A Doll and Good Friends - Our Lady of Mercy High School

Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women
A Doll and Good Friends
Khalil Gibran once said, “The smallest act of kindness is
worth more than the greatest intention.” These words
seem to apply to the story of a doll — and good friends!
FALL 2014
Margaret (Peg) Martin and Marjanne Crino, members of Our Lady of Mercy’s Class
of 1951, were great friends. They were not in many classes together, but they liked the
same things, including helping with retreats at the Cenacle Retreat House, delivering
flowers at St. Mary’s, and attending all of the Mercy events. As graduation drew near, Peg
wanted to give something to Marjanne to remember their Mercy years by, so she and her
sister Janet Martin Kintner ’52, put together a beautiful Roberta doll, complete with a
Mercy uniform, saddle shoes and diploma made by Janet, and a beautiful poem written
by Peg Martin.
After graduation, Peg became a member of the Sisters of Mercy and took the name
Estelle. Marjanne went to Marquette University, became a doctor and raised a family.
Over the years they bumped into each other occasionally at Mercy events and kept tabs
on each other through family and friends. Sadly, Marjanne passed away Christmas Day
in 2012. Recently, Sr. Estelle was contacted by Marjanne’s daughter Barbara, who
said she had something that she thought Sr. Estelle would like. When the two ladies
connected, Sr. Estelle was very surprised to see the doll she had given Marjanne over
60 years ago! Sr. Estelle shared, “It just kind of blew me away when I saw the doll!
I didn’t remember it at first, but when I saw the doll, I recognized the uniform and it
all came back to me.” Sr. Estelle suspects that Marjanne kept the doll all these years
because she cherished their friendship, just as she does. When asked what she will do
with the doll, Sr. Estelle said, “It touched me when Marjanne’s daughter gave me the
doll. I felt that I should keep it for a
while, and eventually I will give it to
Mercy to display.”
The poem that Sr. Estelle wrote
for Marjanne closed with the
following verse,
“And when I kneel devoutly
At each day’s end
I’ll say a little prayer
For my super friend.”
Over 12,000 young women have
graduated from Mercy, all taking
with them cherished memories of
the good friends they made while
they were students there. This doll’s
journey is another beautiful example
of the Circle of Mercy!
Sister Estelle Martin’51 and the Roberta doll
A Message from the President
FALL 2014
1437 Blossom Road
Rochester, NY 14610-2298
585-288-7120 (voice)
585-288-7966 (fax)
Mrs. Suzanne Klingler Johnston ’61
Mr. Terry Quinn
is published
twice yearly by the
Advancement Office of
Our Lady of Mercy
School for Young Women
and is distributed to
alumnae, parents, and friends.
I have been thinking frequently of late that it is not just a good time
to be at Mercy -- it is a great time to be at Mercy! Our enrollment is
a robust 734 students and we have waiting lists for both grades 6
and 7. Last year’s graduating class set a new record by meriting
22.6 million dollars in college scholarships which averages $170K
per graduate. Additionally, we have raised 85% of our 15 million
dollar Capital Campaign goal and are currently launching a
splendid million dollar match made possible by Joe and Brenda
Shafer Calihan ’56.
In terms of our academic program, the Mercy faculty has spent the last four years reviewing
our instructional program in grades 6-12. After considerable research and deliberation we have
decided to move away from the Regents program to better ensure greater rigor and college
readiness for the young women we serve. We will measure our students’ achievement using
testing provided by the College Board.
But of equal, if not greater, interest to all of us who love Mercy is what our students say about
the Mercy experience. Senior Christina Potter commented that at Mercy, “Faith is not limited to
theology class. It is a part of all our activities and interactions and leads us to see the face of God
in one another.”
Caroline Ioele, also a senior, states, “Mercy allows each of us to find our strengths and be our
quirky, unique and beautiful selves in an atmosphere centered in faith and one that ensures
sisterhood and develops values and friendships for life!”
It is my privilege to thank each of you for your prayerful and loving support of our
beloved school.
Mrs. Ginny Segerson Lenyk ’78
Ms. Karen M. Ralph ’72
Ms. Jessica Stadt
Ms. Maura Monley Baron ’86
Ms. Mary Beth Curtin
“Mercy allows each of us to find
our strengths and be our quirky,
unique and beautiful selves...”
Make the Difference – Invest in Mercy
Campaign Update
Mercy is pleased to announce a generous million dollar
matching gift from almuna Brenda Shafer Calihan ’56 and
her husband Joe Calihan.
Imagine what we can do when every dollar raised is doubled.
We have over 10,000 living Mercy alumnae. If every alumna gave
$500 we could raise $5 million from generous alumnae alone!
Your impact will mean that we can ensure every young woman
has access to a great education in an enhanced facility, exciting
improvements to the field, the Performing Arts Center, academics
and our endowment.
