Appendix 1: - Mutual Review schedule 2014/15 Partner Campus Country FTMS College Malaysia Life College Malaysia Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College UK South London College UK Faculty Course AET AET AET AET FBL FBL AET AET AET AET FBL CAF FBL AET FBL FBL AET AET AET BSc (Hons) Computing BSc (Hons) Project Management MSc Information Management MSc Software Engineering MSc Accounting MBA Executive Programme BA (Hons) Media Communication Cultures BSc (Hons) Multimedia and Entertainment Technology BSc (Hons) Project Management BSc (Hons) Computing BA (Hons) Business and Management BSc (Hons) Hospitality Leadership and Management MA International Trade and Finance BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Business and Management BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology Dip HE Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying Commercial Management (topup) MSc Civil Engineering BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Top-up) BA (Hons) Business and Management BA (Hons) Business and Management (Top-up) BA (Hons) Marketing BA (Hons) Marketing (Top-up) MBA Executive Programme BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance MSc Accounting BSc (Hons) Broadcast Media Technology BSc (Hons) Computing BA (Hons) Business Studies (3 year and top-up) BA (Hons) Journalism (3 year and top-up) BA (Hons) Psychology and Society BA (Hons) Public Relations (top-up) BA (Hons) Public Relations and Communication BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering MSc Civil Engineering BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance (3 year and top-up) BA (Hons) Housing Studies (top-up) BSc (Hons) Building Services Engineering (top up) MSc Facilities Management (Distance learning) FdA Housing AET Rushmore Business School, Mauritius Hong Kong College of Technology Asian Institute of Built Environment, Hong Kong Mauritius Hong Kong Hong Kong AET HSS FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL AET AET FBL FBL HSS FBL FBL AET AET FBL AET AET AET AET Programme Code BSCML BSPJM MSINM MSSFM MSACL MBEPM BAMCM BSMET BSPRJ BSCPT BABGT BSHLG MAITE BCBIS BAFSL BABSL BSCEF BSATN DIPQS tbc tbc ANRUS BBMRM BBMRU BMKRM BAMRU MEXRU BAFRU MACRM BBMTH BSCPH BABSH BAJNH BPSYH BAPTH BAPRH BCEHK BAAFH BAHSA BABSA MSFAA FDHSG Date of next Mutual Review September 14 2014 for 2 AET UG courses November 2014 for all courses TBC N/A Exit strategy confirmed N/A Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Partner Campus The British College, Nepal Asia Metropolitan University Malvern International College Country Nepal Malaysia Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Stamford College Malaysia Malacca Imperia Institute of Technology Legenda Education Group Malaysia Malaysia Faculty Course Programme Code AET AET AET AET HSS FBL FBL AET AET AET AET AET AET AET FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL AET AET AET FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL AET AET HSS MSc Building Services Engineering BEng (Hons) Building Services Engineering BSc (Hons) Computing MSc Information Management MSc Public Health - Health Promotion BA (Hons) Business and Management MBA Executive Programme BSc (Hons) Broadcast Media Technologies BSc (Hons) Computer Animation & Visual Effects BSc (Hons) Creative Media Technology BSc (Hons) Games Design BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology BSc (Hons) Computing BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology BA (Hons) Business & Management BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) Business & Human Resource Management MSc Accounting MBA Executive Programme BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology BSc (Hons) Creative Media Technology MSc Information & Technology BA (Hons) Business & Management BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) Business & Human Resource Management BA (Hons) Business & Management BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) Business & Human Resource Management BSc (Hons) Construction Management MSc Construction Law & Dispute Resolution BSc (Hons) Safety, Health & Environmental Management FBL BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance BAAFY FBL AET AET AET AET AET AET AET AET AET FBL AET AET AET BA (Hons) Business and Management BA (Hons) Graphic Arts and Design BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering BSc (Hons) Computing BSc (Hons) Construction Management MSc Software Engineering BA (Hons) Design Product BSc (Hons) Computer Animation and Visual Effects BSc (Hons) Project Management MSc Project Management MBA Executive Programme MSc Information Management MSc Networking Systems Engineering MSc Civil Engineering BABAL BAGAL BSCVM BSCNJ BSCNM MSSTE BADPM BSCAY BSPNJ MSPRL MBEXL MINML MNSEL MSCVL BSCNL MSIML MSPPN BABNL MBANL BBMTA BSCAA BSCMA BSGDA BSBIA BSCOA BSBIM BBMMI BAFMI BBHMI MACCM Date of next Mutual Review Spring 2015 Possibly June 2015 if recruitment takes place in January 15 Possibly June 2015 if recruitment takes place in January 15 tbc BSBIS BSCMS MSITS BBMSC BAFSC BBHSC BBMSM BAFSM BBHSM BSCMI MCLDP SHEMI Nov-14 Possibly June 2015 if recruitment takes place in January 2015 Nov-14 Partner Campus Management Development Institute of Singapore Sakarya University Country Singapore Turkey Faculty AET AET FBL CAF CAF HSS FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL FBL AET AET CAF CAF Course MSc Information Systems MSc Mobile and Distributed