International Programs
Student Services Centre
Telfer School of Management
Desmarais Building, room 1100
55 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario
tel. 613-562-5821
fax 613-562-5167
Sylvie Séguin-Jak
Matthew Archibald
Manager, Student Experience
Kim Barclay
Relationship Manager
Valérie Massé
Academic Advisor
Tara Côté
Academic Assistant
Student Services Centre
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8:45 am - 4:30 pm
The Student Services Centre, STEPS TO FOLLOW .......................................................................... 1
After registration ........................................................................................................................ 2
UoZone ......................................................................................................................................... 2
ACADEMIC YEAR ...................................................................................................................................... 2
HOUSING .......................................................................................................................................................3
HOW TO GET TO THE UNIVERSITY.................................................................................................3
COURSE SELECTION .............................................................................................................................. 4
Timetable ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Course Sections ...........................................................................................................................5
Course Selection ......................................................................................................................... 6
Withdrawal from a Course ..................................................................................................... 6
Grading System........................................................................................................................... 6
MEDICAL INSURANCE PLAN (UHIP)............................................................................................... 7
E-MAIL ADDRESS .......................................................................................................................................8
STUDENT AUTHORIZATION ...............................................................................................................8
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES ..................................................8
TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION .................................................................................................. 10
ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA ........................................................................................11
Sports Services and Fitness .................................................................................................... 12
Recreation ................................................................................................................................... 13
Health Services…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
Computer Facilities ..................................................................................................................14
Logon Process and wireless access....................................................................................... 15
MAY WE SUGGEST... .............................................................................................................................. 16
Banking ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Drugstore / Fax Services .......................................................................................................... 16
Stores ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Audio-Visual and Reprography ............................................................................................ 17
Computing and Communication Services ......................................................................... 17
Library .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Bookstores ................................................................................................................................... 18
Photocopying.............................................................................................................................. 18
Food Services & Pubs .............................................................................................................. 19
Media ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................. 19
ABOUT OTTAWA .................................................................................................................................... 20
Climate & Clothing ................................................................................................................. 20
Restaurants ................................................................................................................................. 21
Bars & Clubs ............................................................................................................................. 22
Museums and Galleries .......................................................................................................... 22
Movies ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Theatres ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Radio Stations ........................................................................................................................... 25
Transportation .......................................................................................................................... 25
Festivals ...................................................................................................................................... 26
MISCELLANEOUS ON LIVING IN OTTAWA .............................................................................. 27
Budget .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Public Holidays ......................................................................................................................... 28
Fax Machine Service ............................................................................................................... 28
Must be seen .............................................................................................................................. 28
USEFUL LINKS.....................................................................................................................................................29
MAP OF CAMPUS...............................................................................................................................................31
BCom Programs
Steps to Follow Before your Arrival
Upon receipt of your letter of admission, apply for your student visa (if applicable) at the
nearest Canadian Embassy
Complete your course selection by Rabaska (Infoweb). Pay the compulsory University health
insurance by bank transfer (or in person at Infoservice upon your arrival on campus).
For information about student visas, and the right to work on campus while your stay in Ottawa,
please visit the official website of the Canadian Department of Immigration at:
Steps to Follow upon your Arrival
Upon your arrival to the Ottawa International Airport, Train or Bus stations in the Fall, please
look for our University of Ottawa Welcome Booths. They will be pleased to give you useful
information about Ottawa and the University, and help you find your way to your
Attend the compulsory information session and campus tour.
Obtain a student card at InfoService, 75 Laurier Avenue (Tabaret Hall) and a statement of
account for UHIP.
Sign your contract form for your University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) at the International
Office, 75 Laurier Avenue, 3rd floor (Tel.: 613-562-5820). Bring your proof of payment with you.
For more information:
Purchase your textbooks at the University of Ottawa bookstore, in the University Centre.
Books are shelved by course codes and sections (ex. ADM 2300 section A). Keep your receipts
in case you wish to change courses. You may also purchase some textbooks at Agora
Steps to Follow after Registration
All course modifications (add, delete, change of sections, withdrawal) must be done officially
through Rabaska. For students who must complete the ESL courses, you must complete the
Modification/Cancellation of Registration form at the Student Services Centre
Please respect the deadlines posted on the sessional dates Website:
For the duration of your studies at the University of Ottawa, it is important to keep the student
copy of all transactions made with the University.
You can verify your marks, current status, accounts and personal information on the web at You must obtain your initial password from the Infoweb
website, accessed via uoZone. On the on-line form you will be asked to enter your Social Insurance
Number, or S.I.N. Since you will not have a Canadian S.I.N., you can replace these numbers by zeros
on the request form.
For technical support regarding your uoZone or Infoweb password please contact Technical Support
at 613-562-5800 ext 6555.
Fall Semester
September 4, 2012
September 5 to December 20, 2012
Winter Semester
January 4, 2013
January 7 to April 24, 2013
Each 3 credit course has 3 contact hours per week (for 13 weeks) and a final 3 hour exam.
It is advised that you schedule your arrival in Ottawa for mid-August (mid- or end of December) to
find off-campus housing. The average price for an unfurnished one bedroom apartment in Ottawa
ranges from CAN $800 (15-20 mins from campus) to $1,400 (5 mins from campus), per month.
The Housing Services website at is a great tool to help
you find off-campus accommodation. You can also contact them at Their
office is located on the main floor of the 90 University Residence Building, 90 University Private
(room 145).
You can also find housing using Kijiji or Craigslist:
Upon your arrival in the Ottawa International Airport, Train or Bus stations, you will find the
University of Ottawa Welcome Booths already set up for your service. They will provide you with
useful information about the city of Ottawa and the University, and help you find your way to your
accommodation in town. Please note that this service will only be offered during the Fall semester.
Info Desk: 613-248-2125
You can take a taxi (about $50.00 CAN) or the OC-Transpo bus, # 97, ($3.30 CAN, exact change is
required) and get off at the University campus (Campus Station). The bus, # 97, leaves the airport
every 15 minutes until 7:50 p.m.; every 30 minutes afterwards.
