NPRB Use Only Reference No 43 Date Submitted December 01, 2006 Date Received Project Title: Threatened southwest Alaska sea otter stock: delineating the causes and constraints to recovery of a keystone predator in the North Pacific Ocean. Project Period: from October, 2007 to April, 2010 Name, Address, Telephone Number and Email Address of Applicant: Dr. James A Estes Alaska SeaLife Center 8314592357 8314592249 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, California 95060, USA Principal Investigator(s): (Include name, affiliation and email address): Dr. James A Estes, Alaska SeaLife Center, Research Priority: Sea otters Summary of Proposed Work: The decline in the SW Alaska sea otter stock extends from the western end of the Aleutian archipelago eastward to somewhere between the ShumaginIslands and the Kodiak archipelago. Although Killer whale predation is apparently a significant cause of the decline in the Aleutians, the eastern extent of the decline and the role of predation in this region are unknown. The nearshore marine ecosystem in the central and western Aleutians has changed markedly over the past 15 years. The present-day system is characterized by extremely low sea otter densities, large increases in the macro-invertebrates that sea otters prey upon (primarily sea urchins), and corresponding declines in the abundance of kelps as a result of urchin grazing. We will use the observed direct (reduced sea otter densities) and indirect consequences of Killer whale predation (change in body size, increased food availability, modified behavior and habitat use) to; 1) delineate the eastern extent of the sea otter decline, 2) evaluate the role of predation as a consistent cause within the area of decline, and 3) evaluate factors other than predation as potentially constraining recovery. These project goals will be met through the collection of systematic data at a series of locations extending eastward from the Andreanof Islands in the Central Aleutians to Cook Inlet. These data will be integrated with information from Bering Island, Russia, the western Aleutian Islands, the Kodiak archipelago, and Prince William Sound to establish a transect of relevant information across and beyond the range of the decline. Total Funding Requested From NPRB: $ 299,807.00 Alaska SeaLife Center $ 299,807.00 Total Other Support: $ 38,546.00 Alaska SeaLife Center $ 84,744.00 U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center $ 140,690.00 U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center $ 263,980.00 Legally Binding Authorizing Signature and Affiliation: Estes and Bodkin Research Plan A. Project Title Threatened southwest Alaska sea otter stock: delineating the causes and constraints to recovery of a keystone predator in the North Pacific Ocean. Short Title: Sea otter decline B. Proposal Summary Populations of several marine mammal species have declined precipitously over the last several decades. Understanding and mitigating these declines is a pressing issue for the management and conservation of Alaska’s marine resources. The decline in the SW Alaska sea otter stock extends from the western end of the Aleutian archipelago eastward to somewhere between the Shumagin Islands and the Kodiak archipelago. Although Orca predation is apparently a significant cause of the decline in the Aleutians, the eastern extent of the decline and the role of predation in this region are unknown. The nearshore marine ecosystem in the central and western Aleutians has changed markedly over the past 15 years. The present-day system is characterized by extremely low sea otter densities, large increases in the macro-invertebrates that sea otters prey upon (primarily sea urchins), and corresponding declines in the abundance of kelps. We will use the observed direct (reduced otter densities) and indirect consequences of Orca predation (change in body size, increased food availability, modified behavior and habitat use) to; 1) delineate the eastern extent of the sea otter decline, 2) evaluate the role of predation as a consistent cause within the area of decline, and 3) evaluate various other factors that may be constraining recovery. These project goals will be met through the collection of similar data at a series of locations extending eastward from the Andreanof Islands in the Central Aleutians to Cook Inlet. These data will be integrated with those available from Bering Island, Russia, the western Aleutian Islands, the Kodiak archipelago, and Prince William Sound to establish a transect of information across and beyond the range of the sea otter decline. C. Project Responsiveness to NPRB Research Priorities or Identified Project Needs The 2007 NPRB call for proposals on General Research Priorities on Ecosystems Components identified the recent sea otter decline as a specific topic under the Marine Mammal section. Our proposed research follows NPRB’s request for studies to assess the likely causes for the decline (particularly those that have not already been investigated) and factors affecting population recovery. We will delineate the eastern extent of the decline. We also will further assess the suite of potential factors responsible for the decline, the potential factors affecting population recovery, and how these may vary geographically across the sea otter’s range in southwest Alaska. The sea otter decline is part of a larger overall collapse of coastal-living marine mammal species in southwest Alaska, including harbor seals, northern fur seals, and Steller sea lions. These declines are of great concern to marine resource management and conservation. Understanding the causes and consequences of these declines, and those preventing recovery, is a more tractable goal for sea otters than for the other marine mammal species. D. Soundness of Project Design and Conceptual Approach: Estes and Bodkin Research Plan In about 1990, sea otter populations began declining rapidly over large areas of southwest Alaska (Estes et al. 1998, Doroff et al. 2003, Burn et al. 2003). The declines in many areas are now approaching