February 14, 2014 To: Mark McArdle, U.S. Treasury From: Di Richardson, President CalHFA MAC Re: Quarterly Performance Data Report to U.S. Treasury, for period ending December 31, 2013 Attached please find a copy of the Quarterly Performance Data Report, for the period ending December 31, 2013. This report reflects the homeowner characteristics, results and outcomes for the Keep Your Home California Program (KYHC) Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) program. The report describes several important milestones and accomplishments for the KYHC-HHF Program. The KYHC program has seen tremendous growth over the past two years. A breakdown by program of homeowners assisted, assistance provided to date and program growth is illustrated in the following chart. Program Unique Homeowners Assisted Cumulative Homeowners Assisted 2012 2013 20,375 % Growth Rate Year Over Year 17,183 2013 $244,609,632 $543,668,924 27,315 222.3% $167,779,765 159.0% 2,739 4,806 940 2,559 $34,836,893 472 449.5% Results as of December 31, 2013. 1 $63,178,332 181.4% $41,247,419 272.2% 105 $319,820,422 190.6% 175.5% Principal Reduction Program (PRP) % Growth Rate Year Over Year Transition Assistance Program (TAP) % Growth Rate Year Over Year 2012 163.6% Unemployment Mortgage Assistance (UMA) % Growth Rate Year Over Year Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program (MRAP) % Growth Rate Year Over Year 33,342 Cumulative Assistance Provided $158,436,780 384.1% $468,000 $1,811,527 387.1% The principal reduction program (PRP) showed a marked improvement in the following key areas: The PRP application pipeline continues to show improvement due to increased servicer participation relative to the program’s new loan recast utility, which enables homeowners, in certain circumstances, to have their principal reduced without a formal loan modification. The homeowner still must have an affordable payment at the end of the process, but is not forced to go through a separate/dual modification process with their servicer. o Of the 479 approved PRP transactions for the quarter, 312 were loan recast transactions comprising 65% of the total approved PRP transactions for the quarter. For the quarter, approved PRP transactions (includes both Recast and Modification) showed a reduction of the median property loan-to-value from 149% to 108%. The median monthly payment was reduced from $1,583 to $1,224; an almost 23% reduction. The median homeowner debt to income ratio was reduced from 39% to 31%. The following text describes the performance of each of the two PRP utilities – PRP Recast and PRP Modification. Because these two utilities are subsets of the total PRP transactions reported in the Quarterly Performance Data Report, the data shown for these utilities is different than that shown in the Report. PRP Recast o For the quarter, approved PRP transactions involving a loan recast experienced a reduction of the median property loan-to-value from 148% to 105%. The median monthly payment was reduced from $1,420 to $1,148; an almost a 21% reduction. The median assistance provided to the homeowner was $77,000. The median homeowner debt to income ratio was reduced from 36% to 29%. PRP Modification o For the quarter, approved PRP transactions involving a loan modification experienced a reduction of the median property loan-to-value from 153% to 115%. The median monthly payment was also reduced from $1,808 to $1,401; an almost a 23% reduction. The median assistance provided to the homeowner was $42,899. The median homeowner debt to income ratio was reduced from 43% to 31%. One hundred twenty six (126) of the one hundred sixty seven (167) PRP modification transactions (i.e., 75% of the total) are HAMP loans which included KYHC assistance. HAMP modifications have higher loan-to-value and debt to income requirements as compared to KYHC, and, therefore, limit the KYHC assistance that can be provided. 2 Additional areas of interest: Program administration expenses, as a percentage of benefit assistance dollars provided for the quarter and from program inception, were 9.0% and 13.2% respectively. The program administration expense ratio is expected to continue to decrease (improve) over time because the majority of the costs associated to build the program have been invested and the amount of benefit assistance dollars provided will continue to increase. CalHFA MAC’s overall, targeted administrative budget for the program is 7.5%. Unique homeowners receiving assistance in the quarter and from program inception were 3,433 and 33,342, respectively. As a result of significant growth in the PRP and MRAP pipelines and the current joint marketing effort between CalHFA MAC and the state of California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) for the UMA program, the total number of homeowners receiving assistance is expected to increase in Q1 2014 over Q4 2013 results. UMA approved applicants for the quarter and from program inception were 2,819 and 27,315, respectively. Program to date, twenty one (21) percent of UMA homeowners ended their assistance as a result of becoming re-employed. o The percentage of homeowners who ended their UMA assistance as a result of becoming re-employed for the quarter decreased slightly to 28.6%. Almost ten percent (9.9%) of the homeowners who became re-employed did so between the ninth and twelfth months of unemployment. This early indicator supports U.S. Treasury’s approval of CalHFA MAC’s recommendation to extend UMA benefit assistance from 9 to 12 months. MRAP approved applicants for the quarter and from program inception were 568 and 4,806, respectively. Servicers continue to be challenged to develop a standard process to combine HHF assistance with the large variety of investor-approved loan modification programs. CalHFA MAC continues its efforts to work with servicers to develop a streamlined process that can be adopted by all servicers. Overall, ninety nine (99) percent, ninety eight (98) percent and ninety three (93) percent of the homeowners still own their homes 6, 12 and 24 months after receiving KYHC assistance, respectively. Of the three hundred three (303) homeowners that were determined as no longer owning their homes after 24 months of receiving KYHC assistance, one hundred (100) were due to a sale, one hundred thirty eight (138) were due to a short sale and seventeen (17) were due to foreclosure. KYHC recovered $1,028,105.28 or 30% of total assistance provided to the homeowners that no longer remained in their home 24 months after receiving assistance. Seventy six (76) percent of homeowners who received KYHC benefits since program inception are below eighty (80) percent of the area median income (AMI) for their county of residence. 