New York ARTCC KLGA - La Guardia Airport Standard Operating Procedures Copyright © 2012 New York ARTCC. All rights reserved. This document is to be used for the sole purpose of controlling simulated traffic on the VATSIM Network. Should this document be used for any other purpose, VATSIM and the New York ARTCC hold no responsibility for any resulting outcomes. Obtaining this document in any manner other than via the New York ARTCC website at, or using this document on any other network, is a prohibited and violators will be prosecuted. New York ARTCC LaGuardia Standard Operating Procedures Purpose This document prescribes the procedures to be utilized for providing air traffic control services at the LaGuardia Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) and any of the positions within the LaGuardia Area of New York TRACON (N90) and the airports it serves. The procedures described herein are supplemental to the New York ARTCC Regulations and Policies and FAA Order JO 7110.65. Distribution This order is distributed to all New York ARTCC personnel. Procedural Deviations Exceptional or unusual requirements may dictate procedural deviations or supplementary procedures to this order. A situation may arise that is not adequately covered herein; in such an event use good judgment to adequately resolve the problem. Record of Changes Change Date Description of Changes CHG1 12 27 03 Initial Release CHG2 04 14 04 Added Airport Diagram for KDXR CHG3 04 27 04 Replaced SID’s with NACO Diagrams, Updated Waypoint ABBYS to Waypoint DIRPE CHG4 05 29 04 CHG5 12 17 05 CHG6 10 14 06 Updated Terminal Procedures and IAPs CHG7 01 18 07 Updated to LaGuardia One (LGA1) Departure CHG8 06 04 07 Updated Airspace Delegation, Video Map, and Approach/Departure Flow Diagrams CHG9 07 20 07 Pen and Ink Changes CHG10 07 31 08 Added Scratchpad Entries and Modified VFR Procedures CHG11 03 29 09 Added Scratchpad Entries and Modified VFR Procedures CHG12 09 07 10 Updated Clearance Delivery Section to Include RNAV SIDs CHG13 09 11 10 Major Content Updates and Corrections to All Sections CHG14 12 01 10 CHG15 05 20 11 CHG16 10 20 11 CHG17 12 19 12 Merged Common Pages for Clearance Delivery and Ground and Placed in Separate Sections, Updated KHPN airport diagram Updated Clearance Delivery section, Tower “vectored Maspeth”, Airport Diagrams, and Arrival Flow to Indicate Point to Issue Descent Instead of Altitude Target Updated Exit Direction Guide, Added Cover Page, Modified General Section, Updated Approach and Departure Flow Diagrams, and Updated IAPs Updated LGA-JFK LOA, Cover Page, Operational Positions, Airport Interaction Chart, and HPN and DXR VFR Procedures; Changed all references to “Tower” to “Local Control” Updated procedures to reflect addition of NEWL and ZIMMZ as exits, airway realignments, and the publication of updated terminal procedures; updated LOA routes; and multiple pen and ink changes Updated information for current AIRAC Cycle information New York ARTCC – Terminal Radar Approach Controls LaGuardia Area – New York TRACON (N90) New York ARTCC Area Airport Notes 1) Squawk • • This is the range of beacon codes assigned to each towered airport. All aircraft departing from non-towered airports will be assigned a beacon code from the controlling TRACON or Center controller. 2) Tower, Ground, Clearance • The first item is the defined frequency that the controller will transmit on. • The second item is the controller ID that is used to identify the position and is unique within NY. 3) ATIS • • This is the frequency that will broadcast airport information IF an automated system is currently in use within VATSIM, then this will be the frequency to refer pilots to in order to get the latest information. VFR Beacon Codes ALL aircraft that will be traversing the NY Class Bravo airspace MUST be given a discreet squawk code. The codes are as follows for the areas identified and increase with each aircraft (ie 0X01, 0X02, 0X03, etc. where X is the applicable number as illustrated): LaGuardia Area: 0201-0277 Kennedy Area: 0301-0377 Newark Area: 0301-0377 Islip Area: 0101-0177 Liberty Area: 0101-0177 Philadelphia TRACON: 0601-0677 Harrisburg, Allentown, Elmira, Binghamton, Wilkes-Barre, and Reading TRACONs; and McGuire RAPCON: 0601-0677 New York TRACON – LaGuardia Helicopter Routes LaGuardia and Kennedy Terminal Areas BRONX ROUTE: North tip Roosevelt Island direct Triborough Bridge toll plaza via west side I-278 to point ALPHA (I-895/I-278 intersection) direct to point BRAVO (I-95 intersection SE of Bronx Zoo) northbound via elevated railway to Wakefield switchyard. THROGS ROUTE: Udall's Millpond direct south Stanchion Throgs Neck Bridge direct FLU direct LGA control tower direct Bowery Bay direct Triborough Bridge direct north tip Roosevelt Island. CENTRAL PARK ROUTE: North tip Roosevelt Island across Central Park Lake at 72nd Street direct Hudson River. MARRIOTT ROUTE: LGA direct to Marriott Hotel direct to intersection of Long Island Expressway and the railroad tracks direct Ridgewood Reservoir as assigned, (see ** routes). VAN WYCK ROUTE: LGA direct Grand Central Parkway to Kew Gardens via Van Wyck Expressway to JFK Triple Hangars. Note: Turn for Triple Hangars prior to crossing Southern State Parkway. Northbound traffic remain east of Van Wyck, southbound remain west. ** BAISLEY ROUTE: Ridgewood Reservoir direct Baisley Pond direct JFK Triple Hangars. ** CONDUIT ROUTE: Ridgewood Reservoir direct Conduit Blvd. direct south side Aqueduct Racetrack direct JFK. Note: Arrivals remain south of Conduit, departures remain north. ** TRACK ROUTE: Intersection of Long Island Railroad and Meadowbrook State Parkway. West via Long Island Railroad to Ridgewood Reservoir direct to Lincoln Terrace Park. Note: Route may split at Ridgewood Reservoir. SUNRISE ROUTE: JFK Triple Hangars direct Southern Parkway via Sunrise Highway direct Freeport. MEADOWBROOK ROUTE: Intersection of Long Island Railroad and Meadowbrook State Parkway. South via Meadowbrook State Parkway direct Jones Beach. CONEY ISLAND ROUTE: JFK direct old FLOYD BENNETT FIELD direct Coney Island to vicinity of West 32nd Street. Note: Helicopter activity in vicinity of old FLOYD BENNETT FIELD. NORTH SHORE ROUTE: From VPROK waypoint (Execution Rocks Lighthouse) eastbound via VPLYD waypoint (north of Lloyd Harbor) to the VPJAY waypoint (northwest of Port Jefferson LIPA plant smokestacks), then via and off the shoreline to Orient Point. Note: CAUTION rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, possible wake turbulence from IFR jet traffic as noted on the chart. SOUTH SHORE ROUTE: Verrazano Bridge to the tip of Coney Island direct Breezy Point Jetty then eastbound via and off the shoreline to Montauk. Note: CAUTION rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, banner towing, possible wake turbulence from JFK heavy jet overflights. WILLIAMSBURG ROUTE: East River direct Williamsburg Bridge, maintain 900' eastbound south of Twin White Tanks direct Ridgewood Reservoir as assigned, (see ** routes). RESERVOIR ROUTE: East 34th Street Heliport direct Newtown Creek to Twin White Tanks direct Ridgewood Reservoir as assigned, (see ** routes). HARLEM RIVER ROUTE: Triborough Bridge via Harlem River northbound to Spuyten Duyvil. HUDSON RIVER ROUTE: Northbound – East side of Verrazano Bridge to Governors Island direct to southwest tip of Manhattan Island then via east bank to Spuyten Duyvil. Southbound – Harlem River direct west bank of Hudson River southbound via west bank to western Holland Tunnel Ventilation Tower to Hudson Checkpoint. EAST RIVER ROUTE: Northbound – Governors Island direct Williamsburg Bridge via east bank to Bowery Bay. Southbound – Bowery Bay to west bank via west bank to Battery Park. CREEK ROUTE: Lincoln Terrace Park direct Spring Creek Park direct to a point immediately adjacent to northwest end of runway 13R parallel taxiway. Note: Simultaneous fixed-wing arrivals on JFK ILS runway 13L. PARK ROUTE: JFK direct south side of Aqueduct Racetrack direct Prospect Park direct Hudson Checkpoint. New York TRACON – LaGuardia Area Airports Code Name Zone Type Squawk KLGA LaGuardia KDXR KHPN Danbury Municipal Westchester County Tower Ground Clearance ATIS LGA B 1101-1127 118.7 1A 121.7 1B 135.2 1C 127.05 LGAN LGAN D D 1130-1147 1130-1147 119.4 118.57 1M 1G 121.6 121.82 1N 1H -127.25 -1J 127.75 133.8 New York TRACON – LaGuardia N90 Airport Interaction Chart JFK ILS 13 (for winds or weather) Any approach to runway 4L/R or VOR 22L LGA EWR ILS 13 (due to airspace constraints) On SW flow, TEB may do VOR/DME runway 24 Runway 13 departures must fly runway heading (Flushing Climb) Runway 13 departures: Whitestone and Coney Climbs Maspeth Climb ILS 22 required if departing runway 13. ILS 22 Owns Belmont airspace 3,000’ and below Must be on runway 31L/R if: On NE flow, TEB departures maintain 1,700'. EWR departures fly runway heading to 4 DME All the following pertains to EWR departing runway 22L/R. Owns 6,000’ to SUL Climbs 1 1/2 nm from SUL Flushing Climb: Props only Maspeth and Coney Climbs: All types Climbs 1 1/2 nm from SUL If on runway 4, can not depart runway 13 LOC 31 Runway 4, Expressway 31, River 13 Climbs 1 1/2 nm from SUL Climbs 3 nm from SUL New York TRACON – LaGuardia Routing to Neighboring ARTCC Airports See the IFR Preferred Route Database (PRD) located in the New York ARTCC Publications "Training Tools" section for correct routing information. New York TRACON – LaGuardia Routing to Nearby New York ARTCC Airports 1) To LaGuardia Area Airports CMK direct Destination at 3,000’ PHASEOLOGY – “Cleared to the Westchester County Airport via the LaGuardia Four Departure except maintain 3,000’, radar vectors Carmel V-O-R, direct Westchester County Airport, departure frequency is 120.4, squawk XXXX.” See the IFR Preferred Route Database (PRD) located in the New York ARTCC Publications "Training Tools" section for correct routing information. 