Menu definition and use! version 2.30 2013-09-30 Definition of the menus The menus are defined in an xml file in the root of the template: / weather2/ wsMenuData.xml The xml structure is a further development of the one used in the Saratoga template set which also stored the menus in an xml file. <menu> ! <item caption=value param=value . . . /> ! a menu of the uppermost level ! <item caption = value > ! start of a drop down menu ! ! <item caption=value param=value . . ./>!a menu item on the second level ! ! <item caption=value param=value . . ./>!a menu item on the second level ! </item>! end of the drop down menu </menu> Example: <item caption="Live Data" > ! <item ! nr="21" ! ! ! show="wdlPage"! ! ! ! link="wdl/incWdlive.php" ! ! ! caption="wd Live" ! ! ! ! title="WD Live Data" ! ! ! /> ! <item ! nr="25" ! ! ! show="yes"! ! ! ! ! link="gauges/gauge.php" ! ! ! caption="steelseries" ! ! ! title="Steel series" ! ! ! head="gauges/topcss.php" ! ! ! /> </item> parameter omschrijving nr Unique number/string which identifies the page Only this number is displayed in the browser address area The name (or the link) of the script do not appear in the address area show Describes if the page is ("yes") shown or not. The allowed values are "yes" "no" true or false Or a reference to the $SITE table is used: example show="wdlPage" links to $SITE["wdlPage"]; caption The short description in the menu (program to be executed) title More extensive description used when the user hoovers above the menu This field is also copied to the <title> description of the page link The name of the (PHP) script which generates the page or the name of a html-page gizmo Indicates whether ('1') or not ('0') the ajaxgizmo is displayed. css Sometimes pages need a very specific CSS file. One can specify the location of such a file here. Be aware that one has to specify all subfolders below the weather folder. A CSS file WU-HistoryTan.css in the folder wu is specified as css="wu/WU-HistoryTan.css" head For very specific programs (GOOGLE map V2 for instance) one has to include specific files in the head section. This can be specified here. The specification head="progr_name.php" results in the execution of this program just before the end of the head section of the generated html. Such a program will normally generate CSS or includes nofollow metatags. Be aware that one has to specify all subfolders below the weather folder. default yes 0 Menu definition and use! version 2.30 2013-09-30 Generation of the menu During generation of the html page the /weather/wsMenuData.xml file is read and an <ul><li> structure is generated to correctly display the menu. Also the menu is stored in a temporary PHP table to check the validity of the menu choices of the user. Our example from the previous page would result in: <li class="withImg"><a href="#" title="">&nbsp;live data&nbsp;</a> <ul> <li><a href="index.php?p=21" title="wd live data">wd live</a></li> <li><a href="index.php?p=25" title="steel series test">steelseries</a></li> </ul> </li> As you can see the generated html contains NO exact program name and NO folder name. The menu choice of the user is send to the web server using a simple GET (which is visible in the browser address area). In our example, if the user chooses WD Live ,his/ her choice is loaded to the web server as: The only information a hacker could see is a number for that menu choice. Validity check of the users menu choice Every menu choice is validated against the menu table in the first program index.php Numbers which are not in the table can not exist or are typed by a hacker manually. If that is the case the program reroutes the user to the start page. More about the template menu system Horizontal versus vertical There is no difference in treatment or difference in html code between Horizontal or Vertical menus. Use / xml changes As said by Ken True from Saratoga in his documentation of the menu structure, xml is quite strict and the least carelessness results in a total stop of the template. Not everything is suitable for a production website. A number of pages (shown in blue in the table below) are really only useful during the construction of the website. In order to avoid large / long menus those menu entries can be removed with the aid of show = 'no'. Not everything is immediately displayed after installation. A number of pages are dependent on correct values in settingsSite.php. Therefore after the initial installation they can be shown once the correct values in the settings are inserted. Menu definition and use! version 2.30 2013-09-30 Template menu (- to the left of the number means: in sub menu) nr program 10 wsAjaxdashboard.php 12 wsWxsim/wsWxsimPrintFull.php Setting $SITE['wxsimPage']= 'no'; 14 inc/rain3Sources.php description