CAREER COUNSELING DIRECTORY - JOB CONNECT PROGRAM HRDC ONTARIO USEFUL JOB SEARCHING WEB SITES CANADIAN TECHNICAL EMPLOYMENT NETWORK (CTEN) USEFUL INFORMATION FOR NEW CANADIANS COLLEGE JOB SEARCH PROGRAMS JOB CONNECT PROGRAM Job Connect is designed for individuals who need help in finding and keeping jobs. Services are available to youth age 16-24 across the province. Adult services are available in some communities. People looking for work can obtain information on careers and occupations, the local job market, training opportunities, and job-search strategies. People who need support in looking for work can receive help with identifying skills, setting goals, developing training plans and job search. SERVICES The Information and Referral Service provides information on careers and occupations, the local labour market, training opportunities and job search strategies. Employment Planning and Preparation helps people to clarify their employment needs, establish short and long term goals, develop an action plan and search for a job. Job Development Placement Supports helps people develop their skills and gain experience through supports such as job trials, volunteer placements, job shadows, subsidized on-the-job training opportunities or direct employment placements. ELEGIBILITY The Information and Referral Service is a walk-in, self-directed community resource centre open to the public. Employment Planning and Preparation services provides assistance to people who are at least 16 years old, out of school and out of work, and are not receiving Employment Insurance or Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits. Job Development Placement Supports assists people who are at least 16 years of age, out of school, out of work, not currently in a training program and not receiving Employment Insurance or Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits. If over 24 years of age, participants must be receiving Ontario Works benefits, Ontario Disability Support Program benefits or be unemployed for a minimum of 6 months. Training Hotline at 1-800-387-5656 or (416) 326-5656 to find out who delivers this program in your area. HRDC ONTARIO Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) was created in 1993 to provide an integrated approach to Canada's national investment in people. HRDC administers programs supporting the income of Canadians and human resources programs linked to the requirements of the national economy and labour market. HRDC's programs and services are delivered through a network of Human Resources Development Canada offices, which are located in hundreds of communities across Canada. HRDC's Mission is to enable Canadians to participate fully in the workplace and in the community. HRDC is committed to pursuing a human development agenda in all of its activities, one that recognizes the changes and challenges that people experience throughout their lives. HRDC offers services such as Résumé and Cover letter Workshop and Interview preparation, FREE of charge. Contact: Ontario Regional Office: 4900 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor North York, Ontario M2N 6A8 By e-mail: By telephone: 1 800 206-7218 Job Search website: HRDC Learning and Training Resources: USEFUL JOB SEARCHING WEB SITES CANADA JOBS Canadian Technical Employment Network (CTEN) FLIP DOG GO JOBS JOBS CANADA JOB SHARK LONDON JOBS MONSTER ONTARIO JOBS PLUS JOBS CANADA WORKOPOLIS STEPS TO EMPLOYMENT FOR ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGISTS AND TECHNICIANS USEFUL JOB SEARCHING WEB SITES BY DISCIPLINE COMPUTER/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DISCIPLINE RESOURCE/MINING/GEOLOGICAL DISCIPLINE CHEMICAL DISCIPLINE CIVIL DISCIPLINE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS DISCIPLINE ENVIRONMENTAL DISCIPLINE MECHANICAL DISCIPLINE Canadian Technical Employment Network The Canadian Technical Employment Network…CTEN… is a national job referral system, which puts technology professionals – members of provincial associations – in touch with prospective employers searching for quality technical staff with specific knowledge and expertise. CTEN is operated by a network of provincial technology associations coast to coast and is owned and administered by OACETT (Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists). CTEN is an on-line service with real benefits. With no time zones to consider but your own, access this virtual HR network when it suits you best! With the increasing number of Canadians looking for work online, CTEN aims to be a one-stop source for Canadian jobs for certified technicians and technologists. As an OACETT member, please follow the following steps to register for CTEN: 1. Go to and click on ENGLISH (the French site is not active at the moment) 2. Now press the LOG IN button. 