8) All Areas • If the aircraft is using a DP and will have a cruise altitude lower than the initial altitude specified on the DP, then adjust the initial altitude. PHRASEOLOGY – "…via the LaGuardia Four Departure except maintain 3,000…" • The LaGuardia 4 Departure shall NOT be issued in cases where you would normally issue the Whitestone or Maspeth climb but the aircraft’s cruise altitude is less than 5,000’. In such cases issue a non-DP clearance. New York TRACON – LaGuardia Routing To Airways When a flight literally starts with an airway, use the following table as a guide for routing to the airway. Airway L454 L455 L457 L459 N7A N15B J6 J36 J37 J42 J48 J60 J63 J64 J70 J75 J77 J79 J80 J95 J106 J146 J174 J209 J222 J223 J225 J584 Q42 Q480 Join WAVEY OWENZ… PARKE J6 COATE J36 GREKI ALB J37 North: MERIT HFD J42 South: WHITE J209 CYN J150 OOD J42 LANNA J48 NEWEL J60 HAAYS HUO J63 NEWEL J80 SUZIE J64 SAX LVZ J70 North: GREKI J75 South: BIGGY J75 GREKI BAF J77 East: DPK HOFFI J79 South: WHITE J209 VILLS J79 North: GREKI BAF J80 South: NEWEL J80 GAYEL J95 SAX LVZ J106 PARKE FJC J146 WAVEY EMJAY J174 WHITE J209 North: GREKI J222 South: (next airway) NEION J223 BDR RAALF J225 PARKE HAYED J584 ZIMMZ Q42 ZIMMZ SPOTZ Q480 New York TRACON – LaGuardia Common Route Amendments Filed Exit From KLGA From KHPN From KDXR ARD BOUNO CCC COL ETX FJC GEDIC HFD HOFFI HTO HUO IGN JOANI LAURN MARIO NEWES OWENZ PACER PNE PUT RAALF RBV BIGGY... WAVEY... DPK WHITE... PARKE PARKE WAVEY... MERIT DPK DPK HAAYS GREKI... WHITE... WHITE... MERIT... MERIT... WAVEY...OWENZ MERIT... BIGGY...PNE MERIT MERIT... West: BIGGY... South: WHITE... SAX... BIGGY... WAVEY... BDR WHITE... PARKE PARKE WAVEY... MERIT DPK DPK HAAYS GREKI... WHITE... WHITE... MERIT... MERIT... WAVEY...OWENZ MERIT... BIGGY...PNE MERIT MERIT... West: BIGGY... South: WHITE... SAX... BIGGY... WAVEY... BDR WHITE... PARKE PARKE WAVEY... MERIT BDR BDR HAAYS GREKI... WHITE... WHITE... MERIT... MERIT... WAVEY...OWENZ MERIT... BIGGY...PNE MERIT MERIT... West: BIGGY... South: WHITE... SAX... STW Notes If the amendment ends with "..." then bypass the waypoint filed and use the next logical fix from the flight plan. KLGA – LaGuardia CLEARANCE DELIVERY General Information 1) Standard Departure Procedure The LaGuardia# Departure (LGA#) is the default DP to be used by aircraft departing LGA (where # indicates the current revision number. - i.e LGA3, LGA4, etc.). The RNAV DP’s (NTHNS#, GLDMN#, TNNIS#, HOPEA# and JUTES#) may be assigned by ATC to RNAV equipped turbojet aircraft as shown in Section 4. (Note that RNAV Equipment Suffixes are as follows: /Y, /C, /I, /E, /F, /G, /R, /J, /K, /L, /Q). 2) Initial Altitude The initial altitude for all IFR departures regardless of departure type is 5,000’. However, some intra-TRACON flights have cruise altitudes that are lower than this altitude. In that case, use the following phraseology: “Cleared to KHPN via the La Guardia Four Departure except maintain three thousand, radar vectors…” 3) Runway 13 Departures on the LaGuardia# (LGA#) DP: Note that VORs are not technically part of the departure gates and only fixes should be considered when using the following table. For a complete list of fixes grouped by departure gate refer to the orange boxes on the Exit Direction Guide. NOTE: When JFK is conducting overflow operations, LaGuardia shall be restricted to Flushing Climbs ONLY. When KJFK is landing… Climbs to use is… For type… Going to… Multiple Runways FLUSHING All All Gates 13L/R or 31L/R FLUSHING All All Gates CONEY Jets South Gates MASPETH Jets West Gates, North Gates, East Gates WHITESTONE Props All Gates CONEY Jets South Gates MASPETH Jets West Gates, North Gates WHITESTONE All Props: All Gates Jets: East Gates ILS 22L/R Any Approach to 4L/R OR VOR 22L Approach 4) RNAV Departure Procedures: Use the chart below to determine which RNAV DP’s are valid for various LGA and JFK configurations. If a pilot is unable or unwilling to accept the RNAV DP below, assign the LGA# DP or a non-DP clearance When LGA is Departing... And JFK is Departing… Use RNAV DP… For exits… Multiple Runways TNNIS# All Gates 13L/R or 31L/R TNNIS# All Gates NTHNS# DIXIE, WHITE, WAVEY, SHIPP GLDMN# All Others HOPEA# DIXIE, WHITE, WAVEY, SHIPP JUTES# All Others 13 4L/R or 22L/R 22 4L/R or 22L/R 5) Departure Frequencies Frequency Position Code 120.4 NY_LSO_DEP 1L 120.8 NY_HRP_APP 1V 125.32 NY_KND_CTR B4 The first available controller in this list should be handling departures, but check to see if a non-listed controller is covering the airspace above you. 6) VFR Procedures The VFR transponder subset for the LaGuardia Area is 0201-0277. Determine the pilot’s intentions and then issue a clearance according to the guidelines below: Pattern Work: “November Four Eight Five Lima Echo, LaGuardia Clearance Delivery, Cleared into the New York Class Bravo Airspace, Squawk Zero Two Zero One” Pilot did not request a cruise altitude (Departure with Local Control & Negative Flight Following): “November Four Eight Five Lima Echo, LaGuardia Clearance Delivery, Cleared out of the New York Class Bravo Airspace via Radar Vectors, Maintain VFR at or below Two Thousand, Departure Frequency One One Eight Point Seven, Squawk Zero Two Zero One” Pilot’s requested altitude is at/above 2,000’ (Departure with TRACON and Flight Following): “November Four Eight Five Lima Echo, LaGuardia Clearance Delivery, Cleared out of the New York Class Bravo Airspace via Radar Vectors, Maintain Two Thousand until further advised, Departure Frequency One Two Zero Point Four, Squawk Zero Two Zero One. REFERENCE: 7) Scratchpad Entries: The exit identifier shall be placed in the aircraft’s scratchpad as per the table below: Exit Scratchpad DIXIE DIX WHITE WHI WAVEY WAV SHIPP SHI RBV RBV SBJ SBJ BIGGY BIG LANNA LAN PARKE PAR ELIOT ELI NEWEL NEW ZIMMZ ZIM SAX SAX COATE COA NEION NEI HAAYS HAA GAYEL GAY CMK CMK GREKI GRE MERIT MER BAYYS BAY BDR BDR NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 N41^19.20’ GND CON W74^28.03’ Chan 108 L-3 -34, H-10-12 NEION LA GUARDIA TOWER NEW YORK DEP CON W74^34.85’ SPARTA 1 5.7 SAX L-3 -34, 120.4 263.0 Chan 104 H-10-12 NEWEL SAX W75^09.56’ BROADWAY N40^49.1 ’ 1 4.2 BWZ W75^07.81’ Chan 89 L-3 -34, ZIMMZ LGA 05 ^ 314^ Chan 76 N40^3 .58’ SBJ 340^ N40^25.18’ ROBBINSVIL E W74^58.36’ 1 3.8 RBV L-3 -34, Chan 85 H-10-12 LGA Maspeth 2 3^ 4.1 Chan 81 N40^13.3 ’-W75^3 .62’ W74^25.90’ L-34, H-10-12 N40^36.75’ L-34, H-10-12 COLTS NECK 1 5.4 COL W74^09.87’ Chan 101 W73^46.28’ L-34 L-3 -34, H-10-12 COL WAVEY N40^14.08’ W73^23.6 ’ L-34 L-34 N40^18.70’ W74^09.58’ WHITE N40^0 .41’ N40^37.97’ W73^14.84’ L-34, H-10-12 NOTE: RADAR Required. NOTE: DME Required For Takeof Rwy 13. (LGA) (LGA) N39^49.04’ Chan 106 N NEW YORK, NEW YORK NEW YORK, NEW YORK Chan 1 2 1 3.4 CYN CYN 1 5.9 JFK SHIP JFK N40^19.7 ’ W73^53.67’ DIXIE N40^05.96’ KENNEDY LA GUARDIA LA GUARDIA 1 6.5 PTW Chan 70 L-3 -34 N40^12.14’ PTW 1 2.3 CRI Coney Climb W74^29.70’ POT STOWN CRI R-043 CANARSIE RBV COYLE W73^18.2 ’ L-3 -34, H-10-12 150 2 3^ L-34, H-10-12 N40^47.50’ NEW YORK/ NEW YORK/ BIGGY Climb Coney Climb W74^4 .51’ L-3 -34, H-10-12 Chan 124 Whitestone 040^ 2.5 Climb N40^34.98’ W75^01.6 ’ DPK DEER PARK SL-289 (FA ) 1 2.9 SBJ LAN A H-10-12 Climb LGA SOLBERG L-3 -34, L-3 -34, H-10-12 Flushing 134^ 1 7.7 DPK 50 0 W74^15.08’ L-34, H-10-12 BDR N41^09.64’ L-3 -34, H-10-12 60 04 ^ Maspeth Climb H-10-12 Chan 25 W73^07.47’ 070^ H-10-12 L-3 -34, BRIDGEPORT 108.8 BDR N41^16.80’-W73^34.8 ’ 2.5 180^ N40^40.9 ’ Chan 1 3 L-3 -34, H-10-12 W75^04.59’ CMK CARMEL 1 6.6 CMK L-3 -34, H-10-12 W74^49.31’ W75^07.42’ L-3 -34 N40^47.02’ N40^47.91’ N40^48.18’ PARKE W72^58.28’ R-2 0 H-10-12 N41^17.35’ W73^52.12’ BWZ ELIOT LGA Chan 78 L-3 -34, H-10-12 L-3 -34, H-10-12 L-3 -34 BAY S LA GUARDIA W74^41.71’ H-10-12 W73^08.25’ L-3 -34, H-10-12 1 3.1 LGA W74^32.30’ N41^08.17’ N41^2 .92’ L-3 -34, H-10-12 N41^04.05’ COATE N40^5 .04’ MERIT N41^28.80’ W73^18.85’ 12 64 12 64 1 8.7 263.0 N41^13.69’ GREKI N41^24.58’-W74^35.50’ L-3 -34 121.7 263.0 HUO HUGUENOT 1 6.1 HUO W74^21.43’ 050^ 135.2 N41^24.40’ (LGA4.LGA) HA YS CLNC DEL LA GUARDIA FOUR DEPARTURE LA GUARDIA FOUR DEPARTURE (LGA4.LGA) GAYEL ATIS 127.05 (NAR ATIVE ON FOL OWING PAGES) NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 NOTE: Chart not o scale. (LGA4.LGA) 1 349 SL-289 (FA ) NEW YORK/ LA GUARDIA FOUR DEPARTURE (LGA) LA GUARDIA NEW YORK, NEW YORK DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION T TAKEOF RUNWAY 4: Climb heading 04 ^ to 60 , then right urn heading 05 ^, maintain 50 0, Thence. . TAKEOF RUNWAY 13 (Coney Climb: TURBOJETS ONLY - Requires minimum ATC climb of 90 ’ per NM to 150 , if unable, advise ATC): Climbing right urn NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 heading 180^ to intercept CRI R-043 (do not exce d 230K until intercepting CRI R-043) to CRI VOR/DME then on CRI R-2 3. Cros LGA 2.5 DME at or above 150 ’, maintain 50 0, Thence. . TAKEOF RUNWAY 13 (Flushing Climb): Climb heading 134^ to LGA 2.5 DME, then left urn heading 050^, maintain 50 0, Thence. . TAKEOF RUNWAY 13 (Maspeth Climb: TURBOJETS ONLY - Requires minimum ATC climb of 90 ’ per NM to 4 0 , if unable, advise ATC): Climbing right urn heading 180^, at LGA 4.1 DME turn right heading 340^, maintain 50 0, cros LGA R-2 0 at or above 50 0, Thence. . TAKEOF RUNWAY 13 (Whitestone Climb: Requires minimum ATC climb of 50 ’ per NM to 150 , if unable advise ATC): Climbing right urn heading 180^ to LGA 2.5 DME, then left urn heading 040^ (do not exce d 210K until established on heading 040^). Maintain 50 0, Thence. . TAKEOF RUNWAY 2 : Climbing left urn heading 070^, maintain 50 0, Thence. . TAKEOF RUNWAY 31: Climb heading 314^ (or as as igned by ATC), maintain 50 0, Thence. . . .Expect vectors to as igned route/fix. Expect clearance to filed alti ude/flight level within ten (10) minutes after departure. NOTE: Rwy 31 Departures: Expect urn on course leaving 60 0. NOTE: Traf ic filed over BIGGY, LAN A, ELIOT, PARKE, ZIMMZ, NEWEL: Do not exce d 250 KIAS until reaching 1 0 0. NOTE: BAY S Departures expect vectors to BDR/BDR R-054. NOTE: COATE Departures expect vectors to SAX/SAX R-31 . NOTE: SHIP Departures expect vectors to JFK/JFK R-139. NOTE: WAVEY Departures expect vectors to JFK/JFK R-156. NOTE: WHITE Departures expect vectors to COL/COL R-204. NOTE: BIGGY Departures expect vectors to SBJ/SBJ R-237. NOTE: DIXIE Departures expect vectors to COL/COL R-192. NOTE: ELIOT Departures expect vectors to SAX R-252. ELIOT authorized for al aircraft types but restricted to a final alti ude of 140 0 or 160 0. NOTE: ZIMMZ Departures expect vectors to SAX R-250. ZIMMZ authorized for al aircraft types but restricted to a final alti ude of FL180 and above. NOTE: NEWEL Departures expect vectors to SAX R-264. NEWEL authorized only for jet aircraft requesting a final alti ude of FL180 and above. NOTE: GAYEL Departures expect vectors to DPK R-320. NOTE: GREKI Departures expect vectors to CMK R-057. NOTE: LAN A Departures expect vectors to PTW R-059. NOTE: MERIT Departures expect vectors to LGA R-05 . NOTE: NEION Departures expect vectors to LGA R-32 . NOTE: PARKE Departures expect vectors to BWZ/BWZ R-250. NOTE: HA YS Departures expect vectors to HUO. (CONTINUED ON FOL OWING PAGE) NEW YORK, NEW YORK LA GUARDIA FOUR DEPARTURE (LGA4.LGA) NEW YORK/ 1 349 LA GUARDIA (LGA) NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 GREKI N NOTE: DME/DME/IRU or GPS required. HUGUENOT CLNC DEL NOTE: Radar equired for non-GPS GAYEL HUO 135.2 (GLDMN4.GLDMN) 127.05 GLDMN FOUR DEPARTURE GLDMN FOUR DEPARTURE (GLDMN4.GLDMN) NOTE: For Turbojets only. ATIS equip ed aircraft. GND CON MERIT NOTE: RNAV 1. 