• As of today 100% of our senior class is enrolled in one or more
dual credit AP courses.
• All of our students will participate in the Motto Project which
provides a “capstone” experience.
• All of our graduates will demonstrate an informed commitment
to advancing one of the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy.
• The auditorium will have new seats, new paint and carpet, new
sound and air conditioning.
• An 8-lane all-weather track has been installed and a lockable
storage building has been installed.
• Parking has been increased and improved.
• Our endowment has increased by more than $1 million.
We depend on the generosity
of our alumnae to help sustain us
fiscally. We hope you will remember your
days here fondly and look for a mailing in the near future in regards
to our Capital Campaign. Please join us in praying for the success
of this Campaign.
The Campaign Prayer
Composed by Jim and Janice Maxwell
Mary, Mother of God, guide and direct us in our campaign for your
very special school. Add our sacrifices and efforts to all those who
have gone before us since 1928. Keep us steadfast and strong as
together we help prosper this cherished school.
Teach us to listen well and to understand those who don’t agree
with us. Never let us fail to laugh at the humorous things that will
surely happen along the way. Thank you for the new friends we
continually meet.
Measure our successes only by how well we help Mercy fulfill
her mission. To that mission we pledge all of our future efforts.
Confidently, Mary, these things we ask in your name. Amen.
Class of 1953 Fall Luncheon
Members of the Class of 1953 gather throughout the year for
luncheons organized by classmate, Sheila Copenhagen Callahan.
On Wednesday, September 10th, their fall luncheon was held in
the Catherine McAuley Gallery at Mercy. The large and fun-loving
group of alumnae had a wonderful time catching up with each
other. In addition, a group of enthusiastic senior students known as
the ‘Super Six,’ updated the women about today’s Mercy. Although
times have changed and Mercy has grown in so many ways, the
alumnae found that the Mercy experience they had more than 60
years ago is still alive and well.
L to R, Peggy Ryan Morris, Mary Anne Ennis Hill, Sue McCarthy Stich,
Rosalie Corriero Clarke, Kay LeFrois Brennan, Monica Hynes Boss,
Kay Kime Frank, Sheila Geraghty, Mary Kay Gramkee Mangan, and
Joan Korn Starkweather.
The class luncheons provide a wonderful opportunity for alumnae
to socialize with their classmates and to continue the friendships
made so many years ago. For any group that would like to schedule
a breakfast, a lunch or a ‘happy hour’ here at Mercy, please contact
Karen Ralph ‘72, Director of Alumnae Relations at 585-288-7120,
x313 or kralph@mercyhs.com.
The ‘Super Six’: Caroline Ioele, Megan Betancourt, Christina Potter,
Anna Doerr, Vimbai Ushe, and Julia Waterstreet.
The Mercy Alumnae Association Board is looking for new
members to join our board. The board is a collection of alumnae
of all ages who volunteer to help fundraise and participate in
events to support scholarships for current and future students.
In order to join, you must be:
• a graduate of Our Lady of Mercy…from 1932 to 2014!
• willing to have fun and meet other alumnae.
• interested in contributing to and participating in
annual board events.
• able to commit to attend meetings once a month.
If you’re looking for a flexible but rewarding volunteer opportunity,
please contact the board today to let us know! Here are a few
reasons why we have joined the alumnae board:
Kelly Beedon ’04, Co-President
Cell: 585-269-8888
“I joined the board because I wanted to help others experience
all that Mercy has to offer. Through the Sr. Mary Francesca
Scholarship Fund we help to ensure that more women can be
part of the Circle of Mercy.”
Kailey Balconi ’08, Co-President
Cell: 585-402-1380
“I joined the board because I felt it would be a great opportunity
to network and volunteer with fellow alumnae from all classes.
It’s also rewarding to be contributing to events at Mercy that
aim to serve current students and bring alumnae together.
Also contact us via email at mercyalumnaeboard@gmail.com.
• Craft Show & Sale
Saturday, November 1, 2014, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at OLM
One of the biggest events hosted by the alumnae board boasts
many vendors with creative crafts and gift ideas. Do you know a
vendor, or would you like to be one yourself? Please contact us
at: olmhscraftshow@gmail.com or kralph@mercyhs.com.
• Five Guys Fundraiser
Monday, October 13, 2014, at Five Guys in Pittsford Plaza
Treat yourself to dinner! Mention Mercy and 20% of your total
bill will go to the alumnae board in an effort to fund the Sr. Mary
Francesca Scholarship.
• 20-Week Club - SOLD OUT!
September 26, 2014 – February 6, 2015
Each Friday, during this 20-week period, there will be a $25
winner drawn with three other grand prize winners drawn
on February 6 as well. For those who missed out this time,
fear not, there will be another 20-Week Club membership
starting again in February 2015.