3. Once you get to the Log In page, click on CLICK HERE button, 4. On the next page click on JOB SEEKER link. 5. Now select the name of the association you are a member of (i.e. OACETT) 6. Enter your membership number and a password, then press SUBMIT. 7. On the information verification page (the next page), make sure your information is correct and fill out the fields. When you click on THIS INFORMATION IS CORRECT button, you will be given a User ID (your password will remain the same as your membership password). 8. Click on CONTINUE and pick a secret question and answer (this is important for your password confirmation). 9. Click on CONTINUE and you will get to the Members Home Page. 10.On this page, you can edit your profile and search for jobs. USEFUL INFORMATION FOR NEW CANADIANS AncorEdge Inc. creates opportunities and assists in empowering new Canadians The Career Step program is a FREE seven (7) week program designed to help work-ready new Canadians and Canadian citizens find work. The Centre for Foreign Trained Professionals and Tradespeople (CFTPT) is a FREE and unique program that assists internationally trained professionals and tradespeople in finding work related to their skills or professional background. Providing learning and training opportunities for immigrants and refugees so that they can participate in the workplace and wider community New Canadian advisor Francine Walker helps people to learn about the selection process and about how to fit into the Canadian labour market. OACETT Information Sessions OACETT holds information sessions for internationally-trained professionals in the engineering field approximately four times each year. These sessions provide information on the benefits of joining OACETT and are open to all who would like to attend. The sessions are held in a central location in Toronto and are free of charge. We ask however, that you register in advance for any session you plan to attend. Please send this to us at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the session. Please send your registration information to the attention of Ms. Alla Bondarenko by fax at 416-621-8694 or by email and include the following information to ensure you will have a space at the session. Attention: Ms. Alla Bondarenko FAX (416) 621-8694 REGISTRATION FORM FOR OACETT INFORMATION SESSION Please contact OACETT office for the next available date: My name is: _______________________________________________________ Tel. Number: ______________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ Print this form and fax it to 416-621-8694 at least 2 weeks prior to the session date. We will then send you the location information. If we cannot accommodate your request to attend, you will be contacted; otherwise you can plan to attend. COLLEGE JOB SEARCH PROGRAMS ALGONQUIN COLLEGE 1385 Woodroffe Avenue Nepean, Ontario K2G 1V8 Offers 1 time appointment for up to ½ hour for both general public and alumni, free of cost. Handouts available on résumé writing and up to ½ hour counseling session available on résumé writing. Centre for International Students offers assistance to new Canadians. Contact information: Career Services Department: (613) 727-4723, ext.7200 COLLEGE BOREAL 21, boulevard LaSalle Sudbury, Ontario P3A 6B1 No service for general public; Service offered to students and graduates only. Résumé and cover letter, interview, networking, placement and co-op placement, list of companies; research for specific needs. Contact information: Pierre Perreault (705)521-6034 CAMBRIAN COLLEGE 1400 Barrydowne Road Sudbury, Ontario P3A 3V8 Offer academic career counseling; free of cost for both alumni and general public; résumé writing techniques – current students only; academic advising for new Canadians. Contact information: Tammy Abresch (705) 566-8101, ext. 7311 CANADORE COLLEGE 100 College Drive PO Box 5001 North Bay, Ontario P1B 8K9 Provide career-counseling services for both alumni and general public free of cost for ½ 1 hour (as needed). Cover anything that could help in job search. Don’t tend to get any new Canadians but could help if needed. Contact information: Wendy Milne CENTENNIAL COLLEGE PO Box 631, Station A Scarborough, Ontario M1K 5E9 Offers service to graduates, alumni, new Canadians (as long as they are students)– résumé, interview, and job search. General Public is redirected to Job Connect – (416) 289-5303 - located in Centennial College Contact information: Hanna McKinnon (416) 289-5233 CONESTOGA COLLEGE 299 Doon Valley