121.7 263.0 HA YS NOTE: Do not exce d 2 0K until LA GUARDIA TOWER BAY S pas ing MAST . 1 8.7 263.0 CARMEL NEW YORK DEP CON NEION 120.4 263.0 CMK TAKEOF MINIMUMS: 12152 BDR Rwy 13: Standard with minimum climb of 563’ per NM to 710, COATE 12152 BRIDGEPORT Rwy 4, 2 , 31: NA-ATC. then ATC climb of 615’ per NM to 250 , then ATC climb of 605’ per NM to 40 0, then ATC climb of SPARTA CALVERTON 367’ per NM to 50 0. CC PUGGS SAX WREN (RNAV) (RNAV) NEWEL 134^ NOTE: Strict compliance to track and SL-289 (FA ) alti ude restrictions is mandatory. 185^ ELIOT Aircraft performance may require reduced airspe d to comply with 340^ alti ude restrictions. Advise ATC (5) ZIMMZ on init al contact if unable to comply PARKE KIWIE GLDMN 236^ (3) ELIOT, ZIMMZ, NEWEL do not exce d (2) 250K until reaching 1 0 0 MSL. NOTE: Al aircraft expect vectors after GLDMN. 272^ MAST BIGGY TRISK (3) 40 0 2 0K NOTE: Chart not o scale. 50 0 2 0K DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION LA GUARDIA LA GUARDIA T NEW YORK, NEW YORK NEW YORK, NEW YORK TAKEOF OBSTACLE NOTES: TAKEOF RUNWAY 13: Climb heading 134^ to intercept course 185^ to cros KIWIE at or above 250 , then on 236^ track to cros TRISK at or above 40 0, then on 272^ track to cros MAST at or above 50 0, then on track 320^ to GLDMN, then on heading 340^ for vectors on course. Maintain 50 0 or as as igned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed alti ude/flight level 10 minutes after departure. NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 (LGA) (LGA) Rwy 13: Localizer 392’ from DER, on centerline, 18’ AGL/19’ MSL. Stack, fences, and buildings begin ing 97’ from DER, 171’ left of centerline, up to 83’ AGL/103’ MSL. Fences, buildings, and tre s begin ing 28’ from DER, 415’ right of centerline, up to 21’ AGL/2 ’ MSL. Stack 4934’ from DER, 1513’ left of centerline, 172’ AGL/181’ MSL. Building 1.9 NM from DER, 758’ right of centerline, 280’ AGL/345’ MSL. NEW YORK/ NEW YORK/ LAN A NOTE: Traf ic filed BIGGY, LANNA, PARKE 250 2 0K 320^ with climb gradient requirements. (HOPEA1.HOPEA) 12152 SL-289 (FA ) HOPEA ONE DEPARTURE (LGA) LA GUARDIA NEW YORK/ (RNAV) NEW YORK, NEW YORK ATIS 127.05 CLNC DEL 135.2 2 4^ GND CON 121.7 263.0 LA GUARDIA TOWER 1 8.7 263.0 NEW YORK DEP CON 189^ 120.4 263.0 HOPEA TAKEOF MINIMUMS 250 2 0K Rwys 4, 13, 31: NA-ATC. (5) Rwy 2 : Standard with minimum climb of 321’ per NM 189^ to 540, then ATC climb of 585’ per NM to 250 , then ATC climb of 534’ per NM to 50 0. CANARSIE CRI TAKEOF OBSTACLE NOTES 2 0^ (5) 50 0 230K Rwy 2 : Buildings and tre s begin ing 165’ from DER, 150’ left of centerline, NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 up to 72’ AGL/101’ MSL. Blast fence, NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 fence, stack on building, navaid and tre s begin ing 109’ from DER, 138’ right of centerline, up to 5 ’ AGL/104’ MSL. Tower 1.8 NM from DER, 56 ’ right of SHIP centerline, 2 2’ AGL/302’ MSL. WAVEY ROB INSVIL E RBV DIXIE NOTE: For Turbojets only. NOTE: DME/DME/IRU or GPS required. NOTE: Radar equired for non-GPS equip ed aircraft WHITE NOTE: RNAV 1. NOTE: Do not exce d 2 0K until pas ing HOPEA. NOTE: Do not exce d 230K until pas ing CRI VOR/DME. NOTE: Strict compliance to track and alti ude restrictions is mandatory. Aircraft performance may require reduced airspe d to comply with alti ude restrictions. Advise ATC on init al contact if unable to comply with climb gradient requirements. NOTE: Al aircraft expect vectors after CRI VOR/DME. NOTE: Chart not o scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DISCRIPTION TAKEOF RUNWAY 2 : Climb heading 2 4^ to intercept course 189^ to cros HOPEA at or above 250 , then on 189^ track to cros CRI VOR/DME at or above 50 0, then on heading 2 0^ for vectors on course. Maintain 50 0 or as as igned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed alti ude/flight level 10 minutes after departure. (HOPEA1.HOPEA) NEW YORK, NEW YORK (RNAV) HOPEA ONE DEPARTURE NEW YORK/ 12152 LA GUARDIA (LGA) NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 GREKI GAYEL N HUO MERIT CLNC DEL 135.2 GND CON TAKEOF OBSTACLES: HA YS Rwy 2 : 121.7 263.0 LAGUARDIA TOWER NEION 1 8.7 263.0 BRIDGEPORT BDR 045^ COATE BAY S Multiple tre s and buildings begin ing 165’ from DER, 150’ left of centerline up to 72’ AGL/101’ MSL. Multiple tre s and buildings begin ing 1731’ from DER, 138’ right of centerline up to 73’ AGL/104’ MSL. Localizer 421’ from DER, 275’ right of centerline 25’ AGL/4 ’ MSL. Fence 109’ from DER, 3 5’ right of centerline 14’ AGL/31’ MSL. NEWEL 50 0 039^ (5) LGA ZIMMZ 2 4^ 30 0 2 0K 540 LAN A CANARSIE CRI BIGGY SHIP COL RBV DIXIE NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 (LGA) (LGA) WHITE DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION NEW YORK, NEW YORK T TAKEOF RWY 2 : Climb heading 2 4^ to 540, then climbing left turn direct JUTES, cros JUTES at or above 30 0, then on track 039^ to cros TN IS at or above 50 0, then on heading 045^ for vectors on course. Maintain 50 0 or as as igned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed alti ude/flight level 10 minutes after departure. LA GUARDIA NEW YORK, NEW YORK LA GUARDIA NOTE: Chart not o scale. WAVEY NEW YORK/ NEW YORK/ COLTS NECK ROB INSVIL E SL-289 (FA ) JUTES PARKE NOTE: Al Turbojets. NOTE: Turboprops as igned by ATC only. NOTE: DME/DME/IRU or GPS required. NOTE: Radar equired. NOTE: RNAV 1. NOTE: Do not exce d 2 0K until pas ing JUTES. NOTE: Strict compliance to track and alti ude restrictions is mandatory. Aircraft performance may require reduced airspe d to comply with alti ude restrictions. Advise ATC on init al contact if unable to comply with climb gradient requirements. NOTE: Al aircraft expect vectors after TN IS. NOTE: Traf ic filed BIGGY, ELIOT, LAN A, PARKE, ZIMMZ, NEWEL do not exce d 250K until reaching 1 0 0. (RNAV) (RNAV) TNNIS LA GUARDIA ELIOT TAKEOF MINIMUMS: Rwys 4, 13, 31: NA-ATC. Rwy 2 : Standard with minimum climb of 501’ per NM to 540, then ATC climb of 356’ per NM to 30 0, then ATC climb of 374’ per NM to 50 0. 12 64 12 64 NEW YORK DEP CON 120.4 263.0 (JUTES2.JUTES) HUGUENOT 127.05 JUTES TWO DEPARTURE JUTES TWO DEPARTURE (JUTES2.JUTES) ATIS (NTHNS2.NTHNS) 12152 SL-289 (FA ) NTHNS TWO DEPARTURE (LGA) LA GUARDIA NEW YORK/ (RNAV) NEW YORK, NEW YORK ATIS 134^ 127.05 CLNC DEL 135.2 185^ GND CON 121.7 263.0 LA GUARDIA TOWER 1 8.7 263.0 NEW YORK DEP CON 120.4 263.0 KIWIE 250 196^ (2) TAKEOF MINIMUMS: Rwys 4, 2 , 31: NA-ATC. Rwy 13: Standard with minimum climb of 563’ per NM NTHNS to 710, then ATC climb of 615’ per NM to250 , 2 0K 230^ then ATC climb of 35 ’ per NM to 50 0. (5) TAKEOF OBSTACLE NOTES: Rwy 13: Localizer 392’ from DER, on centerline, CANARSIE 18’ AGL/19’ MSL. CRI Stack, fences, and buildings begin ing 50 0 230K Fences, buildings, and tre s begin ing 28’ from DER, 415’ right of centerline, up to 21’ AGL/2 ’ MSL. Stack 4934’ from DER, 1513’ left of centerline, 172’ AGL/181’ MSL. Building 1.9 NM from DER, 758’ right of centerline, 280’ AGL/345’ MSL. SHIP COLTS NECK COL WAVEY ROB INSVIL E RBV NOTE: For Turbojets only. NOTE: DME/DME/IRU or GPS required. NOTE: Radar equired for non-GPS equip ed aircraft. NOTE: RNAV 1. NOTE: Do not exce d 2 0K until pas ing NTHNS. DIXIE NOTE: Do not exce d 230K until pas ing CRI VOR/DME. NOTE: Strict compliance to track and alti ude restrictions is mandatory. Aircraft performance may require reduced WHITE airspe d to comply with alti ude restrictions. Advise ATC on init al contact if unable to comply with climb gradient requirements. NOTE: Al aircraft expect vectors after CRI VOR/DME. NOTE: Chart not o scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOF RUNWAY 13: Climb heading 134^ to intercept course 185^ to cros KIWIE at or above 250 , then on 196^ track to NTHNS, then on 230^ track to cros CRI VOR/DME at or above 50 0, then on heading 2 0^ for vectors on course. Maintain 50 0 or as as igned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed alti ude/flight level 10 minutes after departure. (NTHNS2.NTHNS) NEW YORK, NEW YORK (RNAV) NTHNS TWO DEPARTURE NEW YORK/ 12152 LA GUARDIA (LGA) NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 (5) 2 0^ 97’ from DER, 171’ left of centerline, up to 83’ AGL/103’ MSL. NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 GREKI GAYEL HUGUENOT MERIT HUO 135.2 (TN IS4.TN IS) CLNC DEL TN IS FOUR DEPARTURE TN IS FOUR DEPARTURE (TN IS4.TN IS) ATIS 127.05 GND CON BAY S HA YS 121.7 263.0 TOWER CARMEL NEION CMK 1 8.7 263.0 NEW YORK DEP CON 1 293 1 293 120.4 263.0 COATE BRIDGEPORT BDR SPARTA 045^ SAX NEWEL TNNIS 50 0 039^ ELIOT (5) LGA JUTES BWZ DE R PARK 30 0 134^ SL-289 (FA ) BROADWAY ZIMMZ DPK 050^ (RNAV) LA GUARDIA (RNAV) N Do not exce d 2 0 KIAS until pas ing JUTES. PARKE JOHN F. KENNEDY INTL SOLBERG LAN A KEN EDY SBJ JFK PTW COLTS NECK SHIP COL NEW YORK, NEW YORK NEW YORK, NEW YORK NOTE: For turbojets only. NOTE: DME/DME/IRU or GPS required. NOTE: Radar equired. NOTE: RNAV 1. NOTE: Al aircraft expect vectors after TN IS. LA GUARDIA LA GUARDIA WAVEY TAKEOF MINIMUMS: Rwys 4, 2 , 31: NA-ATC. Rwy 13: Standard with minimum climb of 310’ per NM to 20 0. ATC Climb of 467’ per NM to 470 . DIXIE (LGA) (LGA) NOTE: Strict compliance to track and alti ude restrictions is mandatory. Aircraft performance may require reduced airspe d to comply with alti ude restrictions. If unable to comply with climb gradient, notify ATC on init al contact. NOTE: Do not exce d 2 0 KIAS until pas ing JUTES. NOTE: Traf ic filed over BIGGY, LAN A, ELIOT, PARKE, ZIMMZ, NEWEL: Do not exce d 250 KIAS until reaching 1 0 0. BIGGY NEW YORK/ NEW YORK/ POT STOWN (NAR ATIVE ON FOL OWING PAGE) WHITE NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 NOTE: Chart not o scale. (TN IS4.TN IS) 1 293 SL-289 (FA ) NEW YORK/ TN IS FOUR DEPARTURE T (LGA) LA GUARDIA (RNAV) NEW YORK, NEW YORK DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOF RWY 13: Climb heading 134^ to intercept course 050^ to cros JUTES at or above 30 0, then on track 039^ to cros TN IS at or above 50 0, then on track 045^, expect vectors after TN IS, Thence . . . . maintain 50 0 or as as igned by ATC. Expect clearance to filed alti