Curricula Overview

Curricula Overview
SCORES Soccer Manual
Power of Poetry
Writing for the Community
Fit Fútbol
Kickin’ Kitchen
Jr. SCORES Space Soccer Slam
Jr. SCORES Playmakers
Jr. SCORES Helping Heroes
The Legend of the Golden Boot
Table of Contents
About America SCORES3
SCORES Soccer Manual4
Power of Poetry5
Writing for the Community6
Fit Fútbol7
Kickin’ Kitchen8
Jr. SCORES Space Soccer Slam!10
Jr. SCORES Playmakers11
Jr. SCORES Helping Heroes12
The Legend of the Golden Boot13
Colin Schmidt
Emily Queliza
Yuri Morales
Executive Director
Associate Director
Program Director
P 415.486.1313
P 415.486.1312
C 831.600.6782
C 415.377.3887
C 415.830.0292
Eva Sippola
Roberto Gil
Director of Development
West Contra Costa Program Director
and Health Initiatives
C 415.810.6811
P 415.486.1317
About America SCORES
America SCORES inspires urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and
character to make a difference in the world.
America SCORES envisions a world where all youth find their voice, achieve their goals, and unleash their full
Our Unique Approach
America SCORES partners with urban schools to provide a high quality, team-based program that integrates soccer, poetry and service-learning. Our innovative approach improves students’ health, academic achievement
and civic engagement.
Three Step Process to Youth Development
1 – We create teams through the sport of soccer.
2 – We bring these teams into the classroom to discover their voice through poetry.
3 – As a team, poet-athletes learn to use their voices to make change in their communities.
The result is a team of children who experience success on the field, in the classroom, and in the community.
In 1994, a public school teacher in Washington, DC started a soccer league with the purpose of providing girls
with an alternative to spending after-school time on the streets. She discovered her students were eager to learn
about the sport, and in the process developed greater self-esteem, positive peer interactions, stronger attachments to school, and a motivation to exercise. During inclement weather, the teacher added a creative writing
and literacy arts component to the sports program because, much like sports, literacy arts involve self-expression,
group support, and public performance.
America SCORES runs programs in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Milwaukee,
New York, Seattle, St. Louis, and Washington, DC.
America SCORES Bay Area
Founded in 2001, America SCORES Bay Area began its first year of programming with 150 youth in five schools in
San Francisco. We have grown to offer programs to 1,000 youth in 25 schools in San Francisco, Richmond, and
San Pablo.
America SCORES Bay Area works in concert with after school staff at urban public schools to run high quality
enrichment programming. America SCORES provides training, resources, curriculum, and constant support to
ensure the success of our unique programs.
SCORES Soccer Manual
225 page Coach Manual
Grades 3 4 5
The America SCORES soccer experience is based upon three key principles: teamwork, leadership, and commitment. The
curriculum trains coaches to make every effort to emphasize healthy competition and concentrate on the joy and integrity
of the game of soccer. America SCORES has adopted a non-results-oriented league model in order to maintain a youth soccer program that effectively builds the self-esteem of our participants. At practices our coaches introduce the rules of soccer
and the fundamental skills needed to play the game in creative, enjoyable ways. The America SCORES Soccer Manual trains
coaches to challenge every player to try new skills without the fear of failure or exclusion. In healthy competition, risk-taking is
a rewarding learning experience.
Low-income communities often lack access or the opportunity for their children to participate in organized sports. America
SCORES offers opportunities for sportsmanship and teambuilding, giving many children feelings of acceptance, pride, belonging and self-esteem they don’t receive elsewhere. In addition, many school districts across the country receive only
limited physical and nutritional education, leaving some communities with childhood obesity levels of about 45 percent.
America SCORES health and safety lessons aim to fill this gap by providing information on healthy foods and activities, basic
first aid, and emergency training.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Team Management
• Team and behavior management techniques
• The Rules of Play
• End of season awards ceremony
• Warm-Ups and Stretching
• Coach training and workshops
• Soccer Skill Development
• Exercise and physical fitness training
• Conflict Resolution
• Health and nutrition courses
• Teamwork, Leadership, and Commitment
• Weekly soccer tournament
• Health and Nutrition
• Increase physical fitness and activity
• Form positive fitness habits and increase healthy eating
• Increase in knowledge of nutrition and wellness
habits in students and America SCORES staff
• Emphasize teamwork and fun over competition
• Improved ability in soccer
Power of Poetry
167 page Coach Manual
Grades 3 4 5
The Power of Poetry curriculum is marked by several benchmarks in a student’s time within the program. They create a poetry portfolio, participate in private and public poetry readings (including the culminating Poetry Slam! event), and publish a
poem in a local bulletin, newsletter, or website. America SCORES literacy coaches are given a variety of tools to assist them
in meeting these benchmarks in addition to the program’s overlaying objectives (listed below). These include lesson-specific
objectives, tips and strategies for journaling, sharing, and working with ESL students.
