GHSA 2015 Baseball Examination Study Guide Page 1 of 3 The

GHSA 2015 Baseball Examination Study Guide
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The umpire-in-chief shall record any reported substitutions on the lineup card and then immediately announce any change(s) to
the opposing team. 3-1-1
It is an immediate dead-ball when the batter enters the batter's box with an illegal bat. 5-1-1.c
The ball becomes dead immediately when an infielder intentionally drops a fair fly ball with at least first base occupied and with
less than two outs. 5-1-1.j
A batter becomes a runner with the right to attempt to score by advancing to first, second, third and home bases in the listed
order when he is charged with a third strike. 8-1-1.b
Obstruction of the batter-runner is ignored if the batter-runner reaches first and all other runners advance at least one base.
If a runner misses any base (including home plate) and desires to return to touch the base, he must do so immediately. If the
offensive team initiates a play before the next pitch, the defensive team does not lose the right to appeal. 8-2-5
On an unintentional catch and carry, base awards are made from the time of the pitch. Awards Table
It is not spectator interference if a spectator physically hinders a fielder who is reaching into a dead ball area to make a play on a
batted or thrown ball. 8-3-3.e
A designated hitter for said player shall be selected prior to the start of the game, and his name shall be included on the lineup
cards presented to the umpire-in-chief. 3-1-4
The pitching regulations begin when the pitcher intentionally makes contact with the pitcher's plate. 6-1-1
Pitchers are prohibited from wearing any items on the hands, wrists or arms that may be distracting to the batter. The umpire
has the sole authority to determine whether or not an item worn by the pitcher is distracting. 6-2-1
With bases loaded, the pitcher begins his his delivery to the batter as the batter places one foot out of the box. The pitcher
hesitates (pauses) in his delivery and then delivers the ball to the batter. There is no penalty on either the batter or the pitcher.
A batter is in proper order if he follows the player whose name precedes his in the lineup, even though such preceding batter
may have batted out of order. 7-1-1
To avoid a penalty, the batter must take his position in the batter's box within 20 seconds and, after receiving the ball, the
pitcher must pitch or attempt a play within 20 seconds. 7-3-1 (Batter) 6-2-2.c (Pitcher)
It is a balk when the pitcher fails to pitch to the batter when the entire non-pivot foot passes behind the perpendicular plane of
the back edge of the pitcher's plate, except when feinting or throwing to second base in an attempt to put out a runner.
A strike is charged to the batter when a pitch is struck at and missed, even if the pitch touches the batter. 7-2-1.b
The pitcher shall go to the set position without interruption and in one continuous motion. He shall come to a complete and
discernible stop with the ball in both hands in front of the body and his glove at or below his chin. 6-1-3
With a runner on third base, the pitcher starts his delivery from the windup position. The third baseman is standing with both
feet in foul territory. The umpires shall call a balk on the pitcher. 1-1-4
The catcher is required to have both feet in the catcher's box at the time of the pitch. 6-1-1
GHSA 2015 Baseball Examination Study Guide
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For the wind-up position, the pitcher is not restricted as to how he shall hold the ball.
Umpire jurisdiction begins upon the umpires arriving at the field (within the confines of the field) and ends when the umpires
leave the playing field at the conclusion of the game. 10-1-2
The plate umpire is required to make all decisions on the batter and final decisions on points not covered by the rules.
10-2-1 (as to batter) 10-2-3.g (as to rules)
If there is a question about a rule that was possibly misapplied, the team's coach or captain shall inform the umpire at the time
of the play and before a pitch to the next batter of either team, or before the umpires leave the field if the play in question was
the last play of the game. 10-2-3.i.1
With a runner on second base, the pitcher comes set to deliver the next pitch. After the pitcher has come set, the batter steps
from the right-side batter's box to the left-side batter's box. The pitcher then disengages the rubber and makes a pick-off throw
to second base catching the runner off base as the second baseman applies a tag. The pickoff play is ignored, the batter is called
out and the runner at second stays at second. 7-3-3
Beginning the 2015 season, teams are allowed to record and watch video in the dugouts for coaching purposes.
3-3-1 & NFHS Guide
For the set position, the pitcher shall, before starting his delivery, stand with his entire non-pivot foot in front of a line extending
through the front edge of the pitcher's plate and with his entire pivot foot in contact with or directly in front of and parallel to
the pitcher's plate. 6-1-3
If an umpire gets blood on his/her uniform or equipment, he should consult with an athletic trainer (if present) and ensure that
the NFHS communicable diseases guidelines are followed. NFHS Guide, Pg 3
The pitcher throwing or feinting to any unoccupied base when it is not an attempt to put out or drive back a runner is a balk.
A runner may slide in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or altering the play of the fielder.
A runner advancing to second base dives over the second baseman. There was no interference by the runner. The runner is out
and the ball remains live. 8-4-2.d
Play list and signal notes worn by players are legal as long as they are worn in the manner intended by the manufacturer, on the
arm or wrist. Play list worn on the belt are illegal. NFHS Guide, Pg 3
With a runner on first and no outs, the batter swings and misses the pitch for strike one. In the batter's follow-through swing, his
bat strikes the catcher as the catcher is attempting to throw out the runner on first stealing second base. The catcher is
prevented from making the throw because of the batter's follow-through contact. The batter is called out and the runner is
returned to first base. The ball is a delayed dead ball. 7-3-5.c
Follow-through interference is when the bat hits the catcher after the pitcher's delivery of the ball. 2-21-4
Backswing interference is when a batter contacts the catcher or his equipment prior to the time of the pitch.
On a pitched ball that does not make contact with the bat, runner's are awarded one base when the pitched ball goes into deadball territory, regardless of how the ball gets into dead-ball territory.
8-3-3.d & NFHS Guide, Pg 7
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With runners on first and third bases, the pitcher assumes his position on the pitcher's plate in the set position. The runner at
third makes a break towards the plate. The pitcher steps clearly backward off the pitcher's plate then runs several steps towards
home plate and throws the ball to the catcher. The throw bounces away from the catcher and into the stands. At the time of the
pitcher's throw, the runner from first base was between second and third. The runner that was on first base is awarded 3rd
base. 8-3-3.c.2
If a pitcher disengages the rubber before attempting to pick-off a runner and throws the ball into dead-ball territory, all runners
would be awarded two bases. 8-3-5
The batter hits a high fly ball to the first baseman. The pitcher unintentionally collides with the batter-runner knocking the
batter-runner to the ground while the batter-runner is running to first base. The first baseman catches the ball before the ball
hits the ground. The batter-runner is out, obstruction is ignored and the play stands.
8-4-1.b & NFHS Guide Pg 11
The plate umpire is required to keep a written record of defensive and offensive team charged conferences for each team and
notify the respective coach each time a conference is charged to his team. 10-2-3.j
When the ball becomes dead, the defense can make an appeal that would cause a player to be put out.
Umpires have the authority to have a spectator(s) removed from the premises for conduct that affects the administration of the
game. GHSA Policy
All GHSA registered umpires must comply with the E-Verify program by July 1 each year. GA State Legislature/GHSA Policy
All GHSA sanctioned umpiring associations must use the Arbiter Program for membership registration. GHSA Policy
Once a game ejection is assessed it cannot be reversed at a review at a later time. GHSA Policy
The field/base umpire(s) shall use a ball/strike/out indicator for all GHSA sanctioned games. GHSA Policy
“Play-In” games are considered part of the regular season and shall be umpired by the host school’s association. GHSA Policy
GHSA Member schools are not permitted to play varsity level games against non-member schools (GISA). GHSA Policy