Basic ajax/ javascript main screen forecast based on stations own WXSIM forecast data Prerequisite: wxsim program on a PC One has to upload plaintext.txt and either lastret.txt or latest.csv Settings for the wxsim scripts themsdelves are in a separate settings file wsWxsim/ wsWxsimSettings.php Different rain satellite images See menu item 44 Flyout menu Live Data -21 wdl/incWdlive.php wsSettingsWeather.php: weather display live when using your own clientraw files. Multi language support $SITE['wdlPage'] = 'no'; This setting is set for every weatherprogram as not every weatherprogram is able to upload the clientraw files -22 mwlive/wsMWlive.php Meteoware flash page for those user who do not want to use WD-Live or the Steelseries wsSettingsWeather.php: $SITE['mwPage'] = 'no'; This flash program is not actively supported by the original programmer This setting is set for every weatherprogram -23 inc/meteoplugWDlive.php wsSettingsWeather.php: $SITE['MeteoplugPage'] = 'no'; This setting is set for every weatherprogram meteoplug version of weather display live (no need for clientraw) Menu definition and use! nr program -24 inc/meteoplugLiveDashboard.php version 2.30 2013-09-30 description meteoplug dashboard default set to 'no' -25 gauges/gauge.php Steelseries gauges default set to 'yes' Flyout menu Mesonet -31-1 mesomaps/incBNLWN.php -31-2 mesomaps/incAKWN.php default set to yes for both Two examples of the regional mesonet scripts. A map, list of all stations and weather values are updated continuously If you are a member, you have to download your own ???WN-mesomap folder, place it in the root of your website and adapt one of the scripts in the weather2/mesomaps/ folder to point to your downloaded mesomap folder -32 ewn/ewnPage.php For members only, otherwise an empty page is displayed Setting: $SITE['ewnID']= false; European Weather Network pages Menu definition and use! nr program -33 glo/incGlobalMap.php default set to 'yes' -34 buoy/incBuoyCss.php default set to 'yes' version 2.30 2013-09-30 description Map of the world (google map) with weather stations and their weather values Map of active weather buoys for the coast of western europe Flyout menu Maps -41 inc/hwakaartjes.php for HWA members, displayed by HWA setting: HetWeerActueel maps of current weather conditions for the Benelux $SITE['hwaPage']= 'no'; -42 inc/cloudRadar.php default set to 'yes' -44 inc/rain3Sources.php same as menu entry 14 but default set to 'no' If you want a smaller menu: Set 14 to 'no' and 44 to 'yes' Cloud radar, different radar image based on the area setting Rainfall expected for 3 next hours either for 3 forecasters (for members of HWA) or for 2 (buienradar) Different radars based on area setting Menu definition and use! nr program -45 inc/onweerRadar.php version 2.30 2013-09-30 description Thunder storm / impacts on western europe. There are several maps (throughout Europe / Western Europe / UK etc). Currently only be set through adjustments in the program itself. default set to 'yes' Different radar for Europe and USA based on area setting -46 ewn/ewnMapsPage.php Weathermaps for EWN members. For members only, Setting: $SITE['ewnID']= false; -47 inc/meteoxWorldMap.html default set to 'yes' Display of global temperatures, uses entire screen automatically, so no more menus Flyout menu Forecasts 50-1 noaa/noaaDigitalPrint.php Setting $SITE['noaaPage'] = 'no'; is set to 'yes' based on the region setting 50-2 noaa/noaaPlainPrint.php Setting $SITE['noaaPage'] = 'no'; is set to 'yes' based on the region setting Detailed noaa forecast, based on latitude and longitude settings The page can be set to contain icons, meteogram and two pages tabular data. All parts are optional and displayed according to the settings in the page. Standard 1 page noaa forecast, based on area code Menu definition and use! nr -50-3 -51-2 -52 -53 version 2.30 2013-09-30 program description forecasts/incWuForecast2.php forecasts/incYrnoForecast2.php forecasts/ incWorldForecast2.php forecasts/incYahooForecast2.php You need the correct key and or area codes to display your local area forecast. All set in the settings. $SITE['wuPage'] $SITE['yrnoPage'] $SITE['worldPage'] $SITE['yahooPage'] -51 = = = = 'no'; 'yes'; 'no'; 'yes'; wsMetNo/metnoFullPage.php This is the default script for the main page. Set by The various forecasts differ only for the number of display parameters (= columns in the table). The icons are standardized Extensive Met.NO / YR.NO forecast with icons, meteogram and two pages tabular data. All parts are optional and displayed according to the settings in the page. $SITE['fctOrg'] = 'metno'; $SITE['fctContent']= 'icons'; $SITE['metnoPage'] = 'yes'; -54 wsHwa/hwaFullPage.php for HWA members, displayed by HWA setting: $SITE['hwaPage']= 'no'; -55 