• Barnes & Noble Book Fair
Tuesday, December 9, 2014, all day at Pittsford Plaza B&N
Be sure and stop in to stock up on gifts for family and friends!
Get in the holiday spirit all while supporting Mercy. More
information to come!
2014 – 2015 Alumnae Association Board
Kailey Balconi ’08 - Co-President
Kelly Beedon ’04 - Co-President
Katie Ziarko Snyder ’01 - Vice-President
Suzanne Lester-Peter ‘97 - Secretary
Roxane Crupi ’73
Kris D’Hondt Lepel ’94
Buffalo, NY
Spring 2015
Rochester, NY
Spring 2015
The meet and greets provide a wonderful opportunity for alumnae to stay connected to Mercy. Alumnae of all ages gather to
hear about what’s happening at Mercy today in addition to reminiscing about their dear old OLM. If you live near a major city
and would like to be part of organizing an event in your area,
please contact Karen Ralph ’72, Director of Alumnae Relations,
at 585-288-7120 x313 or kralph@mercyhs.com.
These events are open to all alumnae so if you happen to be
visiting at the time of an event or attending college in the area,
please contact the Advancement Office at 585.288.2610 for
more information.
Katie Tkaczyk ’81
Craft Show
& Sale
Sponsored by
The Alumnae Association Board
Saturday, November 1, 2014
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Kathleen Bonsignore Walgreen ’61 Gymnasium
at Our Lady of Mercy
Looking for a special holiday gift or a holiday decoration? Looking for a unique piece of
jewelry? Looking for a sweet treat? This annual craft show and sale features a variety of
local artists, crafters, as well as business entrepreneurs offering a wide array of art, jewelry,
ceramics, toys, home décor, holiday items and much more.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase as well as delicious baked food items.
Homemade goodies are welcome from the Mercy community! If you would like to donate
a goodie for the sale, please contact Karen Ralph ’72, Director of Alumnae Relations, at
585-288-7120 x313 or kralph@mercyhs.com.
Admission: $2 suggested donation.
All proceeds to benefit the Sr. Mary Francesca Scholarship Fund.
FREE parking.
Interested in being a vendor? Contact OLMHSCraftShow@gmail.com
Betty M. McCarthy Lang celebrated her 97th
birthday on October 8, 2014 with her daughter, Anne
Lang Papy ’72’ and her son/daughter-in-law, Peter
and Kathleen Lang, parents of Kelly Lang Wise ’92.
To recognize this milestone, Betty’s grandchildren,
Jennifer Papy Barrow, Ryan Papy, Alyson Papy
Pettit and Douglas Papy, made a donation to Mercy
in Betty’s honor. As a result, Betty’s name will be
inscribed on the Catherine McAuley Wall of Honor,
which is prominently displayed in the Catherine
McAuley Gallery at Mercy. Pictured below: Anne,
Betty and Peter at a surprise birthday party this
summer for Anne at Conesus Lake.
revitalized educational environment at North
Collins emphasizing collaboration, responsibility,
and tolerance and respect for all. She has led this
previously low performing school to becoming a
Reward School for Educational Excellence by New
York State and in 2013 the school was ranked as a
Silver Medal school by US News and World Report.
A documentary film about Elizabeth Streb, founder
of STREB Extreme Action Company, will be shown
at The Little Theatre in Rochester on October 12
at 3:00pm. The name of the film is Born to Fly:
Elizabeth Streb VS. Gravity.
Kate Robertson Fisher recently started a website/
business called Black Bird Knits. Please check out
www.blackbirdknits.com and pass it on ... especially
to your knitting and bird-loving friends.
See the “Save the Date” on page 8.
Do you
have news
to share?
Contact us!
• 585.288.2610
• advancement@
• www.mercyhs.com
You can also use the
form at the back of
this newsletter.
Carol Cusker Burns shared the news that, “40
classmates came from near and far for the annual
Class of 1959 summer picnic on August 4. We
shared humorous anecdotes and previously untold
stories about our days at Mercy. Everyone enjoyed
a delicious hot and cold buffet catered by Wegmans
which was followed by our own homemade
desserts. The highlight of the day was the cheerful
competition between tables to fill in the blanks on
the “Mercy Memories Quiz” that was prepared by
Jean Kearse. We had great fun with this challenge
that taxed our memories of four years at Mercy High.
We are grateful to the picnic planning committee Jean Kearse, Sue Satter and Dottie Pecoraro.”
The School Administrators Association of New
York State (SAANYS) has selected Ann Robertson
Metcalf, principal at North Collins Jr.-Sr. High
School, as the New York State High School Principal
of the Year. This award is given annually to a
member of SAANYS and the National Association
of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) “who
has set the pace, character, and quality of
education for the students in his or her school.
Nominees are administrators who are committed
to students, parents, and the community and
have shown exceptional contributions to the
educational process.” Ann has been the principal
at North Collins Jr.-Sr. High School since 2005.
