NBA Pro Basketball Scouting Report For 1968 And 1969

NBA Pro Basketball Scouting Report For 1968 And 1969
P rospectus — No NBA team I
e v e r had th ree superstars like |
B aylo r, Cham berlain in d West
at sa m e time. I f Bill van Breda !
K olff can keep them happy t and I
unified, they should c a rry Lak­
e rs to one of finest seasons in
N B A history. Depth is shallow ,j
b u t won’t he facto r as long as I
B ig Three s ta y s healthy. JPre-j
diction — F irs t in W'
Prospectus — Suns d id n ’t fare
well in expansion d ra ft. They
wound up w ith collection of jour­
could su rp rise. John K err has
way with expansion te am s but
will need more th a n bag of
tricks, Prediction — Seventh in
B. That Yogi B e rra preferred
SU N D A Y , NO V. 10, 1968
NEA Sports W riter
Bugs Bunny com ic books to
Forw ards — Well-traveled Me
New York - ( N E A ) - The Donald Duck com ic books.
Coy M cLemore and Dick Van
poundage. Rating—A.
Forw ards— Bob Love, F re d
Arsdale w ill start, Bor.h have Boeing 727 jetliner careened to­ Plainly, this is vital inform a­
Rookies— Besides Moore, on­ Hetzel and D ave Gambee form
experience, but never have be­ w ard Kennedy International tion although something seem s
ly other rookie getting serious rep resentative front line. Love
en big sco rers. Dave L attin and A irport like a hungry hawk, to be lacking. How, for instance
look is Rick Niem an (St. Louis can rebound; Hetzel and GamNeil Johns-on will b ac k them up Lights flashed, landing gears does the professional athlete g et
J a c k R a m sa y
J a c k M cM ahon
U.), w ho could be reserve up bee can score Love might be | jj0n m ay sm jje som e ^
sea Rating — C.
went down and stew ardesses to where he’s going?
3-Philadelphia 76ers
big surprise, xf played regular- jsoni
to Hayes. Prediction
1 i o .pectus — Loss of Wilt front.
hustled to b atten down the hat­ Cast aside those classical no­
Fourth in We&L
tions of drive, ambition and
ches. Anxious eyes watched.
'C ham berlain is bound to h u rt.
6-Cincinnati Royals
C e n te r- Rugged, but aging ■ Fonvards _ J&hn Block( 6.10>
Yet, enough talen t rem ains to
It looked fo r all the world like sheer ability. The professional
Prospectus— With Lucas and Wayne E m bry has come out o f. ]ecj Rockets in scoring with 20.2.
m ake speedy 76ers contenders.
Jo e Namath w as going in stand­ athlete today gets to where h e ’s
mwv- Robertson, Royals are always retirem ent^agam
_ . Baait J imf
^ sta rt with, C1U1C,
eith er Don Kojis
W ithout Wilt 76ers will be quickgoing by airplane, chartered
ing up.
er, b ut rebounding will suffer. Il0^ ’. D *er^ n'S m ade big con- did it, he helped Celtics win a | (19.7) or Toby Kinball (11.0).
Alone in the aisle, rattlin g a airplane.
w v t h .n o rW
n ric nn
title as back-up “to «Russell.
pavcm-fcintm* also
on how w
ell ,iiy
“ Sl scasu“
t,** !“*ue as
usse.“ - «Hee ss (Henry Finkel, seven-footer,
plastic cup of ice and Scotch,
United Airlines, for example,
Ja c k R a m s a v ca n pull team to- if k a s a n t'Surprise. Still Ed Juc- strong, excellent rebounder but fi
_ B —,
the New York Je ts’ quarterback (began making re g u la r charterg eth er without The Big Guy. ker needs help up ^
a^ n l n o t much of a scorer, R ating Center _ Hayes is favorite
laughed and finished a c a rd 'e d flights for athletes in 1946.
