Pre-scored Anchor Papers Pre-scored Anchor Papers Essay Prompt: Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Why do we not value the creative arts more than we do? Why are subjects like music, drama, photography, and creative writing always the first to be cut from school budgets during hard times? Many would answer that, unlike math, science, history, and other subjects taught in school, the arts are unnecessary. But this is so untrue. The arts are as necessary as these other subject areas — possibly even more necessary. Assignment: Is it absolutely necessary for people to study the creative arts? Review Scored Anchor Papers The pre-scored essays on the following pages (pages 16–33) are in rank order from highest to lowest scores (6 to 1). These anchor papers give a strong impression of the comparative differences in the scores for the given essay prompt. These papers have also been annotated to demonstrate aspects of the SAT Essay Scoring Guide. To Do: ❐ Review the SAT Essay Scoring Guide (page 4). ❐ Read the essay prompt above. ❐ Read the pre-scored anchor papers (pages 16–33). Also read the annotation that is p ­ rovided at the end of each essay. Paper: Score: G 6 H 6 I 5 J 5 K 4 L 4 M 3 N 2 O 1 15 G Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 6: Clear and consistent mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 16 G CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper G: Score of 6 Demonstrating outstanding critical thinking, this response develops an analysis of art’s value in contemporary society, concluding that “art has become more dangerous and belongs in education even less than before.” The writer supports this position with appropriate reasons and examples drawn from philosophy. Well organized around its examples, the essay displays coherence and progression of ideas (In The Republic, Plato creates a compelling account of art as being essentially imitative…. Thus, art is an insidious thing…. However, there exists also a school of thought that holds that art is immeasurably beneficial to mankind. Aristotle, Plato’s pupil, took this stance in the Poetics, where he defends art and states that what Plato saw as dangerous sympathy with the irrational is, in fact, the cleansing, or catharsis, of these irrational impulses from the soul of man). The essay exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary, and displays meaningful variety in sentence structure (In The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Production, Walter Benjamin analyzes the decay of art’s aura that has been caused by relentless, precise reproduction of images by machines). This essay demonstrates clear and consistent mastery and receives a score of 6. 17 H Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 6: Clear and consistent mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 18 H CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper H: Score of 6 This essay demonstrates outstanding critical thinking by effectively and insightfully developing its point of view (American education must consist of both artistic and vocational training) and supports this position by using clearly appropriate reasons and examples from American history. The response is well organized and clearly focused, displaying clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas (The eighteenth century was home to the best political minds America has ever seen….These thinkers and many more were educated by the arts, an integral part of Euro-American education in the 1700s. As soon as pragmatism took over in the 1800s, political thinkers were replaced by political machines). The essay exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary, and displays meaningful variety in sentence structure (The study of arts is undeniably essential to a democracy’s political well-being, and must hang in balance with practical studies to maintain an equilibrium of profession). Demonstrating clear and consistent mastery, this essay merits a score of 6. 19 I Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 5: Reasonably consistent mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 20 I CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper I: Score of 5 Exhibiting strong critical thinking, this well-organized essay effectively develops a point of view (Instruction should be comprised of a balance of the sciences and the arts) and supports the position with appropriate reasons and examples from personal experience and observation. Focused on its argument, the response displays coherence and progression of ideas (It seems that in the United States — an extremely advanced technological country, a greater emphasis is on preparing its young people for jobs in the for-profit sector. In this capitalist state, it is the people who hold the jobs related to business, finance, engineering, and research who prosper economically). The essay exhibits facility in the use of language and variety in sentence structure (The skills of public speaking, expression through art, and effective writing are the true assets — not the laws of thermodynamics or the fundamentals of calculus). To earn a 6, the writer should make a case for how those who work in the nonprofit sector use the creative arts and “community-building” in their work, perhaps by enhancing the discussion on the “spiritual” benefits of the arts. Overall, this essay demonstrates reasonably consistent mastery and merits a score of 5. 