Understanding changes in adolescence

Understanding changes in adolescence
Split the group into smaller mixed sex groups of 3 or 4 people per group, ensuring that
each group has a copy of the quiz. Ask the small groups to answer as many of the questions
as they can, but tell them not to worry too much if they can’t agree on an answer - answer
with their first thought. Allow them 5-10 minutes to complete the quiz.
Puberty Quiz
8. How long is the average menstrual cycle?
3 or 4 days
Boys start puberty…
5 to 7 days
Later than girls
When they get their first erection c. Once their
voice breaks
It’s rare for teenage girls to get breast cancer?
Wet dreams are what exactly?
Dirty dreams
A form of teenage bed wetting
Ejaculation during sleep
When a boy is sexually excited
From the day they are born until middle age
From puberty until old age
3. In boys, sperm is produced…
between 28 and 32 days
In girls, how long does puberty last, from the
very start to the finish?
10. Which of the following are physical signs of
puberty? (tick all that apply)
Your hips begin to widen and your breast begin to
You get hair under your arms and around your genital
One to two years
Your skin may get oily and spotty d. You sweat more
under your arms e. Your voice deepens
Three to four years
You start growing body hair
Five to six years
You may experience mood swings
Seven to eight years
All of the above depending on which sex you are
You can tell the size of a boy’s penis by…
How big his feet are
How long his nose is
The span of his hand
None of the above
6. What is the vulva?
A girl’s outer sex organs
The place you wee from
Medical term for boys genitals
The medical name for the vagina
7. How long is the average penis?
Roughly three to five centimetres
Often bigger than twelve centimetres
Around seven to ten centimetres
changes in
Puberty Quiz Answers Sheet
1. Later than girls
„„ On average boys start puberty later than girls,
however everybody develops at different rates and
times, so do not worry if your friend is further
developed than you.
becoming an adult. It is about learning about you and
accepting those changes without comparing yourself
to others.
„„ Everybody is different and puberty for everybody is
different, including the times at which it happens.
Information: Puberty starts:
„„ For girls - usually between the ages of 10 and 16
5. None of the above, despite what you may hear.
„„ For boys - usually between the ages of 12 and 16
„„ Some people start puberty earlier and some later everyone is different.
6.This is the name for girl’s outer sex organs,
including the labia, clitoris and vagina.
2. True. However girls do need to check themselves
for breast lumps and boys should also get in the
habit of checking their testicles for lumps.
7. Again despite what you may have heard or think
the average penis size is seven and ten centimetres,
some are larger and some smaller, but size does
not affect the ability to enjoy a good sex life or
produce children.
Information: Cancer
Breast cancer is rare in young teenage girls; however
they should start examining their breast for lumps and
changes in structure (other than that which happens during
Testicular cancer is also rare in young boys, however it can
occur from the age of 14-40 years and boys should also be
checking their testicles for lumps.
3. Sperm is produced from puberty until old age
and it takes about 2 weeks for sperm to mature,
but don’t worry.
Information: Sperm production.
„„ Sperm is a very tiny male sex cell and is needed to
fertilize a woman’s egg (ovum)
„„ They are made up of three parts, the head, the
midpiece and the tail which they use to swim from the
vagina to the uterus
8. Between 28 - 32 days.The menstrual cycle is
not only where girls/women have a period bleed,
it covers the time from the end of one period
until the end of the next period. It is possible for a
pregnancy to occur anytime during the menstrual
cycle but it is more likely at certain times in the
Information: Periods. (the menstrual cycle)
„„ The menstrual cycle is from the first day of a period
until the day before the next period starts and can
vary in length from as little as 21 days to as long as 40
„„ Girls are born with about a quarter of a million eggs in
each of their ovaries
„„ Sperm swim about 3mm per hour! And need to wave
their tails more than 1000 times to swim 1.25cm
„„ Hormones make the eggs mature and also thicken the
lining of your womb, usually one egg becomes larger
and is released into the fallopian tube that connects to
the ovary
„„ Sperm are made in the testes where it takes about 72
hours for one sperm to be made
„„ This release of the egg is called ovulation and it
happens around 14 days before a period is due.