Prediction—Second in E ast.
|backcourt. Lucas and Robe s
C plus,
to become Rookie of Y ear.
gam e before a blonde stew ard-1 in the elapsed tim e, football
can t do it alone. Prediction— . Backcourt— F lashy Guy RodHoustonite will give Ro ’kets big
F o rw ard s— L uke Jackson and Fifth in E ast.
ess grabbed him by the left and baseball players have estajgers is good sta rt and John Mc- scoring threat they lacked so
rm and dragged him toward blished certain form s of tra v e l
IBilly Cunningham are establishGlocklin is capable. Bob Weiss woetully last season. Finkel will
jed frontliners. Jackson is exa seat.
behavior that airlines personnel
from Seattle will back them up. spell him. Rating — B plus.
Icellent rebounder: Cunningham
“ I ’ll bet th ese airline people have learned to cope with, m o re
R ating—B—.
Backcourt — P a t Riley, rook­
Ideadly shooter. M att G oukas,
ju st love th e se charter trip s,” or less.
Rookies— Charlie Paulk, top ie adjustments behind him,
Jo h n K err
fi-6, m a y switch from back to
said a television director in the
“ We tell our people they h av e
draft choice, could fit in up should come into his own. A
Center — George Wilson, who
Vs^ront- c°urt. Rookie Shaler H alifront. Best of rest is Bill Cun­ forward in college (Kentucky), comes to Phoenix fro m Seattle, n ext seat. “ I t ’s probably tbeir to have a more lib eral approach
jmon also figures. Rating —A— .
answ er to Halloween.”
ningham (M urray State), who he spent last season learning
to w hat might b e going on in
will sta rt. He’ll be pushed by
'■’iS ’d
C enter— Wilt’s departure lealooks like No. 2 center behind backcourt. Jim B arnett, hustl­ Gary G regor, No. 1 rookie, who
In recent years,, m uch tim e the plane,” says Wendell H us­
,'^ iv e s gaping hole. He led 76ers
E m bry.
and space h av e been devoted to ton, assigned to U nited’s sports
ing third-year m an , wib s ta rt is 6-7. R a tin g — D.
| in all offensive departm ents and
telling, the w orld how the pro­ charters here.
, 'in rebounding. D arrall Im hoff
9-Atlanta Hawks
Mostly,, says Houston, ath let­
ocne Williams are reserves. R a­ Hawks a n d Gail Goodrich from fessional athlete really lives,
replace him. Wilt’s loss will I
P rospectus— New surround­ ting — C.
Lakers a r e fast, but not, potent w hat he really thinks and what es are well m annered and gen­
^ f j | i burt Afters m ore than they ca re
,ings may help, but Hawks will i Rookies — Rockets are high scorers. Goodrich av erag ed 13.8 he really w ants. As a result of uinely courteous. He has, howto adm it. Rating —C.
have tough tim e repeating as on Rjck Adelman (Loyola of ISnyder 8.6 last season. Rookie this investigative approach, the ever, “heard from other peoBill v a n B reda K o lff
Backcourt— H al Greer, Wally
1pie from other airlines w here
m-fi1lar-season Wiestern Champs California) and Jo h n Trapp (Ne- j Harry H ollins of D enver could world now knows:
Forw ards — Elgin B ay tor is Jones, Chet W alker and A rchie
E dJucker
A. That Bob Gibson threw 'they encountered a rather row Wilt Chamberlains presence in vada Southern). Also getting fit in somewhere. Scoring po­
com ing off on e of finest seasons 1C lark form su p erb backcourt.
Forw ards— Je rry Lucas ts Los Angeles will be difference. ;ooks are stu Lantz (Nebraska) | tential is fair. Rating — C.
baseballs at a plate glass w in-'dy group.”