21 J Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 5: Reasonably consistent mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 22 J CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper J: Score of 5 Demonstrating strong critical thinking, this essay effectively develops the point of view that “the arts will forever have a necessary place in our society and education,” and provides appropriate reasoning and other evidence to support the position. Well organized and focused on its argument that resistance to the arts is based largely on “fear” and “uncertainty,” the essay displays coherence and progression of ideas (Because one may study, say, painting, and learn the ways in which colors mix… doesn’t mean that this “artist” has any talent…The lack of concrete and solid existence in the world of the arts makes them foreboding and scary to some). The essay uses appropriate vocabulary and exhibits variety in sentence structure (Many will argue that arts are a frivilous waste of time and energy and most of these people might, in fact, be basing their assumptions on fear). The writer could achieve a score of 6 by elaborating on how Mr. Holland improved the lives of his students or by more effectively linking the “fear of the arts” argument to the “Mr. Holland” discussion. Overall, this essay displays reasonably consistent mastery and receives a score of 5. 23 K Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 4: Adequate mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 24 K CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper K: Score of 4 Demonstrating competent critical thinking, this essay develops a point of view (It is absolutely necessary for people to be able to study the creative arts) and supports the position with adequate reasons and examples. The essay is generally organized and focused on its argument, displaying some coherence and progression of ideas (For example, if one looks at the “Pietà” by Michelangelo, one can grasp the beauty and majesty of it that could never be communicated through words…One learns to look beyond the surface and to ask why something is the way it is). The essay displays adequate facility in the use of language, and sentence structure is somewhat varied (My own sister is not a great student, but when she is creating art, she is amazingly superior to me. That talent gives her the confidence to move through life as someone who is not inferior). The writer can earn a higher score by further developing her three examples and providing an insightful conclusion. Overall, this response displays adequate mastery and earns a score of 4. 25 L Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 4: Adequate mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 26 L CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper L: Score of 4 This essay develops a point of view (The Creative Arts are not a subject all alone, but rather a necessity in our education as a whole) and displays competent critical thinking, supporting the position with adequate reasons and examples drawn from personal experience. Generally organized and focused on its argument, the response exhibits some coherence and progression of ideas (As children enter school they learn the basic subjects, math, reading, history, and science, and often lose out on another, equaly important subject, art…but [creative arts] offer a new way of understanding those four subjects we’re all forced to learn by analyzing arts within each subject). The essay uses generally appropriate vocabulary and demonstrates some variety in sentence structure (As a junior filling out my courses for next year, my last year in highschool, I couldn’t help but feel a little melancholy. My transcript was filled with the basic math, science, history, and english, and lacked any presence of the Arts). To achieve a higher score, the writer should provide concrete examples of the “amazing art” being discussed in the essay and/or better support the claim that “Education is art.” Demonstrating adequate mastery, this essay receives a score of 4. 27 M Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 3: Developing mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 28 M CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper M: Score of 3 Exhibiting some critical thinking, this essay develops a point of view (…art is an irreplaceable part of life and schools need to prepare students for everyday life) but provides evidence that is inadequate to support the position. While somewhat organized around its examples, lapses in progression of ideas occur (…this is part of their argument for cutting the art programs, that art is not essential for a career.…musicians, actors, photographers and authors are careers that are just as prevalent in society as architects or surgeons. Also, art is an important part of higher education). The essay displays developing facility in the use of language. To earn a higher score, the writer should provide more detailed analysis of why art might be important in higher education and everyday life, and fix the problems in sentence structure in the second paragraph. This response demonstrates developing mastery and receives a score of 3. 29 N Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 2: Little mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 30 N CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper N: Score of 2 While this response develops the point of view that “it would be nice for it to be an option of whether or not you want to study the creative arts,” it displays weak critical thinking, providing reasons and examples that are insufficient to support the position. Sparse, repetitive evidence impedes progression of ideas (…taking a course in one of the subjects may give you a heads up as to what you may want to do in life. You never know you may…and may possibly end up having a job in doing something that involves creative arts). The response displays very little facility in the use of language, using very limited vocabulary. To achieve a higher score, the writer must use critical thinking to develop meaningful examples and reasoning to support the point of view. Overall, this essay demonstrates little mastery and merits a score of 2. 