ude/flight level within ten (10) minutes after departure. NOTE: BAY S departures expect vectors to BDR/BDR R-054. NOTE: COATE departures expect vectors to SAX/SAX R-31 . NOTE: SHIP departures expect vectors to JFK/JFK R-139. NOTE: WAVEY departures expect vectors to JFK/JFK R-156. NOTE: WHITE departures expect vectors to COL/COL R-204. NOTE: BIGGY departures expect vectors to SBJ/SBJ R-237. NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 NOTE: DIXIE departures expect vectors to COL/COL R-192. NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 NOTE: ELIOT departures expect vectors to SAX R-252. ELIOT authorized only for aircraft requesting a final alti ude of 140 0 or 160 0. NOTE: GAYEL departures expect vectors to DPK R-320. NOTE: GREKI departures expect vectors to CMK R-057. NOTE: LAN A departures expect vectors to PTW R-059. NOTE: MERIT departures expect vectors to LGA R-05 . NOTE: NEION departures expect vectors to LGA R-32 . NOTE: PARKE departures expect vectors to BWZ/BWZ R-250. NOTE: HA YS departures expect vectors to HUO. NOTE: ZIMMZ departures expect vectors to SAX R-250. ZIMMZ authorized only for aircraft requesting a final alti ude of FL180 and above. NOTE: NEWEL departures expect vectors to SAX R-264. NEWEL authorized only for aircraft requesting a final alti ude of at or above FL180. TAKEOF OBSTACLE NOTES: Rwy 13: Localizer 392’ from DER, on centerline, 18’ AGL/19’ MSL. Stack, fences, and buildings begin ing 97’ from DER, 171’ left of centerline, up to 83’ AGL/ 103’ MSL. Fences, buildings, and tre s begin ing 28’ from DER, 415’ right of centerline, up to 21’ AGL/2 ’ MSL. Stack 4934’ from DER, 1513’ left of centerline, 172’ AGL/181’ MSL. Building 1.9 NM from DER, 758’ right of centerline, 280’ AGL/345’ MSL. (TN IS4.TN IS) NEW YORK, NEW YORK (RNAV) TN IS FOUR DEPARTURE NEW YORK/ 1 293 LA GUARDIA (LGA) KHPN – Westchester County CLEARANCE DELIVERY General Information 1) Westchester Three (HPN3) SID This is the normal DP to be used by aircraft departing Westchester County. It should only be assigned if the pilot indicates the possession of charts; otherwise no DP should be assigned. 2) No DP Departures If an aircraft will not be using the DP, then issue an initial altitude of 3,000’. 3) Radar Frequencies Frequency 120.55 126.4 120.4 120.8 125.32 Position NY_LNO_DEP NY_NBI_APP NY_LSO_DEP NY_HRP_APP NY_KND_CTR Code 1Y 1X 1L 1V B4 The first available controller in this list should be handling departures. If center is the only available controller from this list, then check with center to see if a non-listed controller may be covering the airspace above you. 4) VFR Although KHPN is a Class D airport, it is operated more like a Class C airport due to its proximity to the New York Metros. When dealing with a VFR aircraft, determine the pilot’s intentions, fill out a VFR flight plan if one does not already exist, and issue a standard VFR clearance. Issue a squawk code from the VFR subset for the LaGuardia Area (0201-0277). If a pilot requests a Class Bravo clearance, coordinate with Local Control and Approach and, if pre-approved, issue a clearance in the same manner done for LGA. (See the LaGuardia Clearance Deliver section paragraph 6). Pilots requesting “Pattern Work” or “VFR Departure to the (Cardinal Direction)” can be told to contact Ground for immediate taxi to the active runway. KDXR – Danbury Municipal CLEARANCE DELIVERY NOTE: THERE IS NO CLEARANCE DELIVERY POSITION AT DXR. CLEARANCES ARE PROVIDED BY GROUND CONTROL. General Information 1) DP’s There are no DP’s for Danbury Municipal. Valid exits are the same as found for KHPN and are : • BAYYS • BDR • BIGGY • CMK • COATE • DIRPE • DIXIE • DPK • ELIOT • GAYEL • GREKI • HAAYS • LANNA • MERIT • NEION • NEWEL • NYACK • PARKE • SAX • SBJ • WHITE • ZIMMZ 2) No DP Departures Since there are no DP’s, issue an initial altitude of 3,000’. 3) Radar Frequencies Frequency Position 126.4 NY_NBI_APP 120.8 NY_HRP_APP 125.32 NY_KND_CTR Code 1X 1V B4 The first available controller in this list should be handling departures. If center is the only available controller from this list, then check with center to see if a non-listed controller may be covering the airspace above you. 4) VFR As KDXR is a Class D airport, no squawk code is required for any operations. If a pilot requests flight following service or requests Delivery to work on a Class Bravo clearance, coordinate with Local and Approach and issue a VFR squawk code from the 0201-0277 subset. If Approach pre-approves a Class Bravo clearance, issue clearance according to the general requests of the pilot in the same manner done for KLGA. Pilots requesting “Pattern Work” or “VFR Departure to the DIRECTION” can be taxied to the active runway. Ground Control shall create a VFR Flight Plan, if one is not filed by the pilot, indicating the pilot’s intentions. New York TRACON - LaGuardia Exit Direction Guide Satellite (KHPN/KDXR) Only Exit Turboprop Only Exit As Much As Practicable Valid Terminal Exit Points Grouped By Departure Gate from LaGuardia Area Airpots: RNAV Only Exit * KLGA Only Exit ** Only for traffic filed for 14,000’ and 16,000’ North Gates GAYEL GREKI HAAYS MERIT NYACK NEION East Gates CMK COATE BAYYS BDR SAX West Gates NEWEL DPK ELIOT** ZIMMZ SBJ PARKE LANNA SHIPP* BIGGY DIXIE WAVEY* WHITE South Gates NOTE 1) While VORs are valid turboprop terminal exit points they are not considered part of the departure gates. 2) RBV (South Gate) is a valid transition on the NTHNS1 departure and shall only be assigned to aircraft on that SID. KLGA – LaGuardia GROUND Departure Taxi Routes The primary outbound taxiway is B. Some ramp exits from the terminal area do not lead directly to taxiway B, so additional instructions via A may have to be issued. From Departing Runway Terminal CTB D west CTB C west & DTB D east CTB other USAir / Delta GAT 4 13 22 31 B A, F, B, S, P A, F, R A, F, B, Z G, B G, S, P G, R G, B B B AA B, P B, P AA, P B, P, R B, P, R AA, P, R B B AA, P, B Arrival Taxi Routes The primary inbound taxiway is A. Runway Exit Taxiway CTB To Terminal USAir / Delta GAT From Runway 4-22 B, C Y, CY D E F Q G P U, R YY AA B, E, A B, E, A B, E, A E, A F, A G, A G, A R. G. A R, G, A B, E, A B, E, A B, E, A E, A F, A G, A G, A R, G, A R, G, A Y D, BB E, BB F, BB G, BB P, BB R, G, BB AA, Y AA, Y From Runway 13-31 P AA R S T J L M V, W Z G, A AA, G, A R, G, A S, G, A GG, A J, A L, A M, A V, A Z, A G, A AA, G, A R, G, A S, G, A GG, A J, A L, A M V, M Z, M G, BB R, G, BB R, G, BB S, G, BB GG, A, G, BB J, A, G, BB L, A, G, BB M, A, G, BB V, A, G, BB Z, A, G, BB Crossing Active Runways When it comes to inbound or outbound aircraft having to cross an active runway, use the following table to determine where to hold aircraft and what interaction with the Local Controller needs to takes place. Taxiing To Rwy 13 To Rwy 22 To Rwy 22 From GAT To Rwy 31 From GAT From Rwy 31 From Rwy 4, 13 or 31 to GAT Hold Short Of R on P R on P Rwy 22 on P Rwy 4-22 on P AA on G R on G Action Handoff Handoff Handoff Request Crossing Request Crossing Request Crossing Other Comments Handoff GAT departures short of G on AA Intersection Departures Use the following table to provide aircraft with usable distances for intersection departures. Runway 4 Intersection Distance Runway 13 Intersection Distance Runway 22 Intersection Distance Runway 31 Intersection Distance YY 6500’ 22 5700’ U 5700’ V 6050’ Y 6050’ R 5400’ 13 5000’ M 4800’ CY 5400’ S 5050’ P 4500’ L 3800’ D 4250’ J 4250’ G 4200’ J 3800’ E 3700’ L 3300’ Q 3800’ T 2750’ G 2750’ M 2150’ E 3200’ -- -- F 3150’ -- -- D 2700’ -- -- P -- 2350’ -- --- --- Departure Sequencing Departure Gate Exits East Gates North Gates West Gates South Gates -- GREKI, MERIT, BAAYS, (BDR) COATE, NEION, HAAYS, GAYEL, (SAX) NEWEL, ELIOT, ZIMMZ, LANNA, PARKE, BIGGY, (SBJ) DIXIE, WHITE, WAVEY, SHIPP, RBV DPK Aircraft should be sequenced to depart in the following order: • By alternating gate • If not the above then by alternating exit • If not the above then by aircraft type, largest to smallest 12152 LA GUARDIA NEW YORK/ AIRPORT DIAGRAM (LGA) AL-289 (FA ) NEW YORK, NEW YORK ATIS ARR 125.95 DEP 127.05 LA GUARDIA TOWER 1 8.7 263.0 GND CON VAR 13 .2^ W 121.7 263.0 CLNC DEL 135.2 D JANUARY 2010 ANNUAL RATE OF CHANGE 0.0^ E 2 ELEV 2 5.3^ R 12 40^47’N 13 135.3^ U ELEV ILS HOLD R P 13 P PARKING HS 1 A G TRANSIENT DD R S C P 70 3 X 150 B G Q F E B D D TRANSIENT J J PARKING A E B K D E L GENERAL F F A F A B A STATION A F B H T H HS 2 FIRE B B G G A E D AVIATION ZA L TERMINAL B ZA 315.3^ A M TWR 045.3^ MAINTENANCE 7 B Z 31 A M W N AIR CARRIER MAINTENANCE V & BASE FACILITIES Z AC AIR CARRIER Y TERMINAL N B A Y 240 A V CY CY M ILS HOLD ELEV B C 70 1 X 150 A B ZA M B Y NWS Y & BASE FACILITIES A GENERAL AVIATION MAINTENANCE & BASE B 4 EMAS ILS HOLD FIELD ELEV FACILITIES 21 EMAS 40^46’N RWY 04-2 S-80, D-170, 2S-175, 2D-360 RWY 13-31 S-80, D-170, 2S-175, 2D-360 CAUTION: AIRCRAFT TAXI NG ON TWY B FOR RWY 4 DEPARTURE, MAY BE INSTRUCTED TO HOLD AT THE ILS HOLD LINE. CAUTION: BE ALERT TO RUNWAY CROSSING CLEARANCES. ASDE-X Surveil ance System in use. Pilots should operate transponders READBACK OF AL RUNWAY HOLDING with Mode C on al twys and rwys. INSTRUCTIONS IS REQUIRED. 73^53’W AIRPORT DIAGRAM 12152 73^52’W NEW YORK, NEW YORK NEW YORK/ LA GUARDIA (LGA) NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 D NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 G Suggested Terminal Parking Guide KHPN – Westchester County Departure Sequencing Departure Gate Exits East Gates North Gates West Gates South Gates -- GREKI, MERIT, BAAYS, (BDR) COATE, NEION, HAAYS, GAYEL, (SAX), (NYACK) NEWEL, ELIOT, ZIMMZ, LANNA, PARKE, BIGGY, (SBJ), (CMK) DIXIE, WHITE, WAVEY, SHIPP, RBV DPK Aircraft should be sequenced to depart in the following order: By alternating gate If not the above then by alternating exit If not the above then by aircraft type, largest to smallest 12320 (HPN) WESTCHESTER COUNTY WHITE PLAINS/ AIRPORT DIAGRAM WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK AL-651 (FA ) ATIS 13 .8 WESTCHESTER TOWER HANGAR 6 1 8.575 284.65 ZULU HANGAR TIEDOWN 121.825 VAR 13.4^ W GND CON 26 CLNC DEL 127.25 FIELD ELEV GENERAL AVIATION 16 D 439 PARKING ELEV A JANUARY 2010 430 41^04.5’N ANNUAL RATE OF CHANGE ILS 163.3^ ILS 0.0^ E HOLD HOLD HANGAR V B ILS A HOLD HANGAR W L D-1 HANGARS C D-2 A D D-3 NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 6549 X 150 MAIN TERMINAL E ELEV 40 L FBO F RUN ELEV UP 450 A F PAD C C-1 A 397 HANGARS 1 5.8^ C-2 1 G L F G F 41^04.0’N LAHSO LAHSO C K J ELEV F A 4 51 X 150 38 K 295.8^ GENERAL L HANGAR K M 29 F N H T AVIATION PARKING K TWR 525 K FBO A FBO 0.9% UP U.S. FBO CUSTOMS L HANGAR 343.3^ HANGAR E M GENERAL ILS AVIATION HOLD PARKING RWY 1 -29 S-70, D-120, 2S-152, 2D-120 RWY 16-34 D-120, 2S-152 34 ELEV 380 41^03.5’N CAUTION: BE ALERT TO RUNWAY CROS ING CLEARANCES. READBACK OF AL RUNWAY HOLDING INSTRUCTIONS IS REQUIRED. 