Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 MOFUAE UAEMinistryofFinance MOFUAE mofuae Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan President of the United Arab Emirates We are committed to establishing a balanced economic structure, based on the diversification of income sources. We are also dedicated to ensuring continued growth amongst all sectors as well as high incom levels and equality standard of living for our citizens. Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Our strategy in the next phase focuses primarily on strengthening the competitiveness of the national economy, modernising economic laws and legislations, and strengthening our capacity to implement them. Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 6 Ministry of Finance 2013 Leading financial sustainability and competitiveness In 2013, the global economy witnessed a remarkable improvement which has enabled it to overcome the direct and negative effects of the financial crisis that were experienced worldwide in the past few years. The largest testament to that fact was that the global economy was able to achieve growth rates of almost 2.9%. While researchers and economists, headed by the International Monetary Fund, closely follow global economic performance rates, emphasis is being placed on controlling the markets’ ability to continue growing and on achieving better rates in 2014, reaching the rate of 3.7%. At the local level, the national economy of the UAE has achieved a significant growth rate of 4.5% during 2013, outperforming many powerful world economies. This can be attributed to the wise financial and economic policy adopted by the government at various levels, where the Government Financial Policy Coordination Council played an essential role in this achievement and laid the foundations for solid growth for the national economy at higher rates in the coming years. Based on our belief in the importance of the role played by the strategic partnerships between the UAE and various countries around the world and international financial institutions, the Ministry of Finance concluded numerous agreements on the avoidance of the double taxation and the protection of investments, which amounted to 75 and 46 agreements respectively by the end of 2013. In 2013, the Ministry of Finance also represented the country in all the Arab, regional and international economic forums, and hosted a number of conferences and meetings in the UAE, which included the annual meetings of Arab financial institutions and the fourth meeting of the Council of Arab Ministers of Finance. The Ministry has also issued a Consolidated Financial Report of the United Arab Emirates in 2012, which included the 7 most important financial statements that are required, according to the rankings of the International Monetary Fund and the General Data Dissemination System. The Ministry of Finance also continued to allocate all the funds to the ministries and Independent Federal Agencies in order to implement the strategy of the federal government, as the volume of the general budget of the Union for the financial year 2013 within the plan of the second session of the budget 2011-2013 reached an amount of AED 44.6 billion, without a deficit. The Ministry of Finance continues to evaluate the economic and political situations experienced by the world around us, and the Ministry is working hard to adapt to these situations and learn more about their direct and indirect effects on the economy. This leads it to develop financial legislations and policies and to create a competitive environment which is able to attract more foreign investors to the country. This Ministry played a key role in strengthening the country’s ability to achieve high ranks in the Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 to assume the 19th position globally, and gain the first place for six of areas within the report. There is no doubt that 2013 was a positive year for the Ministry of Finance where it was able to enhance the UAE’s financial sustainability optimisation level and its competitiveness regionally and globally. We have been able with God’s support to conquer all of the challenges that we faced, and to draw our strategic plan for the years 2014-2016, which will serve as a roadmap to achieve further successes in the future. H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Deputy Ruler of Dubai and UAE Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 8 9 Strategic Plan 2014 - 2016: Roadmap to achieving sustainability and enhancing competitiveness Since its inception, the Ministry of Finance has adopted a consistent approach to improve its institutional performance and to ensure the achievement of the overall vision of our wise leadership. The Ministry has always been keen on building and adopting well-established strategic and operational plans that contribute to developing and strengthening its capacity to carry out all the tasks entrusted to it professionally as well as allowing the Ministry to have more achievements and successes in the future. years. In 2013 its role as a government entity that offers routine services to its partners and society evolved to it becoming a prominent financial reference locally, regionally and globally. The shift in its role came from developments in the areas of government financial resources management and the new and developed systems the Ministry adopted. It has also become a major contributor to the United Arab Emirates’ impressive achievements in the Global Competitiveness Reports. We review the Ministry’s medium-term plans on a regular basis, in order to enhance them through creating more effective features for future plans. During the year 2013, we created the third period’s features of the Ministry’s strategic plan for the years 20142016, which primarily focused on moving towards governmental financial sustainability and the development and harmonisation of fiscal policies in addition to strengthening competitiveness. We believe that the coming years will bring on more challenges and opportunities that will allow us to confirm our pioneer position on a global level in the management of government resources, the provision of financial e-services and in developing sound fiscal policies, relying on adopting the best international practices and standards in all areas of finance and providing sustainable solutions that push forward the UAE’s progress and prosperity. The Ministry of Finance witnessed many successes and achievements during the past Statement by H.E. Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 The Ministry of Finance in brief • Snapshots of MoF’s history • Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals • Organisational Structure • Leadership Council and Committees 14 16 18 19 The Council’s most prominent achievements for the year 2013 • Overview of the Strategy and its goals • First Strategic Objective • Second Strategic Objective • Third Strategic Objective • Fourth Strategic Objective • Fifth Strategic Objective • Achievements 24 26 30 34 38 46 52 Corporate Excellence • A Culture of Excellence • Standards and Achievements 70 71 Activities and Social Initiatives • Social Responsibilities • Internal activities and Initiatives 82 84 Under the Spotlight • Certificates and Awards • Publications and Releases 88 90 MoF in Photos • Group of selected photos covering activities in 2013 94 Statement by H.E. Younis Haji Al Khouri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance 97 The Ministry of Finance in brief Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Snapshots from MoF’s History 1972 14 Establishment of the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Industry under the Federal Law No.1 for the year 1972 1974 The Ministry was then modified to the Ministry of Finance and Industry in 1974 2008 The Ministry once more amended its specialisation and was named the Ministry of Finance 2013 The Ministry continues to perform according to highest global standards The Ministry of Finance is one of the UAE Federal Government’s key ministries, and has contributed to the UAE’s growth and introduced a culture of excellence on a local, regional and global level. Under the Federal Law No.1 for the year 1972, the Ministry was first established and named as the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Industry and was then modified to the Ministry of Finance and Industry in 1974. In 2008, the Ministry once more amended its specialisation and assigned its industrial tasks to the Ministry of Economy. It is in 2008 that the name was modified to Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance carries its services from its Headquarters in Abu Dhabi and its Dubai premises. The number of female and male employees was recorded at 293 by the end of 2013. individuals and the private sector. These services consist of the forecast, collection and censorship of revenues, the e- Dirham system, financial systems, and supplier services, responding to financial inquiries as well as services to support Gulf economic integration initiatives. Furthermore, the Ministry has set as a priority to implement several automated systems which were developed internally in order to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of its management capacity. These systems included ‘INJAZ’ for planning and follow ups, ‘ADAEE’ for measuring employees’ performance, the e- suggestions and complaints system, the operations performance indicator system in addition to ‘ARIS’ which is used for the documentation of operating systems. The Ministry of Finance carries out a wide range of activities and tasks such as developing and coordinating all the UAE’s financial policies, preparing federal accounting rules for implementation and coordinating follow ups for the general federal budget. The Ministry also seeks to strengthen the UAE’s financial and economic position and create a competitive environment on a regional and international level through concluding tax, investment and economic agreements, cooperating with regional and international organisations and applying international standards of transparency and exchange of information. Following its quest to provide the best services and to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction, MoF has developed and modernised a set of its electronic systems in line with UAE Federal Government’s plan. These systems included the automated system for budget preparation, federal financial system, e-procurement system, government housing system, government storage system, government consolidated financial procedures system and common coding system as well as the system to issue tax origin certificates. The systems’ developments were carried out to reflect the Ministry’s commitment to conclude memoranda of understanding (MoU) on a local, regional and global level and in cooperation with its key strategic partners. MoF offers a variety of specialised services to its partners including government entities, 15 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Vision, Mission and