3 As of the date of this report, a total of one hundred seventy (170) servicers are participating in the KYHC program, with all servicers currently participating in UMA, one hundred sixty eight (168) participating in MRAP, one hundred sixteen (116) participating in PRP, one hundred eleven (111) participating in TAP , and ninety one (91) participating in all KYHC programs. The following tables provide summaries of the statistical reporting data for U.S. Treasury including explanations of trends and program results. Homeowners Assisted by Program Through December 31, 2013, thirty three thousand three hundred forty two (33,342) unique homeowners have received assistance from KYHC. Two thousand one hundred thirty nine (2,139) homeowners have received secondary assistance from KYHC including one thousand four hundred one (1,401) homeowners that received additional UMA program assistance, and seven hundred thirty eight (738) homeowners who received assistance from a second KYHC program. A breakdown by program of homeowners assisted, assistance provided to date and remaining assistance committed is illustrated in the following chart. Program Homeowners Unemployment Mortgage Assistance (UMA) Assistance Provided To Date Remaining Commitment* 27,315 $319,820,422 $79,459,536 Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program (MRAP) 4,806 $63,178,332 $0 Principal Reduction Program (PRP) 2,859 $158,436,780 $0 472 $1,811,527 $0 29 $421,862 $0 35,481 $543,668,924 $79,459,536 Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Community Second Mortgage Principal Reduction Program Total * Remaining Commitment consists of scheduled assistance to homeowners contingent on homeowner remaining unemployed. Included in the amounts shown above, are approved homeowner transactions whose assistance was temporarily suspended by KYHC. An example of an approved but temporarily suspended transaction is a loan that is service transferred before the assistance has been paid to the original servicer. These transactions require special review and handling while the new servicer information is obtained. As of December 31, 2013, sixty two (62) homeowners had their assistance temporarily suspended, all of which were for the UMA program and totaling $709,225.06. 4 Withdrawn Applications (1) As of December 31, 2013, thirty seven thousand three hundred sixty (37,360) homeowners were reported as withdrawn. Program Count Unemployment Mortgage Assistance (UMA) 13,663 Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program (MRAP) 15,254 Principal Reduction Program (PRP) 8,113 Transition Assistance Program (TAP) 330 Community Second Mortgage Principal Reduction Program Total 0 37,360 (1) There are two types of withdrawn applications; active and passive. An active withdrawal is when a homeowner or servicer actively withdraws the request for program assistance or the homeowner refuses to sign CalHFA MAC or servicer’s required documents. A passive withdrawal is when the homeowner fails to provide some or any of the required documents within the allowed timeframe and is non-responsive to KYHC attempts to collect the required documents. In Process Homeowners As of December 31, 2013, a total of 7,525 homeowners were in the active pipeline, pending program eligibility determination, for one of the four KYHC programs. A breakdown by program of homeowners “In Process” is provided in the following chart. Program Count % of Pipeline Unemployment Mortgage Assistance (UMA) 2,037 27.1% Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program (MRAP) 3,249 43.2% Principal Reduction Program (PRP) 2,119 28.2% 120 1.6% 0 0.0% 7,525 100.0% Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Community Second Mortgage Principal Reduction Program Total 5 Transaction Processing Time The chart below reflects the quarter ending December 31, 2013 and program-to-date transaction processing times (in days) for each program. The median processing time increased from the prior quarter for all programs as a result of a CalHFA MAC policy change which extended the days within which homeowners can provide documentation to determine program eligibility. The median days to process MRAP and PRP transactions is extended greatly when assistance is combined with a loan modification. These transactions require the homeowner to complete their trial payment plan period, which typically adds three to four months to the processing period, before MRAP/PRP funds can be disbursed to the servicer. CalHFA MAC continually monitors processing time performance to ensure that homeowners obtain the assistance they need in a timely manner. Current Quarter Program Program To Date Unemployment Mortgage Assistance (UMA) 41 38 Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program (MRAP) 74 67 Principal Reduction Program (PRP) 70 110 Transition Assistance Program (TAP) 64 56 Community Second Mortgage Principal Reduction Program 65 108 Weighted Average Median Processing Time 50 48 * MRAP and PRP transactions when combined with a formal loan modification have an elongated processing timeframe. KYHC funds are disbursed to the servicer after the homeowner has successfully completed their trial payment plan and are ready to convert to their permanent modification. 