Eco 161: Issue chapter presentation rubric

Eco 161: Issue chapter presentation rubric
Presentation organization
5. Excellent
This speaker orients the audience to her/his
topic in the introduction, uses main points that
are clear and flow logically, and draws coherent
and substantive conclusions in the closing. The
chapter outline is followed but in the speaker’s
own words.
Verbal and Nonverbal Delivery
5. Excellent
The speaker displays contrast and attention to
her/his pace, volume, phrasing, and voice pitch.
The speaker exudes confidence and poise. The
speaker avoids fillers (uh, um, like, you know,
and) and awkward pauses and maintains a
smooth, continuous flow of speech. The speaker
uses eye contact effectively by looking up and
around and entirely avoids distracting
Discussion Questions
5. Excellent
Discussion questions hit on the key issues and
concepts from the issue chapter and the relevant
core chapters. Questions have a good
introduction (and/or reminders of facts)
followed by specific questions to discuss.
Questions encourage students to think critically
and engage the material.
5. Excellent
The speaker is very attentive and follows up
with additional comments, responds to
questions and asks additional questions to
maintain effective discussions. The speaker
interrupts the discussion if it has deviated from
the topic.
4. Good
This speaker includes an introduction, uses
main points that are clear and logically
connected to the thesis, and closes by reiterating
her/his main points. The chapter outline is
followed but mostly in the speaker’s own
4. Good
The speaker displays some contrast in pace,
volume, phrasing, and voice pitch. The speaker
seems generally confident and posed. The
speaker uses few fillers but mostly avoids
awkward pauses. The speaker generally makes
good eye contact by looking up and around.
The speaker generally avoids distracting
4. Good
Discussion questions hit on most key issues and
concepts from the issue chapter and the relevant
core chapters. Questions have some
introduction (and reminders of facts relevant to
the questions) followed by specific questions to
discuss. Most questions encourage students to
think critically and engage the material.
4. Good
The speaker is attentive and follows up with
some additional comments, responds to
questions and asks additional questions to
maintain effective discussions. The speaker
sometimes interrupts the discussion if it has
deviated from the topic.
3. Satisfactory
The speaker uses an introduction, main points,
and a conclusion. Most of the main points are
clear. Chapter outline is followed but not read
line by line in its entirety.
3. Satisfactory
The speaker uses plenty of volume and some
contrast in pace, volume, phrasing, and voice
pitch. The speaker has some moments where
poise and confidence are lacking. The speaker
does not always avoid fillers and has some
awkward pauses. The speaker frequently looks
up but does not always look around. The
speaker has a few distracting mannerisms and
needs to find something comfortable to do with
her/his hands.
2. Needs Improvement
The speaker seems monotone and cannot
always be heard. The speaker often falls into a
pattern and seems to be reading. The speaker
frequently uses fillers and does not avoid
awkward pauses. The speaker’s verbal delivery
suggests a lack of preparation. The speaker
makes little eye contact and rarely looks up, and
has several distracting mannerisms.
3. Satisfactory
Discussion questions hit on some key issues
and concepts from the issue chapter and the
relevant core chapters. Questions have some
introduction (and reminders of facts relevant to
the questions) followed by specific questions to
discuss. Majority of questions encourage
students to think critically and engage the
3. Satisfactory
The speaker is somewhat attentive and follows
up with a few additional comments and
questions. The speaker allows the discussion to
deviate somewhat from the topic.
2. Needs Improvement
Discussion questions do not hit on the key
issues and concepts from the issue chapter and
the relevant core chapters. Questions have little
or no introduction (nor reminders of facts) and
questions do not encourage students to think
critically and engage the material.
2. Needs Improvement
The speaker is not very attentive and doesn’t
offer any additional comments or asks
additional questions. The speaker infrequently
interrupts the discussion when they have
deviated from the topic.
1. Poor
No questions handed out prior to presentation.
1. Poor
The speaker does not maintain an effective
discussion and seems to be in his/her own
2. Needs Improvement
The speaker does not adequately introduce
her/his topic. Main points are present but are
not clear. Chapter outline is mostly read and
there is very little deviation from it and own
words are rarely used.
1. Poor
Main points are not used. Chapter outline is
simply read, mostly word for word.
1. Poor
The speaker does not seem to have prepared at
all. The speaker suffers from monotone and no
attention to pace, volume, phrasing, and voice
pitch. The speaker makes no eye contact, and a
host of distracting mannerisms.