Phone: 514-394-7377 or 1-800-465-1213
You can take an interprovincial bus (a two-hour ride) to Ottawa. Upon your arrival at the airport, go
to the information booth called Greyhound Bus Line to purchase your ticket. Buses leave every hour
and can drop you off on campus (Laurier station) otherwise you will be dropped off on Catherine
street at the bus terminal. Afterwards you can either take the OC-Transpo bus to campus or take a
The academic year is divided in two: Fall Semester (September to December) and Winter Semester
(January to April). Courses last one semester (no courses run for a whole academic year). In order to
find out if a course is offered during your semester at the Telfer School of Management, please visit: (Click on the Advance Search, Courses offered on Campus, then enter Fall
2012 or Winter 2013 and select Telfer School of Management as Faculty). When you click on a
course, you will find the course description including its prerequisite and the course schedule.
The classroom location, the names of the professors and any modifications will be available in midAugust. It is essential that you verify this timetable before the start of classes.
All our courses have limited enrolment. Classes typically end 10 minutes earlier than the published
time. This allows you to arrive on time for your next class should you have classes back to back.
All Business courses are offered three hours per week in one of the following formats:
Two one hour and a half periods per week; or one three-hour period per week.
Many undergraduate courses such as ADM 1300 or ADM 1301 have discussion groups (DGD) or labs
which you must choose according to your schedule. The lab or discussion groups are compulsory in
your program.
*Please note that business attire is mandatory when professors request students to make formal
business presentations as part of their lectures. Therefore, don’t forget to pack at least one business
Course Sections
Most courses at the Telfer School of Management are offered in multiple sections. Each section has
its own time slot and professor. On your timetable, the section is represented by the letter next to
the course code, such as A, B, C, etc.
For example:
ADM 2343 A is offered Monday from 11:30 to 13:00 and Thursday from 13:00 to 14:30.
ADM 2343 E is offered Wednesday from 19:00 to 22:00.
Definition of the Course Codes and Symbols
Each course is composed of alphabetical and numerical codes.
The alphabetical codes indicate the topic of the course.
(ADM 1300 = Administration or Business).
The first digit of the numerical codes indicates the level of the course.
(ADM 1300 = level 1000 = 1st year) (Undergraduate)
(ADM 2341 = level 2000 = 2nd year)
(ADM 3350 = level 3000 = 3rd year)
(ADM 4312 = level 4000 = 4th year)
The second digit indicates the language in which the course is given.
1, 2, 3, 4
courses given in English
5, 6, 7, 8
courses given in French
0, 9
courses given in either French or English.
Note: Course outlines can be found at the Telfer School of Management’s on-line document
deposit or simply Doc Depot at:
Once in this page you will need to type the respective username and password as follows:
Username: First letter of last name + student number (John Kelly, #1234567; ex:
Password: Date of birth in 'yymmdd' format (December 31, 1989; ex: 891231)
Scroll down to Syllabus. Click on course levels under >bachelor=, select courses under the bachelor or
masters category.
*Please note that your account will only be activated once the semester has officially started.
Course Selection
BCom Courses (Undergraduate level)
Verify course sequence of your option/specialization on the following link in order to confirm that
you are registering to the appropriate courses:
When selecting courses please verify the prerequisite indicated at the end of each description. For
example, if you wish to take ADM 1340 Financial Accounting (prerequisite ADM 1300 Introduction
to Business Management) you can register to this course during the winter semester if you are
registered to ADM1300 during the fall semester.
Withdrawal from a Course
You cannot withdraw from a course simply by no longer attending the class. You must complete the
appropriate form (Modification/Cancellation form) before the drop deadline at the undergraduate office
(see sessional dates or by using the
Register tab in Rabaska. Failure to do so will result in an automatic ABS on your transcript (value
equivalent to a failing grade).
Grading System
Description of the Grading System:
Letter Grade
Percentage Interval
Point Value
90 - 100 %
85 - 89 %
80 - 84 %
75 - 79 %
70 - 74 %
65 - 69 %
60 - 64 %
55 - 59 %
50 - 54 %
Passing Mark for Undergraduate
40-49 %
Below 39 %
Very good
On June 30th, 1994, the Ontario Provincial Government eliminated Health Care
protection for non-Ontario Residents. Therefore, all International Students
must purchase the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP), to provide
protection compared to that available from the Ontario Government
If you travel outside Ontario while you are a member of UHIP, you will have to pay for any medical
services you receive and send original receipts with a claim form to the UHIP insurer for payment. If
you travel outside Canada, UHIP will pay only for medically necessary emergency expenses. UHIP
benefits will change anytime OHIP benefits change. Coverage is very limited and the purchase of
additional health insurance when you leave Canada is strongly recommended.
Subscription to the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is compulsory for all international
students (even if you already have another health insurance). Premiums for the year 2012-2013
(September 2011 to August 2012) were CAN $228 per semester and CAN $684 for one full academic
year. Payment for UHIP must be received upon arrival and can also be made by Travelex.
After your course selection, you must finalize your enrolment to UHIP with the International Office
at 75 Laurier Avenue (Tel. 613 562 5820). Students can be officially registered to the University of
Ottawa only after they have subscribed to the UHIP.
Outside the periods of UHIP insurance coverage, you are ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for obtaining
insurance for your own protection and that of your dependents. We very strongly advise obtaining a
secondary insurance policy to cover the gaps in UHIP coverage (before the 11th day of the month
preceding your studies).
Arrival in Canada of a newly registered student August 1st, 2012
Start of the University session
September 5th, 2012
Start of UHIP coverage
August 11th, 2012
For more information on companies that offer temporary insurance please refer to the following
For new students, e-mail accounts are created in advance. To find out what accounts have been
created for you:
go to InfoWeb via uoZone
choose Services, Computer and E-mail accounts
Students holding a student authorization are obligated by law to have sufficient resources to cover
all living and academic expenses while in Canada.