6 Scheduled Assistance Disbursements The following charts show the scheduled disbursements of assistance for the UMA and PRP programs, respectively. Unemployment Mortgage Assistance (UMA) Period Program to Date (a) Principal Reduction Program (PRP) Amount Period Program to Date (a) January 2014 $319,820,422 $12,555,305 February 2014 $10,806,816 2014 - Q1 (Note 1) March 2014 $10,024,385 Amount $158,357,840 $78,940 April 2014 $9,475,292 May 2014 $8,714,381 June 2014 $7,652,193 (a) Assistance disbursed as of December 31, 2013 July 2014 $6,566,182 (b) Assistance reported on Quarterly UST report August 2014 $5,332,935 September 2014 $4,167,636 October 2014 $2,646,096 November 2014 $1,518,315 Program Total (b) Program Total (b) $399,279,958 (a) Assistance disbursed as of December 31, 2013 Quarterly UST Report amount (b) Total assistance committed on approved transactions (Note 1) PRP assistance for three (3) homeowners is scheduled for future disbursement. 7 $158,436,780 This document describes the Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) data that state HFAs are required to provide to Bank of New York Mellon. It includes quarterly borrower characteristic data and program specific performance data. All HFA HHF data submitted to Bank of New York Mellon must be accurate, complete, and in agreement with retained HFA records. Data should be reported by each state HFA by the 15th of the month following the quarter. Data requested in the "Borrower Characteristic" worksheet should be reported in aggregate for all HHF programs run by the state HFA. Program specific data is separated into reporting tabs for each individual program. State HFAs should report program performance data on an individual program basis. A data dictionary has been provided to assist in the definition of each data point. Report Quarter: December 31, 2013 Amended Template Version Date: October 2013 California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Borrower Characteristics 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 3,433 2,570 3,664 6,785 16,452 33,342 23,276 24,072 N/A 87,475 $75,041,678.66 $6,750,878.27 $543,668,924.28 $71,744,117.70 3.44% 10.49% 19.46% 66.62% 3.09% 9.01% 18.30% 69.61% 2.6% 5.0% 5.7% 6.5% 6.6% 73.6% 2.5% 4.2% 4.7% 5.5% 6.7% 76.4% 96 0 5 10 8 0 106 1 20 120 4 6 35 0 66 19 4 2 757 16 14 1 3 18 0 1 29 12 7 1,123 1 55 152 65 20 1,147 7 229 981 14 53 208 11 638 113 69 14 6,846 167 121 12 25 221 2 5 200 110 118 Unique Borrower Count Number of Unique Borrowers Receiving Assistance Number of Unique Borrowers Denied Assistance Number of Unique Borrowers Withdrawn from Program Number of Unique Borrowers in Process Total Number of Unique Borrower Applicants Program Expenditures ($) Total Assistance Provided to Date Total Spent on Administrative Support, Outreach, and Counseling Borrower Income ($) Above $90,000 $70,000- $89,000 $50,000- $69,000 Below $50,000 Borrower Income as Percent of Area Median Income (AMI) Above 120% 110%- 119% 100%- 109% 90%- 99% 80%- 89% Below 80% Geographic Breakdown (by county) Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Borrower Characteristics 12/31/2013 Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba QTD Cumulative 198 37 5 376 199 6 318 291 13 90 9 30 22 99 12 14 0 3 56 24 69 6 3 0 52 1 122 11 7 2,014 569 17 3,444 2,281 51 2,834 2,798 177 1,015 139 290 194 944 154 175 4 26 590 351 651 106 25 5 437 62 986 178 98 28 277 408 23 2,229 468 190 2,248 3,099 298 18,566 8,941 1,182 1,861 390 9,067 17,131 7,144 1,745 1,657 31 17,052 15,023 1,267 8 132 114 24 951 348 77 1,133 786 212 8,048 5,145 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Borrower Race American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Information Not Provided by Borrower Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Information Not Provided by Borrower Sex Male Female Information Not Provided by Borrower Co-Borrower Race American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Information Not Provided by Borrower California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Borrower Characteristics 12/31/2013 Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Information Not Provided by Borrower Sex Male Female Information Not Provided by Borrower QTD Cumulative 521 745 311 4,219 6,917 4,265 578 893 106 5,574 8,283 1,544 2,415 561 46 75 61 275 25,780 3,933 253 523 406 2,447 61.4% 7.4% 6.6% 24.6% 45.0% 9.6% 8.2% 37.2% 61.2% 14.1% 8.6% 7.2% 9.0% 44.5% 17.8% 12.8% 9.0% 15.8% 62.9% 7.8% 5.9% 23.4% 65.6% 7.5% 5.8% 21.1% 818 801 607 617 590 7,973 6,950 5,162 8,968 4,289 Hardship Unemployment Underemployment Divorce Medical Condition Death Other Current Loan to Value Ratio (LTV) <100% 100%-109% 110%-120% >120% Current Combined Loan to Value Ratio (CLTV) <100% 100%-119% 120%-139% 140%-159% >=160% Delinquency Status (%) Current 30+ 60+ 90+ Household Size 1 2 3 4 5+ * The Geographic Breakdown, Hardship Information, HMDA fields as well as Median Household Size should be reported in whole number format. All other Borrower Characteristics fields should be reported as %. ** Since applications marked as denied or withdrawn in previous quarters may be reconsidered due to a change in borrower circumstances, some unique borrower counts may not sum in a quarter-over-quarter fashion. *** Total Assistance Provided for the quarter ending December 31, 2013 excludes $5,496,126.92 of in-transit funds that were approved to disburse in the prior reporting quarter but were scheduled to disburse in the first week of this reporting quarter. California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 2,819 44.1% 27,315 54.6% 288 4.5% 6,970 13.9% 1,245 19.5% 13,663 27.3% 2,037 31.9% N/A N/A 6,389 49,985 104 560 $1,557.38 $0.00 $0.00 N/A $245,044.97 N/A $0.00 