73^43.0’W AIRPORT DIAGRAM 12320 73^42.0’W 73^42.5’W WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK WHITE PLAINS/ WESTCHESTER COUNTY (HPN) NE-2, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 C FBO KDXR – Danbury Municipal Departure Sequencing Departure Gate Exits East Gates North Gates West Gates South Gates -- GREKI, MERIT, BAAYS, (BDR) COATE, NEION, HAAYS, GAYEL, (SAX), (NYACK) NEWEL, ELIOT, ZIMMZ, LANNA, PARKE, BIGGY, (SBJ), (CMK) DIXIE, WHITE, WAVEY, SHIPP, RBV DPK Aircraft should be sequenced to depart in the following order: By alternating gate If not the above then by alternating exit If not the above then by aircraft type, largest to smallest NE-1, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 DANBURY TOWER 73^28.5’W 457 1 9.4 17 RWY 08-26 S-38, D-70, 2S-90 RWY 17-35 S-50, D-65, 2S-82 GND CON ELEV 121.6 CLNC DEL B 451 128.6 AIRPORT D HS 2 16 .7^ ADMINISTRATION 41^2 .5’N B2 B D2 3135 X 10 R HS 1 D 26 A5 R TWR 518 AL-5272 (FA ) A C4 ELEV 453 263.4^ C E A F C HS 4 C A3 HS 3 A D C VAR 13.6^ W C3 4 21 X 150 A2 346.7^ A B G C2 C D 083.4^ ELEV 453 C1 JANUARY 2010 35 ANNUAL RATE OF CHANGE AIRPORT C DANBURY, CONNECTICUT 8 DANBURY, CONNECTICUT C DANBURY MUNI DANBURY MUNI ELEV 456 MAINTENANCE 0.0^ W HANGAR 41^2 .0’N (DXR) (DXR) CAUTION: BE ALERT TO RUNWAY CROS ING CLEARANCES. READBACK OF AL RUNWAY HOLDING INSTRUCTIONS IS REQUIRED. NE-1, 13 DEC 2012 to 10 JAN 2013 12 64 127.75 73^29.0’W 73^29.5’W AIRPORT DIAGRAM AIRPORT DIAGRAM 12 64 ATIS FIELD ELEV KLGA – LaGuardia Local Control Runway Selection – 0630 to 2200 Local Wind Speed 0-4 5-15 +15 Direction (Magnetic) Any 360-044 045-089 090-134 135-224 225-314 315-359 360-089 090-179 180-269 270-359 Configuration Depart Land 31 22 31 4 13 4 4 13 13 22 31 22 31 4 4 4 13 13 22 22 31 31 • If any primary runway selection should be in conflict with JFK then make the necessary adjustment if JFK is unable to adjust due to wind / weather. • Avoid departing runway 22 to the maximum extent practical – UNLESS pilot can accept a published RNAV DP specifically for Runway 22 departures. • If JFK is landing ILS 13L due to bad weather, then LGA must land using ILS 13, and any departures from runway 13 will use the Flushing Climb. LGA Airport Midnight Runway Selection – 2200 to 0630 Local: (1) The following runway combinations are to be selected in the descending order of preference: Configuration Depart Land 31 4 31 4 22 22 13 13 NOTE: Do not rotate the use of these configurations. (2) When RWY 22 is the primary landing runway, use RWY 13 for arrivals from the south to the extent practical. (3) When RWY 31 is the primary landing runway, use RWY 4 for north and eastbound departures to the extent practical. (4) Avoid the use of RWY 4 for arrival or RWY 22 for departure to the extent practical. KLGA – LaGuardia Local Control IFR Operations 1) Releases Releases from LaGuardia are automatic unless N90 requests individual releases. 2) Separation The standard departure separation technique to use is anticipated radar separation. Only use timed separation if the pilot requests it. 3) Radar LaGuardia ATCT is equipped with a Remote ARTS Color Display (RACD) and is Limited Radar Approach Control (LRAC) certified. By agreement with N90, this tower will not radar identify departing IFR aircraft and will instruct a departure to contact departure control once the aircraft appears to be clear of any traffic. 4) LaGuardia 4 SID Departures Runway 31 For Runway 31, issue the appropriate initial heading from the table below. These headings are not shown on the LGA4 SID. Exit East Gates All others Heading 010 340 Runway 13 Re-state the climb as part of the takeoff clearance. Pilots tend to forget. “CALLSIGN, fly the NAME Climb, wind ### at ##, Runway 13 cleared for takeoff” 5) RNAV SID Departures Runway 13 & 22 Re-state the SID as part of the takeoff clearance. “CALLSIGN, Climb via the XXX Departure, wind ### at ##, Runway 13 (or 22) cleared for takeoff” 6) Non-DP Departures: Departures NOT on a SID, issue one of the following headings as part of the takeoff clearance: Runway Heading 4 Fly heading 055 13 IF climb would be Flushing or Whitestone: 050 IF climb would be Coney: 220 IF climb would be Maspeth, you will “vector” the Departure as if on the Maspeth: a) Issue an initial heading of 180 as part of the takeoff clearance b) When you see the departure reach 2500’ – 2800’, issue a RIGHT turn to heading 340 c) Once you observe the departure is turning properly, issue the instruction to switch to the appropriate departure frequency or Unicom. ***The Maspeth Climb calls for flying 180 until reaching 3000’, the instruction to turn to 340 at 2500’ – 2800’ will be executed at ~3000’ once the pilot reads it back and actually turns the plane. This prevents the NUMEROUS conflicts with JFK that arise routinely*** 22 Turn Left Heading 070 31 010 for East Gates 340 for all other exits 7) Missed Approaches: Coordinate with the departure controller as soon as possible. Handoff to the departure controller when traffic is not a factor Runway 4 13 22 31 Heading 040 040 225 040 Altitude 2,000’ 2,000’ 2,700’ 2,000’ KLGA – LaGuardia Local Control VFR Operations 1) Airspace New York Class Bravo Airspace (CBA). Local control owns 2,000' and below within a 6 mile radius of the airport, except for (a) the Hudson River from the surface to 1,300’, (b) the East River from the UN south, from the surface to 1,100’ inclusive and (c) a portion south of the LGA R-083, east from the old Flushing airport (above the Flushing Exclusion Zone) from the surface to 1,200’ inclusive, (d) a portion west of the Throgs Neck Bridge from the surface to 500’, and (e) portions south and southwest owned by Kennedy; as depicted below: 2) Radar LaGuardia ATCT is equipped with a Remote ARTS Color Display (RACD) and is Limited Radar Approach Control (LRAC) certified. VFR aircraft shall be radar identified and receive a flight following within the tower's delegated portion of the CBA. 3) Intra-TRACON Departures All departures whose destination is JFK, EWR, TEB, or HPN (“New York Metros”) should remain on the ground until an Approval Request (APREQ) has been sent to and approved by the destination tower – indicating that they are able to accept the aircraft into their airspace. Aircraft should be given the most expeditious way out of the airspace, which should be away from the IFR flow. 4) Flight Following All aircraft should remain on the local control’s frequency unless the route of flight will or may impede the operations of N90 while operating inside the local control’s delegated portion of the CBA. 5) Over-flights These are tricky at LaGuardia given that they usually operate both runways at the same time. Always aim to have aircraft cross the active runway’s numbers at 1,000’, 1,500’, or 2,000’. If the flight then takes the aircraft towards the second runway in use, then have the aircraft cross those active numbers before proceeding on course. Never allow the aircraft to fly inbound or outbound along the extended arrival runway centerline or the extended departure runway centerline. 6) Pattern Work Use the following table as a guide for pilots wanting to perform pattern work at LGA: Runway 4 13 22 31 Direction RIGHT LEFT n/a RIGHT All props should be at 1,000’ and jets at 1,500’. Adjust these when necessary to avoid over-flights or normal IFR traffic flow. 7) New York Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) a) East River Exclusion Aircraft operating within the East River Exclusion Zone (from the southwestern tip of Governors Island to the north tip of Roosevelt Island) must receive authorization from LaGuardia ATCT prior to Governors Island. Seaplanes landing on or taking off from the East River are exempt. b) Skyline Route The Skyline Route is a VFR Transition Route that lies above the Hudson River between the Verrazano Bridge and the Alpine Tower. The Skyline Route requires ATC clearance and a Class Bravo clearance. Aircraft requesting this route should be handled as follows, Northbound Aircraft: Will contact EWR ATCT prior to the Verrazano Bridge, should be cleared into the CBA between 1,300’-2,000’, and will fly along the east bank of the Hudson River until the Alpine Tower. Southbound Aircraft: Will contact LGA ATCT prior to the Alpine Bridge, should be cleared into the CBA between 1,300’-2000’, and will fly along the west bank of the Hudson River until the Verrazano Bridge. Skyline Route KLGA – LaGuardia Local Control Helicopter Operations • • For a more readable map, go to the helicopter charts section of the New York web site. All arriving traffic that will cross the arrival / departure path of fixed wing IFR aircraft should be instructed to proceed overhead the active numbers at 1,000’ then direct the landing point. KHPN – Westchester County Local Control Runway Selection Wind Speed 0-4 +4 Direction Any 070-249 250-069 Configuration Depart Land 16 16 16 16 34 34 • Runway 11 may also be used when the primary runway is 16. Due to the size of this runway, it should only be used by small general aviation aircraft. • Runway 29 may also be used when the primary runway is 34. Due to the size of this runway, it should only be used by small general aviation aircraft. KHPN – Westchester County Local Control IFR Operations 1) Releases Releases from Westchester County are requested per aircraft unless N90 permits blanket releases. 2) Separation The standard departure separation technique to use is anticipated radar separation. Only use timed separation if the pilot requests it. 3) Radar Westchester ATCT is equipped with a Remote ARTS Color Display (RACD) and is not certified for any approach control services. By agreement with N90, this tower will not radar identify departing IFR aircraft and will instruct a departure to contact departure control once the aircraft appears to be clear of any traffic. 4) No DP Headings For departures NOT on a DP issue the following headings: Runway 11 16 29 34 Heading Rwy Hdg 320 Rwy Hdg 295 5) Missed Approaches Runway Heading 11 090 16 090 29 340 34 340 Altitude 2,200’ 2,200’ 2,000’ 2,000’ Coordinate with departure control as soon as possible. Handoff to departure control when traffic is not a factor. KHPN – Westchester County Local Control VFR Operations 1) Airspace Class DELTA. Local control owns 3,000’ (non-inclusive) and below. See the map on the helicopter operations page. 2) Radar Westchester ATCT is equipped with a Remote ARTS Color Display (RACD) and is not certified for any approach control services. All VFR aircraft should be radar identified and issued a discreet squawk code while operating within Local Control’s airspace. 