMISIONES NACIONALES PARA LAUNESCO DE AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE PARA LA PREPARACION DEL PROYECTO DE PROGRAMA Y PRESUPUESTO 2006-2007 (33 C/5) and/y 13TH QUADRENNIAL AND STATUTORY REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF NATIONAL COMMISSIONS FOR UNESCO OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 13a CONFERENCIA REGIONAL CUADRIENAL Y NORMATIVA DE COMISIONES NACIONALES PARA LA UNESCO DE AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE Oranjestad, Aruba 3-7 May 2004/ Mayo 3-7 de 2004 13 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES I. PARTICIPANTS/PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL ANTIGUA and BARBUDA Antigua and Barbuda National Commission For Unesco Mr. George Brown TITLE TITULO SecretaryGeneral ARGENTINA Comisión Nacional Argentina de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Silvana Campanini ARUBA Aruba National Commission For UNESCO Mr. James A. Oduber Ms. Carla Zaandam Mr. Manolo Thomas Giel Mr. Thomas van Hugh Hassell Ms. Maria Catharina Croes Ms. Irena Regina CroesVerheyen BAHAMAS SecretaryGeneral President of NUCA Member Member Member Member ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX Ministry of Education Culture and Technology, Church street St. John’s, Antigua W.I. H: (1-268) -463-1279 O: (1-268)462-4959 (1-268)462-4970 Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Technología Pizzurno 935, 2do P. Of. 232 O: (54-11)41291185/1290 (54-11)41291185 Vondellaan #6-A Oranjestad Vondellaan #6-A Oranjestad Vondellaan #6-A Oranjestad Vondellaan #6-A Oranjestad Vondellaan #6-A Oranjestad Vondellaan #6-A Oranjestad O: 297-5835863 297-583 5009 O: 297-5835863 297-583 5009 O: 297-5835863 297-583 5009 O: 297-5835863 297-583 5009 O: 297-5835863 297-583 5009 O: 297-5835863 297-583 5009 14 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL Bahamas National Commission For UNESCO Mr. Haldane Chase BARBADOS Barbados National Commission For UNESCO Ms. Harriett Daisley Mr. Glennroy Cumberbatch BELIZE Belize National Commission For UNESCO Ms. Teresita Levy BOLIVIA Comisión Nacional Boliviana para la UNESCO Ms. Myriam van der Veen Ms. Ana Maria Seleme TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, P.O. Box N3913/14, Shirley Street , Nassau H: (1-242)322-5164 O: (1-242)502-8215 (1-242)323-2129 SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Education , Youth Affairs and Sports The Elsie Payne Complex Constitution Road St. Michael Ministry of Education H: (1-246)228-9232 O: (1-246)4302719 (1-246)436-2411 H: (1-246)4255421 O:( 1-246)4302781 (1-246)436-2411 SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Education , Youth Affairs and Sports,West Block Belmopan, Belize H: (5018)6102871 O: (5018)8223353 (5018)223389 Permanent Secretary Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Av. Arce 2147 – La Paz, Bolivia Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Av. Arce 2147 – La Paz, Bolivia H: (591-2) 2745638 O:(591-2)2441200 H: 244 3389 (591-2)244-0864 Deputy Chief Education Officer Directora SIMECAL BRAZIL Institut Brésilien pour l’Education, la Science et la Culture (IBECC) 15 2441530 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL TITLE TITULO Mr. Joaquim Gentil-Netto Executive Secretary Ms. Ana Cristina Asfora First Secretary Especialista en Educacion Claudia Baena-Soares BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS British Virgin Islands National Commission for UNESCO Linda Durante Ms. Medita Malone-Wheatley Ms. Carolyn O'Neal-Williams CHILE Comisión Nacional Chilena de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Paz Portales Ms. Maria Virginia Brinkmann COSTA RICA Comisión Costarricense de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Nelly María Roman SecretaryGeneral Assistant ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO Institut bresilien pour l’educacion, la science et la culture (IBECC), 196,avenida Marechal Floriano, Palacio Itamaraty, CEP 20060-002 RIO DE JANEIRO