N/A $1,581.51 $0.00 $0.00 N/A $249,907.77 N/A $0.00 N/A N/A N/A $3,043.06 N/A 9 $11,237.14 $37,925,952.45 N/A N/A N/A $319,820,421.88 N/A N/A N/A 41 38 2,278 80.8% 22,157 81.1% 165 5.9% 1,666 6.1% 105 3.7% 1,024 3.7% 271 9.6% 2,468 9.0% Program Intake/Evaluation Approved Number of Applications Approved % of Total Number of Applications Denied Number of Applications Denied % of Total Number of Applications Withdrawn Number of Applications Withdrawn % of Total Number of Applications In Process Number of Applications In Process % of Total Number of Applications Total Total Number of Applications Received Number of Borrowers Participating in Other HFA HHF Programs or Program Components Program Characteristics General Characteristics Median 1st Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 1st Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 1st Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 1st Lien UPB After Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB After Program Entry Median Principal Forgiveness1 Median Length of time Borrower Receives Assistance Median Assistance Amount Assistance Characteristics Assistance Provided to Date Total Lender/Servicer Assistance Amount Lender/Servicer Match (%) Median Lender/Servicer Assistance per Borrower Other Characteristics Median Length of Time from Initial Request to Assistance Granted Current Number % Delinquent (30+) Number % Delinquent (60+) Number % Delinquent (90+) Number % Program Outcomes California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 2,419 20,003 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 106 4.4% 1,127 5.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 693 28.6% 4,091 20.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,620 67.0% 14,785 73.9% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21,358 99.2% 16,854 98.1% 3,281 92.4% 97 0.5% Intake/Evaluation Program Outcomes Borrowers No Longer in the HHF Program (Program Completion/Transition or Alternative Outcomes) Alternative Outcomes Foreclosure Sale Number % Cancelled Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Short Sale Number % Program Completion/ Transition Loan Modification Program Number % Re-employed/ Regain Appropriate Employment Level Number % Reinstatement/Current/Payoff Number % Short Sale Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Other - Borrower Still Owns Home Number % Homeownership Retention2 Six Months Number Six Months % Twelve Months Number Twelve Months % Twenty-four Months Number Twenty-four Months % Unreachable Number Unreachable % 1. Includes second mortgage settlement 2. Borrower still owns home Statistics are based on number of Approved Applications Program Outcome results may not carryforward from prior quarter report due to reclassification of outcome based on additional information received and continued improvement in data collection processes. Total Assistance Provided for the quarter ending December 31, 2013 excludes $592,675.19 of in-transit funds that were approved to disburse in the prior reporting quarter but wer scheduled to disburse in the first week of this reporting quarter. California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Principal Reduction Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 479 8.0% 2,859 11.4% 2,007 33.4% 11,994 47.8% 1,412 23.5% 8,113 32.3% 2,119 35.2% N/A N/A 6,017 25,085 5 17 $1,582.72 $1,223.54 $0.00 N/A $263,438.77 $206,385.38 $0.00 N/A $1,834.72 $1,431.38 $0.00 N/A $300,400.27 $233,599.75 $0.00 N/A $76,000.00 N/A $63,069.83 $79,000.00 N/A $50,000.00 $28,922,764.88 $6,394,547.71 26.3% $40,414.43 $158,436,780.46 $72,772,043.65 43.4% $44,422.52 70 110 217 45.3% 1,308 45.8% 34 7.1% 223 7.8% 40 8.4% 208 7.3% 188 39.2% 1,120 39.2% Program Intake/Evaluation Approved Number of Applications Approved % of Total Number of Applications Denied Number of Applications Denied % of Total Number of Applications Withdrawn Number of Applications Withdrawn % of Total Number of Applications In Process Number of Applications In Process % of Total Number of Applications Total Total Number of Applications Received Number of Borrowers Participating in Other HFA HHF Programs or Program Components Program Characteristics General Characteristics Median 1st Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 1st Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 1st Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 1st Lien UPB After Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB After Program Entry Median Principal Forgiveness1 Median Length of Time Borrower Receives Assistance Median Assistance Amount Assistance Characteristics Assistance Provided to Date Total Lender/Servicer Assistance Amount Borrowers Receiving Lender/Servicer Match (%) Median Lender/Servicer Assistance per Borrower Other Characteristics Median Length of Time from Initial Request to Assistance Granted Current Number % Delinquent (30+) Number % Delinquent (60+) Number % Delinquent (90+) Number % Program Outcomes California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Principal Reduction Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 479 2,859 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 1.3% 73 2.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 167 34.9% 1,695 59.3% N/A N/A N/A N/A 306 63.9% 1,091 38.2% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0.0% 0 0.