3) Intra-TRACON Departures All departures whose destination is known to be LGA should remain on the ground until an approval has been received from the destination tower that they are able to accept the aircraft into their airspace. 4) Traffic Pattern Runway 11 16 29 34 Direction LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT Pattern Altitudes Helicopters 1,000’ Props 1,500’ Jets 2,000’ KHPN – Westchester County Local Control Helicopter Operations • All routes should be flown at 2,000’ or above whenever practical. KDXR – Danbury Municipal Local Control Runway Selection Wind Speed 0-4 +4 0-4 +4 • Direction Configuration Depart Land SUNRISE TO SUNSET Any 8 8 020-139 8 8 140-199 17 17 200-319 26 26 320-019 35 35 SUNSET TO SUNRISE Any 8 8 350-169 8 8 170-349 26 26 During the night, runway 17-35 is closed. KDXR – Danbury Municipal Local Control IFR Operations 1) Releases Releases from Danbury Municipal are requested per aircraft unless N90 permits blanket releases. 2) Separation The standard departure separation technique to use is anticipated radar separation. Only use timed separation if the pilot requests it. 3) Radar This tower uses a DBRITE radar only and is not certified for any approach control services. By agreement with N90, this tower will not radar identify departing IFR aircraft and will instruct a departure to contact departure control once the aircraft appears to be clear of any traffic. 4) Departure Headings Issue one of the following headings: Runway 8 17 26 35 Heading Rwy Hdg Rwy Hdg Rwy Hdg Rwy Hdg 5) Missed Approaches Runway Heading 8 030 17 030 26 030 35 030 Altitude 3,000’ 3,000’ 3,000’ 3,000’ Coordinate with departure control as soon as possible. Handoff to departure control when traffic is not a factor. KDXR – Danbury Municipal Local Control VFR Operations 1) Airspace Class DELTA. Local Control owns 3,000’ and below. The airspace is a typical class D circle, except there is a rectangular area extending an additional 1.5 nm southwest just beyond the Carmel (CMK) VOR. 2) Radar This tower uses a DBRITE radar only and is not certified for any approach control services. VFR aircraft do not have to be radar identified and issued a discreet squawk code while operating within the Local Control’s airspace. 3) Traffic Pattern Runway 8 17 26 35 Direction LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT Pattern Altitudes Helicopters 1,200’ Props 1,700’ Jets 2,200’ KDXR – Danbury Municipal Local Control Helicopter Operations • • There are no defined helicopter routes within the Danbury airspace. There are no defined helicopter landing pads at the airport, so use taxiway intersections. New York ARTCC N90 Operational Radar Positions Facility Sector Callsign Freq ID LaGuardia LGA departure Final HAARP NYACK EMPYR NOBBI NY_LSO_DEP NY_LFI_APP NY_HRP_APP NY_LNO_DEP NY_EMP_APP NY_NBI_APP 120.4 134.95 120.8 120.55 127.3 126.4 1L 1F 1V 1Y 1D 1X Kennedy Departure Final CAMRN ROBER ROBER satellite NY_KEN_DEP NY_KFI_APP NY_CAM_APP NY_RBR_APP NY_ROS_APP 135.9 132.4 127.4 125.7 118.4 Islip SEALL Calverton VIKKY Islip LOVES BEADS Low BEADS High NY_SEA_DEP NY_CCC_APP NY_VIK_DEP NY_ISL_APP NY_LOV_APP NY_BDL_APP NY_BDH_APP Newark Departure Final North Arrival ZEEBO METRO MUGZY Yardley Liberty East West North South Catskill Squawk Notes L F Z Y D X 1150-1177 “ “ “ “ “ Primary Dep Primary App 2J 2A 2G 2K 2S J 1 G K S 1550-1577 “ “ “ “ Primary Dep Primary App 133.1 118.0 133.55 120.05 126.95 132.25 118.95 3R 3E 3Z 3H 3I 3N 3B R E Z 5 I 7 B 1640-1677 “ “ “ “ “ “ Primary Dep Primary App NY_NWK_DEP NY_NFI_APP NY_NOA_APP NY_ZBO_APP NY_MET_APP NY_MGZ_APP NY_ARD_APP 119.2 125.5 120.15 123.77 132.8 127.6 128.55 4N 4Q 4A 4W 4H 4U 4P N Q A W H U P 2350-2377 “ “ “ “ “ “ Primary Dep Primary App NY_LBE_DEP NY_LBW_DEP NY_LBN_DEP NY_LBS_DEP NY_CSK_APP 126.8 120.85 118.17 124.75 132.75 56 54 52 58 5H 6 4 2 8 9 2630-2677 “ “ “ “ Primary Notes x x x Each facility has a primary APP sector and primary DEP sector. The radio name of all APP positions is "New York Approach". The radio name of all DEP positions is "New York Departure". ARTS New York TRACON – LaGuardia Airspace Delegation Block Unconditional 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NONE NONE 10,000 10,000 / 9,000 10,000 / 8,000 10,000 / 7,000 9,000 / 8,000 9,000 9,000 / 8,000 8,000 / 7,000 7,000 NONE NONE 10,000 / 3,500 10,000 / 3,500 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 10,000 / BELOW NONE NONE NONE 12,000 / BELOW 15,000 / 11,000 15,000 / 9,000 15,000 / 7,000 12,000 / BELOW 12,000 / BELOW NONE NONE NONE 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 6,000 / BELOW 8,000 15,000 / 8,000 15,000 / 7,000 15,000 / 5,000 15,000 / 7,000 15,000 / 6,000 15,000 /3,000 15,000 / BELOW 15,000 / BELOW 10,000 / BELOW 7,000 / 6.000 7,000 / 4,000 11,000 / BELOW 5,000 / BELOW 5,000 / BELOW 5,000 / BELOW 5,000 / BELOW 3,000 / BELOW 9,000 / BELOW Conditional 10,000 for arr via LIZZI 11,000 / 10,000 for arr via LIZZI NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE HAR by ZDC thru 10,000 NONE NONE 10,000 / 7,000 when EWR NOT Dep 22L/R 10,000 / 4,000 when EWR NOT Dep 22L/R NONE Traffic 10,000 / 7,000 must remain 1.5 nm EAST of SUL, traffic below 7,000 must remain 3 nm EAST of SUL 10,000 / 4,000 when rlsd TO JFK for ILS Rwy 13L 5,000 / 4,000 when rlsd BY JFK for Coney Climb Coney Airspace 10,000 / 2,500 when rlsd BY JFK for Coney Climb Coney Airspace 12,000 / 1,500 when rlsd BY JFK for Maspeth / Coney Climbs Coney Airspace 12,000 / 4,000 when rlsd TO JFK for ILS 13L NONE NONE NONE NONE 12,000 / 4,000 when rlsd TO JFK for ILS Rwy 22L/R 3,000 / 1,000 when rlsd BY JFK for LOC 31 4,000 / 1,000 when rlsd BY JFK for LOC 31 4,000 / 2,000 when rlsd BY JFK for LOC 31; NOTE: 4,000 / 3,000 when FRG ILS 14 in use NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 3,000 / 2,700 OR 2,000 / 1,800 when rlsd BY EWR for ILS/DME 13 SAME AS AREA 33 2,000 / 1,800 when rlsd BY EWR for ILS 13 15,000 / 3,000 when rlsd TO EWR for TEB VOR 24 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 5,000 / 4,000 when rlsd TO LIB for SWF ILS 27 5,000 / 4,000 when rlsd TO LIB for SWF ILS27 &/or N69 traffic 5,000 / 4,000 when rlsd TO LIB for N60 apchs/depts. ISP owns 3,000 / BLO east of dashed boundary when rlsd as OXC block NONE New York TRACON - LaGuardia Video Map 12 29 30 17 27 Airport / Heliport 26 5 VOR 27 3 31 12 25 NDB 14 23 3 13 4 Approach 13 13 28 16 26 Landmark 18 11 12 21 19 20 7 11 14 25 12 Gate / Other 2 11 15 10 9 11 Radials 20 4 13 9 12 2 22 10 9 6 23 22 1 3 1 2 19 2 18 21 8 5 8 2 11 22 6 16 5 9 7 7 1 13 17 6 15 6 5 8 14 16 7 6 8 7 1 12 10 7 8 8 1 15 3 10 4 7 3 10 9 18 9 9 4 15 6 11 14 13 17 4 10 1 3 6 1 1 4 11 19 2 5 5 4 6 3 5 2 2 5 21 3 12 7 4 20 32 24 23 24 Fixes 10 8 New York TRACON – LaGuardia Video Map Legend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Airports / Heliports LaGuardia (KLGA) Westchester County (KHPN) Danbury Municipal (KDXR) th East 34 Street Heliport (6N5) Wall Street Heliport (JRB) th West 30 Street Heliport (JRA) Teterboro (KTEB) Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR) John F. Kennedy Intl (KJFK) Floyd Bennett Field (NY22) Linden (KLDJ) Republic (KFRG) Old Bridge (3N6) Allaire (KBLM) Trenton-Robbinsville (N87) Princeton (39N) Trenton Mercer (KTTN) Sky Manor (N40) Alexandria (N85) Solberg-Hunterdon (N51) Somerset (KSMQ) Central Jersey Regional (47N) Essex County (KCDW) Lincoln Park (N07) Greenwood Lake (4N1) Warwick Muni (N72) Stewart Intl (KSWF) Mahopac (N77) Stormville (N69) Candlelight Farms (11N) Waterbury-Oxford (KOXC) General Electric (CT41) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VOR’s LGA – LaGuardia TEB – Teterboro CRI – Canarsie JFK – Kennedy COL – Colts Neck RBV – Robbinsville ARD – Yardley SBJ – Solberg DPK – Deer Park BDR – Bridgeport CMK – Carmel SAX - Sparta 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LIZZI LANNA/BEUTY HARLM METRO DREMS TYKES MINKS EMPYR RENUE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Approaches KLGA – ILS or VOR or NDB 4 VOR or GPS F KLGA – ILS 13 VOR/DME or GPS H KLGA – ILS or NDB or GPS 22 VOR/DME or GPS A VOR/DME or GPS E KLGA – LDA A VOR/DME or GPS G KLGA – LOC 31 KTEB – VOR/DME or VOR 24 KJFK – VOR or GPS 13L/13R KHPN – ILS or RNAV 34 KHPN – ILS or NDB or RNAV 16 KHPN – VOR/DME A KDXR – VOR/GPS A KDXR – LOC 8 KDXR – VOR/DME RNAV 8 KDXR – VOR/DME RNAV or GPS 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Landmarks Throgs Neck Bridge George Washington Bridge Empire State Building Williamsburg Bank Alpine Tower Verrazano Narrows Bridge Coney Island Charles Wood Armory Northport Stacks Glen Cove Tower 360’ Tower 893’ Tappan Zee Bridge Tower 1550’ Sing-Sing Prison Tower 1070’ Tower 1740’ Tower 1116’ Tower 1057’ Tower 955’ Tower 1016’ ABC Antenna Peekskill 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 FIXES APPLE DIALS/PETHS (OM) PAYMI STEED (OM) YOMAN GREKO (OM) CASLE COHOP (OM) QUENE 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gates / Other LGA West Departure Gate LGA North Departure Gate HPN North Departure Gate Newark Arrival Gate @5000 Liberty Departure Gate @4000 LGA East Departure Gate HPN East Departure Gate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 COL R-350 COL R-303 SBJ R-054 IGN R-217 CMK R-169 LGA R-075 BDR R-248 CCC R-285 BDR R-288 CMK R-111 CMK R-090 CMK R-077 CMK R-057 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NDB’s UR – ORCHY LG – PETHS OGY – Bridge TE – TORBY EZ – LIZAH EW – CHESA FR – FRIKK BBN – Babylon MM – MOREE PNJ – Paterson HP – HESTR PO – MEIER TBY – Waterbury OX – Lanby JF – CONDA 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 FABRY (OM) HESTR (OM) CLUBY (OM) CRALY HAARP RYMES BASYE VALRE NOBBI Radials N90 TRACON – LaGuardia Noise Abatement Procedures 1) Avoid clearing aircraft arriving LGA from the northeast for visual approaches unless the aircraft is within 10nm of LGA airport. 2) Clear LGA arrivals from the southwest using right traffic patterns to runway 22 to visually follow the Hudson River. 3) Allow at least a 5nm final approach when vectoring LGA arrivals for uncharted visual approaches. 4) Use the LDA-A or VOR/DME-G approach to LGA runway 22 in preference to visual approaches. 