Rice Chemistry Advising Booklet Fall 2015 1 Rice Chemistry Undergraduate Advising Information (Fall 2015) Last Updated: July 16, 2015 Table of Contents Introduction to the Rice Chemistry Undergraduate Program .............................................................................. 3 Chemistry Major Advisors .................................................................................................................................. 4 Pursuing a Chemistry Degree ............................................................................................................................ 5 Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................................................. 6 Which Chemistry Class is Right for Me? ............................................................................................................ 9 Degree Requirements for the BS in Chemistry (for Matriculants in Fall 2014 or later) ...................................... 10 BS in Chemistry - Sample Degree Plan without Chemistry AP credit ............................................................... 11 BS in Chemistry - Sample Degree Plan with Calculus AB and Chemistry AP credit ......................................... 12 Degree Requirements for the BA in Chemistry (for Matriculants in Fall 2014 or later) ...................................... 13 BA in Chemistry - Sample Degree Plan without Chemistry AP credit ............................................................... 14 Degree Requirements for the BS in Chemical Physics .................................................................................... 15 BS in Chemical Physics - Sample Degree Plan without Chemistry AP credit ................................................... 16 BS in Chemical Physics - Sample Degree Plan with Calculus AB and Chemistry AP credit ............................. 17 Transfer Credit Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Undergraduate Research Opportunities .......................................................................................................... 19 How Do I Find a Research Opportunity? ......................................................................................................... 21 Departmental Awards & Fellowships ............................................................................................................... 22 Appendix A: Chemistry Faculty and their Research Interests .......................................................................... 23 Appendix B: Degree Requirements for Matriculants Prior to Fall 2014............................................................. 25 Appendix C: Degree Requirements for the BS in Chemistry (for Matriculants Prior to Fall 2014) ..................... 27 Appendix D: Degree Requirements for the BA in Chemistry (for Matriculants Prior to Fall 2014) ..................... 29 Appendix E: Course Offerings 2015-2016 ....................................................................................................... 30 2 Introduction to the Rice Chemistry Undergraduate Program Undergraduate students interested in studying chemistry benefit from Rice’s renowned faculty members and a strong research program. The Department of Chemistry offers undergraduate chemistry majors a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree or a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. The Department also offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Physics. The B.S. in Chemistry degree rigorously prepares students for a career in chemistry or a related discipline, and the degree requirements are consistent with the guidelines for certification by the American Chemical Society. This curriculum provides a broad and comprehensive introduction to core areas of chemistry while promoting depth of understanding in one or more specific fields. B.S. students complete a series of foundation courses in general chemistry, analytical chemistry, biological chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Students then complete one or more specializations, or “tracks,” consisting of in-depth courses both in-and-out of the specialization. The B.S. in Chemistry requires at least 128 credit hours, including 68 credit hours of chemistry and at least 60 additional credit hours that satisfy the University's graduation requirements. The B.A. in Chemistry degree is a more flexible program that provides a comprehensive overview of all areas of chemistry, including laboratory experiences, but can be coupled more easily with other majors or professional career paths. The B.A. in Chemistry requires at least 120 credit hours, including 54 credit hours of chemistry and at least 66 additional credit hours that satisfy the University's graduation requirements. The B.S. in Chemical Physics degree is offered in conjunction with the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Students take upper-level courses in both chemistry and physics, focusing on the applications of physics to chemical systems. For more information on this option, contact Prof. Phil Brooks (Chemistry) or Prof. Stan Dodds (Physics). Follow Rice Chemistry! Website: www.chemistry.rice.edu - Our website contains all information on the Undergraduate program, as well as the Graduate program, Alumni, departmental events and awards, and specific faculty research and news articles. Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricechemistry - Our Facebook page includes notifications of all seminars and Department events and news as well as all photos of Departmental events. LinkedIn: Search ‘Groups’ for ‘Rice University Chemistry Department’ - Our LinkedIn page is updated every time we receive news on job opportunities for those in the field of Chemistry. Rice Chemistry Student Organizations Owlchemy Club: The mission of the Owlchemy Club is to promote the study and enjoyment of chemistry throughout Rice University and the Houston community. The members seek to promote general awareness and enjoyment of all things chemistry and to provide a support network and source of companionship for those studying chemistry and fields related to chemistry. Members perform chemistry demonstrations at the Houston Museum of Natural Science and local schools. See more at www.owlchemy.blogs.rice.edu American Chemical Society (ACS) Student Affiliates: Students can become an American Chemical Society Student Affiliate through participation in the Owlchemy Club. See more at: http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/students/college/studentaffiliates.html 3 Chemistry Major Advisors The Chemistry Department has one faculty advisor for every residential college so that each student can form a consistent bond within the Department while completing their degree. Contact your Major Advisor with any questions or concerns you may have – they’re here to help! Baker College Jones College Sid Richardson College Kristi Kincaid kincaid@rice.edu Office: DBH 242 Phone: x5837 Bruce Weisman weisman@rice.edu Office: SS 111D Phone: x3709 Ken Whitmire whitmire@rice.edu Office: DBH 351 Phone: x5650 Brown College Lovett College Sid Richardson College Zach Ball zb1@rice.edu Office: GRB E200C Phone: x6159 Angel Marti aam4@rice.edu Office: DBH 320B Phone: x3486 Lon Wilson durango@rice.edu Office: DBH 353 Phone: x3268 Duncan College Michelle Gilbertson mlg7@rice.edu Office: DBH 342 Phone: x2357 Martel College Lesa Tran Lu lesa@rice.edu Office: DBH 142 Phone: x4079 Wiess College Christy Landes cflandes@rice.edu Office: DBH 352 Phone: x4232 Hanszen College McMurtry College Will Rice College Jeff Hartgerink jdh@rice.edu Office: BRC 319 Phone: x4142 Seiichi Matsuda matsuda@rice.edu Office: GRB W300E Phone: x4002 Julianne Yost jyost@rice.edu Office: GRB E300B Phone: x4459 Chemical Physics (all colleges) Phil Brooks brooks@rice.edu Office: SS 209 Phone: x3266 4 Pursuing a Chemistry Degree The guide below is designed to help you explore your academic interests in chemistry that may ultimately lead to graduate studies. While this guide assumes you plan to attend graduate school immediately after graduation from Rice, some students opt not to attend immediately after completing their undergraduate degree, or choose to join the workforce directly after graduation. Graduate schools expect you to have clearly defined interests and relevant experiences leading to an area of specialization. First Year • • • • • • • Plan a tentative course of study with your Divisional Advisor and/or Major Advisor. Take at least one CHEM course, in addition to the required MATH and PHYS courses. Try to attend a meal, reception, or seminar to start meeting CHEM faculty and students. Visit the CCD to learn about the education and skills required for possible careers in Chemistry. Attend the Student Activities Fair and join Owlchemy. Identify summer programs and job opportunities through the Chemistry website and the Rice Summer Opportunities Fair. Strongly consider making arrangements to conduct research during the next academic year. Second Year • • Third Year • • • • • • • • • Apply to attend a research conference or symposium and consider presenting your research. Identify the area of graduate study you would like to pursue and identify schools that have programs in your field of choice. Visit program website and informational sessions to learn about programs. Speak with faculty members, advisors, and other mentors about programs. Hone your list of programs, taking into consideration curriculum, competitiveness, cost, etc. Determine admissions requirements and deadlines. Begin preparing CV and personal statements. Register and prepare for standardized tests. Look for scholarship and fellowship opportunities. Request letters of recommendation from faculty. Use the tips below, the General Announcements, the OAA website, and the CHEM website to determine your degree plan with your Major Advisor: - Not all courses are offered every year. Plan ahead to have flexibility in your schedule. - Complete all lower level CHEM requirements by the end of your 2nd year. - Complete as many laboratory course requirements as possible by the end of the second year, which provides useful training for independent research in future years. - Check that you will complete at least the minimum required hours (48) at the 300 level or higher and that you will be able to complete at least 60 hours outside of your major requirements. - If you have not yet enrolled in CHEM 391, make arrangements to conduct research next year (B.S. degree candidates are expected to complete CHEM 391 before the end of their third year.) Apply for summer programs, research opportunities, internships, and/or study abroad programs. Fourth Year • • • • • • • • Continue completing degree requirements. Complete and submit applications. Check in with recommenders. Request official transcripts from the Office of the Registrar. Plan time off and/or alternative plans to graduate school. Visit/interview with programs. Research the programs before you visit. Once you make a firm commitment, notify other programs of your decision. Send thank you notes to recommenders. 