Winter-2014-PF - Patriot Foundation

the Update
Winter 2014
Patriot Foundation
Officers and Board
Chuck Deleot
President and
Chairman of the Board
oo Express
Joe Beck
Stan Bradshaw
Paul Bricker
Mike Girimont
Scott Harris
Darryl Murch
Vallie Rosner
Chris Slade
Spike Smith
Jake Vines
Gene Ward
Patriot Foundation
Board of Advisors
GEN Buck Kernan
USA, Retired
GEN Dan McNeill
USA, Retired
GEN Lance Smith
USAF, Retired
LTG John R. Vines
USA, Retired
MG Chuck Swannack
USA, Retired
Patriot Ambassadors
Wesley Bauguess
Vanessa Cole-Brown
Ashley Clark
Patriot Honorees
2013 GEN Dan Allyn
2012 GEN Dave Rodriguez
2011 GEN Ray Odierno
2010 Honorable John McHugh
2009 GEN Lloyd Austin
2008 ADM Mike Mullen
2007 GEN George Casey
2006 GEN Buck Kernan
2005 MG Chuck Swannack
Kangaroo Express - “Salute Our Troops Campaign”
Check Presentation 5 November 2013
The check presentations were held 5 Nov
at the North Carolina State Capitol. Patriot
Foundation was one of four beneficiaries
from North Carolina for the summer
2013 Kangaroo Express Support Our
Troops (SOT) fundraiser held across 15
states. Pictured above shows the check for
$2,700,000, the total raised for all 10 SOT
benefitting charities.
The photo to the right shows the check
presented to Patriot Foundation for $145,000.
Pictured are from left to right: Chuck
Deleot CAPT USN Ret (President, Patriot
Foundation), Nancy Clemons (Director of
Marketing, Kangaroo Express), Scott Smith
(VP Operations, Kangaroo Express), NC LT.
Governor Dan Foster, Cornell Wilson MG
USMC Ret (Military Advisor to Governor
McCrory), Paul Stoner (Regional Manager,
Kangaroo Express), Vallie Rosner LTC USA
Ret (VP Administration, Patriot Foundation),
and Darryl Murch COL USA Ret (Asst.
Treasurer and VP for Compliance, Patriot
Taking Care of Those Left Behind •
1LT Ben Hawkins and PFC Russell McCornell, both
volunteers from the 1-319 Airborne Field Artillery
Regiment (AFAR), 3d Brigade Combat Team, 82nd
Airborne Division (Ft. Bragg, NC), standing next to
Chuck Deleot provided support over the hole on the
9th green, holding the flag stick on which was flying
the American flag.
2013 Champion
Mark Bucek
accepts trophy
from Chuck
Deleot, Patriot
“The 11th Annual Patriot’s Soldiers Appreciation Weekend took place September 27-29, 2013. The weekend
includes a three-day golf tournament held at National
Golf Club in Pinehurst and teams included one touring
professional and two amateurs. The winner on the final
day of play (professionals only) for the Patriot Senior
Invitational Pro-Am award was Champion Mark Bucek.
The Soldiers Appreciation
Dinner was held nearby at
the Pine Needles Lodge Reception Center in Southern
Pines which featured a cocktail mixer, singing of the National Anthem by recording
artist Jeanne Jolly, performance by the 82nd Airborne
All American Chorus, and recognition
of military, civic, and
business leaders.
The Founder of the
Patriot Foundation,
Spike Smith and his
wife Debbie, was
honored. They conceived the idea after meeting with
former President George Bush at his home in Kennebunkport, Maine in 2003. Spike invited a few friends and
golfers over to his house to brainstorm how we could
help the families of Ft. Bragg soldiers. His commitment
and tireless efforts to help these families has made the
Patriot Foundation a success.
Finally, the banquet culminated in the presentation of
$350,000 to charities benefiting families of Ft. Bragg soldiers killed, wounded, or injured. The guest speaker
and Patriot Honoree for 2013 was GEN Dan Allyn, Commanding General of the US Army Forces Command
and previous Commanding General of XVIII Airborne Corps and Ft. Bragg. Other dignitaries included a number
of senior military officials both active and retired as well as the Honorable Tommy Bolton, Jenny Hartsock from
Senator Kay Hagan’s office, and NC Senators Ron Rabin, Louis Pate, and Warren Daniel, as well as John Skvarla,
Secretary fo the NC Dept of the Environment and Natural Resources.