two orders of magnitude (Estes et al. 2005) and there is concern over the possibility of localized or even larger-scale extinctions of sea otters from a region where the species abounded just 15 years ago. Like most large scale wildlife population declines, this one was unanticipated. Therefore, the available data to evaluate the specific causes of the decline are few. The only data that are available for making such inferences come from the central and western Aleutian Islands where field studies of sea otters and coastal ecosystems were fortuitously being conducted during the time of the decline. Post-hoc analyses and interpretation of the earlier data led Estes and colleagues to conclude that killer whale predation was the most likely cause of the decline (Estes et al. 1998, 2004, Williams et al. 2004). In brief, this conclusion was based on the following evidence: 1) increased killer whale sightings in coastal waters (from one or fewer per year to several per day) at about the onset of the decline; 2) a significant increase in the observed killer whale attack rate on sea otters during the period of the decline; 3) the absence of localized population declines in habitats that afforded refuge to sea otters from killer whale predation; 4) the results of demographic and energetic analyses indicating that a) the observed number of attacks was similar to that expected if killer whale predation was entirely responsible for the decline and b) all of the missing sea otters could be accounted for by a small change in killer whale foraging behavior (i.e., several animals switching to a diet of sea otters or the entire population of transient killer whales altering their diets by just several percent). Other potential explanations for the decline include demographic stochasticity, nutritional limitation, disease, toxic substances (naturally occurring or anthropogenic), and incidental or illegal take. Human take has been discounted because human settlements and human activity in coastal waters are virtually absent from this part of the world. Based on the geographic range and time course of the decline, demographic stochasticity also seems highly unlikely. The absence of stranded carcasses, improved body condition over the course of the decline (Laidre et al. 2006), increased food availability, and a reduction in time spent foraging over the course of the decline are inconsistent with nutritional limitation (Estes et al. 2004). Health and disease screening in the living animals and contaminant assays inform living and dead animals do not indicate that these factors have caused or contributed to the declines (Estes et al. 1998, Hanni et al. 2003, Reese et al. in review, Estes, unpubl. data). Finally, the distribution of the surviving animals has shifted markedly shoreward, and when alarmed, sea otters now often take refuge on land, a behavior we never saw prior to the decline. We interpret this new behavior as potential avoidance responses to predation. Although killer whale predation is the leading hypothesis for the cause of the sea otter decline in the Aleutian Islands, there are outstanding points of uncertainty or debate. One of these is the geographical extent of the decline. While the western end of the population decline is both clearly established (between the Near and Commander islands—Fig. 1) and sharply punctuated Estes and Bodkin Research Plan (populations in the Near Islands have declined as precipitously and deeply as anywhere; those in the Commander Islands have not declined at all), the decline in the east is poorly known. Sea otter numbers have declined in the Shumagin Islands (southwest Alaska Peninsula) and along the northwest side of the Alaska Peninsula (USFWS unpubl. data and pers. comm.). However, there is no indication of a decline in the Kodiak archipelago or areas further east (Bodkin et al. 2002, USFWS and USGS, unpublished data). Understanding the true spatial extent of the decline is critical to understanding if it is stable or spreading, if it is sharply punctuated (as in the west) or gradual, and if it is in fact geographically coincident with the harbor seal and sea lion declines. Whether infectious diseases caused or contributed to the decline, or are inhibiting population recovery, are questions of growing interest and concern. A relatively large number of stranded carcasses have been reported in Kachemak Bay in recent years, and valvular endocarditis is the cause of death in a high proportion of those that have been necropsied. Whether this is truly an emerging disease, an epiphenomenon of high population density and resource limitation, or the result of some as yet unknown cause remains uncertain. Nonetheless, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently designated the increased number of standings as an Unusual Mortality Event, heightening concerns that disease may be a factor limiting recovery of the Threatened SW Alaska sea otter stock. Furthermore, blood serum assays from living sea otters in some areas indicate exposure to morbilliviruses. These findings are equivocal because of inconsistencies in the results from different diagnostic laboratories, and it remains uncertain whether positive test results are indicative of disease exposure. Even so, the disease issue clearly requires further information and analysis. General approach and study design It is important to recognize that there probably always will be doubt and debate over the cause of the sea otter decline in southwest Alaska. This is because the evidence for or against each of the potential drivers of population change is subject to uncertainty and differing interpretations. For example, since predation events occur almost instantaneously and over large expanses of space and time, the expected number of observed attacks will be exceedingly small under even the most ideal circumstances. We know this to be true on theoretical grounds and from our field experience in the Aleutian Islands during the early 1990s (e.g., see Estes et al. 1998, 2004). The expected number of attacks in an already