As an international student, you are eligible to work on-campus and off-campus. For more
information on conditions and application procedures, please see the International Office website at .
Should you have further questions, contact the Citizenship and Immigration Canada at 1-888-242-2100,
or visit their website at:
Student Services Centre
Telfer School of Management
Desmarais Bldg. Room 1100
55 Laurier Ave. E.
613-562-5167 (fax)
E-mail :
Housing Services
Brooks Complex,
613-562-5109 (fax)
100 Thomas More (308)
E-mail :
Health Insurance Office (UHIP)
International Office
75 Laurier Avenue
613-562-5100 (fax)
E-mail :
Office of the Registrar
1st Floor, Tabaret Hall
75 Laurier Avenue E.
613-562-5323 (fax)
Transcripts E-mail :
Sports Services
Montpetit Hall
125 University (361)
613-562-5800 ext. 4327
613-562-5151 (fax)
E-mail :
Students' Federation (SFUO)
University Centre,
85 University Private, room 07
613-562-5969 (fax)
E-mail :
Tabaret Hall
75 Laurier Avenue East
613- 562-5700
613- 562-5323 (fax)
Contact the InfoService for:
official transcript requests,
payment receipts,
statement of studies,
student identity cards,
general information concerning The University of Ottawa,
and more.
Telfer School of Management:
Information Desk
Desmarais Building
E-mail :
Students' Association (MSCEG)
Desmarais Building
613-562-5800 ext.4660
Off-Campus Important Phone Numbers
OC Transpo
Ottawa Police
Bell Directory Assistance
Voyageur Colonial Ltd.
(Inter Canada bus services)
Via Rail Canada Inc.
(Train Services)
Air Canada Inc.
West Jet Inc.
Air Transat
E-mail :
E-mail :
1-(area code) 555-1212
Ottawa Terminal: (265 Catherine St.): 613-234-5115 &
Gatineau Terminal: 819 771-2442
You can find low cost accommodation at the hotels listed below for temporary accommodation. It is
recommended to book your room before arrival by contacting the following numbers:
Residence Hotels
Approximate Cost (taxes not included)
180 Argyle Avenue
Ottawa Backpackers Inn
203 York Street
International Youth Hostel
75 Nicholas St.
(Very close to campus)
$33 for non-members
Albert House Inn
478 Albert Street (613-236-4479)
$104.00 / night
Extended Stay Deluxe – Ottawa
141 Cooper Street, (613-236-7500)
$105.00 / night
Capital Hill Hotel and Suites
88 Albert Street (613-235-1413)
$119.00 / night
Doral Inn
486 Albert Street
$120.00 / night
Gasthaus Switzerland Inn
89 Daly Avenue (613-237-0335)
The Days Inn Downtown Ottawa
319 Rideau Street (613-789-5555)
$118.00 / night
Auberge McGee’s Inn
185 Daly Ave. (1-800-262-4337)
$118.00 / night
Benner’s Bed & Breakfast
541 Besserer St. (613-789-8320)
$115.00 / night
$119.00 / night
Rates in effect as of January, 2012. Add tax of 13%. For more information regarding temporary
accommodation in Ottawa, please check the following website at:
From its very beginning in 1848, the College of Bytown showed great promise. Now, as The
University of Ottawa, located in the heart of the nation's capital, the institution has emerged as a
vibrant centre of learning, with a total population including students, teaching and support staff of
over 45,000 people. The largest bilingual university in North America, the University of Ottawa is a
major player in the cultural and economic development of the National Capital Region.
The University's bilingual character is one of its key strengths. In keeping with its mandate to
promote bilingualism and biculturalism in a multicultural environment, the University offers a
dynamic mix of teaching and research programs in both of Canada's official languages. These include
pace-setting ventures in co-operative and distance education. The University's unique programming
offers students the flexibility of completing assignments in English or French. As an institution
conscious of its social responsibilities, the University plays a key role in the promotion of women. It
is also committed to forging international links, with international co-operation program extending
to the rest of North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and beyond.
With its proximity to major libraries, government agencies and research institutions, and its
involvement in global technological initiatives, the University of Ottawa provides students not only
with access to an outstanding national resource, but with a university education whose quality is
substantially enriched.
Sports Services and Fitness
( )
All full-time students are members of Sports Services (Montpetit Hall, 125 University, lower level or
room 361, 613-562-5789). There are 3 gyms, a 50-metre swimming pool, a dance studio, a martial arts
room, etc. You can book one of the 4 squash courts or 2 racquetball courts for a small fee (613-5625940), attend aerobics sessions, or have access to the Fitness training room. Racquets and other
equipment are also available (613-562-5800, ext. 4327).
As well, the new University of Ottawa Fitness Centre & New Sports Complex (801 King Edward
Ave.) which opened recently offers a wide variety of educational, recreational, intramural and
outdoor activities. Representing a new era in lifestyle management, the new sports complex stands
alone in the spotlight of the region's fitness community. The fitness facility features 6,500 pounds of
free weights, 39 cardiovascular machines, 26 specialized weight machines, group fitness classes,
whirlpool, personal training and much more. The new, superbly appointed sports complex is
uniquely designed for function: 2 official ice rinks, 1 football/soccer field, sports medicine and
physiotherapy clinics, etc.
Students can participate in free recreational activities and educational programs (First Aid, jazz,
karate, skating, badminton), clubs (alpine ski, golf, swimming), intra-mural (hockey, basketball,
soccer, volleyball) and extra-mural competitions as well as inter-university leagues (basketball,
cross-country, tennis, waterpolo, football), all organized by Sports Services. They offer courses and
workshops for many sports (rock climbing, windsurfing, women's self-defense / TaeKwonDo, etc.)
at very reasonable prices. Complete lists are available at Sports Services (
Registration is at the beginning of September and runs on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Ottawa region also offers a number of options for fitness. Information for activities including the
following, is available through the National Capital Commission Visitor's Centre (90 Wellington
St., 613-239-5000).