She has been described as a warm, motivational,
and transformational leader who has created a
Marla Pilaroscia was recently awarded the Volunteer
Legal Services Project of Monroe County, Inc.
William E. McKnight Volunteer Service Award and
the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New
York Hanna S. Cohn Pro Bono Award for volunteer
legal service. She has been a practicing attorney in
Rochester, NY, for 16 years.
After working for the last 13 years as a Nurse
Practitioner, Sandra Miceli-Larosa is now opening
her own office in Webster. Surviving Naturally is a
natural and nutritional adjunctive medical practice
that looks at improved overall health rather than
focusing on disease.
Jennifer Schwartz married Breton Donlin Kelly
on June 20, 2014, in Cohasset, MA. Now a 12year resident of Boston, MA, Jennifer works as
Relationship Manager at Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center. Her husband co-owns and operates
a restaurant and bar, The North Star, located in
downtown Boston, near the famed TD Bank Garden.
All Mercy alumnae visiting the area are encouraged to stop by!
Jennifer’s wedding was featured on Vineyard Vines’ blog. Go to
vineyardvines.com and enter the search Breton and Jennifer.
Martha McCahill Sprague shared that the
newest Mercy girl is happy and healthy.
Monica Ellen Sprague was born on August
17 at 3:59pm. She was 5 lb., 15 oz. and was
19˝ long. Mom, dad, and baby are all doing
fine and Martha’s parents, Phil and Mary
Liz McCahill, are here helping out, which is
very much appreciated!
for Class
of ’99
Meg Vandenberg
Burton ’99 had asked
Fr. Frederick Betti, S.J.,
if he would be willing
to baptize two of her
three boys while she was visiting home from California.
Lindsay Marchese Ali ’99 was also back in Rochester and
had asked about having her two boys baptized as well.
Thanks to Ryan Green Scott it was all arranged through
St. Thomas More /Our Lady Queen of Peace parish.
On Saturday, June 12, 2014, at St. Thomas More Church,
Greyson & McKinley Burton and Maddox & Mason Ali
were baptized. It was quite a Mercy/McQuaid reunion!
About 30 or so were gathered including spouses,
grandparents, friends and lots of toddlers. Even Mr. Joe
Marchese from McQuaid was present. It was a joyful
celebration of the next generation while also continuing
the wonderful bonds the friends have maintained since
those high school days. Fr. Betti said, “I’ve been blessed
for all those years of being both at McQuaid and OLM and
continuing relationships with them all through weddings,
baptisms and more. This event was also a blessing as it
balanced our last gathering for the funeral of Meg’s brother,
Peter, a year ago.”
Other OLM alumnae present from the Class of 1999 were
Michelle McGowan Gutschow, Kristin Barco, Ryan
Green Scott, Meaghan Shea Gillespie and LeAnna
Ditucci Watt.
Caroline Whelan is newly engaged to
Isaiah Tolbert. She has recently relocated
to the Rochester area and is living in
Brighton. Wedding plans are being set
for next summer.
Amanda Adair is planning to marry
Eric Markle on October 24, 2014, on
Canandaigua Lake.
On January 17, Katrina Simmonds married Anthony Angell,
who immigrated from the UK to be her caregiver and help her
learn how to walk again following a prolonged illness.
Andrea Harriott Lanze and her husband Michael welcomed
their adorable son Ethan on March 17.
Pam Torrey completed her first year of her Masters of Music
degree at Chicago College of Performing Arts, where she is
majoring in Vocal Performance. Pam was awarded a TA position
of Opera Administrator for the 2014-2015 school year!
Nichole Adiletta graduated Summa Cum Laude in May from
Siena College.
Christie Antetomaso graduated Cum Laude in May from James
Madison University in Virginia. Christie also was named to the
dean’s list for the spring semester.
Hannah Khalil graduated in May from Colgate University.
Stephanie Pagano graduated Magna Cum Laude from Syracuse
University with dual majors in Business Management and
Marketing Management.
Brooke Tallinger was named to the dean’s list for the fall
semester at the University of Hartford.
Mary Kate Tierney graduated from Ithaca College with a degree
in Business Administration.
Carolyn Stam was named to the dean’s list at the State University
of New York Oneonta for the spring 2014 semester.
Olivia Schneider was named to the dean’s list for the spring
semester at Stonehill College in Massachusetts.
Nazareth College is proud to announce that Sevila Aliyeva has
been named to the dean’s list for the Spring 2014 semester.
Sevila is majoring in Social Work.
continued next page
Class of ’47 Continues to Gather
On a cold and rainy afternoon in April, 16 classmates laughing, joking
and shaking the rain off their coats, gathered to welcome each other
with smiles and hugs. Two were in wheelchairs and a few using canes,
but we were just happy to be there with old friends. This mini-reunion
of sorts has been taking place for the past 16 years since our 50th
class reunion in 1997. The ladies meet the last Wednesday in April
and again in October. This year was special as we were all turning 85
sometime this year. We had lots to talk about and boast about!