5 Frequently Asked Questions The Basics What’s the difference between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering? While there is much overlap between the disciplines, the major differences between chemistry and chemical engineering have to do with originality and scale. Chemists are more likely to develop novel materials and processes, while chemical engineers are more likely to take these materials and processes and determine how to efficiently make/perform them on a much larger scale. Is it better to get a BS rather than a BA in Chemistry? Neither degree is necessarily "better" than the other – it depends on your career path. Your specific experiences, coursework, and achievements during your time at Rice are more important for job or graduate school applications than the type of degree you earn. With that said, the BS degree is designed to provide the experiences necessary for a career in chemistry, including pursuing graduate school or laboratory research jobs in chemistry-related fields. On the other hand, the BA degree is designed for students interested in a broad range of careers that value scientific knowledge, rigorous analytical skills, and quantitative abilities, but who are not interested in laboratory research. Health professions and high school teaching are two examples of careers for which the BA degree is good preparation. Because it has lower credit hour requirements, some students find the BA degree convenient as part of a double major. Please seek advice from an academic advisor to determine which degree is best suited for your career path. I want to earn degrees in both Chemistry and History. Can I do it? Yes, but you must decide whether you would like to pursue a double major or a dual degree. A double major is not the same as a dual degree. A double major is given by completing the requirements for a BA in two different disciplines. A dual degree is given by completing the requirement for two different bachelor’s degrees (i.e. BA and BS) in two different disciplines and at least 30 additional semester hours at Rice beyond the hours required for the first degree (or the one requiring fewer hours). More information may be found in the General Announcements. I will complete all of the requirements for my major but how can I be sure I have my 60 hours outside the major? All courses not specifically applied to your major requirements count as "outside" the major, even courses taken in the same discipline. For example, if you complete all the course requirements listed for a BA in Chemistry and take two extra CHEM courses, those courses count toward the additional 60 hours needed to graduate. Please review your Degree Works account with an academic advisor to audit your graduation requirements. For Freshmen Should I take PHYS 101/102, PHYS 111/112, or PHYS 125/126? Both sequences will fulfill the physics requirement for the BA and BS in Chemistry. PHYS 101/102 is intended for students majoring in engineering or the physical sciences, PHYS 125/126 is intended for bioscience and premedical students, and PHYS 111/112 is intended for particularly well-motivated students with a strong interest in the physical sciences. Which Chemistry class should I take as a freshman? Organic Chemistry (CHEM 211) is typically taken during the second year at Rice, but some students with a very strong AP/IB Chemistry background are adequately prepared to take this course during their freshman year. See the handout “Which Chemistry Class is Right for Me?” for more information. CHEM 211 is offered in both the fall and spring semesters, so one option is to start CHEM 211 in the spring semester and take either CHEM 121 in the fall or no chemistry at all. This may be preferable if you have a challenging first semester, or simply want more time to adapt to college. I have AP/IB Chemistry credit. Will this satisfy pre-health professions requirements? This is a question that must be answered on a case-by-case basis. In general, AP/IB credit will satisfy some pre-medical requirements for many, but not all, medical and other health professional schools. Students need to consult with the Office of Academic Advising (OAA) or each school for their AP/IB policies. 6 Current Majors Should I take CHEM 212 or CHEM 320? Both CHEM 212 and CHEM 320 count toward the undergraduate chemistry degrees, and both are excellent courses that have been well-liked by students in recent years. CHEM 212 is primarily taught as a large lecture course much like CHEM 211. CHEM 320 is a small course — 12 to 25 students — and is intended for students considering chemistry as a major and those in related fields with a strong interest in chemical research. Taught in small groups, CHEM 320 minimizes traditional lecture time, and significant course time is spent on small group problem-solving work and applying fundamental concepts to new application, mechanism and arrow-pushing, and multistep synthesis. Memorization is deemphasized. Both courses use the same textbook, though CHEM 320 may cover 1-2 additional chapters of material that are more important to chemists than a general audience. CHEM 320 also serves as an introduction to the department and to independent research in chemistry. Some class discussion is designed to help students find a research lab in chemistry and to work toward a career related to chemistry. Can I pursue summer school, study abroad, and internship opportunities as a CHEM major? Chemistry course credit earned from summer school and study abroad programs is allowed. Interested students should refer to the Transfer Credit Policy found in this booklet and obtain approval from the transfer credit advisor in advance of enrolling in summer coursework. The Department encourages student participation in study abroad programs. Course substitutions completed through summer school and study abroad programs must be approved through the Office of the Registrar and the Department of Chemistry. Most students who want to do internships complete them in the summer, but academic-year internships are also possible. Please consult with the Study Abroad office and an academic advisor to design a four-year schedule that allows for study abroad and/or internship opportunities. If I’m not doing well in one of my prerequisites, should I not be a CHEM major? Many successful chemists have struggled in undergraduate courses. You can overcome adversity if chemistry is the field you want to study. There are many reasons why students do not perform at their best, but there are tremendous resources at Rice to help. However, it is the student’s responsibility to take initiative when they are struggling in a course, and their greatest mistake is to wait too long before seeking academic assistance. Students should consult their professor for help with a specific course, utilize their residential college’s Academic Fellows/Mentor Society, and see an academic advisor to discuss options if they are struggling with multiple courses. Can I Pass/Fail a chemistry course as a CHEM major? Courses taken as Pass/Fail cannot be used to meet major requirements. If such required courses are taken as pass/fail, the Office of the Registrar will replace the P with the letter grade earned during the final degree audit. If you have multiple courses that could be used to fulfill the same major requirement, address any potential problems with your major advisor prior to your final degree audit. I entered Rice before 2014. What degree requirements can I follow? You can either follow the guidelines detailed in the General Announcements published during your matriculation year or during your anticipated graduation year. Please refer to Appendix B-D for more information. Can I earn credit for chemistry research? Yes, you may enroll in CHEM 391/491/492/493 to earn credit for chemistry research. BS students must complete 8 credit hours of chemistry research (corresponding research courses in other departments in Science and Engineering may be used towards this requirement with departmental approval). CHEM 391 is the standard independent research course for first-time lab students, while CHEM 491 is for continuing lab students that is repeatable for credit. The Chemistry Honors Research Program, CHEM 492/493, offers students in their final year at Rice the opportunity to perform a two-semester, individual chemistry research project. These courses function as a pair and must be taken in the same academic year. Students must formally apply into CHEM 492/493 with the recommendation of their research professor. The course requires students to complete a research proposal, a public presentation of findings, and a formal report or thesis. For more information, refer to the “Undergraduate Research Opportunities” section. How do I get involved in chemistry research? There are many ways to find research opportunities as a Rice undergraduate. The most common method to join a lab in the Chemistry Department is to contact the 7 faculty member directly about working in their lab for course credit. For more information and suggestions, please refer to the “How Do I Find a Research Opportunity?” section. Life After Rice What are some post-graduation options for me if I graduate with a CHEM degree (aside from medical school or grad school)? You have many options, especially if you are not geographically limited. Often, these are jobs in chemical industry (including biotechnology) or science education. However, there are also options in conservation, science writing, science policy, scientific/medical illustration, forensic science, management consulting, patent law, and many more areas. Please meet with your Chemistry major advisor and the Center for Career Development for more information. How important is my GPA for getting into graduate school? Admissions committees typically place considerable weight on the GPA, especially in math and science courses. The admission committee will also place a heavy emphasis on undergraduate research experience and the recommendation of the student’s research mentor. However, every part of each student’s application is examined closely by the admissions committee, so there is no single element that would make or break a student’s admission. Among other factors, students with a strong research record that includes publication in a peer-reviewed journal are looked upon favorably. What are good resources for investigating my options and choosing graduate schools to apply to? First, examine the American Chemical Society website. Second, speak with your Chemistry major advisor and research advisor to find ideal graduate programs to which you should apply that best match your research interests and career path. 8 Which Chemistry Class is Right for Me? This document is designed to help you select the appropriate chemistry course to take during your first year. For any questions, please refer to the notes below and consult an appropriate academic advisor. CHEM 121/123 – General Chemistry and General Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 121 is the first-year chemistry course most freshmen take. It is an introduction to chemical phenomena emphasizing problems and methods in chemistry. Students must also register for CHEM 123, the laboratory course that accompanies the lecture. Please refer to the CHEM 123 syllabus for important information regarding lab enrollment. CHEM 151/153 – Honors Chemistry and Honors Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 151 is a first-year chemistry course aimed at students who plan on majoring in a chemistry-related field and/or taking upper division chemistry courses. It is a deeper introduction to chemical phenomena emphasizing principles and theories in chemistry. This course is strongly recommended for chemistry majors. Students must also register for CHEM 153, the laboratory course that accompanies the lecture. CHEM 211 – Organic Chemistry CHEM 211 is often taken during the second year at Rice, but some students with a very strong AP chemistry background should be adequately prepared to take this course during their freshman year. This course covers the chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic compounds with emphasis on structure, functional groups, bonding, and reaction mechanisms. CHEM 211 is offered in both the fall and spring semesters; some students elect to wait until the spring semester to take CHEM 211, for a variety of reasons. There is no laboratory course accompanying CHEM 211. The organic chemistry laboratory course (CHEM 215/217) is typically taken together with the second-semester course (CHEM 212/320). Notes: 1. Need CHEM credit? Not all degrees require chemistry beyond the first year–please check the General Announcements for more information regarding specific degree requirements. All pre-health professional tracks require at least one year of chemistry. AP Chemistry credit counts towards the Group 3 distribution requirement. Of course, you may take additional chemistry coursework as an elective. 2. Confident? Many students who have AP Chemistry credit are not confident in their knowledge of chemistry. This may depend on the quality and rigor of your high school courses, or it may depend on how many years it has been since you took your AP course. Many students find it helpful to take General Chemistry at Rice, and thus forgo their AP credit, to solidify their background for advanced chemistry coursework or for professional school requirements. Students interested in majoring in chemistry are strongly encouraged to speak to a major advisor to determine the best first-year course to take. 3. Consult OAA. Some medical schools may not accept AP credit for application to medical school. As such, you should seek advice about whether to take your AP credit. Contact the Office of Academic Advising (OAA) or refer to their website (www.oaa.rice.edu) for more information. 