Drive Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4 Résumé service sends out résumés to employers and job openings for students. Service offered to alumni, students and graduates. All career services including résumé and cover letter writing, networking, interview, are FREE of cost. General public – with appointment; career services including résumé and cover letter writing, networking, interview. Contact information: Carroll Gregory (519) 748-5220 ext.360 CONFEDERATION COLLEGE 1450 Nakina Drive PO Box 398, Station F Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 4W1 No service for general public. Alumni, graduates – notify of employment (full-time and co-operative education opportunities), résumé workshop, and interview. Résumé preparation - $20. Same for new Canadians (as long as they are students) Contact information: Jason Ozbolt (807) 475-6379 DURHAM COLLEGE PO Box 385, 2000 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7 Offers service called Career Shop that is available to general public at the cost of: Career Counseling 1 ½ hrs-$75; Assessment-$125, Résumé and Cover Letter-$150 Contact information: Diane Cartwright (905) 721-3089 FANSHAWE COLLEGE 1460 Oxford Street East PO Box 7005 London, Ontario N5Y 5R6 Career counseling offered to students only at no cost. No service for general public. Career workshop including résumé writing, cover letter and interview preparation ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE classes offered as help to new Canadians. Contact information: Cynthia Williams (519) 452-4100, ext. 4355 GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE PO Box 1015, Station B Toronto, Ontario M5T 2T9 Offers Campus Work Link-Internet job-posting site for full-time, part-time and continuing education students and graduates of George Brown College only. Counseling, interviews, job search, résumé clinic (and cover letter) are free of charge for students. International Students can use the same service. No service for general public. Contact information: Miriam Baichman, Room C221, Casaloma Campus 416 415-4737 GEORGIAN COLLEGE One Georgian Drive Barrie, Ontario L4M 3X9 Career counseling and Academic counseling; no fee for students. General community – no fee for initial appointment, fee for testing. Résumé and Cover letter - $30 - $60 College offers international counselor for new Canadians. Contact information: Nina Grottolli (705) 728-1951 ext. 1331 HUMBER COLLEGE 205 Humber College Boulevard Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5L7 No service for general public. College recommends HRDC. Workshops offered to students, graduates, international students on résumé writing, cover letters, job placement and employer advisors. Free of cost. Contact information: Karen Fast (416) 675-6622, ext. 5030 LA CITE COLLEGIALE 801, promenade de l'Aviation Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4R3 No service for general public, graduates and alumni only, as well as new Canadians, as long as they are students. Service includes résumé writing with cover letter techniques, interview preparation, career guidance. Contact information: Marie (613) 742-2483 LAMBTON COLLEGE 1457 London Road Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K4 Career counseling available for students for free. Counseling includes: résumé and cover letter preparation, placement. Work with Job Connect (519) 542-7751 ext. 2404 - to assist general public. No service specific to new Canadians as for career counseling offered. Contact information: Judy Bunker (519) 542-7751 ext.3371 LE COLLEGE DES GRANDS LACS 149 College Street Toronto, Ontario M5T 1P5 Career Counseling for French Speaking, both general public and Alumni, FREE of cost. Includes: preparing résumé, cover letter, organizing techniques, access to the Internet. Job Connect. Match the candidates with the posting requirements that employers send in. Resource centre - anyone can use (job postings, literature, handouts). Contact information: Carole Duguay (416) 599-5043 ext. 5021 LOYALIST COLLEGE PO Box 4200 Wallbridge/Loyalist Road Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B9 No service for general public. Career, employment, educational, personal counseling, résumé, cover letter, and interview preparation available for students, free of charge. Contact information: Jim Blakely (613) 969-1913 ext. 2240 MOHAWK COLLEGE PO Box 2034, Fennell Avenue & West 5th Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T2 Free for general public and for students. No appointments are made for General Public. They can drop in and the counselor will see them when time permits. Career Counseling, résumés, and cover letter assistance are available. Service