depleted population would be even fewer. Thus, it would be imprudent to mount a field program with the a priori intent of directly measuring predation rates. Similarly, the demographic consequences of diseases are often difficult to infer. Evidence for disease exposure by itself means relatively little as individual animals can be exposed to diseases without being impacted by them. Even unequivocal evidence for diseaseinduced mortality in large numbers of stranded carcasses doesn’t necessarily indicate an epidemic or a disease-induced population decline because deteriorating health and disease are common manifestations of high population density and resource limitation. These difficulties notwithstanding, the differing explanations of the sea otter population decline lead to differing expectations of pattern in the sea otters themselves and in their ecosystem. Therefore a meta-type analysis of the relevant data obtained over the appropriate scale of space and time can be revealing. Without some new and unforeseeable event and based solely on a continued focused study of sea otters in the west/central Aleutian Islands, it probably will not be Estes and Bodkin Research Plan possible to advance a much stronger argument than already has been made for the cause of the sea otter decline in that region. However, using the data from the central/western Aleutians as both a model of expectation and a point of comparison, it will be relatively straightforward to establish the eastern extent of the decline and to assess whether the sea otter declines in different areas of southwest Alaska have similar or differing associated patterns, and thus to infer whether they resulted from common or differing causes. We will employ this general approach by obtaining a common suite of measurements from sea otters and their environments at a number of sites across the sea otter’s range, from Bering Island in the west to Prince William Sound in the east. Although Bering Island and Prince William Sound currently lie beyond the western and eastern extremes of the decline, the fact that sea otter populations are abundant and at or near environmental carrying capacity in both areas make them important points of comparison. If there is a common cause across the geographic range of decline, then we would expect to see this manifested as common patterns across this range. Conversely, variable patterns between the western and eastern regions of the decline would suggest differing causes. For example, the nearly complete absence of beach-cast carcasses in the central/western Aleutian Islands has been interpreted as being most consistent with the killer whale predation hypothesis. If starvation, toxic materials, or diseases were responsible for declines elsewhere, we would expect to see indirect evidence for this in the form of more abundant stranded carcass remains (e.g., scattered bones, even in areas that are extensively scavenged) on the beaches. To reiterate, we do not propose to test the killer whale predation hypothesis by obtaining observations of the rate at which sea otters are attacked by killer whales. This is not an achievable objective. Instead, we have established a small number of reasonable alternative hypotheses for the cause of the sea otter population declines, formulated a suite of correlated response variables in the sea otters and their coastal ecosystems that will vary in predictable ways under each hypothesis, and will evaluate the cause or causes of the decline over its entire range across the North Pacific rim by measuring the patterns of variation in these response variables at a relatively large number of selected sites throughout and beyond this range. Proposed Research We will use NPRB funding to add study sites to our existing sea otter research programs that will fill in critical data gaps for understanding the full geographic extent of the decline and its causes. We will collect the following common data sets, using standard and well tested protocols, from 13 locations (Fig. 1) across the longitudinal range of the decline: 1) sea otter population density and distance from shore; 2) carcass encounter rates in beach surveys; 3) food availability and benthic community structure from diving surveys; and 4) the net rate of energy gain from foraging sea otters. We will also conduct experiments to evaluate the behavioral response of sea otters living within and beyond the range of the decline to simulated visual and auditory killer whale cues. From our current and recently completed studies, we have partial or complete data sets for 5 of the 13 sites (Nos. 1, 2, 9, 10, and 13). In addition, population survey data are available for 2 sites (Nos. 6 and 8). We are requesting funding to complete the data collection across and beyond the Estes and Bodkin Research Plan range of the population decline. This will be done in two phases. In Phase one, to be conducted in 2008, we will conduct the population surveys of living animals, assess prey availability, conduct the beach surveys for carcass remains, and begin the foraging efficiency analyses. In Phase two, to be conducted in 2009, we will capture living animals from several of these sites for health screening and body condition. In the body condition and health screening analysis, we will look for evidence of disease exposure in otters between nearby areas where sea otter populations have and have not declined. This will be done at both the western and eastern ends of the range of the overall population decline. For this analysis, we will obtain the following samples and information: a) Morphometric measures (length, weight, girth); b) a premolar tooth (for age estimates) c) whole blood (Hgb, hematocrit RBC counts, WBC counts, WBC differential counts); d) blood serum and plasma (serology, serum chemistry, and serum or plasma serology for antibodies to or antigens of selected infectious diseases); e) nasal, rectal, and vaginal/preputial swabs; and f) fecal culture swabs (protozoal parasite evaluation). These data will be obtained from 4 sites-Bering Island; western/central