Engineering How do I… 1. Renew my books or check my library record (reserves ready for pick-up, fines owing, books currently on loan to me?) - Go to the library home page at - Select Catalogue - Select Check Your File Renew Books - Enter personal information in the boxes as requested - Select applicable option - If you have difficulty, call Borrower Services Department at 416-979-5055, option 2 2. Find books, videos and other items in the Ryerson Library? Sample Topic: Latex Allergies: Challenges in Medical Practice -Go to the Library homepage at: -Select Catalogue -Choose Title, Author, or Keyword -(ie) Latex Allergies -Note call number and floor location 3. Find books or other resources on Reserve? (Short term loan/ Course Readings) - Go to the Library homepage at: - Select Catalogue - Select Course Readings - Enter course code (BME100) or instructor name - Note call number and pick up item at Circulation/Reserve Desk, 2nd floor 4. Find journal articles? -Go to the Library homepage at: -Select Articles & Indexes -Select Articles by Subject -Select Chemical and Biological Engineering, or any other listing that describes your topic -Read the database descriptions to determine an appropriate one to search. (ie) Engineering Village 2. Select it. - (ie) Terms: latex allergies, challenges -Select the article if it is in full text format (PDF or html). If not, see # 7, below Sample Topic: Latex Allergies: Challenges in Medical Practice 5. Access databases and journal articles from home? You need an activated One Card in order to gain access to the Library’s databases and most electronic resources from off-campus locations. To access databases or ejournals from home, follow the directions in no. 4, above. You will be prompted to enter your e-mail I.D. and Password in order to proceed to the databases. 6. Find out if the Library has a specific journal title? -Go to the Library homepage at: -Select Articles & Indexes -Select JOURNALS by Title A-Z -Enter the TITLE of the journal. Note: Do not enter the title of the journal article as you won’t get any results 7. Get an article or a book that the Library doesn’t have? 8. Find out if a journal is peer-reviewed? -Go to the Library homepage at: -Select Interlibrary Loan -Select Create a Racer Account (Centre of page) -Follow directions posted on page (note you have to register for an account before you can use this service). -For 4th Year and Graduate Students: CISTI Source - Some databases allow you to restrict your results to peer reviewed or scholarly items only. If the database does not offer this feature, (it’s usually a clickable box), do the following: - Go to the Library homepage at: - Select Articles & Indexes - Indexes by Title A-Z - Select Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory - Type in the title of the journal - The record for the journal will tell you whether the journal is refereed/scholarly 9. Get help from the Reference Desk? - Visit the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor - Call the Reference Desk at 416-979-5055, option 3 - Go to the Library homepage at: - Click on Ask a Librarian Chat - Select one of the 4 contact options 10. Get help from the Reference Desk when I’m off campus? - Go to the Library homepage at: - Click on Ask a Librarian Chat - Select one of the 4 contact options 11. Keep track of my References (journal articles)? Use RefWorks - Go to the Library homepage at: - Click on Articles and Indexes - Click on RefWorks - Create an account and read the instructions OR go to a Library workshop 12. Understand about plagiarism, illegal copying of information and the need to cite my sources? - Go to The Academic Integrity Student Guide website - Read the different sections LIBRARY February 2009 416-979-5055