fàA eÉátÄ|t @ exz|Çt ctv|á ctÜ|á{ Brooklyn, New York January 3, 2016 - THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD St. Rosalia Church 6301 14th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 Pastor Monsignor Ronald T. Marino, E.V. Email: reginapastor@aol.com Parochial Vicars Father Juan Ruiz PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a Catholic faith community who believes in God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and who follows Christ’s teaching of love and service. As a parish founded by immigrants, we recognize that we continue to be a multi-ethnic parish. We welcome everyone by ministering to their various needs and provide all with the opportunity to grow intellectually in Christ. Through our sacramental life, we are empowered to build up the Body of Christ and to become a more vibrant and faith-filled community. Mass Schedule St. Rosalia Church Sunday: 7:30 am 8:30 am Regina Pacis Rectory 1230 65th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 Phone: 718-236-0909 Fax: 718-236-5357 Email: reginarectory@aol.com 8:30 am [in St. Joseph Chapel] 5:00 pm 7:30 pm (Spanish) 8:00 am 9:15 am (Spanish) 10:30 am 12:00 pm 7:00 pm Administrative Office Hours: Monday Friday: 9:00 am to 12 noon 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Sunday: Closed 9:00 am (Italian) 10:30 am (Chinese) Email: richard25ruiz@gmail.com Basilica of Regina Pacis Father Marco Brioschi, PIME Monday - Friday: Email: mabri10@icloud.com --------- Saturday: Monsignor Joseph Grimaldi, E.V. Email: jgrimaldi@diobrook.org In Residence --------- Sunday: Deacon Mr. John Dolan Email: reginapacisdeacon@aol.com Holy Days Faith Formation Directors Mrs. Jackie Tepedino Email: reginapacisfaith@gmail.com Mr. Valentin Canales Email: reginapacisfaith12@gmail.com Pastoral Ministry Sister M. Clara Wang, SMIC Email: meiyunclarawang@yahoo.com.ph Phone: 347-249-6283 Youth Ministry—Mr. Louis Nunez Email: reginapacisym@gmail.com Music Director—Mr. Jonathan Fields Email: ja.jonathan@gmail.com Facility Manager—Mr. Walter Astudillo Phone: 347-645-5750 Basilica of Regina Pacis 1230 65th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 Please consult the bulletin. Regina Gift Shop Inside the Basilica Conference Center (enter through the Church lobby) Phone: 718-234-0140 Fax: 347-492-0217 Website: www.reginagiftshop.net Business Hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Website: www.basilicaofreginapacis.org For an appointment with a priest, call the Rectory at any time. Office of St. Joseph Chapel and Columbarium (located near the Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Unborn) Office Hours: Monday—Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Call for an appointment with Theresa Landy who will handle all requests. 718-236-0909 Ext. 1013 PAGE TWO Are You New to the Parish? WELCOME! JANUARY 3, 2016 Please stop into the rectory office and register! SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION Confessions: Every weekday morning after Mass in the Basilica. Saturdays from 4-4:45 p.m. in the Basilica. DEVOTIONS, PRAYER GROUPS & MEETINGS Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: Mondays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Marriage: Couples must arrange their wedding ceremony at least 6 months beforehand. Every couple must attend a Pre-Cana meeting. Log on to: www.pre-cana.org for dates and registration. Sacrament of the Sick: If you know you are going to be hospitalized, Novena in honor of St. Anthony: Tuesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. consider receiving the Sacrament of Anointing beforehand at any weekday Mass. Ask the priest before Mass in the sacristy. In Jesus Name Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Basilica of Regina Pacis. Communion to the Homebound: Our Eucharistic Ministers are happy to bring Holy Communion to the homebound. To arrange this, please call the Rectory. Divine Mercy Devotions: every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. in the Basilica of Regina Pacis. Baptism: Parents wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with their children must attend a "Registration and Instruction Session" on the First Saturday of any month at 11 am in the Basilica Conference Center. At these sessions it will be necessary for both parents to attend, and to bring a copy of the baby's birth certificate. Necessary registration forms will be completed, the required instruction will take place, and the Baptism will be scheduled. Remember, both Godparents must be Catholic, 16 years old, and must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Godparents