THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING COLLABORATIVE LEARNING IN THE TEACHING OF FORM FOUR MATHEMATICAL REASONING GEORGE TAN GEOK SHIM This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) with Honours Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK 2008 The project entitled ‘The Effectiveness of using Collaborative learning in the teaching of form four Mathematical Reasoning’ was prepared by George Tan Geok Shim and submitted to the Faculty Cognitive Sciences and Human Development in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) with Honours. Received for examination by: ---------------------------------------(Associate Professor Dr. Hong Kian Sam) Date: ------------------------------------Grade ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am glad and indeed fortunate to manage to finish this thesis report before the actual due date. There are a number of people that I would like to acknowledge for their assistance in carrying of the research. Without their help, I doubt I would have been able to complete this thesis successfully. Firstly, I would like to express my appreciation to my supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Hong Kian Sam for all his guidance and advices throughout the whole research process. Without his help, it will definitely be hard for me to finish this thesis report in time. Secondly, I would like to say thank you to my course mates; Gan Siew Ling, Kueh Su Li, Hii Yung Ing, Lau Siew Bey, Ting Jack Yew and Ting Sing Siong for their cooperation and support. Thirdly, I would like to express my appreciation to the principal, Mr. Tilai Bala Udan, and all the teachers of SMK Siburan, Kuching for their cooperation. I would also like to say thank you to all the students who were the sample of this study. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, lecturers and friends for all their support throughout the research process. i TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ABSTRACT ii ABSTRAK iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xiv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Research Objectives 5 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Research Hypotheses 7 1.6 Research Framework 8 1.7 Definitions of Terms 9 1.7.1 Collaborative Learning 9 1.7.2 Effectiveness 10 1.7.3 Mathematics Reasoning 10 1.7.4 Traditional Instructional Method 11 1.8 Significant of the research 11 1.9 Limitation of the research 12 vi CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 13 2.1 Collaborative Learning 13 2.2 Learning Theories related to Collaborative Learning 16 2.2.1 Constructivist Theory 16 2.2.2 Sociocultural Theory 16 2.3 The differences between Collaborative Learning and Cooperative 17 Learning 2.4 Characteristics of Collaborative Learning 19 2.5 The benefits of Collaborative Learning 21 2.5.1 Build Self-Esteem 23 2.5.2 Creates an environment of active, involved and 24 exploratory learning 2.5.3 Develops higher level thinking skills 25 2.6 Gender differences in Mathematics 25 2.7 Empirical finding on Collaborative Learning 27 2.7.1 General studies-based finding 27 2.7.2 Mathematics 28 2.8 Summary 29 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction 30 3.1 Research Design 30 3.2 Research Participants 31 3.3 Research Instruments 31 3.3.1 Pretest and Posttest 31 3.3.2 Questionnaire 32 vii 3.4 Research Procedures 32 3.5 Data Analysis 33 3.6 Summary 34 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS 4.0 Introduction 35 4.1 Demographics of the samples 35 4.2 Reliability test 38 4.2.1 Pretest and Posttest 38 4.2.2 Questionnaire 39 4.3 Results of the study 40 4.3.1 Effectiveness of using Collaborative Learning for the 40 topic of Mathematical Reasoning and the effects of gender on the findings 4.3.2 Students’ interest in the subject 42 4.3.3 Students’ perceptions on the teaching approaches based on 51 gender and teaching method 4.3.4 Students’ efficacy in mathematics 64 4.3.5 Preferred instructional method 74 4.4 Summary 74 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSIONS AND SUMMARY 5.0 Introduction 75 5.1 Summary of the study 75 5.2 Summary of the results 76 5.3 Discussions of findings 77 5.3.1 Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning 77 viii 5.3.2 Gender issue in Collaborative Learning 78 5.3.3 Interaction effects between teaching method and gender 79 5.3.4 Interests in mathematics 80 5.3.5 Perceptions of the teaching method 80 5.3.6 Efficacy in learning mathematics 81 5.3.7 Preferences of the teaching method 81 5.4 Implications of the study 83 5.5 Suggestions for future studies 83 5.6 Conclusion 84 REFERENCES 85 APPENDICES Appendix A: Work Schedule 90 Appendix B: Test Blueprint 91 Appendix C: Pretest 92 Appendix D: Posttest 99 Appendix E: Lesson plan (Traditional Instruction) 106 Appendix F: Lesson plan (Collaborative Learning) 110 Appendix G: Worksheet (Collaborative Learning) 115 Appendix H: Research Questionnaire 118 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Differences between Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Learning 18 Table 2.2 Characteristics of Collaborative Learning 20 Table 2.3 Summary of characteristics of Collaborative Learning 21 Table 2.4 Forty four benefits of Collaborative Learning 21 Table 3.1 Statistical analysis of the research 33 Table 4.1 Summary of the samples’ demographics 37 Table 4.2 Reliability values for the Pretest and Posttest x 38 Table 4.3 Reliability values for the questionnaire 39 Table 4.4 Two Way Analysis of Variables (ANOVA) results 41 Table 4.5 Means and standard deviations 42 Table 4.6 Analysis (Frequency and Percentage) of responses to Section B 47 (Students’ Interest) Table 4.7 Analysis (Mean and Standard Deviation) of responses to Section B 49 (Students’ Interest) Table 4.8 Independent t-test results for students’ interest in the subject based on teaching methods xi 50 Table 4.9 Independent t-test results for students’ interest in the subject based on gender 50 Table 4.10 Analysis (Frequency and Percentage) of responses to Section C 57 (Students’ Perception) Table 4.11 Analysis (Mean and Standard Deviation) of responses to Section C 61 (Students’ Perception) Table 4.12 Independent t-test results for students’ perceptions based on the 63 teaching methods Table 4.13 Independent t-test results for students’ perceptions on the teaching methods 63 based on gender Table 4.14 Analysis (Frequency and Percentage) of responses to Section D (Students’ Efficacy) xii 69 Table 4.15 Analysis (Mean and Standard Deviation) of responses to Section D 72 (Students’ Efficacy) Table 4.16 Independent t-test results for students’ efficacy in the subject based on 73 teaching methods Table 4.17 Independent t-test results for students’ efficacy in the subject based on gender xiii 73 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Research Framework 8 Figure 2.1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 24 xiv ABSTRACT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING COLLABORATIVE LEARNING IN THE TEACHING OF FORM FOUR MATHEMATICAL REASONING George Tan Geok Shim The year 2020 is just 12 years away and the time is getting shorter to achieve our dream of becoming a fully developed and industrialized nation. Hence, all efforts should be fully channeled by the government and all interested parties to establish a scientific and progressive society as envisioned by the sixth challenge in Malaysian’s Vision 2020 (Shahar Banun Jaafar, 2005). In order to attain this vision, our education system needs to produce knowledge workers with a sufficiently high literacy in mathematics. Fong (1993) regarded mathematics as an indispensable tool, a much needed subject in this age of modern technology. Collaborative learning refers to the form of classroom organization in which students work together, in small groups, on a shared activity and with a common goal and is noticeable in most problem solving subjects such as mathematics (Barnes, 1998). This study focused on looking at the effectiveness of collaborative learning in the teaching of form four mathematical reasoning compared to traditional instructional, and the possible effects of gender on the instructional methods. This study also looked at the gender effects on interest toward the subject, perceptions of the teaching methods and students’ efficacy in the subject. The study was carried out using a pretest-posttest quasi-experiment design with one treatment group and one control group. The study used two classes: treatment (Collaborative learning) and control (Traditional instructional) groups where each class consisted of 34 samples. The instruments of the study consisted of the pretest, posttest and questionnaires. The result showed that the collaborative learning group outperformed the traditional instructional group. This result supported Wilczenski, Bontrager, Ventrone and Correia’s (1999) findings that more students ii from the collaborative learning group obtained accurate answer in the posttest when compared to students who worked without group collaboration. In addition, the results of the study showed that female students obtained better results in the posttest compared to male students. These findings contradicted Anastasi’s (1958; cited in Hyde, Fennema & Lamon, 1990) findings where differences did not appear until well into the elementary school year. The study also found that students’ preferred collaborative learning compared to traditional instructional. Students in the collaborative learning group also showed higher interest in the subject and better selfefficacy in the subject. This result was supported by Pietsch (2005) study where there was greater participation among students in the collaborative learning classes, suggesting that students’ levels of critical thinking, self-regulation and help-seeking increased. However, gender did not appear to have an effect on students’ interest in the subject, preference for teaching method and self-efficacy in the subject. iii