31 O Pre-scored Anchor Paper Score of 1: Very little or no mastery Pre-scored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 32 O CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Pre-scored Anchor Papers Annotation for Paper O: Score of 1 Displaying very little mastery, this response states a point of view (I believe that people should have the opportunity to study the creative arts) but offers very little evidence to support the position. Disorganized and repetitive evidence result in a disjointed essay (Some people might want to become an artist or musician, so they should have the chance to study it… Everyone should have the right to take creative arts classes). To earn a higher score, the writer must use critical thinking to develop a more focused point of view and provide examples and analysis to support that position. This fundamentally lacking essay merits a score of 1. 33 Unscored Anchor Papers Unscored Anchor Papers Essay Prompt: Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Why do we not value the creative arts more than we do? Why are subjects like music, drama, photography, and creative writing always the first to be cut from school budgets during hard times? Many would answer that, unlike math, science, history, and other subjects taught in school, the arts are unnecessary. But this is so untrue. The arts are as necessary as these other subject areas — possibly even more necessary. Assignment: Is it absolutely necessary for people to study the creative arts? Practice Scoring Anchor Papers Like the pre-scored anchor papers, the unscored papers (pages 36–47) are essays that received scores from 6 to 1. However, these papers do not appear in rank order by their score. To Do: ❐ Read the six unscored essays (pages 36–47) and rank them from best (6) to worst (1). Record your answers in the table to the right. Paper: Score: U V W X Y Z ❐ It may be helpful to print them out or make photocopies so you can physically arrange them in descending order from best to worst. ❐ Review the actual scores and annotations for these papers on pages 48–­49. 35 U Unscored Anchor Paper Instructions: Read and sort essays U to Z and rank them from best (score of 6) to worst (score of 1). Log your scores on page 35. Unscored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 36 U CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Unscored Anchor Papers Unscored Anchor Paper U: The score and annotation for this essay can be found on page 48. 37 V Unscored Anchor Paper Instructions: Read and sort essays U to Z and rank them from best (score of 6) to worst (score of 1). Log your scores on page 35. Unscored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 38 V CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Unscored Anchor Papers Unscored Anchor Paper V: The score and annotation for this essay can be found on page 48. 39 W Unscored Anchor Paper Instructions: Read and sort essays U to Z and rank them from best (score of 6) to worst (score of 1). Log your scores on page 35. Unscored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 40 W CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Unscored Anchor Papers Unscored Anchor Paper W: The score and annotation for this essay can be found on page 48. For a typed version of this essay, visit 41 X Unscored Anchor Paper Instructions: Read and sort essays U to Z and rank them from best (score of 6) to worst (score of 1). Log your scores on page 35. Unscored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 42 X CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Unscored Anchor Papers Unscored Anchor Paper X: The score and annotation for this essay can be found on page 48. 43 Y Unscored Anchor Paper Instructions: Read and sort essays U to Z and rank them from best (score of 6) to worst (score of 1). Log your scores on page 35. Unscored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 44 Y CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Unscored Anchor Papers Unscored Anchor Paper Y: The score and annotation for this essay can be found on page 49. 45 Z Unscored Anchor Paper Instructions: Read and sort essays U to Z and rank them from best (score of 6) to worst (score of 1). Log your scores on page 35. Unscored Anchor Papers BEGIN YOUR ESSAY ON THIS SIDE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, YOU MAY CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE. CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IF NECESSARY. 46 Z CONTINUATION OF ESSAY. WRITE BELOW ONLY IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. Unscored Anchor Papers Unscored Anchor Paper Z: The score and annotation for this essay can be found on page 49. 