G2 Programme & Project Management Office FULL BUSINESS CASE/PROJECT INITIATION DOCUMENT 01202 458213 pmo@bournemouth.gov.uk (template version 0.20) Outline Business Case (OBC) Mobile Working Risk: Low Prepared by: Stephen Lewis, Chris Wood, Mark Purvis Date: 22 April 2013 Document Approvals- All Business Cases for projects over £25k must be approved by the following people listed in this table prior to being approved by the Transformation Board and Executive Gateway Board (EGB). Officer/Member/Group Name Project Owner Richard Saunders Executive Director Liz Wilkinson Portfolio Holder Cllr Anne Filer FBC Approval Date PID Approval Date Portfolio Holder comment Transformation Board (Transformation Projects Only) Executive Gateway Board N/A Cabinet N/A Project Board N/A Other Elected Members & Officers Consulted Name Position Date Document Revision History Version Author Changes Date Version 0.15 Stephen Lewis, Chris Wood & Simon Rogers Revised version incorporating stakeholder feedback plus new approach and solution (based on new technology) as agreed with the SRO 14/01/13 Version 0.16 Jago Atkinson Incorporating feedback from Richard Saunders 01/02/13 Version 0.18 Mark Purvis Incorporating feedback from Richard Saunders 09/04/13 Version 0.19 Mark Purvis Incorporating feedback from Richard Saunders 12/04/13 Version 1.0 Mark Purvis Incorporating feedback from Richard Saunders 15/04/13 Version 2.0 Mark Purvis Major revision in response to feedback from CMT 15/04/13 Version 2.1 Mark Purvis Incorporating feedback from Richard Saunders 15/04/13 Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 1 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE 1 Contents 1 Contents ................................................................................... 2 2 Significant Changes Introduced in this Version (2) ............................... 3 3 Executive Summary ..................................................................... 4 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 4 3.2 Strategic Fit................................................................................. 4 3.3 Recommendation .......................................................................... 4 3.4 Next Steps .................................................................................. 6 4 Strategic Fit: The Strategic Case ..................................................... 6 4.1 Business Needs and Project Background .............................................. 6 4.2 Objectives and Strategic Alignment ..................................................... 7 4.3 Scope ....................................................................................... 9 4.3.1 Inclusions ................................................................................... 9 4.3.2 Exclusions .................................................................................. 9 4.4 Strategic Risks ............................................................................. 9 5 Service Led Approach ................................................................ 10 5.1 Flexible Working Roadmap & Strategy ................................................15 5.2 Flexible Working Centre of Excellence ................................................16 6 Service Led Option Next Steps ...................................................... 16 Appendix A: Service Led Approach - Cost Benefit Model ............................ 17 Appendix B: Options Appraisal: The Economic Case ................................ 19 Appendix C: Analysis of Current Mobile Initiatives by Service Area ............... 21 Appendix D: Work-style based technology .............................................. 23 Appendix E: Enterprise Level Mobile Technology ..................................... 24 Enterprise Approach - Cost Benefit Model .............................................. 28 Appendix F: The ‘Do Nothing’ Option..................................................... 30 Appendix G: Officers interviewed to inform update to business case ............. 32 Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 2 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE 2 Significant Changes Introduced in this Version (2) Version 1 of the mobile working business case proposed three options for the roll-out of mobile working within Bournemouth Borough Council. Option 1, an Enterprise Approach was not recommended, and was subsequently rejected as an option by CMT on 19 April 2013. Details of the Enterprise Option are attached as Appendix E. The recommended option and the focus of this document is a Service Led Approach. The business case recommends the Service Led option is taken forward as it provides the best overall assessment of value for money. This option minimises the need for upfront investment while enabling selected services in need of mobile working to quickly benefit from mobile technology by supporting new ways of working and helping to deliver the CST targets. The ‘Do nothing’ option is now attached as Appendix F. A Proof of Concept phase is proposed. In this phase: • The technical platform for Mobile Working (hardware options, connectivity, access to data and processes) will be designed and tested. • An Enterprise Architecture will be designed to ensure congruity between the initial tranche of the mobile working roll-out and future IT solutions / platforms • End-users will have the opportunity to contribute to the design of the new platform. • Mobile working will change the way field officers work - proposals will therefore be made for more efficient business processes. • Communications and Change Management will be initiated. • The proposed technical solution and processes will be evaluated and improvements made before deployment to the business. The time frame for the pilot phase is estimated to be 4 months. Having designed the technical platform in the pilot phase, the roll-out of mobile working to the high-priority service areas will be accelerated. The cost of the Proof of Concept phase is estimated to be approx. £58k. This cost will be met by Mouchel as part of its commitment to the Council to Innovation and Transformation. The Mobile working pilot will be the flagship project for Mouchel’s new BBC Enterprise Architecture initiative and the Innovation and Learning Centre that Mouchel is currently in the process of establishing with the Council. Cost Reduction: This version of the proposal works on the basis that much of the labour cost will be drawn from Mouchel’s core resources within the partnership. This reduces the cost by approx. £34k. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 3 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE 3 Executive Summary 3.1 Introduction This Outline Business Case recommends approval of a centralised project to introduce mobile working within Bournemouth Borough Council, focused on field based case officers. Local Councils across the UK are making increasing use of mobile technology in order to improve service and reduce costs. Key benefits achieved include: • • • • • • • 3.2 Providing customers with complete information concerning available services in one visit; Updating the results of their customer visit without returning to the office; Communicating and sharing information with colleagues immediately; Using time more productively while travelling or in a location where they would normally be unable to update and use Council systems; Reduction in travel costs; Reduced risk of data loss, ICO fines and negative impact on the Council’s reputation; Reduction in office accommodation required. Strategic Fit The Council is undertaking a Transformation Efficiency and Change (TEC) Programme in order to improve customer satisfaction and reduce operating costs and mobile working has been identified as a key enabling project with the Programme. All areas of the Council are involved in undertaking Core Services Transformations (CST) to achieve these goals. Mobile Working will support and enable delivery of each CST by enabling improvements in service delivery and resource productivity. Mobile technology will also reduce the cost of travel to and from offices. 