ABSTRAK KEBERKESANAN PEMBELAJARAN KOLABORATIF DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PENAAKULAN MATEMATIK TINGKATAN EMPAT George Tan Geok Shim Tahun 2020 hanya tinggal 12 tahun lagi dan ini bererti hanya tinggal sedikit masa lagi untuk mencapai impian kita menjadi sebuah negara industri dan membangun. Oleh itu, segala usaha perlu dilakukan oleh kerajaan dan badan-badan berkenaan untuk membina sebuah suatu masyarakat sainstifik dan progresif sepertimana yang termaktub dalam cabaran ke-enam Wawasan 2020 (Shahar Banun Jaafar, 2005). Bagi mencapai wawasan tersebut, sistem pendidikan kita perlu menghasilkan K- pekerja (pekerja ilmuan) yang mempunyai pengetahuan matematik yang tinggi. Fong (1993) mengatakan bahawa matematik adalah alat yang berguna dan suatu mata pelajaran yang amat diperlukan dalam abad teknologi moden ini. Pembelajaran kolaboratif bermaksud sejenis organisasi bilik darjah di mana pelajar bekerjasama, dalam kumpulan yang kecil, dalam berkongsi aktiviti dan mempunyai sasaran yang sama dan wujud dalam semua subjek berbentuk penyelesaian masalah seperti matematik (Barnes, 1998). Kajian ini berfokus kepada mengkaji keberkesanan pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam mengajar topik “Penaakulan Matematik” tingkatan empat jika dibandingkan dengan pengajaran tradisional dan kesan jantina kepada keberkesanan kaedah pengajaran. Kajian ini juga melihat kesan jantina ke atas minat pelajar terhadap subjek, persepsi kepada kaedah pengajaran dan efikasi diri pelajar dalam subjek tersebut. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kajian ujian pra-pasca kuasieksperimental dengan satu kumpulan kajian dan satu kumpulan kawalan. Kajian ini menggunakan dua kelas: kumpulan kajian (Pembelajaran kolaboratif) dan kumpulan kawalan (Pengajaran tradisional) di mana setiap kelas mempunyai 34 sampel. Alat ukur kajian adalah ujian pra, ujian pasca dan borang soal selidik. Keputusan iv menunjukkan bahawa kumpulan pembelajaran kolaboratif mengatasi kumpulan tradisional. Keputusan ini menyokong dapatan kajian oleh Wilczenski, Bontrager, Ventrone dan Correia (1999) di mana mereka mendapati bahawa lebih ramai pelajar daripada kumpulan kolaboratif mendapat jawapan yang tepat dalam ujian pasca jika dibandingkan dengan kumpulan yang tidak bekerja dalam kumpulan kolaboratif. Selain daripada itu, keputusan juga menunjukkan bahawa pelajar perempuan mendapat keputusan yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan pelajar lelaki. Dapatan ini adalah bertentangan dengan keputusan kajian Anastasi (1958; dalam Hyde, Fennema & Lamon, 1990) di mana tidak wujud perbezaan sehingga di penghujung sekolah rendah. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa pelajar lebih memilih pembelajaran kolaboratif jika dibandingkan dengan pengajaran tradisional. Pelajarpelajar dalam kumpulan pembelajaran kolaboratif juga menunjukkan minat yang lebih tinggi terhadap mata pelajaran dan efikasi diri yang lebih tinggi. Keputusan ini disokong oleh Pietsch (2005) di mana terdapat banyak penglibatan pelajar dalam kelas pembelajaran kolaboratif dan berpendapat bahawa terdapat peningkatan dalam pemikiran kritikal pelajar, sikap berdikari dan sikap untuk mencari pertolongan. Bagaimanapun, tidak ada kesan jantina terhadap mata pelajaran, perspesi terhadap kaedah pengajaran dan sikap pelajar terhadap pengajaran. v CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter is divided into nine main sections. Section 1.1 provides the background of the study. Section 1.2 discusses the problem statement of this study. Section 1.3 provides the reasons and objectives of the study. This is then followed by Section 1.4, which discusses the research questions of the study. Section 1.5 provides the research hypotheses of the study. Section 1.6 gives an overall view of the research through the research framework of the study. The next section (Section 1.7) gives the meanings and definitions of various terms used in this study. Section 1.8 discusses the importance and significance of the study. This is followed by Section 1.9 which lists the limitations of this study. 1.1 Background of the study The continuous development of a country is very important as it will determine the survival of the nation. China and India are examples of countries that are emerging 1 and progressing rapidly towards becoming a developed nation to be able to compete with other nations in the global world (Saran & Guo, 2004). Malaysia also strives to become a fully developed nation by the year 2020 as envisaged by our former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (The Government of Malaysia, 2007). The year 2020 is just 12 years away and the time is getting shorter to achieve our dream of becoming a fully developed and industrialized nation. Hence, all efforts should be fully channelled by the government and all interested parties to establish a scientific and progressive society as envisioned by the sixth challenge in Malaysian’s Vision 2020 (Shahar Banun Jaafar, 2005). According to Theaker (1997), the sixth challenge in Vision 2020 is to develop a society which acts as a contributor to the scientific and technological civilization of the future instead of a mere consumer or an end-user of technology. In order to attain this vision, changes to the educational system are inevitable and is one of most crucial component of developing a country. Our education system needs to produce knowledge workers with a sufficiently high literacy in mathematics. According to Taylor (1998), knowledge workers are workers who create, modify and synthesize knowledge. To become knowledge worker, the acquisitions of scientific and technological literacy as thinking tool are essential. Literacy in mathematics is a must in this context as it is the language of science and technology and the foundation for the technological age. In a developed nation, those who are equipped with high mathematics competency are able to carry out complex tasks effectively and efficiently, especially in management and administration (Mok, 1993). Fong (1993) regarded mathematics as an indispensable tool, a much needed subject in this age of modern of technology. No major technological nation can afford to let its mathematical base erode away. This is because mathematics underpins all of the sciences and is critical to the 2 development of new areas of technological expertise and their commercial exploitation (Millennium Mathematical Project, 1999). Mathematics is essential in computing, biotechnology, telecommunications, aircraft design, medical imaging, genetic research and many others. The examples above are just a handful of the applications which translate complex mathematics theories into tangible practical benefits (Millennium Mathematics Project, 1999). To have a sufficiently high literacy in mathematics, students need to have good mathematics performance and high mathematics achievement. Hence, school administrators and other stakeholders are beginning to recognize that the educational system needs fundamental changes to keep up with the pace of changes in the knowledge and pedagogical fields. Some educational researchers and practitioners have called for a change from the traditional educational system to one that emphasizes interconnectedness, active learning, and shared decision making, arguing that the traditional classroom competition is not healthy (Kagan, 2003). How can teachers avoid the problem associated with classroom competition and motivate students to think analytically and creatively by themselves? One alternative method that teachers can use is through collaborative learning. Collaborative learning refers to the form of classroom organization in which students work together, in small groups, on a shared activity and with a common goal and is noticeable in most problem solving subjects such as mathematics (Barnes, 1998). According to Edwards (2002; cited in Tiong & Yong, 2004), peer collaboration is effective for mathematical tasks which require reasoning but not for tasks which require rote learning. Some studies in cooperative mathematics learning in small groups call for the direct teaching of collaborative skills or team building to enable groups to work effectively (Edwards, 2002; cited in Tiong & Yong, 2004). Determining the effectiveness of using collaborative learning in mathematics can lead to the adoption of this teaching approach of mathematics which could improve the 3 mathematics achievement among students. This can help Malaysia towards achieving its goal of becoming a develop nation by the year 2020. 1.2 Problem Statement Collaborative learning method is not a new teaching method as teachers have used it for many years in various forms (Prendergast, 2004). Although some advanced countries have implemented collaborative learning, this instructional approach has yet to be implemented successfully in Malaysia. The present educational system in Malaysia is still largely examination oriented where students mainly focused on memorizing rather than understanding. Students who learned in an examination oriented learning environment are likely to forget what they have learned in school as it can best be metaphorized as “chew, spit and forget”. As learning is all about understanding, the use of examination oriented instructional approach trains students to memorize a certain facts and does not allow then to think in a creative matter. The examination oriented classrooms are also less attractive and boring to the students as there are fewer activities for the students and involved mainly passive learning. In order to change this teacher-centred classroom, several improvements need to be done and one of it is through the implementation of learners-centred teaching and learning methods such as collaborative learning. With collaborative learning, students will have the opportunity to experience more meaningful and motivating lessons in the classroom. They will also able to develop inquiry