Miami University– Zoology Department
Oxford, Ohio 45056
(513) 435-2168
I am broadly interested in ecology, biodiversity, and behavior in arthropods. I have a strong background in Acarology and
Entomology. My research has focused on the phoretic activity and host specificity of mites associated with ants. I am currently studying the diversity and species composition of ants and associated mites to understand the condition and development of constructed semi-natural grasslands. My primary career objective is to obtain a tenure-track faculty position at a college or university. Ideally, this position would be a dual appointment in research and teaching or curation of scientific specimens.
Miami University, Oxford, OH: Ph.D. Program, Evolution Ecology and Environmental Biology. Dr. Thomas
Crist (advisor). Cumulative GPA: 4.00
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH: M.S. Program, Evolution Ecology and Organismal Biology with
Entomology specialization. Dr. Hans Klompen (advisor). Cumulative GPA: 3.83
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH: B.S., Major: Zoology, Minors: Natural Resources Management &
Entomology. Cumulative GPA: 3.68
Jan 2013-May 2013
Aug 2012-Dec 2012
Jan 2012-May 2012
Aug 2011-Dec 2011
June 2011
Aug 2010-May 2011
Sept 2009-June2010
Sept 2007-June 2009
June-July 2008, 2009
Graduate Teaching Associate, Zoology Department, Miami University. ZOO 312: Invertebrate Zoology
Created and led lab section for students majoring in biological sciences
Lead Instructor, Zoology Department, Miami University. ZOO 113: Animal Diversity
Lecture and lab instructor for non-majors course
Graduate Research Assistantship, Zoology Department, Miami University
Focused on current research project
Graduate Teaching Associate, Zoology Department, Miami University. ZOO 312: Invertebrate Zoology
Created and led lab section for students majoring in biological sciences o Made detailed handouts for Invertebrate Phyla o Wrote and administered Lab practicals and quizzes o Organized Field trips: fossil collection, stream sampling for invertebrates
Graduate Research Assistantship, Zoology Department, Miami University of Ohio
Focused on current research project
Instructor for Acarology Summer Program Workshop, Ohio State University
Led “Ant Associated Mites” section of “Mites Associated with Insects” Workshop
Graduate Teaching Associate, Zoology Department, Miami University of Ohio, ZOO 161 Human Biology
Led lab activities for non-major zoology students
Metro School Fellow, Metro Early College High School, OSU, Biology
Worked as a teaching assistant to the Metro High School Biology teacher
Assisted with creation of advanced and innovative lesson plans and experiments in the Biology classroom.
Administered state pilot education programs.
Graduate Teaching Associate, Center for Life Sciences Education, OSU, Biology 101
Led lab and recitation for non-major biology students
Head TA two quarters- Taught lab, led other TA’s, taught other TA’s how to do the labs, performed administrative duties, assisted lecturer during class with technical issues, led workshops for TAs
Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Entomology, OSU, Acarology Summer Program
Jan-March 2008
Prepared and organized of materials used for Medical/Veterinary Acarology and Soil Acarology workshops
Graduate Research Associate, Acarology Curation Assistant, Department of Entomology, OSU
Made slides, organized and cataloged slide and alcohol collections, data entry
April-Aug 2007 Avian Ecology Field Technician, Environment and Natural Resources Department, OSU
Studied nest dynamics of Northern Cardinals and Acadian Flycatchers: nest searching, spot mapping,
Jan-March 2007
June 2006 bird identification by sight, song, and call, predator surveys and lure preparation
Undergraduate Teaching Associate, Introductory Biology Program, OSU, Biology 101
Led lab and recitation for non-major Biology students
June 2006-March 2007 Undergraduate Acarology Collection Curation Assistant, Department of Entomology, OSU
Made slides, organized and cataloged slide and alcohol collections, data entry
Sept 2005-March 2007 Assistant Beekeeper, Rothenbuhler Honeybee Lab, Department of Entomology, OSU
General care of hives, honey harvest, queen rearing, drone collection, winterizing, examination for pests, assisting with instrumental insemination and queen rearing classes
Teacher and Coordinator for ‘Kids in College’ Program, Continuing Education Department, Miami
Sept 2005-Jan 2005
Taught children ages 12-14 about arthropods during a week long program titled “A Bug’s Life.”
Children learned the most common orders of insects and related arthropods, collection methods, importance, and basic body plans through the study of live, captured, and preserved insects
Honeybee Neurological Research Assistant, Rothenbuhler Honeybee Lab, Department of Entomology,
Chemical preparation, behavioral experimentation, data analysis and entry, bee harnessing
Main caretaker of indoor honeybee room: feeding, inspecting for Varroa mite and wax moth infestations, and cleaning
Oct 2004-March 2007 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Acarology Lab, Department of Entomology, OSU
Mite description and scientific drawing for publication, use of Berlese funnels, sorting collections of mites, scientific writing, microscope use, DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis, poster making
June 2004 -Sept 2005
(Photoshop and Microsoft PowerPoint), behavioral observation.