Strategic goals Vision Positioning the Ministry as a global leader in the area of financial resources management which works towards achieving the sustainable and balanced development of the UAE Mission 16 17 The best use of the federal government’s resources and working towards growing them through wise financial management, implementing efficient policies, and promoting international relations Strategic Areas Financial Performance Operations Stakeholders Education and Development • Enhancing the quality of electronic financial services and promoting the use of MoF’s IT programmes • Enhancing international financial relations to develop performance and financial systems and to promote investments • Providing support services in accordance with standards of quality, efficiency and transparency • Ensuring the stability and development of the federal government’s financial resources • Ensuring the best use of the federal government’s financial resources • Enhancing transparency by creating financial policies and raising the quality of financial practices and legislations Strategic Goals Team Work Transparency Institutional Loyalty Professionalism Creativity Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Organisational Structure Leadership Councils and Committees Financial and Economic Committee Minister 18 Minister's Office Strategic Planning and Performance Dept. Internal Auditing Office Government Communications Dept. It is meant to study and coordinate issues related to the general budget of the Federal Government and for the development of governmental financial performance and economic relations with various countries and economic blocs. MoF holds the position of Secretariat for this committee and follows its recommendations and resolutions. Some of the Council’s most prominent achievements for the year 2013: • Adopting the general federal budget for the year 2014-2016 • Adopting projects on the federal government revenues development and revenue forecasts for the year 2014-2016 Minister’s Consultant The Supreme Committee for Supervising the Development of the Financial Sector in the UAE Undersecretary Corporate Excellence Department Undersecretary Office Support Services Sector Financial Management Sector International Financial Relations Sector Resoruces and Budget Sector Human Resources Department Accounting Policies and Standards Department Regional and International Financial Relations Department Budget Department Financial Operation Department International and Regional Financial Organisations Department Revenue Development Department Information Technology Department Financial Resources Department Legal Affairs Department Financial Policies Coordination Department Formed under the chairmanship of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance. The committee sets rules for the protection and safety of the UAE’s financial system and proposes laws and legislations necessary for its development. MoF holds the position of Secretariat for the committee and ensures the implementation of its directives. Some of the Council’s most prominent achievements for the year 2013: • Adopting the new draft federal law on financial services • Adopting the binary system ‘Twin Peaks’, which is based on the establishment of a state control mechanism to avoid structural risks in the banking and financial system of the country as carried out by the Central Bank. The committee also formed a permanent higher committee for continuous supervision of the financial sector and protection of consumers and customers. This role is now held by the Securities and Commodities Authority Ministry’s Senior Leadership Team Headed by HE Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs the highest authority in the Ministry. His responsibilities include initiating, discussing and issuing necessary regulations needed for MoF’s programmes, decisions and strategies. Some of the Team’s most prominent achievements for the year 2013: • Adopting a corporate governance methodology at the Ministry of Finance • Developing the financial reporting system for tablet devices • Developing the structure of financial policies while identifying the gaps to be filled in the next plan • Redirecting the Ministry’s sectors main focus on the development of competitiveness indicators and smart government applications • Launching a series of brainstorming sessions to achieve the Government’s agenda 2021 • Adopting certificate training programmes for the Ministry’s Emirati employees • Upgrading the financial system to Oracle R12 • Implementing the e-transferring of expenses through the Central Bank’s system 19 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 MoF’s Strategic Committee Headed by HE Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, the committee is responsible for developing the Ministry’s strategy, its operational plans, monitoring the implementation of those plans, achieving operational and strategic goals, and monitoring and publishing the Ministry’s achievements. 20 Some of the Council’s most prominent achievements for the year 2013: • Preparing and adopting the initiatives and indicators of the Ministry’s operational plan 2013 • Preparing and adopting the Ministry’s strategic plan 2014-2016 • Adopting financial competitiveness indicators to be implemented in 2014-2016 • Adopting government’s capabilities in the financial field in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office • Implementing the Ministry’s annual report on its 2013 achievements Government Financial Policy Coordination Council Headed by HE Younis Haji Al Khouri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and its members include representatives from local governments and the UAE Central bank. The Council works on unifying the government’s financial policies, and collecting data for financial reports at the state level. MoF holds the position of Secretariat of this Council and is in charge for implementing its decisions. Some of the Council’s most prominent achievements for the year 2013: • Issuing the UAE’s consolidated financial report for the year 2012 • Implementing the project on supporting the fiscal policy coordination in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) • E-connection of Abu Dhabi and Federal Financial Systems Executive Committee Headed by HE Younis Haji Al Khouri, Undersecretary of MoF, it is responsible for tracking progress of the Ministry’s activities, handling issues pertaining to corporate excellence and government communications and the development of work performance. Some of the Council’s most prominent achievements for the year 2013: • Approving the Ministry’s opportunity to sponsor 15 secondary school Emirati graduates in the ‘Massar’ programme • Promoting 24 employees from different levels at the Ministry of Finance • Granting of study time leave and exam performance for 30 employees 21 The Strategy Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 The Ministry of Finance’s performance development 24 25 Percentage of initiatives completed 99.7% No. of operational indicators 96 MoF’s performance 99.95% No. of initiatives 54 No. of strategic indicators 20 Total no. of performance indicators 116 Percentage of initiatives completed 100% 2011 No. of initiatives 67 No. of operational indicators No. of strategic indicators Overview of the strategic plan and its objectives The Ministry of Finance adopted five strategic objectives to achieve its main goals. These focused on the development and stability of the federal governments’ financial resources, achieving optimum utilisation of government resources, enhancing transparency and financial legislation, raising the efficiency of the e-financial services as well as promoting international financial relations to further develop the financial performance and systems on a local, regional and global level. MoF was able to achieve these goals through its outstanding accomplishments for the year 2013. These achievements will play an important role in supporting the Ministry’s strategic plan for the year 2014-2016. 2012 112 20 MoF’s performance Total no. of performance 99.60% Percentage of initiatives completed 100% 132 No. of initiatives 43 No. of operational indicators No. of strategic indicators 165 17 MoF’s performance Total no. of performance indicators 182 98.89% 2013 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Initiatives and operational plan for the first strategic goal for the year 2013 The first strategic objective Strategic Objective 26 Sponsoring Sectors Initiative No. Ensure the development and stability of the Federal Government’s financial resources 1 Initiative Implementing tax system in the UAE Resources and Budget Sector Financial Management Sector Completing tax and fiscal policy legislation Contributing to the development and stability of the government’s resources Achieved 2 Diversifying and developing the federal government’s revenue resources Axis No. Strategic 12 Achieved value operational 100% 100% 2 Closing of the economic model for corporate tax operational 100% 100% 3 Percentage of completion of the framework of the unified VAQT system in the GCC operational 100% 100% 4 Achieved ratio of the estimated revenue of the federal government strategic 100% 102.3% 5 Number of federal entities with modified service fees operational 6 12 6 Conducting a study on tax remittances and submitting it to the Economic and Financial Committee operational 100% 0% 7 The total rate of revenue earned from the total uncollected revenue operational 10% 17.2% 8 Surplus rate of the independent federal entities for the fiscal year 2012 operational 100% 94.5% 9 Completing the IATA programme to collect departure fees and safety and security of passengers and travel query for early travelers operational 100% 0 operational 100% 100% operational 100% 100% 11 Increasing the success ratio of the study of federal government policy development on cash management to senior management at the Ministry Conducting a study on the development of best practices with regards to the payment mechanisms of financial obligations to the federal government 27 12 Number of federal entities adopting the zero balance account system for the implementation of the budget operational 3 3 13 Number of banks and financial institutions benefiting from the liquidity support facility and which have had their reports analysed operational 12 13 1 Number of Indicators Operational Improving the efficiency of the federal government’s cash management Targeted value Preparing the corporate tax policy adopted by the UAE Committee on establishing the Ministry’s tax system 3 3 Type of indicator 1 10 Number of initiatives for the year 2013 Indicator Target not achieved (less than 80% of the target) Target not achieved (80% to 95% of the target) Target achieved (95% to 120% of the target) Target exceeded (more than 120% of the target) Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Strategic objectives and projects: the most prominent achievements Diversification and further development of the federal government’s revenue resources • • 28 • • • • • • • • Revenue collection amounting to AED 45.638 million in 2013, which represents a 10% increase compared to 2012 Improving the service charges for eight federal entities and modernising a number of them in 2014 12 memorandums on policy proposals and initiatives to diversify and further develop the revenue resources for the UAE’s Cabinet Modifying the service charges of 12 federal entities Revenue collection from the overall uncollected revenue with an average exceeding the target Surplus collection from independent federal entities for the fiscal year 2012 represented a ratio of 94.5% Corporate Tax policies in the UAE Concluding the preparation of corporate tax policies in the UAE in collaboration with the relevant authorities in 2013 Preparing the corporate tax policies as approved by the committee supervising the implementation of the tax system at the Ministry Finalising the economic model of corporate taxes Completing the legal framework of the VAT system within the GCC Collection of the financial surpluses for the fiscal year 2012 • Collecting surplus worth AED 662 million for federal independent entities for the fiscal year 2012, which represents a 95% ratio of the estimated surplus for the year 2013 Increased efficiency of federal government cash management processes • • Preparing a unified manual which includes the new policy for the federal government’s cash management system, that will be the reference for all cash management procedures Conducting a draft study on the development policies of the federal government’s cash management for senior management at the Ministry • • • • • Preparing a study to outline the best practices for developing the payment mechanisms of monetary obligations by the federal government Implementing the zero balance account (ZBA) to set the budget of the targeted federal authorities 13 banks and financial institutions are benefiting from the liquidity support facilities, developed based on analysis of their reports Applying the ZBA system to federal entities Developing the mechanisms and procedures of the zero balance account (ZBA) system for federal entities by identifying the requirements and control procedures Implementing the ZBA system to 16 federal ministries and 5 federal independent entities, whereby a set of pretrial procedures were carried out on opening bank accounts and implementing the system on federal entities Improving the payment mechanisms for monetary obligations at the level of the federal government • • Concluding a study on the use of modern banking technologies in the banking sector and in managing daily banking operations The Ministry of Finance has adopted the operating procedures for the automatic transfer of monthly salaries to the beneficiary bank without the need to print any statements onto paper, which ensures accuracy, speed and ease of use to settle the salary obligations of government entities Supporting liquidity for banks and financial institutions benefiting from the support facilities provided by the federal government to the banking system • • Following up on the agreements signed by the Ministry of Finance with the beneficiary banks and financial institutions for the financial support of 23 banks and financial institutions, following the federal government’s initiative to face the implications of the financial crisis, improve the liquidity situation and stimulate economic activity Reviewing and analysing financial data of 13 banks and financial institutions during 2013 to ensure their commitment to the agreements signed 29 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Initiatives and operational plan for the second strategic goal for the year 2013 The second strategic objective Strategic Objective Initiative No. To achieve optimum utilisation of the financial resources at the federal government 1 30 Sponsoring Sectors Initiative To contribute in raising the efficiency in the implementation of the general federal budget Number of initiatives for the year 2013 2 Achieved value 1 Percentage of decrease between the expenses and revenues of the general federal budget Strategic 1% 7.7% 2 Percentage of completion of the budget project plan for the year 2014-2016 operational 100% 100% 3 Preparing the Federal Governments’ consolidated final accounts for the fiscal year 2012 strategic 100% 100% 4 Number of ministries for the payment and settlement systems operational 100% 100% 5 Number of reports to increase the efficiency for the implementation of the budget operational 6 6 6 Preparing the federal government’s financial performance report and submitting it to the UAE Cabinet operational 4 4 Achieved Axis Targeted value Indicator Preparation of the federal government’s budget plan for the year 2014-2016 Resources and Budget Sector Financial Management Sector To simplify the procedures for the implementation of the general federal budget Type of indicator No. Raise the efficiency of the mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of the budget 2 Strategic 1 Operational 5 Number of Indicators Target not achieved (less than 80% of the target) Target not achieved (80% to 95% of the target) Target achieved (95% to 120% of the target) Target exceeded (more than 120% of the target) 31 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Strategic objective and projects: the most prominent achievements 32 The 2014 general federal budget, the development sector and public benefits • • • • • • • • • The budget allocated to the social development sector and public benefits amounted to AED 23.5 billion, which represents 51% of the total budget The budget allocated to the health care sector amounted to AED 3.7 billion, which represents 8% of the total budget in order to provide the best quality medical care for citizens and achieve the vision of our wise leadership in providing high quality health services The budget allocated to programmes to ensure social rights and to activate community integration amounted to approximately AED 3 billion, which represents a ratio of 6.4% from the total budget 2014 General Federal Budget and Government Affairs Sector The budget allocated to the government affairs sector amounted to AED 18.5 billion, which represents 40% of the total budget Allocating a separate budget for programmes readiness and preparedness of disasters amounted to AED 681 million Allocating a separate budget for programmes to achieve the highest level of safety which amounted to AED 540 million Allocating a separate budget for programmes to maintain clear policies to support the country’s relations on a regional and global level, which amounted to AED 1.7 million Allocating a separate budget for judicial performance improvement in the country to provide high quality judicial services, which amounted to AED 713 million 2014 federal general budget and the federal projects sector • The total costs of the projects implemented by ministries and federal entities amounted to AED 23.8 billion • The road projects under execution amounted to AED 4.3 billion • The federal general budget for the year 2014: - 11 projects worth AED 1.8 billion for the construction of hospitals, clinics and health centers - 19 projects worth AED 643 million for the construction of schools - 24 projects worth USD 2 billion for the establishment of police and civil defense stations, the headquarters for the Department of Naturalisation and Residency and scientific laboratories - Six projects worth AED 229 million for culture, youth and community 33 development - Four projects worth AED 94 million in the field of water and environmental resources Developing the unified final account of the federal government and the reports for the implementation of the general federal budget • • Developing the content and the format of the unified final accounts of the federal government to follow international standards in the presentation of the government’s financial reports Following up on the results of the implementation of the federal entities’ budgets which are distributed by COFOG functions and GFS issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Developing the follow up mechanisms for the implementation of the general federal budget and improving the financial performance • • • The amount of revenues were estimated at AED 57,616 million and the expenditures after adjustments amounted to AED 58,741 million, in accordance with federal law No. (2) for the year 2013 on linking the general federal budget and the budget of independent parties for the fiscal year 2013 The actual income of ministries amounted to AED 45.999 million in 2013, which represents an increase of 103% while the expenditures amounted to AED 44,729 million which represents and implementation rate of 98% The federal government achieved a surplus worth AED 1.27 billion on the implementation of the general federal budget for the year 2013 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Initiatives and operational plan for the third strategic goal for the year 2013 The third strategic objective Strategic Objective 34 Sponsoring Sectors Initiative No. To enhance transparency through coordination of fiscal policies and raising the efficiency of financial legislation and practices Resources and Budget Sector Financial Management Sector Completing the work and procedures for the consolidation of financial statements and policies with local governments Contributing in unifying the policies and financial data at the state level Number of initiatives for the year 2013 1 2 Achieved 3 Axis 4 Initiatives Unifying fiscal policies at the state level Improving the Emirates Gate of GFS Reports system Unifying the financial statement at the state level Capacity building for specialists for the implementation of policies, procedures and financial systems in federal entities 5 5 Strategic 1 Operational 13 The review and creation of laws, policies and studies to raise the effectiveness of financial management No. Indicator Indicator Type Targed values Achieved Values Strategic 15 15 1 Number of fiscal policies that have been coordinated between the federal government and local governments 2 Number of MoUs signed with local finance department and relevant entities on the standardisation of fiscal policies Operational 4 4 3 Percentage of completion for the study on the implementation of unified fiscal policies at the state level Operational 100% 100% 4 Number of workshops on Emirates Gate of GFS Reports system Operational 4 4 5 Number of reports issued by the system Operational 4 4 6 Percentage of completion of the report on the UAE’s unified financial statements Operational 100% 100% 7 Percentage of completion with regards to publishing the financial statements in the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) Operational 100% 100% 8 Percentage of completion on the analysis of financial statements and presenting the results to the UAE Cabinet Operational 100% 100% 9 Number of training sessions and workshops offered to federal entities Operational 14 16 10 Efficiency oriented training for federal entities Operational 65% 85% 11 