- Ice-Skating: The Rideau Canal gives ice-skaters an 8 km corridor which stretches from Carleton
University to downtown Ottawa. Skating on the Canal is free, and there are huts with skate rentals.
Various huts also sell hot drinks and snacks. The Winterlude Festival on the Canal is in early
- Downhill Skiing: There are four ski resorts within 45 minutes of Ottawa:
Camp Fortune, Old Chelsea, Quebec ( )
Edelweiss, Wakefield, Quebec ( )
Ski Vorlage, Wakefield, Quebec ( )
Mont Cascades, Cantley, Quebec ( )
- Cross Country Skiing: The Gatineau Provincial Park, in Québec, has an incredible amount of
well-groomed trails for all levels of ability. In addition, there are trails at Mooney's Bay, Camp
Fortune and Edelweiss.
- Cycling: There are many designated cycling paths throughout Ottawa. For a map for bicycle paths,
contact the nearest NCC Visitors' Centre, here in Ottawa. The Gatineau Park also offers a limited
amount of paths designated for mountain biking.
- Walking and Hiking: There are a number of walking tours throughout Ottawa. The Gatineau
Park offers many beautiful hiking trails of different lengths, and for different levels of abilities, where
one can appreciate the beauty of the Canadian outdoors and its diverse wildlife.
-Waterpark: Calypso waterpark has recently opened about 30 mins outside of Ottawa. It boasts
over 12 slides, Canada’s largest wave pool and a river-run spread throughout a 100 acre facility.
The University Centre offers you a variety of entertaining places to go to: the Agora, the Games
Room, Alumni Auditorium and exhibition rooms. Furthermore, workshop programs and a Frenchlanguage students' improvisation league (L. I. E. U. [Ligue d'improvisation étudiante universitaire])
are organized during the academic year. Most of the clubs and associations also offer different
recreational activities during the academic year. If you would like to have more information with
regards to student clubs contact 613-562-5966. ( )
Student Academic Success Services ( )
The Student Academic Success Service (SASS) helps University of Ottawa students persevere in
their studies while contributing to their academic, personal and professional success.
Health Services ( )
Health Services (100 Marie-Curie, at the corner of King Edward, 3rd floor, 613-564-3950) provides
medical care. The Health Promotion Program (85 University, rm. 211J, 613-562-5800, ext. 4362)
offers a wide variety of educational events as well to promote a healthy lifestyle for the student
Health Services Hours:
Monday to Thursday; 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
Fridays; 8:30 am - 7:00 pm
Saturdays, Sundays and most holidays; 10:00am - 2:00pm.
During these hours, there is also a walk-in clinic, and a physician is available to see patients without
appointments for emergency visits.
In the same building, you will also find a pharmacy, a sports medicine and physiotherapy clinic;
dentist, ear, nose and throat specialist; laboratory facilities can be found on the second floor. If you
want to know more about the services or if you need counseling, contact the Health Services at 613564-3950.
The Campus Pharmacy (613-563-4000) is located in the same building and offers a 10% student
discount on some items. They fill prescriptions, sell stamps and bus passes, and have fax and
photocopying services.
The nearest Post Office is in the Rideau Pharmacy, located on 390 Rideau St., about 10 minutes away
from the campus.
For emergencies, call 911, or 613-562-5411 (Protection Services) on campus.
Computer Facilities
The Telfer School of Management ( maintains - for its students, - about 120
computers. These machines run applications, such as the Microsoft or Macromedia suites, typically
found in business and government offices. Students also benefit from the use of very specialized
applications such as SPSS & other software for statistical analysis, Stock Market quotation
databases, Marketing & Business Game, Simulation software, programming software, etc.
All students receive a private disk space, Internet Access and e-mail accounts. The computer labs,
open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, are staffed with helpful Network Consultants. All computers
run the Microsoft Windows XP Pro system and students have the choice of working in French or in
English at the onset.
The brand-new Desmarais Building has been built to provide students with the best pedagogical
experience, including the latest multimedia equipment. Our high-tech services include the
· IBM/Lenovo/dell computers (Pentium IV, CD-burners, DVD)
· 3 Self-serve Computer Labs
· 1 Wireless Computer Lab
· 12 case rooms (MBAs only)
· 8 Notebooks (can be reserved)
· Wi-Fi Wireless network (throughout the campus)
· Plug your notebook into our network
· Doc-Depot, a system for sharing pedagogical material
· Networked Printers
· Photocopier
· Security (cameras, phone, and more)
· Email System
· Private Disk Area (accessible through the Web)
· Disk Area for Groups
· Private Web Pages
· Specialized Software
· Multimedia Classrooms
· Electronic Library Services
You will find the computers on the second floor of Desmarais Building at 55, Laurier East, in rooms
DMS2130, DMS2140, DMS2150 and DMS2180. Login accounts and passwords are mandatory. You
do not need to ask for an account since they are created automatically by the Telfer School of
Management. See the FAQ
For more information, please contact the Telfer School of Management or
visit our website.
The Logon Process
To enter Doc-Depot or have access to the computer labs, students need a Telfer Schol of
Management account composed of a Username and Password; the credentials are based on the
UserID format used by the University of Ottawa’s WebMail system. Since August 2009, we
create the accounts like this:
Account (Login name) = userID (do not type
The same userID as in
Ex : flast000 jsmit024 aqi123
Password = YYMMDDfs; (do not forget the semi-column)
It is not the same as the password for userID
YY = last 2 digits of your year of birth
MM = Month of birth
DD = Day of birth
Fs = The first two letters in your userID (in lowercase and without accents)
= Finally a semi-column
ex : 661221po;
Wireless access
As a student at the University of Ottawa, you will be eligible to use a wireless connection to the
Internet on the premises of the school. You will need to download a VPN client software. These are
the steps:
-Visit the School’s website:
A Tip for Printing
Normally, you do not need to chose the paper size when you type a document in the labs BUT if you
open a document that was created in Europe, you should change the European default size (called
A4) to the North American default (called Letter or 8.5" x 11"). All printers attached to the Relmon
system only print to Letter sized paper.