When students begin to fall behind in their reading and writing, their discouragement takes the form of disinterest and even
hostility towards literacy. The effects of this are not only in their achievement academically, but in their ability to successfully
articulate themselves. America SCORES provides engaging activities that incorporate art, music, emotion, and drama to
reinvigorate students’ interest in writing and teach them the basics of poetry, public speaking, and literary devices. By incorporating the community’s support through public performances, America SCORES is also helping to change the stigma many
students feel about self-expression.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Poetry starters and conversations
• Local and national Poetry Slam!
• Poems about the self
• Community poetry reading
• Elements of poetry – amazing alliteration, simile and meta-
• Coach training and workshops
phor, rhyme and rhythm
• Poet auditions and rehearsals
• Limericks, haikus, and epistles
• Poet’s Crew – a select number of motivated and talented
• Literacy-based games
students that participate in events
• Write poems in a variety of different forms
• Express complex feelings and opinions in writing
• Present their writing to a group with confidence
• Approach writing with increased enthusiasm
• Understand and execute the writing process
• Learn basic literary terminology and devices
• Name a favorite poet and/or poem
• Listen to, respect, and reflect on published work
Writing for the Community
159 page Coach Manual
Grades 3 4 5
Writing for the Community takes place in the spring season and expands upon the teamwork and writing skills students learn
in the fall. Students work together under the guidance of their coach to identify a need within their community and a service
project that will address that need. America SCORES offers coaches in-depth curriculum and resources so that they may
provide students with a meaningful experience. Projects take place over ten weeks and teams are encouraged to seek out
diversity, community partners, and strengthen their voices by taking on leadership roles.
The America SCORES approach to service-learning offers an empowering perspective to the many challenges our students
face in their schools and neighborhoods. The positive association between civic engagement and increased self-efficacy is
well documented. Research indicates that youth from low-income families and youth of color have reported to feel “alienated” from their communities and, in general, have a lower sense of “political efficacy.” However, when given the opportunity to engage in teamwork, participate in problem solving, public speaking and expression, they have the ability to act on
their concerns and address problems in a creative and constructive manner. This process enables students to develop their
own unique, articulate voices that become catalysts for revitalization in their communities.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Preparation and decision-making
• Culminating community event
• Research and Planning
• Guest speakers/interviews
• Writing, service, advocacy, and action
• Physical activity and health lessons
• Demonstration and reflection
• Research and planning skills
• Coach training
• Fundraisers
• Use writing to explore connections between knowledge,
• Students think critically about a community issue and work
lessons, and service
as a team to complete a service project
• Students define their communities through observation,
• Increase in community awareness, involvement, and
writing, research, and service
Fit Fútbol
132 page Coach Manual & 107 page Student Workbook
Grades 1 2 3 4 5
Fit Fútbol is a program that empowers public school staff through training and support to increase physical fitness and improve
nutrition behaviors of underserved elementary school students. Students receive two hours per week of nutrition education
and 150 minutes per week of physical activity through soccer instruction and games. America SCORES students and their
families will learn about nutrition and physical fitness through fun activities.
On average, 80 percent of students in low-income neighborhoods have failed the California State Physical Fitness Test and
live in communities where 45 percent of children are overweight or obese. Overweight youth have a 70 percent chance of
becoming overweight or obese adults. Fit Fútbol was developed in response to a need identified by America SCORES students, families, and school partners.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Food pyramid/dietary guidelines
• Farmers market field trip
• Nutrients, food choices, and meal planning
• Family meals
• Bone development and strength
• Fruits and Vegetables
• Beverage choices
• Goal setting challenges
• Water function and importance
• Community volunteer involvement
• How to eat like an athlete
• Coach training
• Affects of advertising on food choices
• Soccer instruction
• Food safety and recipes
• Walkathon/marathon
• Improve fitness levels among participants
• Increase fruit and vegetable consumption
• Increase knowledge about nutrition
• Increase intergenerational physical activity
Kickin’ Kitchen
Live Nutrition Demonstration, Physical Activity, & 91 page Manual
For Parents
The Kickin’ Kitchen is nutrition education and food demonstration program delivered to America SCORES parents as part of
the weekly “Community Saturday” soccer games. The Kickin’ Kitchen will be open at the soccer field or inside one of the
school classrooms and will offer families nutrition and physical activity education as part of the “Fruit, Vegetable and Physical
Activity Toolbox for Community Educators (Toolbox)” and “Harvest of the Month” developed by the Network for Healthy California, and will feature food demonstrations of healthy recipes prepared by volunteers from the local Bay Area community.