Percentage of completion of the updated version of the consolidated financial procedures manual operational 100% 100% 12 Percentage of completion of the project on the management of stock policies and raising it to the UAE cabinet Operational 100% 100% 13 Number of studies on unifying laws and policies Operational 2 2 14 Percentage of completion of the study to determine costs for military retirees Operational 100% 100% Number of Indicators Target not achieved (less than 80% of the target) Target not achieved (80% to 95% of the target) Target achieved (95% to 120% of the target) Target exceeded (more than 120% of the target) 35 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Strategic objective and projects: the most prominent achievements Project for providing technical assistance for unifying fiscal policies with the IMF • Signing a project contract on the provision of technical assistance for unifying fiscal policies at the state level with the IMF • Hosting three meetings with Government Financial Policy Coordination Council • Singing four MoUs with finance departments of the UAE government (Sharjah, Dubai, Umm Al Quwain and Fujairah) • Coordinating on 15 fiscal policies between the federal government and local governments 36 A study on the provision of technical assistance for the implementation of unified fiscal • • • • • • • • • • Policies at the state level has been completed. Emirates Gate for GFS reports 100% e-connection between the federal government and UAE government Linking the federal financial system for Abu Dhabi Government with the Emirates Gate of GFS reports Presenting and sharing experiences with the Emirates Gate of GFS reports with several entities such as the Saudi Ministry of Finance, Qatari Ministry of Finance and the UAE Ministry of Economy Hosting three workshops for entities using with the Emirates Gate of GFS reports Preparing four reports issued by the Emirates Gate of GFS reports GFS 2001 Publishing the UAE government’s financial statements for the year 2012 IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) Publishing the quarterly data for the year 2013 in the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) Completing the unified financial report according to international standards and requirements and based on the GFSM issued by the IMF Preparing the meta-data models according to GDDS issued by the IMF Achievements on unifying financial statements at the state level • An increase in ratio of covering financial statements for federal entities • Preparing four annual and quarterly financial reports of the UAE to present it 37 internally and externally • Creating a database of the UAE’s financial statements to prepare various reports to serve decision makers at state level • Building a set of financial reports through the system • Publishing the UAE’s financial statements in the IMF’s yearbook • Completing the UAE’s consolidated financial statements report • Publishing consolidated financial statements in the IMF’s yearbook and local communication channels • Completing the analysis of financial statements and raising the results to the UAE Cabinet Reviewing and updating financial policies and laws • Completing the project for stock policies • Completing an actuarial study to determine costs for military retirees • Completing a study on the management of stock policies and raising it to the UAE cabinet • Completing two studies for unifying laws and policies Capacity Building for specialists on the implementation of policies, procedures and financial systems in federal entities • Completing 28 training sessions for federal entities • Completing the updated version of the consolidated financial procedures manual • Achieving an increased rate of 85% for the efficiency of trainings for federal entities Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Initiatives and operational plan for the forth strategic goal for the year 2013 The fourth strategic objective Strategic Objective 38 Sponsoring Sectors Raise the efficiency of financial e-services and increase reliance on IT tools •Resources and Budget Sector •Financial Management Sector •Support Services Sector Completion of financial systems that allow for integration with federal authorities Contribute to the provision of innovative electronic Achieved Initiative No. Initiatives No. 1 The application of the federal payroll system (bayanti) 1 Number of federal entities that applied the payroll system Develop the federal government’s financial e-system 2 The full application’s percentage of the financial e-systems at federal entities 2 3 3 4 Strategic Providing e-payment for the transformation of entities that are part of the UAE’s e-Government (Al )Tahadi challenge) Axis 5 Number of initiatives for the year 2013 Develop the automation system for the general budget’s procedures of the UAE Indicator’s Type Targeted Value Achieved Value Operational 8 8 Strategic 65% 67% The federal entities’ readiness percentage for the financial e-system Operational 100% 100% 4 Number of the federal entities that were included in the budget’s automation system Operational 23 23 5 Number of procedures that were developed and enhanced in the automation system for the general budget’s procedures Operational 2 2 6 Revenue collection rate of fees for e-services in federal agencies Operational 55% 64.5% 7 Number of federal entities that were included in the e-payment gate Operational 6 6 8 Number of new services that were released for the e-Dirham system Operational 4 4 9 Completion percentage of marketing the G2 e-Dirham system and the advertising campaign for the launch of new services in the system Operational 100% 100% 10 Number of POS devices for the collection of revenue that have been installed at federal entities and printing affiliate offices Operational 400 1500 11 Number of banks and investment companies that were included in the insurance e-programme Operational 35 48 12 Number of printing offices and services centres that were included in installing the e-Dirham Operational 150 799 13 Completion percentage of shutting down the first generation of the e-Dirham Operational 100% 100% Develop G2 e-Dirham system 8 2 Indicators Number of Indicators Operational 22 Target not achieved (less than 80% of the target) Target not achieved (80% to 95% of the target) Target achieved (95% to 120% of the target) Target exceeded (more than 120% of the target) 39 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Initiative No. 40 6 7 8 Initiatives Developing technical support services for financial systems Electronic transformation of MoF’s services Developing systems to protect data and systems No. Indicators Indicator’s Type Targeted Value Achieved Value 14 Completion percentage of the automatic call centre Operational 100% 100% 15 The ministry got the certificate of international standard ISO 20000 for Information Management Systems Operational 100% 100% 16 The improvement rate in speed to provide technical support services for the internal e-services Operational 5% 5% 17 Completion percentage of corrective action for the standards of the Department of Information Technology according to the Emirates Award for Government Excellence’s standards Operational 100% 100% 18 MoF’s departments satisfaction rate of the services provided by the Department of Information Technology Operational 75% 76% 19 The rate of increase in the number of internal e- systems that are developed Strategic 60% 60% 20 The percentage of external services that are converted electronically Operational 100% 100% 21 The number of services that have been converted to the services provided by mobile phones Operational 3 4 22 The number of systems that have been reproduced and secured at an alternative place to face crises Operational 4 4 23 The proportion of addressing the gaps concerning information security Operational 90% 90% 24 Continuity rate of the work of major and support e-systems Operational 90% 90% Target not achieved (less than 80% of the target) Target not achieved (80% to 95% of the target) Target achieved (95% to 120% of the target) Target exceeded (more than 120% of the target) 41 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Strategic objective and projects: the most prominent achievements • • • • 42 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2nd generation e-Dirham system e-Dirham G2 is being implemented comprehensively Shutting down e-Dirham G1 Collecting revenues for ministries’ services through e-Dirham system amounted to 64% 54 banks in the UAE have provided automated banking guarantee certificates using e-Dirham system The number of POS devices that are currently operating across all related organisations in the UAE have reached 3189 Activating 64 e-Dirham ATMs, enabling users to fill their cards in addition to activating NBAD’s ATMs Equipping more than 60 centres to provide, distribute, sell and recharge e-Dirham cards Launching four new e-Dirham services Collecting more than AED 60 million as fees for implementing the e-Dirham system during 2012 and 2013 Adding 48 banks and investment organisations to the e-security programme Installing e-Dirham system in 799 printing offices and service centres The development of the federal financial system 16 ministries and 10 federal entities applied the federal financial system 16 ministries and 28 federal entities applied automated procedures in preparing the general budget 16 ministries and four federal entities applied the payroll system that is interconnected with BAYANATI system A number of federal ministries are now applying the intelligent reporting system All federal entities and seven local organisations applied the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) system Providing many training courses on the rules of preparing the final federal account for all ministries Organising training courses on budget implementation for all ministries Preparing specialised courses on the federal financial system for all ministries and 10 entities Preparing specialised courses on the federal payroll system for all ministries and four entities • • • • • • • Organising specialised courses on the automation of procedures in preparing the general budget of the UAE for all ministries and federal entities Organising specialised courses on the federal government accounts for all ministries and 10 entities Launching the new federal financial system application, which will benefit 16 ministries and 12 entities Concluding the application of the federal payroll system, which will benefit eight entities annually Launching analytical and visual reports using G2 intelligent systems, which will 43 benefit all ministries Launching the automation project of the final account reports to benefit all federal entities Launching the transformation project of the federal government from cash basis to accrual basis of accounting, which will benefit all federal entities Raise financial efficiency in the financial government sector as well as developing and implementing financial systems in accordance with the e-government’s standards • • • • • • • Concluding the Federal financial system and unifying the financial database of the Federal government Completing the application of financial systems to conclude the course on the budget’s preparation and implementation and to strengthen control over it Increasing the application of the financial system at federal entities Simplifying and enhancing the efficiency of financial procedures for the budget’s preparation and its implementation across the Federal government Improving the quality of financial data and ensuring its accuracy Accelerating and facilitating the submission of final accounts Delivered the required financial reports from third parties on time and in line with transparency requirements Provide technical and accounting support for clients in federal agencies • • • Organising 120 field visits to 16 ministries and 33 independent entities during the past two years Organising 50 training course during 2012 and 2013, which covered financial procedures and the use of different financial systems Developing seven work manuals, which included: Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 - - - - - Rules on setting up the final account and the consolidated final account in the federal government Monthly and annual closing manual Transfers procedures manual E-financial system’s user manual E-Payroll’s user manual E-Systems and the automation of the Ministry’s services 44 • Providing e-payment services for the transformation of entities’ services in the UAE’s e-Government (67%) • Applying the customer service system to help provide all the available services at the Ministry within a single system and granting flexibility • The level of development of internal e-systems has reached 60% • Developing mobile phone applications for four different services • Developing the procurement system to serve the UAE’s mission into heading towards decentralisation, as unifying the adopted procedures and clarifying the work mechanisms play an important role in supporting the ministries’ individuality within the framework of integration and coordination of performance • Developing and supporting the suggestions and complaints to the GCC common market system in order to promote integration and interdependence between GCC states in addition to achieving leadership in providing services to GCC nationals • Developing and supporting the updated version of the “planning completion and follow up system”, which helps the Ministry in planning and following up on projects and operational strategic plans automatically • Developing and supporting the housing system to contribute to providing the government housing service • Modifying the Department of Information Technology’s standards in accordance with the evaluation of the Emirates Award for Distinguished Government Performance 45 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Initiatives and operational plan for the forth strategic goal for the year 2013 The fifth strategic objective Strategic Objective 46 Strengthen international financial relations to develop financial performance and systems to encourage investment growth Initiative No. Initiative No. 1 1 Applying international standards of transparency and exchange of information in the area of ​​taxation 2 Sponsoring Sectors Regional and International Financial Relations Sector Application of international standards in the financial and taxation field Contribute to improving the UAE’s rating in international reports Achieved 3 Activating the requirements of economic integration among the GCC Axis 4 Number of initiatives for the year 2013 Concluding agreements and memorandums of understanding with countries worldwide 5 Strategic 2 Operational 15 Number of Indicators 5 Strengthening the UAE’s role in regional and international organisations and institutions Providing technical support services through development institutions and following upon investments of the Federal government Indicator’s Type Targeted Value Achieved Value Percentage of fulfilling the requirements of the first phase to assess the UAE by the Global Forum on transparency and exchange of information Operational 60% 60% 2 The number of events that have been implemented for the application of standards of transparency and exchange of information Operational 1 1 3 Percentage of the number of double taxation agreements with countries worldwide Strategic 40% 40% 4 Percentage of the number of agreements to protect and encourage investment with countries worldwide Strategic 24% 24% 5 Reduction in the imposed tax rate on the UAE’s investments abroad Operational 75% 75% 6 Number of participations to provide grants and foreign aid Operational 10 10 7 The number of studies / reports in the area of ​​economic integration Operational 3 3 8 The number of proposals submitted by the Ministry before GCC committees Operational 2 4 9 Number of organised introductory meetings in the financial and economic field of the GCC Operational 3 4 10 Percentage in applying the decisions of the GCC’s Supreme Council in the economic field Operational 70% 71% 11 The indicator of the effect of applying the decisions of the GCC’s Supreme Council on the UAE’s economy Operational 60% 62% 12 Completion percentage for hosting the annual joint meetings of Arab financial institutions and the Regular Meeting of the Council of Arab Finance Ministers Operational 100% 100% 13 Number of joint activities that are organised with international organisations and institutions Operational 2 2 14 Number of MoF’s participations in global activities Operational 5 5 15 Number of memoranda of understanding signed with entities in the UAE Operational 1 1 16 Number of technical support projects through development institutions that MoF contributed to providing to the entities in the UAE Operational 2 2 17 Number of reports that have been released on the analysis of the results of operational and financial performance of the companies and institutions that contribute to the federal government Operational 3 3 Indicators Target not achieved (less than 80% of the target) Target not achieved (80% to 95% of the target) Target achieved (95% to 120% of the target) Target exceeded (more than 120% of the target) 47 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Strategic objective and projects: the most prominent achievements • • 48 The ratio of signed agreements for the protection and encouragement of investments with all countries for the year 2013 Percentage of the remaining countries yet to sign Agreements to avoid double taxation on income • • The ratio of signed agreements on double taxation avoidance on income with all countries for the year 2013 Percentage countries that have signed the agreements 40% 76% Percentage countries that have signed the agreements 75 signed agreements to avoid double taxation The domicile tax certificates and e-value added were automated through the Ministry’s external website at the beginning of 2013, where the percentage of people using these services exceeded 50% between 2012 and 2013 Percentage of the remaining countries yet to sign 24% Agreements to protect and encourage investments The number of agreements signed to protect and encourage investments have reached 46 agreements, bringing the total number of countries that the UAE has signed agreements with to 24% The imposed tax on UAE investments abroad has decreased by 75% Applying international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes 60% • Strengthening the UAE’s relationship with the Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD), where the UAE has been chosen to be the regional hub for the MENA region • Continuing to exchange information on individuals and companies in accordance with the relevant Cabinet decision • A training workshop was held under the title International Tax Avoidance and Proper Use of Tax Treaties • Held the Sixth Assessor Training Seminar of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for tax purposes • Signed five MoUs on transparency and exchange of information with the UAE Central Bank, Dubai International Financial Centre, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Fujairah Free Zone and Dubai Multi Commodities Centre • Initiated the establishment of a special unit for the exchange of information in the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the World Bank • Met the requirements of the first phase of the UAE’s evaluation by the Global Forum on transparency and exchange of information • Organised an event on the application of transparency and exchange of information standards 49 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 50 51 Activate the requirements of economic integration among the GCC • • • • • • • MoF represented the UAE at the GCC Ministerial Council meetings. The meetings discussed the economic provisions of the agreement between GCC countries, which provided several proposals on behalf of the UAE to the Council on deepening the GCC’s joint economic and financial integration Organising a number of introductory meetings on the Gulf Common Market, most notably the induction at the University of Sharjah Organising a number of workshops with the private sector on the GCC’s joint economic and financial integration Holding a number of economic studies on the Gulf’s economic integration MoF provided a number of proposals before GCC’s committees Applying the resolutions of the GCC’s Supreme Council in the economic field by 70% The Index of the effect of applying the decisions of the GCC’s Supreme Council on the UAE’s economy reached 60% Strengthen the UAE’s role in regional and international organisations and institutions • MoF hosted the Annual Meeting of Arab Financial Institutions and the meeting for the Council of Arab Finance Ministers in April 2013 • • • • Organising different workshops for different entities in the UAE, in coordination with the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, the World Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Organising workshops for investors in the UAE Participating in international events such as semi-annual and annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, OPEC Fund for International Development, and Islamic Development Bank and the International Fund or Agricultural Development and others Concluding a number of memoranda of understanding signed with entities in the UAE Provide technical support services through development institutions and following-up on federal government’s investments • • • Increasing the number of technical support projects, provided by these institutions to the entities in the UAE, in addition to providing information, data and training the UAE citizens in order to benefit relevant entities Studying and evaluating the operational and financial performance of companies and institutions that the federal government contributes to, in addition to raising proposals Collecting profits and payment obligations, in cooperation with the Emirates Investment Authority Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Achievements 52 January February • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the draft resolution on amending and introducing the fees for the therapeutic and diagnostic services and amending the fees for health insurance card for non-citizens • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the fees of certificates attestation (excluding certificates of origins) and the fees for the attestation of certificates of origin by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on research fees and patents examination fees • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision regarding the services on the system for renting private jets by participating ministries in business trips • Implementing manual for the mechanisms of monthly and annual closing of accounting periods • Implementing the 2013 annual training plan booklet for federal entities • Implementing the study to improve federal financial systems • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision authorising the Ministry of Finance to sign an agreement on avoidance of double taxation on income and protecting and encouraging investments • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on signing draft agreements on the avoidance of double taxation on income with Japan, Libya and Ecuador • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on certifying the agreement on avoidance of double taxation to prevent tax evasion and the protocol thereto with the Republic of Latvia • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on certifying the agreement on avoidance of double taxation to prevent tax evasion and the protocol thereto with the Republic of Panama • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision to transfer the UAE’s contributions to the capital of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development • Signing an agreement to avoid double taxation on income with the Republic of Serbia • Signing a memorandum of understanding on the principles of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes with the Fujairah Free Zone Authority • Preparing a report on the impact of tax legislation imposed by Italy on investors in the country • Preparing a report about the UAE’s position in the World Trade Organization with regards to government procurement • Signing an agreement with the National Transport Authority on collecting fees • Signing an agreement with Crimson Logic on the e-justice programme fees by the Ministry of Justice • Signing an agreement with Zakat Fund to collect donations • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on transferring part of the Central Bank’s profit for the year 2012 to the Ministry of Finance • Conducting an analytical study on the world economic development prospects in collaboration with the IMF • Conducting a study titled ‘UAE ranks lowest globally in money transfer’ in collaboration with the Central Bank • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on university funding services • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the approval of the federal internal auditing charter • Signing an agreement with Zakad Fund on the adoption of the second generation of the e-Dirham system • Closing the first generation of the e-Dirham system • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on signing a draft agreement on the avoidance of double taxation on income with the Republic of Hungary • Implementing of the federal decree on the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and capital with the Government of Montenegro • Implementing of the federal decree on the ratification of the second protocol to amend the agreement on the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and capital with the Republic of India • Signing an agreement on mutual encouragement and protection with the Republic of Serbia • Conducting a study in collaboration with the World Bank on worker’s money transfer around the world 53 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 March 54 • • • • • • • • • • • Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on tax exemptions for material and goods pertaining to special needs care Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on examination and search fees for technical patents at the Ministry of Economy Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on approving the estimated federal government’s budget for the general federal budget’s plan for the year 2014-2016 Receiving a delegation from the World Bank to review the system of federal government revenue forecasting adopted by the Ministry of Finance Signing an memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Interior on developing civil defense services Conducting a study on increasing the capital of joint Arab financial institutions Implementing the Ministerial Council of Services with regards to the adoption of different funding for government universities and colleges for the second semester of the academic year 2012-2013 Visit by a delegation from the Sharjah Police General Directorate to review the e-procurement system and financial reporting at the Ministry of Finance Signing an agreement to operate the e-justice programme between the Ministry of Finance and Crimson logic Implementing the UAE’s cabinet decision on the Fund’s support for the Deauville partnership with Arab countries in transition Signing the final agreement of the avoidance of double taxation on income and protection of investment with the republic of Benin 55 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 April 56 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the fees for the sale of reports and geological and geophysical maps Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision with regards to fees for informations services Issuing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on Emirates General Transport Services’ transfer of ownership to Emirates Investment Authority Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Finance to develop civil defense services Visit by a delegation from Ajman Department of Finance to review the zero-based budgeting system adopted by the federal government Organising a forum on government purchases in collaboration with the Mohammed bin Rashid Establishment for SME Development Receiving a delegation from the National Transport Authority to review the mechanisms for the collection of the federal government’s revenues Receiving a delegation from the Minsitry of Interior to review the e-procurement system and financial reporting Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on approving the agreement on the avoidance of double taxation on income with the Republic of Serbia Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on approving the agreement on avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respects to taxes on income and the protocol thereto with the federal government of Mexico Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the ratification of the agreement on mutual encouragement and protection of investments with the Federal Republic of Russia Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the ratification of the agreement on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respects to taxes on income with the Republic of Fiji Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on negotiations with the US Treasury Department to sign a draft agreement on the US foreign account tax compliance of individuals subjected to taxed according to the US laws Signing a final agreement on avoidance of double taxation on income and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income with the Republic of Hungary Signing a memorandum of understanding with the National Media Council and the National Council of Tourism and Antiquities on adopting bank account system Signing a final agreement on the avoidance of double taxation on income with Libya 57 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 May 58 • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the fees for Health Insurance Claims Management companies • Conducting a study on moving the federal government to an accrual basis based on the directives of the Ministerial Council of Services in order to improve the federal government performance according with International Public Sector Accounting Standards • Implementing the Ministerial Council of Services’ decision on handing over the social affairs premises • Receiving a delegation from the National Supreme Security Council to review the e-systems adopted by the Ministry of Finance • Receiving a delegation from the General Administration of Airport Security by the Dubai Police General Command to review the INJAZ system for planning and follow ups • Receiving a Iraqi delegation to review the e-systems adopted by the Ministry of Finance • Signing a final agreement on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income with Japan • Signing a final agreement on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income with Brunei Darussalam 59 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 60 June July • Implementing the Ministerial Council of Services’ decision on establishing federal tax payment and putting forward a draft of the legislations for the technical committee • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on service fees for adopting, registering, recruiting and training conforming assessment bodies operating in the UAE • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on fees for the issuance of UAE certificates for rough diamonds • Conducting a comparative study on GCC foreign investment laws • Launching a draft procedures manual for cash management at a state level • Visit of ‘Tejari’ to review the e-procurement system • Receiving a delegation from the Health Authority- Abu Dhabi to review the best practices with regards to the adoption of the systems • Visit to the ADPC to review the best practices and solutions with regards to the adoption of the financial system R12 • Implementing a federal decree on the ratification of an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on capital with Palestine • Implementing a federal decree on the ratification of the agreement on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes with the Republic of Fiji • Implementing a federal decree on the ratification of the agreement on avoidance of double taxation with the Republic of Serbia • UAE Cabinet’s decision on renewing the initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on developing tax treaties for the Middle East • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on health card fees and therapeutic and diagnostic services for non-citizens • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on fees on renewing the permits of Hajj and Umrah • Conducting a study on the current cash inflows/outflows and the actual cash position • Publishing the statistical report of the general federal budget for the fiscal year 2013 • Visit of a delegation from the Ministry of Interior to review the e-procurement system • Receiving a delegation from Emirates Post Group on the ADAEE system • Receiving