In order to be able to print on any of the printing stations on campus, you need to get a printing
card. You can purchase your printing card at the Morisset Library, on the main floor. This card
can be charged with a certain amount of money, in order to be able to print.
A quick look around the campus will give you an idea about where the closest banks and bank
machines are. Just outside the campus, at the corner of Cumberland and Rideau Street, there is the
National Bank of Canada. Since the University is situated downtown, banks can be found anywhere
within a 10-minute walk from the campus.
Bank Machines on Campus
- Health Care Centre (Marie-Curie Street), Royal Bank
- University Centre (Ground floor), CIBC
- University Centre (near the Financial Aid Office), National Bank of Canada.
- University Centre (Level 2), Scotia Bank
Drugstore / Fax Services
Campus Pharmacy
100 Marie-Curie, 1st Floor
The Campus Pharmacy will give you a 10% discount on most of the purchase and it also has a lower
dispensing fee for prescriptions.
613-562-5800 ext. 4372
The Pivik is a small store, which carries a wide variety of products in the University Centre (food,
soft drinks, candies, newspapers and magazines, as well as bus tickets). It can even look like a small
supermarket. However, better prices are available at the Metro or Loblaws Supermarkets located on
Rideau Street, close to Campus.
To purchase inexpensive household items and clothes, we recommend the Giant Tiger store, at the
corner of Dalhousie and George Street.
Audio-Visual and Reprography
Audio-visual equipment is available through the Multimedia Distribution and Technical Section
(Morisset, room 014, 613-562-5900). To borrow equipment, students need authorization from a
professor or their department. The office also sells various supplies, offers technical assistance for
operating equipment for courses and conferences, and operates a number of multimedia rooms on
campus for the use of audio-visual equipment.
Media Production (Morisset, room 006, 613-562-5850) offers a 60% student discount on services in
photography, graphic design, multi-media and videography which are directly related to the
completion of an academic course. Consultation regarding these services is available free of charge.
In addition to operating the photocopying services on campus, reprography (Morisset, room 031,
613-562-5876) offers a variety of printing services. Course notes are usually handled through the
Copy Centres at Morisset, room 022 and Roger Guindon, room 2010.
Computing and Communication Services
You can access the Telfer School of Management’s home page at
Cosmos, the Campus Computer Store, at 85 University, offers computer hardware and software at
educational pricing. Operating hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Contact
Cosmos by telephone at 613-562-5858, or electronically at You can purchase
additional disk storage for the central machines in blocks of 10 MB from Cosmos ($1.00 per MB per
There are four libraries on campus, each with their own regulations and hours of operation. The
main one is Morisset Library:
Morisset Library ( )
(Main Library, including Business)
65 University, Telephones: 613-562-5882 (main); 613-562-5212 (Circulation desk) 613-562-5213
There are two bookstores on campus. The main bookstore (University Centre, 613-562-5353) sells
textbooks for courses as well as other books and office supplies. The other bookstore (located in the
front entrance of the Ottawa General Hospital, 501 Smyth Road, 613-737-8847) serves the Faculty of
Health Sciences. There are also many good bookstores around Ottawa:
Book Market Inc.
374 Dalhousie
47 Rideau St.
La librairie du Soleil (French)
33 George St.
Octopus Books
116 3rd Avenue
Agora Bookstore and Internet Café
145 Besserer
All Books
327 Rideau
In addition to a few coin-operated photocopiers on campus, there are 52 photocopiers, operated
with a copy card. Copy cards cost $2 and allow you credit up to $60. Copy card machines are
available at: Fauteux, 4th floor and Morisset Library; In addition, the following copy centres are
available on campus:
room 022 (concourse level)
129 Louis-Pasteur, room 157
Simard Copy Centre
60 University, room 131
451 Smyth, room 2010
Photocopied material required for courses can be purchased from the copy centre located in the
lower level of Morisset.
Photocopying is also available at the Campus Pharmacy (100 Marie Curie, 1st floor) or at the Laurier
Office Mart (226 Laurier Ave. E.).
Food Services & Pubs
There are many choices for food selection on and around campus, depending on your taste and
appetite. There is also one main cafeteria on campus, in the University Centre and one food court on
the main level of the STE building.
- Upper Crust (Jock Turcot level 1) serves great sandwiches.
- Tim Horton Donuts (Jock Turcot level 3, SITE level 2) serves coffee and pastries.
- Extreme Pita, Pizza Pizza, Smoothies Bar and Coyote Jack’s (food court,Jock Turcot level 2)
- Café Alternatif (Simard Hall, basement) sells good coffee, drinks, pastries, and sandwiches.
- Café Nostalgica, 603 Cumberland, is a fully licensed light restaurant.
- Rez Café (New residence building) quick and healthy meal.
- Fauteux, Tabaret, Lamoureux, Marion, Arts Building and Health Sciences each have their
own snack bars as well.
- Jazzy’s (University Centre, 1st floor) fully licensed, serves lunch or dinner buffets for $9.45.
For last-minute provisions, the following two convenience stores are located near the university:
- Mac's Milk (120 Osgoode) is open 7 days/week.
- Mac's Milk (210 Laurier E.), at the corner of Henderson, is open 24 hours and 7 days/week.
In addition to the Graduate Students' Association newsletter, the Bulletin, there are three forms of
media on campus. The Fulcrum is the English newspaper on campus and La Rotonde is French. There
is also a radio station, CHUO (89.1 FM). A portion of all student fees supports these various media
and students are encouraged to participate in their production.
The University of Ottawa offers different services to the students. In this section, you can find the
addresses and phone numbers of different stores and services offered on campus.
Travel Cuts B Travel services for students ( )
2 minutes from the University Centre
225 Laurier Ave. East
Lost and Found
If you lose something, or if you have found something, contact the Lost and Found office at the
University Centre (UCU) near the bookstore.
University Centre
The Jock-Turcot University Centre Service provides specific resources and programs to the
University community including the following:
- The Agora (Unicentre, main level) is an amphitheatre space that hosts different activities
including demonstrations, debates, and concerts.