Computer Networks BA (Hons) International Business BA (Hons) Events Management L6 BSc (Hons) Hospitality Leadership and Management L6 BSc (Hons) Safety, Health & Environmental Management BA (Hons) Business and Management BA (Hons) Business and Human Resources Management BA (Hons) Marketing MA International Business MBA Executive Programme MSc Marketing MA Human Resources Management BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology MSc Information and Technology BSc (Hons) Hospitality Leadership & Management MSc International Tourism & Hospitality Management Programme Code MSISL MSMDC BAIBS BAEMS BSHLS SHEMM BBMSK BUHRM BAMSK MAIBU MBAES MSMSK MHRMS BBITS MIATS BSHLT ITHMT Date of next Mutual Review Possibly June 2015 if recruitment takes place in January 2015 Nov / Dec 2014 Appendix 2 - Summary of actions for Faculty of Arts, Environment and Technology from 2013-14 Mutual Reviews Partner Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT The British College Date of Mutual Review 25 June 2014 25 June 2014 25 June 2014 25 June 2014 25 June 2014 25 June 2014 7 July 2014 The British College 7 July 2014 The British College 7 July 2014 The British College The British College The British College The British College The British College Rushmore Business School 7 July 2014 7 July 2014 7 July 2014 7 July 2014 7 July 2014 13 November 2014 Rushmore Business School Rushmore Business School Rushmore Business School 13 November 2014 13 November 2014 13 November 2014 Action Faculty Response Module reading lists to be supplied earlier in the delivery cycle. Consider additions to the induction schedule and ensure that Link Tutors are available to participate. Benchmarking course material to ensure more consistent and detailed annotation. Develop process to ensure research ethics feedback is prompt. Provide more consistent feedback times for non-standard admissions decisions. Confirm staff development activities are scheduled for 201415 including for newly appointed staff. Explore avenues of linking UK based students with TBC students e.g. via the Students’ Union, Facebook. Level 4 of the BSc (Hons) Computing course will be reviewed against the TBC operated Foundation year award (Level 3) to ensure that the level of academic content is appropriate. Resolve difficulties with on-line quizzes and marking. Action completed Action completed Action completed Action completed (only relevant to Computing) Action completed Action completed Facebook page is in use and no need to explore further Action completed (and approved through FAQSC) Action completed (resolved as outcome of the examination committee) Request to franchise three AET further courses. Action completed (subject to review of facilities) To work with the University on developing an Access course. N/A (relates to South London College) Date required for Partnerships Board. N/A (not an action) Phase tests to be reviewed. Action completed Include partner information on the University webpages. Ongoing (referred to QAS) To consider opportunities to provide students with knowledge Action completed and experience of building sites, equipment and Health and Safety legislation in different countries. Linkage between RBS students and Leeds students to be Action closed (not currently feasible) explored e.g. via student blogs. Recordings of guest lectures held at the University to be made Action completed available to RBS. To explore the possibilities for the enhancement of student Action completed (brought into line with UK expectation) induction. Partner Date of Mutual Review 13 November 2014 13 November 2014 18 September and 19 November 2014 Action Faculty Response PSRB accreditation for AET courses. Ongoing (RICS contact is discussing accreditation for all franchise courses) Ongoing (will be highlighted in E&D meeting if there are any continuing issues) FTMS 18 September and 19 November 2014 FTMS 18 September and 19 November 2014 18 September and 19 November 2014 All assessments are referred to FTMS before external examiner approval is sought. FTMS can then advise whether further contextualisation is necessary in a timely manner, prior to Faculty and external approval. To ensure students on AET and FBL courses receive their Action completed Leeds Beckett student cards. Rushmore Business School Rushmore Business School FTMS FTMS FTMS FTMS FTMS FTMS 18 September and 19 November 2014 18 September and 19 November 2014 18 September and 19 November 2014 18 September and 19 November 2014 Mid-module review student feedback to be forwarded to the faculty as soon as available. AET to use more books or specify local alternative books to support the students learning. As a gesture of goodwill, the AET Franchise Coordinator has asked module tutors to copy relevant abstracts from materials or to reference alternative book sources. This item has previously been raised at E&D meetings and is being progressed by the relevant Link Tutor/ Course Leader. Ongoing. ….To date our Link Tutors have tried to adjust materials so they are “internationalised” we recommend further staff development on the process of local contextualisation. Ongoing For the course teams including the Link Tutor to address issues raised via the AMR process – specifically in the Course Leaders report for BSc (Hons) Computing and BSc (Hons) Project Management. To resolve any staff access issues and ensure staff are aware of how to access Library Online. Action completed To ensure separate Course Leader reports are produced in