Aleutian Islands; and two comparable sites in the east, to be determined from the 2008 survey results. Information on sea otter body condition, health and disease is currently available from live animal captures at several of these locations, including Bering Island, the central/western Aleutian Islands, Prince William Sound, and the Kodiak archipelago. Our efforts will be mainly to fill out the necessary information so that the contrasts can be done in a rigorous and consistent manner. PHASE ONE Density and Distribution: We will conduct skiff surveys of otters within 100-200 km of shoreline, including offshore habitats and islands out to the 50 m depth contour to estimate the densities (#/km2) of sea otters and their distances from shore. The general skiff-survey protocol (Estes 1990) has been used extensively and was recently adopted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in its monitoring plan for sea otters in Alaska ( Monitoring%20Plan%2001JUL2005.pdf.). Locations of all otters will be mapped and distances to shore recorded. This activity will require 6 person-days at each site. Stranded Carcass Surveys: We will survey coastlines where sea otter carcasses may be deposited or accumulate (e.g., at haulout sites). Two-person teams will walk near the high water line along stretches of accessible beach and record the remains of all sea otters found. The location and nature (e.g., complete skeleton, partial skeleton, skull only) of the remains will be recorded using established protocols (Monson et al. 2000). A premolar (or another tooth if the premolar is not present) will be extracted from each carcass or partial carcass to provide an estimated age. The estimated age class of the individual (pup, juvenile, adult, or aged adult) also will be determined in the field based on skeletal or tooth eruption and wear patterns. Tracklines of areas surveyed will be maintained, from which carcass recovery rates (carcasses/km of shore surveyed) will be determined. This activity will require 4 person-days at each site. Prey Availability and Community Structure: We will sample sea otter prey and various related aspects of benthic community structure at each site. Briefly, this is done by Estes and Bodkin Research Plan superimposing a grid over the coastal region to be sampled and using the grid intersections with shoreline to define the potential sample sites. From these, 35 sites are randomly selected and GPS coordinates are assigned to each. At each site a team of two SCUBA divers samples the epibenthic community by randomly placing ¼ m2 quadrats on the sea floor. One of the divers counts the number of kelps and estimates the percent cover of the common sessile invertebrates and algae; the other diver counts and collects all of the benthic macroinvertebrates, most of which are sea urchins, from within the quadrat. Further details of the benthic sampling procedure are provided by Estes and Duggins (1995). This activity will require 8 person-days per site. Energy recovery: We will directly observe foraging sea otters using conventional shore based focal animal observations with high resolution telescopes (50-80x Questar, New Hope, PA) and binoculars (Doroff and Bodkin 1994). The objective will be to obtain data from 25-50 individual foraging bouts, consisting of 1-20 dives per bout. We will describe foraging success, prey species, number and size, and from these data we will calculate the net rate of energy gain by individual and by site. Data recovery rates will likely vary with sea otter density. At average densities of about 1 otter/km2, we can measure about 1.5 bouts/hr and thus a field crew of 2 people will be able to observe about 20 bouts/d, or 40 bouts in 2 days. The data recovery rates will be less where densities are lower. We anticipate that this work will require 6 person-days per site. Where densities are very low we may establish temporary field camps with a team of two observers for periods of 1-2 weeks, or we may extend this activity into Phase Two (see below). Behavioral response to Killer Whale sounds and visual cues: We will experimentally assess sea otter vigilance and response to the presence of killer whales by playing recordings of killer whale calls and blows and by displaying an artificial dorsal fin to individual sea otters. An observer blind to the type of trial presented will record all behaviors of the focal otters prior to, during and after playbacks. This work will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Lance Barrett-Lennard (see attached letter). The various activities will require 4 person-days per site and will be coordinated with the energy recovery rate protocol describe above. PHASE TWO Health, body condition, and disease assessment: Sea otters will be captured using standard protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee of the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center. Our standard capture method involves diver-operated traps and surface tangle nets--methods we have employed successfully in capturing sea otters elsewhere. The captured sea otters are immobilized with Fentynal to obtain body measurements and the various other samples, and the otters will then receive a reversal drug and be released (Monson et al. 2001). Data and tissues collected will include body length, mass and girth, a premolar for age determination, blood, swabs, and tissue biopsies to evaluate general health, disease exposure, and potential genetic bottlenecks. The sampling procedures and data analyses for health and disease exposure will be done in accordance with standard protocols that have been established for live sea otter captures throughout the species range. These were initially developed by veterinarians and health scientists from the California Department of Fish and Game and UC Davis School of Veterinary Estes and Bodkin Research Plan Medicine, and are currently in use in all permitted wild sea otter captures done by the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Alaska SeaLife Center. The proposed work will be conducted