5) Approach selection order when landing LGA runway 31 shall be Expressway Visual, VOR-F, ILS/NDB 4 circle, VOR 4 circle. 6) Approach selection order for LGA runway 22 shall be LDA-A, VOR/DME-G, ILS 22. 7) Clear visual approaches making left turns to LGA runway 31 to follow the Long Island Expressway to Flushing Meadow Park. 8) Allow runway 13 departures to overfly Flushing Meadow Park and achieve at least 1,500’ before issuing turns. 9) Allow runway 31 departures to follow the initially assigned heading for 5 miles, with the exception of eastbound departures and props. Runway 31 noise abatement dispersal headings are 340 degrees, 350 degrees, 360 degrees. Assigned heading of 010 degrees may be used by coordination with LGA tower when weather conditions or runway used make it preferable. 10) HPN runway 34 – Large and all turbine powered aircraft conducting uncharted visual approaches, shall maintain 3,000’ (or 2,000’ in the case of LGA landing runway 22) until turning base leg south of the shoreline. 11) HPN runway 16 – Large and all turbine powered aircraft conducting uncharted visual approaches shall intercept the final approach course outside the outer marker. New York TRACON – LaGuardia Belmont Airspace Extension LaGuardia Area, with coordination, shall delegate an extension of the Belmont airspace at and below 3,000’ to the Kennedy Area when all of the following conditions exist: • • • • Weather is IMC JFK is landing both ILS 22L/R approaches LGA is landing ILS 22 and departing runway 13 (other than Flushing climb) HPN is landing and departing runway 16 Note: LaGuardia Area should retain this airspace when landing runway 22 and departing runway 31, or when HPN is landing runway 34. (See LGA-JFK LOA 2(b)). New York TRACON – LaGuardia Departure Traffic Chart From Thru To Route Alt Departures from KLGA through Liberty, to Liberty, and through N90 TRACON sectors 100 LGA LIBS WHITE (Coney Climb) LGA/N H/O Freq 58 (Lib South) 124.75 LIBS WHITE via COL (gate hdg 200-240 btwn W’burg Bank & EWR) 120 58 (Lib South) 124.75 LGA/N JFK LIBS JFK V16/V229 DIXIE 060 2J (KEN) 135.9 LGA/N LGA LGAN JFK LIBS LIBW JFK V1 WHITE NEWEL/ELIOT/ZIMMZ/PARKE/LANNA/ BIGGY (gate track 230-290) GAYEL/NEION/COATE (gate hdg 280-320) 070 (props) 110-150 2J (KEN) 54 (Lib West) 135.9 120.85 080-150 52 (Lib North) 118.17 LGA LIBN LGA LIBN HAAYS (gate hdg 280-320) 090-120 52 (Lib North) 118.17 LGA/N LIBN SAX 080 52 (Lib North) 118.17 LGAN LIBN 090-110 52 (Lib North) 118.17 LGA LIBE GAYEL/HAAYS/NEION/COATE (gate hdg 280-320) GREKI/MERIT/BAYYS/BDR (gate hdg 040-080) 090-100 56 (Lib East) 126.8 LGAN LIBE 100-110 56 (Lib East) 126.8 LGA/N LIBH GREKI/MERIT/BAYYS/CMK (gate track 060-130) LIBH DP Gate track 280-320 040 5H (Lib Cat) 132.75 LGA/N LIBH (POU) ALB IGN 040 5H (Lib Cat) 132.75 CMK (choppers) 040 5H (Lib Cat) 132.75 LGA/N LIBH BGM North Gate track 280-320 (choppers) 040 Departures through LaGuardia Airspace from other N90 areas to/through Liberty JFK LGA LIBN SAX (props) 080 5H (Lib Cat) 132.75 1L (LSO) 120.4 LGA/N LIBH JFK ISP/E/N LGA LGAN LIBN LIBN HAAYS/NEION/COATE (props) GAYEL/HAAYS/NEION/COATE (R/V towards CMK; <210 KIAS) 090 060 1L (LSO) 1Y (LNO) 120.4 120.55 ISPN LGAN LIBW PARKE/ELIOT/LANNA/SAX/BIGGY (R/V towards CMK) 060 1Y (LNO) 120.55 ISPN LGAN LIBH HUO 060 1Y (LNO) 120.55 ISPN EWR/NS/SS LGAN LIBH LGAN CMK V405 PWL (choppers) BREZY 040 030 1X (NBI) 1Y (LNO) 126.4 120.55 EWR 4’s LGA LIBE Gate hdg 040 050 1L (LSO) 120.4 EWR 22’s LGA LIBE Gate hdg 040 1L (LSO) 120.40 EWR 29 LGA LIBE BAYYS/BDR gate hdg 060 060 (jets) 050 (props) 050 (props) 1L (LSO) 120.4 EWR/NS/SS LGAN BREZY 060/070 1Y (LNO) 120.55 Departures from KLGA to N90/PHL Airports LGA/HPN LGAN EWR EWR arrival gate BDL/PVD NS/SS 270-310 vector SAX N90 apts LGAN 040/050 4W (ZBO) 123.77 CMK R-275 SAX R-039 040/050 4W (ZBO) 123.77 LGA EWR NS/SS JFK DPK 050 2K (RBR) 125.7 LGAN JFK CMK V483 DPK 030 2K (RBR) 125.7 SHIPP/WAVEY 080 2J (KEN) 135.9 ISPE COL (choppers) BDR R-248 BDR 030 050 2G (CAM) 3I (LOV) 127.4 124.07 ISP/N CCC R-285 050 3Z (VIK) 133.55 LGA/N JFK LGA/N LGA JFK LGA LGA ISPN NDR R-248 BDR (choppers) 050 3Z (VIK) 133.55 LGA ISPN BDR R-248 BDR (APREQ; chopper) 030 3I (LOV) 124.07 LGA ISPN TROGS COVVE KINKK (choppers) 030 3I (LOV) 124.07 LGA ISPN gate track 060-090 070/080 3R (SEA) 133.1 CMK V374 050 3I (LOV) 124.07 CMK V419/V3 (APREQ) 050 3I (LOV) 124.07 RYMES BDR (APREQ) 030 3I (LOV) 124.07 CMK gate track 060-130 070/090 3R (SEA) 133.1 LGAN LGAN ISP/N/ E ISPN LGAN ISPN LGAN ISPN New York TRACON – LaGuardia Departure Procedures: (1) DEP 13 - (MASPETH CLIMB) - Cross LGA R-220 at 5,000’ within 7NM of LGA. NOTE: LIB NORTH is required to coordinate with LGA DEP when holding is necessary below 16,000'. (2) LGA DEP has control for climb of westbound traffic handed off by NYACK to 11,000’ west of the HPN ILS RWY 16 FAC. (3) NYACK has the option to leave props requesting 11,000’ and above at 10,000’, without coordination. (4) NYACK shall hand-off aircraft to LGA DEP at 7,000’, regardless of runway configuration at LGA Airport. Automated Point Out and Prearranged Coordination Procedures for NYACK and DEPARTURE radar positions used for aircraft routed over SPARTA (SAX) at 8,000’ are as follows: (1) NYACK shall provide an automated point out of aircraft routed over SAX at 8,000’ to DEPARTURE. (2) Acceptance of the point out constitutes approval for the aircraft to transition DEPARTURE’s airspace at 8,000’ and track through the LGA North Departure Gate. (3) DEPARTURE is responsible for separation between point out aircraft and other aircraft for which he/she has separation responsibility. (4) DEPARTURE shall issue restrictions necessary to provide separation from other aircraft within his/her area of jurisdiction. (5) Controllers shall determine whether the lead aircraft is a heavy or B757 when separating aircraft operating directly behind, or directly behind and less than 1,000 feet. New York TRACON - LaGuardia DEPARTURE Runway 4 150 80 80 90 150 70 150 110 100 90 150 50 150 90 150 blo 120 50 120 blo 120 80 90 50 100 50 60 50 New York TRACON - LaGuardia DEPARTURE Runway 13 - All Climbs 150 80 150 60 80 90 100 90 150 110 150 50 150 70 150 90 90 50 100 50 150 blo 120 50 120 blo a 120 015 120 80 a a 100 025 50 40 a - Only applies when released by JFK 60 50 New York TRACON - LaGuardia DEPARTURE Runway 31 150 80 80 150 50 90 100 90 150 30 150 70 150 110 150 blo 150 90 150 50 120 50 120 80 150 60 120 blo 90 50 100 50 60 50 New York TRACON - LaGuardia NYACK HPN Runway 16 70 40 70 110 50 100 70 60 70 110 50 90 110 50 110 50 110 blo 50 110 40 110 90 30 blo New York TRACON - LaGuardia NYACK HPN Runway 34 70 60 70 40 110 70 100 50 110 70 90 50 110 50 110 blo 50 110 90 30 blo New York TRACON - LaGuardia Departure Guide Runway 4 LaGuardia route Newark departures Kennedy departures LGA North Gate 118.17 c LGA West Gate LGA East Gate d b 126.8 120.85 (1) 119.2 (2) a 2 1 125.7 f e 1 124.75 135.9 a DPK Direct DPK. Maintain 5,000 e WHITE (via COL) Heading 200-240 between Williamsburg Bank and EWR Maintain 12,000 b GREKI, MERIT, BAYYS, BDR Heading 040-080 through East Gate Maintain 10,000. Props may be at 9,000 f c COATE, GAYEL, NEION, HAAYS Heading 280-320 through North Gate Maintain 8,000-15,000 HAAYS - Maintain 9,000-12,000 SAX - Maintain 8,000 d 1) ELIOT, PARKE, LANNA, BIGGY Heading 230-290 through West Gate Maintain 11,000-15,000 2) BIGGY for PHL Maintain 8,000 DIXIE Heading between CRI and JFK 22L OM (ZALPO) Maintain 6,000 SHIPP, WAVEY Heading between CRI and JFK 22L OM (ZALPO) Maintain 8,000 1 From EWR 22s, maintaining 6,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (a), (b), or (f). 2 From EWR 4s, maintaining 5,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (a), (b), or (f). 1 From JFK, maintaining 8,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (c) or (d). New York TRACON - LaGuardia Departure Guide Runway 13 Note: Use this guide for runway 22 departures and vector as though they are on the Whitestone Climb. LaGuardia route Newark departures Kennedy departures LaGuardia DP climb LGA North Gate 118.17 c LGA West Gate LGA East Gate d b 126.8 120.85 (1) 119.2 (2) a 1 f 2 125.7 e 1 124.75 135.9 f 135.9 (1) (2) 124.75 (3) a DPK Direct DPK. Maintain 5,000 e WHITE (NOT on CONEY climb) Heading 200-240. Maintain 12,000 b GREKI, MERIT, BAYYS, BDR Heading 040-080 through East Gate Maintain 10,000. Props may be at 9,000 f DIXIE, SHIPP, WAVEY, WHITE (ON Coney Climb) CONEY climb: Leave on DP Other climbs: Heading between CRI and JFK 22L OM 1) DIXIE - Maintain 6,000 2) SHIPP, WAVEY - Maintain 8,000 3) WHITE - Maintain 10,000 c COATE, GAYEL, NEION Heading 280-320 through North Gate Maintain 8,000-15,000 HAAYS - Maintain 9,000-12,000 SAX - Maintain 8,000 d 1) ELIOT, PARKE, LANNA, BIGGY Heading 230-290 through West Gate Maintain 11,000-15,000 2) BIGGY for PHL Maintain 8,000 (BIGGY) 1 From EWR on 22s, maintaining 6,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (a), (b), or (f). 2 From EWR on 4s, maintaining 5,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (a), (b), or (f). 1 From JFK, maintaining 8,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (c) or (d). New York TRACON - LaGuardia Departure Guide Runway 31 LaGuardia route Newark departures Kennedy departures LGA West Gate 118.17 LGA West Gate c d b LGA East Gate 126.8 120.85 (1) 119.2 (2) a 1 2 e 124.75 a DPK Direct DPK. Maintain 5,000 b GREKI, MERIT, BAYYS, BDR Heading 040-080 through East Gate Maintain 10,000. Props may be at 9,000 c COATE, GAYEL, NEION Heading 280-320 through North Gate Maintain 8,000-15,000 HAAYS - Maintain 9,000-12,000 SAX - Maintain 8,000 d 1) ELIOT, PARKE, LANNA, BIGGY Heading 230-290 Maintain 11,000-15,000 2) BIGGY for PHL Maintain 8,000 125.7 f 1 135.9 e WHITE Heading 200-240. Maintain 12,000 f DIXIE, SHIPP, WAVEY Heading between CRI and JFK 22L OM 1) DIXIE - Maintain 6,000 2) SHIPP, WAVEY - Maintain 8,000 1 From EWR, maintaining 6,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (a), (b), or (f). 2 From EWR, maintaining 5,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (a), (b), or (f). 