November 2015. Action completed Action completed To ensure there are timely opportunities for local Action completed contextualisation of materials and assessment in advance of Semester 2. To agree a date for validation of the two AET modules that Action completed form part of the MBA offered in Semester two (a condition of the MBA’s validation), as the Faculty do not wish to offer the new curriculum until 2016. Partner Legenda Education Group Date of Mutual Review 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Action Faculty Response Clarify expectations regarding extent of teaching and learning materials provided. (For some modules there is a full set of lecture slides, tutorial topics including questions and answers and for other modules materials include an outline of each week and little else.) To ensure teaching and learning materials and assessment tasks for Semester two modules are made available within good time to allow for contextualisation as appropriate. Update: AET will conduct virtual meetings by module to ensure materials are received and appropriately contextualised for S2 delivery. FBL to use same model. Update: AET will conduct virtual meetings by module to ensure materials are received and appropriately contextualised for S2 delivery. FBL to use same model. To clarify if guest lectures are shared via the Leeds Beckett Completed: AET provide details of course level guest lectures. YouTube site and more generally how staff and students can readily access faculties’ guest lecture series. To ensure that student cards are produced for all students on Update: Dec ‘14 – AET has sent nearly all of the student cards, both FBL and AET courses. the team in Leeds is now in receipt of the outstanding 23 photos for the student cards so these can be processed when the University reopens on 5 Jan To ensure partners are aware of the key contacts within Completed: All partners are now using the AET Franchise email faculties including the central franchise email address. Ensure that the Module tutor for Surveying, Measuring and Completed Estimating (BAH Construction Mgm) can access the VLE and relevant teaching and learning materials. Ensure consideration is given to the timing of assessment Completed given the delay in materials and assessment for one of the BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering modules (week 7 instead of week 3). (This was raised with the Link Tutor prior to the MR meeting). Share via the VLE past papers for the H4 Surveying module Completed: These have been made available via MyBeckett (BAH Construction Mgm) Confirm when LEG can expect to receive confirmation of Completed registration forms. Clarify the role of University Link Tutors / University representatives in respect of induction of students who join in January / May 2015. Who will support induction in Jan 2015? Not all students (Accounting and Finance and Computing) could confirm they had received the Course Handbook. (Action to ensure course handbooks are disseminated). Completed: BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance Link Tutor undertook student inductions in Malaysia in January for all courses. Completed: Following the mutual review meeting, LEG Programme Coordinators reminded students that they can access the Course Handbook via LEG’s VLE and shared the link. Appendix 3 - Summary of actions for Faculty of Business and Law from 2013-14 Mutual Reviews Partner Hong Kong College of Technology The British College, Nepal Date of Mutual Review 25 June 2014 7 July 2014 Action Faculty Response Review the position on access to the University VLE by HKCT students Discuss the status of the BA (Hons) Business and Management course in relation to the MBA delivery and potential award title change. There are ongoing discussions at the Vice Chancellor’s Group around University VLE access for franchise students The British College were given a condition that they could offer the MBA if they completed one cycle of BA (Hons) Business & Management, however they could not gather minimum numbers for the BA and therefore did not offer either course. Andrew Stevens will liaise with Link Tutors regarding future induction procedures Rushmore are in receipt of the new Course Handbook template Rushmore Business School Rushmore Business School Rushmore Business School 13 November 2014 13 November 2014 13 November 2014 To explore the possibilities for the enhancement of student induction. Appropriate course handbook template to be adopted by RBS for the next intakes Request to contextualise some aspects of student engagement and content cases/perspectives to make it more relevant to Mauritian Context without changing delivery pattern, structure, assessment criteria and specific content topics of modules currently delivered on MBA Executive. Clarify expectations regarding extent of teaching and learning materials provided. (For some modules there is a full set of lecture slides, tutorial topics including questions and answers and for other modules materials include an outline of each week and little else.) To ensure teaching and learning materials and assessment tasks for Semester two modules are made available within good time to allow for contextualisation as appropriate. Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 To include some additional past papers for a Semester one BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance module. Completed: Link Tutor confirmed that all individual module leaders have been in touch with their counterparts in Legenda to provide additional revision materials. LEG confirmed via Skype that tutors have all the resources they need. Additional staff development took place following mutual review which covered marking and moderation processes. Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 To clarify if guest lectures are shared via the Leeds Beckett YouTube site and more generally how staff and students can readily access faculties’ guest lecture series. Completed: FBL Q&G Team emailed LEG Franchise Co-ordinator on 17/11/2014 with full details of the FBL guest lecture series. Update: AET will conduct virtual meetings by module to ensure materials are received and appropriately contextualised for S2 delivery. FBL to use same model. Update: AET will conduct virtual meetings by module to ensure materials are received and appropriately contextualised for S2 delivery. FBL to use same model. Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 Address delay in receipt by partner staff of the assessment for Business and Enterprise module. *This was also noted in the mid-module review form. Update: The simulation game was an issue as franchise partners were not clear whether they had to buy it. During the meeting with partner it was conveyed that it is the responsibility of the franchise partner to buy the simulation. Partner asked if they can have local simulation software. The reply was, it can be a possibility due to cost issues however the module team has to look at the simulation first before approval. Waiting for partner’s reply. Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 To ensure that student cards are produced for all students on both FBL and AET courses. Update: 09/12/2014. Due to technical difficulties there has been a delay with the uploading of registration data for franchise cohorts. This will cause a delay in the production of student cards. FBL Franchise Student Admin to contact partner. Legenda Education Group Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 Legenda Education Group 18 November 2014 To ensure partners are aware of the key contacts within faculties including the central franchise email address. Clarify the role of University Link Tutors / University representatives in respect of induction of students who join in January / May 2015. Who will support induction in Jan 2015? Confirm when LEG can expect to receive confirmation of registration forms. Completed: All partners are now using the FBL Franchise Admissions email Completed: BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance Link Tutor undertook student inductions in Malaysia in January for all courses. Update: Meeting with Helen Jones and Andrew Stevens took place on 09/12/2014. Due to technical difficulties there has been a delay with the uploading of registration data for franchise cohorts. This will cause a delay in confirmation of registration data. Andrew Stevens will contact partner. FTMS Stamford College (Malacca) 19 November 2014 18 November 2014 To ensure students on AET and FBL courses receive their Leeds Beckett student cards. To ensure students on FBL courses receive their Leeds Beckett student cards. Stamford College (Malacca) Stamford College (Malacca) Stamford College (Malacca) 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 Annual Monitoring and Review templates to be shared with Sujatha Vasanth Kumar at Stamford College Sujatha Vasanth Kumar at Stamford College to be provided with earlier access to Semester 1 ‘My Beckett’ modules New students to be provided with Leeds Beckett T-shirts and merchandise Andrew Stevens will contact Zubair Hassan to request the student photos Update: Meeting with Helen Jones and Andrew Stevens took place on 09/12/2014. Due to technical difficulties there has been a delay with the uploading of registration data for franchise cohorts. This will cause a delay in the production of student cards. Andrew Stevens will contact partner. Completed: QAG Team sent templates and information to Sujatha Vasanth Kumar on 27/11/2014 Completed: FBL Link Tutor advises that access has been granted Update: T-Shirt order received, need to be sent to Stamford College. Awaiting numbers for Sem 2 to see if there are enough Stamford College (Malacca) 18 November 2014 New students to be provided with a welcome letter from the Deanery Stamford College (Malacca) Stamford College (Malacca) Stamford College (Malacca) Stamford College (Malacca) 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 18 November 2014 Stamford College (Malacca) 18 November 2014 To send the Operation Plans for all FBL courses to Stamford Malacca Franchise Coordinator To confirm Faculty arrangements for module evaluation in Semester 1 To disseminate recently produced CLT Guidance on midmodule review to support Semester 2 activity. Stamford College, Malacca staff to use the Partner staff Checklist as a way of identifying issues as they arise and for staff to share these checklists with their Link Tutor and / or franchise admin support in an effort to facilitate a prompt response. To ensure separate Course Leader reports are produced in November 2015. for Sem 2 starters as well. Update: A welcome letter has been drafted and approved by the Dean. There is a welcome also included in the Course Handbook. There is no January cohort so this will be sent during the summer. Completed Completed: QAG Team sent templates and information to Sujatha Vasanth Kumar on 27/11/2014 Completed: sent on 24 Dec Completed: Partner staff checklist sent on 24 Dec. Update: The QAG Team will include this requirement in their correspondence to all partners for Annual Monitoring and Review. Appendix 4 - Summary of actions for Faculty of Health and Social Sciences from 2013-14 Mutual Reviews Partner Action Faculty Response Rushmore Business School Date of Mutual Review 13 November 2014 Recordings of guest lectures held at the University to be made available to RBS: The HSS representatives reported that no progress had been made on this action but they would look into providing recorded lectures for the Adult Nursing course. As there has been no intake of students at RBS since February 2014, there has been an asynchronous delivery of teaching sessions. The dates for the next intakes have been agreed and there is now likely to be a much closer delivery of sessions so lecturers will be asked to record some of the keynote lectures for use at RBS. Rushmore Business School 13 November 2014 To confirm start date of the next Nursing cohort ASAP and to ensure registration data is submitted within three weeks of commencement of the course: The Adult Nursing course had not recruited in September 201 4 and the next anticipated intake would be January/February 2015. The start date for the next intake at RBS has been agreed as 14 September for teaching with induction taking place the week commencing 7 September 2015. We are planning for 2 nursing lecturers to visit RBS in September to support induction and the start of teaching. There was no intake in February 2015. Rushmore Business School 13 November 2014 To ensure student offer letters include the correct award title of ‘BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing Top-up’. Close liaison with Elaine Sadd (Leeds Beckett student administrator) and administrators at RBS will reiterate the need for accurate title of award for the next intake. Rushmore Business School 13 November 2014 Linkage between RBS students and Leeds students to be explored e.g. via student blogs. This is still under consideration due to the use of different VLE systems which mean RBS students and campus students are accessing different online module resources. Rushmore Business School 13 November 2014 To discuss the validation of further HSS courses for Sept 15 delivery (BScH Safety, Health & Environmental Management, Specialist Nursing courses). There has been no further discussion regarding Specialist Nursing courses as the focus has been on the Adult Nursing course. For BScH Safety, Health & Environmental Management, nothing has yet been progressed for the new franchise. A September 2016 start date was discussed, but this may move back. Appendix 5 - Summary of actions for Quality Assurance Services from 2013-14 Mutual Reviews Partner Asian Institute of Built Environment (AIBE) Asian Institute of Built Environment (AIBE) Date of Mutual Review 25 June 2014 25 June 2014 Action QAS Response Review External Examiners reports and assessment – do these reflect limited language skills? Is there a potential for limited VLE access to be granted for AIBE or how it could be adapted to improve the student experience. Could additional payments from AIBE for the access resolve the issue for students? Requested a letter from the University to send to students to confirm the name change. Reviewed as part of Annual Review meeting. On-going discussions within the University regarding student entitlements and access to learning resources for franchise students. Asian Institute of Built Environment (AIBE) 25 June 2014 The British College 7 July 2014 Links to open source materials and journals to be provided Open source materials are available via: The British College 7 July 2014 Completed. New template provided for 2014/15 FTMS 18/19 November 2014 18/19 November 2014 Student handbooks to contain greater clarity of information relating to Academic Appeals. University to work with FTMS to find a VLE solution that provides an equitable and managed student experience. To hold a Skype meeting to show staff where and how to access Leeds Beckett open resources and discuss other ways in which the Library can support FTMS i.e. discounted subscriptions rates. Verify English language requirements in relation to those students progressing from a 3 year local diploma taught in English Discuss via the Oversight Groups, oversight of admissions files (i.e. sampling by the LTs on receipt of applications or via MR or both?). FTMS FTMS FTMS 18/19 November 2014 18/19 November 2014 Completed. A copy of the information was forwarded to the Course Leader on 8 July. On-going discussions within the University regarding student entitlements and access to learning resources for franchise students. This activity has been led at course level by Link Tutors. Students will need to evidence achievement of the Malaysian STMP in English or IELTS or equivalent. Completion of a diploma in English is not alone sufficient. On-going discussions regarding the approach to admissions at Oversight Groups. Further discussion at Short Life Working Group exploring the CP Model. Stamford College (Malacca) 18 November 2014 Produce a generic ‘Introduction to Leeds Beckett University’ video for Validated, Joint Delivery and Franchise students and staff undertaking presentations in-country Update: In the first instance we can look at using generic films that are already available: Ongoing discussions with Marketing regarding the development of an introductory fln for collaborative students.