Student Research Assistant, Applied Research Center, Miami University
Data entry and analysis using SPSS program
2008-Present Ohio Biological Survey
2007-Present Entomological Society of America
2007-Present Acarological Society of America
Ohio Coleopterist Society
Sigma Xi
Entomology Graduate Student Association, OSU (Vice President, 2008)
Helix Tri-Beta, Biological Sciences Honorary, OSU (Academic Chair, 2007)
Biological Sciences Scholars Program, OSU
August 2009
June 2006
The Ant Course- Southwestern Research Station, Portal, AZ
Training in: ant biology, identification to species, collection and field techniques, ant collection curation and preservation.
Acarology Summer Program - Introductory Acarology - Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Training in: identification and biology of mites and ticks
Nov 2012 Student Travel Award, Acarological Society of America National Meeting, Knoxville, TN
Dec 2010
Mar 2010
Aug 2010
Dec 2009
Nov 2008
Nov 2008
April 2007
Mar 2007
Linnaean Games National Champion (Ohio State University), Entomological Society of America Meeting, San Diego,
Linnaean Games Branch Champion (Ohio State University), Entomological Society of America Meeting, Louisville,
Graduate Student Associate Achievement Award (GSAAA), Miami University.
Outstanding Student Presentation Award, Acarological Society of America National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN
Outstanding Student Presentation Award, Acarological Society of America National Meeting, Reno, NV
Student Travel Award, Acarological Society of America National Meeting, Reno, NV
Featured as “Big Ten Champion” in College of Biological Sciences Synergy magazine
Graduated Cum Laude, OSU undergraduate degree
Dean's list 9 quarters, OSU undergraduate degree
E. Leake, Campell, K. U., Nelson, J., Sturtevan, D., Wagenknecht, J., and Steinly, B. ( In review ).
A new state, and county ant records (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Ohio. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Submitted Oct, 2012.
Campbell, K. U., H. Klompen, and T. O. Crist. (2012). The diversity and host-specificity of mites (Acari) associated with ants (Formicidae): the roles of ecological and life-history traits of ant hosts. Insectes Sociaux , 60 : 31-41.
Uppstrom, K. A. and H. Klompen. (2011). Mites (Acari) associated with the desert seed harvester ant, Messor pergandei (Mayr). Psyche , 2011 : 1-7.
Corriveau, M., K. Uppstrom, and H. Klompen. (2010). Effect of eight storage modes on DNA preservation. In:
Sabelis, M. W., Bruin, J. (Eds), Trends in Acarology, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress. Springer
Science, Dordrecht, pp. 553-556.
Uppstrom, K. and H. Klompen. (2005). A new species of Julolaelaps (Acari: Iphiopsididae) from African millipedes.
International Journal of Acarology, 31 : 143-147.
Ohio Biological Survey. Institutional Grant for continuation of project titled: Biodiversity and Ecology of Phoretic
Mites Associated with Ants in Prairies ($500).
Ohio Biological Survey. Institutional Grant for project titled: Biodiversity and Ecology of Phoretic Mites Associated with Ants in Prairies ($500).
Prairie Biotic Research, Inc. Small Grant for project titled: Biodiversity of ants and mites in prairies ($1000).
Osborn Travel Grant, Department of Entomology, OSU
Campbell, K. U. and T.O. Crist, National meeting of Acarological Society of America and Entomological Society of
America, Knoxville, TN (November 11th, 2012), “Ant-dependent mite diversity: a novel approach for studying the ecological development of constructed tallgrass prairies”, [Student Travel Award]
Uppstrom, K., Ohio Biological Survey meeting, Columbus, OH (Nov 4, 2011), “Richness and abundance of phoretic mites associated with ants in prairies”.
Uppstrom, K. A., Eco Lunch, Miami University, OH (Apr 5, 2011), “Preliminary Analyses: Mites and Host sex”.
Uppstrom, K. A. and H. Klompen, International Congress of Acarology XIII, Recife, Brazil (Aug 26, 2010), Poster: “A
Study of Myrmecophilous mites: factors affecting mite diversity in ant nests”. [Presented by H. Klompen.]