- The Arcave Games Room (Unicentre, room 0024) offers table tennis, billiards (Snooker &
Boston), and Video Games to all students. Tournaments are organized by the Recreation
Clubs and associations may reserve the facilities for their own tournaments.
- The Bookstore (Unicentre, main level) find your textbooks, computer products, dorm and school
supplies, apparel and gifts and a lot more!
( )
Ottawa is not only the political Capital of Canada but is also the cultural centre of Canada. It is the
bridge between the French speaking people of Québec and the English speaking people of the rest of
Canada. Ottawa is a clean city that has managed to successfully mix new architecture and maintain
old architecture, together with its rivers and canals, to provide its residents and guests’ one of the
most beautiful cities in North America. The city of Ottawa has something for everyone. For those of
you who enjoy museums, Ottawa has one of the widest varieties of museums. For those who enjoy
great food and an exciting nightlife, Ottawa offers you the Byward Market Area, which during the
day is a bustling farmers’ market and in the evening transforms itself into a social gathering spot
offering restaurants for every appetite and night-clubs for every type of music lover. In the winter,
Ottawa's Rideau Canal becomes the world's longest ice skating rink and it hosts the exciting
Winterlude Festival which boasts outdoor entertainment and fabulous ice sculptures.
Climate and Clothing ( )
The climate is characterized by four seasons, with frequent and abrupt temperature changes.
Spring comes in April, with warmer weather and plenty of rain. Temperatures may still drop below
freezing on many nights.
Summer comes in June (sometimes July) and usually lasts until early September. Temperature
ranges from 15 to 34 degrees Celsius with some rainfall, usually at least once a week.
In October, the temperature can drop below freezing on some nights. It becomes windy with plenty
of rain.
Winter begins around the middle of November with the first snowfall, and lasts until at least the
end of March. Temperature ranges from -35 to 5 degrees Celsius, with average winter temperature
from -10 to -5 degrees Celsius. As you can see, you will need a different wardrobe for each season.
Price range for new clothing:
Shirts, blouses
Slacks, trousers, jeans
Men's suits
Winter sweaters
Winter coats
Winter boots
$25.00 - $60.00
30.00 - 100.00
100.00 - 150.00
100.00 - 375.00
35.00 - 80.00
55.00 - 175.00
150.00 - 300.00
35.00 - 115.00
75.00 - 225.00
Restaurants ( )
There are several restaurants near campus, which are in the price range of most students' budgets:
- Starbucks Coffee Shop 1st floor of the Desmarais Building, beverages and sandwiches.
-The Draft Pub sports bar and restaurant (2nd floor of the new Sports Complex, 801 King Edward
Ave.) standard sports bar fare: burgers, triple-decker sandwiches, pizza, wings and a vast selection
of local and international brews.
- Acadian House (191 Somerset E. at King Edward) Serves fast food.
- Perfection Satisfaction Promise Vegetarian Restaurant (167 Laurier East at King Edward, by
the Fire Station) vegetarian restaurant.
- Father & Sons Tavern and Restaurant (112 Osgoode at King Edward, 613-234-1173), offers fast
food and is very popular with students.
- The University Tavern (196 Somerset E. at King Edward, 613-235-7777) offers a friendly tavern
environment and fast food.
- The Royal Oak (161 Laurier East, 613-230-9223) serves pub-style food and is also very popular
among students. The basement is often used for student events.
- Subway (50 Laurier Ave. E., 613-565-1616) serves sandwiches and salads.
- Second Cup Coffee (153 Laurier Ave. E., 613-232-6921) has late hours, great coffee, and excellent
- Johnny’s pizza (233 Laurier Ave. E., 613-236-9500).
- Oh so good desserts (25 York St., 613-241-8028) Best desserts in town.
-The Moon Dog Pub and Grill (238 Laurier Ave. E., 613-233-3624) Pub and Restaurant.
-Urban Well (244 Laurier Ave. E., 613-234-2914) Nearby pub and restaurant.
The Byward Market is a ten minute walk from the University of Ottawa ( Within an area roughly four blocks square, you'll find museums, cafés, specialty food
shops, boutiques, galleries, restaurants, pubs, hair & aesthetics salons and more! There is a very
large variety of restaurants in the Market and throughout Ottawa.
Bars & Clubs
- Whiskey Bar (112 York St., 613-241-5457) has bands, and mainstream -alternative dance music,
crowd of 21+.
- Rainbow Bistro (76, Murray Street, 613-241-5123) has various bands performing.
- Zaphod Beeblebrox (27 York St., 613-562-1010) hosts a variety of bands and dance music
- Pub 101 (101 York St., 613-789-3515) is a 3-floor pub, that offers pool tables, big-screen sporting
events, fast food and a dance floor, featuring a variety of types of music.
- The Great Canadian Cabin (95 York, 613-241-7552), a pure Canadian nightclub, offers all kinds of
music for all ages.
- Tila Tequila (104 Clarence, 613-241-6581) Lounge, martini bar, dance club.
- My Condo (34 Clarence, 613-789-7770). Medium-size night club with 2 floors of new age, hip-hop,
reggae and dance music.
- Caliente and Amazonas Latin Club (110 York, 2nd floor, 613-562-0698). Ottawa's biggest Latin
club. Featuring Latin music such as Salsa and Merengue, as well as reggae, hip-hop and dance. They
also feature live bands and offer free dance lessons during the week.
- Pure (426 St. Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau, 819-777-4426). Big and very modern nightclub, featuring
the best of hip hop, dance and top 40's music, 18+.
- The Drink (130 George St., 613-244-9905). This new club in town offers a variety of music styles
ranging from hip hop to dance and techno. Go early and avoid line-ups. Crowd of 21+.
- Foundation (18 York Street). Restaurant by day and club by night, this hidden gem is Ottawa=s
latest hotspot to eat, drink and lounge.