wsWxsim/wsWxsimPrintFull.php same as menu 12, this one set to no -56 metar/metarDisplay.php default set to 'yes' The HWA forecast contains the HWA/ MOS graphic, a set of icons, a meteogram and a table. all parts are optional and displayed according to the settings in the page forecast based on stations own WXSIM forecast data METAR of nearby airports Menu definition and use! nr -57-1 program version 2.30 2013-09-30 description meteoalarm/ meteoalarmPrintWarnings.php When there is a severe weather warning more info can be found on this page will be shown only for europe -57-2 -58 noaa/noaaDetailPage.php will be shown for region not equal to europe uv/incUvForecast.php Same information as above but suppl,ied by noaa UV forecast default set to 'yes' -59_1 59_2 inc/airQualityBE.php inc/airQualityNL.php Forecast for air pollution either for Belgium or the Netherlands default set to 'yes' Flyout menu Almanac -61 inc/trends.php Shown based on the weatherprogram in use -62-1 wu/wsWUstart.php Can only de displayed if you are a WU member and have a valid wu name The default trends page with gizmo / ajax for continuous display of your weather values not all weather-programs can support this page The standard Weather Underground page with values for different periods in the past (day / week / month / year) $SITE['wuHistPage']= 'yes'; $SITE['wuId']! ='yourID'; -62-2 wsWuGraphs/wsWuGraphs.php Can only de displayed if you are a WU member and have a valid wu name $SITE['wuHistPage']= 'yes'; $SITE['wuId']! ='yourID'; WU-graphs from The standard folder is used (wxwugraphs) so a new release can be simply copied to the corresponding folder. Only a start-up script is used in the template folder wsWuGraphs Menu definition and use! nr program -64 inc/graphs.php Shown based on the weatherprogram in use -65 inc/allInOne.php Based on the setting MeteoplugPage in the weather program part -66 space/incSpace.php default set to 'yes' -67 inc/astronomy.php version 2.30 2013-09-30 description Weather charts for the last couple of days as supplied by the weather program Weather Graph "all in 1" is supplied by MeteoPlug Activity of the Sun (English only) Sun and moon default set to 'yes' -68 quake/incQuake.php default set to 'yes' -69 soil/soilTotals.php Shown based on setting: $SITE['soilpage']!= false; Earthquakes page. Standard page of information about the soil sensors if used by your station Menu definition and use! nr program version 2.30 2013-09-30 description Flyout menu Other stuff -110 mobi/redirect.php default set to 'yes' -80 about/wsAbout.php redirection to website for mobile phones and some tablets. the users of a mobile device are automatically redirected. This page is for use by phone or tablet users who want to look at the mobi pages standard page about “this weather station” default set to 'yes' -81 inc/links.php standard page with links to other weather related sites default set to 'yes' -82 partners/partners.php default set to 'yes' -83 inc/status.php weather organizations this weather station cooperates with standard page with status about program and hardware default set to 'yes' -86 contact/incContact.php Visitors can send an email to the webmaster. default set to 'yes' -88 inc/sitemap.php standard page with all menu entries in text. default set to 'yes' -89 inc/whoIsOnline.php default set to 'yes' a who is online page Menu definition and use! nr version 2.30 2013-09-30 program description the following entry is the last one on the normal menu 16 wsCustomize.php The website visitor can change the website appearance here. Also the cookie question is processed the first time a visitor wants to change the appearance of the website thew following entries are only displayed in debug mode -93-1 -93-2 -93-9 -93-3 -93-4 -93-8 inc/tagsMH.php inc/tagsWD.php inc/tagsCW.php inc/tagsCU.php inc/tagsWL.php inc/tagsMB.php info page for webmaster / developer contains all uploaded weather fields and corresponding values for the weather-program in use -93-10 inc/meteohubDocs.php info page for webmaster / developer contains meteohub info -93-5 cltraw/cltrawXref.html info page for webmaster / developer contains a cross reference of all clientraw xxxx.txt fields -93-6 cltraw/incClientraw4.php info page for webmaster / developer contains all uploaded weather fields and corresponding values for the clientraw xxx.txt files. Can be of interest for website visitors who can check their own clientraw xxx.txt files. -94 wsIcons/wsIcons.php All icon sets used by the different forecast suppliers and the translation to the standard font -95 wsWxsim/wsWXSIMfields.php field names as used in the wxsim data files -96 wsWxsim/wsWXSIMconditions.php descriptive text of the conditions used by the wxsim program -900 inc/wsNewPage.php Example of a new page Comments please directly to