R.J. Ministerio Das Relaçoes Exteriores, Brasilia Ministerio de Educación Edificio Sede 8o piso Sala 824 Brasilia Ministry of Education and Culture, Box 355, Road Town, Tortola Box 365, Road Town, Tortola TELEPHONE TELEFONO O: (5521) 2516-2458 O:(5561)4116317/ 318 O: ( 5561) 21049527 claudiasoares@mec. FAX FAX (5521)2516-2458 (5561) 2104 9229 H: (1-284)495-0095 O:(1-284)494-7739 (1-284)494-7431 (1-284)468-0095 H: 264-494-6797 (284)468-0021 Assistant Permanent Secretary Oficial de Programa Alameda 1372, Piso 6 Of 609 Santiago O:56-2-3804621 56-2-3800342 Alameda 1371 Piso 6 Of. 609 Santiago H: 56-2-2143232 O: 56-2-3804650 56-2-380-0342 SecretaryGeneral Apartado Postal 393 – 2050 San Pedro, Montes de Oca (Bo Escalante, de la pulpería la H: (506)220-17-52 O: (506)391-27-62 (506)-268-4648 16 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX luz 150 metros norte y 50 metros este Casa # 3345 San Pedro de Montes de Oca) San Jose, Costa Rica Ms. Nidia Vanegas CUBA Comisión Nacional Cubana de la UNESCO Ms. Rosario Navas-Morata DOMINICA Dominica National Commission for UNESCO Dr. Alexandra Burton-James DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Comisión Nacional Dominicana para la UNESCO Mr. Odalis Perez-Nina Asesora nydiavenegas@costarricense. O: 224-43-20 H:237-02-55 (506)224-43-20 SecretaryGeneral O:(53-7) 53-21-03 (53-7) 53-21-04 SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Education, Sport, Youth Affairs and Human Resource Development Government Headquarters, Rousseau, Dominica H: 767-500-0427 O: 767-449-9059 767-448-0644 SecretaryGeneral General Luperon 105 Zona Colonial H: (18-09)6899442 O: (18-09)6889634 (18-09)688.94.59 ECUADOR Comisión Nacional Ecuatoriana para la UNESCO 17 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL Ms. Melida Lucia PavonVillacis EL SALVADOR Comisión Nacional Salvadorena de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Patricia Mejia-Lagos GRENADA Grenada National Commission for UNESCO Ms. Sherma J.P. Stephenson GUATEMALA Comisión Nacional Guatemalteca de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Sara Peralta GUYANA Guyana National Commission for UNESCO Ms. Carmen Jarvis TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO Permanent Secretary Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Calle Buenos Aires #136, Y 1002 Acosto-Quito ExecutiveSecretary Plan Maestro, Centro de Gobierno, Edif. A2, 3er Nivel, San Salvador, El Salvador Planning Officer Ministry of Education, Botanical Gardens St. George’s, Grenada SecretaryGeneral Secretary- TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX H: (593-2-)249267 O: (593-2)2551146 (593-2)2503537 O: (503)222-9965 (503)221-3024 (473) 4402166 (473) 4402791 (473)4407701 Ministerio de Educación 6a Calle 1-87 Zona 10 Oficina No. 16 Cuidad de Guatemala H: (502)4323269 O: (502)3603826 (502)3603826 ext. 1279 90 Robb & Oronoque Sts. P.O. O: (592)225-4306 (592)226-0645 18 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL HAITI Commission Nationale Haïtienne de Coopération avec l’UNESCO Mr. Jean Coulanges Mr. Dieufort Deslorges HONDURAS Comisión Hondurena para la Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Claudia Yolanda MejiaGalo TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX General Box 1014, Georgetown, Guyana H:226-3618 Permanent Secretary 4, Rue Pacot. Nr.4 H: (509)255-7169 O: (509)245-0370 (509)245-0370 Assistant Permanent Secretary 4, Rue Pacot. Nr.4 O: (509)245-0370 (509)245-0370 Asistente Tecnico Com. Nacional Ministerio de Educación Apto. Postal no 694 Tegucigalpa, Honduras Centro América H: (504)2310131 O: (504)2224102/ ext.1134 H: (1.876)9294022 (1.876)9294022 O: (5255)53296948 ((5255)53296947 (504)2224102 JAMAICA Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO Ms. Sylia Verónica Thomas Mr. Everton Fitzroy Hannan MEXICO Comisión Mexicana de Cooperación con la UNESCO-CONALMEX Ms. Isabel Farha SecretaryGeneral Alternate Secretaria General Adjunta Ministry of Education, Youth & Culture Donceles # 100, 2do piso, Centro