It is well documented that the combination of physical inactivity and overweight and obesity are risk factors for developing
chronic diseases in adulthood. According to the CDC’s Guidelines for School and Community programs to Promote Lifelong
Physical Activity Among Young People, it is recommended that parents are physically active role models and should plan
and participate in activities that include physical activity. Further, research indicates that parental support is a determinant of
physical activity among children and adolescents. The Kickin’ Kitchen has been developed with the understanding that parents’ attitudes towards physical activity and nutrition may influence their children’s involvement in physical activity. Through
America SCORES afterschool programs, the organization has the ability to change the physical health of children; however, to
ensure that these changes are carried out beyond the hours of the program, America SCORES is committed to working with
our parents to promote sustainable community change.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Be “Sugar Savvy” demonstrations
• Available every Community Saturday Game Day
• Healthy food preparation demonstrations
• Walking/ physical activity challenge
• Wellness letter distribution
• Nutrition education workshops
• Goal-setting
• Physical activity workshops for parents
• Improve fitness levels among participants
• Increase fruit and vegetable consumption
• Increase knowledge about nutrition
• Increase intergenerational physical activity
41 page Coach Manual
Grades 3 4 5
SportSmarts is based on the BrainPower program developed by psychologist Cynthia Hudley, PhD. The goal of the curriculum
is to reduce children’s inclination to see their peers as hostile by teaching them to consider the intentions of their peers before
reacting aggressively. The curriculum encourages students to start with the presumption of accidental intent, and then distinguish between different types of intent (hostile, accidental, or helpful). Students will learn intent detection as well as anger
management and conflict resolution skills as part of the curriculum, with the goal of applying these skills on and off the soccer
field. The curriculum uses a variety of techniques to help students learn how to manage conflict, anger, and aggression.
SportSmarts was developed in collaboration with the UCSF Department of Pediatrics.
Violence in urban communities is one of many serious challenges facing youth of low-income backgrounds. The SportSmarts
curriculum combines soccer, music, and role-play to teach students how to manage conflict and anger with anti-aggressive
behavior. Students will discover that athletic skill and strong bodies can help them become good soccer players, but the ability to stay calm and respond positively in the face of adversity is what defines great players. This is a unique curriculum that
draws on experiences with aggression and anger on the soccer field to help at-risk youth manage situations of conflict in their
schools and larger communities.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Role-play and scenarios
• Coach training
• Musical Moments
• Provide conflict resolution techniques
• Journaling
• Workshops for students and families
• Scavenger Hunts
• Anger and stress management techniques
• Soccer Connection
• Culminating public performance
• Journaling
• Reduction in aggressive behaviors in students
• Increase time devoted to developing literacy skills through
• Increase ability to manage conflict, anger, and agression.
reading, writing, and performance
• Increase self-esteem and self-efficacy
Jr. SCORES Space Soccer Slam!
14 page Coach Manual & 21 page Student Workbook w/full color illustrations
Grades 1 2
Jr. SCORES Space Soccer Slam! helps first and second graders discover soccer and creative writing through an imaginary trip
to play in the Space Soccer Jamboree. The Juniors are the main characters in a children’s story written and illustrated all about
them and their America SCORES season (but with an extraterrestrial twist!). The story prompts students to work on a series of
writing and drawing activities to complete their journey through space. Throughout their travels, they help characters through
rhyme, teamwork, writing and performance.
Jr. SCORES Space Soccer Slam! introduces the game of soccer to youth and helps them begin to discover poetry, creative
expression and story telling. Throughout the journey, students solve problems by using newfound literacy skills, further bolstering their self-confidence in writing and self-expression. The cause and effect relationship between literacy proficiency and
self-confidence in young students is often a large part of dropping achievements in later years. America SCORES is aiming to
address this issue with the innovative and engaging Jr. SCORES Space Slam.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• We’re going to the moon?
• Community Saturday Game Days
• Meet Leeda, captain of Rhyme Rocket
• Coach training
• Some new teammates
• Team flag design and individual crest creation
• Flying the Rhyme Rocket to the moon
• Playing with the moon baboons
• Loopy and Lou find their parents
• The space soccer championship!