Attending were: Sr. Anne Marie Lennon, Sally Stock Eckert,
Ruth Allen DiVincenzo, Theresa Goodberlet Langschwager,
Marguerite Quinn Mahoney, (Marguerite brought lovely handsome bookmarks for all of us.), Rose LeFrois Geraci, Betty Doran
Kowalik, Teresa Byrne Carl, Rosemary Leimberger Hahn, Marion
Kubanka Wowkowych, Bernadine Foley Trombetta, Elaine
McCaffrey Pugliese, Nancy Ford McDermott, Patricia Harvey Lill
and myself.
Our special guest was Missy Rosenberry from the Democrat and
Chronicle whom I had invited to join us. Missy was so impressed that
she wrote a lovely article about us, and decided that she wanted to
contact her classmates too.
RPC joins OLM for
Christmas Concert
Mercy’s longtime association with the
Rochester Psychiatric Center (RPC) evolves.
Since 1957, Mercy has had a unique relationship with the clients
at the Rochester Psychiatric Center. The parties and contacts over
the years have been a source of joy both to the clients at RPC and
the students at Mercy. It was with sadness that the new statewide
configuration of Psychiatric Centers would not have allowed that
contact to continue.
Our contact for future interactions will be taking on a new
character. About 80 clients are now living with families in
the Rochester area. They will be invited to the high school
Christmas Concert and a reception will be held for them after the
concert. Our students will once again get to share Christmas joy,
cookies and presents with some familiar friends. Ms. Gizzi and
Sr. Joan McAteer ’66 will be coordinating this party!
The moral of the story is that you never know where friendships will
lead you.
Submitted by Dorothy Ernst Allen ’47
CLASS NOTES (continued)
Korinne Thorne was named to the dean’s list for the spring
semester at Niagara University.
60 IS THE NEW 18
Mercy/McQuaid Birthday Celebration – Save the Date
Tegan Ayers was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2014
semester at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Shaina Garfield was named to the president’s list for the fall
semester at Pratt Institute.
Erin Geen was named to the dean’s list for the spring semester
at Niagara University.
Bridget Holvey was recognized on the Mercyhurst University
Scholar-Athletes list for the 2013-14 school year.
Erin Kilmartin was named to the dean’s list for the spring
semester at Niagara University.
Therese Marchand was named to the dean’s list for the spring
semester at Niagara University.
Grace Neylan was named to the dean’s list for the spring
semester at St. Bonaventure University.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
7:00pm – 11:00pm
Tavern at Clover
Toby Village-Barn Bazaar
2851 Clover Street, Pittsford
Let’s celebrate the fact that we’ve made it this far! More
information about the celebration will be sent via an Evite. If
you are interested in attending but Mercy doesn’t have your
email address on file, please contact Mary Segerson Coniglio
at jmconigs@yahoo.com. And if you don’t have an email
address and you’re interested in attending, please contact
Karen Ralph at 585.288.7120 x313.
Planning Committee: Mary Segerson Coniglio, Paul McCarthy,
Sheila McGee, Art McLeod, Nancy DiPasquale Patric, Karen
Ralph, Chuck Ryan, Bill Thaney.
Mercy Golf Tournament Celebrates 15 Years
15th Annual Fr. Ed Zimmer Memorial Mercy Golf Tournament
Women’s Winner: Karen Casper, Linda McCoy, Ellen Samuelson,
and Pam Tait
Mixed Winner: Tom Ferris, Randi Proukou, and Dan Zea
Men’s Winner: Steve Nicandri, Terry Quinn, Tim Quinn, and
Steve Whitman
Women’s Closest to the Pin: Karen Casper
Women’s Longest Drive: Sophie Esquier ‘09
Men’s Closest to the Pin: Gary Edom
Men’s Longest Drive: Dave Thompson
MANY THANKS to our sponsors, raffle prize donors, contributors,
golfers, and spirited volunteers for helping to raise more than
$27,000 to benefit the students at OLM!
For information on how to get involved in this annual event,
please contact the tournament coordinator, Karen Ralph ’72, at
kralph@mercyhs.com or 585-288-7120 x313.
November 7 is
Career Day at Mercy
On Friday, November 7, Mercy will hold our 2nd Annual
Day of Careers, Networking and Empowerment.
Please remember in your prayers all our
deceased alumnae, their families, loved ones,
and those in the wider Circle of Mercy.