At 34, he still has a few good,G reer is near superstardom af-j Jerry Lucas. He didn’t m iss a Richie Guerin needs help in and H arry B arnes (NortheastRookies — Gregor, from Sou­ dow for 10 hours while m aking1 A stewardess from another
n A A1r A AllnL
\ a/ 111**A A rt I
.. *
y e a r s left, if troublesom e knee,ter brilliant 1967-68 season. H e !game last season; averaged backcourt and Len Wilkens Ie rn ) Still, rookie picture is w ra­ th Carolina, and Hollins look a one-minute television com -'airline said she knew of such
ho ld s up. L a s t season, he av-;probably will improve on 24.1 21.4, a n d was second-leading re- holdout hasn’t helped m atters p p ed up in two words: E 'v in good. S u n s are high on them. m ercial.
e ra g e d 26. T o m Hawkins, good j av erag e with W ilt gone. Clark, bounder in league behind Cham- Prediction— Second in West.
“ They’re pinchers,” she said ,
rebounder, com plem ents Bay-;acquired in Chamberlain trad e, berlain. John T resvant (12.3) is
|smiling. “ If I ’ve been pinched
lo r nicely up front. Rookie Bill, will be valuable addition. R at-J steady, but unspectacular. Loss
once by a baseball player. I ’ve
H ew itt (Southern Cal) an d Jay ing—A.
of Bob Love (6.4) and Len Chap­
Prospectus — Bulls need a
Ibeen pinched a thousaui lim es.
C a rty back th e m up. R atin g — Rookies— Halimon could be pell (3.8) to expansion hurt
§ !Football players a re different,
star badly. Closes thing to class
B plus.
.biggest surprise of NBA season. depth. Rating—B.
i is Bob Boozer, who averaged
th [though. They a s k you fo r a
_ .
v- m i, R am sav is very high on him.
5S date, take you
unn out
nnf and
nnrl then
llipn pin­
21.5 last season. Rookie center
Center — In co m p arab le Wilt
Center— Connie Dierking is
coming off best year ever. He
C ham berlain gives L ak ers sup4-New Y ork Knicks
beginning. New Coach Dick Mo235, Team 837, 784, 796 - 2417. Card games an d bull sessions
e rc e n te r th e y 'v e needed fo r; p rospec tu s - This could be averaged 16.4 and pulled down
tta can start planning for long
AMO’S FLYING A (01 Rich- however, generally dominate
y e a r s His presence m a k e s Lak-,R njcj.s> year_ ^ Reed and g ej_ 766 rebounds. Also made some
346, McManus 378, Todd activity. A man can pick u p a
er~ odds-on enoice' for Western iia m y come through off boards clutch plays. With added confi­
239, Dandro 240, P arish 363. staggering am ount of intorma11-1-68
D ivision title. Wilts statistics nad B radjev shows some of his dence, he should b etter that per­
Forw ards — Boozer was lead­
SPORTS MART (3) Mullady !T eam 707’ 697’ 789 ~ 2193,
Won on a ch artered plane.
n e e d no repeating. B ehind him ,P rinceton ’offenss. Red Holz- formance. Walt Wesley, a sev­
ing scorer last season. He’ll b ei 400, M e rrill 439, E n g lish 502,
SHEPPARD’S (3) Sheppard Most pro football teams allow
is another sveen-tooter. Mel m a n ' s Knjcks ca n run and shoot en-footer, is in reserve. Rating
joined by Jim Washington (12.5) Frisina 409,Murray 393. Team I490' Hilborne 350, H arp er 403,
their players to drink a m axiCounts. R atin g — A
Lbut can they control boards con- - B .
iW & X k&
Barry Clemens (9.3), Jim Barn- 863, 840, 863 —2566.
| Sheppard 456, Backus 349. Team m um of two b eers or other beR ich ie G uerin
Backcourt — Jerry W est still, sistently? P re d ictio n -T h ird in
s (7.3) and Erw in Mueller (6.5)
Backcourt— The Big 0 —Os­
HILLSIDE CAMPS (1) Lind 820> 935’ 839 ~ 2894verages on the trip home Sungoing strong. Averaged 26.3 last;E ast________
AGWAY PETROLEUM (1) day night.
car Robertson—is
still ...
in class Forw ards— Bill Bridges 115.6,: Washington, team ’s top reboun- 463, V oight 377, P a ris h 337, Ba­
by himself. Despite missing a l-J o e Caldwell (16.4), Paul S ilasjder, COuld improve as scorer,
season, d esp ite injuries, and
ker 461, B arr 487. Team 782, Donnelly 286, Loucks 473, Lim­ “ Bourbon is a n old people’s
w a s usual reliab le self in clutch.
most 30 games la t season with j (13.4) and Lou Hudson (12.5)Rating —B.
oges 29i, S harp 479, Howes 348. drink,” says th e Jets’ rookie
889, 853 — 2524.
R e s t of back co u rt is th in , hcwinjuries, he averaged 29.2 (best from solid front line. B ridges'
OGD. HOME IM PR . (1) Ash­ Team 909, 774. 752 - 2435.
lineman Sam Walton. “ G in?
av erag e in leag u e) and led can rebound with b est and ealdev er. Loss of speedy Archie
TODD’S STORE (0) Witherell Everybody drinks gin. You
ley 431, Griffith 374, Joly 388,
team with 633 assists. Adrian weH is vastly underrated. RaiC la rk will h u r t. Fred Crawford
Fritz 271, Hess 438. Team 787, 392, M atthews 320, W itherell 371, know, martinis an d stuff.”
w ill replace him . R ating — B.
Smith (15.6) holds down o th e r' ing—A—,
Matthews 384, Matthews 440. Namath again: “Bill, w a te r
796, 823 — 2406.
Rookies — Hewitt a n d guard
spot capably Tom Van Arsdale j Center_ Zehno Beaty av erag _
CHUCKS SHELL (3) Barnes Team 758, 781, 833 - 2372.
or on the rocks?”
E d Biednebaeh (North Carolina
(7.9) backs them up. R atm g -A . jed team leading 2 U ^
415, M ontroy 450, Brown 381,
Overheard in th e rear: “ How
S t ate i were unheralded college
Rookies— Three rookies, Don,son. He scores well enough, but
Trombley 400, G orrow 484.
much does it cost to get on one
perform ers. Both are question
Sharp 355,
Smith (Iowa S tate), P at F ran k 'rebounding figures aren’t so
Team 809, 846,754 — 2409.
. ne 402, ooo
o7nSm ithers 520. of those superslides?”
m a rk s.
(Colorado) and Fred F oster [impressive. Must get under-1
tvm m c
' Answering voice, also over(M iam i of Ohio) might stick .in eath m ore, especially against!
“About a dim e- 1 th in k 2 - BOSTON CELTICS
None figures prominently.
j Chamberlain. R a tin g -B plus.
ley 388, Rabetoy 398, Beard 469.
495- ^ l l s T u r ’ r ^49 j H aven’t you ever been on one?
Prospectus — Some day. old
Team 820. 815, * ) - 2418. ..
* • « all over He coun.
„ .
! Backcourt— Len Wilkens, afa g e may c a tc h up to Celtics.
R ed H olzm an
F r tr r T O ir
... trv.
(-Baltimore Bullets
_J t er lengthy holdouts m ay be
B u t not this season. Oldtimers
345, Mills 444, Duvall 419, Voight „ Y0UN£ , S„ E b E D!3)
Prospectus— F ront line i s , sj0w getting back in groove.
The jet soared on toward New
R ussell. Jo n e s. Sanders. Howell.
F o rw a rd s -W illi3 Reed (20.8): .
. E , |Th P earl) L T
*Y“ ”n '
Dick M o tta
i38H O’B rie n 480, T e a m 753,856,; Young 439, Basford 442, Rice York. In the front of the plane,
a n d Havlicek are good for at an d Cazzie R u .sell (16.9, g i v e . ^ f J ™
But he 11 be there eventually
Center - Tom Boerwinkle
o f !823 - 2432.
! 23' A^ en
' a man was telling coach W eeb
le a s t one m o re run for title Knicks strong frontcourt p a i r . '
“ ° n R l^ 'Don £ hl ^i4 0 .) ?5_otl:ier. ? u a ^ ; Tennessee and D ave N ew m arkj CRESCENTS (0) Dilcox 408, j Team 905, 807 , 789 - 2510.
Ewbank: “ You know, coach,
E verything depends on RusseH R eed is better rebounder, but
^ Shue s biggest p ro b lem )sen sational outside shooter. Anis
at center away _ from being j g j . j j g j . experienced backcourter
___ ..
of Columbia a re fighting i o r 1Edgerton 446, Middlemiss 407,)
HEUVELTON A LEAGUE the trouble with football to d a y
.n n rAe
underneath an d vaunted fast- R ussell is m ore versatile L o ss.rc0n“
^ PD-r-nri
r e at/-wLinn
& o ^ iCxi vt thn iyi
i n is needed for depth. Rating—B ; starting job. Both are seven to - Ladouceur 380, F ield s 529. |
is that the kids take it loo serb rea k Celts may s ta r t s’ow, of Dick Van Arsdale will hurt |E ast.
(l)jiously. Nobody h a s any fun anyb u t will be around at end.Pre- depth, but P hil Jackson(6.2)
Rookies— Two backcourters Ifar. If both fail, Washington GEORGES AUTOS (41 Mon-, yyheBter 473, Harvey 451, Comp­ more.
could take up slack. R ating—B,
diction — F i r s t in E ast.
a re getting look: Mac Daugher- will move in. R atin g — C —.
net 520, Montpetit 409, Lalonde ; j on 393 Arquette 378, SantaCenter— One oi these years,
.. 0
! -»-» * . . i
Atn m
ja i Amo c512.
io GLoom
. .
O liv
er 401,
Team moor 443
Team 824, 853, 919
W alt Bellamy is going to put
it all together. He averaged 16 7
iare versatile p air. Clem HaskDIAMOND NATIONAL
: TODDS STORE (3) Rice 480, (A P ) — An enuthusiastic ru e b y
an d pulled down 981 rebounds
!Ins (8.9) could also help. Rob11-1-68
Sprowls 559, Witherell 481, P ar-jfan apparently cheered too vigola st season, b u t can do better
10-San F rancisco W arriors jinson and sloan m ust improve
m both departm ents. R ating—B
SHIPPING (0) R egan 373, •^sb. . i 8k T eam 905, 1034, 917 :rously at Loftus Versveld staProspectus— With Rick B ar-'sco rin g averages. Rating — B-.
jdium here. A classified ad in the
Backcourt— Abundance of ta­
Fulford 355, Bracy 433, Paquet­
ry formally in other league, | Rookies — Boerwinkle a n d
FARMERS (0) Thompson 341,;P retoria News said: “Found,
len t here. Bill Bradley has re­
te 501, Griffith 435. Team 784,
W arriors still lack big sc o rin g ' Newmark have height, but scorMayhew 327, Coons 369, P a rk s'o n e denture p la te at L oftus,
gained the quick step he 'ost
threat. Healthy N ate Thurmond j ing abilities a re questionable, 889, 999 — 2472.
Mayne 506. Team 798, 854,'northern side. Phone Mrs. Hina fte r two y ears of inactivity;
(4) Bracy
will improve conditions, b u t'B o th will stick, nevertheless. MILLWRIGHTS
840 - 2492.
dlev at 8-2150.”
W ait Frazier is developing info
ca n ’t do it alone. New coach; Also getting look is Loy P e te r-;472'
a tull-fledged star: Dick Bar
(George L ee needs high-scoring(sen.
Team pard 480, W heater 473, Matth­
ca n still shoot with the best,
(forward. Prediction—Third i n 1
83^ 984» 949 ~ 21“9“ )tews
„ 0 569, R
a ce 398,_ Gladw 431.
an d Howard Komives is exper­
South A frica
113 - SEATTLE SUPERSONICSi DIAMATIZERS (3) Montroy j Team g32> ^
912 _ 2669>
Gene Shue
ienced perform er. Rating—A.
(AP) — A local woman w as
HUGHS O F DEPEYSTER (1) (granted a legal separation a fte r
Rookies— D avton's Don May
!is thin which is biggest pro-jMO, C heyia- 501 Montroy 555.
426_ A| quire m
B eaul-ishe testified th a t her husband
an d Providence's Mike Riordan
4 draft choice, L blueblem. A1 Bianchi also n erd s 'Team.8 3 4 944 951 - 2729
; ieu 3^ BeauUeu 467, Spare 420. (asked their friends and acquainM av stick. Both are getting chlP rookie. Bullets still have
forward who ca n score. Somes YARDBIRDS (1) Demers 487,; Team 858
g28 — 2567.
ii-annoo f™.
w .
long hard look-;.
Gas, Johnjso? (1?-° 'v Ray
Ar-t; -daumia-j a o ta „ a t„
(tances for r a t poison to give h er
1(16.4) and Jack M ann (13.51.
' finished ahead of expanswn- Law 4/5. Robihard 492 Lovely | AGWAY PETROLEUM (3) ja-nd promised each y e a r to
i m ate San Diego la st season, b u t 491, S hav ei 486. T e a m 923, 917, • Ritchie 425, Smither 493, Gladle jpresent her with a book on bow
5-Detroit Pistons
n unseld lives up to raves. Bul(won’t do it again. Elvin H ayes
P rn sp e c tu s Pistons
are ;!ets
be strong up front. Rat""A,2,^ A „ mAA
a, t,
1 ' 443, Howes 444, H uron 474. to commit suicide for her birth-,
'will be difference. Prediction - GROUNDWOOD (3) Bouch- (Team 857, 955 , 872 — 2784.
strong up fro n t: even stronger
.Fifth in West.
'ard 466. Kiah 459, M ontpetit 483,
SHAMROCK RESTAURANT!-------------------------------------------- m Backcourt. However lack of IC e n te r - LeRoy Ellis apd Bob
Forw ards—V eteran Tom M e s-;Monnet 521. Handley 591. Team
experienced center will crimp p e r r y win spjit duties again,
T alcott 364. Talchei’y (14.5i and second y e a r
902, 839 - 2673.
Kelly 527, Johnston 38/, Hebert |
348, Sprowls 457, Sprow ls
p lans for high finish. Donnis Bu- !^
]asj season_ Neither is big
tc h e r has much-improved team , iSC0I-e r or rebounder. E llis will
602, 681 — 1909.
Henry Akin,
a seven-footer 447, C ole 482, C asey 456, ConST. LAW. CO. BANK (3) Kel- j '
b u t center spot will spoil every- 1sta r^ F e rry good sp0t player,
and newcomer
Bob K aufm an ljffe 546, Madlin 479. Team 866, ]y 460 H arringotn 395, F rio t 492, | HEUVELTON B LEAGUE
Prediction—F outh
in ' will spell him. Rating—Cback them up.Not much s c o r-1868, 889 — 2623.
i Ketcham 452, Thompson 470. |
E ast.
ing potential up front. R a tin g '
'Team 884, 829, 895 — 2608.
Backcourt— E arl The Pearl
G eorge Lee
B ill Russell
(3) (Terwilliger 443, Sheppard 499,
is developing into su p erg u ard .;Forw ards— Oia warhorse Ru- — (L & M (4) Lepcio 473, M ont-(Sears 604, Witherell 452, Shep-j Downing 475. Fishbeck 558,
- Reliable Tom
He led team in scoring with dy LaRusso(21.8) lead te a m in!
Sanders, Baxley Howell and Don
24.3 and was crowd-pleaser. 0- scoring last season. Still fine
468, Lepcio 460, M ont-'Pard 432, Witherell 467, Todd
Todd 527. T eam 794, 977,983
Nelson a r e aging, b u t still ex­
ther backcourt spot belongs to com petitor at 31, he has plenty
463. Team 688, 791, 7121525. Team 892, 930, 889 - 2711. - 2754.
FOREMOST (2) Loucks 442,
cellent. Howell averaged 19
Kevin Loughrey (15.9). Rating of savvy. Im proved Clyde Lee
— 2191.
last season. Sanders and Nel­
—A— .
'(11.9) will team with him. DepMOORE INS. (0) Para 395, j Downing 415, Redmond 400, Mc- Jam es 503, Wood 417, Loucks
Denoncourt 346, P a r a 491, Den-(Manus 485, Loucks 505. Shep- 495. Team 855. 925, 914 — 2694.
son each 10. Loss of burly Way­
Rookies— Besides Unseld, :th is big problem. Rick Barry
ne Em bry will hurt, nut rook­
B arry Orms (St. Louis U. 1 is is gone, and lamented. Rating
oncourt 473. Team 625, 635. 631, pard 468. Team 896, 851, 874) EUSTIS (1) Dusharm 482,
getting chance in backcourt.
ie Rick Johnson (Gramb'ing)
- 1891.
( — 2621.
(Bayne 358, Hamm ond 473, Ilam SEA BEES (3) Beard 424, ! WOODS IGA (0) Johnston 414, mond 424, M artin 409. T eam
sho-ws prom ise. R ating - A.
Center— Nate Thurmond, deCampbell 318, Campbell 475.' Young 409, Mack 384. P erry 463, (804 , 845, 857 — 2506.
8-Milwaukec Bucks
spite injury, averaged 20 5
Center — Bill Russell, bank­
Beard 480. Team 631, 670, 609-Moore 510. Team 892, 339, 785: STEWART’S (3) C arpenter
Prospectus— Milwaukee did points and 22 rebounds la s t seabook notw ithstanding,
_ 1910.
' — 2516.
(437. F erris 386, M cCallister 482,
b etter than Phoenix in expan-(son. Healthy, h e’s right behind
come through with another big
f | ;sion draft. Coach Larry Costel-' Chamberlain and Russell as
A & T (3) Adams 351, Trom -' CRAWFORDS INSURANCE (Liscum 390, T urner 481. T eam
season if Celtics a re to repeat
bley 443. Adams 542. Trom bley}O Ashlaw 396, Riekett 518. Wo- [791. 875, 900 — 2566.
D onnis B utcher
:I° h as two established sta rs in elague’s best center. R ating—A.
as NBA champs. Russell will
340. T e a m 622, 656, 671 - 1949. |od 497, Crawford 571, Finley
McCADAM’S (3) Hazelton 501,
Forwards — Dave D-eBuss- Em bry and Rodgers around' Backcourt— Vastly improved
take m ore breathers, but must
GOODYEAR 4 ( 1 ) Smith 173,(498. Team 899, 861, 981 - 2741. Ritchie 521, Sloan 390, R itchie
v!chere and Hairston averaged i-jw hom he can build. Costello s, Jeff Mullins (18.9) and veteran
A1 B ian c h i
at least eq u a l last seaso n ’s reKUPPLES LEAGUE
405, Riekett 511. Team 851, 926,
" ‘dentical 17 9 last season and cIub will run and might sur-'A l Attles, also assistant coach,
Cenfcer — Bob Rule showed 1Montgomery 363, Montgomery
884 - 2861.
bounding to ta l l,4ol . at S | oigchinger backed up w ith 13.1 !prise a team or two. Prediction - form starting tandem. Loss of (marked im provem ent last sea- 478, S m ith 425. T e a m 692, 625, i
J SCOTT’S (0) Cline 394, WithJ im Fox (3.6) also figures. Rat- (—Seventh in E ast.
