Name erns 2. Gift Bow Patt Galore” on page Bow” and “Gifts Up Wrapped olidays for the H LITERAC yellow 2 from ck the bags oden blo To keep small wo . place a one in each MATH Count. Circle the greate st number. ©The Mailb ox ® ©The ©The 46 Mailbox ® 37 3 Sequencing sentences “Tic-Tac-Know” Celebrating Describing words Read. nce Number each group of sentences to show the correct order. al experie 5 open gifts ©The Mailbox ® 42 6 heavy loud slim ©The Mailbo x® ©The Mailbo x® at. I put corn and apples on the placem ©The Mailbo x® ©The Mailbo x® big I make a placemat. sticky bumpy salty ©The Mailbo x® Player 2 ©The Mailbo x® ©The Mailbo x® ©The Mailbo x® eat food Merry Christmas! sweet Finally, I give the gifts to my family. First, I write a list of things to buy. round ©The Mailbo x® ©The Mailbo x® ©The Mailbo x® large little cold x® ©The Mailbo x® ©The Mailbo x® I light the candles. I pray after the candles are lit. I put candles in the holder. 7 what you like to do at this time of year. Write Bonus: Think about one thing you ® wet ©The Mailbo Try Thes e Ideas Game! do, step by step. fuzzy x® I get a candleholder. ©The Mailbox soft ©The Mailbo Happy Hanukkah! ©The 29 Game and Activity Ca rds flat Then I buy some gifts. ® Mailbox 28 50 Player 1 paper. Next, I wrap the gifts with pretty u do? What do yo 22 • Read a word. • Use the word in a sentence. • Put the card on a space. Happy Kwanzaa! 25 Note to the teache markers r: Cut out . Instruct one cop him y Then hav e students to color the gam of the cards abo ve to mak ebo play the e caller’s game like ard, cut out the card board and traditional cards, and s. Give each chil lotto. d a copy glue eac of this pag Use h card to with “‘Tic-Tac e and nine a randoml y chosen -Know’” game board spa ce. I put the placemat on a table. LOVE ! YOU 30 Mailbox ® Name s make card I les light cand tape Writing and comp aring numbers to 30 Gifts Galore ©The Mailbox ® 5 4 oliday ” Happy H y r a e B “ A ar. time of ye s sing song 4 re ut a person s read storie Snip! Write. Writing abo e this n to 50 cut 1 ox® to celebrat 3 Snip! recognitio wrap Name Tip: over, E ditor’seas ily tipping ©The Mailb any ways 3 Mailbox ® Mailbox ® Gifts Galo m There are 2 green y that are eas activities gift ning with her holiday lots of lear prepare, gat ld wrap a large Wrap up skills! To p each chi the gifts in different Hel to s. pt ign ada des to n use r different d gift. The wrap in fou to make a preten ck wooden blo ow. , on bel the ideas ones shown els, like the ce his gift in graph lab ter to pla : Arrange ph is each youngs Graphing object gra In turn, ask column. After the ns. the floor. graph questio ing ted ond rela s graphits corresp ask student design complete, or a unique h child col e her tape Have eac Then hav t, numbers: pattern on page 3. them. Nex Ordinal up ten of of the bow hich gift s and line “W gift as, on a copy the h . Collect stions, suc lated que ?” it to her gift yellow bow l number–re ask ordina er and a green and pap Then has holly a pattern. s to start an e of the gift tern. For g: Use som to continue the pat terns for their Patternin s pat volunteer s to create ask student ge, invite student llen cha 2 ed e. add to continu classmates Name Number Word Bank 1 ©The red Wrap It Up! . ©The ce insi black ma ter, use a ch bags. Pla onding color. For this cen several paper lun resp h of er in the cor the fold. word on eac construction pap a paper clip onto each ce of and slide 3 to match h bag a pie to close it pattern from page eac bag h eac child reads clip. Fold a bow er a copy of a center. A at or pap s col the o bag er Als and und er the bows er the pap tching bow eth ma wh the bag. Place see es d and slid the bag to color wor she opens her work, words To check bow. Color tches the inside ma Name Glue in order. Write. Use the word bank Y Add a rkeBor towwrite a differedenteaccolhor Sequencing Wrap It Up! Cut. Use with “Add a ©The Mailbox ® Partner Game Make a copy of this page and page 10. Cut out the game and activity cards. game of tic-tac-toe, marking spaces Students play as in the traditional as described above. 8 ©The Mailbo x® After the Gift Groups : Sort the car to whether ds according the words des cribe how things look, feel, taste, or sound. What Could It Be? Pick three cards. Use the wo rds of a mystery to write a description gift. On the back of the paper, draw the gift and write what it is. 9 ©The Mailbo x® 10 on page 9.