- Sotto Bar & Lounge (295 Dalhousie Street 613- 241-3696). With a contemporary design, this
nightclub offers a classy twist on house and techno hits, 21+.
- Honest Lawyer (141 George Street 613-562-2262). A big venue that caters to pub food and pub
type music, 21+.
- Minglewoods (14 Waller Street 613-562-2611). A large pub style bar and restaurant with three
separate levels of fun & enjoyment.
- Lobby bar (158 1/2 Rideau Street). State of the art venue with house/techno music.
Museums and Galleries
Canadian Museum of Civilization (
100 Laurier in Gatineau
Tel.: 819-776-7000
An interesting looking building on the other side of the river, the architecture represents the creative
forces of water, wind, and ice that are part of Canadian geography. One of the best parts of the
museum is the Cineplus which is the only combination of IMAX and OMNIMAX in North America.
National Gallery of Canada ( )
350 Sussex Drive
Tel.: 613-990-1985
It is an exceptional place to see the most comprehensive collection of Canadian art. The Gallery's
library is a mixture of art and art history and is available to the public. It has different exhibitions on
a regular basis.
Museum of Science and Technology ( )
1867 St-Laurent Blvd.
Tel.: 613-991-3044
This museum is one of the newer ones that is located outside of the downtown area but is just a
short bus ride away. It has everything you could image that a science and technology museum
would have and more. A visit to this museum will definitely not bore you.
The Canadian Museum of Nature ( )
Corner of McLeod and Metcalfe
Tel.: 613-566-4700
This museum has everything from dinosaurs to Canadian flora and fauna.
Canadian War Museum (
1 Vimy Place
Tel.: 613-776-7000
This museum shows the history of Canada, from the earliest European settlers to the most recent
conflicts. Great battles are often re-enacted for the public to see.
Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography ( )
1, Rideau Canal
Tel.: 613-990-8257
It is the first museum dedicated to photography in Canada and contains over 158,000 pictures.
The Currency Museum ( )
245 Sparks St.
Tel.: 613-782-8914
This museum shows the history of Canadian currencies since times of the confederation to
Movie Theatres ( )
The following is a list of the locations for the three movie theatre companies:
Cineplex Odeon
Coliseum Ottawa
Silvercity Gloucester
South Keys Cinemas
111 Albert
50 Rideau St.
115 du plateau, Hull
801 Earl Grey Dr.
Cinema Fortune
StarCité Hull
Empire Theaters
Empire World Exchange Centre 7
Empire Rideau Centre
3090 Carling
2385 City Park Dr.
2214 Bank St.
AMC Theaters
Kanata 24
There are also independent theatres which show more alternative movies and a great variety of
international films. (Check info-campus for schedules)
- Mayfair
- Bytowne
- Rainbow Cinemas
- Ciné-Starz
1074 Bank Street
325 Rideau Street
St. Laurent Shopping Centre
Les Promenades, Gatineau
National Arts Centre ( )
53 Elgin Street
The National Arts Centre (NAC) is the largest theatrical venue in Ottawa. It is located beside the
Rideau Canal only a few minutes away from the University of Ottawa and the Parliament Buildings.
University Theatre (La Comédie des deux rives and The Drama Guild)
Academic Hall, University of Ottawa
Tel.: 613-562-5761
The two theatre companies provide an opportunity to watch University of Ottawa students and at
the same time enjoy yourself with great theatre at an affordable price.
The Ottawa Little Theatre Inc.
400 King Edward Avenue
Tel.: 613-233-8948
For 50 years the Little Theatre has been proving that community theatre is alive and well.
The Scotiabank Place
Home of the Ottawa Senators hockey team (Tel. 613- 599-0100) at 1000 Palladium Drive, Kanata, is
another attractive sports and entertainment facility. (Concerts and Events tickets available at 613599-3267)
Radio Stations
FM Radio
AM Radio
CBC Radio, 91.5 (News)
Radio Canada, 90.7 (News in French)
Radio Énergie, 104.1 (Contemporary)
HOT 89.9 (Hit Music)
CHEZ 106.1 (Classic Rock)
The Bear 106.9 (Classic Rock)
CHUO 89.1 Campus radio (Cultural)
Magic 100.3 (Pop, Soft Rock)
Bob FM 93.9 (80's, 90's and whatever)
Young Country Y101, 101.1 (Country)
Oldies 1310 (Oldies)
The Team Sports radio 1200 (Sports)
CFRA 580 (News Talk radio)
CJRC 1150 (News Talk radio in French)
The city of Ottawa is a great place for a pedestrian. An especially nice place to walk along the
Rideau Canal which has a path from one end to the other.
Ottawa is a bicyclist’s paradise because of the great bike paths, especially the paths along the canal
and in the Gatineau hills.
Rent-a-bike, located on Mackenzie Avenue behind the Château Laurier, provides information,
maps, panniers and everything necessary to explore Ottawa's large network of bicycle pathways.
They also offer several tours for groups. For information, call 241-4140. Bicycles can also be rented
at several other outlets around the region:
Dows Lake Pavilion, 613-232-1001 or 232-5278 ( )
Cycle Bertrand in Gatineau, 819-771-6858
OC-Transpo Public Buses and O-Train
Tel.: 613-741-4390
The City of Ottawa is blessed with a good bus system which includes the transitway, and one
lightrail train route. If you use bus tickets or buy a bus pass the cost is greatly reduced.
OC Transpo telephone info staff will help you plan your travel from home to campus, or anywhere
else you want to go - routes, schedules, timetables, fares ... Visit the Web Site where all timetables
are available:
You can pay cash -exact fare required, no change back- but it=s cheaper to use a pass or tickets.
Full-time university students can buy discount student passes during the academic year (September
to April). Buses run as late as 2am in certain routes.
Blue Line Taxi
Tel.: 613-238-1111
This company is Ottawa's most popular cab company and a ride from the University of
Ottawa to Gatineau will cost you about $18.00.
Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival, September (
You can watch the fascinating balloons or fly over the splendid Ottawa region to see
the area in the colourful Fall season.