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On Dec. 4th, the Patriot Foundation hosted its semi-annual
visit to Ft. Bragg the purpose of which was to introduce corporate executives to Ft. Bragg so that they could see how
soldiers live and train and better understand the cost of keeping us all free. The group of 22 corporate executives and
members of the Patriot Foundation Management Team and
operational volunteers were greeted at XVIII Airborne Corps
Headquarters by MG Jeff Colt, Deputy Commanding General,
and GEN (Retired) Buck Kernan, member of the Patriot Foundation Advisory Board and a former Commanding General
of XVIII Airborne Corps and Ft. Bragg. The corporate visitors
were from AVL Technologies, the George and Ruth Baxter
Foundation, BBT, NC Defense Business Association, Office of
Congressman Renee Ellmers, NC Legislature, NC Governor’s
Cabinet, Intelsat General Corporation, and Tribeca Hospitality
Mash House. At the Corps headquarters, visitors received Patriot Foundation and corporate leaders enjoyed a day of interaction with Ft. Bragg soldiers. The
an overview of Ft. Bragg and subordinate units by the major group is pictured in front of the vehicle roll-over simulator, which is one aspect of the Engagement
command representatives present. A common theme cited Skill Trainer. The EST2000 is a mult-purpose arms trainer for individual and crew served weapons.
throughout each of the briefings was how valuable community support was, specifically about the Patriot Foundation. As one speaker noted, “…the soldier will continue to do whatever required, so
long as they know their families will be taken care of…” MG Colt concluded with a comment to the corporate visitors, “tell anyone what
a national treasure Ft. Bragg is and what Ft. Bragg does for the Nation.”
The second stop along the visit was to the Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) office. Here, visitors listened to first-hand accounts from
Gold Star wives and Ambassadors for the Patriot Foundation, Wesley Bauguess and Vanessa Cole-Brown, of how their lives changed since
their husbands were killed in the war. Another speaker, Rachel Nolen, who is a beneficiary of the Patriot Foundation, volunteered her story
as a widow and she how benefitted from the Patriot Foundation. The newest Ambassador,Ashley Clark, shared her story of how life has
changed living with her spouse/soldier who suffered invisible wounds, to include Traumatic Brain Injury, and is awaiting discharge from the
military. These stories were so powerfully and positively presented that there was hardly a dry eye in the listening audience. All of these
ambassadors clearly conveyed their appreciation of the Patriot Foundation for investing in their children (through the award of scholarship
monies) and thereby, investing in our country.
The group continued their visit of Ft. Bragg, touring the headquarters of the 82nd Airborne Division and lunch in one of their dining facilities, followed by a visit to a Virtual Training Facility and an extremely interesting range demonstration conducted by a Special Forces unit.
Corporate visitors were given demonstrations of various equipment used by the Special Forces and were allowed to live fire two different
weapon systems.
The final stop was at the Warrior Transition Battalion, where the group had the opportunity to participate in small group discussions with
wounded soldiers (and in some cases their parents/caregivers) to learn how they are recovering from major injuries/disabilities. In most
cases, these soldiers were being separated from the Army due to the severity of their wounds.
The tour concluded with a social at McKellar’s Lodge, an excellent opportunity to chat with senior military and civilians.
Patriot Foundation
work is featured in two articles.
Thank You
for your support.
Photos featured in
Elite Magazine
Last August, a group of wounded warriors from the
Ft. Bragg Warrior Transition Battalion were invited to
a world-class experience of fishing and hunting at the
King Fisher Society in Laurel Hill, NC.
Taking Care of Those Left Behind •
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UPDATES - NOW ONLINE: Video Clip of GEN Allyn,
2013 Patriot Honoree
In an effort to keep you informed and up-to-date, The Patriot Foundation
continues to add content to the website. Newly added items include:
video comments from GEN Allyn the 2013 Honoree (photo at left); video
presentation to Founder Spike Smith; photos from the 2013 Patriot Soldier’s
Appreciation Dinner (photo at right); Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ); just to mention a few. Please share
with any corporate contacts that you think
may be interested in supporting our mission.
Visit our website:
GuideStar is one of 4 nationally
recognized non-profit rating
organizations. The Gold Level
indicates that Patriot Foundation
operates with the highest standard of non-profit transparency.
The Patriot Foundation has satisfied the criteria to be listed as
a Community Resource on the
Office of the Secretary of Defense website identifying
citizen support to service members, veterans, and their family
members. Charities listed on this
website are a select group.
Recieve “The Update” via email.
o Green
If you wish to receive your periodic
newsletter via your email instead of a
mailed copy, please send your email
address to:
Design, printing and distributed by Village Printers of Pinehurst.
Page 4
the Mission
Provide support for the families
of Ft. Bragg Airborne and Special
Operations Soldiers, and other
selected warriors.
the Vision
To provide scholarship funding and
child aid for children of killed and
wounded/injured soldiers from Ft.
Bragg, NC, as well as other selected
warriors; additionally, to provide
funding for child care for the families
of fallen and disabled soldiers
whose surviving spouses need to
obtain additional job training and
development. All volunteers, the
Patriot Foundation officers have two
objectives: (1) increase our ability to
help soldiers families, and (2) publicly
honor the service of our elite soldiers
who are serving and dying to protect
our nation.
Helping over 720 families with
$2,500,000 million since 2003
Taking Care of Those Left Behind •