Donna Mistrater Antel ’64
July 5, 2013
Marian Pallott Platts ’32
March 10, 2014
Helen Torpey Aulbach ’53
March 24, 2014
Margaret Blum Polley ’34
May 4, 2014
Margaret Dixon Barrett ’47
August 28, 2014
Sr. M. Jude Rockenbrock, RSM ’39
August 12, 2014
Joanne Wright Bisig ’81
May 3, 2014
Mary Keenan Ryan ’39
May 24, 2014
Alice Sommers Black ’48
May 28, 2014
Lois Blendinger Shaughnessy ’55
June 8, 2014
Antoinette Centola Brown ’38
September 2, 2013
Mary Menz Simmons ’46
May 1, 2014
Mary Ann Sedore Campbell ’51
May 15, 2014
Mary Eisenberg Solomon ’37
July 1, 2014
Kimberly Schlegel Cardamone ’77
April 23, 2014
Mildred Barry Studick ’40
September 18, 2012
We are very pleased to thank Heather Hanson Goodbody
’87 for approaching us with the concept for this day and for
her generous financial support of the program.
Susan Bosseler Charland ’62
August 5, 2014
Theresa Sweeney ’79
June 1, 2014
Joan Smillie Cunningham ’51
July 27, 2014
Susan Schumacher Trippodo ’76
April 13, 2014
This event is planned for next year and annually moving
forward. We are continually looking for alumnae in
any and all fields of work to take part in this important
event. If you would like to join us please contact
Maura Monley Baron ’86 in the Advancement Office at
mbaron@mercyhs.com for details.
Ann Herman Fischette ’72
May 29, 2014
Marjorie Craw Trombley ’42
July 16, 2014
Cecelia Schoen Flagler ’37
September 2, 2013
Dolores Schulte VanderMallie ’37
May 9, 2014
Lisa Ann Geraci ’72
September 1, 2014
Katherine Coon Vernam ’39
August 26, 2014
Mary Ferrick Glasow ’49
June 12, 2014
Sr. Concepta Walsh, RSM ’39
April 30, 2014
Mary Eileen Emery Heberle ’45
September 19, 2014
Dorothy Schueler Ward ’41
June 24, 2014
Elizabeth Broderick Jeanotte ’46
July 26, 2014
Ellen Ward ’54
May 7, 2014
Helen Murphy Knapp ’39
August 21, 2014
Mary Faith Weider ’39
July 12, 2014
Sr. Patricia MacDonald, RSM ’44
April 29, 2014
Marie Mayo Weider ’44
September 12, 2014
Margaret Mercado ’67
April 1, 2014
Dianne Grosser Wilcox ’61
September 21, 2014
Patricia Carlin Moffett ’53
May 29, 2014
Sheila North Willis ’50
August 13, 2014
Noreen McShea O’Gorman ’52
August 14, 2014
Rose Scheg Years ’49
June 8, 2014
We look forward to welcoming back to Mercy twenty
alumnae who will speak with our current juniors and
seniors about their career paths and experiences.
Last year the day was a tremendous success for both
presenters and students. The day will start with a panel
presentation featuring five alumnae speakers in the
auditorium followed by smaller group sessions with
speakers throughout the building.
We are still finalizing our speakers for the day and will
share them with everyone via email closer to the event.
The entire Mercy community is invited to attend the panel
presentation so mark your calendars and plan to attend!
Kate’s Tea & Gift Shop
1437 Blossom Road, Rochester, NY 14610
Not for use with other discounts. Expires 12/31/14.
Join Mercy’s Facebook Fan Page.
Just go to www.mercyhs.com
and click on the Facebook icon.
Ann Marie Williams Parfitt ’47
May 14, 2014
Mary “Cathy” Bunn Parsons ’64
July 18, 2014
Dolores Afferdick Peets ’46
May 31, 2014
The Vaeth Family – A Proud Mercy Family
The women in the Vaeth & Geraghty families have always been very proud to be
Mercy graduates. As of 2018 there will be 19 women in the extended family who
have attended Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women. Interestingly, the two
most recent graduates, Bridget Baker and Catherine Catapano, were born on
the same date.
The Vaeth Family wishes to thank Mercy with all of our hearts to be part of such a
wonderful legacy.
First row: Anne Marie Leo Catapano ’81, Catherine Catapano ’14,
Bridget Baker ’14, Julie Anne Leo ’82, Marie Vaeth Leo ’56. Second row:
Colleen Vaeth Schiefen ’69, Karen Vaeth Geyer ’68, Anne Marie Vaeth Lizdas ’71
Barbara Vaeth Shaughnessy ’50, Sara Pixley ’98, Margaret Ann Vaeth Pixley ’70,
Denise Vaeth Cotterman ‘72
From the future 2018 graduate to our alumna
from the Class of 1947, the following list is
broken down by family, each indentation
representing the next generation:
Monica McDonald Vaeth ’47 (d.)
