I t9 VOCABULARY CHAPTER3 / BUILDING AN IMPRESSIVE @ ffimw#ffi -Wwreffimmffiffim* Vocabulary Lesson 22: Show Offl ped, poedere instruct ostentore to display Today's roots: pedantic (adj) showy about knowledge grandis PomP great, big splendor (paedcre to instruct) Kim's pedantic teaching style bothers her students; she uses bizan'e vocabulary words nobody understands. Synonyms: didactia, egotistic grandiose (adj) pretentious; ridiculously exaggerated @randisgreat) The castle's foyer was the most grandiose of its kind, adorned with crystal chandeliers and gilded banisters. Antonym: humhlc Synonyms: ostentatious,flamhoyan|Iofty bomhastic (adj) pompous; using inflated language The bombasdc language in the mayoy's campaign speechmade her seem arrogant and disconnected from the public. Antonyms: understatedresentel Synonyms:grandiose, operblwvn braggart (n) one who boasts; a showoff (braguer to show off) No one likes a braggart; it's better to be modest and humble about your successes. Synonym: egotist (adj) ostentatious showy; pretentious (ostentare to display + -roers full o0 That solid gold statue is the most ostentatious display of wealth I have ever seen. Antonyms: undcrstated resewed Synonyms:gaudl, grqndiose, garish possessing excessive self-esteem; pretentious (pomp splendor + -oarsfrrll o0 pompous (adj) His pompous, holier-than-thou attitude annoyed all of his classmates. Antonyms: madcs| self*ffacing Synonyms: conceite{ self,-centered pontifical swagger (v) humblc to walk or strut in an arrogant manner Having beat their crosstown rivals handily, the players swaggered back to the locker room. Synonyms: brag, strut lafA @dj) haughty; overly proud Synonyms: cavalicr, pretentious garish (adj) flashy; loud Synonyms: ornale, ostentatious, gaudy ornate (adj) overlydecorated (ornatusto adorn) Synonyms: ostentatiaus, opulen\ Caildy opulence (adj) luxuriousness (opulentus wealthy) Synonyms:,grandcur, ffiluence pretuttious (adj) ostentatious Synonyms:gaudy, grandia se, gafi sh bmoque (adj) extravagantly ornate and convoluted in sryle Synonyms:ftramboy ant, florid McGRAW.HILL'S SAT r20 Vocabulary Lesson 23! Like a Pit Butl tract pull ob- against Today's roots: do1ged(adi tenox Per- holding fast Yery determined; unwilling to give up Outmanned and overmatched, the dogged fighters neverthelessrefused to surrender the Alamo. Antonyms: yielding, irtesolute Synonyms: tenacious, incrorablc relentless (in- not+ exorabilis able to be swayed) Inexorable in his wooing, Jason vowed to send Kathy roses every day until she acceptedhis prom invitation' Antonyms:yielding, itresolute Synonyms: obstinate, dogged incxorablc (adj) stubborn (obstinatus to stand stubbornly) No matter what she tried, she could not make her obstinate husband change his mind' Antonyms: acquic.scent, obsequious Synonyms: adamant, relsntlcss, obdurate obstinate (adi) intransigenf (adj) uncompromising (in- rLot+ transigerelecompromising) pat's intransigent nature showed itself when he adamantly refused to shift his appointment from 5:00 to 5:05' Antonyms: concordant, accommodating, compilaisant Synonyms: obsthute, inttactahlc l (contendere to strive.after + -ious full o0 Julia sighed as her excessivelycontentious husband started another unnecessaryargument with their waiter' Antonyms: passirte, conciliatory Synonyms;pugnacious, belligerenf contentiaus (adi quaffelsome J pertinacity (n) stubbornness (per'very + tenaxholding fast) Kyleshowedincrediblepertinacity after breakinghis leg,makingit backin time for the championshipgame. : doggedncss, stea$astncss Synonyms ) stea.ffiasf(adj) unchanging; unswerving (stedestand+foest firmly fixed) Despitemanyhardships,the