Histórico México 19 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL Mr. Ricardo Guerrero-Morales NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Netherlands Antilles National Commission for UNESCO Ms. Ruby Eckmeyer Ms. Marva Cecilia Browne Mr. Jay Haviser NICARAGUA Comisión Nacional Nicaragüense de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Claudia Valle PARAGUAY Comisión Nacional Paraguaya de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. Lidia Edit AmarillaGonzález TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO Secretario Técnico Rep. de Brasil #31, 2do piso, Puerta 302, Centro Histórico México, D.F. 06029 O: 53-2810-04 SecretaryGeneral Directorate of Education Schouwburgweg #24-26 (00-5999)-4343735 Commission Coordinator Science Coordinator Directorate of Education Schouwburgweg #24-26 Directorate of Education Schouwburgweg #24-25 (00-5999)4343712 H: 599--717-2321 Bonaire O:599-9-434-3734 Curacao Assistant Secretary General Ministerio de Educación Centro Cívico Módulo K. Apto. 108 Managua H: (505)2703080 O: (505)2650342 Coordinadora Ejecutiva Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Ayolas 129 – Manzana de la Birera, Planta Alta, Asuncion H: 595-21-673084 O: 595-21-451811 20 FAX FAX 00-599-94652780 (505)2650342 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL PERU Comisión Nacional Peruana de Cooperación con la UNESCO Mr. Carlos Vásquez-Corrales SAINT KITTS and NEVIS Saint Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO Mr. Antonio Maynard SAINT LUCIA Saint Lucia National Commission for UNESCO Ms. Paule Turmel-John SAINT VINCENT and the GRENADINES Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Commission for UNESCO Mr. John Lafleur Ms. Sylvia Jack TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX SecretaryGeneral Ministerio de Educación Calle van de Velde 160 Pab (B) 3o piso, of. 306 San Borja, Lima H: (511)446-1088 O: (511)436-3624 (511)436-3624 SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Educational and Foreign Affairs, Basseterre H:( 869)-662-4320 O: (869)466-8581 (869)465-9069 SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Education, Human Resources Development, Youth and Sports, P.O. Box CP 5447 Castries, St. Lucia H: (758)453-6431 O: (758)452-7286 (768)451-7633 SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Education Kingston P.O. Box 675, General Post Office H: 784-4561254 O: 784-4512755 H: 1-784-4584136 O: 1-784-4571466 784-4561254 SURINAME Suriname National Commission for UNESCO 21 1-784-4571466 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NATIONAL COMMISSION COMISION NACIONAL Ms. Anuradha Kamtasing TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX SecretaryGeneral Ministry of Education & Community Development Grote Combeweg 23, Paramaribo, Suriname H: (597)433898 O: (597)471535 /471081 (597)471119 SecretaryGeneral 15 Wainwright St. Clair Port of Spain O:( 1-868)-6220939 (1-868)6228909 URUGUAY Comisión Nacional del Uruguay par la UNESCO Ms. Silvana Marin MarinGarat SecretaryGeneral Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Reconquista 535 Piso 5 Montevideo H: (0598-2) 99321140 O: (0598-2) 9156352 (0598-2)9156352 VENEZUELA Comisión Nacional Venezolana de Cooperación con la UNESCO Ms. López-Jimenez, Maria Clemencia SecretaryGeneral Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Torre M.R. E Conde Carmelitas 2º piso 1010 CARACAS H: (58212)2436559 O:(58212)8064589/ (58212)-8617873 (58212)8064590 (58-212)8064589 TRINIDAD and TOBAGO Trinidad and Tobago National Commission for UNESCO Ms. Avril Ross Mr. Alberto Molina-Sánchez SubSecretario 22 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES II. EXPERTS/EXPERTOS NAME NOMBRE Mr. Alonso Alfredo Curbelo Ms. Vílky Pérez-Larrea Mr. Fortunato TurpoChoquehuanca TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION Director of Division for Innovation and Energy Vice-Minister of Culture of Ecuador Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Cuba 5372027096 Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura, San Salvador 86-49 Eloy Alfaro, Quito, Ecuador Urb. Dolores 6-20 J.L.B. y Rivero, Areguipa, Peru subsecretariadecultura@ 022552878 022909705 (917)3675100 Member of the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Matters EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX 5372029372 (51-54)421652 III. OBSERVERS/OBSERVADORES COUNTRY AND NAME PAIS Y NOMBRE GUYANA Dr. Carole Maison-Bishop THE NETHERLANDS Ms. Els M. Jacobs TITLE TITULO Carifesta Coordinator Caricom ADDRESS DIRECCION Bank of Guyana Building, Georgetown, Guyana Secretary-General 23 EMAIL CORREO LECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO H:(592)2264546 O:(592)2264913 FAX FAX (592)2253827 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES IV. UNESCO FIELD OFFICES/OFICINAS FUEA DE LA SEDE FIELD OFFICE AND INSTITUTES OFICINA FUERA DE LA SEDE E INSTITUTOS UNESCO / HAVANA Mr. Frederic Vacheron Ms. Olga Magdalena RuffinsMachin UNESCO / KINGSTON Mr. Alvin Bully Ms. Sabine Detzel UNESCO / MEXICO Alya Saada UNESCO / MONTEVIDEO Mr. Herman van Hooff UNESCO/SANTIAGO Ms. Mami Umayahara UNESCO / PORT-au-PRINCE Jorge Ivan Espinal TITLE TITULO Especialista de Programa Coordinador Equipo de Cultura Programme Specialist ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX Calzada #551 esq. A D, Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba (537)8321787 8333438 (537)8333144 Calzada #551 esq. A D, Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba (537)8327741 8327638 8321787 (537)8333144 Enrique del Piano 2058 Providencia, Santiago H: 56-2-225-0324 O: 56-2-472-4600 56-26551046/47 Programme Specialist Programme Specialist Director a.i. Director a.i. UNESCO Montevideo Assistant Programme Specialist Head of Office 24 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES FIELD OFFICE AND INSTITUTES OFICINA FUERA DE LA SEDE E INSTITUTOS UNESCO / SAN JOSE Mr. Arvelio Garcia-Rivas V. TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX Director UNESCO HEADQUARTERS/SEDE SECTION/DIVISION AND NAME SECCION/DIVISION Y NOMBRE TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO Sector of External Relations and Cooperation Ahmed Sayyad Assistant DirectorGeneral Director Chief of Section Programme Specialist Division of Relations with National Commissions and New Partnerships Mary-Louise Kearney Section for National Commissions Neda Ferrier Mirta Lourenço 25 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES SECTION/DIVISION AND NAME SECCION/DIVISION Y NOMBRE Marie Noelle Branet TITLE TITULO ADDRESS DIRECCION EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX Clerk Bureau for Strategic Planning Hans D'Orville Ann Belinda Preis Cheikh N'diaye Frederick Russell Mary Lynn Hasan 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE +33 1 45 68 19 19 +33 1 45 68 12 46 +33 1 45 68 13 43 +33 1 45 68 12 19 +33 1 45 68 13 70 Director 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE Senior Programme Specialist 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE Director Senior Programme Specialist Senior Programme Specialist Programme Specialist Secretarial Assistant +33 1 45 68 55 21 +33 1 45 68 55 21 +33 1 45 68 55 21 +33 1 45 68 55 21 +33 1 45 68 55 21 Bureau of the Budget Yolande Valle Bureau for Field Coordination Philippe Ratte +33 1 45 68 12 16 +33 1 45 68 55 21 +33 1 45 68 39 71 +33 1 45 68 58 08 Science Sector Osman Benchikh Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences Director Division of Human Rights Sector for Human and Social Sciences Eduardo Cifuentes-Muños Coastal Regions and Small Islands Platform Mr. Dirk Troost Chief UNESCO,1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France 26 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES SECTION/DIVISION AND NAME SECCION/DIVISION Y NOMBRE TITLE TITULO EMAIL CORREO ELECTRONICO ADDRESS DIRECCION TELEPHONE TELEFONO FAX FAX UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin america and the Caribbean, Caracas Ms. Rosaura Sierra