Allocation Problem in Bayesian Stratified Sampling with Nonlinear Cost Function Let the population of ,21 units is divided into subpopulations of Y,, X,? .‘) NI units, The are nonoverlapping and 3, + X, + ._.+ .I I = h’ respectiv el>‘. These subpopulations 1. - number of strata; subpopulations are catled strata, Notation for stratified sampling: W, = Xh / N - stratum weight: Yhi- be the variable of interest for the /th unit in the kth stratum Also let YLand S’; be the mean and variance ofthe K = _! iii;, Ni s; = $(,;, x izl Ii{ s in the kth stratum, i.e , - ,;)2 1-1 and let i’ be the overall finite population mean givsen b> Now. suppose that a priori within each stratum the Ykt‘s are exchangeable for I # ,l varianccr a, and uncorrelated, information is such that Iii’s in different strata are uncorrelated, i .e. covf 1 i, , I;, ) = 0 , n, - number of sampliny units selected from stratum k: sample, f1 = il, + II, + . . + n, : _Yk,- j7 -- with mean q and Finall‘ , assume that one’s prior i.e. cov( Ii,, Y\,,) = 0, for k + ,\. total number of sampling units in the value obtained for the ith unit in the kth stratum. Let -Vibe the mean ofthe sample observations in the kth stratum. The liner Bayes estimator of r is given by (Ericson ( 1988)). 1’ ~ and the Bayes risk is satistied the inequality l’heorem 1. In stratified random sampling with a cost function the Bayes risk is a minimum vyhen for a specified cost (” and the cost is a minimum for a specitied I’, If{ ’ is f’ixed then if I ’ is fised then rI c = f @; L’h 1’ (ii 11 h-1 j=! 1-1 Theorem 2. If the cost function IS of the form C”= 2~4~ in fzL1 C’ is a minimum fi)r a specified i=I cost ( ‘, and the cost is a minimum for a specified variance, when % _=- ka 2;) If ( ’ is fked then i Fl = ,v c(q vf ).exp h:i ! . 1 If k’ is fixed then 1. n= c (CA, h =l ,=l 1=1 In case of the liner cost functmn optimal allocation IS giwn by Ericson ( 1988 1. REFERENCES Ericson W.A. ( 1988). Bayesian Inference in Finite Populations. In Krishnalah P.R., Rao C.R., eds. Handbook of Statisks, ~01.6, Sampling. Hsevier Science Publishers B V. knsterdam, 2 13-246. k