skills which is essential for the development of knowledge workers of the future. The use of group based approach such as collaborative learning will enable students to learn the spirit of working together as a team which is an essential skill in the real life situation. However, the results of the studies definitely cannot be compared and used in the Malaysia’s education setting because students in Malaysia behave differently, are 4 from different cultural background and may have different learning preferences compared with students from of other countries. Other factors such as different school environment and social expectation could also impact on the findings of similar studies done in Malaysia. Hence, it is appropriate for a study to determine the applicability of collaborative learning approach to be used in the local setting for mathematics teaching. 1.3 Research Objectives The main objective of this study was to determine whether collaborative learning approach would produce higher test achievement among students than the traditional form of instruction for the teaching of mathematical reasoning in form four. Specifically, this study looked at the following research objectives. 1. To determine the differences in the mathematics achievement between the groups of students taught using collaborative learning and traditional instructional method for the topic of Mathematical Reasoning. 2. To determine the differences in the mathematics achievement based on students’ gender. 3. To determine if there was an interaction effect between instructional approach (collaborative learning and traditional instructional method) and students’ gender on mathematics achievement. 4. To determine the differences in students’ interest in the subject based on gender/ teaching methods. 5 5. To determine the differences in students’ perceptions on the teaching method based on gender/ teaching methods. 6. To determine the differences in students’ efficacy in the subject based on gender/ teaching methods. 7. To determine which instructional approach (collaborative learning and traditional instructional method) the students preferred. 1.4 Research Questions This study examines the following research questions: 1. Were there any differences in the mathematics achievement between the groups of students taught using collaborative learning and traditional instructional method for the topic of Mathematical Reasoning? 2. Were there any differences in mathematics achievement based on the students’ gender? 3. Was there an interaction effect between instructional methods (collaborative learning and traditional instructional method) and students’ gender on mathematics achievement? 4. Were there any differences in students’ interest in the subject based on gender/ teaching methods? 5. Were there any differences in students’ perceptions on the teaching method based on gender/ teaching methods? 6 6. Were there any differences in students’ efficacy in the subject based on gender/ teaching methods? 7. Which instructional approach (collaborative learning and traditional instructional method) did the students prefer? 1.5 Research Hypotheses This research has seven research hypotheses based on the research questions stated: H01: There were no differences in the mathematics achievement between the groups of students taught using collaborative learning and traditional instructional method for the topic of Mathematical Reasoning. H02: There were no differences in mathematics achievement based on students’ gender. H03: There was no interaction effect between teaching methods (collaborative learning and traditional instructional method) and students’ gender on mathematics achievement. H04: There were no differences in students’ gender in the subject based on gender/ teaching methods. H05: There were no differences in students’ perceptions on the teaching method based on gender/ teaching methods. H06: There were no differences in students’ efficacy in the subject based on gender/ teaching methods. 7 There were no differences in students’ preferences for the traditional H07: instructional method and collaborative learning. 1.6 Research Framework The diagram below shows the research framework of this study. Independent Variables Dependent Variables Students’ Mathematics Achievement Students’ Interest in the subject Traditional Instructional Method Students’ Perceptions of the teaching method Students’ Gender Students’ Efficacy in the subject Male Students Female Students Students’ Preferences of the teaching method Instructional Method Collaborative Learning Figure 1.1. Research Framework Based on the research framework, the independent variables of this study were divided into two categories. The first category was the instructional used in this study which were the collaborative learning and the traditional instructional methods. The second category of the independent variable was the students’ gender where students were categorized as male and female students. 8