47 Scores and Annotations for Unscored Anchor Papers Paper U: Score of 5 Unscored Anchor Papers This essay demonstrates strong critical thinking by effectively developing its point of view (…the creative arts should, like the regular academic curriculum, be mandatory for all students) and supporting the position with appropriate reasons and detailed examples drawn from personal experience. Well organized and focused as it develops its examples, the response displays coherence and progression of ideas (…I have seen various types of students take art for the first time…Whether they were a master artist or not, the students excelled in the class. I believe it was because for at least one hour out of their day, they were able to clear their mind of all the numbers, and tests and quizzes, and just channel their energy – whether positive or negative – into their own creation). Using appropriate vocabulary, the essay exhibits facility in the use of language, and variety in sentence structure appears throughout. To merit a 6, the writer should address the contradiction created by the left-brain/right-brain set-up in the introduction, since the creative arts would favor the left-brain types. Overall, this essay demonstrates reasonably consistent mastery and earns a score of 5. Paper V: Score of 2 Exhibiting weak critical thinking, this essay attempts to develop a balanced point of view (Creative arts are very important, but not a important as math, english, and science) but provides only brief, general reasons and examples that are insufficient to support the position. Poorly organized and focused, the response demonstrates serious problems with coherence and progression of ideas (Although creative arts are very important to some people not everyone uses them on a daily basis. You don’t need to use music when you are representing someone in court or listening to some ones heart rate at the doctors office). For a higher score, the writer must use critical thinking to further develop a stronger point of view, providing detailed evidence that better supports the position. This response demonstrates little mastery and receives a score of 2. 48 Paper W: Score of 6 Displaying outstanding critical thinking, this essay effectively and insightfully develops a point of view (… the creative arts train our mind to think in a way the other subjects are incapable of doing) and uses clearly appropriate reasons and examples drawn from the writer’s studies in psychology and photography to support the position. Well organized and clearly focused on the idea that studying creative arts allows one to form “a comprehensive understanding of the world,” the response shows clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas (I used to hate anything do with the arts….This dramatically changed when one of my friends took up photography as a hobby. There was just something about the myriad of lenses, positions, lighting and distinctive focuses that grabbed my interest). The essay exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate and apt vocabulary, and displays meaningful variety in sentence structure (To answer this question comprehensively, it is important to look at the bigger picture and to understand the more subtle aspects of art which sustains the somewhat spontaneous and dynamic nature of human beings). Overall, this response demonstrates clear and consistent mastery, and earns a score of 6. Paper X: Score of 4 This essay demonstrates competent critical thinking by developing a point of view (It is absolutely necessary for people to study the creative arts) and providing adequate reasons and examples as support. Generally organized and focused on the physical and cognitive benefits that studying the creative arts provides, the response exhibits some coherence and progression of ideas (The use of the creative arts help unlock different parts of the brain…. The creative arts will help a student learn things they never thought they would, such as learning the musical language or learning how to express ideas through art, poetry, or even music). Using generally appropriate vocabulary, the essay displays adequate but inconsistent facility in the use of language and demonstrates some variety in sentence structure. The writer can earn a higher score by providing more detailed examples of how specific creative arts help with the learning of core subjects, or how together they keep America free. Displaying adequate mastery, this response merits a score of 4. Paper Y: Score of 1 This fundamentally lacking essay offers a point of view (I dont feel that it is nessasary to have creative arts) but provides too little evidence to support the position. The few ideas presented are unfocused, resulting in a disjointed essay (Math, science, and english are much more useful because they will help us in life. If your going to collage for the Arts then you can take Art classes in collage). Pervasive errors occur in grammar, usage, and mechanics. The writer can achieve a higher score by using critical thinking to provide well-organized, clearly developed evidence that supports the point of view. Demonstrating very little mastery, this response receives a score of 1. Paper Z: Score of 3 Unscored Anchor Papers This essay develops a point of view (It is completely necessary for the youth of today to learn about the creative arts) and demonstrates some critical thinking, but its position is inadequately supported by the evidence provided. Despite an attempt to organize the essay around supporting reasons, some lapses occur in coherence and progression of ideas (Art is also a subject just like history or science….Without the knowledge of music, paintings, or plays we will never know what life was like before the 21st century). The response exhibits developing facility in the use of language. To achieve a higher score, the writer must provide specific details to show how the arts illuminate history or what the positive benefits of artistic self-expression are. This response displays developing mastery and merits a score of 3. 49