as an integrated part of that larger effort. Dr. Pam Tuomi (Alaska SeaLife Center) will provide guidance and oversight for these analyses. We will attempt to sample a minimum of 10-20 otters from each of the 4 sites. Capture rate, and thus sample sizes will vary with population density. More field time therefore will be required at locations where densities are low. We anticipate this activity will require a crew of 6 people for 3 days per site where otters are abundant and 2 crews of 5 people for 5 days per site where otters are rare. Because similar sampling methods will be employed at all the sites, we expect to be able to subject geographical patterns to statistically rigorous tests using Analysis of Variance. We anticipate using locations as treatments and post-hoc treatment comparisons to identify those that differ significantly from one another. From past experience, we know that the proposed sample sizes will provide sufficient power to detect variation of the magnitude expected for each of the metrics described above. Information theoretic approaches (such as AIC) also will be used to evaluate the relative importance of various sources of variation (e.g., within vs. outside areas of sea otter decline, east vs. west) in each of the data bases. E. Timeline and Milestones The proposed research will be completed in two phases. The initial phase in which we will sample sea otter density, carcass deposition, prey, and energy recovery will be conducted during a 16 day cruise in summer 2008. Sampling for sea otter body condition, health and disease will be completed during a 16 d cruise in 2009. We expect to use the F/V Norseman or a comparable vessel to support the work. With a scientific crew of 12 people, the 32 days of requested ship time will provide a total of 382 person days of field time. Assuming 5 days (60 person days) lost for travel and weather, this leaves 322 person days of actual on-site work time. From the information provided in the descriptions of work (immediately above) and Table 2 (below), an estimated 292 days of on-site field time will be required to complete the proposed work. The proposed work will be done in 2 succeeding years (rather than a single long cruise) 1) because the exact locations of the Phase 2 research will depend on results from surveys conducted during Phase 1; 2) somewhat different personnel and equipment will be needed for Phase 1 and Phase 2 activities; and 3) in order to provide the latitude to complete the work at any sites in year 2 that could not be sampled in year 1. September 2008: Complete Phase one data collection December 2008: Complete sample analysis and data QA/QC January 2009: Report preliminary findings at Alaska Marine Science Symposium April 2009: Provide annual report to NPRB Estes and Bodkin Research Plan September 2009: Complete Phase two data collection December 2009: Complete sample analysis and data QA/QC January 2009: Report findings of project at Alaska Marine Science Symposium May 2010: Provide final report to NPRB Research results will be disseminated through a final report to NPRB, and publication in peer reviewed manuscripts. Findings will be made available to governmental and non-governmental agencies. F. Project Management The project will be managed by the principal investigator, James A. Estes (Alaska Sea Life Center, Seward, Alaska) and the co-principal Investigator, James L. Bodkin (Alaska Science Center, US Geological Survey, Anchorage, AK). James A. Estes is a research scientist with the Department of Interior and currently serves as Sea Otter Program Manager for the Alaska Sea Life Center. He is also an adjunct professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Work done by Estes and colleagues provides the foundation for our current understanding of the pattern, cause, and consequences of the recent sea otter decline in the central/western Aleutian Islands. He currently manages annual budgets of approximately $1,400,000 that include both congressional appropriations and extramural funding. The Estes program will bring in-kind contributions of salary, equipment and supplies from the Alaska SeaLife Center and USGS of approximately $80,000 and will contribute data from 2 of the 13 sites (Table 1) at no cost to NPRB. Estes, Bodkin and their associated staffs have collaborated extensively on various research projects having to do with sea otters and coastal ecosystems in Alaska, California, and Russia. Estes and colleagues have published several books and >125 peer-reviewed papers (see CV). James L. Bodkin has been the leader for the Department of Interior sea otter and coastal ecosystems research in Alaska since 1990. He is responsible for managing science projects in nearshore marine ecosystems across the north Pacific from California to Russia. He manages annual budgets of approximately $800,000 that include both congressional appropriations and funds acquired through competitive process within and external to the Federal government. Bodkin will bring in-kind contributions of salary, equipment, and supplies from USGG of approximately $70,000 and will contribute data from five of the 13 sites (Table 1) at no cost to NPRB (approximate value $24,000). Bodkin has successfully managed and participated in complex, multi-disciplinary, long-term scientific programs since 1990 and consistently demonstrated the capacity to meet contractual requirements and professional obligations through the publication of results in the scientific literature (see CV). Estes and Bodkin Research Plan G. Figures and Tables Figure 1. Phase one sampling locations along the transect across the Pacific to delineate extent, cause, and constraints to recovery in the SW Alaska sea otter (see Tables 1 and 2 for sampling sites, data collection protocols, and a summary of the data that are currently available to complete the analysis). Figure 2. Phase two proposed sampling locations to assess condition, health, and disease through the capture of individual sea otters in SW Alaska. Red circles represent potential sampling locations, to be determined following analysis of Phase one data collection. Orange circles represent sites of ongoing or recent sampling that will provide comparable data without cost to this proposal. Adak Island g 0.25m-2 400 Amchitka Island Estes and Bodkin Research Plan 200 0 -- mid 1980s; before decline (100% K) -- late 1990s; after decline (~ 5-10% K) A. Sea urchin biomass density before vs. after sea otter declines at Adak and Amchitka islands. Magenta-colored percentages indicate estimated sea otter population density relative to carrying capacity. 