3.3 Recommendation The original business case (version 1) considered three options for change: • • • Enterprise level mobile technology; Service Led mobile technology; Do nothing. The financial benefits for each option are primarily based on the ‘value’ of released time as a result of productivity improvements through mobile access to information. Whether this value can be cashable will depend upon on the ability of Services to redefine business processes and associated roles. It is recommended that the Services, as part of their CST, review the degree to which this value can be cashable. Service Led Mobile Technology - an approach focuses on delivering mobile working across selected services in tranches, without the introduction of an enterprise infrastructure, but does include the creation of a robust Council mobile technology governance framework. This option does not provide a total view of the Council / customer but does provide field based case officers with mobile access to their current electronic records, documents and other Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 4 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE information. The initial investment (covering the first tranche and biased at 20%) is estimated at £0.4m with payback offset against productivity gain within two years. The cost to the Council may be reduced by approximately £0.1m since the housing component of the investment may be funded separately through the HRA. The business case recommends the Service Led option is taken forward as it provides the best overall assessment of value for money. This option minimises the need for upfront investment while enabling selected services in need of mobile working to quickly benefit from mobile technology by supporting new ways of working and helping to deliver the CST targets. Discussions with Council staff indicate that the existing business support systems do support the work that services need to do. The business problem facing departments is that of getting access to these systems while away from the office and being able to make use of currently unproductive time. The net benefit over five years, after accounting for optimism bias, is £1.3m, and the payback in productivity gain with investment offset, in two years. The Service Led approach introduces mobile technology in a series of ‘tranches’, that is, on a ‘one suite of Council business services at a time’ basis. Each tranche should be justified on the basis of its associated benefits and costs. Subsequent tranches can be developed as benefits are captured and lessons learned from previous tranches. The following diagram illustrates our proposed approach: Strategic Business Case Outline Business Case Tranche 1 Potental Full Business Case Tranche 1 Deliver Tranche Capture Benefits Create Business Case for next Tranche It is recommended that the first such tranche should be deployed in time to support delivery of the CSTs during 2013/2014. Based on an assessment of Council services and understanding of CST requirements, it is recommended that the first such tranche is delivered to approximately 190 Council officers in the following service areas: • • • • Adult Social Care; Children’s Social Care; Housing Landlord Services; Environmental Services. These areas are recommended as they are directly customer facing and have relative low mobile technology deployment risks. It is recommended that tranche 1 also includes: • An IT infrastructure upgrade to support the additional users; • Supporting change management within the selected services; • The creation of a robust Council mobile technology governance framework; • The resolution of issues preventing completion of an already commissioned mobile initiative within Housing Landlord Services; Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 5 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE 3.4 Next Steps The following steps are required to deliver the first tranche of the Service Led Mobile Technology option. (1) Capture detailed service requirements regarding the individual applications required on each mobile device and finalise specific user needs; (2) Assess fit with CSTs and the degree of cashable cost savings; (3) Complete an on-going proof of concept project within Mouchel to finalise the optimal choice of tablet 1; (4) Assess and design the detailed change management supporting activities; (5) Detail planning for technical infrastructure upgrades; (6) Update the costs and benefits based on the findings of the above; (7) Implement tranche 1; (8) Capture lessons from Tranche 1 and plan for tranche 2. 4 Strategic Fit: The Strategic Case 4.1 Business Needs and Project Background Mobile working has been identified as a key enabling project within the TEC Programme. As part of the TEC Programme, a number of Core Service Transformations (CSTs) are currently taking place. These CSTs are considering how to improve current operations (both efficiency and customer experience). This includes implementing new ways of working for staff. Mobile working complements CSTs as it enables field based case workers to access the information they require to undertake their role wherever and whenever it is needed, not being tied to a Council office. Further work is taking place to analyse whether the benefits of mobile working are already included within the CST business cases /projects, or whether the benefits are additional. Early analysis indicates that in some instances mobile working is explicitly part of the new way of working set out in the CST and therefore benefits have already been included within the CST (i.e. the CST has assumed that mobile working solutions will be available), while in other instances no reference has been made to the potential for mobile working and therefore the benefits should be additional to those in CST. This analysis will be included in the FBC. Irrespective of the above answer, where there is potential for mobile working to drive improvement in customer service and / or efficiencies, it is recommended that the delivery of mobile working is planned so that it aligns with the CST implementation. It is recognised that this is an investment in the development of effective and efficient working practices and that the benefits will largely be in the form of productivity gains. Mobile technology enables field based case officers to provide a better value lower cost service because officers will be able to: 1 Mouchel is undertaking a proof of concept exercise to test Windows 8 in a corporate environment. Windows-based devices, including tablets, will be included to demonstrate functionality. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 6 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE • Provide customers pertinent and up to date information concerning available services while on visits; • Update the results of their customer visit without returning to the office; • Communicate and share information the results with colleagues immediately to improve overall resolution times; • Use their time more productively while travelling or in a location where they would normally be unable to update and use Council systems. There are other projects beyond the CSTs which link with this mobile working project. The key one is electronic data records management (EDRM) project which will enable Council officers to access and store a wider set of information electronically than is currently possible. This will support the roll-out of the mobile working project and the realisation of benefits. The following diagram illustrates how mobile working and other enabling projects align with the CSTs as part of the overall TEC programme. Council TEC Programme Core Service Transformations (CSTs) Enabling Projects Adult Social Care CST Children’s Services CST Mobile Working Business Case Housing & Parks CST EDRM Business Case Other CSTs Council Accomodation Strategy Other Enabling Business Cases While much work has been undertaken in assessing the available technology, defining business requirements, and undertaking various pilot mobile projects, a Council wide centrally managed mobile working project has yet to be put in place. An inability to progress this Outline Business Case will put at risk the future success of the CSTs and the wider TEC programme. Directorates may continue to undertake their own mobile initiatives but this would increase the overall cost to the Council compared with a corporate approach and the risks would be higher. 4.2 Objectives and Strategic Alignment The Mobile Working project will improve customer services and reduce costs while enabling the success of CSTs. The following table maps the outcomes from mobile working against the Council’s Strategic objectives. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 7 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Council Strategic Objective / Corporate Project Outcome Benefits expected as a result of achieving outcomes Improved Council resource productivity. Deliver further travel cost reductions. Increased Council officer productivity by time currently spent travelling or waiting for customer contact. Customer / service user data is securely held in an electronic format. A reduction in travel costs beyond those expected from the planned transition to HMRC mileage rates by the Grey Fleet / Staff Transport project. Mobile workforce needs less office accommodation. Minimises the risk of ICO fines for data breaches associated with lost or mislaid hard copy data. Plus minimises associated Council reputational risks. Mobile workforce needs less office accommodation. Contributes to a reduction in the cost of the Council’s offices. Safer & Stronger communities Providing officers with instant access to key information. Council officers will be more able to respond quickly to customer needs by having access to information and an ability to update colleagues and services about actions requiring urgent attention. Sustainable environment The need to reduce carbon emissions by reducing congestion. A 10% reduction in actual mileage as Council officers will eliminate much ‘to and from’ the office travel. Mobile workforce needs less office accommodation. Contributes to a reduction in the carbon footprint of the Council’s offices. Investing in People Improve the value of Council officers by enabling more effective use of their current ‘offline’ time. Improved morale as staff are able to achieve more in a day, do not need to undertake unnecessary travel, do not have the record data more than once, and are not frustrated through ‘dead’ waiting time. Health & Wellbeing Faster decisions with a more joined up service to improve the delivery of service to the community. Provision of more ‘one visit resolution’ to customers as Council officers are able to link directly to the supporting Council systems. An Efficient Council Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 8 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE 4.3 Scope The recommended approach is based on the concept of ‘tranches’ of work. Each tranche consists of deploying mobile working to a suite of services to be funded on their own merits. This means that it is not advisable or necessary to define in-scope services for subsequent tranches. Such services should be identified and solutions developed as and when the benefits from the first tranche are captured and an appropriate IT Governance regime established. 4.3.1 Inclusions The Service Led approach recommended in this business case contains five streams of work within the first tranche. These are given in more detail in the Options Appraisal section: 1. o o o 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4.3.2 Deploy mobile solutions for up to 200 Council officers for the following Council services: Children’s Social Care – Safeguarding Children and Looked After Children Adults Social Care – Social Workers and Occupational Therapists Housing Landlord Services – Housing Management Officers, Anti-Social Behaviour team, Telecare team and Private housing Upgrade the network connections to ensure the 190 users are able to use the Citrix network; Analyse and resolve data update issues associated with the Housing mobile solution; Develop a Council Mobile Technology Governance Policy with supporting guidelines; Provision of appropriate change management activity; Support the roll-out of mobile working to Environmental Services (this is currently being scoped as will be included in the FBC). Exclusions • Tranche 1 will exclude provision of mobility for any Council service which is not listed in the ‘inclusions’ above; • Tranche 1 will exclude modifications to any existing Council back office and core applications apart from the Northgate front end which will be covered in the Tranche 1 to enable on-line and off-line updates. 4.4 Strategic Risks The following strategic risks are associated with the project are set-out in the table below. Risk Mitigating Action Staff are reluctant to use the provided mobile solutions Address this as part of the change management activities which will include identifying staff requirements, assessing business impact of technology and new ways of working, undertaking training needs analysis and training, and providing two-way communications. Includes use of the Council’s Change Toolkit Ensure the solution(s) include robust security solutions and tools Insufficient security is embedded into the mobile access to Council systems Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 9 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Risk Mitigating Action Council network unable to support mobile users As tablet technology is relatively new there is risk that the tablets will be unable to access or interact effectively with Council systems Mobile Working will not be seen as credible due to difficulties with current initiatives The technology deployed to support mobile working is inconsistent with the Council’s ICT Roadmap Ensure network is scaleable to meet the needs of mobile users Mouchel to complete Proof of Concept and leverage on-going similar initiatives at Mouchel’s Lincoln & Middlesbrough Partnerships 5 Include within scope effort to review and resolve issues with current Housing ‘Electronic Business Systems Project’ Ensure solutions are flexible and agile. Adopt a phased approach with an initial pilot. Link with the emerging ICT Strategy Service Led Approach This option focuses on delivering mobile working across selected services in tranches in order to gain the best balance of benefits, risks, and upfront investment. This approach focuses on delivering mobile working without the introduction of an enterprise infrastructure but does include the creation of a robust Council mobile technology governance framework. This option doesn’t provide a total view of the Council / customer but does provide field based case officers with mobile access to their current electronic records, documents and other information. This option and its implementation is very much based on a partnership approach. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 10 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE The overall approach is set out in the diagram below. Service Led Delivery Model Mobile Working Strategic Business Case • Mobile Working OBC Tranche 1 Enabling Outputs Inputs informs Tranche 1 FBC funds • • Homeworking Strategic Business Case Tranche 1 Hi Impact Service Areas / Information access + remote reporting Fix housing project Establish IT Mobile Governance Council Transformation Programmes enables Children’s Social Care CST informs Mobile Working OBC Tranche 2 informs Tranche 2 FBC Adult Social Care CST funds Tranche 2 Home working Lower impact/harder Mobile areas enables informs Mobile Working informs OBC Tranche 3 Tranche 3 FBC Housing & Parks CST E&E CST funds Tranche 3: Lower Priority Mobile & Homeworking enables Office Space Strategy The lessons learned over the past months indicate that simply enabling staff groups, for example Social Workers, to ‘work from anywhere’ will provide substantial and easily achieved benefit to their work as opposed to trying to integrate a new ‘Enterprise Tool’ into their current business processes. Through the analysis undertaken, initial users have been narrowed down to three key areas and these will be defined as the Tranche 1 – Quick wins. This consists of Social Workers (both in Adults and Children’s) and the Housing Landlord Services’ mobile officers. Just providing this group of users (approximately 190 users) with appropriate devices and access could realise a significant share of the overall possible mobile working productivity gains. Mobile technology can be of significant value to other council areas. For Example tablets or smart phones could be deployed to: • Capture ‘missing bin’ information and improve waste collection administration; • Capture and communicate pest infestation details more efficiently; • Capture and communicate late night licensing details. However, these other areas appear less customer facing and contain within them certain technical and operational complications which mean that implementation timescales may be longer that the above areas identified for Tranche 1. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 11 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE However, there is an immediate need within Environmental Services (including refuse collection) for mobile solutions and this is currently being scoped (requirements, solution, costs and benefits) and the results will be included within the FBC. The following is a summary definition of the quick win areas of work: 1. Deploy mobile solutions for up to 200 Council officers for the following Council services - This will provide staff with the ability to access and use Council applications whilst out of Council offices. The following table summarises at a high level findings from discussions with the recommended service areas on their mobile needs. Area Children’s Social Care Section Safeguarding children Looked after children Social worker Staff 30 17 100 Adult social care Housing Occupational therapists 11 Housing management officers 15 Anti-social behaviour team 4 Tele-care team 4 Private housing 8 Need Need information access while on-site, ability to complete reports while in court waiting for case. Currently 80% time in office, team manager wants staff out of office and 80% mobile As above, less extreme ‘dead time’ Site visits – capture notes from face to face customer contacts, need to avoid returns to the office except for team meetings. Team leaders want updates during the day on progress vs work schedule Site visits, show brochures, photos, access to information, brief reports. Want to minimise return visits and clear communications to customer Access Northgate site records, do rent surveys on site, access to information when at court, standard letters Take statements at homes, secure signatures electronically or in print – everything in on e visit On-site contract amendments, create invoice in Northgate, print on-site Access to site past inspections and notes, create standard letters, standard forms Technology Work anywhere, information access Laptop + dongle Tablet – access to back office and internet Tablet, access to Northgate and standard forms Electronic signature NB: it would be possible, if required, to down grade technology solutions for the Occupational therapists and the Housing staff to the use of laptops. This would reduce the overall costs by approximately (£14,700) but would not give these users the flexibility that it’s clear they will benefit from by having tablets. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 12 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Also due to the nature of their applications (web based and device independent) it would be further possible to down grade the mobility access for the Housing staff to a “smart phone” device, but any savings here provided by not procuring the more expensive mobile device are counter acted by the need to maintain office based access for their other work. (For example report writing cannot be sensibly achieved on a smart phone device so you would end up with 2 devices rather than one fully functional one. 2. Upgrade the network connections to ensure the 200 users are able to use the Citrix network - the Council already utilises the Citrix application delivery tool to ‘package’ its applications and deliver them to the user’s desktops. This combined with the SSL VPN technology also provides secure remote access for authorised users. In order to enable the new mobile users in this tranche additional network services are required to provide the capacity. Analyse and resolve data update issues associated with the Housing mobile solution - this work includes an analysis of the existing AccuServ and job costing / work delivery system and its interfaces to the Northgate job set up and Opti-time scheduling system. 3. The plan for this project is to take over the delivery of the whole project and quite crucially control the contractual relationship with the solution supplier. It appears on initial review that the 3-way relationship in place is not working as it’s easier for the suppliers involved to blame one another. The first phase of activity would include a deep-dive current status review, this would be an impartial review of where the project is; is it recoverable; and what needs to happen to make it a success. This investigation will be undertaken with all relevant parties involved as it needs to understand all viewpoints to then recommend a ‘get well’ action plan. The resolution depends on a working fix being provided by the supplier. This action plan can then be discussed and agreed will all parties and the solution re-planned and re-launched within the Council. 4. Develop a Council Mobile Technology Governance Policy with supporting guidelines this is to put in place an appropriate centralised framework to: capture and manage mobile technology requirements in order to ensure effective and efficient mobile solutions are delivered based on whole-Council view; and establish the services to be included within subsequent tranches. This will link and take direction from the emerging ICT Strategy. 5. Provision of appropriate change management activity - this is expected to include identifying staff requirements, assessing the business impact of technology and new ways of working, undertaking training needs analysis and training, and providing two-way communications. This would involve the use of the Council’s Change Toolkit including Change Readiness Assessment, Change Charter and Business Impact Analysis. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 13 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Service Led Overview (for detailed cost benefit model, see Appendix A) Total Expected Productivity Gains (Benefits) £k, non-Biased Total Expected Financial Cost (£k, non-Biased) Year 1 £376k Year 2 £751k Year 3 £751k Year 1 £339k (includes £99k Housing related costs which may be funded separately) Year 2 £102k Year 3 £102k Refresh Year 5 £194k Payback expected in year 2 Note that these are likely to be primarily productivity gains, and may overlap with CSTs where CSTs have assumed that mobile working will be available to support their transformation Expected non-Financial Benefit High level Breakdown of Costs (non-Biased) • Better service delivery Technology costs: • Reduced transportation – CO2 savings Mobile devices – Laptops (Ass. ) £52,500 • Improved information governance Mobile devices – Tablets (49) £39,200 • Reduced ICO fine risk and associated Council reputational risk Device support £49,875 Microsoft Office licenses £10,925 • Reduced office accommodation requirements Purchase tokens & VPN licenses £41,000 Upgrade Citrix network £13,000 • Reduced office consumables (paper, toner etc.) Rental of dongles (190) £43,200 Northgate mobile apps £46,500 Subtotal £296,200 Deployment costs Programme Manager Core Resource Project management £17,500 Change management Intercept & refine existing housing project Create& communicate mobile governance policy and procedures Core Resource Core Resource Core Resource Technical delivery days £16,000 subtotal £33,500 Annual support @ 20% of apps cost Total £9,300 £339,000 Note: Laptops for all reduces mobility but overall costs by: Approx. £14,400 Strengths (Including opportunities) Weaknesses (Including threats) • Focussed on immediate service requirements for mobile working • Does not address all services simultaneously, requires prioritisation • Frees the Council from the need to make a multi-year significant investment decision • Does not resolve other ICT related business issues – for example work scheduling • ‘Plan-Do-Learn’ approach reduces risk and benefits further tranches • Minimal software development • Theoretically some overall losses on economies of scale • Avoids investment in solutions which are never deployed • Does not integrate mobile solutions with the redesign of business processes and ICT architecture • Enables mobile solutions, business • Per user costs similar to other options (as still need to enable users) Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 14 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE process improvement and the ICT strategy to be developed in manageable chunks Risk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mitigation Strategy Staff are reluctant to use the provided mobile solutions Insufficient security is embedded into the mobile access Council systems Council network unable to support 200 new mobile users initially plus subsequent tranches Tablet technology is relatively newthere is risk that the tablets will be unable to access or interact effectively with Council system Mobile Working will not be seen as credible due to difficulties with current initiatives OBC is not progressed due to inability to agree Tranche 1 Services Perception that solution doesn’t work cause reputational damage 1. Address this as part of the change management activities which will include identifying staff requirements, assessing business impact of technology and new ways of working, undertaking training needs analysis and training, and providing two-way communications. Includes use of the Council’s Change Toolkit 2. The recommended solution will be secured using an SSL VPN security tool 3. A network upgrade is included within the recommendations. Ensure network is scaleable to meet the needs of future tranches 4. Mouchel to complete Proof of Concept and leverage on-going similar initiatives at Mouchel’s Lincoln & Middlesbrough Partnerships 5. Include within scope effort to review and resolve issues with current Housing ‘Electronic Business Systems Project’ 6. Recommend early review and refinement of services as recommended above plus communications that future needs will be met by future Tranches of work 7. Strong focus on testing solutions, integrating user requirements, and using change management techniques to reduce risk Timeline Indicative Funding Source 3-6 months Not known at this stage The Service Led approach is entirely focused on providing staff with mobile access to the information they need to fulfil their duties in an effective and efficient manner. It is recommended that the Service Led approach is implemented quickly in order to build on the momentum and immediate appetite of services, align with CSTs and contribute to saving targets. Within the detailed analysis of business requirements at the service level, there will need to be consideration of the types of decisions that can be made in real time, and which require further consideration by the social worker. 