teamwassteadfastin ils pursuit of the summit' Antonyms:fcftb,vacillatory obdurate,inexotahle Synonyms: ) stubbornlyrebellious recalcitranr(adj) Synonyms:defiant, stubborn, waYward 7 tanacious (adil holding firmly; persistent (tenax holding fast) persistent,sten$ast, tesolute Synonyms: J disputatior.rs (adj) inclined to arguing (disputareto argue) Slnonyms:contentious, litigious' polemical 3 &durate (adj) intractable; not easily persuaded(obduroreto harden) Slnonyms:ine*orablc, dogged J inir:actabte (adj) hard to manage; stubborn (in' not + tract ptrll) Sponyms: obsthwte, headsttong J adonnnr (adj) refusing to yield (adamasunbreakable) Slaonyms : incxor ahlc, obdurate J Etigious (adj) prone to bringing lawsuits (lrs- lawsuit + agere to drive) Slrronym: contentious CHAPTER3 / BUILDING AN IMPRESSIVE VOCABULARY Vocabulary Lesson 24zYovtre Today's roots: Good at Thafl opt fit Poro- beyond J adroit (adj) surnmus highest dexter skillful dexterous;skillfirl An adroit con man, Clarence knew how to fool even the most skeptical eye. Synon5rms:deft, proficient Antonyms: clu.msy, itt4t 3 unuring (adj) no mistakes; perfect (un- not+ err tomake a mistake) Her unening senseof direction always puts her in the right place even if she has never been there before. Synonym: infalliblc Anton5rm:it{erior J adcpt (adj) committing hiehly skilled Roberto, an adept mathematician, completed the outrageously difficult calculus final in just 25 minutes. Synonyms: de*terous, adroit Anton5rms:incompetanl, clanay r J aptitude (n) a natural ability; intelligence (apt fit) Kenneth showed agreat aptitude for computers as a child, designing complex programs at the age of ten. Synon;rms:cotnpetence, expertise Antonyms: hqtitud4incompetetrce ) paragon(n) a model of excellence; perfection (para- beyond) The head of several charities, Susan is the paragon of philanthropy; Synonyms: pro totyp e; epitomc J ileft (adj) adroit, skillful The gracefrrl ballerina kept from tripping on stage bydeftly avoiding the poorly placed electrical wires. Synonyms:pro/tcient, a.droit Antonyms: clumsy, inept, a$,l<ward J Tneaninent (adj) outstanding A preeminent psychologist, Dr. Carter is often asked to lend his expertise on difficult cases. Synonyms: unsurprassed,patanauflt Antonym:inferiot J exputise (n) knowledge or skill in aparticular area Synon5rms:proluess, saury, bailiwick J disceming (adj) showing good judgment or keen insight (dis- off + cerzere distinguish) Synonyms: astute, judicious, sage J agihty 6) nimbleness (agilis tomove) Synonyms: slnyt css, litheness J consurnmate (adj) perfect in every respect (con- with+ summus highest) Synonym: impeccable J dextuous (adj) skillful with the hands (dexterskillfirl + -ousfull o0 Synonyms: adroit, adept 3 impeccahlc(adj) flawless (im-not+peccare to sin) Synonyms:immaculatq Wallibb, traascendant 3 precocioas (adj) unusually advanced or mature in development (especially in mental attitude) t2l McGRAW-HILL'S SAT 122 Vocabulary Lesson 25: Bad and rflorse mol mis bad, evil bad, wretched, hatred vol wish onthro humankind 3 nefafious (adj\ wicked; sinfirl (ne- not+fas lawful) Cinderellasnefarious stepsisterstookjoy in maktngher do t}eir daily chores. Synonyms:infanous, od.iaus 3 rcpugnanl (adj) offensive; repulsive (re-back+pugnarc to fight) motherfound his superstitionof not bathingafter gamesrepugnant. Christophey's Antonyms:alhnfug' a&nbahlc abhorent, vila, abminobte Synonyms; ) ittfamous (adi) famous for bad deeds;notorious (in- not+famosus celebrated) Theinfanous "El H6ctor"wasrememberedfor the way he tortured the poor villagersof SantaPotula. Pntolnym:noble Synonyms:contentptible,ignominious J odious (adj) worthy of