Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Volume 2 Issue 66 Arkansas Northeastern College W E E K LY Follow ANC Upcoming Important Events July 21: Informational Meeting for New York Tour 7pm L-101 Community Education If you would like to teach a non-credit class in your community contact: ANC Tours are Back! Informational meeting July 21, 2015 7:00 PM in Rm. L101 New in July Kid’s Dance and Theatre Camp Kid’s Show Choir Lego Robotics Cardio-Kick Boxing for Adults Check out the complete schedule online for Kids and Adults Summer Classes Submissions Have items of interest you’d like featured in the NEWSLink online newsletter? Please send your departmental news, upcoming events, etc., to Sheiron Bearden N E W S L E T T E R ETS Students Attend Leadership Conference Educational Talent Search sent two Students to the 26 th Annual Student Leadership Congress in Washington D.C. Samuel Rinehart from South Pemiscot High School and James Laythan Fox from Rivercrest High School attended the 26th Annual Student Leadership Congress in Washington D.C. on June 6 – 11th. Both of these young men are TRiO Educational Talent Search 11th grade students. The National Student Leadership Congress was hosted at Georgetown University. In an effort to highlight the broad range of opportunities that are available to TRIO students, this year they placed a special focus on connecting Student Leadership delegates to TRIO alumni who are doing great things in DC as participants in Congress. These young men were introduced to a panel, featuring Samuel Rinehart and James Lathan Fox offices, which shared how their experiences in TRIO programs prepared them for their professional experiences on Capitol Hill. Some of the inspiring individuals that Sam and Laythan interacted with during the week included: Political Engagement Expert Mike Muse, Missouri’s state Senator Roy Blunt, and our Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. They also traveled to historical sites, such as: the Lincoln Memorial and the Holocaust Museum. At the beginning of the conference, the students were divided into a Mock Congress, groups of 12-14 students and all students were from different states. Each group was given a bill to research and ultimately convince the other 156 students to vote for their particular bill by the end of the week. We are proud to announce that Laythan Fox was a member of the wining group in receiving medals at the closing ceremony. Overall, this was an exciting experience for both ETS participants. Sam shares his experience by stating, “The time spent with peers with the same like mindedness and enthusiasm as myself was amazing. I now have a better understanding of what it really takes to be a leader and write legislation. Overall this experience is one in a lifetime, and I am truly proud to be able to say that I was the one chosen to attend.” Laythan also shares the following: “During the National Student Leadership Conference, I learned that we come together to represent the country because we are the people that matter. We are the future and make up the Trio Alumni system and we are the students that encourage the government to continue to aid the Trio program.” Needless to say, both students truly enjoyed and cherished their experience at the 26 th Annual Student Leadership Congress in Washington D.C. Educational Talent Search is a grant program funded by the United States Department of Education at Arkansas Northeastern College with the primary purpose of encouraging students to complete a rigorous high school curriculum, enroll in a postsecondary institution, and earn a postsecondary degree. ANC Mission: Arkansas Northeastern College is committed to providing accessible, quality educational programs, services, and lifelong learning opportunities. O N L I N E Over 1,400 people “Like” us… DO YOU? Click to visit the OFFICIAL Arkansas Northeastern College LIKE SHARE SUGGEST 1 Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Volume 2 Issue 66 Financial Awareness Training Tailored, in-house financial awareness training for nonfinance individuals, families or teams. Learn about preparing a budget and managing cash flow. Saturday, July 25th 10am-2pm or Saturday, Aug. 8th 10 am-2pm 4213 East Main Blytheville, Arkansas Training is 4 hours $20 per person Minimum 12 participants 870.763.6222 Call for directions or additional information Sunday Monday Tuesday ANC Pay Period Calendar PAY PERIOD BEGINNING DATE PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE CHECK ISSUE DATE JULY 1 JULY 16 AUG 1 AUG 16 SEPT 1 SEPT 16 OCT 1 OCT 16 NOV 1 NOV 16 DEC1 DEC 16 JAN 1 JAN 16 FEB 1 FEB 16 MAR 1 MAR 16 APRIL 1 APRIL 16 MAY 1 MAY 16 JUNE 1 JUNE 16 JULY 15 JULY 31 AUG 15 AUG 31 SEPT 15 SEPT 30 OCT 15 OCT 31 NOV 15 NOV 30 DEC 15 DEC 31 JAN 15 JAN 31 FEB 15 FEB 29 MAR 15 MAR 31 APRIL 15 APRIL 30 MAY 15 MAY 31 JUNE 15 JUNE 30 WED JULY 15 FRI JULY 31 FRI AUG 14 MON AUG 31 TUES SEPT 15 WED SEPT 30 THURS OCT 15 FRI OCT 30 FRI NOV 13 MON NOV 30 TUES DEC 15 TUES DEC 15 FRI JAN 15 FRI JAN 29 FRI FEB 12 MON FEB 29 TUES MAR 15 THURS MAR 31 FRI APRIL 15 FRI APRIL 29 FRI MAY 13 TUES MAY 31 WED JUNE 15 THURS JUNE 30 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Informational Meeting for New York Tour 7pm L-101 26 27 28 2