system view Processes - UCLA Computer Science

Processes - the user view
Overview – processes: system view
a virtual address space
system view of processes
process state (context, resources, attributes)
supervisor mode execution
execution state
system calls
call gates
kinky processes (virtual machines and emulations)
process dispatching, switching, blocking and swapping
processes – the system view
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registers, PC, PS
synchronous execution and asynchronous signals
system resources and services
execution state model
code, data, and stack segments
handles for system objects (e.g. files)
system services to manipulate those objects
processes – the system view
Processes – the system view
Process State – saved context
everything system knows is in process descriptor
the state of the process's virtual computer
process is represented by state data structures
state to restore when process is dispatched
references to allocated resources
information to support process operations
creation (fork) and destruction (exit)
dispatch, block, unblock, signal
resource association and dissociation
processes – the system view
program counter, processor status word
stack pointer, general registers
virtual address space
characterized by its major operations
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text, data, and stack segments
sizes, locations, and contents
all this is restored when the process is dispatched
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this creates the illusion of continuous execution
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Process State – resource references
used by user-mode application
(local name space for resources)
processes have many resources
establish local context (e.g. current directory)
input files (e.g. /home/markk/scripts/
establish local resource name space (e.g UFDs)
output files (e.g. X11 display=sagredo.west:0.0)
current working directory (e.g. /home/markk/cs111)
used by resource managers within the OS
once assigned to the process they get local names
unforgeable capabilities for allocated resources
a record of which resources were allocated
standard input is the file in open-file-slot number 0
record the current states of allocated resources
standard output is the file in open-file-slot number 1
to facilitate post-mortem resource reclamation
the current working directory can always be called “.”
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processes – the system view
State to support various operations
(unforgeable resource capabilities)
user programs can make up any file name they want
knowing the name of a file doesn't mean you can use it
we have to check application-supplied resource names
resource pointers in process descriptor are protected
process descriptors aren't accessible from user-mode
they can only be written by OS code, which we trust to
have done the appropriate authorization checks
if a resource is in the process descriptor, we can trust it
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scheduling state (e.g. running, ready, blocked)
identification and protection information
process ID, process group, parent process, ...
owning user, session, supplementary privileges, ...
configuration information
options, preferences, parameters, environment variables
interprocess communication queues
signals, mail-boxes, events, ...
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process descriptors – resident/non-resident
in memory
resident state
(resident process state)
on secondary storage
non-resident state
process state that could be needed at any time
process 1
in memory
data structures needed to signal or awaken process
process 2
process 2
on disk
information needed to schedule process
run-state, priority, statistics
process 1
identification information
communication and synchronization resources
process ID, user ID, group ID, parent ID
process 3
process 3
process 3
semaphores, pending signals, mail-boxes
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processes – the system view
(non-resident process state)
allocate/initialize resident process description
allocate/initialize non-resident description
execution state
saved register values, PC, PSW
create a virtual address space
pointers to resources process can use when running
working directory, files, network connections
pointers to text, data and stack segments
not needed when process is blocked
can swap out to free memory for other processes
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Creating a new process
information needed only when process runs
pointer to non-resident state
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allocate memory for code, data and stack
load a program code and data into new segments
initialize a stack segment
set up initial registers (PC, PS, SP)
return from supervisor mode into new process
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Why support a cloning "fork" operation
Variations of process creation
copying and sharing resources is a lot of work
tabula rasa – a blank slate
new process with minimal resources
e.g. new data and stack, no open files, etc.