9 Degree Requirements for the BS in Chemistry (for Matriculants in Fall 2014 or later) The BS in Chemistry requires at least 128 credit hours, including at least 68 credit hours of chemistry requirements (below) and 60 additional credit hours that satisfy the University's graduation requirements. General Chemistry Course CHEM 151/121 Semester Taken Research *At Least Eight (8) Credit Hours* Year Taken Credits 3 CHEM 152/122 3 CHEM 153/123 1 CHEM 154/124 1 Chemistry Foundation Course CHEM 211 Semester Taken Year Taken Credits 3 CHEM 311 3 CHEM 312 3 CHEM 330 3 CHEM 360 3 BIOC 301 3 CHEM 220* 1 *CHEM 220 is recommended (not required) of all BS majors prior to enrolling in CHEM 391, and expected of all juniors not yet enrolled in CHEM 391. Mathematics* Course MATH 101 Semester Taken Year Taken Credits 3 MATH 102 3 MATH 212/222 3 *The Department of Mathematics may, after consultation with a student concerning his/her previous math preparation, recommend that a student be placed into a higher level math course than that for which the student has received official credit. The Department of Chemistry will accept this waiver of the math classes upon a written confirmation of the waiver from the Department of Mathematics and upon the student’s successful completion of the higher level math course. Note: MATH 211 is encouraged for students interested in graduate study. Physics Course PHYS 101/111/125 Semester Taken Year Taken PHYS 102/112/126 Credits 3-4 4 Advanced Laboratories *Complete 3 of 5* Course CHEM 365 Semester Taken Year Taken Credits 2 CHEM 366 2 CHEM 367 2 CHEM 368 2 BIOC 311 2 Course CHEM 391* Semester Taken Year Taken Credits ** ** ** *Normally completed before the end of junior year. Enrollment in CHEM 391 (at least 3 credits) requires advance permission. See course guide for details. **Additional independent research or laboratory coursework in chemistry must be completed to total eight (8) credit hours (including CHEM 391). This requirement may be satisfied by taking one or more of the following: (i) CHEM 491, (ii) CHEM 492 and 493, and (iii) additional laboratory course(s) in chemistry at the 300-level or above. Up to two (2) credits of CHEM 700 may be used toward this requirement. Advanced Work *Complete Twelve (12) Credit Hours* Each student must complete advanced work that satisfies one of the specialization tracks listed below. A student may, with the approval of the Director of the Undergraduate Program, propose a track in another specialization. See the General Announcements for details. Course Semester Taken Year Taken Credits Specialization in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 212/CHEM 320, BIOC 302, Six (6) additional credit hours Specialization in Inorganic Chemistry & Inorganic Materials CHEM 475, CHEM 495, Six (6) additional credit hours Specialization in Organic Chemistry CHEM 212/CHEM 320, CHEM 401, Six (6) additional credit hours Specialization in Physical & Theoretical Chemistry CHEM 420, CHEM 430, Three (3) credit hours from CHEM 415, 450, 531, or 559, Three (3) credit hours of advanced coursework in PHYS or MATH “Advanced coursework” includes CHEM 212, CHEM 320, BIOC 302, and chemistry courses at the 400-level or higher. Courses in other departments at the 400-level or higher with substantial chemistry content may count toward this requirement with approval of the Director of the Undergraduate Program. 10 BS in Chemistry - Sample Degree Plan without Chemistry AP credit FALL FRESHMAN CHEM 110 CHEM 151 CHEM 153 MATH 101 PHYS 101 FWIS/DIST 14 credits FRESHMAN Freshman Chemistry Seminar Honors Chemistry I Honors Chemistry Laboratory I Single Variable Calculus I Mechanics (with lab) FWIS/Distribution Course SOPHOMORE CHEM 211 CHEM 213 CHEM 220 MATH 212 DIST OPEN OPEN JUNIOR BIOC 301 CHEM 311 CHEM 366 CHEM 491 DIST OPEN SENIOR CHEM 492 CHEM 4XX CHEM 4XX DIST OPEN SPRING 1 3 1 3 3 3 CHEM 152 CHEM 154 MATH 102 PHYS 102 DIST LPAP 15 credits Honors Chemistry II Honors Chemistry Laboratory II Single Variable Calculus II Electricity & Magnetism (with lab) Distribution Course Lifetime Phys. Activity Elective 16 credits SOPHOMORE Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry Discussion Undergrad. Chemistry Seminar Multivariable Calculus Distribution Course Open Elective Open Elective 3 0 1 3 3 3 3 CHEM 320 CHEM 360 CHEM 365 CHEM 391 DIST OPEN Biochemistry I Physical Chemistry I Inorganic Chemistry Lab Research for Undergraduates Distribution Course Open Elective 3 3 2 3 3 3 CHEM 312 CHEM 330 CHEM 368 CHEM 491 DIST OPEN 17 credits SENIOR Undergrad. Honors Research Advanced Chem. Lecture Course Advanced Chem. Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective 5 3 3 3 3 CHEM 493 CHEM 4XX DIST OPEN OPEN 17 credits Organic Chemistry II Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Lab Research for Undergraduates Distribution Course Open Elective 17 credits JUNIOR 3 1 3 4 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 17 credits Physical Chemistry II Analytical Chemistry Chemical Measurement Lab Research for Undergraduates Distribution Course Open Elective 3 3 2 3 3 3 17 credits Undergrad. Honors Research Advanced Chem. Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective Open Elective 5 3 3 3 3 Total = 130 credit hours Note: While the above sample degree plan suggests 19 credit hours of independent research, the BS degree requires at 8 credit hours. There is a lot of flexibility in the completion of advanced coursework. However, not all courses are taught every year – consult with your major advisor about your course plan. 11 BS in Chemistry - Sample Degree Plan with Calculus AB and Chemistry AP credit FALL FRESHMAN CHEM 110 CHEM 211 CHEM 213 CHEM 366 PHYS 101 FWIS/DIST OPEN 15 credits FRESHMAN Freshman Chemistry Seminar Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry Discussion Inorganic Chemistry Lab Mechanics (with lab) FWIS/Distribution Course Open Elective SOPHOMORE BIOC 301 CHEM 220 CHEM 367 MATH 211 DIST OPEN JUNIOR CHEM 311 CHEM 491 CHEM 4XX DIST OPEN SENIOR CHEM 492 CHEM 4XX DIST OPEN SPRING 1 3 0 2 3 3 3 CHEM 320 CHEM 365 MATH 102 PHYS 102 DIST 15 credits Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry Lab Single Variable Calculus II Electricity & Magnetism (with lab) FWIS/Distribution Course 15 credits SOPHOMORE Biochemistry I Undergrad. Chemistry Seminar Materials Lab Diff. Equations & Linear Algebra Distribution Course Open Elective 3 1 2 3 3 CHEM 330 CHEM 360 CHEM 391 MATH 212 DIST 16 credits JUNIOR Physical Chemistry I Research for Undergraduates Advanced Chem. Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective 3 4 3 3 3 CHEM 312 CHEM 491 DIST LPAP OPEN OPEN 14 credits SENIOR Undergrad. Honors Research Advanced Chem. Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective 5 3 3 3 CHEM 493 CHEM 4XX DIST OPEN 3 2 3 4 3 15 credits Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Research for Undergraduates Multivariable Calculus Distribution Course 3 3 3 3 3 17 credits Physical Chemistry II Research for Undergraduates Distribution Course Lifetime Phys. Activity Elective Open Elective Open Elective 3 4 3 1 3 3 14 credits Undergrad. Honors Research Advanced Chem. Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective 5 3 3 3 Total = 121 credit hours Note: The above sample degree plan assumes that Calculus AB and Chemistry AP credit were earned upon entering Rice, which would satisfy MATH 101 and CHEM 121/122/123/124, respectively. While the above sample degree plan suggests 19 credit hours of independent research, the BS degree requires at 8 credit hours. There is a lot of flexibility in the completion of advanced coursework. However, not all courses are taught every year – consult with your major advisor about your course plan. 12 Degree Requirements for the BA in Chemistry (for Matriculants in Fall 2014 or later) The BA in Chemistry requires at least 120 credit hours, including at least 54 credit hours of chemistry requirements (below) and 66 additional credit hours that satisfy the University’s graduation requirements. General Chemistry Course CHEM 151/121 Semester Taken Physics Year Taken Credits 3 PHYS 101/111/125 3-4 CHEM 152/122 3 PHYS 102/112/126 4 CHEM 153/123 1 CHEM 154/124 1 Semester Taken Year Taken CHEM 211 CHEM 311/312 /BIOC 352 CHEM 311/312 /BIOC 352 CHEM 330 Advanced Laboratories *Complete 3 of 5* Course Semester Taken Year Taken Credits CHEM 366 2 3 CHEM 367 2 3 CHEM 368 2 BIOC 311 2 3 3 BIOC 301 3 Mathematics* Year Taken Credits 2 3 Semester Taken Year Taken CHEM 365 CHEM 360 Course Semester Taken Credits Chemistry Foundation Course Course Credits MATH 101 3 MATH 102 3 MATH 212/222 3 Advanced Coursework *Complete Six (6) Credit Hours* Six (6) credit hours of additional advanced coursework in chemistry. For purposes of this requirement, “advanced coursework” includes chemistry courses at the 400-level or higher. CHEM 212 or CHEM 320 or BIOC 302 counts as “advanced coursework” for purposes of this requirement. Courses in other departments with substantial chemistry content may count toward this requirement with approval of the Director of the Undergraduate Program. Course Semester Taken Year Taken Credits *The Department of Mathematics may, after consultation with a student concerning his/her previous math preparation, recommend that a student be placed into a higher level math course than that for which the student has received official credit. The Department of Chemistry will accept this waiver of the math classes upon a written confirmation of the waiver from the Department of Mathematics and upon the student’s successful completion of the higher level math course. Note: MATH 211 is encouraged for students interested in graduate study. 13 BA in Chemistry - Sample Degree Plan without Chemistry AP credit FALL FRESHMAN CHEM 151 CHEM 153 MATH 101 PHYS 101 FWIS/DIST DIST 16 credits FRESHMAN Honors Chemistry I Honors Chemistry Laboratory I Single Variable Calculus I Mechanics (with lab) FWIS/Distribution Course Distribution SOPHOMORE CHEM 211 CHEM 213 MATH 212 DIST OPEN OPEN CHEM 152 CHEM 154 MATH 102 PHYS 102 DIST LPAP Honors Chemistry II Honors Chemistry Laboratory II Single Variable Calculus II Electricity & Magnetism (with lab) Distribution Course Lifetime Phys. Activity Elective 3 0 3 3 3 3 CHEM 320 CHEM 360 CHEM 365 DIST OPEN OPEN Physical Chemistry I Inorganic Chemistry Lab Distribution Course Open Elective Open Elective 3 2 3 3 3 CHEM 312 CHEM 330 CHEM 368 OPEN OPEN 15 credits SENIOR Biochemistry I Distribution Course Open Elective Open Elective Open Elective 3 3 3 3 3 CHEM 4XX DIST OPEN OPEN OPEN 3 1 3 4 3 1 17 credits Organic Chemistry II Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Lab Distribution Course Open Elective Open Elective 14 credits JUNIOR SENIOR BIOC 301 DIST OPEN OPEN OPEN 3 1 3 3 3 3 15 credits 15 credits SOPHOMORE Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry Discussion Multivariable Calculus Distribution Course Open Elective Open Elective JUNIOR CHEM 311 CHEM 366 DIST OPEN OPEN SPRING 3 3 2 3 3 3 14 credits Physical Chemistry II Analytical Chemistry Chemical Measurement Lab Open Elective Open Elective 3 3 2 3 3 15 credits Advanced Chem. Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective Open Elective Open Elective 3 3 3 3 3 Total = 121 credit hours Note: There is a lot of flexibility in the completion of advanced coursework. However, not all courses are taught every year – consult with your major advisor about your course plan. 14 Degree Requirements for the BS in Chemical Physics The BS in Chemical Physics requires at least 132 credit hours, including at least 72 credit hours of chemistry requirements (below) and 60 additional credit hours that satisfy the University’s graduation requirements. Additional Lecture Courses General Chemistry Course CHEM 151/121 Semester Taken Year Taken Credits 3 CHEM 152/122 3 CHEM 153/123 1 CHEM 154/124 1 Chemistry Foundation Course CHEM 211 Semester Taken Year Taken Credits 3 CHEM 215 2 CHEM 311 3 CHEM 312 3 Physics Foundation Course PHYS 101/111 Semester Taken Year Taken Credits 3-4 PHYS 102/112 4 PHYS 201 3 PHYS 202 3 PHYS 231 1 PHYS 301 4 PHYS 302 4 Complete Nine (9) Credit Hours from: PHYS 311, PHYS 312, CHEM 360, CHEM 415, or CHEM 420 Course Semester Taken Year Taken Credits Additional Laboratory Courses Complete Four (4) Credit Hours from: CHEM 365, CHEM 366, CHEM 367, CHEM 368, PHYS 331, or PHYS 332 Course Semester Taken Year Taken Credits Note: Up to two (2) hours of CHEM 491, PHYS 461, or PHYS 462 may be counted toward this requirement. Additional Mathematics Courses Complete Six (6) Credit Hours from MATH or CAAM courses at or above the 300-level: Course Semester Taken Year Taken Credits Mathematics Foundation Course MATH 101 Semester Taken Year Taken Credits 3 MATH 102 3 MATH 211/221 3 MATH 212/222 3 15 BS in Chemical Physics - Sample Degree Plan without Chemistry AP credit FALL FRESHMAN CHEM 110 CHEM 151 CHEM 153 MATH 101 PHYS 101 FWIS/DIST 14 credits FRESHMAN Freshman Chemistry Seminar Honors Chemistry I Honors Chemistry Laboratory I Single Variable Calculus I Mechanics (with lab) FWIS/Distribution Course SOPHOMORE CHEM 211 CHEM 213 CHEM 220 MATH 211 PHYS 201 PHYS 231 DIST OPEN JUNIOR CHEM 311 CHEM 391 PHYS 301 PHYS 331 DIST OPEN SENIOR CHEM 415 CHEM 492 MATH 3XX DIST OPEN SPRING 1 3 1 3 3 3 CHEM 152 CHEM 154 MATH 102 PHYS 102 DIST OPEN 17 credits Honors Chemistry II Honors Chemistry Laboratory II Single Variable Calculus II Electricity & Magnetism (with lab) Distribution Course Open Elective 17 credits SOPHOMORE Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry Discussion Undergrad. Chemistry Seminar Ordinary Differential Equations Waves and Optics Elementary Physics Lab Distribution Course Open Elective 3 0 1 3 3 1 3 3 CHEM 215 CHEM 360 MATH 212 PHYS 202 DIST LPAP 18 credits JUNIOR Physical Chemistry I Research for Undergraduates Intermediate Mechanics Junior Physics Lab I Distribution Course Open Elective 3 3 4 2 3 3 CHEM 312 CHEM 491 PHYS 302 DIST OPEN 17 credits SENIOR Chem. Kinetics & Dynamics Undergrad. Honors Research Advanced MATH Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective 3 5 3 3 3 CAAM 3XX CHEM 493 CHEM 420 DIST OPEN 3 1 3 4 3 3 15 credits Organic Chemistry Lab Inorganic Chemistry Multivariable Calculus Modern Physics Distribution Course Lifetime Phys. Activity Elective 2 3 3 3 3 1 17 credits Physical Chemistry II Research for Undergraduates Intermediate Electrodynamics Distribution Course Open Elective 3 4 4 3 3 17 credits Advanced CAAM Lecture Course Undergrad. Honors Research Classical & Stat Thermodynamics Distribution Course Open Elective 3 5 3 3 3 Total = 132 credit hours Note: While the above sample degree plan suggests 17 credit hours of independent research, the BS degree in Chemical Physics does not require any research credit. There is a lot of flexibility in the completion of advanced coursework. However, not all courses are taught every year – consult with your major advisor about your course plan. 16 BS in Chemical Physics - Sample Degree Plan with Calculus AB and Chemistry AP credit FALL FRESHMAN CHEM 110 CHEM 211 CHEM 213 PHYS 101 FWIS/DIST OPEN 13 credits FRESHMAN Freshman Chemistry Seminar Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry Discussion Mechanics (with lab) FWIS/Distribution Course Open Elective SOPHOMORE CHEM 220 MATH 211 PHYS 201 PHYS 231 DIST OPEN JUNIOR CHEM 311 CHEM 491 PHYS 301 PHYS 331 DIST SENIOR CHEM 415 CHEM 492 MATH 3XX DIST OPEN SPRING 1 3 0 3 3 3 CHEM 215 MATH 102 PHYS 102 DIST OPEN 15 credits Organic Chemistry Lab Single Variable Calculus II Electricity & Magnetism (with lab) Distribution Course Open Elective 14 credits SOPHOMORE Undergrad. Chemistry Seminar Ordinary Differential Equations Waves and Optics Elementary Physics Lab Distribution Course Open Elective 1 3 3 1 3 3 CHEM 360 CHEM 391 MATH 212 PHYS 202 DIST LPAP 15 credits JUNIOR Physical Chemistry I Research for Undergraduates Intermediate Mechanics Junior Physics Lab I Distribution Course 3 3 4 2 3 CHEM 312 CHEM 491 PHYS 302 DIST OPEN 17 credits SENIOR Chem. Kinetics & Dynamics Undergrad. Honors Research Advanced MATH Lecture Course Distribution Course Open Elective 3 5 3 3 3 CAAM 3XX CHEM 493 CHEM 420 DIST OPEN 2 3 4 3 3 16 credits Inorganic Chemistry Research for Undergraduates Multivariable Calculus Modern Physics Distribution Course Lifetime Phys. Activity Elective 3 3 3 3 3 1 16 credits Physical Chemistry II Research for Undergraduates Intermediate Electrodynamics Distribution Course Open Elective 3 3 4 3 3 17 credits Advanced CAAM Lecture Course Undergrad. Honors Research Classical & Stat Thermodynamics Distribution Course Open Elective 3 5 3 3 3 Total = 123 credit hours Note: The above sample degree plan assumes that Calculus AB and Chemistry AP credit were earned upon entering Rice, which would satisfy MATH 101 and CHEM 121/122/123/124, respectively. Also note that There is a lot of flexibility in the completion of advanced coursework. However, not all courses are taught every year – consult with your major advisor about your course plan. 17 Transfer Credit Policy The Department of Chemistry grants transfer credit for chemistry courses taken during the summer or during study abroad programs according to the rules and procedures established in the Rice University General Announcements and as administered by the Office of the Registrar. In order to satisfy the Department's ruling on transfer credit, the course must typically be taken at a four-year college or university that offers a degree in chemistry certified by the American Chemical Society (information regarding certified programs is available on the ACS website). The course should be one that counts toward the chemistry degree at that school. Prior to registration, students should obtain pre-approval using the Undergraduate Request for Transfer Credit which is available from the Office of the Registrar. Courses for transfer credit after matriculation for General Chemistry (CHEM 121 and/or CHEM 122) and the laboratory (CHEM 123 and/or CHEM 124) must contain a laboratory component or must involve co-enrollment in associated lecture and laboratory courses. Any student who has taken CHEM 121 and/or CHEM 122 at an alternate institution must receive instructor approval to take the lab credit on the Rice campus. Students should follow these steps to obtain transfer credit approval: 1. Complete an Undergraduate Request for Transfer Credit form, found on the Office of the Registrar’s website (https://registrar.rice.edu/). 2. Write a cover letter describing why you wish to obtain transfer credit. Describe the start and end dates, as well as the meeting times of the course during the term. This letter should include your contact information (campus or local address, phone number, email address). 3. Obtain course syllabus and copies of materials from the college or university showing the course number, course description and enough information to indicate that the course to be taken is the equivalent that chemistry majors take at Rice. 4. Deliver all materials to the Undergraduate & Classroom Coordinator, located in Dell Butcher Hall, room 243. Questions concerning transfer credit should be directed to the Undergraduate & Classroom Coordinator at 713-348-4027. 5. You may elect either to pick-up the processed form or to have it returned via campus mail. Please allow one-week for processing of the transfer credit request. 18 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Undergraduate students have a unique opportunity to perform research in one of our many interdisciplinary research labs. Chemistry majors seeking a B.S. degree are required to take at least eight credit hours of research through CHEM 391, 491, 492, and 493. Most chemistry research students are chemistry majors. Although many work with Rice Chemistry professors, we also encourage and support students doing research in other Rice science departments, or even outside the University, most commonly at labs in the Texas Medical Center. In the first semester of independent research, students should enroll in CHEM 391 for at least 3 credit hours before the end of their junior year. Prior to enrollment, students must secure a position in a laboratory. In subsequent semesters, students should enroll in CHEM 491 for independent research (or CHEM 492/493 for honors thesis research), and may choose the credit hours in consultation with their research advisor. Students should expect to spend 3 hours/week for each credit-hour (or 42 hours per semester). This implies at least 9 hours in the lab for a 3-hour course, or 12 hours for a 4-hour course, each week. CHEM 491 is repeatable for credit and students wishing to pursue graduate school or other careers in research and applied science are encouraged to gain as much research experience as possible. Students are not limited to one lab, and may choose another lab in subsequent semesters. A major advantage of continuing in one lab may include obtaining results to co-author a publication. Undergraduate Honors Research, CHEM 492 (Fall) and CHEM 493 (Spring): The Chemistry Honors Research Program, CHEM 492/493, offers students in their final year at Rice the opportunity to perform a two-semester, individual chemistry research project. These courses function as a pair and must be taken in the same academic year. Course requirements include (but are not limited to) completing a research proposal, a public presentation of findings, and a formal research report or thesis in the spring term. Students must formally apply into CHEM 492/493 with the recommendation of their research professor. If you are conducting research for a thesis outside the Chemistry Department you must have an on-campus Chemistry Department secondary advisor. Applications must be submitted to the course instructor February 1 August 1 (early application submission is highly encouraged). Students who complete the Chemistry Honors Research Program are given primary consideration for "Distinction in Research and Creative Work," a university award for select undergraduates, chosen by the Department and granted at commencement, which appears on the transcript and diploma. How do I register for Undergraduate Research? First, start planning far in advance. The deadline for course enrollment is several weeks before the start of the semester. Some labs may have extensive laboratory or safety training that must be completed before the start of the semester. Labs at the Texas Medical Center often have access control regulations that require filling paperwork months in advance of starting in the lab. You must fill out the application found on the Chemistry Department webpage. The information provided in this application can be used to apply for all Chemistry research, including for a thesis or for Honor’s Research. Once you have submitted this application, you must fill-out the Undergraduate Special Registration form from the Office of the Registrar (http://registrar.rice.edu/online_forms/) and bring it to the Course Advisor to be signed before being brought back to the Office of the Registrar. If you are conducting research off-campus in the medical center your Research Advisor must email the Course Advisor in support of your research with them. Summer Research Opportunities: In addition to CHEM 391, 491, 492 and 493, a limited number of opportunities exist for undergraduates to do research during the summer. The summer research opportunities include the Dr. Paul S. Engel Fellowship, the George Holmes Richter Memorial Fellowship and the Zevi & Bertha Salsburg Memorial Fellowship in Chemistry. These are sometimes paid positions, as opposed to being taken for credit. Information regarding applying for these summer opportunities will be sent to all students on the Chemistry Undergraduate listserv in the late Fall of each academic year. To join the listserv, email chemhelp@rice.edu. 19 Opportunities in the Rice Chemistry Department: If you are a chemistry major, you probably want to begin by looking for positions in the chemistry department. Positions are generally not advertised, so the best approach is simply to investigate web pages and contact any faculty member whose research interests you regardless of whether research opportunities have been posted. To find out which faculty members are working in areas that you find intriguing, see the Chemistry Department website (http://chemistry.rice.edu/Content.aspx?id=123) and select an area of interest. Opportunities elsewhere: If you have a particular research interest that is not found among the current Chemistry faculty, you may find a faculty member elsewhere on campus or in the medical center willing to host you. You must then have the project approved by the CHEM491 instructor. To be approved, the research should have something to do with chemistry (defined broadly) and should be set up to provide a positive research experience. If you are interested in a particular lab or type of research outside the guidelines mentioned above, discuss this with the CHEM491 instructor to see if it would be appropriate. Research in labs at the Texas Medical Center (TMC) The Texas Medical Center holds enormous possibilities to do research, and students who are headed to medical school might be particularly interested in the possibility of working at the medical center. Nevertheless, several factors complicate off-campus research, which should not be taken lightly. 