Assistant Director Apartado 66394 Caracas 1062-A, Venezuela msune@ VI. LOCAL OBSERVERS/OBSERVADORES LOCALES NAME NOMBRE Ms. Zulay Prieto de Rodriquez Mr. Henry de Cuba Mr. Gerold Engelbrecht Mr. Sigfried Lumenier Mr. Ryan Alexander Mr. Rolando Maduro Ms. Sharine Geerman Ms. Lizayra Polak Mr. Kenneth Luidens Ms. Jacqueline E. Morel Ms. Myrlene Tromp Mr. Maximiliano (Bibi) Arends Ms. Ava Thode Ms. Regine Croes ORGANIZATION AND TITLE ORGANIZACION Y TITULO Consul de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela en Aruba Secretary of FAMA President of FAMA Executive Vice President of Aruba Junior Chamber Member of Aruba Junior Chamber Member of Aruba Junior Chamber Senator of Aruba Junior Chamber President of Aruba Junior Chamber Vice President Aruba Junior Chamber Business Comissionaire Area C of Aruba Junior Chamber Vice President National of Aruba Junior Chamber Vice President Aruba Lions Club Department of Education Acting Project Leader PRIEPEB Department of Education 27 +58 212 2861020 +58 212 286 0326 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NAME NOMBRE Ms. Sharon Rodriquez Mr. Jani Stamper Mr. Milton Ponson Mr. John Khodabux Mr. Arturo Oduber Ms. Bernadette van den Oudenrijn Mr. Frederic Every Ms. Astrid Thiel Ms. Monalisa Kwidama Mr. Alexander Croes Ms. Monique Tromp Ms. Astrid Kelly Mr. Stanley Heinze Ms. Jocelyn Daris Ms. Mariska Weustink-Dania Mr. Harry Oplaat Mr. Edwin Abath Ms. Sandra Robles Ms. Yamila Hoevertsz-Kock Ms. Glenda Gil Ms. Gracy Garcia-Dijkhoff Ms. Birgit Kreykenbohm Ms. Anna Maria Proveyer Mr. Dirk Dumfries Ms. Roosleen Oduber Mr. R. Lemminga C. Koolman Ms. L. Gil Mr. Jairzinho Pourier Ms. Lydia Emerencia Ms. Vivian E. Storm-Croes Ms. Ingrid Hassell Ms. Yvonne Webb-Kock ORGANIZATION AND TITLE ORGANIZACION Y TITULO Curriculum Coordinator Department of Education Director Colegio Cristo Rey President of Rainbow Warriors International Coordinator Scholing Department of Education General Director Colegio E.P.I. Director of Education and Student Affair Colegio E.P.I. Director of Operations Colegio E.P.I. Education Specialist Colegio E.P.I. President of Aruba Female Jaycees Head FBA Department of Education Secretary of Aruba Female Jaycees Information/PR Manager Department of Social Affairs Director a.i. of Department of Social Affairs Juridical official of Department of Social Affairs Inspector of Department of Education Member of Parliament of Aruba Member Parliament of Aruba Adult Educator on Environment and Sustainable Development President of Amnesty International Aruba Member of Parliament of Aruba Coordinator Curriculum of Department of Education Policy Analist Department of Education Education officer of Department of Education Member of Parliament of Aruba Director of Department of Education President of UNOCA Secretary of UNOCA Ass. Director of UNOCA Member of Conseho Hubenil Aruba Rector of the University of Aruba President of Women's Club of Aruba Women's Club of Aruba Director of Monumentenbureau 28 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES NAME NOMBRE Mr. Ronald Serrant Ms. Sharline Koolman-Wever Ms. Astrid Britten Ms. Lorraine de Souza Mr. Ventura Emilio Diaz-Mejia Mr. Paul Croes ORGANIZATION AND TITLE ORGANIZACION Y TITULO General Secretary of YMCA of Aruba Repr. UNAIDS Theme Group of Aruba Department of Public Health Director of Aruba National Library Secretaris Aruba Chamber Consul of Colombia in Aruba Directie Buitenlandse Betrekkingen VII. LOCAL CONFERENCE STAFF/EQUIPO LOCAL DE LA CONFERENCIA NAME NOMBRE Ms. Joureen Laclé-Kelly Mr. Stanley Dabian Ms. America Barrios Ms. Natasha Rojas Ms. Naomi Maduro Ms. Olivia Figaroa Ms. Maya Werleman Ms. Ingrid Kelly Mrs, Irais Sankatsing-Nava Ms. Fern Duinkerk Mr. Ludwig Laclé Mr. Oscar Britten FUNCTION FUNCION Secretariat of Aruba National Commission Conference Room Attendant Receptionist/co-rapporteur Receptionist/co-rapporteur Receptionist/co-rapporteur Receptionist/co-rapporteur Secretariat Secretariat Secretariat Secretariat Driver Technician 29