FullCurriculum Vitae - Northern Arizona University

Zacchaeus G. Compson
113 W. Benton Ave., Apt. A, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 523-7240 (W) (520) 777-1945 (H)
Department of Biological Science, Northern Arizona University
Program of Study: PhD in Biology (2013)
Dissertation: Energy movement from forests to streams: influences of plant genetic identity on
aquatic food webs.
GPA: 4.0; Summa Cum Laude
Center for Biodiversity Studies, Western Kentucky University
Program of Study: MS in Biology (2004); GIS Certification (2003)
Thesis: An isotopic examination of aquatic cave, spring, and epigean trophic structures in
Mammoth Cave National Park.
GPA: 4.0; Summa Cum Laude
Alma College
Program of Study: BA in English (2001); BS in Biology (2001)
Honors Thesis: Interactive learning in the classroom: a case study in teaching creative writing.
GPA: 3.79; Magna Cum Laude; Departmental Honors in English
Chippewa Hills High School
Program of Study: General Education (1997)
GPA: 3.99; Valedictorian
Compson, Z. G., B. A. Hungate, Koch, G. W. Koch, S. C. Hart, J. M. Maestas*, K. J. Adams, T.
G. Whitham and J. C. Marks. 2014. C and N assimilation from leaf litter by aquatic insects
during decomposition in a stream: new perspectives on litter quality. Ecosystems, in prep.
Wojtowicz, T., Z. G. Compson, T. G. Whitham and C. A. Gehring. 2014. Leaf litter architecture:
inter- and intraspecific variation and its effects on organisms and ecosystem processes.
Ecology Letters, in prep.
Pastor, A., Z. G. Compson, P. Dijkstra, J. L. Riera, E. Martí, F. Sabater, B. A. Hungate, and J.
C. Marks. 2014. Stream carbon and nitrogen supplements during leaf litter decomposition:
contrasting patterns for two cottonwood species. Ecology, in review.
Wojtowicz, T., Z. G. Compson, J. L. Lamit, T. G. Whitham and C. A. Gehring. 2014. Afterlife
effect of leaves from foundation tree species and their hybrids affect a litter-dwelling
generalist predator. Oecologia, in press.
Wymore, A. S., H. M. Bothwell, Z. G. Compson, L. J. Lamit, F. M. Walker, S. A. Woolbright, and
T. G. Whitham. 2014. Planning for the future: community genetics applications for forest
biodiversity and policy. In: Challenges and Opportunities for the World's Forests in the 21st
Century. Ed. T Fenning. Springer, New York.
Compson, Z. G., K. J. Adams, J. A. Edwards*, J. M. Maestas*, T. G. Whitham and J. C. Marks.
2013. Leaf litter quality affects aquatic insect emergence: contrasting patterns from two
foundation trees. Oecologia 173: 507-519.
Wymore, A. S., Z. G. Compson, C. Liu, L. Price and J. C. Marks. 2013. Contrasting rRNA
abundance patterns for aquatic fungi and bacteria on decomposing cottonwood leaves.
Freshwater Science 32: 663-672.
Compson, Z. G., K. C. Larson, M. S. Zinkgraf and T. G. Whitham. 2011. A genetic basis for the
manipulation of sink-source relationships by the galling aphid Pemphigus betae. Oecologia
167: 711-721.
Fuller, B. M., L. S. Sklar, Z. G. Compson, K. J. Adams, J. C. Marks and A. C. Wilcox. 2011.
Ecogeomorphic feedbacks in regrowth of travertine step-pool morphology after dam
decommissioning, Fossil Creek, Arizona. Geomorphology 126: 314-332.
Compson, Z. G., M. Z. Mier, and J. C. Marks. 2009. Effects of travertine and flow on leaf
retention in Fossil Creek, Arizona. Hydrobiologia 630:187-197.