• Build early literacy skills
• Increase self-efficacy among participants
• Raise enthusiasm for reading and writing
• Practice public speaking
Jr. SCORES Playmakers
Selection of 5 Books, 8 page Coach Manual & 14 page Student Workbook
Grades 1 2
Playmakers are players who know how to make playing fun and safe for themselves and for everyone around them. In this
Winter Storytime Curriculum, Jr. SCORES students will meet some Playmakers from the familiar playground, faraway countries
and cultures, and even the animal planet. Each school receives a set of five children’s books with corresponding lesson plans,
a class set of student journals, and materials for additional projects. Weekly 45-60 minute reading classes consist of story time,
brief discussions, and student journaling activities in response to the stories. Coaches are also given optional ideas and materials for art, drama, and science projects that relate to the content.
With the implementation of the Jr. SCORES program, America SCORES is aiming to prevent gaps in literacy achievement that
are so difficult to overcome even a year or two later. The Playmaker curriculum incorporates storytelling and teamwork to engage a younger audience and introduce them to the America SCORES values of collaboration, communication, and problem solving. Juniors become inspired to practice these skills on the soccer field and express their experiences through writing.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Identify teamwork and commitment in stories
• Community Saturday Game Days
• Identify and use adjectives
• Weekly readings, journaling, and discussions
• Trust building
• Available extra-curricular activities for coaches
• The value of telling the truth
• Introduction to plant life
• Understand and use rhymes
• Coach training
• Increase self-efficacy among participants
• Raise enthusiasm for reading and writing
• Build early literacy skills
• Learn appreciation for others
Jr. SCORES Helping Heroes
15 page Coach Manual & 30 page Student Workbook w/original illustrations
Grades 1 2
The Jr. SCORES Helping Heroes curriculum focuses on heroes who provide a fun and familiar launch pad from which first and
second graders discover community service and civic responsibility. As the main characters in an original America SCORES
story written and illustrated about themselves, Juniors examine problems in their community as they set out to become Helping Heroes. By completing a variety of reading, writing, teambuilding and art challenges, Junior SCORES players earn superpowers which they must use to help others. A combination of America SCORES original stories, popular children’s books and
journal activities help the Heroes build literacy skills along the way.
Many 1st and 2nd graders are still struggling to develop a sense of “right and wrong.” The problems five to eight year-olds
see in their community can be puzzling, frightening and seemingly permanent. It is not surprising that first and second graders
often feel powerless in the face of violence, vandalism, pollution and discrimination. Yet every kid knows that a super-hero
always “does the right thing” and all kids want to be heroes themselves. Super-hero play and hero-based literature activities
make the perfect platform to empower youth to improve their community. This curriculum gives students any super-powers
they want to improve their community while helping them build their story comprehension and writing skills.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Letter to a hero
• Community Saturday Game Days
• Creating a Helping Hero comic strip
• Weekly readings, journaling, and discussions
• Class story times
• Available extra-curricular activities for coaches
• Five story summaries
• Coach training
• Create a mural
• Community mapping
• Word puzzles and games
• Increase self-efficacy among participants
• Learn appreciation for others
• Build early literacy skills
• Encourage community participation
• Raise enthusiasm for reading and writing
The Legend of the Golden Boot
20 page Coach Manual & 25 page Student Workbook w/original illustrations
Grades 1 2
The Legend of the Golden Boot is a unique, story-based curriculum that motivates and inspires Jr. SCORES students to discover
America SCORES values, work as a team, and share their own stories with fun, fictional characters and the America SCORES
community. This curriculum utilises story-based learning, an exciting new pedagogy that uses a narrative to engage students
in educational activities. To develop the program America SCORES Bay Area worked closely with Suzanne Popkin, a literature
professor at Stanford University and U.C. Berkeley, and founder of Bookboing, a company that develops educational, interactive story-based software.
Sitting through another hour-long class after a seven hour school day can be a challenge for a new first grader. The narrative
of the Golden Boot helps students approach their after-school time as anything but “more school,” while motivating them
to do academic work. Props, cartoon characters, illustrations, stories and clues will invite students’ imaginations to leave the
building and all of its stresses behind and embark on an exciting adventure when the bell rings. America SCORES Bay Area
expects that this approach will be effective for due to the benefits story-based learning offers to students: contextualized
learning, intrinsic motivation, emotional intelligence, and opportunities to express creativity and imagination.
Program Lessons
Program events and workshops:
• Creating an “Important Book”
• Community Saturday Game Days
• Meet the main characters and the Golden Boot
• Weekly readings, journaling, and discussions
• Create a team flag
• Available extra-curricular activities for coaches
• Write postcards and stories to characters
• Coach training and writing workshops
• Problem soliving and teamwork
• End of session celebration and poetry performance
• Write poetry to the characters to help them in the story
• Provide a context for students to learn more effectively
• Exercize students’ imaginations
• Build early literacy skills by engaging in an environment
• Learn appreciation for others by responding to characters
• Raise enthusiasm for reading and writing
• Encourage community participation