National Capital Christmas Lights, December to January ( )
The City of Ottawa is colourfully lit up with Christmas lights over the holidays
and especially enchanting is Parliament Hill.
Winterlude, February ( )
Every February, Canada’s Capital Region is host to Winterlude, North
America’s greatest winter celebration. Three fun-filled weekends of excitement
and activity await the whole family! From spectacular ice carvings to an
amazing playground made of snow, Winterlude is a great way to take in the best
of our Canadian winter.
Skate on the world’s largest skating rink — right in the heart of Ottawa! Marvel
at majestic snow sculptures and glittering ice sculptures or groove to energetic
rhythms at Snowbowl.
The Tulip Festival, May ( )
The Canadian Tulip Festival has grown into the largest Tulip Festival in
the world from a gift of thanks given six decades ago. In the fall of 1945,
Princess Juliana of the Netherlands presented Ottawa with over 100,000 tulip
bulbs in appreciation of the safe haven that members of Holland's exiled royal family received during
the Second World War in Ottawa and in recognition of the role which Canadian troops played in
the liberation of the Netherlands.
Le Festival franco-ontarien - The Franco-Ontarian Festival, June ( )
The national holiday for French Canadians is St-Jean Baptiste day, on June 24. The Franco-Ontarian
Festival takes place around this date and celebrates French culture from around the world.
Cultures Canada, June
This fast-growing festival has been featuring dances and traditions from around the world for nearly
15 years now. During this week you will find activities from all the countries you can imagine.
Canada Day, July 1 (
The celebration of Canada's birthday is a very special event in Ottawa. A day
long festival and a spectacular display of fireworks at night culminate this
The Ottawa International Jazz Festival, August ( )
This is Canada’s second largest live jazz festival, second only to the Montreal one. Great artists such
as the late Ray Charles, Ellis Marsalis, Ray Barreto, etc. have performed in the past, the festival goes
on day and night for a week.
Budget (per semester)
Flight (return)
$ 9,00 - $2,000
Housing (from $650 to $800 per month)
$ 2,600 - 3,200
Food (approximately $45 per week)
$ 675
Compulsory health insurance (UHIP)
$ 240
Books and other supplies
$ 700-1,000
Clothing, entertainment, and other items
$ 1,000 (varies)
Long distance phone calls
$ 200 (based on individual usage)
approx. $ 8,315/semestre
Public Holidays
Labour Day
Family Day
Good Friday and Easter Monday
New Year's Day
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Fax Machine
If you need to use a fax machine for personal use, you can use the University of Ottawa Campus
Pharmacy's fax machine. All other types of faxes you need to send you may do so at our Office.
Must be seen
The Gatineau Park ( )
In Gatineau Provincial Park, just minutes from downtown Gatineau, and a mere 20-minute drive
from Ottawa, deer, beavers and other typical Canadian wildlife still abound. The 35,000-hectare
Provincial park is located in the Gatineau Hills - part of the oldest mountain range in the world and is maintained by the National Capital Commission (NCC). Hundreds of kilometres of trails
(some of which are old Indigenous footpaths) wind their way through the park and are excellent
travel ways for hikers, cyclists and cross-country ski enthusiasts, depending on the season.
Lookouts provide splendid views of the Ottawa Valley, and swimmers and canoeists find the
sparkling lakes irresistible. Follow Taché Boulevard West out of Gatineau, then turn north along
the scenic Gatineau Parkway. Signs along the route indicate sites of interest. Trail maps are
available at the NCC Visitors' Centre, 14 Metcalfe Street (613- 239-5000), or the park's visitor centre
at 33 Scott Road in Chelsea, Qc. (819-827-2020).
Hog's Back Falls
At the point where the Rideau Canal and the Rideau River separate, Hog's Back Falls rush over
rocks that resemble the bristles on a hog's spine. The falls were a troublesome spot for the canal
builders, but today the area is a favourite picnic site. Follow Colonel Drive to Hog's Back Bridge,
and turn left to find parking on the east side of the river.
Rideau Hall ( )
The official residence of our Governors General since confederation in 1867, Rideau Hall is the
symbolic home of all Canadians. Located on Sussex Drive, this gracious 19th Century national
treasure is an elegant, inviting residence set on 79 acres of perfect gardens and recreational grounds.
The Canadian public is encouraged to tour the grounds, the residence and to take part in special and
ongoing activities at Rideau Hall. These include concert series, a garden party and tours, art tours
and winter skating parties.
Parliament Hill ( )
Legend has it that when Queen Victoria decreed that Ottawa
was to become to capital of Canada, she had the current site of Parliament Hill in mind. Originally
called Barracks Hill, the stately plateau overlooking the Ottawa River was home to soldiers'
barracks. It is in these buildings that the Canadian
Prime Minister, the senator, deputies, and MP’s work the political
development of the country. The three original buildings (West
Block, East Block, and Centre Block) were completed in the mid
1800s. Even if you don't take a tour of the inside of the buildings,
there are many things to see and do on the grounds. A visit to
Parliament Hill is a must for all Canadians, and is also a great
learning experience for visitors to our country. Take the
elevator to the top of the Peace Tower and admire the view, learn
about Canadian history and the workings of the Canadian political
system, and meet other Canadians and people from around the world
who enjoy a visit to one of the most famous landmarks in Canada.
Well, we hope that these suggestions will enhance your stay in Ottawa... Au plaisir de vous
Useful Links
University of Ottawa Newsletter:
Course schedule:
About the City of Ottawa:
About the City of Gatineau:
About the Canadian Government:
About Immigration:
About Canadian Tourism
About the Canadian Education System:
About the Weather in Canada
About Ottawa public transportation:
Student Services Centre
Desmarais Building, room 1100
55 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5
Telephone: 613-562-5821
Fax: 613-562-5167
Centre de service aux étudiants
Pavillon Desmarais, pièce 1100
55 Avenue Laurier Est
Ottawa, ONT, K1N 6N5
Téléphone: 613-562-5821
Télécopieur: 613-562-5167
Site web: