Assignment Guidelines - EQUALS International

Assignment Guidelines
Assignment Guidelines
for Learners
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
Table of Contents Assignment Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 4 Assignment Expectations .............................................................................................................................. 4 Assignment cover sheet ............................................................................................................................... 4 Title Page ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Essay/Report ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Bibliography/Reference List ......................................................................................................................... 5 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Copy of Assignment ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Structure of Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 6 Submission of an Assignment ....................................................................................................................... 6 How do we assess? ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Collusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Submission of Assignments .......................................................................................................................... 7 Grading and marking .................................................................................................................................... 8 Word Limits .................................................................................................................................................. 8 General Queries ............................................................................................................................................ 8 What is Referencing? .................................................................................................................................... 9 Why reference? ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Reference Citation ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Page 2 of 28
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
The Quick Reference Guide ........................................................................................................................ 11 What is Plagiarism and how to avoid? ........................................................................................................ 12 Ways of Citing ............................................................................................................................................. 13 What is Paraphrasing? ................................................................................................................................ 14 What is a Quotation? .................................................................................................................................. 15 Direct quotations ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Short quotations ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Long quotations .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Secondary Sources ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Reference List vs Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 17 How to reference a book ............................................................................................................................ 19 How to reference a journal article .............................................................................................................. 20 How to reference a Chapter in edited work ............................................................................................... 21 How to reference a magazine ..................................................................................................................... 22 How to reference a journal article from website ....................................................................................... 23 How to reference a website ....................................................................................................................... 24 How to reference online images ................................................................................................................ 25 How to reference a DVD ............................................................................................................................. 26 How to reference lecture material ............................................................................................................. 27 References .................................................................................................................................................. 28 Page 3 of 28
Learner Initials: ___________
F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
Assignment Requirements
Learners enrolled in programs with be expected to complete a range of assessment
activities and presentations throughout their learning with EQUALS. These guidelines
have been prepared as an important source of information during the preparation and
submission of assignments and other assessment activities. Other useful resources will
include your Learner Handbook and your program Educator, Facilitator or Co-Ordinator.
It is vital that individual learners understand the importance of accurate, meaningful and
authentic assessments.
Assignment Expectations
All assignments should follow the following structure.
Assignment cover sheet
Assignment cover sheets are only needed when an assignment is submitted in hard
copy, any assessment that is being submitted via Moodle – does not require a cover
If you do require a cover sheet they can be found here;
Title Page
The title page should follow the following structure •
Your name and learner identification number
Title of assignment
Due date
No of words
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Learner Initials: ___________
F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
Table of Contents
This outlines information in the essay and where to find it within it.
This is a brief description of the aim and purpose of the essay and state what you intend
to discuss
In the essay the main points you stated in the introduction are discussed in a logical
sequence. If a report, utilise key heading and sections.
A conclusion is simply a summary of the work, it should be brief and does not include
any new information.
Bibliography/Reference List
A list of sources cited within the assignment
An appendix is where charts, graphs or statistics that are too bulky to be placed within
the body of the assignment but have been referred to are placed.
Copy of Assignment
Learners are required to keep a copy of all assignments. EQUALS assume no
responsibility for lost or late assessments or activities. Learners are required to copy
any item to be submitted for marking.
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Assignment Guidelines
Structure of Assignment
Assignments are to be typed or written legibly in black ink on A4 white paper. Learners
are to write on one side of the paper and leave a wide (4cm) margin on the left hand
side and a medium (2cm) space on the top and bottom of the page. Line spacing is to
be set at double.
If a learner’s submission does not adhere to these requirements then they will be
requested to review and resubmit making the necessary changes.
Submission of an Assignment
Assignments must be submitted by the due date that will be set by the educator.
If you require an extension it will only be granted under exceptional circumstances by
the educator that is teaching the subject. The extension is required to be in written
format with evidence to support the reason for extension.
Failure to do this will mean that the grade for the subject or unit overall will be NYS, and
may mean that you will be required to redo the whole subject.
How do we assess?
Assignments are assessed in terms of the following criteria –
Plan and structure
Assignments are required to follow the format outline in the stated guidelines
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
Application and content
The assignment should communicate ideas and information clearly, include references
that are relevant to support or validate your assignment.
Information needs to be
critically analysed, rationales given and arguments well supported.
Helpful Hints to follow
Keep sentences short
Use simple rather than complex big words
Avoid unnecessary words
Use terms that describe the situation you are writing about in the best possible
Evidence of reading
The assignment should show evidence of reading as reflected in the reference list.
Use of another learners work can lead to an accusation of collusion.
If collusion can be demonstrated, the learner involved with be required to re write and
resubmit their assignment or be awarded a NYS for the assignment.
Submission of Assignments
All assignments should be submitted into the Assignment box, by the due date.
If there are any concerns about your assignment make an appointment to speak to your
educator concerned as soon as possible.
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Assignment Guidelines
Learners who fail to arrange an agreed extension date for their assignments and/or who
fail to submit their assignments will be required to submit their assignments within 5
working days of the due date and may be required to pay a late assessment fee.
Payment of the late fee must be made at the time of assignment submission,
Grading and marking
Assignments are not normally graded with traditional academic grading such as
Distinction, Credit, P1 or P2. Usually assignments are marked either S (Satisfactory) or
NYS (Not Yet Satisfactory).
Word Limits
It is acceptable to make an allowance of 10% of a prescribed word limit. For example, if
your assessment item has been set at 1000 words, it would be acceptable to write as
much as 1100 words or as little as 900 words. Variation either side of this allowance
may result in a penalty.
General Queries
If you would like further information on any part of this document or any other queries
related to assignments or assessments activities please contact Student Services at
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
What is Referencing?
When you write an assignment you are required to refer to the work of other authors. It
is necessary to identify their work by making reference to it both in the text of your
assignment and in a list at the end of your assignment. This is known as referencing.
References are required if you –
Quote (use someone else’s exact words)
Copy (use figures, tables or structures)
Paraphrase (convert someone else’s ideas into your own words)
Summarise (use a brief account of someone else’s ideas)
Therefore information gained from books, articles, videos, computers, other print, or
electronic sources and personal communication all need to be referenced.
The act of using and not referencing the other persons work is called plagiarism.
Why reference?
The whole point of referencing is one to enhance your writing and to assist the reader.
It does this by –
Showing the breadth of research
Strengthen your academic argument
Showing the reader a source of information
Allowing the reader to consult your sources independently
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Assignment Guidelines
Allowing the reader to verify data used in the assignment
Reference Citation
When using another person’s options or words the source must be acknowledged
The reference should be made within the text of the assignment (author’s surname,
year of publication and page number) and full details included in the reference list.
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
The Quick Reference Guide
To assist with how to reference or if you need to know if you should reference follow the
following flow chart designed by Robert Harris.
S IDEAS? Harris 2001, p. 155.
NO DO NOT CITE IT Harris 2001, p 158
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CITE IT Assignment Guidelines
What is Plagiarism and how to avoid?
This is an intentional use of someone else’s ideas, words or concepts in your
This is a serious breach of academic conduct and contravenes the EQUALS Learner
Code of Conduct.
Committing plagiarism carries very serious penalties. Any learner found to be involved
in academic misconduct will face disciplinary actions.
‘Proper acknowledgement’ means that any work that you summarise, paraphrase or
quote must be referenced.
The best way to avoid being accused of plagiarism is to acknowledge the
resources from which your ideas came from.
For more information, please see your Learner Handbook – regularly updated and
available from
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
Ways of Citing
There are two ways two citing references: either author prominent or information
Author prominent gives prominence to the author using the author’s surname (family
name) as part of the sentence with the date and page number in (round brackets).
Direct quote example:
Funnel (2010. p 23) argues that “there is a higher percentage of older clients in
Australia than younger people”.
Paraphrase example:
Funnel (2010) suggests that there is a noted increase within the number of older
Australians than compared to people in the younger age bracket.
Information prominent gives prominence to the information, with all required referencing
details in round brackets at the end of the citation.
Direct quote example:
It has been argued that “there is a higher percentage of older clients in Australia than
younger people” (Funnel 2010, p 23).
Paraphrase example:
It is suggested that there is a noted increase within the number of older Australians than
compared to people in the younger age bracket (Funnel 2010).
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
What is Paraphrasing?
This is the process of restating accurately in your own words something you have read.
This is also the preferred method of writing an essay as using many quotations within
an essay leads to a poorly written assignment.
No matter whether you use quotations or paraphrase another’s person’s words, you
must always give a reference – both in text and in the reference list.
Examples of Paraphasing and acknowledging of source
EQUALS international takes plagiarism ‘very seriously’ (EQUALS 2013, p24).
Indeed in the learner
handbook (EQUALS 2012, pg 15), the issue of plagiarism is discussed and examples are given. These
range from copying and entire piece of work, and claiming as your own. This is not acceptable. The
handbook highlights that it is unacceptable if only part of the work is copied and not acknowledged. The
other example discussed in the handbook suggests that learners can even ‘plagiaries’ their own work.
This happens when a learner has written an assignment or one course and then attempts to use the
same assignment in another course. Failure to acknowledge where the information comes from and its
use within he assignment may mean the learners runs the risk of committing plagiarism.
This example shows only a small amount of direct quoting was used and this was
clearly indicated with the use of quotation marks and citation detail. This paragraph
establishes its relationship to the original text but doesn’t to use the word or exact
structure of the original. The type of referencing shows a learner’s ability to analyse and
apply information to the specific question.
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
What is a Quotation?
A quotation should within an essay ne used sparingly, used in context, integrated into
your text and reproduced exactly (including words, spelling, punctuation, capitalisation
and paragraphing of the original text).
A quotation is used if –
Misinterpretation would result from a change to the words
A major argument needs to be recorded as evidence
It is important to comment on, refute or analyse the ideas expressed
It is particularly elegant or forceful phrase
Direct quotations
If the work is copied verbatim from a printed document it must have single quotations
marks and must end with a footnote, either at the base of the page or at the end of the
paper, indicating in the proper academic manner the source of the quotation.
Please be aware that a general rule in academic circles is that no more than 10%
of an assignments should be in the form of direct quotations.
You must acknowledge the source by giving the authors name, year of publication and
page numbers
Short quotations
Consist of a phrase or a brief sentence (fewer than 30 words) and may, by using
inverted comma(s), appear as part of your own sentence – with the page numbers in
brackets given after the final inverted comma.
The following are examples of how to quote within an essay.
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Assignment Guidelines
Example one
Friere (1998, p.3) summaries the effects of reducing literacy to a set of tools or skills
when he states that:
[m]erely teaching men [sic] to read and write does not work miracles. If there are
not enough jobs for men [sic] able to work, teaching more men [sic] to read and
write will not create them.
Long quotations
Consist of more than 30 words and should form a new paragraph and be indented (if
typing use single spacing). No inverted comma(s) are required. The author’s name
year of publication and page number should be given in brackets at the end of the
quotation. Alternatively, the authors name and the year of publication may be given prior
to quotation and the page number in brackets and the end of the quotation.
Example two
In long quotations quotation marks are not used.
Then style Manual Committee (1991) stated:
In deterring the extent of documentation and author must be mindful of the need
for the balance between the requirements of scholarship and ease of reading.
Excessive documentation can be distracting, while insufficient documentation may
suggest a tenous or poorly researched argument. All methods of citation require
meticulous preparation and presentation. The choice of method will be determined
to a large extent by the nature of the book or article. No attempt should be made
to combine Methodism and only one should ne used to the same text (p. 129).
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
Secondary Sources
If reference is made to a study, which you did not ready but which was reported in
another publication, which you did read then you must use the form ‘cited in’. Cite the
source you read and give the date of both references in the text.
Example three
Bowbly (1971 cited in Henderson (1985) claims there is no species in which attachment
takes so long to appear.
Reference List vs Bibliography
The difference between the two is the following. A reference list identifies sources
referred to (cited) in the text of your assignment. A bibliography is presented in the
same format as a reference list but it include all material consulted in the preparation of
your assignments. In other words it contains all other sources your read or looked at
but did to cite from.
It is important to know that both the reference list and bibliography are required to
be listed in alphabetical order according to the author’s family name.
If there is more than one author of the publication, maintain order of their names as they
appear on the title page of the publication even if not in alphabetical order.
If there is not author for the publication, list alphabetically according to sponsoring body
for example South Australia, CSIRO.
If there are two or more references by the same author place in order on reference page
in order of publication with work that is the oldest placed first.
If no author or sponsoring body to the publication list in reference by title.
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Assignment Guidelines
If references by the same author have been published in the same year, then list them
alphabetically according to the title and add the letter ‘a” after the first date, and ‘b’ after
the second date and so on e.g. (1993a, 1993b, 1993c, 1993d)
The reference list should spaced in single line and have a blank single line space
between each reference.
Be left aligned.
Be the final page of your assignment.
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Assignment Guidelines
How to reference a book
When referencing a book the following areas should be presented.
Surname and initials of the author
Year of publication
Title of book (in italics) minimal capitalisation
The edition, for example, 4th edition if not original publication
Place of publication
Author’s surnames & initals
Year of Publication
Title of book with minimal capitalization
Koutoukidis, G, Stainton, K & Hughson, J 2012, Tabbner’s nursing care, 6th edition,
Churchill Livingstone, Australia.
Full stop at the end
Place (city) of publication
Italics for book title
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Assignment Guidelines
How to reference a journal article
When referencing a journal the following areas should be presented.
Surname and initials of the author
Year of publication
Title of article, minimal capitalisation in single quotation marks
The name of the journal in capitals and italics
Volume and issue number in lower case
Page numbers and then place a full stop at the end.
Year of Publication
Authors surnames and initials
Title of article in single quotation marks
Italics and capitals for journal title
Stove, RJ 1999, ‘Xenophobia: the great local content myth’, Institute of Public Affairs
Review, vol. 51, no.1, pp. 14-16.
Volume and issue number in lower case Page 20 of 28
Page numbers Full stop at the end Learner Initials: ___________
F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
How to reference a Chapter in edited work
Year of Publication
Author’s surnames and initials
Editors Initials and Surnames
Title of article in single quotation marks
Bryne, J 1995, “Disabilites in tertiary education’, in L Rowan & J McNamee (eds),
Voices of a margin, CQU Press, Rockhampton. Title of book with minimal capitalization Publisher Place (city) of publication When referencing a chapter in edited work the following areas should be presented.
Surname and initials of the author
Year of publication
Title of chapter in single quotation marks
The surname and initials of the editors
Title of the book with minimal capitalization
Place of publication
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Assignment Guidelines
How to reference a magazine
Year of Publication
Author’s surnames and initials
Title of article in single quotation marks
McVeigh, T 2001, ‘Death wish’, Australian Magazine, 12-13 May, p. 20.
Date of Issue
Italics and capitals for magazine article
Page numbers
When referencing a magazine the following areas should be presented.
Surname and initials of the author
Year of publication
Title of article in single quotation marks
Title of the magazine in italics and capitals
Dates of Issue
Page numbers
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
How to reference a journal article from website
Year of Publication
Author’s surnames and initials
Italics and capitals for journal title
Title of article in single quotation marks
Griffith, AI 1995, 'Coordinating family and school: mothering for schooling', Education
Policy Analysis Archives, vol. 3, no. 1, viewed 12 February 1997,
Volume and issue number in lower case
viewed Day Month and Year
URL in < >
When referencing a journal article from the web the following areas should be
Surname and initials of the author
Year of publication
Title of article in single quotation marks
Title of the journal in italics and capitals
Volume and issue number
Viewed date
URL placed inbetween < >
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Assignment Guidelines
How to reference a website
Year that site was created or revised
Authors or organisation responsible for the site
The Body Shop Australia 2003, The Body Shop Australia, Mulgrave, Victoria, viewed 31
January 2003,
Name and Place of the sponsor of the source
viewed day, month and year
When referencing a website the following areas should be presented.
Author or organisation responsible for site
Year site was created or revised
Name and place of the sponsor of the source
Viewed day, month and year
URL placed in between < >
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Assignment Guidelines
How to reference online images
Title of image or description
description of document Name and place of the sponsor of the source
The lunar interior 1999, PlanetScapes, United States, viewed 31 January 2003,
<URL either full location or main site details>
viewed Day Month Year
When referencing an online image the following areas should be presented.
Title of image or description
Description of document
Name and place of the sponsor of the source
Viewed day, month and year
<URL either full location or main site details>
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Assignment Guidelines
How to reference a DVD
Title of DVD
Date recorded
Fahrenheit 9/11 2004, DVD, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, Culver City,
California. Written, produced and directed by Michael Moore
Place of recording
any other important information
When referencing a DVD the following areas should be presented.
Title of DVD
Year or date recorded
Place of recording
Any other important information
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F 106 – August 2014
Assignment Guidelines
How to reference lecture material
Title or author
HLTEN502B Apply effective communication skills in nursing practice: lecture notes
2013, EQUALS international, Adelaide
When referencing lecture material following areas should be presented.
Title of lecture or author if known or disclosed
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Assignment Guidelines
1. Harris R 2001, The plagiarism handbook: strategies for preventing, detecting and
dealing with plagiarism, Pyrczak, Los Angeles
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F 106 – August 2014