5.1 Flexible Working Roadmap & Strategy The Service Led solution provides a solid foundation for enabling mobility across the Council by delivering core infrastructure components and proving the benefits of a mobilised, flexible workforce. To exploit this investment and expand the benefits of mobility across the Council, it is strongly recommended that a Mobility Readiness Assessment be undertaken which will then support a Flexible Working Roadmap & Strategy. Furthermore a Flexible Working Centre of Excellence should be considered to manage this key activity and demonstrate benefits to The Council, its members and citizens. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 15 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Building on output of the Mobility Readiness Assessment a corresponding strategy for flexible working can be developed and a Roadmap created to meet the strategic objectives. Also considering wider ICT Strategy and business objectives a Flexible Working roadmap can be developed that schedules when services are enabled for flexible working, the benefits which will be enjoyed and associated costs. The roadmap can then be developed into a project plan or synchronised with existing projects and programs. 5.2 Flexible Working Centre of Excellence The purpose is of this small unit is to provide leadership, innovation and governance for mobile working in the Council and to provide a model for mobility in Local Government. It will combine a model office for mobile devices with best practice for the use of applications with a flexible workforce. It will demonstrate the benefits of flexible working for specific directorates and services such as Housing and Children’s Services. The Centre will be jointly supported by Mouchel and the Council and will integrate with other innovation initiatives such as model offices and ‘Blue Room’ 6 Service Led Option Next Steps The following steps are required to deliver the first tranche of the Service Led option. (1) Capture detailed service requirements regarding the individual applications required on each mobile device and finalise specific user needs; (2) Assess fit with CSTs and the degree of cashable cost savings; (3) Complete an on-going proof of concept project within Mouchel to finalise the optimal choice of tablet 2; (4) Assess and design the detailed change management supporting activities; (5) Complete detail planning for technical infrastructure upgrades; (6) Update the costs and benefits based on the findings of the above; (7) Implement tranche 1; (8) Capture lessons from Tranche 1 and plan for tranche 2. 2 Mouchel is undertaking a proof of concept exercise to test Windows 8 in a corporate environment. Windows-based devices, including tablets, will be included to demonstrate functionality. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 16 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Appendix A: Service Led Approach - Cost Benefit Model Factor Increase in available productive staff time Benefits Travel Logic Assume 190 staff mobile enabled in Tranche 1 Average salary + benefits at £35K 10% time savings at 50% year 1, 100% year 2 Total travel costs Children's Service, Adult & Community Care & Housing year ending Nov 2011 at £575K less 36% reductions due to Grey fleet = £432K.. Assume 10% reduction. Ramp up as above Total Benefits Logic Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 £332,500 £665,000 £665,000 £665,000 £665,000 £43,200 £375,700 Year1 £86,400 £751,400 Year2 £86,400 £751,400 Year3 £86,400 £751,400 Year4 £86,400 £751,400 Year5 Technology costs: Mobile devices - Laptops Mobile devices - Tablets Costs Device Support Microsoft Office licenses Purchase tokens & VPN licenses Upgrade Citrix network Monthly rental of dongles Northgate mobile apps Refresh costs subtotal Deployment costs Overall Programme Mgt Project Management Change Management Intercept & refine existing housing project Create & communicate mobile IT policy and procedures Technical Delivery days subtotal Assumed 70% of 140 users need device Windows 8 Mobile Slate (acts as desktop and tablet for mobile working) Increase in support assumes of 45 tablets @ addn £400 and 41 users move from PC to laptop and 70 from thin client to laptop. 190 users @ £230 200 users Mouchel estimate At 200 @£18 per month 31 users covered 190 mobile devices 15 days at £800 per day £52,500 £0 £0 £0 £0 £39,200 0 £0 £0 £0 £49,875 £10,925 £49,875 £49,875 £49,875 £49,875 £41,000 £13,000 £43,200 £46,500 £0 £296,200 £0 £0 £43,200 £0 £0 £93,075 £0 £0 £43,200 £0 £0 £93,075 £0 £0 £43,200 £0 £0 £93,075 £0 £0 £43,200 £0 £91,700 £184,775 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Core Resource £0 £0 £0 £0 Core Resource £16,000 £33,500 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £9,300 £339,000 £36,700 £9,300 £102,375 £685,725 £9,300 £102,375 £1,334,750 £9,300 £102,375 £1,983,775 £9,300 £194,075 £2,541,100 Core Resource At 35 days (including UAT support) @ £500 per day £17,500 At 25 days for job reprofile, business process change and comms @ £500 per day Core Resource 15 days @ £450 per day 10 days @ £500 per day 32 days @ £500 Annual support @ 20% of application cost (Northgate) Total Net savings Bournemouth Borough Council Resource Commitment Change Management - job reprofile, business process change, comms Create & communicate mobile IT policy and procedures Adults Social Care Subject Matter Expert Childrens Social Care Subject Matter Expert Housing Related (costs included in above which could be funded by HRA) mobile devices 31 users @ £800 £24,800 Purchase tokens & Licenses 31 users @ £400 £7,750 Dongle rental 31 users @ £18 per month £6,696 Northgate applications £46,500 15% deployment £5,025 total £90,771 Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 25 days 10 days 25 days 25 days £24,800 £6,696 £9,300 £6,696 £9,300 £6,696 £9,300 £6,696 £9,300 £15,996 £15,996 £15,996 £40,796 Page 17 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Notes and Assumptions – Service Led Approach 1. 2. 3. The Benefits relating to increase in available staff time are unlikely to be cashable. The allocation of core partnership resources at no cost assumes the availability of those resources when needed. User base is an approximation based on Mouchel early work on business case, along with an informal review with Graham Lever on levels of mobility by department. 4. 25% of in scope users already have a laptop - based on the Council’s average spread. 5. Tablet cost is for enterprise appropriate tablets, which cost this much. 6. Device support assumes increase of 45 tablets @ addn £400 and 41 users move from PC to laptop and 70 from Thin client to laptop. 7. 75% of users already have a transferable MS Office License. 8. 50% of users in scope already have Citrix access (as either Thin Client users or PC with Citrix). 9. Training is covered in the change programme, it isn’t really training but “this is how you work” type advice. Applications are the same and unchanged. Only involvement is therefore change management activities. 10. Device support costs are currently being agreed with the Authority and MTG. For this model we have assumed £350 per device per year additional. This does not affect any current discussions going on within the authority and is purely a estimate for this outline business case. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 18 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Appendix B: Options Appraisal: The Economic Case This business case reflects input gathered from a number of sources over the past year: • Work undertaken throughout 2012 to understand the costs and benefits associated with an ‘enterprise’ level transformation to the Council infrastructure in order to enable the deployment of mobile solutions across all departments. • Reviews of existing Council mobile initiatives. Various departments have already initiated mobile technology with limited success. These are summarised in Appendix C. It therefore appears critical to include within the scope of work the set up and deployment of appropriate IT Governance to help one such project in Housing achieve success. • Mouchel’s experience in deploying mobile technology solutions with its Lincolnshire and Middlesbrough Partnerships. In Lincolnshire Mouchel has successfully implemented a ‘New Way of Working’ programme based around core ‘work-styles’. This has now become business as usual process when new users are created they are given appropriate ICT equipment based on their role and the workstyle equipment definition. In Middlesbrough Mouchel are in the process of delivering tablet devices to 200 adult social workers. Mouchel has learned that a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not deliver best value for money. The solution provided will vary from one type of officer to another. The needs and consequently solutions for an officer continuously mobile will be different from those who need to interface with customers and later produce detail reports. More detail on the work-styles approach is outlined in Appendix D. • An assessment of on-going trends towards increased use of mobile solutions among multiple Councils across the UK as each Council grapples with the challenges posed by increased demands on service with decreased sources of income. The use of mobile solutions is picking up pace across UK (and overseas) in local government as connectivity improves. • A review of Council CST programmes and on-going technology initiatives at the Council including EDRM, MDS Secure to Print, VoIP and Unified Comms. It is clear that mobile technology supports and enables this work to benefit the Council. It is also clear that the need to convert initiatives into actual delivered change and associated benefits is paramount. • A further set of interviews with Council staff (see Appendix F for list of officers interviewed) to ensure the identification of those business functions where the impact of mobile technology could have a significant level of positive impact within a short timeframe. This has revealed that pressing needs exist particularly within Children’s Social Care and Housing Landlord Services which appear in need of attention and are included within the recommended early deployment plans. • Horizon scanning for new technology developments, importantly including Windows 8 and professional standard tablets such as MS Surface which provide new corporate mobility solutions. • Assessment of approved and in-flight CST business cases to understand the degree to which mobile working has been incorporated. This input has been used to consolidate our thinking and identify three potential mobile working options at the Council: An Enterprise Wide Option, a Service Based Option, and Do Nothing. The financial benefits for each option are based on the ‘value’ of released time as a result of productivity improvements through mobile access to information plus a reduction in travel Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 19 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE costs. It is recommended that as part of the FBC, further analysis takes place at a detailed level to: first, identify the degree of ‘enablement’ or ‘additionality’ between mobile working and the CSTs (see Section 2.1 for further details); and second, review whether the value of productivity improvements can be cashable. Typically such productivity benefits can only be cashable if there are a number of staff undertaking almost identical roles or through a wider restructuring and redefinition of roles. The costs in this analysis exclude any potential restructuring and redeployment/redundancy costs to achieve the time based productivity benefits. In summary, the travel costs should be ‘cost savings’ (cashable), productivity benefits may be ‘cost savings’ but may be an ‘efficiency gain’. Accommodation savings have not been included as financial benefits as reductions in office space requirements require a threshold to be reached before savings can be realised, either through disposal of buildings or ending leases. IN addition, there is already an overarching corporate accommodation project underway which will claim benefits from space savings. However, mobile working can play a significant role in enabling the Council’s property costs to be significantly reduced and this should be linked to the Council’s property strategy. The mobile project may result in the need to reconfigure office space to allow for more drop-in areas / work hub s(e.g. in libraries) to maximise the mobile capability. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 20 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Appendix C: Analysis of Current Mobile Initiatives by Service Area Currently, there are a number of mobile working initiatives across the Council including: Housing Landlord Services: Mobile working within the Council has been pioneered within Housing Landlord Services. It manages the job schedules for field based housing repair officers and relays the information directly to a handheld device. The benefits are: • • • • • Increasing productivity – reducing double entry; Reducing travel and carbon footprint – not required to return to the office for job/work assignment; Savings on the accommodation / desk allocation to the officer – office being field based, with the work details being exchanged while on customer site; Improved customer experience – always made aware of the progress of their work; Improved real-time performance management information. The solution works as follows: • • • • The technology called AccuServ runs on a PDA and interfaces with the Northgate Housing SX3 Line of Business application; Jobs are created in SX3 and scheduled using an automated workforce scheduling system called Opti-Time; Details of the job are then sent to AccuServ on the PDA of the officer who is best placed to carry out the work; AccuServ is updated by the officer on completion so there is no wait for paperwork to be returned or for valuable admin resources to be expended in completing a job. Housing Landlord Services went live with a Council-specific version which is being used by eight operatives for electronic job costing. In addition, there are other mobile solutions deployed within Housing Landlord Services including the ezytreev tree management software used by the Parks department and the Keystone Asset Management software. Community Care: A pilot on a ‘lone officer’ mobile working solution delivered job/work schedules to Care Officers on a handheld device. As part of the pilot a tracking system was provided to indicate when an officer enters and leaves a service user residence. Care officers were able to use their devices to ‘swipe’ labels that were placed in clients’ houses. A swipe on entry to the property automatically notifies the centre of their whereabouts (thus supporting their protection as a lone officer) whilst a swipe on exit updates the schedule for the next visit and send the details to the officer’s phone. Early potential benefits identified were: • • • • Safety for lone officers – tracking entry and exit of residents; Reduced travel – as jobs are dispatched to officers’ devices; Improved customer experience – always made aware of the progress of their work; Improved real-time performance management information. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 21 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE The technology deployed was an initiative of the Assisted Living Innovation Platform (ALIP) is the umbrella for a number of activities which aim to significantly advance the use of technology to meet the demand for independent living from people suffering from chronic long-term conditions. Participants included technology companies such as Microsoft and Cisco and local authorities including Bournemouth and Darlington. Technical Services: There are also other mobile working initiatives in Technical Services. Highways currently use a PDA for recording defects then uploading to the main system Mayrise. Gritting Lorries are equipped with GPS tracking devices with a web interface to update progress and completed jobs. The value to the Council is: • • • Increased productivity - removing double data entry; Enhanced customer experience achieved from tracking system; Improved real-time performance management information. Planning and Transport: ‘Managing Civil Enforcement and Parking Services in Bournemouth’ project is implementing a programme of transformation of the Council’s Enforcement & Parking Service to improve the Parking experience for residents and visitors to Bournemouth. The programme aims to: encourage greater footfall in the town centre; realise cashable efficiency savings; protect and enhance parking assets; and ensure certainty of existing and new revenues. This includes operational measures and new technology to support back office and on-street services therefore enabling Parking Enforcement Officers to be mobile equipped officers. The technology elements would include a device capable of accessing back office systems to enforce parking restrictions and also deliver value-add information to these officers. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 22 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Appendix D: Work-style based technology It is recommended that Bournemouth move towards a true work-style based mobile working strategy that defines the basic ‘tool’ set for mobile officers and how they will access ICT in Bournemouth. The major work-styles are forming and will be clarified through the analysis and overarching strategy work in Tranche 1 of the overall programme. A suggested high-level definition for Council work styles could be:• • • • Mobile – a user who does their work where ever they are, e.g. a social workers; Fixed – receptionist or CAD enabled planner needs specific location or kit on desk; Engineer/Warden – a scheduled work/task based employee who can be directed to next job and doesn’t need too much data entry at each location, e.g. Tree Warden; Home Officer – a member of the Council staff who spends most of their time at their desk but could actually have that desk relocated to their home (with the benefit of modern telecommunications, would be invisible to the customer) e.g. a Contact centre operative. From a basic ICT perspective some work has already been undertaken in Bournemouth to investigate and then prepare to implement the associated ICT for users. It is the plan to reuse this where possible but re-engage the concept and govern the rollout through an approved Mobile Working Strategy. The ‘tool kit’ is then agreed and can be used appropriately across the authority. The initial phase will touch on both the key mobile work-styles ‘Warden’ for Highways and ‘Mobile’ for Social Officers. Lessons learned from here will feed into the iterative process to define the true Council workstyles and the overall mobile working strategy that will be forming throughout the first phase of work. Associated with the need of the Council, it is also necessary to make sure that the overall governance of the Mobile Working works hand-in-hand with the other delivery streams in the TEC Programme as there are more benefits to be gained by combining the delivery plans of these related projects. For example – MFD & secure print, VoIP and Unified Comms, single number reach, EDRMS access, and other such projects as they come on line. This way the sum of the parts is greater than the individual benefits of each project on its own. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 23 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Appendix E: Enterprise Level Mobile Technology Mobile technology and associated mobile working could be introduced to the Council at an ‘enterprise’ level. This would involve initially installing a Council-wide technology infrastructure before mobile working solutions are rolled out to service teams. This approach requires substantial upfront investment in infrastructure and technology to make the solutions usable to all services. This approach offers the promise of creating a ‘total view of the Council / customer’, that is to say, all information about Council services and customers can be accessed electronically by mobile officers. The enterprise solution allows the Council to introduce mobile technology to all departments as and when required. The solution would need to be supported by a highly controlled and centralised governance structure. This Enterprise Option requires an estimated £3.2m year one investment with payback achieved in year six (with bias). Enterprise Level Mobile Technology This option proposes building and deploying an Enterprise Mobile Working Platform. This would be an integrated corporate-wide set of information and communications systems which could include: • A scheduling tool; • On-line access to corporate and service-specific information systems, particularly the existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system used by Customer Services; • A remote location tool (to identify where officers are); • Connectivity and data security, including ‘virtual private network’ and data encryption on user devices; • Deployment of a new scheduling system with secure access and encrypted devices with connectivity to the CRM system –to update service users and Council officers, and provide a route to access case data and functionality in service-specific systems, as illustrated the following diagram. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 24 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Enterprise Solution Conceptual Diagram The key risks and issues associated with the Enterprise Approach include: • • • • • High investment of project and Council time in developing and proving technology Significant full business case and build time before service improvements are realised; Need for substantial management and change support to handle comprehensive front and back offices changes to staff ways-of-working ; Moderate to high risk involved in integrating corporate and service-specific information systems; Development of enterprise capabilities may provide little benefit to staff at the service level. Enterprise Option Overview (for detailed cost benefit model see Appendix A) Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 25 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Total Expected Financial Benefit (£k, non-biased) Total Expected Financial Cost (£k, non-biased) Year 1 £443k Year 2 £1,107k Year 3+ £2,214k Year 1 £2,718k Year 2 £1,147k Year 3 £430k Refresh year 5 at £515k to replace devices and architecture Pay Back expected in year 4 (year 6 if biased) Note that these are likely to include a mix of cost savings and efficiency gains, and may overlap with CSTs where CSTs have assumed that mobile working will be available to support their transformation Expected non-Financial Benefit High level Breakdown of Costs (non-biased) • Better service delivery Technology costs: • Reduced transportation – CO2 savings Mobile devices • Improved information governance Mobile licenses £138,000 • Reduced ICO fine risk and associated Council reputational risk Work scheduler licenses £880,000 Monthly contract yr1 @ £18 a month £194,400 • Reduced office accommodation requirements Server & IT Infrastructure • Reduced office consumables (paper, toner etc.) Deployment costs: Develop application Subtotal Project and change management £390,000 £1,500,000 £125,000 £3,227,400 £280,000 Training £50,000 subtotal £330,000 Annual support Total (years 1 and 2) £300,000 £3,857,400 Strengths (Including opportunities) Weaknesses (Including threats) • Potential economies of scale and re-use capabilities with partners etc. • One size doesn’t fit all in a local authority • • Improved information governance (top down) Complex solution requiring high risk integration to multiple systems • • Opportunities to resolve back office system issues Service improvement delivered only after full technology investment complete and deployed • Potentially becomes an ICT led project – not service driven • Lack of flexibility in service areas • £2.7m investment in year 1 Risk Mitigation Strategy Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 26 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE 1. Back office system integration is more complex and costly than estimated 2. The significant upfront time to build the overall technical solution results in lost service support 3. Staff are reluctant to use the provided mobile solutions 4. Insufficient security is embedded into the mobile access Council systems 5. Council network unable to support mobile users 6. Tablet technology is relatively new- there is risk that the tablets will be unable to access or interact effectively with Council system 7. Mobile Working will not be seen as credible due to difficulties with current initiatives 8. Perception that solution doesn’t work cause reputational damage 1. 