Compson, Z. G. and J. C. Marks. 2007. Changes in leaf litter retention: the effects of travertine
and increased flow. In: James, M and E. Reese (eds.) Fossil Creek
EcoNotes: a summary of current research results. Fossil Creek Ecosystem Studies Group,
Northern Arizona University.
Compson, Z. G., R. Hoyt, and W. J. Oliver*. 2002. Using the Statistical Properties of an Index
of Biotic Integrity to Examine Temporal Changes in Stream Health in Creeks of SouthCentral Kentucky. Proceedings of the contributed paper session of the tenth annual
symposium on the natural history of lower Tennessee and Cumberland river valleys. The
Center for Field Biology of Land Between the Lakes, Austin Peay State University,
Clarksville, Tennessee.
Selected Scientific Presentations: (Since 2003 I have been participated in over 35 posters or oral
presentations at regional and national scientific meetings (e.g., ESA, SFS, AGU, AFS).
Compson, Z. G., T. Wojtowicz, A. Wymore, K. Allred*, L. J. Lamit, J. Maestas*, C. C.Sayer*, T.
G. Whitham and J. C. Marks. 2012. Cottonwood leaf litter cross type and genotype
influence aquatic insect preference and processing rates. Society for Freshwater Science.
Compson, Z. C., B. Hungate, K. Allred*, T. Wojtowicz, J. M. Maestas*, K. J. Adams, A. Wymore,
J. A. Edwards*, C. C. Sayer*, T. G. Whitham and J. C. Marks. 2011. Towards a new leaf
quality paradigm in aquatic ecology. North American Benthological Society.
Compson, Z. G., B. Hungate, K. J. Adams, J. A. Edwards*, T. G. Whitham and J. C. Marks.
2010. Using isotopically labeled cottonwood leaves to trace C and N through aquatic food
webs. Cottonwood Symposium.
Compson, Z. G., K. J. Adams, J. A. Edwards* and J. C. Marks. 2009. Does what falls in affect
what flies out? The effect of leaf quality on insect emergence. North American
Benthological Society.
Compson, Z. G. and J. C. Marks. 2008. Using isotopically-labeled cottonwood leaves to trace C
and N movement through aquatic food webs. Annual Cottonwood Symposium.
Compson, Z. G. and J. C. Marks. 2007. The effects of travertine dams on leaf retention before
and after restoration of Fossil Creek, AZ. Ecological Society of America.
Fuller, B. M., L. S. Sklar, Z. G. Compson, K. J. Adams and J. C. Marks. 2007. Testing a new
method for measuring micro-morphological changes using embedded magnets in a
travertine depositional environment, Fossil Creek, AZ. American Geophysical Union.
Compson, Z. G. and P. W. Lienesch. 2004. An isotopic examination of cave, spring and
epigean trophic structues in Mammoth Cave National Park. Ecological Society of America.
* Designates an undergraduate collaborator.
A thousand invisible cords: Connecting genes to ecosystems. PBS Documentary (2012)
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ.
A river reborn: The resoration of Fossil Creek. PBS Documentary (2007) Brockhorst
Productions, Monrovia, CA.
Pine Magazine feature on Fossil Creek research (Spring 2005 issue)
Between 2005 and 2008 our ecological work involving the Fossil Creek restoration project was
featured multiple times in all major Arizona papers including Arizona Daily Sun, Arizona
Republic, Mountain Living and others.
