Lab Practical 2
Types of list
Types of list
HTML offers several mechanisms for
specifying lists of information. All lists must
contain one or more list elements. Lists
may contain:
•Unordered information.
•Ordered information.
1) Unordered list
-An unordered list typically is a bulleted list
of items.
- It gives option to customize the bullets, to do
without bullets and to wrap list items
horizontally or vertically for multicolumn
Unordered list. Cont…..
-Unordered lists are purely a list of related items, in
which their order does not matter nor do they have a
numbered or alphabetical list element.
- Creating an unordered list in HTML is accomplished
using the unordered list “ul” block level element.
- Each list item within an unordered list is
individually marked up using the list item “li” block
level element.
Unordered list. Cont…..
For example :
The types of the unordered list can be change by using different
coding in the “ul type” style. For example : <ul type="circle">
2) Ordered list.
- The ordered list element, “ol”, works just like
the unordered list element, including how each
individual list item is created.
-Instead of showing a dot as the default list item
element, an ordered list uses numbers.
- These numbers can then be changed to letters,
Roman numerals, and so on.
Ordered list. Cont…..
- The main difference between an ordered
list and an unordered list is that with an
ordered list the order of which items are
represented is important.
Ordered list. Cont…..
For example :
The types of the ordered list can be change by using different coding
in the “ol type” style. For example : <ol type=“i">
3) Definition list.
- Used to outline multiple terms and descriptions,
often in the case of a glossary.
- Creating a definition list in HTML is
accomplished using the “dl” element.
- Instead of using the “li” element to mark up list
items, the definition list actually requires two
1) The definition term element “dt”.
2) The definition description element “dd”.
Definition list. Cont…..
-A definition list may contain numerous terms and
descriptions, one after the other.
- Additionally, a definition list may have multiple
terms per description as well as multiple
descriptions per term.
- A single term may have multiple meanings and
warrant multiple definitions.
-In comparison, a single description may be
suitable for multiple terms.
Definition list. Cont…..
- In adding a definition term and description, the
term must come before the description.
- Subsequently, the term and the following
description will correspond to one another.
- Definition lists do not have any list item
elements; however the default styling of a
definition list does indent any descriptions.
Definition list. Cont…..
For example :