First-Year Research Seminar: Questions of Travel NYU Gallatin – Spring 2011 M/W 9:30 – 10:45 am Professor: Robert Huddleston Office Hours: Mon. 11–12 pm, 1 Washington Pl., rm. 431, or by appt. Email: Course Description: As Susan Sontag observed: ―Books about travel to distant places have always opposed an ‗us‘ to a ‗them‘—a relation that yields a limited variety of appraisals.‖ In this course we will attempt to question and to complicate the familiar binaries of self and other, foreign and familiar, utopia and dystopia that condition our understanding of writing about the ―exotic.‖ From Swift to Flaubert, from Césaire to Naipaul, we will read texts that have sought to imagine the strange and unfamiliar and at the same time come to grips with the ever-elusive idea of what it means to be at home. This course will focus on writing as a process, helping you to discover yourself as a writer and encouraging you to envision writing as a skill to learn and a craft to be improved upon. We will explore various stages of the writing process, including free writing, multiple drafting, revising, editing, and polishing. This course will also include an introduction to research skills and techniques. Finally, there will be a workshop component to this course in which we will discuss, critique, and edit each other‘s written work. Course Requirements and Grades: PARTICIPATION Class participation will constitute one third of your grade for the course. Therefore, it is crucial that you attend class, that you come prepared with the written assignments, readings, and other materials that will be discussed each day, and that you participate actively in class discussions. NOTE: You must purchase the required texts and bring them to class when a reading is being discussed. Bring printed copies of all Blackboard & reserve readings. ABSENCES If you must be absent, please inform me ahead of time and please submit all written work that is due before the class begins if you are not able to attend. In addition, remember that you are required to participate in class discussions. The participation of each student is vital to the success of the class as a whole, and excessive absences (more than 2) will jeopardize your grade. READING RESPONSES You will have a response to the reading due every week. Sometimes I will distribute a topic for you to focus on in these responses, and other times you will be free to write on a topic of your choosing. You should bring a hard copy to class for discussion. The responses should be approximately one page, typed, double-spaced. Remember that these responses will help you to participate in our discussions and to write your papers later, so they are an integral part of your writing and thinking process. You should keep them all together as an ongoing discourse with yourself about the themes of the course. Late responses will not be accepted. ESSAYS There will be four longer written assignments. You will be required to bring your writing to class at various stages of completion, so please pay close attention to due dates written on the syllabus. The last two of these essays will have a research component. Late papers will be penalized one letter grade per day late. Final papers must be turned in by the due date or receive an F. PRESENTATIONS Each student will be required to give a 10-minute mini-presentation (with a partner if you wish) on the issues raised by one of the assigned readings. The point of the presentation is to guide class discussion. This is your opportunity to be the teacher. GRADE Your grade will be based on both the quality of your written work and on the quality of your participation in class discussion and writing workshop activities. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a grave offense and will be treated as such in this course. Any case of plagiarism will result in an F and further disciplinary action in accordance with Gallatin and NYU policies. If you have any doubts about how or when to cite the work of another scholar, ASK! Required Texts:* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shakespeare, The Tempest Cabeza de Vaca, Castaways: The Narrative of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca Aimé Césaire, Discourse on Colonialism Flaubert, Flaubert in Egypt W. G. Sebald, The Emigrants *Note: Please buy the editions that have been ordered to facilitate class discussion. Additional readings are on reserve at Bobst or will be posted on Blackboard. Many of the additional readings can be found in Paul Fussell, ed., The Norton Book of Travel (1987), on reserve at Bobst. Finally, we will be watching a few films. Typically, these will be placed on reserve at the Avery Fisher Media Center in Bobst Library before our class discussion, and you will be responsible for watching them on your own. WEEK ONE 1/24 Introduction 1/26 Readings: Marco Polo, ―From Travels‖; Susan Sontag, ―Questions of Travel‖ (Blackboard) WEEK TWO: Utopias and New Worlds 1/31 Read: Shakespeare, The Tempest 2/2 Read: Marvell, ―Bermudas‖; Bernal Diaz del Castillo, ―From The True History of the Conquest of New Spain‖ (Fussell) Writing due: Response to Shakespeare, Marvell, and/or Diaz del Castillo Discussion of Essay #1. WEEK THREE: Travelers’ Tales: Truth and/or Fiction? 2/7 Read: Cabeza de Vaca, Castaways 2/9 Film: Nicolás Echevarría, Cabeza de Vaca Writing due: Response to Castaways and/or Cabeza de Vaca film. WEEK FOUR: The Other Side 2/14 Read: Aimé Césaire, Discourse on Colonialism 2/16 WRITING WORKSHOP Writing due: Essay #1, first draft (Bring four copies) Grammar therapy: apostrophes and other messy punctuation marks WEEK FIVE 2/21 NO CLASS--PRESIDENTS' DAY 2/23 Read: Swift, ―From Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World‖ (Fussell) Writing due: Response to Césaire and/or Swift ***Writing due: Essay #1 Final due*** WEEK SIX: The “Orient” and Orientalism 2/28 Read: Flaubert, Flaubert in Egypt, part 1 3/2 Read: Flaubert in Egypt, part 2 Writing due: Response to Flaubert WEEK SEVEN 3/7 Read: Flaubert in Egypt, part 3; Antiquity and Photography: chapter on Maxime du Camp (Bobst reserve) 3/9 WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing due: Essay #2, first draft (Bring four copies) WEEK EIGHT 3/14 & 3/16: NO CLASS--SPRING BREAK WEEK NINE 3/21 Read: Edward Said, ―From Orientalism‖ WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing due: Essay #2, Second draft (Bring four copies) 3/23 Reading due: Freya Stark, ―From The Valley of the Assassins‖ (Fussell) ***Writing due: Essay #2, Final due*** WEEK TEN: Exotics and Bohemians 3/28 Preliminary discussion of research essays; research essay ideas. Reading due: Paul Bowles, ―From Their Heads Are Green and Their Hands Are Blue‖ (Fussell) Writing due: Research essay ideas 3/30 Film: Let It Come Down: The Life of Paul Bowles Writing due: Response to Said, Stark, and/or Bowles WEEK ELEVEN: Imagining the Other 4/4 Reading due: Claude Levi-Strauss, ―From Tristes Tropiques‖ (Fussell) 4/6 V. S. Naipaul, ―From An Area of Darkness‖ (Fussell) Writing due: Response to Naipaul and/or Levi-Strauss Writing due: Essay #3, preliminary thesis WEEK TWELVE 4/11 WRITING WORKSHOP Writing due: Essay #3, first version (Bring four copies) 4/13 Reading due: William T. Vollmann, ―Catching Out: Travels in an Open Boxcar,‖ Harpers (Blackboard) Writing due: Response to a piece of contemporary travel writing WEEK THIRTEEN: Modern Travels: Exile and Escape 4/18 Reading due: Sebald, The Emigrants ***Writing due: Essay #3, final due*** 4/20 Reading due: Sebald, The Emigrants Writing due: Response to Sebald WEEK FOURTEEN 4/25 Reading due: Rory Stewart, ―Diary: Walking Across Iran,‖ LRB; Avi Davis, ―The Undead Travel‖ (Blackboard) Writing due: Research essay, proposal and preliminary bibliography 4/27 WRITING WORKSHOP Writing due: Research essay, first version (Bring four copies) WEEK FIFTEEN: Post-Tourism 5/2 Reading due: Bruce Chatwin, ―The Very Sad Story of Salah Bougrine,‖ ―On the Yeti Tracks,‖ ―A Lament for Afghanistan‖ (Bobst reserve) 5/4 WRITING WORKSHOP AND STUDENT READINGS Writing due: Research essay, second version (Bring four copies) WEEK SIXTEEN 5/9 Last Class! ***Writing due: Research essay, final version*** Have a happy summer!