1) Travel time - The round trip takes 30-60 min and reduces the amount of time you have to spend in the lab. 2) Hard to drop in for a few minutes - Sometimes when you have a break between classes you will want to drop into lab for a few minutes to start a reaction, check on an analytical run or a calculation, or talk to your professor. These few minutes can often give you a head start or eliminate waiting time when you have your next block of time in the lab. The distance problem can preclude popping in and out of an offcampus lab. 3) Cultural differences between Rice and other TMC institutions - Most labs at the medical center are less accustomed to working with undergraduate researchers and may be less accommodating of undergraduate schedules and instructional needs. 4) Paperwork and safety training courses - Additional paperwork and safety training courses are required for most off-campus labs, so you will have to budget extra time to complete these before beginning research. However, students who have prepared for these complexities have an unusual opportunity to undertake medical research as an undergraduate student. A hybrid approach is to join a Rice lab that works closely with TMC faculty. Please see the course instructor if you’d like leads in these directions. 20 How Do I Find a Research Opportunity? Where do I start? Look at the various research summaries of the faculty on the Chemistry Department website: http://chemistry.rice.edu/Faculty.aspx?id=106 . Most students joining a lab have some background in inorganic chemistry from a general chemistry course or CHEM360 students, and many will have taken organic. You may not have taken courses in other areas of chemistry by the time you join a lab, but you can envision many interfaces between chemistry and other fields. Physical chemistry is a great direction to go if you like physics and chemistry, and bio-organic chemistry is the interface between biological chemistry and organic. People who have strong interests or background in mathematics and/or computer science might consider becoming theoreticians or computational chemists. Rice has a rich history of excellence in nanotechnology, which has applications in almost all areas of chemistry, from biochemistry to materials science. There are lots of options for undergraduate research, but do not be overwhelmed by them! It’s not possible to collect all of the information about every lab and then put the data through some algorithm to identify the best lab for you. Random circumstance often governs which lab a student joins- many labs are particularly popular at one college because many people join the lab where their friends work. Look for a lab that is interesting to you. Talk to juniors and seniors, as well as your graduate student TAs, about their lab experiences. Which labs do they recommend? Contact chemistry professors with whom you’ve taken classes for advice about labs. The course instructor is happy to meet with you to help identify a good match. If you are serious about joining a particular research group, visit the lab, ask to meet the undergrads already working there, and inquire as to the best method of approaching that particular professor. Compensation Most undergraduate research during the school year is done for CHEM 491 credit. In many labs, paid positions during the school year are limited to lab maintenance or very routine work, and actual research will only be available for students working for credit during the academic year. However, many labs offer some paid positions over the summer. Some professors do try to set up paid research positions during the school year for students who are eligible for work-study. How do I contact professors with whom I might want to work? Do your homework. Most positions are not advertised, but are filled from among the students who contact faculty members. Read about each lab’s research and try to talk with current group members to get a feel for the personality and expectations of the faculty member. Write a personal email to the faculty member. Do not send a mass email to multiple faculty members or your email will be considered spam and ignored. Your introductory email conveys an important first impression and can influence how easy it will be for you to find a lab home. All heads of research labs have either a PhD or an MD degree and should be addressed as “Prof.” or “Dr.” or and not “Ms., Mrs., or Mr.” In your email, tell the professor who you are (name, year at Rice), why you are looking for a position in a research lab, and why you are interested in his or her lab in particular. Describe any relevant course work or prior research experience, even if it was in high school. You also may want to include whether you are looking for a short (1 semester) or longer experience, and how many hours per week you can commit to lab work. If you are considering graduate school after Rice, include this interest in the letter. How many labs should I contact? Getting into a lab is partly timing and luck, so do not be discouraged if your first efforts are not successful. It’s usually necessary to contact several labs to find a position. If you know someone in a lab where you want to work, ask that person to put in a good word for you. If you are not successful after several attempts, you may wish to ask the course instructor for feedback on your contact letter. Additional information about research opportunities and finding an advisor can be found by contacting the course instructor. 21 Departmental Awards & Fellowships Undergraduate students have several opportunities to win awards and summer research fellowships from the Department of Chemistry. Below is information providing the background of each award. Information on how to apply for any of the summer research fellowships will be sent out to the Chemistry Undergraduate listserv near the end of the Fall semester. Be on the lookout! Paul S. Engel Fellowship Awarded to a promising chemistry undergraduate in partial support of a chemistry summer research internship Arthur L. Draper Award Awarded in recognition of exceptional undergraduate performance in chemistry coursework George Holmes Richter Memorial Fellowship Awarded to a promising chemistry undergraduate in partial support of a chemistry summer research internship Richard Turner Memorial Award Awarded in recognition of outstanding undergraduate achievement in organic chemistry Zevi & Bertha Salsburg Memorial Fellowship in Chemistry Awarded to a promising chemistry undergraduate in partial support of a chemistry summer research internship Zevi & Bertha Salsburg Memorial Award in Chemistry Awarded in recognition of outstanding undergraduate chemistry students Distinction in Research & Creative Work The Distinction in Research and Creative Work is a University award for select undergraduates, granted at commencement, which appears on the transcript and diploma. More specifically, in the Chemistry Department, this award recognizes Rice B.S. chemists whose research discoveries will form a substantial component of an important publication. The submission and review processes are often not fast enough for researchers to see their work in print before graduation. A pre-publication formal description of the research (e.g., a submissionready manuscript or a CHEM 492/3 Honors Thesis or the equivalent) with a detailed accounting of the nominee’s contribution and those of other authors is sufficient. Applicants must also be in good academic standing and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.30 in courses completed at Rice. Required Application Materials: 1. Declaration of intention to apply for this distinction. 2. Documentation of research achievement in the form of published papers, theses, pre-publication manuscripts, electronic files of presentations (PowerPoint or poster) given off-campus. 3. A supporting letter from the research advisor which should detail the student’s research accomplishments and intellectual contributions. Deadline for Final Submission of Materials: April 24th of semester before graduation Please send all application materials to Sofia Medrano: smedrano@rice.edu 22 Appendix A: Chemistry Faculty and their Research Interests Our Department’s faculty have a wide variety of research interests and hold joint appointments with Biosciences, Bioengineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Computer Science, Earth Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Material Science & Nanoengineering, Physics & Astronomy, and Civil & Environmental Engineering. 3,7 Pulickel Ajayan , PhD (Northwestern, 1989). Multifunctional nanostructures and hybrid platforms for energy storage, composites, sensors, electronics, and biomedicine. 7,9 2 Jeffrey D. Hartgerink , PhD (Scripps, 1999). Selfassembly of nanostructured materials with a focus on molecular structures of proteins and peptide based biomaterials for tissue regeneration, drug delivery and other biomedical applications. Pedro J. Alvarez , PhD ( U of Michigan, 1992). Bioremediation of contaminated aquifers, fate and transport of toxic chemicals, and environmental implication and application of nanotechnology. John S. Hutchinson*, PhD (UT Austin, 1980). Theory of the dynamics of reactive molecular species. Zachary T. Ball, PhD (Stanford, 2004). Current research includes reaction discovery, biomimetic catalysis, and organometallics for biology and medicine. Anatoly B. Kolomeisky , PhD (Cornell, 1998). Theoretical physical chemistry, biophysics and statistical mechanics. Modeling of biological transport systems and protein-DNA interactions, and investigation of nanocars and other artificial nanoscale devices. 7 Enrique Barrera , PhD (UT Austin, 1987). Formation of hybrid nanotube materials and the development of fully integrated nanotube composites. 7 Andrew R. Barron , PhD (Imperial College, U of London, 1986). Chemistry, nanoscale science and materials science of the Group 13 elements leading to the development of new materials and catalysts. W. E. Billups*, PhD (Penn State, 1970). Synthesis of new molecular systems of theoretical interest, fullerene chemistry and the chemistry of free metal atoms. Philip R. Brooks*, PhD (U of California, Berkeley, 1964). Physical Chemistry. Molecular-beam studies of chemical reaction dynamics. 3 Cecilia Clementi , PhD (International School for Advanced Studies, 1998). Theoretical and computational investigation of protein folding, protein interactions and functions. 2 Michael Diehl , PhD (UCLA, 2002). Biomotor cooperativity, biomaterials, supramolecular biophysics and molecular bioengineering. Paul S. Engel*, PhD (Harvard, 1968). Free radical initiators, inhibitors of polymerization, free radical of single walled carbon nanotubes with organic free radicals. 8 Jason H. Hafner , PhD (Rice, 1998). Application of nanometer-scale tools and materials to problems of biological and biomedical interest. 2,6,7,8 , PhD (Bryn Mawr, 1987). Naomi J. Halas Nanofabrication chemistry and nano-optics. 3 László Kürti, PhD (UPenn). Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Specializes in the development of new catalytic asymmetric transformations, modes of chirality transfer, methods for the synthesis of bioactive N- and O-heterocycles as well as novel aminating agents & transition metal-free amination reactions. 6 Christy F. Landes , PhD (Georgia Tech, 2003). Experimental physical, biophysical, and nanomaterials physical chemistry; single molecule spectroscopy. Dynamic complexity and its role in biological and synthetic polymer functions. 