„„ •Sperm production needs to be 3-5 degrees below
body temperature which is why the testicles are inside
the scrotum and hang away from the body when warm,
or move closer to the body when cold.
If the egg is not fertilised it will die and hormone levels
drop. Without these hormones the womb lining which
thickened during ovulation, breaks up and with the egg, is
released through the vagina as a period.
4. Seven to eight years, but again some people
develop earlier or later than others, so you
shouldn’t worry if your breasts are still growing or
you haven’t started your period yet.
9. Ejaculation during sleep: while this may be
embarrassing there is nothing you can do to
prevent them. Many boys/men have wet dreams,
don’t worry too much as many fathers have gone
through this themselves when they were growing
Information: Puberty
„„ Due to the body changes and development which
occurs during puberty it can sometimes cause
concerns around body image and raise the question
‘am I normal?’
„„ Everybody develops at different times and different
„„ Puberty is the transformation from being a child and
10. All of the above and other changes as well; you
may wish to stress that it is not only girls who
have mood swings - boys tend to get them as well.
(Instead you may wish to ask the group for any
further ideas).
Understanding changes in adolescence
Once the groups have completed the quiz, go through the questions with them and have
them feedback their answers before you provide them with the correct answers and
address any issues raised.
This is a session which allows many of the myths concerning puberty to be addressed by
using some of the information, resource photos and images provided.
changes in
Understanding changes in adolescence
All three of these young men are nearly 13 years old but their bodies are developing at
different rates.
changes in
Understanding changes in adolescence
All three of these young women are nearly 13 years old but their bodies are developing at
different rates.
changes in
Understanding changes in adolescence
Your Monthly Testicular Self Examination Guide
It is best to examine your testicles after a
warm bath or shower when the heat relaxes
the skin making examination easier.
Using a mirror look for any swelling or change
in size, bearing in mind that it is common for
one testicle to hang slightly lower than the other.
Next examine each testicle in turn. Using both hands, gently roll the testicle betweench
the anges in
thumbs and fingers, you will find a hard ridge on top of the testicle - this is normal. You
are checking for any lumps, irregular swellings or change in firmness.
If you have any warning signs see your doctor
Teacher notes/guidelines: This is a workshop where open honest answers work really well, as it is one of those areas that
everybody goes through, but few people talk about.
Sometimes it is an idea to give the students the opportunity to ask questions via an anonymous slip of paper, this often results
in some very good questions which could be prepared in a prior tutor group or written by the students during the session. If
the students appear worried about passing in questions just hold up some bits of folded paper and inform them that you have
already been given some questions (Use Puberty Resource Questions Sheet) and mix them up with any further questions.
Assessment: This is often best done in the form of a review of the topics covered. Assessment can also be done via
homework/project assignments around puberty.
Method of and closing the session: The students will be aware that puberty happens to everybody, but by simply
reassuring them that it happens to different people at different times and that this is normal will comfort them, remind
them that during puberty they will be changing in body size and also emotionally and that often by talking to a close friend
or a parent helps if you’re concerned.
Useful Hints
The topic of this workshop is one which some students will find hard to discuss. It is a workshop where whilst everybody
may not fully interact, everybody does tend to listen and absorb what is being said. This is a topic that many parents/casrers
find hard to speak to their own children about, so often the students will take the opportunity to ask the questions they can’t
or won’t ask their parents/carers.
The workshop is best if run as a relaxed interactive session with the students answering the questions themselves and the
staff member only correcting small bits of information as necessary. This in itself promotes communication amongst the
students about sensitive and emotional issues.
Notes: Notes: There is often a lot of embarrassment around puberty, coupled with body image issues and self-esteem
issues, both of which feature heavily in bullying. For this reason the class working agreement must obtain a clause in which
the students agree not to divulge any information that they would not want anyone outside the classroom to know about
as confidentiality can not be guaranteed.
It is also important for students to know where they can go to get support and guidance if they are worried - This must
also include talking to parents / carers.
changes in