dislike; arousing feelings of dislike (odiosus hateful) Jimmywasno longerafraid to go to schooloncethe odlous bully wassuspended' Antonyms:ilcwhtful''&dahle Synonyms:ahl@ttent, loathsomc,terygt$r.t a matanlenr (adj) wishing harm to others; eidl (mal-evil+uolwish) Themalevolent dictator smiledashe orderedhis soldiersto burn downthe church. Antonym:benevolent Synonym:slnister a tnalefactor (n) an evildoer (mal- eil+facere to perform) Supermanhasfound and stoppedmanya malefactor beforethe crime could actuallybe committed. Anton)rm:bensfactot Synonyms:scatnp' dclbquent A ahominahb (adj) loathsome; unpleasant &inking, loud swearing,and the removalof his clothes. His abominablebehaviorat the gameincludedexcessive Antonyms:ilchghtful'la..dabl4 Synonyms:contemptiblc,pilc extremegreed miserlincss,penutio*sncss Synon5rms: a avafice(n) O bigoQ (n) ,, intolerancetowardthose who are different a hWomite (n) one who says one thing but does another (hypokites Gr pretender) a miserly (adil lacking generosity (zrs- wretched) Synonyms: a taticiotts, Penuriotts unfriendly (in- not+amicars friend) O inimical(adj\ Synonyms:antagonistia,lmstilc Q curmudgeon(n) e utsantlvope A perfi& 6) (n\ acrankyperson one who hates humankind (zrs- hatred + anthrohumankind) deliberatebreachof tmst; treachery t23 VOCABULARY CHAPTER 3 / BUILDING AN IMPRESSIVE Vocabulary Lesson 26: Ripped Off sub-,subter- under, secretly Iorecin theft Today's roots: fugere to flee machina device charlatan (n) a fraud; a quack (chiarlatino a quack) June'sfamily warnedher that Chazwasa charlatan only pretendingto be a successfirllawyer. Synonyms:imposter,con tnan, swindlcr ruse (n) a crafty scheme Theclevercriminal cameup with a flawlessruse to stealthe moneyfrom the bank. Synonyms:strategett machination a scheme; an attempt to deceive (subter secretly +fugere to flee) It takesreal subterfugeto sneakanythingpastPt'incipalGuber;it's like he is ableto seeyour everymove. Antonyms:fortftrightncss,caildor Synonyms:surreptitioustuss, sttategem,play subtufuge (n) dupe (n) one who is easily deceived Thecon artist hasa knackfor ptckingthe perfectdupe, someonewho will easilyfall for his scam. Synonyms:chutnp,pushaw pilfer (v) to steal pilfered Thelooters countlessitemsfrom the electronicsstoreduring the riot. Synonyms:etnbezzlc,filch swindlc (v) to cheat Thestreethustlerswindled the unsuspectingman,tricking him into buyrnga fakedesignerwatch. : bamboozlc,rao ilwh* Synonyms suilible (adj) easily deceived Thegullible teenagerwaseasilytrickedby her friendsinto believingthat oneof them wasa secretagent. Antonym:astute Synonym:naiue embezzlc (v) to steal money from one's employer Synonyms:loot, pitfu nachination (n) acraftyscheme (machinadevice) Synonyms: sttategem" tuse f, bitk (v) to cheat, to swindle Synonyms:hoodwinlc,ilefraud chea6fle*ce 3 larcetry (n) theft (Iarecin Fr theft) Synonym:thievery f filch(v) tosteal Synonyms : pifer, enh ezzle fbece (v) to defraud of money, to swindle Synonyms:swindlc, bilk, hoodwinlq d&au.d McGRAW-HILL'S SAT t24 Vocabulary Lesson 27; Good Guys and Bad Guys Today's roots: orchos c,-, en- Q hcdonist (n) apleasureseeker leader, government without theos pocis god peace (hedonepleasure) The '60s are often considered the age of the hedonist, a time when everyone felt they had the right to have fun. Synonyms: epicureaa epicure, sybartte, bon vhtant Q ascetic (n) one who lives a holy life of self-denial (asketes monk) Tim has spent years at a time as an ascetic, each time giving away all he owns and living on rice and prayer. Synonym: zrozft (n) A anarchist one who opposes all political authority (az- without + archos leader) Before the coup d'6tat, the dictator claimed