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,693 99.1% 916 97.4% 156 94.0% 13 0.8% Intake/Evaluation Program Outcomes Borrowers No Longer in the HHF Program (Program Completion/Transition or Alternative Outcomes) Alternative Outcomes Foreclosure Sale Number % Cancelled Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Short Sale Number % Program Completion/ Transition Loan Modification Program Number % Re-employed/ Regain Appropriate Employment Level Number % Reinstatement/Current/Payoff Number % Short Sale Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Other - Borrower Still Owns Home Number % Homeownership Retention2 Six Months Number Six Months % Twelve Months Number Twelve Months % Twenty-four Months Number Twenty-four Months % Unreachable Number Unreachable % 1. Includes second mortgage settlement 2. Borrower still owns home Statistics are based on number of Approved Applications Program Outcome results may not carryforward from prior quarter report due to reclassification of outcome based on additional information received and continued improvement in data collection processes. Total Assistance Provided for the quarter ending December 31, 2013 excludes $4,192,613.16 of in-transit funds that were approved to disburse in the prior reporting quarter but were scheduled to disburse in the first week of this reporting quarter. California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 568 8.1% 4,806 13.0% 1,019 14.5% 13,577 36.8% 2,198 31.2% 15,254 41.4% 3,249 46.2% N/A N/A 7,034 36,886 42 154 $1,390.79 N/A $0.00 N/A $237,262.28 N/A $0.00 N/A $1,416.87 N/A $0.00 N/A $240,012.25 N/A $0.00 N/A N/A N/A $13,325.48 N/A N/A $12,161.85 $7,871,613.45 $0.00 0% $0.00 $63,178,332.40 $0.00 0% $0.00 74 67 0 0.0% 21 0.4% 101 17.8% 705 14.7% 76 13.4% 787 16.4% 391 68.8% 3,293 68.5% Program Intake/Evaluation Approved Number of Applications Approved % of Total Number of Applications Denied Number of Applications Denied % of Total Number of Applications Withdrawn Number of Applications Withdrawn % of Total Number of Applications In Process Number of Applications In Process % of Total Number of Applications Total Total Number of Applications Received Number of Borrowers Participating in Other HFA HHF Programs or Program Components Program Characteristics General Characteristics Median 1st Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 1st Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 1st Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 1st Lien UPB After Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB After Program Entry Median Principal Forgiveness1 Median Length of time Borrower Receives Assistance Median Assistance Amount Assistance Characteristics Assistance Provided to Date Total Lender/Servicer Assistance Amount Borrowers Receiving Lender/Servicer Match (%) Median Lender/Servicer Assistance per Borrower Other Characteristics Median Length of Time from Initial Request to Assistance Granted Current Number % Delinquent (30+) Number % Delinquent (60+) Number % Delinquent (90+) Number % Program Outcomes California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program Intake/Evaluation Program Outcomes Borrowers No Longer in the HHF Program (Program Completion/Transition or Alternative Outcomes) Alternative Outcomes Foreclosure Sale Number % Cancelled Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Short Sale Number % 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 568 4,806 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 0.4% 36 0.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 23 4.0% 169 3.5% N/A N/A N/A N/A 543 95.6% 4,601 95.7% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0.0% 0 0.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,666 99.2% 2,685 98.0% 591 94.4% 20 0.5% Program Completion/ Transition Loan Modification Program Number % Re-employed/ Regain Appropriate Employment Level Number % Reinstatement/Current/Payoff Number % Short Sale Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Other - Borrower Still Owns Home Number % Homeownership Retention2 Six Months Number Six Months % Twelve Months Number Twelve Months % Twenty-four Months Number Twenty-four Months % Unreachable Number Unreachable % 1. Includes second mortgage settlement 2. Borrower still owns home Statistics are based on number of Approved Applications Program Outcome results may not carryforward from prior quarter report due to reclassification of outcome based on additional information received and continued improvement in data collection processes. Total Assistance Provided for the quarter ending December 31, 2013 excludes $691,738.57 of in-transit funds that were approved to disburse in the prior reporting quarter but were scheduled to disburse in the first week of this reporting quarter. California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Transition Assistance Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 85 26.2% 472 39.5% 54 16.6% 273 22.8% 66 20.3% 330 27.6% 120 36.9% N/A N/A 325 1,195 0 0 $1,701.73 N/A $0.00 N/A $301,557.00 N/A $0.00 N/A $1,892.03 N/A $0.00 N/A $316,030.19 N/A $0.00 N/A N/A N/A $2,000.00 N/A N/A $5,000.00 $285,750.00 N/A N/A N/A $1,811,527.13 N/A N/A N/A 64 56 8 9.4% 19 4.0% 4 4.7% 13 2.8% 1 1.2% 10 2.1% 72 84.7% 430 91.1% Program Intake/Evaluation Approved Number of Applications Approved % of Total Number of Applications Denied Number of Applications Denied % of Total Number of Applications Withdrawn Number of Applications Withdrawn % of Total Number of Applications In Process Number of Applications In Process % of Total Number of Applications Total Total Number of Applications Received Number of Borrowers Participating in Other HFA HHF Programs or Program Components Program Characteristics General Characteristics Median 1st Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 1st Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 1st Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 1st Lien UPB After Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB After Program Entry Median Principal Forgiveness1 Median Length of time Borrower Receives Assistance Median Assistance Amount Assistance Characteristics Assistance Provided to Date Total Lender/Servicer Assistance Amount Lender/Servicer Match (%) Median Lender/Servicer Assistance per Borrower Other Characteristics Median Length of Time from Initial Request to Assistance Granted Current Number % Delinquent (30+) Number % Delinquent (60+) Number % Delinquent (90+) Number % Program Outcomes California HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Transition Assistance Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 85 472 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 85 100.0% 470 99.6% 0 0.0% 2 0.4% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Intake/Evaluation Program Outcomes Borrowers No Longer in the HHF Program (Program Completion/Transition or Alternative Outcomes) Alternative Outcomes Foreclosure Sale Number % Cancelled Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Short Sale Number % Program Completion/ Transition Loan Modification Program Number % Re-employed/ Regain Appropriate Employment Level Number % Reinstatement/Current/Payoff Number % Short Sale Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Other - Borrower Still Owns Home Number % Homeownership Retention2 Six Months Number Six Months % Twelve Months Number Twelve Months % Twenty-four Months Number Twenty-four Months % Unreachable Number Unreachable % 1. Includes second mortgage settlement 2. Borrower still owns home Statistics are based on number of Approved Applications Program Outcome results may not carryforward from prior quarter report due to reclassification of outcome based on additional information received and continued improvement in data collection processes. Total Assistance Provided for the quarter ending December 31, 2013 excludes $19,000.00 of in-transit funds that were approved to disburse in the prior reporting quarter but were scheduled to disburse in the first week of this reporting quarter. California HHF Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Community Subordinated Lien Principal Reduction Program 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 2 33.3% 29 80.6% 1 16.7% 4 11.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 50.0% N/A N/A 6 36 0 0 $1,333.88 N/A $388.37 $0.00 $199,070.88 N/A $54,055.38 $9,557.50 $1,583.76 N/A $213.00 $0.00 $198,945.76 N/A $68,349.00 $30,162.00 $44,497.88 N/A $17,798.94 $25,831.00 N/A $9,073.00 $35,597.88 $53,397.88 100% $26,698.94 $421,862.41 $737,334.04 100% $16,758.00 65 108 2 100.0% 26 89.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 10.3% Program Intake/Evaluation Approved Number of Applications Approved % of Total Number of Applications Denied Number of Applications Denied % of Total Number of Applications Withdrawn Number of Applications Withdrawn % of Total Number of Applications In Process Number of Applications In Process % of Total Number of Applications Total Total Number of Applications Received Number of Borrowers Participating in Other HFA HHF Programs or Program Components Program Characteristics General Characteristics Median 1st Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 1st Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 1st Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 1st Lien UPB After Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB After Program Entry Median Principal Forgiveness1 Median Length of time Borrower Receives Assistance Median Assistance Amount Assistance Characteristics Assistance Provided to Date Total Lender/Servicer Assistance Amount Borrowers Receiving Lender/Servicer Match (%) Median Lender/Servicer Assistance per Borrower Other Characteristics Median Length of Time from Initial Request to Assistance Granted Current Number % Delinquent (30+) Number % Delinquent (60+) Number % Delinquent (90+) Number % Program Outcomes California HHF Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance Community Subordinated Lien Principal Reduction Program Program Intake/Evaluation Outcomes Borrowers No Longer in the HHF Program (Program Completion/Transition or Alternative Outcomes) Alternative Outcomes Foreclosure Sale Number % Cancelled Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Short Sale Number % 12/31/2013 QTD Cumulative 2 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 100.0% 29 100.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0.0% 0 0.0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 100.0% 22.00 100.0% 2.00 100.0% 0 0.0% Program Completion/ Transition Loan Modification Program Number % Re-employed/ Regain Appropriate Employment Level Number % Reinstatement/Current/Payoff Number % Short Sale Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Other - Borrower Still Owns Home Number % Homeownership Retention2 Six Months Number Six Months % Twelve Months Number Twelve Months % Twenty-four Months Number Twenty-four Months % Unreachable Number Unreachable % 1. Includes second mortgage settlement 2. Borrower still owns home Statistics are based on number of Approved Applications Program Outcome results may not carryforward from prior quarter report due to reclassification of outcome based on additional information received and continued improvement in data collection processes. Data Dictionary HFA Performance Data Reporting- Borrower Characteristics The Following Data Points Are To Be Reported In Aggregate For All Programs: Unique Borrower Count Number of Unique Borrowers Receiving Assistance Number of Unique Borrowers Denied Assistance Total number of unique borrowers having received some form of assistance under any one of the HFA's programs. The number of borrowers represented in the other "Borrower Characteristics" fields should foot to this number. Total number of unique borrowers not receiving assistance under any of the programs and not withdrawn Number of Unique Borrowers in Process Total number of unique borrowers who do not receive assistance under any program because of voluntary withdrawal after approval or failure to complete application despite attempts by the HFA Totoal number of unique borrowers who have not been decisioned for any program and are pending review. This should be reported in the QTD column only. Total Number of Unique Applicants Total number of unique borrowers. This should be the total of the four above fields (using the QTD column for in process borrowers). Number of Unique Borrowers Withdrawn from Program Program Expenditures Total Assistance Provided to Date Total amount of assistance provided to borrowers through HHF program (s) Total Spent on Administrative Support, Outreach, and Counseling Total amount spent on administrative expenses to support the program(s) Borrower Income All Categories At the time of assistance, borrower's annual income ($) rounded to the nearest thousand. Borrower Income as Percent of Area Median Income (AMI) All Categories At the time of assistance, borrower's annual income as a percentage of area median income. Geographic Breakdown (by County) All Categories Number of aggregate borrowers assisted in each county listed. Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Borrower Race All Categories Ethnicity All Categories Sex All Categories Race All Categories Ethnicity All Categories Sex All Categories All totals for the aggregate number of borrowers assisted. All totals for the aggregate number of borrowers assisted. All totals for the aggregate number of borrowers assisted. Co-Borrower All totals for the aggregate number of borrowers assisted. All totals for the aggregate number of borrowers assisted. All totals for the aggregate number of borrowers assisted. Hardship All Categories All totals for the aggregate number of borrowers assisted. Current Loan to Value Ratio (LTV) All Categories Market loan to value ratio calculated using the unpaid principal balance at the time of assistance divided by the most current valuation at the time of assistance. Current Combined Loan to Value Ratio (CLTV) All Categories Market combined loan to value ratio calculated using the unpaid principal balance for all first and junior liens at the time of assistance divided by the most current valuation at the time of assistance. Delinquency Status (%) All Categories Household Size Delinquency status at the time of assistance. All Categories Household size at the time of assistance. HFA Performance Data Reporting- Program Performance The Following Data Points Are To Be Reported In Aggregate For All Programs Program Intake/Evaluation Approved Number of Applications Approved % of Total Number of Applications Denied Number of Applications Denied % of Total Number of Applications Withdrawn Number of Applications Withdrawn % of Total Number of Applications In Process Number of Applications In Process % of Total Number of Applications Total Total Number of Applications Received Number of Borrowers Participating in Other HFA HHF Programs or Program Components The total number of applications approved for assistance for the specific program Total number of applications approved for assistance for the specific program divided by the total number of applications received for the specific program. The total number of applications denied for assistance for the specific program. A borrower that has provided the necessary information for consideration for program assistance, but is not approved for this assistance. Total number of applications denied for assistance for the specific program divided by the total number of applications received for the specific program. The total number of applications withdrawn from the specific program. A withdrawl is defined as a borrower who was approved but never received funding, or a borrower who drops out of the process despite attempts by the HFA to complete application. Total number of applications for assistance withdrawn for the specific program divided by the total number of applications received for the specific program. The total number of applications for the specific program that have not been decisioned and are pending review. This should be reported in the QTD column only. Total number of applications for the specific program that have not been decisioned and are pending review divided by the total number of applications received for the specific program. Total number of applicantions received for the specific program (approved, denied, withdrawn and QTD in process). Number of households participating in other HFA sponsored HHF programs or other HHF program components. Program Characteristics General Characteristics Median Principal Forgiveness Median first lien housing payment paid by homeowner for all approved applicants prior to receiving assistance. In other words, the median contractual borrower payment on their first lien before receiving assistance. Median first lien housing payment paid by homeowner for after receiving assistance. In other words, the median contractual first lien payment less HFA contribution. Median second lien housing payment paid by homeowner for all approved applicants prior to receiving assistance. In other words, the median contractual borrower payment on their second lien before receiving assistance. Median second lien housing payment paid by homeowner for after receiving assistance. In other words, the median contractual second lien payment less HFA contribution. Median principal balance of all applicants approved for assistance prior to receiving assistance. Median principal balance of all applicants approved for assistance after receiving assistance. Median second lien principal balance of all applicants approved for assistance prior to receiving assistance. Median second lien principal balance of all applicants approved for assistance after receiving assistance. Median amount of principal forgiveness granted ($). This should only include extinguished fees in the event that those fees have been capitalized. *Includes second lien extinguishment Median Length of Time Borrower Receives Assistance Median Assistance Amount Median length of time a borrower receives on-going assistance (e.g., unemployment programs). Please report in months (round up to closest integer). This only need be reported in