a delegation from the Dubai Health Authority to review the financial system adopted by entities and applying the assessment process for the company Infosys • Signing 11 memoranda of understanding between the Ministry of Finance and UAE banks participating in the reception in Washington to document their efforts with regards to the preparation of the ceremony and clarifying banks’ commitment in increasing contributions • Conducting a study on ‘Reality and the future of the Gulf Common Market’ • Conducting a study on GCC foreign investment laws • Conducting a study on the judicial economic system for GCC countries 61 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 August 62 • • • • • • • • Preparing a series of data reports for the most important economic indicators Conducting a study in restructuring for Emirate Real Estate Corporation Issuing Federal Law No. 6 for the year 2013 on the report for an additional adoption for the general federal budget and the Federal Regulations for the fiscal year 2013 Implementing the Ministerial Council of Services’ decision on the unified financial and accounting policies for federal entities Signing an agreement with the Investment Authority to maintain backups in the Ministry’s data center Implementing the statistical report on the Gulf Common Market Preparing a report on Macroeconomic Dashboard Preparing a series of data for the most economic indicators September • Implementing the Ministerial Council for Services’ decision on the development and the modification of the fees for the Ministry of Social Affairs • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the introduction of the license fees for the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation • Implementing the Ministerial Council for Services’ decision on the development and adjustment of fees for the services provided by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development • Implementing the UAE Cabinet’s decision on the approval of the recommendations of the Financial and Economic Committee on the amendments to the General Federal Budget for the financial year • Visit of a delegation from the Ministry of Economy to familiarise itself with the areas of coordination of fiscal policies of the Federal Government • Visit of a delegation from the Ministry of Finance - Qatar to view the most recent electronic financial systems adopted by MoF • The extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between the UAE and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development on developing an understanding of the practical application of the principles of international tax agreements for tax in the region of the Middle East and North Africa • Issuing a report on the budget’s contributions in the regional and international organisations and institutions • Issuing a report on the financial performance of the operating companies and institutions in which the federal government contributes • Issuing a report on the paper of the International Monetary Fund imbalances and growth in the G20 63 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 64 October November • Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on developing and modifying the fees of the Ministry of Social Affairs • Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on licensing fees for the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation • Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on developing and modifying the fees for the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development services • Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on the adoption of different funding for government universities and colleges for the second semester of the academic year 2012-2013 • Implementing the federal government’s unified financial procedures manual for the year 2013 • Signing a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Insurance Commission on adopting the federal financial system • Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision calling upon a 50% increase in the fourth plenary capital of the Islamic Development Bank which is subscribed into by different parties and is reversible • Signing an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation and fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income with the Republic of Slovenia • Implementing a report on increasing the subscribed capital of the Arab Investment and Export Credit Guarantee to maintain the contributions rate • Report on the increase of non-subscribed capital for the Islamic Development Bank for the fifth plenary • Report on the UAE’s current account balance at the IMF • Implementing Ministerial Council for Services decision on the service fees for the Ministry of Economy • Implementing Ministerial Council for Services decision on the service fees for the UAE Ministry of Environment and Water • Implementing Ministerial Council for Services decision on the fees for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs instant services • Implementing Ministerial Council for Services decision on approving the draft budget plan for the fiscal year 2014 • Signing a memorandum of understanding with the Sharjah Department of Finance on strengthening mutual cooperation and strategic partnership between federal and local governments • Conducting an initial study on the requirements of the financial sector on financial information rules • Signing an agreement with Oracle to provide the required licenses to the Federal government 2014-2016 • UAE Cabinet’s decision in increasing the subscribed capital for the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development • UAE Cabinet’s decision in increasing the subscribed capital for the Arab Fund for Economic & Social Development • Signing a memorandum for approval of the restructuring of the functions and operations of Emirates Real Estate Corporation for the General Secretariat of the UAE Cabinet • Implementing a user’s system guide for issuing tax domicile and value added certificates • Issuing a report on the fourth meeting of the Board of Directors of the Arab Investment and Export Credit Guarantee Corporation 65 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 December 66 • Signing an agreement with the General Authority of Civil Aviation on providing data with regards to the number of passengers travelling through UAE airports • Conducting a study on policies for additional budget appropriations • Signing a memorandum of understand with Umm Al Quwain Department of Finance on achieving mutual cooperation and strengthening the strategic partnership between federal and local governments • Participating in GCC eGovernment and eServices Conference • Implementing UAE Cabinet’s decision on the Fund’s support for the Deauville partnership with Arab countries in transition • Signing a final agreement on protecting and encouraging investment in the Republic of India • Amending the protocol for the agreement on avoidance of double taxation with Poland • Conducting a study to reach approximate equilisation between UAE nationals salaries in the private sector to the public sector 67 Corporate Excellence Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 A culture of Excellence Standards and achievements Legacy Results 70 1. Leadership 10% 2. Strategy 10% 1. Leadership Standards 7. Human Resources Results 10% 3. Human Resources 10% 5. Operations and Services 10% 6. Service and Clients Results 15% 9. Main performance Results 15% The Ministry of Finance is keen to work as a unified team to form a culture of excellence and to ensure continuous improvement in the work environment of its offices and with 71 external partners and the larger UAE community. This aim was evident by regional and international observers. Key decision and outcomes The formation of a specialised team to develop the vision, mission and values of the Ministry 4. Resources and Partnerships 10% 8. Partners and Community Results 10% Creativity, Learning, Transparency The Ministry adopts a proactive approach when implementing the criteria of Government Excellence and when offering its services and evaluating the performance of the tasks entrusted to it. In fact, the Ministry is committed to creating the necessary conditions to ensure the efficiency of its operations and to provide its partners with the best possible services. The Ministry views the recommendations and reports issued by the organising committee of the Government Excellence Award as an essential reference in developing its programmes and offering its services. Furthermore, the Ministry believes in the importance of linking these recommendations and reports to its operational plan which are discussed in meetings of its senior management. The launch of the Ministry’s strategic plan 2014-2016 Adopting an integrated plan for risk assessment Emirates Gate of GFS reports for staff recommendations Developing the performance management system to include all job levels at the Ministry The review, development and adoption of the incentives and rewards programme Building and developing the Ministry’s organisational structure Issuing the creativity and innovation methodologies Payment of services with mobile phones through the e-Dirham system The Ministry’s participation in more than 20 local, regional and international conferences The Ministry’s leadership participated and headed more than seven financial and economic groups on a regional and international level The Ministry’s leadership participated in spreading knowledge through specialised lectures Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 2. Strategic Policy Standards 3. Human Resources Standards Building the Ministry’s strategic plan 2014-2016 has highlighted its most prominent The Ministry is committed to develop and improve the skills and capabilities of its employees as well as to provide the best opportunities for training and professional development to 73 contribute to the Ministry’s successes. 72 achievements according to the strategic policy standards and the strategy for the year 2013 and was followed by several other successes. Key achievements of the Ministry on the Strategic level The formation of a specialised team to prepare the Ministry’s strategy 2014-2016 Adopting the e-transformation initiative Developing the ‘green practices’ initiative Key achievements of the Ministry in the area of Human Resources Improving the initiative on the development of creative spirit among the Ministry’s employees Issuing the institutional innovation and creativity methodologies Launching the institutional innovative award and its instruction manual The Ministry received the quality management training system certificate (ISO:10015) Adopting the initiative to unify fiscal policies within the UAE Organising workshop with key partners to study their needs and involve them in developing the Ministry’s strategic plan The Ministry received the employment performance award from the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources The Ministry’s training programmes achieved a 92% success rate Creating 67 working groups at the level of the Ministry Distributing more than 500 copies of the manual of the Ministry’s Strategic plan to all concerned parties Training 40 of the Ministry’s employees on mastering the art of customer service Capacity building for 10 Emirati internal trainers Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 4. Key Partnerships and Resources 5. Key operations and services The Ministry has adopted a clear methodology to manage its relationships with strategic The Ministry’s periodic review to develop all the processes and services needed for the implementation of its strategy resulted in improving its performance and maximising the 75 strategic performance indicators. 