to be an anarchist; that all changed once he was given power, Synonyms: insurgant, rebel A pacifist (n) an individual who is opposed to violence (pacis peace+facere to make) Forever a paclfist, J.ulieorganized a rally protesting the war in the Middle East. Antonyms: wmawrnger, combatant Synonym:peace-seel<s one who does not believe that God exists (a- without + theos god) A atlrcist (n) Although she is an atheist and does not worship the Buddha, Cathy meditates with her Buddhist friends. A nihilist (n) one who rejects moral distinctions and knowable "truths" Becauseshe is a nihilist, Carrie likes to contend that the world may be a figment of her imagination. a despot (n) a tyrant; one who rules oppres sively (despofes Gk absolute ruler) The despot rules with reckless abandon, doing only what he wants, with no concern for the citizens. Synonyms: tyt ant, qppressor Q narcissist (n) A zealat (n) one in love with his/her own image (from Narcissus, who fell in love with himselfl one who engages passionately in a cause Synonyms: enthusi.ast, fanatic, d.evotee Q sybarite (n) an individual who seeks luxury Synonym: hcdonist Q pessimist (n) an individual Synonyms: alamis| A optimist (n) who focuses on the negative side of a situation Qtessimus worst) Cassandra" defeatist one who focuses on the positive side of a situation (optimusbest) Synonyms: idealist, Potlyann4 Panglass, Candidc A fanatic (n) one who shows extreme enthusiasm for a cause ({anaticus enthusiastic) Synonyms: extremist, raflical zealat, qihusiast VOCABU!-ARY CHAPTER 3 / BUILDING AN IMFRESSIVE Vocabulary Lesson 28: Thatts Better culpo blame ex-. e- out Today's roots: plocare to please n.ollis soft O vindicate (v) to clear from blame Theadroit defenselawyerwasableto vindicate her client of all charges,and he wassetfree. Synonyns:er.(merele'absohte Antonym:cotuict J assuage(v) to sootheanger or pain; to satisfy a hunger (suavk agreeable,sweet) Ifyour doggetsstungby a bee,placea wet washclothon the areato assuagethe pain. vex,exacerbate Antonyms:provol<c, Synonyms:pacify,appease,quaneh,allay J mollify (v) to soothe the anger of (mollis soft) Thewaiter attemptedto mollifu the angrycustomerby offeringhim a freedessertwith his dinner. Antonyms:tilc, provolcc appease'placate,conciliate Synonyms:ctssuage, J exonerate (v) to clear from accusation (ex' olut+ onusburden) Whenthe principal foundthe spraypaint in Rex'slocker,Timmy wasexoneratedof all graffiti charges. Antonym:incrininate Synonyms:acquit, exculpate,absolve ) to soothe;to mollify (placare to please) Themotherattemptedto placate her cryingbabyby handinghim his favoriteteddybear. Antonyms:ewage,ptwolcc pacifu, assuage,conciliate, appease Synonyms: placate (v) J exculpate (v) to free from blame (ex- out+ culpablame) Althoughthe DNAevidencedid not identify the killer, it did exculpatethe police'sprimary suspect. Antonyms:impeach,cotwict Synonyms:acquit, disculpate,exaflcrate 3 anesthctic (n) something that reduces sensation (az- without + aisthesis Gk feeling) Beforeclosingthe cut, the doctoradministeredan anestheticto numb the areaaroundthe wound. Synonymt palliathte to soothethe agitation oranger of (pacispeace) Synonyms:swease, conciliate J pacify (v) J ittrtigorate (v) to energize (in- in+vigorliveliness +'ate to do) : stimulqte, rciuvenate Synonyms J aTeviate (v) to relieve (think of "Aleve" to relieve body aches) : assuage,allay Synonyms J emonient (n) a substance that softens (mollis soft) topardon (ab- from+solveretoloosen) Synonyms : exatlpate, aaquit 3 absolve (v) 3 placiil (adj) peaceful; calm (placareto please) Synonyms:sererrc,ttanquil J nitigate (v) to make lesssevere;to lessenthe force of 125