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Grant (2011): $5,000
Undergraduate IGERT Grants (2007-2011; helped five undergraduate students attain five
individual grants; served as project mentor for all students): ~$30,000
Western Kentucky University Graduate Studies Grant (2003): $500
Western Kentucky University Departmental Grant (2003): $250
Kentucky Society of Natural History Research Improvement Grant (2002): $600
Northern Arizona University (2005—2013) Ecology Lab (writing requirement course) (instructor);
Introduction to Aquatic Ecology (lecture and lab instructor); Limnology (co-instructor / TA);
Introduction to Biology lab (instructor)
Western Kentucky University (2002—2004) Limnology (lecture and lab TA) Introduction to
Biology internet lab course (instructor); Introduction to Biology lab (instructor)
Alma College (1999—2001) Introduction to Chemistry lab (TA); Introduction to Biology lab (TA);
Human Health and Biology (TA); Creative writing course at local high school (instructor)
Relevant Work Experience:
United States Forest Service, Forest Sciences Laboratory Fish & Aquatic Ecology Unit (2004)
Field Technician, GS-05. Worked on a stream crew as part of the PACFISH/INFISH Biological
Opinion—Effectiveness Monitory Program; collected aquatic insects samples and hydrological
stream data for dozens of streams in the Colombia River Basin.
National Park Service, Mammoth Cave National Park (2000—2004) Park Guide, GS-04/05.
Developed and conducted surface and cave programs; conducted scientific research to look for
alluvial springs along the Green River.
Alma College Writing Center (1998 – 2001) Writing tutor / Writing Center Coordinator. Trained
and directed writing tutors for undergraduates; assisted undergraduates with writing; taught
international students the basic elements of writing.
Computer Programs:
SAS, SPSS, JMP, XLSTAT, R, QIIME, MetaWin, IsoSource, IsoError, PCOrd, Primer, ArcGIS
Service and Outreach:
Society for Freshwater Science, Instars Mentoring Program (2012) Mentored undergraduate
minority students attending the SFS meeting for the first time.
Society for Freshwater Science, Graduate Student Organization, Undergraduate Awards
Committee (2012—present) Evaluated student posters and gave awards for best student
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT), undergraduate mentor
(2007-present) Mentored five undergraduate IGERT fellows with research projects that were
featured at national scientific meetings.
Biology Graduate Student Association, Food Drive Committee (2011-2013) Helped gather food
donations for Flagstaff Family Food Center.
Fossil Creek Stakeholders Group, Biodiversity Committee (2005—present) Worked with federal
agencies to gather information about the state of the biota in Fossil Creek.
Upper Green River Watershed Watch (2003 – 2005) Grassroots effort to assess and monitor
water quality in a local Kentucky watershed.
Leadership Positions:
Biology Graduate Student Association: President (2008-2009); Vice-president (2007-2008);
Faculty Meeting Representative (2007-2008); Graduate Selection Committee (2012-present)
Western Kentucky University Biology Department Graduate Committee: Student
Representative (2003)
Beta Beta Beta (Biology Honorary): Treasurer (2000-2001)
Xi Mu Epsilon (Chemistry Honorary): Treasurer (1999-2000); Vice President (2000-2001)
Sigma Tau Delta (English Honorary): President (2000-2001)
Alma College Writing Center: Coordinator (2000-2001)
Pine River Anthology: Editor (1999-2001)
Pine River Anthology: Student Congress Representative (2000-2001)
Selected Awards and Honors:
Kentucky Division of the American Fisheries Society: Best Student Paper (2003)
Women’s Studies Writing Contest: Graduate Winner (2003)
Albion Review: First Place Essay Winner (2003)
Western Kentucky University English Club Writing Contest: Creative Non-fiction winner (2003)
Wanda Gatlin Award: Winner for Creative Non-fiction (2002, 2003)
Alma College Trustee’s Scholarship (1997-2001)
Alma College Performing Arts Scholarship (1997-2001)
North Ottawa Academic Scholarship (1997-2001)
Alma College Writing Contest: Essay Winner (2000)
Dr. Jane Marks, Flagstaff, AZ.
Jane.Marks@nau.edu; (928) 523-0918
Dr. Thomas Whitham, Flagstaff, AZ.
Thomas.Whitham@nau.edu; (928) 523-7215
Dr. Philip W. Lienesch, Bowling Green, KY.
Philip.Lienesch@wku.edu; (270) 745-6006