1 From JFK, maintaining 8,000 To be merged with LGA traffic on (c) or (d). New York TRACON - LaGuardia Departure Guide HPN Runway 16 Westchester route Newark departures Islip departures 126.4 118.17 (1) 120.15 (2) 132.75 (3) d f g 1 126.95 120.4 c b a 120.4 a For DIXIE, WHITE Heading towards LGA. Maintain 5,000 b For SAX Heading 270. Maintain 5,000 (8,000 from ISP area) c For Newark satellite arrivals Maintain 4,000 d 1) COATE, GAYEL, HAAYS, NEION Heading 280-320. Maintain 9,000-11,000 2) For EWR arrivals Heading 270-310 via Newark arrival gate. Maintain 5,000 3) For LIBH arrivals Heading 280-320. Maintain 4,000 f 1) BDR, BAYYS, GREKI, MERIT Heading 060-130. Maintain 10,000-11,000 2) Primarily PVD and BDL arrivals Heading 060-130. Maintain 7,000-9,000 g For Islip area arrivals Maintain 5,000 1 From EWR area Transitioning: Maintaining 6,000-7,000 To be merged with LGAN traffic on (f) or (g) Landing LGAN: Maintaining 3,000 1 From ISP area, maintaining 6,000 To be merged with HPN traffic on (b), (c), and (d). 1 e 127.6 e For JFK area via DPK Heading 340. Maintain 3,000 126.8 (1) 133.1 (2) New York TRACON - LaGuardia Departure Guide HPN Runway 34 Westchester route Newark departures Islip departures 118.17 (1) 120.15 (2) 132.75 (3) 126.8 (1) 133.1 (2) 126.4 f d e 1 127.6 120.4 b 120.4 b For SAX Heading 270. Maintain 5,000 (8,000 from ISP area) c For Newark satellite arrivals Maintain 4,000 d 1) COATE, GAYEL, HAAYS, NEION Heading 280-320. Maintain 9,000-11,000 2) For EWR arrivals Heading 270-310 via Newark arrival gate. Maintain 5,000 3) For LIBH arrivals Heading 280-320. Maintain 4,000 e For JFK area via DPK Heading 340. Maintain 3,000 f 1) BDR, BAYYS, GREKI, MERIT Heading 060-130. Maintain 10,000-11,000 2) Primarily PVD and BDL arrivals Heading 060-130. Maintain 7,000-9,000 g For Islip area arrivals Maintain 5,000 1 From EWR area Transitioning: Maintaining 6,000-7,000 To be merged with LGAN traffic on (f) or (g) Landing LGAN: Maintaining 3,000 1 From ISP area, maintaining 6,000 To be merged with HPN traffic on (b), (c), and (d). 1 126.95 c a a For DIXIE, WHITE Heading towards LGA. Maintain 5,000 g New York TRACON – LaGuardia Arrival Traffic Chart From Thru To Area Route Departures from N90/PHL and ZNY Arriving KLGA: Hdg 110-140 EWR 4’s LGA btwn EWR and Rwy 4 OM int V123 Alt H/O Freq 050 1D (EMP) 127.3 EWR 22’s LGA Hdg 090-130 btwn Rwy 4 OM and 10 DME int V123 040 1D (EMP) 127.3 EWR NS/SS LGA Hdg 110-140 btwn EWR and Rwy 4 OM int V123 050 1D (EMP) 127.3 EWR EWR NS/SS JFK ISP ISPE/N LGAN BREZY 030 1Y (LNO) 120.55 LGAN LGA DPK V483 V475 020 040 1X (NBI) 1V (HRP) 126.4 120.8 ISP ISPE/N LIBH PHL WRI ABE LGAN BDR R-288 040 1X (NBI) 126.4 LGA/LGAN LGA LGA LGAN VALRE V157 HAARP RBV TYKES HUO V157 VALRE V157 HAARP 030 080 040 030 1X (NBI) 1D (EMP) 1D (EMP) 1X (NBI) 126.4 127.3 127.3 126.4 1Y (LNO) 120.55 1Y (LNO) 120.55 EWR LGA JFK/ISP Gate hdg 040 050 1L (LSO) EWR NS/SS ISPN ISP LGAN EWR CMK R-275 SAX R-039 SAX 060 1Y (LNO) ISPE/N EWR NS/SS Departures from Outside ZNY Arriving KLGA via ZDC Center, ZNY Center, ZBW Center Handoffs: ZNY LGA LIZZI (jets) 110 1D (EMP) BEUTY (props) 100 1D (EMP) ZDC LGA KORRY 100 1D (EMP) ZBW LGA VALRE 090 1V (HRP) 120.4 EWR LIBH ABE EWR LGAN SAX V39 BREZY 030 Departures from N90/PHL and ZNY THROUGH KLGA Arriving Other N90/PHL and ZNY: EWR 4’s LGAN ISP IGN R-217 BREZY V39 CMK V374 060 EWR NS/SS ISPE/N 120.55 127.3 127.3 127.3 120.8 ZBW LGA NOBBI 080 1V (HRP) 120.8 ZBW LGAN VALRE 060 1X (NBI) 126.4 LGAN LGAN NOBBI V44 PWL V405 CMK 060 030 1X (NBI 1X (NBI) 126.4 126.4 ZBW ALB LIBH New York TRACON – LaGuardia Scratchpad Entries: Approach Indicators: The approach indicator shall be entered in the aircraft’s scratchpad if the assigned approach differs from the approach advertised in the ATIS or Status Information Area of the IDS, as per the table below: Approach Type ILS Approach Visual Approach LOC Approach River Visual Expressway Visual LDA Approach RNAV (GPS) RNAV (RNP) VOR Approach Circle to Land VFR Arrivals 4 I4 V4 ----G4L R4 VOF/VO4 -VFR 13 I13 V13 -RIV --G4R -VOH C13 VFR 22 I22 V22 ---LDA G11 R22 VOG -VFR 31 -V31 L31 -XPV -G2L --C31 VFR New York TRACON - LaGuardia EMPYR Runway 4, River 13, Xway 31 When EWR NOT on 22L/R 100 100 40 110 100 100 70 100 100 90 100 80 100 70 70 H 80 90 80 90 80 70 New York TRACON - LaGuardia EMPYR ILS 22, ILS 13, LOC 31 When EWR NOT on 22L/R 100 70 blo 100 40 110 100 100 70 100 100 90 100 80 100 blo 100 70 70 H 80 90 80 90 80 70 New York TRACON - LaGuardia HAARP Runway 4, River 13, Xway 31 a - The following details the allocation: River Vis 13/Ldg 4 when Dep 13 - R-054 WEST Ldg ANY when Dep 4 - R-070 EAST Xway 31/Ldg 4 when Dep 31 - R-025 EAST 90 80 80 b - ONLY when on R-054 WEST configuration in a 80 60 c - ONLY when Dep 4 or 31 otherwise NONE 80 40 40 30 b 80 50 40 blo 40 40 30 40 30 a LGA R-025 c 4000 ONLY when HPN ILS 34 LGA R-054 LGA R-070 40 blo 4000 ONLY when JFK ILS 22 New York TRACON - LaGuardia HAARP ILS 13 / Dep ANY 90 80 80 80 60 80 50 80 40 40 40 30 New York TRACON - LaGuardia HAARP Dep ANY / Ldg 22 Dep 22 / Ldg ANY 90 80 80 80 60 80 50 80 40 40 40 30 New York TRACON - LaGuardia HAARP LOC 31 90 80 80 80 60 80 50 80 40 40 40 30 New York TRACON - LaGuardia FINAL Runway 4, River 13, Xway 31 a - For area a, 40/blo ONLY when Dep 4 or 31 70 blo 40 blo a 100 blo New York TRACON - LaGuardia FINAL ILS 13 a - For area a Final owns portion of space WEST of and must remain 3 nm WEST of Boundary A. b - 40/30 when EWR Dep 4L/R; 40/18 when EWR Ldg 22L/R c - 30/28 w/ descent at PAYMI when EWR Dep 4L/R; 20/18 when EWR Ldg 22L/R b c 40 blo Boundary A a New York TRACON - LaGuardia FINAL ILS 22 a - For area a Final only owns portion of space WEST of the blue lines when Dep 22/13 and must remain 3 nm WEST of Boundary A. b - 40/blo ONLY when Dep 31; 40 ONLY when Dep 31 and JFK Ldg ILS 22L/R; NONE when Dep 13/22. c - Only applies to when Dep 13. c 40 30 40 blo c 40 30 a Boundary A 40 blo b 40 blo New York TRACON - LaGuardia FINAL LOC 31 a - Area a, 40/blo ONLY when Dep Rwy 31 40 30 a 40 20 40 blo 40 10 30 10 40/30 when FRG ILS 14 New York TRACON - LaGuardia Approach Guide Runway 4 90 (from ZBW) 80 (from ZBW) VALRE Standard routing When departing runway 13 When departing runway 31 NOBBI Handoff to next sector by here Point at which to ISSUE the descent to the indicated altitude 80 60 100 (from ZNY) 50 40 BEUTY 30 27 90 27 70 TYKES 90 KORRY 100 (from ZDC) 80 (from EWR) Caution: Arrivals via EMPYR should use a speed between 180 and 210 knots prior to handoff to FINAL as the distance to descend is short. Arrivals via the Hudson River should be issued a speed not greater than 180 KIAS prior to turning base, otherwise they are very likely to blow through the final approach course. New York TRACON - LaGuardia Approach Guide River Visual 13 90 (from ZBW) VALRE Standard routing When departing runway 13 When departing runway 4 80 (from ZBW) NOBBI Handoff to next sector by here Point at which to ISSUE the descent to the indicated altitude 80 60 50 40 100 (from ZNY) BEUTY 25 35 90 35 70 FINAL: Arrivals from the south should be requested to advise when the Verrazano Narrows Bridge is in sight. Once in sight, aircraft should be instructed to proceed direct the Verrazano, direct the Statue (of Liberty), northbound up the Hudson. 90 KORRY 100 (from ZDC) TYKES 80 (from EWR) Arrivals from the north should be requested to advise when the Statue of Liberty is in sight when they approach the Williamsburg Bank. Once in sight, aircraft should be instructed to proceed direct the Statue (of Liberty), northbound up the Hudson. Clear aircraft for the approach over the Statue of Liberty. Handoff to LGA tower at or before the Empire State Building. New York TRACON - LaGuardia Approach Guide ILS 13 90 (from ZBW) 80 (from ZBW) VALRE NOBBI Handoff to next sector by here Point at which to ISSUE the descent to the indicated altitude 80 60 28 50 40 30 100 (from ZNY) BEUTY 40 90 70 FINAL: Adjust the base leg altitude to 1,900 if EWR is landing 22L/R. Caution: JFK arrivals landing ILS 13L. EWR arrivals landing ILS 22L/R. EWR departures from 4L/11 climbing close to the SUL. 90 KORRY 100 (from ZDC) TYKES 80 (from EWR) New York TRACON - LaGuardia Approach Guide Runway 22 90 (from ZBW) VALRE Standard routing When departing runway 13 When departing runway 31 80 (from ZBW) NOBBI Handoff to next sector by here Point at which to ISSUE the descent to the indicated altitude 80 60 30 50 40 100 (from ZNY) BEUTY 90 40 70 TYKES 90 KORRY 100 (from ZDC) 80 (from EWR) Northbound Arrivals: Leave these at 4,000 until reaching the George Washington Bridge or Throgs Neck Bridge. This will allow separation from missed approaches. The turn to final is short and very tight for space, so suggest to the pilot a speed of 180kts when turning base if traffic is not a factor. When vectoring for LEFT traffic, the descent from 3,000 may have to wait until turning base if JFK has been delegated the Belmont Extension for the ILS 22L/R. Southbound Arrivals: The flight plan for these often leads them very close to the ILS localizer course, so specific vectoring may not be needed if traffic is not a factor and the ILS approach is being used. New York TRACON - LaGuardia Approach Guide Expressway Visual 31 90 (from ZBW) 80 (from ZBW) VALRE NOBBI Standard routing When departing runway 4 When departing runway 31 Handoff to next sector by here Point at which to ISSUE the descent to the indicated altitude 80 60 50 40 100 (from ZNY) BEUTY 30 25 90 25 70 90 KORRY 100 (from ZDC) TYKES 80 (from EWR) Caution: Arrivals via EMPYR should use a speed between 180 and 210 knots prior to handoff to FINAL as the distance to descend is short. Arrivals via the Hudson River should be issued a speed not greater than 180kts prior to turning base, otherwise they are very likely to blow through the final approach course. New York TRACON - LaGuardia Approach Guide LOC 31 90 (from ZBW) 80 (from ZBW) VALRE NOBBI Handoff to next sector by here Point at which to ISSUE the descent to the indicated altitude 80 60 50 40 100 (from ZNY) 30 BEUTY 16 90 40 70 Caution: LGA usually departs runway 4 when landing runway 31. TYKES 80 (from EWR) 90 KORRY 100 (from ZDC) New York TRACON – LaGuardia Charted Visual Approaches Airport KLGA Procedure Expressway Visual 31 Minimums 3,000’ / 5nm KLGA River Visual 13 3,200’ / 5nm KHPN Sound Visual 34 3,500’ / 5nm Description When cleared for the Expressway Visual approach to runway 31 (while on LGA R-225), cross DIALS at 2,500’ or above. Turn right at DIALS (PETHS LOM when LGA VOR not available) heading 085 and descend to runway 31 via Long Island Expressway and Flushing Meadow Park. Use LGA runway 4 localizer for course guidance when LGA VOR is not available. When cleared for the River Visual approach to runway 13, remain over the Hudson River until starting to turn to final approach north of Central Park. Expect 3,500’ until abeam Central Park (2,500’ when authorized by ATC). When cleared for the Sound Visual approach to runway 34, maintain 3,000’ until south of the shoreline on base leg (2,000’ when authorized by ATC).