the cumulative column. Median amount of assistance ($). Median 1st Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 1st Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment Before Assistance Median 2nd Lien Housing Payment After Assistance Median 1st Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 1st Lien UPB After Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB Before Program Entry Median 2nd Lien UPB After Program Entry Assistance Characteristics Assistance Provided Total Lender/Servicer Assistance Amount Borrowers Receiving Lender/Servicer Match (%) Median Lender/Servicer Assistance per Borrower Total amount of aggregate assistance provided by the HFA (does not include lender matching assistance). Total amount of aggregate assistance provided by the lenders / servicers (does not include HFA assistance). Lender waiving fees and / or forbearance does not count towards lender / servicer assistance. Percent of borrowers receiving lender/servicer match out of the total number of assisted applicants. Median lender/servicer matching amount (for borrowers receiving matching) Other Characteristics Median Length of Time from Initial Request to Assistance Granted Current Number % Delinquent (30+) Number % Delinquent (60+) Number % Delinquent (90+) Number % Program Outcomes Borrowers No Longer in the HHF Program (Program Completion/Transition or Alternative Outcome) Median length of time from initial contact with borrower (general eligibility determination) to granted assistance. Please report in days (round up to closest integer). Number of households current at the time assistance is received. Percent of current households divided by the total number of approved applicants. Number of households 30+ days delinquent but less than 60 days delinquent at the time assistance is received. Percent of 30+ days delinquent but less than 60 days delinquent households divided by the total number of approved applicants. Number of households 60+ days delinquent but less than 90 days delinquent at the time assistance is received. Percent of 60+ days delinquent but less than 90 Days delinquent households divided by the total number of approved applicants. Number of households 90+ Days delinquent at the time assistance is received. Percent of 90+ days delinquent households divided by the total number of approved applicants. Number of households who are not longer in the HFA program and reach an alternative outcome or program completion/transition. Alternative Outcomes Foreclosure Sale Number % Number of households transitioned out of the HHF program into a foreclosure sale as an alternative outcome of the program. Percent of transitioned households that resulted in foreclosure. Cancelled Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Short Sale Number % Program Completion/ Transition Number of borrowers who were approved and funded , then were disqualified or voluntarily withdrew from the program without reemployment or other intended transition. Percent of transitioned households that were cancelled from the program. Number of households transitioned out of the HHF program into a deed in lieu as an alternative outcome of the program. Percent of transitioned households that resulted in deed in lieu. Number of households transitioned out of the HHF program into a short sale as an alternative outcome of the program. Percent of transitioned households that resulted in short sale. Loan Modification Program Number % Re-employed/ Regain Appropriate Employment Level Number % Reinstatement/Current/Payoff Number of households that transitioned into a loan modification program (such as the Making Home Affordable Program) Percent of transitioned households entering a loan modification program. Number of households transitioned out of the program due to regaining employment and/or appropriate levels of employment. Percent of transitioned households that resulted in re-employment or regained employment levels. Number % Short Sale Number % Deed in Lieu Number % Other - Borrower Still Owns Home Number % Number of households transitioned out of the program due to reinstating/bringing loan current or paying off their mortgage loan. Percent of transitioned households that resulted in reinstatement/current or payoff. Number of households transitioned out of the HHF program into a short sale as the desired outcome of the program. Percent of transitioned households that resulted in short sale. Number of households transitioned out of the HHF program into a deed in lieu as the desired outcome of the program. Percent of transitioned households that resulted in a deed in lieu Number of households transitioned out of the HHF program not falling into one of the transition categories above, but still maintaining ownership of the home. Percent of transitioned households in this category Homeownership Retention1 Six Months % Twelve Months % Unreachable % Number of households assisted by the program in which the borrower retains ownership 6 months post receipt of initial assistance. Percent of households assisted by the program in which the borrower retains ownership 6 months post receipt of initial assistance divided by the total number of households assisted by the program 6 months prior to reporting period. Number of households assisted by the program in which borrower retains ownership 12 months post receipt of initial assistance. Percent of households assisted by the program in which the borrower retains ownership 12 months post receipt of initial assistance divided by the total number of households assisted by the program 12 months prior to reporting period. Number of homes assisted by the program that are unable to be verified by any means. Percent of homes assisted by the Program that are unable to be verified by any means. 1. Borrower still owns home * Information should reflect quarterly activity (e.g., borrowers assisted during the reporting quarter)