B.A. Political Science – General Political Science Concentration

Student Name ______________________________________________________
S. Id No_______________________Email____________________________
S. Phone (w)________________ (h) ____________________________________
Adviser __________________________Phone_________________________
B.A. Political Science –
General Political Science Concentration
2014/2015 Catalog
This plan is an unofficial document used for advisement only.
General Education: (60 hours)
GGC or Grade Course # & Title
Area A - Essential Skills: (9 hours)
(“C” or better)
_______ _____ ENGL 1101 English Composition I
_______ _____ ENGL 1102 English Composition II
_______ _____ MATH 1001 Quantitative Skills & Reasoning
MATH 1111 College Algebra (or higher)
Area B - Institutional Option (4 hours)
_______ _____ ITEC 1001 Introduction to Computing
Area C - Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
_______ _____ Select one from the following:
MUSC 1100/ARTS 1100/ENGL 2110/ ENGL 2100/
FILM 1005
_______ _____ Select one from the following:
RELN 1100/GEOG 1101/2000 level foreign lang
Area D – Natural Sciences, Math, Technology
(11-12 hours)
_______ _____ Select one sequence from the following:
_______ _____ PSCI 1101K and PSCI 1102K or
BIOL 1101K and BIOL1102
_______ _____ Select one from the following:
ITEC 2110 Digital Media
ITEC 2120 Introduction to Programming
Area E – Social Science (12 hours)
_______ _____ POLS 1101 American Government
_______ _____ HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 US History I & II
Select one of the following:
_______ _____ HIST 2111 US History I (If not used above)
HIST 2112 U.S. History II (if not used above)
HIST 1111 World History I
HIST 1112 World History II
HIST 1121 Western Civilization I
HIST 1122 Western Civilization II
_______ _____ Select one from the following:
SOCI 1101/ANTH 1102/ECON 2100/PSYC 1102
Area F – Courses Related to the Program of Study
(18 hours) (“C” or better)
_____ POLS 2101 Introduction to Political Science *
_____ POLS 2201 or POLS 2401
_____ POLS 2280 Research Methods
_____Two social sciences not chosen in Area E
_____ (recommend a HIST sequence not taken in Area E)
_____ One semester of a foreign language
Additional Requirements (3-4 hours)
Physical Education Requirement
_______ _____ Choices for Life (1 hour)
_______ _____ Additional Physical Education (2 hours)
_______ _____
Advisor email _______________________________________________________
Regents Requirements
The requirements for US and Georgia History and Constitution can be
satisfied by transfer credit of HIST 2111 OR 2112 and POLS 1101
from a University System of Georgia institution. If not satisfied, the
student should work with their adviser concerning the Georgia History
and Georgia Government Exams or can complete the courses.
__US Constitution
__US History
__Georgia Constitution
__ Georgia History
If the student is a transfer student with an intended major in Political Science,
the requirements for the Georgia Constitution can be satisfied by taking POLS
4125 in their Program of Study.
Program of Study (60 hours) Grade of “C” or Better
Required Political Science Courses (18 hours)
_____ ____ POLS 3100 Comparative Politics
_____ ____ POLS 3400 International Relations
_____ ____ POLS 3450 Modern Political Theory
_____ ____ POLS 4490 Senior Seminar
_____ ____ Select one of the following:
POLS 4170 Congress
POLS 4180 Presidency
POLS 4160 American Judicial Process
_____ ____ Select one of the following:
POLS 4425 Political Negotiation/Conflict
POLS 4990 Internship
POLS 4989 Directed Research
POLS 3550 Public Policy Process
POLS 4700 Constitutional Law: Powers of
General Political Science Electives (15 hours)
Select 15 credit hours of any 3000 / 4000 level POLS courses
(excluding any courses taken to complete the Program of Study:
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Additional Political Science/Outside Discipline Electives (15
Select all 3000/4000 level political science courses (any 3000/4000
level POLS course), OR all 3000/4000 level courses from a nonpolitical science discipline.
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General Electives (12 hours)
Select any courses in the catalogue
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Revised 05/2014