Uppstrom, K. and H. Klompen, Entomological Society of America National Meeting, San Diego, CA (Dec 13, 2010),
“Unearthing the Overlooked Inhabitants of Ant Nests: Mites (Acari) Associated with the Ants (Formicidae) of Ohio”
Uppstrom, K. Eco Lunch, Miami University of Ohio, (Sept 21, 2010), “Acarine invaders: a study of myrmecophilous mites”
Uppstrom, K. and H. Klompen, National meeting of Acarological Society of America and Entomological Society of
America, Indianapolis, IN (Dec 13, 2009), “A Study of Myrmecophilous Mites.” [Outstanding Student Presentation award]
Uppstrom, K., Metro High School Biology Class, special lesson (September 2009),“Taxonomy and Classification of
Uppstrom, K. and H. Klompen, Entomological Society of American annual North Central Branch meeting, St. Louis,
MO (March 16, 2009), “Friend or Foe: a Study of Myrmecophilous Mites.”
Uppstrom, K., Buckeye Ecologists Symposium, OSU (January 16, 2009), “Acarine Invaders: Exposing the Mite guests of Ohio Ant Nests.”
Uppstrom, K., National meeting of Acarological Society of America and Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV
(November 16, 2008), “What’s in an ant's carry-on?: Mites associated with ants of Ohio.” [Outstanding Student
Presentation award & Student Travel Award]
Uppstrom, K. Guest speaker for Entomology 101 course Ohio State University (April, 2008 &2009), “To bee or not to bee.”
Uppstrom, K. Guest speaker for Women in Science Club, Ohio Wesleyan University (April 11, 2008), “Research in
Uppstrom, K. Guest speaker for Helix Tri-Beta Biological Sciences Honorary, Ohio State University (March 2008),
“To bee or not to bee.”
Corriveau, M., K. Uppstrom, and H. Klompen, International Congress of Acarology XII, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Aug 23, 2006), Poster: “Effect of eight storage modes on DNA preservation.” [Presented by M. Corriveau & K.
Campbell, K. U., Earlham College, Departmental Seminar, (October 4th, 2012) “Does diversity beget diversity? Ants as regulators of phoretic mite diversity.”
Mayrolin García, Miami University, Research Experience for Undergraduates Exit Seminar, (August 2nd, 2012),
“Butterfly Diversity in Planted Conservation Grasslands.”
Christina Loyke, Miami University, Undergraduate Research Conference Poster Session, (April 11, 2012), “Skipping through grassland conservation: How lepidopteran surveys could indicate prairie health.”
Garrett Dienno, Miami University, Undergraduate Research Conference Poster Session, (April 11, 2012), “Factors influencing Biodiversity of plants and ants in semi-natural tallgrass prairies.”
Entomological Society of America National meeting (Nov 2012), Knoxville, TN. (Presenter)
Ohio Biological Survey Annual Meeting (Nov 2011), Columbus, OH. (Presenter)
Entomological Society of America National meeting (Dec 2010), San Diego, CA. (Presenter and Linnaean Games team member)
Entomological Society of America North Central Branch Meeting (March 2010), Louisville, KY. (Linnaean Games team member)
Entomological Society of America National meeting, (December 2009) Indianapolis, IN. (Presenter)
Entomological Society of American annual North Central Branch meeting, (March 2009) St. Louis, MO. (Presenter and Linnaean Games Team member)
Entomological Society of America National meeting, (November 2008) Reno, NV. (Presenter)
Entomological Society of America North Central Branch meeting, (March 2008) Columbus, OH. (Registration assistant and Linnaean Games team member)
International Congress of Acarology, (August 2006) Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Presenter) 2006
2010-Present Volunteer for Prairie Burn events, Five Rivers MetroParks, Ohio (as available)
2009 Volunteer at Acarology Station, Museum of Biological Diversity annual Open house (February 7, 2009)
Volunteer for Insect Zoo, live insect event for children, Museum of Biological Diversity, (February 6, 2009)
(Weekly-Monthly), Ohio Wildlife Center Clinic Volunteer, (Care of orphaned and injured native animals: distribution of medications, treatment, cleaning and feeding, homecare of orphans)
Veteran TA panelist, Teaching Assistant Training session (September 18, 2008)
4-H Ohio State Fair judge, Beekeeping I Section (August 2008)
Public library visits and presentations with live insects for children in Summer reading program “Catch the Reading
Bug.” (Franklin, Springboro, Troy-Miami, Beavercreek, Kate Love Simpson, Chesterhill, Alexandria, North Adams,
Peebles libraries, Summer 2008)
Guest speaker with live insects, Science Day with 5 th
grade student, inner city afterschool program. (April 23, 2008)
Judge, State Science Olympiad, Amphibians and Reptiles Middle School section, (April 12, 2008
Judge, Science Fair, St. Agatha’s Middle School, (February 28, 2008
Panelist, College of Biological Sciences Maximus Scholarship Competition, prospective Biology Students (February
1, 2008)
Panelist, College of Biological Sciences recruitment events (March 2007
Volunteer at Acarology Station, Museum of Biological Diversity annual Open house (February 11, 2007)
Judge, State Science Olympiad, Disease Detectives section, (April 29, 2006)