35 30 Weight (kg) 25 20 15 Ale utian fem ales, 2004 10 Com mande r Isl. female s, 2006 Ale utian fem ales, 1960 s Ale utian fem ales, 1993 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 B. Growth curves (mass at age) for female sea otters at various places and times in the Aleutian archipelago and Commander Islands. Note that growth rate and asymptotic size increase as abundance is reduced from carrying capacity. Log (Distance to shore, m) 10 YEAR 1995 2005 5 167m 37m 0 -5 200 100 0 100 200 Count C. Frequency distributions of distance from shore by sea otters at Adak Island in 1995 and 2005. Figure 3. Examples of changes in sea otter food availability (A), morphology (B) and behavior (C) with declining population density in the Aleutian archipelago. Estes and Bodkin Research Plan Table 2. Locations and sampling protocols to delineate extent, cause, and constraints to recovery in the SW Alaska sea otter. Proposed sample locations along a longitudinal transect across the north Pacific from the Commander Islands, Russia to Prince William Sound, Alaska (see Figure 1 and Table 2). Blue data protocols will be carried out in 2008. “Population Density”-- includes distribution and distance to shore; “Carcass Deposition”--the search and recovery of beach cast sea otter carcasses. “Prey Availability”--direct measures of sea otter prey abundance, prey size, and benthic community structure; “Energy Recovery”--visual observations of foraging sea otters. The health/disease data protocol includes the capture of live animals for assessment of condition, health and disease and is to be conducted in 2009 at three sites dependent on results of the 2008 data collection. Locations with grey shading--data available from ongoing or recent research at no cost to NPRB. Locations indicated by X indicate where concurrent or recent data are available using appropriate protocols. Population Density PHASE 1 (2008) Carcass Prey Deposition Availability 1. Bering Island X X X 2. Central Aleutians X X X Location Energy Recovery PHASE 2 (2009) Health, Disease, Body Condition X X X 3. Fox Islands 4. Sanak Reefs 5. Pavlov Bat 6. Shumigam Islands X 7. Chignik 8. Semidi Islands X 9. Katmai X 10. Kodiak X 11. Kamishak Bay X 12. Kachamak Bay X 13. Prince William Sound X X X X X X X X X X H. References Burn, D.M, A.M. Doroff, and M.T. Tinker. 2003. Carrying capacity and pre-decline abundance of sea otters (Enyhdra lutris kenyoni) in the Aleutian Islands. Northwestern Naturalist 84: 145148. Doroff, A.M. and J.L. Bodkin. 1994. Sea otter foraging behavior and hydrocarbon levels in prey. in T. Loughlin, editor. Marine mammals and the Exxon Valdez. Academic Press. San Diego, CA pages 193-208. Estes, J.A. (1990) Growth and equilibrium in sea otter populations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 59: 385-400. Estes and Bodkin Research Plan Estes, J.A., M.T. Tinker, T.M. Williams, and D.F. Doak. 1998. Killer whale predation on sea otters linking oceanic and nearshore ecosystems. Science 282: 473-476. Estes, J.A., E.M. Danner, D.F. Doak, B. Konar, A.M. Springer, P.D. Steinberg, M.T. Tinker, and T.M. Williams. 2004. Complex trophic interactions in kelp forest ecosystems. Bulletin of Marine Science 74: 621-638. Estes, J.A., Tinker, M.T., Doroff, A.M. & Burn D.M. (2005) Continuing sea otter population declines in the central and western Aleutian archipelago. Marine Mammal Science, 21: 169-172. Estes, J.A. & Duggins, D.O. (1995) Sea otters and kelp forests in Alaska: generality and variation in a community ecological paradigm. Ecological Monographs 65: 75-100. Hanni, K.D., J.A.K. Mazet, F.M.D. Gulland, J.A. Estes, M. Staedler, M.J. Murray, and D.A. Jessup. 2003. Clinical pathological values and assessment of pathogen exposure in southern and Alaskan sea otters. Journal of Wildlife Disease 39:837-850. Laidre, K.L., J. A. Estes, M. T. Tinker, J. Bodkin, D. Monson, and K. Schneider. 2006. Patterns of growth and body condition in sea otters from the Aleutian archipelago before and after the recent population decline. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 978-989. Monson, D.H., D.F. Doak, B.E. Ballachey, A. Johnson, and J.L. Bodkin. 2000. Long-term impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on sea otters, assessed through age-dependent mortality patterns. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, USA.97(12):6562-6567. Monson, D. H., McCormik, C. & Ballachey, B.E. (2001) Chemical anesthesia of northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris): Results from past field studies. Journal of Zoology and Wildlife Medicine 32:181-189. Reese, S.L., J.A. Estes, and W.M. Jarman. Organochlorine contaminants in coastal marine ecosystems of the Aleutian archipelago and southeast Alaska: source and transport mode inferred from spatial analyses of blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus). Ecological Applications (in review). Williams, T.M., J.A. Estes, D.F. Doak, and A.M. Springer. 2004. Killer appetites: assessing the role of predators in ecological communities. Ecology 85: 3373-3384. NPRB BUDGET SUMMARY FORM - MULTIPLE ORGANIZATIONS PROJECT TITLE: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S): FUNDING SOURCE NPRB Funding Sea otter decline James Estes (ASLC); James Estes (USGS-Western Ecological Research Center); James Bodkin (Co-PI, USGS Alaska Science Center); YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 145,615 153,557 635 Other Support TOTAL Cost Categories 1. Personnel Salaries 299,807 263,980 145,615 153,557 635 Annual cost category breakdowns will be requested for other support only if project is funded 563,787 NPRB NPRB NPRB NPRB Match/In kind Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TOTAL TOTAL (all years) 2,500 2,500 0 5,000 159,772 625 625 0 1,250 39,942 15,460 15,460 500 31,420 8,960 4. Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 5. Supplies 0 4,250 0 4,250 0 96,000 96,000 0 192,000 0 0 2,000 0 2,000 0 114,585 120,835 500 235,920 208,674 31,030 32,722 135 63,887 55,306 145,615 153,557 635 299,807 263,980 2. Personnel Fringe Benefits 3. Travel (include 1 trip to review mtg in Anchorage each year plus for the year following project conclusion) 6. Contractual/Consultants 7. Other (Include $2000 for education and outreach) Total Direct Costs Indirect Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS James Allen Estes U.S. Geological Survey - Biological Resources Division 100 Shaffer Road; Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831-459-2820; Email: Degrees: B.A. M.S. Ph.D. University of Minnesota Washington State University University of Arizona 1967 1969 1974 Zoology Zoology Biological Sciences/Statistics Appointments: Supervisory Wildlife Biologist, Western Ecological Research Center, Biological Resources Division, US Geological Survey (position previously administered by National Biological Service [NBS] and Fish and Wildlife Service), Santa Cruz, CA, 1978-Present Adjunct Professor in Biology, Marine Sciences, and Environmental Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1979-Present Research Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fish and Wildlife Lab, Anchorage, AK, 1975-1978 Teaching/Research Assistant, Dept. of Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1972-1974 Research Associate, Department of Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1970-1972 Teaching Assistant, Department of Zoology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 1967-1970 5 Relevant Publications: • Estes, J.A., and J.F. Palmisano. 1974. Sea otters: their role in structuring nearshore communities. Science 185: 1058-1060. • Estes, J.A., and P.D. Steinberg. 1988. Predation, herbivory and kelp evolution. Paleobiology 14: 19-36. • Estes, J.A, and D.O. Duggins. 1995. Sea otters and kelp forests in Alaska: generality and variation in a community ecological paradigm. Ecological Monographs 65: 75-100. • Estes, J.A., M.T. Tinker, T.M. Williams, and D.F. Doak. 1998. Killer whale predation on sea otters linking coastal with oceanic ecosystems. Science 282: 473-476. • Laidre, K.L., J.A. Estes, M.T. Tinker, J. Bodkin, D. Monson, and K. Schneider. 2006. Patterns of growth and body condition in sea otters from the Aleutian archipelago before and after the recent population decline. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 978-989. 5 Other Publications: • Simenstad, C.A., J.A. Estes, and K.W. Kenyon. 1978. Aleuts, sea otters, and alternate stable state communities. Science 200: 403-411. • Duggins, D.O., C.A. Simenstad, and J.A. Estes. 1989. Magnification of secondary production by kelp detritus in coastal marine ecosystems. Science 245: 170-173. • Steinberg, P.D., J.A. Estes, and F.C. Winter. 1995. Evolutionary consequences of food chain length in kelp forest communities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92: 8145-8148. • Jackson, J.B.C., et al. 2001. Historical overfishing and the recent collapse of coastal ecosystems. Science 293: 629-637. • Springer, A.M. et al. 2003. Sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: an ongoing legacy of industrial whaling? PNAS 100:12223-12228. Synergistic Activities: Editor, Marine Mammal Science; Board of Editors, Frontiers of Ecology and the Environment, Marine Ecology Progress Series. Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation. National Research Council Study Committee—Steller sea lion. Southern sea otter Recovery Team and Recovery Implementation Team; NCEAS Science Advisory Board. Fellow, California Academy of Sciences. 1 Co-authors and Collaborators: J. Ames, California Dept. of Fish & Game; S. Andelman, NCEAS/UC Santa Barbara; R.G. Anthony; US Geological Survey; J. Berger, Wildlife Conservation Society; W.H. Berger, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; K.A. Bjorndal, University of Florida; J.L. Bodkin, US Geological Survey; L.W. Botsford, UC Davis; B.J. Bourque, Bates Univ.; W.D. Bowen, Bedford Institute of Oceanography; R. Bradbury, Australian National University; D. Burn, US Fish & Wildlife Service; M. Carr, UC Santa Cruz; P.A. Conrad, UC Davis; R. Cooke, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; D. Corbett, US Fish & Wildlife Service; K. Crooks, Colorado State Univ.; E.M. Danner, National Marine Fisheries Service; D.F, Doak, UC Santa Cruz; E. Dodd, CA Dept. of Fish & Game; A.M. Doroff, US Fish & Wildlife Service; J.M. Erlandson, Univ. of Oregon; T.J. Evans, US Fish & Wildlife Service; K.A. Forney, NMFS; I.A. Gardner, UC Davis; T.S. Gelatt, NMFS; L.R. Gerber, NCEAS/UC Santa Barbara; G.H. Golet, The Nature Conservancy; M.H. Graham, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories; F.M.D. Gulland, The Marine Mammal Center; K.D. Hanni, Monterey Bay Aquarium; B. Hatfield, US Geological Survey R. Holt, Univ. of Florida; T.P. Hughes, James Cook Univ.; D.B. Irons, US Fish & Wildlife Service; J.B.C. Jackson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; R.J. Jameson, retired; D.A. Jessup, CA Dept. of Fish & Game; S. Kidwell, Univ. of Chicago; M.X. Kirby, NCEAS/UC Santa Barbara; B. Konar, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks; D.J. Kushner, Channel Islands National Park; K. Laidre, UC Santa Cruz; C.B. Lange, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; J. Largier, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; H.S. Lenihan, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; L.J. Lowenstine, UC Davis; J. Lubchenco, Oregon State Univ.; B.E. Lyon, UC Santa Cruz; C. Martinez del Rio, Univ. of Wyoming; J.K. Mazet, UC Davis; M.A. Miller, UC Davis; D. Monson, US Geological Survey; M.J. Murray, Monterey Bay Aquarium; J. Neigel, Univ. of