Test: Theatre Arts Vocabulary - 8th Grade | Quizlet http://quizlet.com/54525626/test/starred?matching=on&mult_c... NAME 15 Matching questions 1. a long speech spoken by one person, a stage crew b choreography c projection d blocking e musical theatre f improvisation g act h cast i Accepting j costume k pantomime l designer revealing personal thoughts and feelings 2. a written copy of the dialogue that the actors will speak 3. 4. major divisions of a play select actors that play specific roles in a production 5. a series of movements and patterns planned to a song (a dance) 6. planning and working out the movements and stage grouping for a play 7. a person who creates or plans a specific part of a production (there are set, costume, props, lighting, sound designers) 8. script n monologue o set to speak loudly enough so the audience can hear you 9. m a group of people who make sure the stage runs smoothly by moving sets and handling props 10. To acknowledge an offer from a fellow improvisor then advance it. 11. 1 of 4 a form of theatre that combines 12/17/14 3:39 PM Test: Theatre Arts Vocabulary - 8th Grade | Quizlet http://quizlet.com/54525626/test/starred?matching=on&mult_c... singing, spoken dialogue, acting and dance 12. items used to stage a play or scene 13. An outfit, including all accessories, worn by an actor in a production for the purpose of making their character "come alive". 14. to ad-lib or invent dialogue and actions without a script or rehearsal 15. acting without words 15 Multiple choice questions 1. props a. moveable objects used by the actors to make a charcter and scene come alive b. items used to stage a play or scene c. the problem or obstacle a character must overcome d. to speak loudly enough so the audience can hear you 2. conflict a. the problem or obstacle a character must overcome b. tryouts for a production c. items used to stage a play or scene d. the story line of a play 3. Waffling a. In improvisation, an offer is made that pushes the scene forward to the next logical stage of the story. b. In improvisation to postpone or delay a scene by lack of ideas; you just keep on babbling in the hope you'll have an idea. c. where the storyline of a scene or play takes place d. To acknowledge an offer from a fellow improvisor then advance it. 2 of 4 12/17/14 3:39 PM Test: Theatre Arts Vocabulary - 8th Grade | Quizlet http://quizlet.com/54525626/test/starred?matching=on&mult_c... 4. Advancing a Scene a. a written copy of the dialogue that the actors will speak b. In improvisation to postpone or delay a scene by lack of ideas; you just keep on babbling in the hope you'll have an idea. c. To acknowledge an offer from a fellow improvisor then advance it. d. In improvisation, an offer is made that pushes the scene forward to the next logical stage of the story. 5. stage fright a. person in charge of the artistic direction of a play b. A dramatic pause taken by an actor when delivering a monologue or dialogue c. to speak loudly enough so the audience can hear you d. nervousness felt by a performer when appearing before an audience or judge 6. director a. a written copy of the dialogue that the actors will speak b. the story line of a play c. person in charge of the artistic direction of a play d. major divisions of a play 7. formula script a. select actors that play specific roles in a production b. the problem or obstacle a character must overcome c. where the storyline of a scene or play takes place d. a type of script writing process that includes a basic plot line, 2 or more static characters, and a change of settting 8. setting a. where the storyline of a scene or play takes place b. major divisions of a play c. the story line of a play d. items used to stage a play or scene 9. stage manager a. the problem or obstacle a character must overcome b. a written copy of the dialogue that the actors will speak c. the person who assists the director during rehearsals and deals with the staff who moves sets and props. d. moveable objects used by the actors to make a charcter and scene come alive 3 of 4 12/17/14 3:39 PM Test: Theatre Arts Vocabulary - 8th Grade | Quizlet http://quizlet.com/54525626/test/starred?matching=on&mult_c... 10. Beat a. A dramatic pause taken by an actor when delivering a monologue or dialogue b. to speak loudly enough so the audience can hear you c. nervousness felt by a performer when appearing before an audience or judge d. a series of movements and patterns planned to a song (a dance) 11. Commedia dell Arte a. To acknowledge an offer from a fellow improvisor then advance it. b. person in charge of the artistic direction of a play c. a long speech spoken by one person, revealing personal thoughts and feelings d. short plays performed in the streets including improvisation, mimes, and jugglers 12. plot a. major divisions of a play b. the story line of a play c. tryouts for a production d. acting without words 13. auditions a. tryouts for a production b. the story line of a play c. acting without words d. major divisions of a play 14. dress rehearsal a. tryouts for a production b. where the storyline of a scene or play takes place c. items used to stage a play or scene d. a rehearsal conducted as if it were an actual performance. 15. Aside a. given by a single character while other characters are on stage and is a very short speech or remark that is intended to be heard by the audience only. b. person in charge of the artistic direction of a play c. moveable objects used by the actors to make a charcter and scene come alive d. a rehearsal conducted as if it were an actual performance. 4 of 4 12/17/14 3:39 PM