74 partners and aims to maximise the benefits of these partnerships. This methodology is divided into five sub-criteria, including partners and suppliers, financial resource management, property management, management of technical resources as well as information and knowledge management. Achieved Successes Partners and suppliers Financial Resource management Sub-category Signing 15 MoUs at the Ministry’s level Achieved a 82.74 satisfaction rate with partners Key achievements of the Ministry in operations and services Developing and adopting the financial risks record Implementing a supportive initiative for property management based on the Ministry’s operational plan Developing the specific methodology for green practices Property Management Adopting a special system to reserve venues Adopting the latest international practices in the field of energy conservation Converting all the Ministry’s vehicles to natural gas Management of technical resources Information and Knowledge Management Improving 85 of the Ministry’s operations Automation of financial reporting at the Ministry’s level Implementing an e-system to automatically switch off computers after end of official working hours Identifying 201 performance indicators to measure the efficiency of the Ministry’s operations Improving five services at the Ministry A 100% shift of services offered at the customer service center to e-services Holding 18 meetings with a number of the Ministry’s customers Measuring satisfaction rate of the Ministry’s internal e-services Providing sophisticated servers to implement and process applications in an effecient manner Signing more than 20 agreements to provide high quality services to customers from federal entities Develop knowledge management methodologies according to best international practices Adopting a marketing plan for the e-Dirham system and developing the system Forming a working group to follow up on ISO 27001 standards for information security management Adopting a matrix for customers which falls in line with the Emirates Distinguished Government Service Programme Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 76 6. Key results for customers service 7. Key Results for Human Resources Key Customer Service results achieved by the Ministry Key Human Resources results accomplished by the Ministry Scale Targeted Achieved Scale Targeted 2013 General Impression 88.00% 88.04% Rate of complaints that have been processed 88.00% 91.21% Transparency in procedures and services provided 88.00% 88.50% Knowledge on the requirements needed to obtain services 88.00% 89.66% Equal treatment in customer services 88.00% 98.54% Updated information on services 88.00% 89.13% Satisfaction rate on the e-suggestion system 88.00% 90.48% Ease of use of online services 88.00% 88.31% Mystery Shopper Results 84.00% 85.00% 77 Achieved 2013 Employee’s satisfaction rate 77% 78% Employee’s overall impression of the Ministry 77% 93% The Ministry’s vision and leadership 77% 84% Work environment and atmosphere at the Ministry 77% 79% Work interest and challenges 77% 88% Internal Communication 77% 80% Ministry’s performance and stability 77% 76% Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 78 8. Key Results for Partners and Community Efforts 9. Key Performance Indicators Key results achieved by the Ministry for its partners and the community The Ministry’s key achievements Scale Targeted Achieved Scale 79 Targeted 2013 2013 General impression on commitment to the community 84.00% 84.84% General impression on partnerships 78.00% 82.74% Percentage of revenue according to the approved budget 100% 100% Percentage of the strategic performance indicators Benefits rate of partnerships Achieved 100% 100% Percentage reduction in the deficit between expenses and 1.00% revenues of the federal general budget 1.00% 65.00% 78.00% 78.65% The extent of cooperation when providing and exchanging 78.00% information with partners 82.69% Number of community initiatives 18 22 Percentage of e-system implementation in federal entities Transparency when dealing with partners and selection criteria 78.00% 82.31% Number of fiscal policies used in coordinating between the 15 federal government and local government 15 Outcomes of community initiatives 75.00% 77.00% Percentage reduction in the time of service delivery 16.00% 23.00% Evaluation of partners’ performance 70.00% 79.00% The rate of switching to e-services 84.00% 88.00% 65.00% Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Social Responsibilities The Ministry continues to perform its functions and duties in order to serve the community. On this basis, the Ministry continuously seeks to participate in various community, humanitarian and environmental activities and initiatives on a local and international level. The Ministry’s conducted its annual community opinion poll for 2013 and the results showed that the overall satisfaction for community initiatives was at 84.84%, above the targeted rate of 84% and an increase of 0.92% above the rate achieved in 2012. 82 83 The below lists the Ministry’s most prominent social responsibility events for 2013: Social responsibility activities Saving and personal budgeting workshop for students from the Fujairah Educational Zone Blood donation campaign Clothes drive for Syrian refugees Offering 30 vacancies for outstanding national talents at Career UAE 2013 Organising a range of activities and events for all UAE citizens Organising recreational activities for children of the DHA Thalassemia Center Celebrating World Heritage Day Participating in UAE Flag Day Celebrating the UAE 42nd National Day Celebrating Earth Hour and adopting the use of environmentally friendly vehicles Celebrating International Worker’s Day Visiting nursing homes in Sharjah Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Internal activities and initiatives The Ministry seeks to maintain close ties between employees and to motivate them to develop their various talents, which is considered as a key component to achieving success and leading initiatives. The Ministry strives to realise this vision through organising internal activities such as social meetings, training sessions and workshops which cover a variety of topics outside the Ministry’s scope of work including: 84 Internal activities and initiatives Honouring ceremony for basic services employees The Ministry’s annual forum Training session on skill development for work teams Training course on public speaking and presentation skills Two first aid workshops Training workshop on occupational health and safety Food safety awareness lecture Awareness lecture in collaboration with Dubai police on Al Ameen service Diabetes awareness lecture Traffic awareness lecture entitled ‘the risk of speeding’ Community education seminars on family counseling in collaboration with the Marriage Fund 85 Under the spotlight Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Certificates and Awards The Ministry’s team is commitment to improving the quality of services offered to customers through agreements with various partners, which have contributed to many successes on an internal and external level. This is reflected through the awards the Ministry has received. 88 Award Received from Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award (SKEA) - Silver Category Arab e-Government Shield Creative Design Award Federal Authority for Human Resources Masar Application Award Federal Authority for Human Resources Employees Performance System Award Federal Authority for Human Resources Employee Performance Systems Award Federal Authority for Human Resources Application of Employment Contracts Award 89 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 Global Certificates Certificates ISO 31000 International Standard for Risk Management ISO 26000 International Standard for Social Responsibility ISO 10002 International Standard for Customer Satisfaction and Complaints handling ISO 10015 International Standard for Quality Management Training ISO 2000 IT Service Management Systems Certification 90 ISO 14000 Environmental Management System Certification ISO 27001 Information Security Management System ISO 9001 Quality MAngement Systems Certification ISO 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO 22301 International Standard for Business Continuity Management Publication and Releases • • • • Issuing the Federal Financial System- 12th Issue- First edition Legal Services Directory 2013 Closing procedures manual Consolidated financial procedures 91 MoF in Photos Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 94 95 Ministry of Finance Annual Report 2013 96 Towards Global Recognition During the implementation of the strategic plan for the second session from 2011-2013, our achievements marked a milestone in the history of the Ministry of Finance and paved the way towards achieving financial sustainability and enhancing the UAE’s global reputation and status in international forums. Therefore, in the coming years we will focus our efforts on supporting the budgets of the sectors of health, education, social services, and the development of financial systems. This is what will contribute in raising the efficiency of financial management, improve the understanding of the ministries and departments of the federal fiscal decentralization policy, the limits of accountability, corporate governance and ensure the highest degree of cooperation with local governments, regional and international organisations. Furthermore, it will contribute in strengthening the capacity of citizenship competencies and skills development and conservation in the ministry. We will also ensure that in the coming period we continue to exert all possible efforts to achieve the following: • To be one of the best ministries in the world in the field of the financial management • To maintain the integrity of the country’s financial system from any risk • To be one of the best parties in the world in the application of international standards and policies for the governance of public finances • To operate in accordance with best international practices in the financial sector We will also use our ranking in the global competitiveness report for financial areas as our benchmark to achieve our vision, mission and strategic goals. Younis Haji Al Khouri Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance 97