2. Timeline Indicative Funding Source 12 -18 months to create tool and deliver to the main business areas Not known at this point 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Comprehensive early requirements analysis Create over-arching long term change management workstream Address this as part of the change management activities which will include identifying staff requirements, assessing business impact of technology and new ways of working, undertaking training needs analysis and training, and providing two-way communications. Includes use of the Council’s Change Toolkit The solution would have secured embedded within its overall design A network upgrade is included within the option Mouchel to complete Proof of Concept and leverage on-going similar initiatives at Mouchel’s Lincoln & Middlesbrough Partnerships Include within scope effort to review and resolve issues with current Housing ‘Electronic Business Systems Project’ Strong focus on testing solutions, integrating user requirements, and using change management techniques to reduce risk Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 27 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Enterprise Approach - Cost Benefit Model Factor Increase in available productive staff time Benefits Travel Logic Assume 30% of staff "mobile" (600 staff@ £35K= £21m salary cost 10% increased available time Assume benefit ramp up of 20% year 1, 50% year 2, 100% year 3 Total travel costs for year ending at Nov 2011 at £768K less 36% Greyfleet savings = £568K at 20% per reductions. Ramp up as above Total Benefits Logic Technology costs: Mobile devices Develop application mobile licenses Costs Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 £420,000 £1,050,000 £2,100,000 £2,100,000 £2,100,000 £22,720 £56,800 £113,600 £113,600 £113,600 £442,720 £1,106,800 £2,213,600 £2,213,600 £2,213,600 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 £195,000 £195,000 £0 £0 £0 £1,500,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £138,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £440,000 £440,000 £0 £0 £0 £64,800 £129,600 £129,600 £129,600 £129,600 £125,000 £0 £0 £0 300 users year 1, 300 year 2 @ £650 each (This assumes 50% users deploy laptops at £500 and 50% use tablets at £800 each) Technical Project Manager = £160,000 Requirements Analysis = £125,000 Software Selection = £125,000 Customisations = £360,000 Configuration and testing = £360,000 User Acceptance materials and testing = £120,000 Training materials development & delivery = £125,000 Travel and accomodation = £125,000 License costs assume BBC buys Corporate solution As quoted. work scheduler licenses monthly contract yr1 & As quoted, 300 users year 1 £18 a month Server & IT Per Mouchel estimate Infrastructure Refresh costs 600 mbie devices Server/ infrastructure subtotal subtotal Technology costs Deployment costs: Project Management Mouchel estimate 200 days @ £850 per day Change Management Mouchel estimate 150 days @ £600 per day blended Mouchel and BBCo BI team. Plus £25k year 1, 50 days training yrs 1 and 2 Create & communicate 20 days at £650 per day. mobile IT policy and Assumes 3 x effort from Service Option due to 3 x procedures number of users subtotal Annual support based on hardware/software Total Net savings Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 £0 £390,000 £125,000 £515,000 £2,462,800 £764,600 £129,600 £129,600 £644,600 £127,500 £32,500 £0 £0 £0 £115,000 £50,000 £13,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £255,500 £0 £2,718,300 -£2,275,580 £82,500 £300,000 £1,147,100 -£2,315,880 £0 £300,000 £429,600 -£531,880 £0 £300,000 £429,600 £1,252,120 £0 £300,000 £944,600 Page 28 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Assumptions – Enterprise Option 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. User base is an approximation based on Mouchel early work on business case, informal review with Graham Lever on levels of mobility by department. 2yr implementation for redevelopment of applications and changes to business processes. See cost build up detail in cost model spreadsheet. Solution assumes MS-Office licences are not required. Training is covered in the change programme, it isn’t really training but “this is how you work” type advice. Applications are the same and unchanged. Only involvement is therefore change management activities. Housing project fix not included in this option as enterprise solution would bring into place either a bespoke solution or a package housing solution customised to Council needs. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 29 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Appendix F: The ‘Do Nothing’ Option Do Nothing This option assumes BCC delegates mobile technology to individual departments and service teams without any overall mobile governance framework in place. Corporate ICT will be engaged in response to issues raised by departments. The current situation would continue with individual service teams introducing their own solutions independently of any central direction. Due to the nature of this option it is not possible to estimate the costs. However they are expected to be higher than the Service Led approach due to higher technology and support costs as a result of lower economies of scale and less standardisation. This option is also expected to have a higher risk value than the Service Led approach due to the anticipated variety of technology solutions ultimately deployed across the Council. Do Nothing Option Overview Total Expected Financial Benefit (£k) Total Expected Financial Cost (£k) Not known although expected to be marginally less than options 2 Not known although expected to be greater than option 2 Expected non-Financial Benefit High level Breakdown of Costs • Better service delivery Not applicable • Reduced transportation – CO2 savings • Reduced ICO fine risk and associated Council reputational risk • Reduced office accommodation requirements • Reduced office consumables (paper, toner etc.) Strengths (Including opportunities) Weaknesses (Including threats) • • The roll-out of mobile across the Council and its associated business benefits is likely to be slow • Less likely to support CSTs due to lack of ‘off the shelf’ mobile solutions • Higher technology support costs • Lack of economies of scale in procurement, learning etc. • Higher risk than option 2 due to bespoke solutions • Avoids addressing the issue of IT governance Ownership remains in service area Risk 1. 2. 3. Mitigation Strategy Staff are reluctant to use the provided mobile solutions Insufficient security is embedded into the mobile access Council systems Council network unable to support new mobile users Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 1. 2. Services encouraged to use the Council’s Change Toolkit Services will need to engage ICT early to ensure appropriate security is incorporated within every mobile solution for each service Page 30 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE 4. Services demand new technology - there is risk that this new technology will be unable to access or interact effectively with Council system 3. 4. Services will need to engage ICT early to ensure any impact on the network can be assessed and appropriately planned for Services will need to engage ICT early to ensure an assessment of the new technology and fit with the existing Council ICT architecture Preferred Option The recommendation to the TEC Board is that the Service Led Approach provides the Council with the best value for money based on a combination of service improvement, cost reduction and risk. The Service Led approach will provide the Council with benefits in time to materially support the on-going CST initiatives and requires substantially less up-front investment than the Enterprise Option. The modular, tranche based approach provides The Council with maximum flexibility and enables the delivery of existing applications direct to Council officers in the field. The alternative Enterprise Option is intellectually appealing. However, its high risk, lag before the delivery of benefits, and large initial investment mean that this is not the recommended option. Discussions with Council staff indicate that the existing business support systems do support the work that services need to do. The business problem facing departments is that of getting access to these systems while away from the office and being able to make use of currently unproductive time. The Do Nothing option is sub-optimal to the Service Led approach on all criteria – cost, benefit and risk. It is also inconsistent with the principles set-out in the Future Business Design of the Council for a Council-wide approach to such solutions. Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 31 Programme & Project Management Office OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Appendix G: Officers interviewed to inform update to business case Service Children’s Social Care ICT Community Care Planning & Transport Environmental Health Technical Services Officer Interviewed Carol Trew Robert Young Alyson Stark Bob Johnson Jerry Kelsey Nigel Billet Louise Jones Robert White Steve Wright Ray Tab Andy Sherif Steve Day Nick Trolloppe Neil Rawlings Stuart Best Mobile Working Business Case, v2.1 Page 32