Louisiana; A. Packham, UC Davis; M.J. Paddack, Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science; J.M. Pandolfi, Smithsonian Institution; C.H. Peterson, Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill; K. Ralls, Smithsonian National Zoological Park; A.J. Read, Center for Marine Conservation; D.C. Reed, UC Santa Barbara; M.L. Riedman, Monterey Bay Aquarium; J.A. Schmutz, US Geological Survey; S.C. Schroeter, UC Santa Barbara; D.B. Siniff, Univ. of Minnesota; M.E. Soulé, UC Santa Cruz emeritus; A.M. Springer, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks; M. Staedler, Monterey Bay Aquarium; P.D. Steinberg, Univ. of New South Wales; R.S. Steneck, Univ. of Maine; M.J. Tegner, deceased; M.T. Tinker, UC Santa Cruz; G.B. van Vliet, Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation; R. Warner, UC Santa Barbara; J. Watt, Locherby Fisheries Trust; T.M. Williams, UC Santa Cruz Names and current locations of graduate students from the past five years: Matthew Edwards, Ph.D. 2001. Assistant Professor, San Diego State University Shauna Reisewitz, M.S. 2002. High School Teacher, Santa Cruz, CA M. Timothy Tinker. Ph.D. 2004. Postdoc, UC Santa Cruz Alisha Kage, M.S. 2004. US Geological Survey, Santa Cruz, CA Gena Bentall, M.S. 2005. Alaska SeaLife Center, Seward, AK Eric Danner, Ph.D. 2006. National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz, CA Names and current locations of postdocs from the past five years: Jon Watt, Locherby Fisheries Trust, Scotland Kristin Laidre, Copenhagen, Denmark M. Timothy Tinker, UC Santa Cruz 2 Resume James L. Bodkin Project Leader, Research Wildlife Biologist U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503, USA Phone: 907-786-3550 Fax: 907-786-3636 E-mail: Education 1985 - MS, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. (Wildlife Biology) 1976 - BS, Long Beach State University (Biology), Long Beach, CA Current Activities I lead the Alaska sea otter research project and the coastal ecosystems team of the Alaska Science Center, US Geological Survey. Research is organized into three programs: 1) Sea otter population assessment, 2) Processes structuring coastal ecosystems and, 3) Effects and status of recovery of the nearshore ecosystem from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound. Each of these programs consists of several independent research projects. I supervise and manage all activities associated with this complex and diverse array of research projects internal to the Alaska Science Center and collaborate with at least 14 agencies, academic or private institutions on cooperative, multi-disciplinary projects. I lead a scientific team of six, and manage annual budgets of about $700,000 that include USGS and cyclic funds. I also lead the Coastal Marine Ecosystem Team, a multi-disciplinary research effort investigating coastal ecosystems in the North Pacific. Coastal Marine Ecosystem Team research programs, in addition to sea otters include; benthic habitat classification, biological and physical oceanography, seabirds and other marine mammals, marine invertebrates, and marine fishes. Relevant Publications Iverson, S.J., A.M. Springer, and J.L. Bodkin. In press. Harbor seals, sea lions, and sea otters, fundamental life history characteristics: similarities, differences, and gradations. In Robert Spies (ed.). Ecosystem change in the northern Gulf of Alaska. Bodkin, J.L., G.G. Esslinger and D.H. Monson. 2004. Foraging depths of sea otters and implications to coastal marine communities. Marine Mammal Science 20(2):305-321. Bodkin, J.L., B.E. Ballachey, T.A. Dean, A.K. Fukuyama, S.C. Jewett, L.M. McDonald, D.H.Monson, C.E. O’Clair and G.R. VanBlaricom. 2002. Sea otter population status and the process of recovery from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 241:237253. Estes, J.A. and J.L. Bodkin. 2002. Marine Otters. In W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig,, J.G.M. Thewissen and C.R. Crumly (eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press 843-858. Bodkin, J.L. 2001. Marine Mammals: Sea otters. Pages 2614-2621. in Steele, J. S.Thorpe and K. Turekian (eds.) Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Academic Press, London UK. 1 Other Selected Publications Bodkin, J.L., A.M. Burdin and D.A. Ryzanov. 2000. Age and sex specific mortality and population structure in sea otters. Marine Mammal Science 16(1):201-219. Monson, D.H., D.F. Doak, B.E. Ballachey, A. Johnson, and J.L. Bodkin. 2000. Long-term impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on sea otters, assessed through age-dependent mortality patterns. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, USA 97(12):6562-6567. Bodkin, J.L., B.E. Ballachey, M.A. Cronin and K.T. Scribner. 1999. Population demographics and genetic diversity in remnant and re-established populations of sea otters. Conservation Biology 13(6):1278-1385. Doroff, A.M. and J.L. Bodkin. 1994. Sea otter foraging behavior and hydrocarbon levels in prey. in T. Loughlin, editor. Marine mammals and the Exxon Valdez. Academic Press. San Diego, CA pages 193-208. Collaborators Ballachey, Brenda, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, AK , 403-288-9184 Burn, Douglas, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, AK, 907-786-3807 Dean, Thomas, Coastal Resources Associates, San Diego, CA, 760-603-0612 Doroff, Angela, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, AK, 907-786-3803 Esler, Dan, Simon Fraser University, Victoria, B.C. 604-940-4652 Estes, James, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, 831-459-2820 Howlin, Shay, West Ecosystems Technology, Cheyenne, WY, 307-634-1756 Irons, David, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, AK 907-786-3653 McDonald, Lyman, Western Ecosystems Technology, Cheyenne, WY, 307-634-1756 Snyder, Paul, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 765-494-9676 Staedler, Michelle, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA, 831-648-4976 Tinker, Tim, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, 831-459-2357 2