Karen Vaeth Geyer ’68
Colleen Vaeth Schiefen ’69
Anne Marie Vaeth Lizdas ’71
Mary Vaeth Halbig (moved before graduating)
Barbara Vaeth Shaughnessy ’50
Ethel McDonough Vaeth ’50 (d.)
Margaret Ann Vaeth Pixley ’70
Sara Pixley ’98
Denise Vaeth Cotterman ’72
Rene Vaeth Pagano ’73
Sheila Geraghty, RSM ’53
Marie Vaeth Leo ’56
Anne Marie Leo Catapano ’81
Catherine Catapano ’14
Elizabeth Catapano ’18
Julie Anne Leo ’82
Bridget Baker ’14
Patricia Leo Clark ’86
Eileen Geraghty Siegel ’64
1985 State Champions Return To Mercy
Mercy Athletics, in cooperation with Mercy Basketball and Mercy Sports Boosters, is proud to honor the Mercy
Basketball State Champions of 1985. Marking the 30th anniversary of their championship win, players and
coaches will be recognized in a brief ceremony at 6pm on Saturday, January 17, 2015.
The presentation will be held at Our Lady of Mercy Gymnasium, 1437 Blossom Road,
Rochester, NY 14610. A scheduled Mercy Varsity game will immediately follow.
All players, families, coaches and classmates of the 1985 team are invited to attend.
For more information and to make your reservation, please contact:
Greg Lefebre, Sports Booster President, at 585-755-4734 or
Our Lady of Mercy officially
names our athletic field
A ceremony to mark the occasion was held on August 8,
attended by Abby, her sisters Dr. Beth Wambach Ritter ’87 and
Laura Wambach ’88, Abby’s coach Kathleen Boughton, many of
her family members and friends, and a large crowd that included
representatives from the Sisters of Mercy, the school’s Board of
Trustees and Administration, Mercy students, families, alumnae,
faculty and staff, and members of the Rochester community.
Counter-clockwise from top right:
Abby displays the dedication plaque at the
Abby, with the field and scoreboard renderings, stands with her parents and part of her
large extended family.
Mercy soccer players and fans were proud to
be part of the celebration with Abby.
Abby and her former coach Kathleen
Boughton pose in front of Mercy’s trophy case.
to Our Lady of
Mercy’s 2014
May Court!
May Queen:
Sarah Bronk
Katherine Rogers
Crown Bearer:
Emily Overfield
Senior Honor Attendants:
Mary Emma Martin
Hannah Speach
Senior Attendants:
Hyejin Ban
Maryn Cannon
Terese Cannon
Maria Geba
Laura Maas
Christine Schmitt
Catherine Seegar
Junior Honor Attendants:
Rose Marchand
Mary Stephenson
Junior Attendants:
Emma Broderick
Anna Doerr
Elizabeth Garofalo
Ruth Marren
Christina Potter
Julia Waterstreet
Congratulations to Mercy’s Class of 2014! Here’s what lies ahead for them this fall.
Nasiba Aliyeva ...........................Monroe Community College
Sadie Aman ...............................John Carroll University
Bridget Baker .............................Boston University
Hyejin Ban ................................University of Rochester
Lauren Bator..............................Duquesne University
Rachel Elizabeth Becker.............Rochester Institute of Technology
Emma Marie Bevilacqua ............John Carroll University
Kate Elizabeth Bianchi ...............Florida State University
Barsha Biswa .............................Nazareth College
Andrea Bourdelais .....................SUNY College at Geneseo
Faith S. Branch ..........................American University
Andrea Brilbeck.........................Duquesne University
Sarah Bronk...............................Loyola University Maryland
Ava L Brugger ............................John Carroll University
Sarah E Bushey ..........................Catawba College
Maryn Cannon ..........................Georgetown University
Terese Cannon ..........................Georgetown University
Kierra M Carter .........................Finger Lakes Community College
Catherine Catapano ...................Mercyhurst University
Daniella Chan............................Nazareth College
Zixing Chen ..............................Colgate University
Marianette Cintron ....................Canisius College
Sarah M Clayton ........................Rochester Institute of Technology
Danielle Cleary ..........................Elmira College
Cali Anne Cleaves......................Houghton College
Madison Coller ..........................Le Moyne College
Elizabeth Collins .......................Fordham University
Phoebe Conley ..........................Cornell University
Briana Connolly .......................Villanova University
Olivia Conti...............................The Ohio State University
Richele Lauren Corsi .................SUNY Alfred State College
Emily Costello ...........................Stony Brook University
Elizabeth Crimi .........................Boston College
Megan Curley ............................Marist College
Claire Delaney ...........................University of Dayton
Shelby Delladio .........................University of Dayton
Amy Do .....................................Monroe Community College
Giovanna Dellanoce Donahue ...SUNY College at Geneseo
Gibson Donnan .........................Williams College
Nyrena Eley ...............................Nazareth College
Aidan Claire Falk.......................University of Michigan
Christina Fallone .......................SUNY Fredonia
Megan Ferraioli .........................Palm Beach Atlantic University
Lauren Nicole Filice ..................State University of New York at Albany
Maria Geba ................................University of Rochester
Caroline Geen ...........................Rochester Institute of Technology
Madeline Glynn .........................College of the Holy Cross
Tori Gokey ................................SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Olivia A Green...........................Fordham University