may attend these sessions but are not required to do so. Baptisms are celebrated in English on the third Saturday of each month at noon in the Basilica. Once this session is completed, you may schedule the ceremony for any month. Those who speak Spanish and wish to have a Spanish language ceremony, will have their registration and instruction session on the First Saturday of each month after the 7:30 pm Mass in the Basilica. Spanish Baptisms are celebrated at the Spanish Mass on Saturdays at 7:30 pm in the Basilica. It is no longer necessary to come to the Rectory Office to set up a Baptism celebration. You may call the rectory for Chinese or Italian Baptisms. Prayers for Peace to Our Lady Queen of Peace: Wednesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The Legion of Mary: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Basilica Conference Center / Room 1. Prayers for Vocations: Thursdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Prayers to St. Peregrine-Patron Saint of Cancer Patients: Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in honor of the Sacred Heart: First Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. St. Padre Pio Prayer Group: First Saturdays 8:30 a.m. for Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone loves the way our Churches look at Christmastime and it is because of the many hours and hard work of the dedicated individuals who decorate our Churches--inside and out--for Christmas. We owe a special thank you to all of them! Also thanks to all of you who purchased trees, wreaths and tower lights to make this possible. As you know our neighborhood community is very proud of what we do. Many people drive by and stop to take pictures with their children. We are celebrating the birth of Christ, the Light of the world, and we do it well! Msgr. Ronald T. Marino It will be necessary to enter the Basilica from the main doors only. The stairway to the Basilica near the Chapel of the Unborn will be blocked for two weeks while the elevator construction is taking place. We are sorry for this slight inconvenience. People wishing to visit St. Joseph Chapel must use the door in the lobby which is near the Conference Center hallway. PAGE THREE JANUARY 3, 2016 From the Pastor’s Desk… Who comes first? You or Others? As we begin this Holy Year of Mercy, we know that our Holy Father Pope Francis has called on the Catholic Church to be extra clear about our belief in the mercy of the Father. This is why we are exhorting people to come back to Church, to let the Lord show mercy in a concrete way by forgiving sins, welcoming people into His arms again, removing all obstacles in the way of ANYONE seeking the love and mercy of the Lord, and by showing mercy to others as an example of the Father’s merciful love. However, YOU COME FIRST! If YOU have not sought or received God’s mercy in your heart, you cannot show it to others. If YOU have not asked for forgiveness for your own sinfulness in a long time, you cannot convince anyone else to find it. If YOU don’t believe that the Lord Himself is reaching out to YOU, then no one will believe it themselves. As they say on airplanes: “…in case of need, put on your own oxygen mask first, then help the person next to you.” Mercy starts with YOU. After you have walked through the Holy Door to sincerely seek God’s mercy, you will automatically want to share that beautiful experience with others. It is a feeling of being pulled in by God who has been waiting for you. Pope Francis said: “When someone seeks the mercy of the Lord, there is a party in heaven.” Here in our parish we will help you to learn acts of mercy which we can do for others. We will look at the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy which we all learned about in Catechism class long ago, and see how we, as a parish, can help the Lord in His reaching out. For example, one of the Works of Mercy is clothe the naked. For this, we will soon have a coat and sweater drive for those in need. Another is feed the hungry. Soon we will collect non-perishable food and open a Food Pantry for anyone in need. And there will be many other things we will encourage you to be part of. These kinds of things will help you and your children to learn how to be merciful. People will see how good it feels to show mercy to others, because when we do so, WE reap a greater reward in our hearts. We will invite you to become “Carriers of Mercy” with us and to volunteer to be part of these efforts. We will be asking whole families to sacrifice “time, talent and treasure” to carry the concrete signs of God’s mercy to others. When people volunteer to be “carriers of mercy” we will meet with them as a group once a month to make sure everyone really understands what it means to do God’s work. These are not gimmicks or projects. They are God’s love for people in action. But remember, YOU COME FIRST. Open the door of your own heart to let the Lord in. Then we can go to knock on other doors which He is waiting to be opened for Him. Rev. Msgr. Ronald T. Marino Pastor PAGE FOUR JANUARY 3, 2016 CELEBRACIONES SACRAMENTAL Y OTRA INFORMACION PARA LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Confessiones: Los Domingos después de la Misa de la 9:15 de la mañana en la Basilica de Regina Pacis o con cita contactando Padre Juan Ruiz. Matrimonios: Favor de contactar la rectoría por lo menos 6 meses antes del Matrimonio. Bautismos: Se celebran el Segundo Sábado de cada mes. Favor de contactar a Valentin Canales. Instrucción Religiosa para los Niños: Los padres que quieren inscribir sus niños a las clases de catecismo, llamen a Valentin Canales a 347-560-6876. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Los que necesitan recibir el Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación por favor de contactar Valentin Canales a 347-560-6876. Hora Santa Lectio Divina: Todos los Martes a las 7:30 de la noche en la Iglesia de Santa Rosalía - 6301 14th Avenue. Clases de Iniciación Cristiana: Todos los Miercoles a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. Clases de Teologia Biblica: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. Grupo de Jóvenes -Jornada: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. Centro Familiar: Todos los Viernes a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street. En Sintonía La Epifanía del Señor. Significa: Manifestación ó Revelación. La Epifanía es una de las fiestas litúrgicas más antiguas, más aún que la misma Navidad. Comenzó a celebrarse en Oriente, pues el Señor se reveló a los paganos en la persona de los magos, este acontecimiento salvífico es la adoración de los magos, la Epifanía es popularmente el día de los reyes magos. Precisamente en esta adoración han visto los santos padres la aceptación de la divinidad de Jesucristo por parte de los pueblos paganos. Los magos supieron utilizar sus conocimientos en su caso, la astronomía de su tiempo- para descubrir al Salvador, prometido por medio de Israel, a todos los hombres. El sagrado misterio de la Epifanía está referido en el evangelio de san Mateo. Al llegar los magos a Jerusalén, éstos preguntaron en la corte el paradero del "Rey de los judíos". Los maestros de la ley supieron informarles que el Mesías del Señor debía nacer en Belén, la pequeña ciudad natal de David. Los magos, llegados al lugar donde estaban el niño con María su madre, ofrecieron oro, incienso y mirra, sustancias preciosas en las que la tradición ha querido ver el reconocimiento implícito de la realeza mesiánica de Cristo (oro), de su divinidad (incienso) y de su humanidad (mirra). A Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar nombres que les ha atribuido la leyenda, considerándolos tres por ser triple el don presentado, según el texto evangélico puede llamárseles adecuadamente peregrinos de la estrella. Los orientales llamaban magos a sus doctores; en lengua persa, mago significa "sacerdote". La tradición, más tarde, ha dado a estos personajes el título de reyes, como buscando destacar más aún la solemnidad del episodio que, en sí mismo, es humilde y sencillo. Esta atribución de realeza a los visitantes ha sido apoyada ocasionalmente en numerosos pasajes de la Escritura que describen el homenaje que el Mesías de Israel recibe por parte de los reyes extranjeros. La Epifanía, como lo expresa la liturgia, anticipa nuestra participación en la gloria de la inmortalidad de Cristo manifestada en una naturaleza mortal como la nuestra. En los tiempos antiguos, sólo los profetas, inspirados por Dios mismo, llegaron a vislumbrar el estupendo designio del Señor: salvar a la humanidad entera, y no exclusivamente al pueblo elegido. Personas que deseen bautizar a sus hijos en Espanñol, pueden hacerlo el Segundo Sábados de cada mes. Para mayor información Pueden contactar a Don Valentín Canales los Sabados y los Domingos. Fechas de Instrucción: February Instrucción: Sábado, February 6 – 2016 – Después de la S. Misa Bautizos: Sábado, February 13 - 2016 – 7:30pm. March Instrucción: Sábado, March 5 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa Bautizos: Sábado, March 12 - 2016 –7:30pm. Se hace presente que: TODOS los DOMINGOS, después de la S. Misa en Español, tenemos la catequesis para los papás de los niños. PAGE FIVE BASILICA OF REGINA PACIS