:Jim King!injury) takes away [son and wound up with 181 616 - 1933.
GROULX SUNOCO (4) B arn-jerell 430, Scott 279, Scott 300. M aster Sr. 395, M asters 400,
. ........16.6 scorer. He’ll be back by | scoring average. He should betB ackcourt • Still .p o ten t w ith;tin g - B plus.
M asters Jr. 501, M asters 362,
January. Rating—B.
(ter that this tim e around. Akmg es 429, Handlev 366, Barnes 586, Team 556, 623, 569 - 1748.
Sam Jone, John Havlicek and! C en ter- The problem spot.
Rookies— Ron Williams (West can also play center. R atin g Hand le v 531. Team 683, 681, 695 M & W (4) W heater 421, M attice 386. T eam 765, 927, 829
Larry Siegfried. Jo n es is play-(Otto Moore, 6-11 roo-kie out of
Matthews 437, W itherell 516, - 2521.
V irginia) could be pleasant sur­ - B .
- 2059.
ing last season, b "t should aver- (Pan-Am erican, will get starting
prise. Dale Schleuetr (Colorado
Backcourt — Walt H azzard, OGD. HOME IM P R . (0) Grif­ Witherell 412. Team 673 , 627,
age over 20 as usual. Harvlicek chance. How high P istons go
erell 442, A rm strong 448, H ar­
State) also getting look.
'Ron Thorn and Tom Kron a re fith 306, Montgomery 390, Mont­ 693 - 1993.
is deadly from any place on depends on him . Rating—D.
1good scorers. H azzard led te a m gomery 468, Griffith 489. T e a m 1 T .J.’S (4) Thornhill 435, ris 406, Ayen 365, Todd 528,
Backcourt— Dave Bing is de­
the floor a n d provided emotionII - SAN DIEGO ROCKETS (with 23.9 last season; Thorn ad- 633, 591, 615 - 1839.
Thornhill 350, Witherell 471, Team 805, 806, 872 - 2483.
al spark. M ai G raham , surpris-; veloping into one of NBA’s fin­
WITHERELLS (3) W itherell
Witherell 452. Team 695 , 676,
Prospectus — No. I draft (ding 15.2 Kron is mucn-improving rookie la s t season. will help, je st backcourters ever. He was
646 - 2017.
465, Sheppard 493, Witherell 530,
choice Elvin Hayes should g e t'e d playmaker and feeder. Doii- HEUVELTON BOWLING
too. So w ill Em B ryant. R ating, leading sco rer in league (27.1)
BELLS (0) Race 374, Race Moore 521, Todd 471, Team 916,
Rockets moving upward. T h e : ie Murrey (7.3) also will help.
_ a.
: and added 509 assists. He’s
394, Bishop 410, Bishop 413. 914 . 905 - 2735.
(Big E Ls 6-9; an excellent sho-:Rating — B plus
Rookies — Johnson of Gramb-! joined by E ddie Miles, another
Team 647, 622,813 - 1882.
KING PINS (1) White 343,
ofer and rebounder. R est of, Rookies — A rt Harris (Stanling was best of p o o r crop of*good bali-handler and scorer
club suffered through maiden furd), Joe Kennedy (Duke) and SHAMROCK RESTAURANT B & R (3) Basford 387, Bas- Mandigo 474, H ebert 452. Sharp
college draftees. Celtics a r e 1(13.5), and Jim m ie W alker, who
season with poorest record in Jeff Ockel (Utah will get c h a n (4) Cutw ay 363, Martel 289, ford 387, Raymon 469, R aym on(454, H arper 443. Team 849, 793,
still looking for backup for Rus- j h sure to improve on rookie
Hockey 419, Stout 532, Matthews (527. Team 646, 660, 677 - 1983.1911 - 2553,
NBA history. B ut Jack McMa- ce to make backcourt.
L a rry Costello
season if h e sheds the extra
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With The Professionals