to new Canadians available through ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE department, but the college is willing to offer additional counseling to new Canadians. Available to contract for a group session on Saturdays – cost involved. Contact information: Jack Leon (905) 575-2106 Room C117 NIAGARA COLLEGE PO Box 1005, 300 Woodlawn Road Welland, Ontario L3B 5S2 Helps general public with résumé writing. Anyone can use college’s job board to look for a job. Free of cost. Students can use Web Site and look at the postings posted on the web site. No specific service for new Canadians available, except for ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE classes. Contact information: Janet Forsar (905) 735-2211 ext. 7787 NORTHERN COLLEGE PO Box 3211 Timmins, Ontario P4N 8R6 Placement offered to students and graduates, as well as job fairs, interview preparation and résumé writing. Contact information: Placement Officer (705) 235-3211 ext. 237 ST CLAIR COLLEGE 2000 Talbot Road West Windsor, Ontario N9A 6S4 Offers career counseling and résumé workshop (including cover letter and interview preparation) for students and graduates only. No service offered to general public. Contact information: Sue McLelland (519) 972-2727 ext. 4761 ST LAWRENCE COLLEGE King and Portsmouth Kingston, Ontario K7L 5A6 Free service offered to students (counseling, career workshops). Cost involved for general public, but career services offered. Kingston campus offers services specific to new Canadians. Contact information: General inquiries and describe a type of service needed (613) 544-5400 SAULT COLLEGE PO Box 60, 443 Northern Avenue Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5L3 The Employment and Career Planning Office provides services to college students and alumni. Job Search services offered to students include: résumé writing, interview skills, statistics, resource material, job fair providing networking opportunities. No service is offered to general public. Contact information: Career Planning Officer: 1-800-461-2260 SENECA COLLEGE 1750 Finch Avenue East North York, Ontario M2J 2X5 The employment counseling services that Seneca College offers are: computers with Internet, résumé writing, library, handouts, career counseling technicians, fax machines. Offered to students. No appointments for general public, but will not turn out walk-ins. International student department can assist new Canadians. Contact information: Yvonne Gilbert (416) 491-5050 ext. 2934 SHERIDAN COLLEGE 1430 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1 Offers business courses that teach Career Workshop offered through college. Course name: Business Communications. Length: 12 weeks, 1 night a week for 3 hours. Course starts in fall, winter and summer semester. Cost: $218. Job Connect offered through college. Contact information: Laura (905) 842-8800 Ultimate Canadian University and College Info-Site - Self-Assessment Tools - - - - Essential Skills- o A database of essential skills profiles showing how these skills are used in over 160 occupations. o Scales to describe the difficulty of skills needed in a job. These can be used to reflect on the skills you have. o A collection of materials that illustrate how reading, writing, and math are used in the workplace. Youth Resource Network – o general information on the importance of self-assessment o links to numerous self-assessment exercises under three categories: Interests and Aptitudes, Choosing an Occupation and Career Plan Development Career Development Manual – University of Waterloo o a step-by-step approach to career planning o self-assessment, decision making, occupational research, employment contact, resumes and interviews, and the final stop, work o career planning for students with disabilities Employment Search Readiness Inventory - o - question-based assessment analysed by computer to help you determine whatever you are doing everything possible to find employment Kiersey Temperament Sorter - o designed to identify different kinds of personality; similar to other devices derived from Carl Jung's theory of "psychological types," such as the MyersBriggs, the Singer-Loomis, and the Grey-Wheelright o questionnaire identifies four temperament types: rationalists, guardians, idealists and artisans - Canada Prospects _number=0 - Job search engine o Job-Search-Engine is not a Job Board, but rather a meta job search engine dedicated to employment. It searches the top 250 American, 60 British and 110 English and French Canadian and job boards in parallel and in real time. The one click will save you hours of searching through the job boards and career fairs individually.