creating a "tabula rasa" process is much easier
historical reasons
fork – clone an existing process
parallel processing literature used a cloning fork
fork was only way to get parallism before threads
parent and child have all the same credentials
share the same code, copies of data and stack
easy to manage shared stdin, stdout, stderr
share all of the same open files
easy to set up process pipe-lines (e.g. ls | more)
share or copy virtually all of the same resources
share exclusive-access resources (e.g. tape drives)
processes – the system view
practical reasons
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Exploiting a cloning “fork”
the OS executes in supervisor mode
int pipefds[2];
/* create a pipe (returns read and write descriptors) */
if (fork()) {
/* parent ... will become pgm1 */
} else {
able to execute privileged instructions
able update memory management registers
to create and modify process address spaces
/* move read end of pipe to stdin */
access data structures within the OS
application programs execute in user mode
/* load and run pgm2 */
processes – the system view
/* load and run pgm1 */
close(pipefds[0]); close(pipefds[1] ); /* close the left over descriptors */
execv(“pgm2”, 0);
able to perform I/O operations
e.g. enable, disable and return from interrupts
/* child ... will become pgm2 */
close(0); dup(pipefds[0]);
/* move write end of pipe to stdout */
close(pipefds[0]); close(pipefds[1] ); /* close the left over descriptors */
execv(“pgm1”, 0);
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User vs. Supervisor mode execution
/* create the pipe “pgm1 | pgm2” */
close(1); dup(pipefds[1]);
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they can only execute normal instructions
they are restricted to the process's address space
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System Call Trap Gates
Subroutine calls vs. system calls
Application Program
called subroutines execute in user mode
they can't do anything the application can't do
user mode
there is no reason to protect access to subroutines
supervisor mode
... instr; instr; instr; TRAP; instr; instr; instr ...
system calls execute in supervisor mode
they enjoy all the privileges of being part of the OS
we cannot allow user to execute arbitrary OS code
OS code and data are not in process's address space
1st level trap
TRAP vector table
2nd level handler
(system service
system calls enter the OS through "call gates"
return to
user mode
user only has access to selected safe entry points
syscall dispatch table
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(Transition into Supervisor Mode)
hardware trap handling
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(Using traps to invoke system calls)
reserve one illegal instruction for system calls
use trap cause to index into trap vector table for PC/PS
load new processor status word, switch to supv mode
push PC/PS of program that cuased trap onto stack
call: r0 = system call number, r1 points to arguments
load new program counter (w/addr of 1st level handler)
return: r0 = return code, cc indicates success/failure
software system call trap handling
1 level handler pushes all other registers
define system call linkage conventions
execute the designated system call instruction
1 level handler gathers args, selects 2 level handler
2nd level handler performs requested system call
processes – the system view
most computers specifically define such instructions
prepare arguments for the desired system call
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OS recognizes and performs requested operation
returns to instruction after the system call
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(Returning to User Mode)
Stacking and unstacking a trap
user mode
return is opposite of interrupt/trap entry
supervisor mode stack
user mode stack
PC and PS
to 2 nd level
2nd level system call handler returns to 1st level handler
1st level handler restores all registers from stack
use privileged return instruction to restore PC/PS
resume user-mode execution at instruction after trap
saved registers can be changed before return
return PC
stack frame
for 2 nd level
change stacked user r0 to reflect return code
change stacked user PS to reflect success/failure
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Processes in Supervisor Mode
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Supervisor mode execution contexts
processes can execute in user or supervisor mode
it runs with same credentials as user-mode process
it still has access to same code, data, stack segments
it runs supervisor code, with supervisor mode privileges
each process has its own supervisor mode stack
most supervisor execution is on behalf of a process
runs with that process' address space and credentials
some processes only run in supervisor mode
system daemons (e.g. NFS, swap management)
these too are scheduled and can block for resources
allocated as part of non-resident status structure
a process can be blocked while in supervisor mode
processed on the stack of whatever process is running
it will resume in supervisor mode when it is unblocked
they are not scheduled, and cannot block for resources
interrupt handling is not associated with a process
initialization happens before any processes exist
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processes – the system view
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Message-based system services
originally all OS used traps for system calls
Messages vs. traps: performance
the cost of using a trap to request a service
simple, relatively fast, exploits existing mechanisms
format arguments, execute trap, get results
50-250 instructions, plus losing the cache
the cost of using a message to request a service
many experimental OS have used messages
a system call to send the request
prepare a message describing desired request
a process switch to the recipient/server
send the message to a designated server
a system call to receive the request
server will send back a response message when done
a system call to send the response
a process switch to the requestor
a system call to receive the response
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Messages vs. traps: generality
who can service a trap?