Monday, January 4-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 7:30 am Ottavio Codispoti 8:30 am Maria Coluccio Tuesday, January 5-St. John Neumann 7:30 am Charles Monaco 8:30 am Concetta Coda Wednesday, January 6-St. André Bessette 7:30 am Carmine Tomasulo 8:30 am Members of Regina Pacis Perpetual Mass Assoc. Thursday, January 7-St. Raymond of Penyafort 7:30 am Rose Tomasulo 8:30 am Antoinette, Girolamo, Gerome, Helen, Rudolph & Elaine Cillo Friday, January 8 7:30 am Stanislao Lo Monaco 8:30 am Frank Bruno, Sr. Saturday, January 9 8:30 am Intention Available [in St. Joseph Chapel] 5:00 pm Pasquale D’Onofrio 7:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday, January 10-THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 8:00 am Intention Available 9:15 am (Spanish) 10:30 am Intention Available 12:00 pm Mary & Robert Seifert 7:00 pm Carmela DeFeo & Michele DePalo SAINT ROSALIA CHURCH Sunday, January 10-THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 9:00 am Tina Coda (Italian) 10:30 am (Chinese) The Sick of the Parish Amanda J., Vincent A. Aurigemma, Baby John Paul Munoz, Erlinda Borg, Ann Bosco, Mary Cannuci, Frances Caridi, Regina Caridi, Vincent Castaldo, Anna Codispoti, Judy Cragnolin, Joe DeVito & Regina DePaolo & Family, Daniel DiMartino, Angela Drossinos, James Essman, Mary Essman, Rose Essman, T. Guida, Vincent Giordano, Phyllis Guadagno, A. Jencsik, Angelina Jose, Carmencita Jose, Zenaida Jose, John Kafkalas, Li Min Kang, Mary Lamanna, Anna Lanza, Mark Malloy, Patricia Mayo, Chloe Melina, Jean Menna, Catherine Mary Moncello, James Carlos Moncello, Vincent Moncello, Vito Moncello, Baby Arthur William Norris, Howard Passman, Albert Romano, Jason Michael Rousell, Michael John Staubitz, Valerie Ann Staubitz, Baby Jayden Alfredo Tlatenchi, Tom Vilardo and William Zang JANUARY 3, 2016 St. Joseph Chapel Beginning January 2, 2016 Holy Mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph Chapel every Saturday morning at 8:30 am. In this way, people will be able to pray for and visit their loved ones, offering Holy Mass for them every week. The Holy Father speaks….. The jubilee is a favorable time for all of us, so that in contemplating divine mercy, which surpasses every human limitation and shines in the darkness of sin, we may become more convinced and effective witnesses. In short, this jubilee is a privileged moment so that the church may learn to choose only that which pleases God most: forgiveness and mercy. This is a beautiful prayer and it’s very easy to say every day: Lord I am a sinner. Come with your mercy. We congratulate the following couple who was married in the Basilica of Regina Pacis during the month of December, 2015: Salvatore Buzzetta and Natalie Russell The Gifts Of Bread and Wine This week the Eucharistic Gifts of Bread and Wine have been given at the Basilica of Regina Pacis in memory Anthony Brienza by Carol Bozek. PAGE SIX JANUARY 3, 2016 Mark your calendars: The Faith Formation Students preparing for First Holy Communion will receive: • Reconciliation on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 11:00 am • First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 11:00 am The Faith Formation Students preparing for Confirmation will receive: • Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday, May 27, 2016 at 3:00 pm Stay tuned for upcoming Parent meetings and rehearsals for each of these sacraments. On behalf of the Faith Formation Program, we wish all families a very Happy New Year blessed with health and happiness! THE JUBILEE YEAR PLENARY INDULGENCE As a special grace given to us by the Holy Father and our Bishop, it will be possible to obtain a Plenary Indulgence for the remission of all temporal punishment due to sin during this year. The indulgence eliminates all time spent in Purgatory for others and for yourself when you are finally judged. It can be applied to yourself or to one other person, as you wish. What is required is: That you walk through the Holy Door • That you go to Confession and receive Holy Communion within the year • That you pray for the intentions of our Holy Father • That you perform some act of mercy yourself This is a unique opportunity presented to us and all who will visit the Basilica and enter through the Holy Door this coming year. It is especially desired that those who have been away from Church for a long time, or those who wrongly believe that they are not welcome to receive the Sacraments, come to pray, go to confession and speak with a Priest about their situation. ALL ARE WELCOME. Spread the word. The Lord is calling EVERYONE back to Himself. PAGE SEVEN JANUARY 3, 2016