6 Stephan Link , PhD (Georgia Tech, 2000). Physical chemistry of nanomaterials, nanophotonics and plasmonics, spectroscopy of individual & coupled nanoparticles with applications in opto-electronics, energy, and medicine. 7 Jun Lou , PhD (Princeton U). Nanomaterial synthesis, nanomechanical characterization and nanodevice fabrication for energy, environment and biomedical applications. 2,7 Angel Marti , PhD (U Puerto Rico, 2004). Development of molecules to diagnose and treat disorders that involve protein aggregates, e.g. Alzheimer’s; development of supramolecular materials based on nanoscale building blocks. 5 Carrie Masiello , PhD (U of California, Irvine, 1999). Fundamental mechanisms of the carbon cycle, carbon sequestration, climate change, black carbon, terrestrialriver-ocean biosphere interactions. 1 Seiichi P. T. Matsuda , PhD (Harvard, 1994). Bioorganic and organic chemistry, terpenoid biosynthesis, enzyme evolution, redesign of enzymes to 23 have new activities, and genomic approaches to find biologically active molecules. 3,7 Antonios G. Mikos , PhD (Purdue U, 1988). Synthetic biodegradable polymers as supportive scaffolds for cells, as conduits for guided tissue growth, as specific substrates for targeted cell adhesion, or as stimulants for a desired cellular response. 7,8 Emilia Morosan , PhD (Iowa State, 2005). Design and synthesis of novel magnetic and superconducting materials. K.C. Nicolaou, PhD (U London, 1972). Specializes in organic chemistry with a focus on the synthesis of natural and designed molecules of biological and medical importance to cancer research. 8 Jose Onuchic , PhD (Harvard, 1976). Theoretical and computational methods for molecular biophysics and chemical reactions in condensed matter; protein folding funnels as a mechanism for the folding of proteins. 3,7 Matteo Pasquali , PhD (Minnesota, 1999). Interaction of flow and liquid micro- and nanostructure in complex fluids, with application to the manufacturing of engineered materials. 1 George Phillips , PhD (Rice, 1976). Three-dimensional structure and dynamics of proteins to their biological functions, computational biology. 7 Emilie Ringe , PhD (Northwestern, 2012). Atomic resolution and three dimensional elemental mapping of alloy nanoparticles relevant for catalysis applications. Peter Rossky, PhD (Harvard, 1978). The elucidation of the fundamental molecular-level origins of chemical behavior in condensed phases and clusters. 7,8 Gustavo E. Scuseria , PhD (U Buenos Aires, 1983). Development of theoretical and computational quantum chemistry techniques (many in the Gaussian program). Application of quantum mechanics to predict the structure and properties of molecules. 6,7 Isabell Thomann , PhD (U of Colorado, Boulder). Energy, photocatalysis, ultrafast spectroscopy and nanophotonics. 3,7 Ned Thomas , PhD (Cornell, 1974). Polymer physics and engineering, photonics and phononics and mechanical and optical properties of block copolymers, liquid crystalline polymers, and hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites. 4,7 James M. Tour , PhD (Purdue, 1986). Organic chemistry, materials science, polymer chemistry, nanoscience, and nanotechnology. 7 R. Bruce Weisman , PhD (U Chicago, 1977). Basic studies of carbon nanotube spectroscopy and photophysics and related analytical, mechanical engineering and biomedical applications. Kenton H. Whitmire, PhD (Northwestern, 1982). Inorganic and organometallic chemistry, precursor design for advanced nanomaterials, structural and mechanistic chemistry, catalysis, bioactivity of heavy main group elements. Lon J. Wilson*, PhD (U Washington, 1971). Nanoparticle development in biology and medicine. Nanotechnologically-enhanced medical imaging and therapeutic agents. 8,7 Peter G. Wolynes , PhD (Harvard, 1976). Theoretical chemical physics, theory of glasses, protein dynamics and folding. Stochastic cell biology. 3,7 Michael S. Wong , PhD (MIT, 2000). Chemical engineering, chemistry, and materials science, functional nanoparticle-based materials. 7 Boris I. Yakobson , PhD (Russian Acad. of Sciences, 1982). Theory and modeling of materials derived from macroscopic and fundamental molecular interactions. Junrong Zheng, PhD (Stanford, 2007). Development of multiple-dimensional vibrational spectroscopic techniques to probe interfacial chemical and biological questions. 7 Eugene R. Zubarev , PhD (Russian Acad. of Sciences, 1998). Organic chemistry and polymer chemistry, synthesis and characterization of self-assembling molecules. *currently not taking students 24 Appendix B: Degree Requirements for Matriculants Prior to Fall 2014 The degree requirements prior to Fall 2014, including a letter from Professor Zachary Ball detailing the changes, are in the following pages. Dear Chemistry Majors and Advisors: This letter answers a few questions that have come up regarding changes to the graduation requirements. You have the option of graduating under either the “old” General Announcements in place when you started at Rice, or under the new General Announcements in place when you graduate. For most current students, we anticipate that most students will prefer to graduate under the “old” General Announcements in place when you started at Rice. However, you are certainly welcome to consider both options. You must complete either ALL the old requirements or ALL the new requirements. You may not pick and choose. However, the table given under “Lab Course Requirements” describes combinations of “old” and “new” labs that can be used to complete the graduation requirements under either the previous General Announcements or the new 2014 General Announcements. That is, for example, CHEM 231, CHEM 365, and CHEM 368 are sufficient to fulfill BS graduation requirements under both the previous General Announcements or the new 2014 General Announcements. Changes in Lab Course Requirements BS: Important notes: CHEM 215 does NOT count as a laboratory course for purposes of this chart for the BS degree. Credit for CHEM 215 (taken BEFORE Fall 2014) can be used to fulfill part of the research requirement. Credit for CHEM 700 does not count toward the BS lab requirements. “old” lab courses completed 0 1 2 3 4 5 ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ BS “new” lab courses needed 3 2 2 1 1 N/A credit hours* 6 5 6 5 6 BA: Credit for CHEM 215 (taken BEFORE Fall 2014) DOES count as a laboratory course for purposes of this chart for the BA degree. Of the three required labs, at least two must come from the list of “core” labs (CHEM 231, CHEM 232, CHEM 353, CHEM 365, CHEM 366, CHEM 367, CHEM 368). Credit for CHEM 700 does not count toward the BA lab requirements. BA “old” lab courses completed 0 1 2 3 ↔ ↔ ↔ “new” lab courses needed 3 2 1 0 credit hours* 6 5 4 3-4 25 Future lab course schedule • CHEM 365 Organic Chemistry Laboratory (spring term starting Spring 2015) • CHEM 366 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (fall term starting Fall 2014) • CHEM 367 Materials Chemistry Laboratory (fall term starting Fall 2015) • CHEM 368 Chemical Measurement Laboratory (spring term starting Spring 2015) • BIOC 311 Advanced Experimental Biosciences (offered every year) and • • CHEM 395 Advanced Module in Green Chemistry (offered Spring 2015) There is no guarantee that it will be taught after Spring 2015. CHEM 372 Advanced Module in the Synthesis and Characterization of Fullerene Compounds (offered Spring 2015) There is no guarantee that it will be taught after Spring 2015. Changes in Math requirements. MATH 101, MATH 201, MATH 212 will be required for both BS and BA degrees. MATH 211 will no longer be required. Changes in PChem requirements. Two semesters will be required for both degrees (B.A. and B.S.). This generally implies CHEM 311 and CHEM 312, but other courses (CHEM 310 and CHEM 430, for example) are acceptable. CHEM 310 will be taught Fall 2014 & Fall 2015. There is no guarantee that it will be taught after Fall 2015. This may affect scheduling for current freshmen. CHEM 311 will be taught Fall 2016. There is no guarantee that it will be taught before then. CHEM 312 will be taught Spring 2017. There is no guarantee that it will be taught before then. Changes in Research Requirements We are moving from 3 semesters of required research to 8 credit hours of required research. Changes in course requirements. The requirements for upper-level (generally 400+) work have been changed to specifying credit hours rather than number of courses. This change allows undergraduates to take advantage of 1.5-credit, half-semester courses. Two 1.5-credit courses count the same as one 3-credit course for all students, regardless of matriculation year. If you have additional question, please see the Chemistry advisor for your college. Sincerely, Zachary T. Ball 26 Appendix C: Degree Requirements for the BS in Chemistry (for Matriculants Prior to Fall 2014) This degree requires at least 124 credit hours, including 64 credit hours of chemistry requirements and at least 60 additional credit hours to satisfy distribution requirements. The following courses are required for all students pursuing the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry: General Chemistry: ☐CHEM 151 Honors Chemistry I or CHEM 121 General Chemistry I ☐CHEM 152 Honors Chemistry II or CHEM 122 General Chemistry II ☐CHEM 153 Honors Chemistry Laboratory I or CHEM 123 General Chemistry III ☐CHEM 154 Honors Chemistry Laboratory II or CHEM 124 General Chemistry IV Chemistry Foundation Courses: ☐CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I ☐CHEM 310 Physical Chemistry ☐CHEM 330 Analytical Chemistry ☐CHEM 360 Inorganic Chemistry ☐BIOC 301 Biochemistry I Introductory Laboratory Modules: ☐CHEM 231 or CHEM 351 Introductory Module in Inorganic Chemistry ☐CHEM 232 or CHEM 352 Introductory Module in Organic Chemistry ☐CHEM 353 Introductory Module in Analytical Methods Mathematics*: ☐MATH 101 Single Variable Calculus I ☐MATH 102 Single Variable Calculus II ☐MATH 211 Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra or MATH 221 Honors Calculus III ☐MATH 212 Multivariable Calculus or MATH 222 Honors Calculus IV * The Department of Mathematics may, after consultation with a student concerning his/ her previous math preparation, recommend that a student be placed into a higher level math course than for which the student has official credit. The Department of Chemistry will accept this waiver of the math classes upon a written confirmation of the waiver from the Department of Mathematics and upon the student’s successful completion of the higher level math course. Physics: ☐PHYS 101 or 111 Mechanics (with lab) or PHYS 125 General Physics (with lab) ☐PHYS 102 or 112 Electricity and Magnetism (with lab) or PHYS 126 General Physics II (with lab) Advanced Lab Modules: Two 300-level chemistry laboratory modules beyond CHEM 353. Laboratory courses from other departments can count if they have substantial chemistry content (these must be approved by the track advisor). Students interested in health professions need two credit hours of organic laboratory (either CHEM 215, or both CHEM 232 and CHEM 374). ☐300-level Chem Laboratory Module Course Number and Name: ________________________ ☐300-level Chem Laboratory Module Course Number and Name: ________________________ ☐Signature of Advisor if the lab courses are from another department: ____________________________ Date: _____________ Research: Each student must complete three semesters of research, each with 3 or more credit hours (any combination of CHEM 491 Research for Undergraduates, CHEM 492 Undergraduate Honors Research, or CHEM 493 Undergraduate Honors Research). Corresponding research courses from other departments in Science and Engineering may be used towards this requirement. A semester of research can be replaced by 1) CHEM 215; 2) an additional advanced laboratory module; 3) or CHEM 700 (Teaching Practicum, which can be taken by undergrads who gain the instructor's permission). No more than two semesters of research can be replaced through these substitutions. ☐Course name and number ______________________________ ☐Course name and number ______________________________ ☐Course name and number ______________________________ 27 In-depth Chemistry Courses In addition to the above required courses for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, each student must complete the requirements for one of the following specializations or tracks. Other departments offer advanced courses with substantial chemistry content, and