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Traps and system services revisited
ordinary instructions are directly executed by CPU
the OS on the CPU that received the trap
only "illegal" instructions go through the OS
who can process a message?
a daemon process within the local OS
a user-mode daemon process on the same machine
a server process on another node in the network
messages work well in a distributed environment
the client and server need not be co-located
if a server fails, requests can be routed to an alternate
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processes – the system view
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execution exceptions (illegal address, zero-divide, ...)
system call trap instructions
privileged instructions executed from user-mode
what happens after the trap into supervisor mode?
the operating system can do what-ever it wants to do
it can treat the trap as an error
it can intrepret it as a request for some service
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Operating System emulations
Virtual Machine emulations
an OS supports a specific set of system calls
privileged instructions are also service requests
different OS's support different system calls
a system call is just a trap instruction
"requested services" are simple and well defined
OS can make each process behave like a computer
with a particular set of arguments (OS ABI)
OS maintains walls between virtual machines
that will be processed in a particular way
each user can run his own operating system
practical solution for "legacy" applications
one OS can emulate another OS's system calls
intercept same trap instructions other OS uses
decode same arguments, perform same operations
performance can be very good
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very good ... except for the privileged instructions
complications in compound scheduling, memory mgt
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un-dispatching a running process
Scheduling states & transitions
somehow we enter the operating system
e.g. via a yield system call or a clock interrupt
the state of the process must be preserved
user mode state is already saved on stack
supervisor mode registers are also saved on stack
descriptions of address space. and pointers to code, data
and stack segments are stored in the process descriptor
yield CPU – call scheduler to select another process
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processes – the system view
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Blocking and unblocking processes
(re-)dispatching a process
blocked/unblocked are merely notes to scheduler
decision to switch is made in supv mode
after state of current process has been saved
the scheduler has been called to yield the CPU
anyone can set them, anyone can change them
select the next process to be run
this usually happens in a resource manager
get pointer to its process descriptor(s)
locate and restore its saved state
restore code, data, stack segments
restore saved registers, PS, and finally the PC
when process needs an unavailable resource
change process's scheduling state to "blocked"
call the scheduler and yield the CPU
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when the required resource becomes available
change process's scheduling state to "ready"
and we are now executing in a new process
processes – the system view
blocked processes are not eligible to be dispatched
notify scheduler that a change has occurred
processes – the system view
Primary and Secondary Storage
primary = main (executable) memory
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Why we swap
make the best use of a limited amount of memory
primary storage is expensive and very limited
a process can only execute if it is in memory
only processes in primary storage can be run
max number of processes is limited by memory size
if a process isn't READY, it doesn't need to be in memory
swap it out and make room for some other process
secondary = non-executable (e.g. Disk)
blocked processes can be moved to secondary storage
swap out code, data, stack and non-resident context
make room in primary for other "ready" processes
returning to primary memory
process is copied back when it becomes unblocked
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improve CPU utilization
when there are no READY processes, CPU is idle
CPU idle time means reduced system throughput
more processes to chose from means less idle time
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scheduling states with swapping
for the next lecture
there will be a quiz on this material
read chapter 7
next lecture – CPU scheduling
processes – the system view
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key points
process descriptors
resident/non-resident context, state, resources
process creation (clone and tabula-rasa)
context switching
general activties and costs, detailed steps
user and supervisor mode execution
system call trap gates, reasons, how they work
message based requests, costs and benefits
virtual machines and OS emulations
dispatching, yielding, blocking, swapping
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measuring scheduler performance
pre-emptive and non-preemptive scheduling
algorithms: fcfs, shortest job first, round-robin
performance, load, over-load, graceful degradation
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