Jordan Elzabeth Guerrieri ..........Rochester Institute of Technology
Rachel Gurnett ..........................University of Maryland, College Park
Madison Harrington ..................Ohio University
Taylor Hilimire ..........................SUNY Alfred State College
Kiera Hoenig .............................Duquesne University
Katherine Hogan .......................University of New Haven
Elizabeth Hogan ........................Syracuse University
Maeve Hourihan ........................Marquette University
Clare Howland ..........................University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Kelsey E Johnson .......................University at Buffalo The State Univ. of
New York
Kaitlin Juroe ..............................Old Dominion University
Emily Kosciewicz ......................University of Rochester
Erin Kosciewicz .........................Rochester Institute of Technology
Monica LaBorde ........................State University of New York at Albany
Crystal Lam ...............................Rochester Institute of Technology
Yige Ella Li ................................Carleton College
Dan Liang ..................................Iona College
Yachu Liu ..................................Purdue University
Emily R. Livecchi.......................Rochester Institute of Technology
Hannah J Lloyd ....................... SUNY College at Geneseo
Laura Maas .............................. Le Moyne College
Sarah Machamer ...................... Rochester Institute of Technology
Nibigira Marie Grace ............... Utica College
Victoria Markert ...................... University of Central Florida
Justice Marshall ....................... Loyola University Maryland
Mary Martin ............................ Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Jenna Rose Maxwell................. St. Bonaventure University
Marisa I. Meisenzahl ................ Siena College
Mary-Catherine Melville .......... Colby-Sawyer College
Brittany Leigh Mettrick ............ State University of New York at Albany
Mary Michelsen ....................... Duquesne University
Emily Mittelstaedt ................... Duquesne University
Brooke Morrison ..................... Ithaca College
Teresa Murphy ........................ Fordham University
Lauren Navarro ....................... Saint Joseph’s University
Julia Thi Nguyen ..................... Nazareth College
Martha Anne Ormanoski ......... Cornell University
Emily Christine Overfield ........ Elizabethtown College
Emily Palacio ........................... University of Rochester
Carly Pavia .............................. University of Rochester
Emily Peartree ......................... Loyola University Maryland
Elena Pochodylo...................... SUNY Fredonia
Mijoi Lasaezah Powell ............. Alfred University
Tina Prestigiacomo .................. St. John Fisher College
Yiwen Qu ................................ Rochester Institute of Technology
Megan Quinn .......................... Fairfield University
Emily Helen Reale ................... Niagara University
Jobi Renee Reibson .................. Rochester Institute of Technology
Ciara Reifenstein ..................... SUNY College at Geneseo
Sarah Ribble ............................ Niagara University
Maya Rochon .......................... Roberts Wesleyan College
Ashley Rogers .......................... Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Katherine Rogers ..................... Duquesne University
Marcella Rose .......................... Marist College
Kathryn Rowan ....................... The George Washington University
Sydney Rowan ......................... Saint Francis University
Katherine M. Roxstrom ........... St. Bonaventure University
Olyvia Ruhlmann .................... Elon University
Nina Santacesaria .................... SUNY College at Geneseo
Elizabeth Scheuerman ............. University of Rochester
Christine A Schmitt ................. Georgetown University
Ellen Schwalm ......................... Marymount University
Catherine Seeger...................... Loyola University Maryland
Margaret Smith ........................ Marquette University
Hannah Speach ....................... Rochester Institute of Technology
Emily Steiner ........................... Alfred University
Zohal Tawakali ........................ Rochester Institute of Technology
Addison Teng .......................... American University
Elizabeth M. Tierney ............... Pace University
Kathryn Elizabeth Tirabassi ..... Villanova University
Emily Joanne Tomer ................ Gannon University
Zhenying Tu ............................ Brandeis University
Dalaney Vonderahe ................. Fordham University
Michelle Vullo ......................... Rochester Institute of Technology
Bridget Walsh .......................... Fairfield University
Gillian Wangler ....................... Villanova University
Colleen Ward .......................... Saint Michael’s College
Vanessa F Whitt ...................... Rutgers, The State University of
New Jersey at Camden
Hannah Marie Williams........... Southeast Community College, Lincoln
Jade L Wise ............................. Rochester Institute of Technology
Tianyu Xu ............................... University College London
Lauren Zappia ......................... Fordham University
Wentong Zhang....................... San Jose State University
Olivia Zucaro .......................... John Carroll University
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