these may count toward this requirement with approval of a track advisor. A student may, by working with his or her chemistry major advisor and with the approval of the chemistry department, propose a track in another specialization. Such proposed tracks must have course and laboratory experiences comparable to those of the tracks listed below. A double specialization can be earned by completing the requirements for two specialties. For double specialization, only two advanced lecture courses may count towards both specializations. The remaining two advanced courses in each specialization must be unique (i.e., double specialization requires six advanced lecture courses, and triple specialization require eight). A nanochemistry specialization can be added to any of the standard tracks by adding two nanoscience courses. Most in-depth courses are 400-level or higher, but CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II and CHEM 320 Organic Chemistry II build upon the foundation established in CHEM 211 and are classified as in-depth courses. Specialization in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry ☐ CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II or CHEM 320 Organic Chemistry II ☐ BIOC 302 Biochemistry II Two additional three-credit advanced chemistry courses. Students interested in biological and medicinal chemistry are encouraged to consider: ☐CHEM 401 Advanced Organic ☐CHEM 442 Medicinal Chemistry I ☐CHEM 547 Supramolecular Chemistry Chemistry ☐CHEM 443 Medicinal Chemistry II ☐CHEM 411 Spectral Methods in ☐BIOC 352 Physical Chemistry for the ☐CHEM 543 Secondary Metabolism Organic Chemistry Biosciences ☐CHEM 537 Biophysical Chemistry ☐CHEM 440 Enzyme Mechanisms Specialization in Inorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Materials ☐ CHEM 475 Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry ☐ CHEM 495 Transition Metal Chemistry ☐ Two additional three-credit advanced chemistry courses. Course Number and Name ___________________ ☐ Two additional three-credit advanced chemistry courses. Course Number and Name ___________________ Specialization in Organic Chemistry ☐ CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II or CHEM 320 Organic Chemistry II ☐ CHEM 401 Advanced Organic Chemistry Two additional three-credit advanced chemistry courses. Students interested in organic chemistry are encouraged to consider: ☐CHEM 411 Spectral Methods in ☐CHEM 443 Medicinal Chemistry II ☐CHEM 543 Secondary Metabolism Organic Chemistry ☐CHEM 445 Physical Organic ☐CHEM 547 Supramolecular ☐CHEM 430 Quantum Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry ☐CHEM 440 Enzyme Mechanisms ☐CHEM 495 Transition Metal Chemistry ☐CHEM 442 Medicinal Chemistry I Specialization in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ☐CHEM 430 Quantum Chemistry ☐CHEM 420 Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics ☐One additional three-credit advanced course in physical chemistry (CHEM 415 Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, CHEM 450 Chemical Physical of Condensed and Biological Matter, CHEM 531 Advanced Quantum Chemistry, or CHEM 537 Biophysical Chemistry) ☐One additional three-credit advanced course in chemistry outside of physical chemistry Specialization in an Alternative Area: ☐Course Number and Name _____________________ ☐Course Number and Name _____________________ ☐Course Number and Name _____________________ 28 Appendix D: Degree Requirements for the BA in Chemistry (for Matriculants Prior to Fall 2014) The BA in chemistry requires at least 120 credit hours, including 45 credit hours of chemistry requirements (below) and at least 78 additional credit hours that satisfy the distribution requirements. The following courses are required for all students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry: General Chemistry: ☐CHEM 151 Honors Chemistry I or CHEM 121 General Chemistry I ☐CHEM 152 Honors Chemistry II or CHEM 122 General Chemistry II ☐CHEM 153 Honors Chemistry Laboratory I or CHEM 123 General Chemistry III ☐CHEM 154 Honors Chemistry Laboratory II or CHEM 124 General Chemistry IV Chemistry Foundation Courses: ☐CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I ☐CHEM 310 Physical Chemistry or BIOC 352 Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences ☐CHEM 330 Analytical Chemistry ☐ CHEM 360 Inorganic Chemistry ☐BIOC 301 Biochemistry I Introductory Laboratory Modules: ☐CHEM 231 or CHEM 351 Introductory Module in Inorganic Chemistry ☐CHEM 232 or CHEM 352 Introductory Module in Organic Chemistry ☐ One additional chemistry laboratory course (CHEM 215 or any chemistry lab module) Mathematics: ☐MATH 101 Single Variable Calculus I ☐MATH 102 Single Variable Calculus II Physics: ☐PHYS 101 or 111 Mechanics or PHYS 125 General Physics ☐PHYS 102 or 112 Electricity and Magnetism or PHYS 126 General Physics II Two Additional Upper-level 3-credit Chemistry Lecture Courses* (these can include CHEM 212 or CHEM 320): ☐ Course number and name____________ ☐ Course number and name____________ *Other departments offer advanced courses with substantial chemistry content, and these may count toward this requirement with approval of the BA advisor. 29 Appendix E: Course Offerings 2015-2016 CHEM 110-FRESHMAN CHEMISTRY SEMINAR Credits: 1 Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory This half-semester course introduces freshmen to chemical research at Rice and in Houston. The course is offered both semesters, and although some of the same material is covered in both semesters, the fall course emphasizes material for students interested in the PhD track towards academic and industrial chemistry careers, while the spring semester places greater emphasis on research in the Texas Medical Center (TMC) for students who plan to pursue the health professions. Additional tours and activities TBA. All first-year non-transfer students are eligible to enroll in CHEM 110 regardless of AP credit. CHEM 121-GENERAL CHEMISTRY I Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Introduction of chemical phenomena emphasizing problems and methods in Chemistry. Either CHEM 121 or CHEM 151 may be taken as a prerequisite for higher study in chemistry, but only one of these may be taken for credit. Students must also register for CHEM 123 General Chemistry Laboratory I. The course and the co-requisite lab are graded jointly. CHEM 122-GENERAL CHEMISTRY II Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter A continuation of CHEM 121. Either CHEM 122 or CHEM 152 may be taken as prerequisites for higher study in chemistry, but only one may be taken for credit. Students must also register for CHEM 124 General Chemistry Laboratory II. The course and the co-requisite lab are graded jointly. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 121 OR CHEM 151 CHEM 123-GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I Credits: 1 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Required laboratory component of CHEM 121. Students must also register for CHEM 121. Credit may only be received for either CHEM 123 or CHEM 153 but not both. The course and the co-requisite lab are graded jointly. CHEM 124-GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II Credits: 1 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Required laboratory component of CHEM 122. Students must also register for CHEM 122. Credit may not be received for both CHEM 124 and CHEM 154. The course and the co-requisite lab are graded jointly. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 123 CHEM 151-HONORS CHEMISTRY I Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter An accelerated introduction to chemical phenomena emphasizing principles and theories in chemistry. Recommended strongly for students who plan to major in chemistry or have a strong high school background. Students with AP credit in Chemistry who intend to pursue advanced study in Chemistry are strongly encouraged to take CHEM 151 and CHEM 152. Students must also register for CHEM 153, which is laboratory that meets once per week. Either CHEM 121 or CHEM 151 may be taken as a prerequisite for higher study in chemistry, but only one of these may be taken for credit. The course and the co-requisite lab are graded jointly. Recommended prerequisite(s): high school chemistry and physics. Co-requisite: CHEM 153 CHEM 152-HONORS CHEMISTRY II Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter A continuation of CHEM 151. Students with AP credit in Chemistry who intend to pursue advanced study in Chemistry are strongly encouraged to take CHEM 151 and CHEM 152. Students must also register for CHEM 154 which is a laboratory that meets once per week. Either CHEM 122 or CHEM 152 may be taken as a prerequisite for higher study in chemistry, but only one of these may be taken for credit. The course and the co-requisite are graded jointly. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 151 OR CHEM 121 30 Co-requisite: CHEM 154 CHEM 153-HONORS CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I Credits: 1 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Required laboratory component of CHEM 151. Students must also register for CHEM 151. The course and the corequisite lab are graded jointly. Co-requisite: CHEM 151 CHEM 154-HONORS CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II Credits: 1 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Required laboratory component of CHEM 152. Students must also register for CHEM 152. The course and the corequisite lab are graded jointly. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 153 OR CHEM 123 Co-requisite: CHEM 152 CHEM 176-THE CHEMISTRY OF ART Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter The chemistry of the materials and methods used to create, conserve and authenticate art objects will be presented. Topics will include sculpture, painting, photography, textiles, jewelry, furniture, etc. Taught in conjunction with the Conservation Department and Staff of the MFAH. Some classes will be held at the MFAH or HMNS. CHEM 178-THE CHEMISTRY OF COOKING Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter This course examines the chemistry involved in the composition, transformation, and consumption of food. Topics include chemical properties and reactions of food, cooking tools, and techniques, sensory perception, and nutrition. Lectures and hands-on kitchen experiments are taught in conjunction with Rice Dining Service. Knowledge of high school chemistry is expected. CHEM 211-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Organic chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic compounds with emphasis on structure, functional groups, bonding, stereochemistry, and reaction mechanisms. CHEM 211 may be taken as a prerequisite for higher study in chemistry. CHEM 211 and CHEM 213 are co-requisites and must be taken together in the same semester. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 122 OR CHEM 152 Co-requisite: CHEM 213 CHEM 212-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Continuation of CHEM 211 with an emphasis on aromatic compounds, reactivity and biologically relevant molecules. Either CHEM 212 or CHEM 320 may be taken as a prerequisite for higher study in chemistry, but only one of these may be taken for credit. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 211 CHEM 215-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB Credits: 2 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Synthesis, purification, and characterization of organic compounds. Experiments related to topics covered in CHEM 211, 212. Includes identification of unknown organic compounds. One lab per week. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 211 CHEM 217-ORGANIC LABORATORY FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Credits: 1 Grade Mode: Standard Letter 31 Organic laboratory designed for chemical engineering majors. Emphasis placed on the synthesis and the characterization of organic compounds. This laboratory does not satisfy requirements for science majors or premedical students. CRN 11659: Section 001 will start on Wed, Aug 26th and will meet every other Wednesday for 7 total lab periods. CRN 11484: Section 002 will start on Wed, Sept 2nd and will meet every other Wednesday for 7 total lab periods. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 211 CHEM 220-UNDERGRADUATE CHEMISTRY SEMINAR Credits: 1 Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory PhD students in the Rice Chemistry Department give annual seminars on their research. The CHEM 220 course is a mechanism for undergraduate students to participate as an audience member in these seminars. The course provides unique access to gain insight into the workings of a PhD program. Students will see a lot of the chemistry research done on campus, and this broad background can be invaluable for those investigating possible research directions for their undergraduate research. CHEM 310-PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter A survey of the principal theories of physical chemistry including Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy, and Chemical Kinetics. Pre-requisite(s): (CHEM 122 OR CHEM 152) AND (MATH 211 OR MATH 221) CHEM 311-PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter An introduction to the principles of thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, chemical kinetics and the statistical mechanics. Pre-requisite(s): (CHEM 122 OR CHEM 152) AND MATH 212 CHEM 312-PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter An introduction to fundamental principles in quantum chemistry, chemical bonding and molecular spectroscopy. Pre-requisite(s): (CHEM 122 OR CHEM 152) AND MATH 212 CHEM 320-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter A continuation of CHEM 211 that is in greater depth than CHEM 212. Primarily for chemistry majors and science or engineering students with a strong interest in chemistry research. Either CHEM 212 or CHEM 320 completes the twosemester organic chemistry sequence and may be taken as a prerequisite for higher study in chemistry, but only one may be taken for credit. The pre-req CHEM 232 or CHEM 365 may be taken concurrently with CHEM 320. For registration instructions and additional course information, please see the course web page in Owlspace. Instructor permission required Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 211 AND (CHEM 232 OR CHEM 365) CHEM 330-ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter A treatment of modern analytical chemistry with an emphasis on instrumentation. Applications of analytical chemistry as applied to areas of medicine, forensics, and material. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 211 CHEM 360-INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Survey of the periodic table; atomic and molecular structure; bonding in covalent, ionic, and electron deficient systems; thermochemical principles and experimental techniques for analysis, structure determination, and synthesis. 32 CHEM 365-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB Credits: 2 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Experiments illustrating techniques in synthetic organic chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis. Normally taken in conjunction with CHEM 212 or CHEM 320. NOTE: only one of CHEM 232 and CHEM 365 may be taken for credit. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 211 CHEM 366-INORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB Credits: 2 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Various porphyrin and metalloporphyrin compounds are synthesized, purified and characterized by modern research techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements. Data analysis to determine molecular structure is by student group tutorials. NOTE: only one of CHEM 231 and CHEM 366 may be taken for credit. CHEM 367-MATERIALS CHEMISTRY LAB Credits: 2 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Provides a hands-on experience for undergraduate student interested in the synthesis and structural characterization of nanostructured materials. Synthetic methods will include wet chemistry techniques and lithographic preparation of nanostructures. The course will provide understanding of and exposure to modern analysis and characterization techniques, including spectroscopy, X-ray methods, and microscopy. Expected to be offered Fall 2015. CHEM 368-CHEMICAL MEASUREMENT LAB Credits: 2 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Introduction to Experimental Physical Chemistry. NOTE: only one of CHEM 381 and CHEM 368 may be taken for credit. CHEM 376-ADVANCED INORGANIC SYNTHESIS Credits: 2 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Advanced techniques in inorganic and organometallic synthesis will be covered including air sensitive manipulations using Schlenk line, vacuum lines and dry box. Graduate students may register with an approved Special Registration form. CHEM 391-RESEARCH FOR UNDERGRADUATES Credits: 1 TO 5 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Independent chemical research at Rice or in other Texas Medical Center groups. Students spend at least 3 hours per week in the laboratory for each semester hour of credit, in addition to other requirements. If taken for 3 or more hours, counts toward the CHEM 391 requirement for the BS degree in chemistry. Instructor permission required. Students are expected to complete CHEM 391 before the end of their junior year; permission is not normally granted for students in their final year of undergraduate study. Prior to enrollment, students must secure a position in a laboratory. A special registration form, signed by the faculty research advisor, should be submitted to the course instructor by August 1 for the Fall term, December 1 for the Spring term, or April 1 for the Summer term. Instructor permission required CHEM 401-ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter The principles of structure and bonding are used to explain and predict reactivity in organic chemistry. Extensive practice with reaction mechanism and curved-arrow formalism. Topics include conformational analysis, acidity/basicity, functional group preparation, stereoselective synthesis, and organo-element chemistry. Graduate/Undergraduate Equivalency: CHEM 501. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 212 OR CHEM 320 CHEM 430-QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a working knowledge of the basic concepts and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. Topics include the mathematics of quantum mechanics, one-dimensional problems, 33 central field problems, the harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, perturbation theory, spin, and introduction to methods of modern electronic structure theory, with applications in atomic and molecular structures, spectroscopy, and chemical bonding. Graduate/Undergraduate Equivalency: CHEM 530. Pre-requisite(s): (CHEM 310 OR CHEM 312) AND MATH 212 AND (PHYS 102 OR PHYS 112) CHEM 475-PHYSICAL METHODS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter A survey course of research techniques used in modern inorganic chemistry. Topics covered will include X-ray diffraction, mass spectrometry, magnetism, and various spectroscopies (IR, Raman, UV-Vis, NMR, EPR, XPS, and Mossbauer). Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 360 CHEM 491-RESEARCH FOR UNDERGRADUATES Repeatable for Credit Credits: 1 TO 5 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Independent chemical research at Rice or in other Teams Medical Center groups. Ordinarily taken by students who have taken CHEM 391. Students spend at least 3 hours per week in the laboratory for each semester hour of credit, in addition to other requirements. Instructor permission required. Prior to enrollment, students must secure a position in a laboratory. A special registration form, signed by the faculty research advisor is required. For students who have not previously enrolled in CHEM 391 or CHEM 491 with the anticipated faculty research advisor, the special registration form should be submitted to the course instructor by August 1 for the Fall term, December 1 for the Spring term, or April 1 for the Summer term. Instructor permission required Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 391 CHEM 492-UNDERGRADUATE HONORS RESEARCH Credits: 5 Grade Mode: Standard Letter The 1st half of the Honors Research Program. CHEM 492 and CHEM 493 function as a pair and must be taken in the same academic year. Registration for CHEM 492 requires a commitment to register for CHEM 493. Requirements include at least 15 hours of laboratory research per week and written and/or oral progress reports. The sequence will culminate in the completion of a thesis (research report) in the spring ter. Instructor permission required; for approved students only. Applications must be submitted to the course instructor February 1 - August 1. Students are encouraged to apply early. Students who complete the Chemistry Honors Research Program are given primary consideration for "Distinction in Research and Creative Work," a university award for select undergraduates, chosen by the department and granted at commencement, which appears on the transcript and diploma. Ordinarily offered Fall term. Instructor permission required Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 391 CHEM 493-UNDERGRADUATE HONORS RESEARCH Credits: 5 Grade Mode: Standard Letter The 2nd half of the Honors Research Program. CHEM 492 and CHEM 493 function as a pair and must be taken in the same academic year. Requirements include at least 15 hours or laboratory research per week and a thesis (research report). Students who complete the Chemistry Honors Research Program are given primary consideration for "Distinction in Research and Creative Work," a university award for select undergraduates, chosen by the department and granted at commencement, which appears on the transcript and diploma. Ordinarily offered in Spring. Instructor permission required Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 492 CHEM 495-TRANSITION METAL CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Structure, bonding and reactivity of coordination and organometallic compounds; ligand field theory; electronic spectroscopy; magnetism; reaction mechanisms; catalysis. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 211 AND CHEM 360 CHEM 525-FUNDAMENTAL PHTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY Credits: 1.5 34 Grade Mode: Standard Letter This course aims to cover basic topics in photoluminescence spectroscopy such as instrumentation, different photoluminescent species, solvent relaxation, photoluminescence quenching, energy transfer and anisotropy. Novel applications of photoluminescence spectroscopy such as sensing, multiphoton excitation and the fluorescence of proteins will also be discussed. CHEM 533-NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY I Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter An introduction to the basic principles of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Size dependent physical properties of nanoscopic solids will be described using solid state physics and molecular orbital theory as a foundation. Wet chemical techniques that produce nanoscale materials (e.g. carbon nanotubes, semiconductor and metallic nanocrystals, dendrimers...) will be introduced in the second half of the semester. Cross-list: CEVE 533. CHEM 547-SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter An examination of noncovalent interactions and their impact in biology, chemistry, and engineering. Topics will include self-assembly, molecular recognition, protein folding and structure, nucleic acid structure, polymer organization, crystallization and applications of the above for the design and synthesis of nanostructured materials. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 212 OR CHEM 320 CHEM 557-NANOCARBONS Credits: 1.5 Grade Mode: Standard Letter This course will survey the chemistry, physics, and selected applications of carbon nanostructures. Fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphene will be the main focus. Students are expected to have a solid background in physical chemistry. CHEM 559-SPECTROSCOPY AT THE SINGLE MOLECULE/PARTICLE LIMIT Credits: 3 Grade Mode: Standard Letter This course will cover principles of electronic spectroscopy of molecules and nanoparticles with emphasis on single molecule/particle spectroscopy methods and analysis techniques. Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 310 CHEM 700-TEACHING PRACTICUM Repeatable for Credit Credits: 2 Grade Mode: Standard Letter Open to graduate students in chemistry and only in exceptional circumstances to undergraduates. Department: Chemistry 35