RscocNrrroN AcnnnuENT BBrwnBN TsB GoveRNMENT Or Tsn Rspusuc Or Neulnra (GRN) THB Neulnre NenoNAL Tnecrrpns' UNIoN (NANTU) 1 IEEAUELE ha'"re determined r The parties to this Agreement (a) ancl are satislied that the Un on has been nrandated by the nrajority of staff members in the bargaining unit to act as thelr exclusive barqaining agent, (b) to regulate the relations betvr'een them in the interest of mutual understarrding, co-operation, efftciencli, productivity and fostering the educalional advancement of all Jearners tn N (c) amibia, to ensure the speedy and inrparlial settlement of disputes and grievances; (d) to iake steps to ensure that the recognised negotiating procedure is known and understood by all staff members and the Union as well as the Employer at all levels of management and that agreements reached as the result of negotiations are understood by all parires a{fected. DEFINITIONS ln this agreement, unless ihe conienis otherwise indicates - "Employed' means the Government of the Republic of Namibia. "Staff membef' means all the staff members in the bargaining unit. "Bargaining unit" means all the Public Service sta'ff members in the following categories: Teachers at primary and secondary levels, principals as well as educators at colleges and training centres. "Union" means the Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU). "Collective agreemenUprotocol" means any agreement in writlng, the terms of which are negotiated by, entered into and signed by or on behalf of the Employer and the Union. "Dispute" means a dispute as defined in Section 1 of the Labour Act, 1992 (Act 6 of '1992). I "Exclusive bargaining agent" means an exclusive bargaining agent as defined in Section 1 of the Labour Act, 1992 (Act 6 of 1992). "Joint negotiating meetings" means meetings between the respective 1 negotlatir-lg teanrs to negotiate on rnatters referred io in clause SCOPE 3.1 B. OfAGREEXLE1IL| . The Employer recognises the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent representing the stalf menrbers in tlre bargaining unit and its right to represent and negoiiate on all matters of mutual concern. The Employer undertakes to at all times consult and negotiate with the Union any conditions of emplo)/ment, rernuneration and service benefits. 32 The Union shall negotiate on behalf of all the sta{f members in the bargainino unit. 1.) Non-Union members shall be obliged to pay to the Union a percentage of ihe Union membership fee which is equivalent to the cost of Unlon representation. The Union shall communicate the percentage to the Employer on an annual basis. 4. RIGHTS 4.1 The Employer has the right to conduct lts business and manage its operation and in padlcular the right to appoint, promote, transfer or discharge any staff member, subject to the applicable laws and this nraomanl vv' /Ary, ',v, 'r. 42 The Union has the sole right to represent ii re lit.rl'.lst ui 'rr rhd -2ff members in the bargaining unit with respect '. ,i':,; ,,r,tts under th:s Agreement. A.) The rights of the parties, subject to this Ag':emeni, will be exercised in a spirit of partnership, sound labour relations and in good faith. 5 GOLLEGTIVE BARGAINING MACHINERY tr'1 It is agreed that separate negotiating teams for ihe Employer and the Union, respectively, shall be established within one month of this Agreement being signed. Both parties will inform each other in writing of the names of their respective negotiating team members: The principal o'Djective of these teams will be to provide a means of I, consultation and negotiation between the Employer and the Union. It ilis agreed that the procedure and conduct of negotiations will be as set out in Appendix 1 to this Agreement which shall form part of this Ag reement. 5.2 The negotiating teams of both parlies shor-rld be in a position to take binding decisions within a given mandate from the respective constituencies. 2 5.3 The representatives of the I:rnployer i,vill rleet the representatives oi tire Union at such times as nray be agreed upon for the purpose ol discussing and negotiatiitg the subjects i-eferred to in clause g. 6. 6.1 DURATION OF AGREEMENT -fhis Agreernent shall come inlo force on the date that the Agreement is signed by both padies and shall renrain in force without linritation as to time unless:- (a) it is cancelled by rnutual agreement between the parties; or (b) it is replaced b1, a new agreement mutually agreed to by the parlie s; or r (c) the percentage of employees represented by the Union falls below 50% plus 1 for a continuous period of 6 months in any calendar year; or (d) an order is issued by the Labour Courl in terms of whtch the recognition of the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent is withdrawn. 7. The Employer and the Union accept responsibility for compliance with this A,greement and agiee io iake ali possible steps to prevent, or bring to an end, as speedily as possible, any action by the staff members in the bargaining unit or by representatives of the Employer or of the Union, as the case may be, which is at variance wiih this Agreement. 8. SUBJEGTS FOR NEGOTIATION It is agreed that the subjects for negotiation between the Employer and the Union are as follows: (a) (b) Rates of pay including nomal and overtime hours, allowances, occupational differentiated adjustments and any bonuses. Principles and procedures of appointments, promotions, transfers and discharges. (c) (d) Housing. Leave and leave pay including public holidays, annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, study leave, conrpassronate leave, special leave to attend union activities and all other types of leave. - (e) llours of work. (f) Unifornrs and protective clo ilng. (g) Medical aid scnenres. (h) (,) Satefy measures and health. (j) Disciplinary and grievance procedures (k) Subsistence and travelling allowances. camp aliowances, transfer costs as well as compensation i3r the use of private Persior. rrat:e: transport for official purposes. (l) Roles, functions and dutles of workplace (m) Facilitres for union representation. (n) Procedures for the amendment of this Agreement. (o) Mechanism to enforce clause 3.3. (p) Any other maiters relating to terms and conoitions of service. re3 res e ntatives. 9, VICTIMISATION 9.1 ln all cases, but subject to existing laws and regulaiions and the terms of this Agreement, representatives of the Union and representatives of the Employer shall be free to express views without'fear that relaiions between them will be affected in any way by siatements made by them in good faith while serving in a representative capacity. 9.2 No representative of the Union employed by the Employer shall be victimised for serving in such a capacity. Similarly, no representative of the Employer who is a staff member shall be victimised for serving in such a capacity. ,10. 1 0.1 AGREEMENTS All agreements/protocols made by the Employer and the Union in ihe Joint Negotiating. Meetings shall be in writing and signed by both parties. 10.2 The Employer shall ensure that copies of such agreementsiprotocols with the Union are made available to both parties in a quantity to be agreed upon between them. 4 11 INTERNAL DISPUTES SETTLING PROCEDURE Where an agTeentent betrrr,eetr ihe'Ernploye. anc :he lnion cannot be reached during the process of negotiaiicrs th3 i: owing interrral dispute settling procedures may be invok"l b,,, n -:ual agreement which shall be ccncluded r',, ihin -?O iays (a) A fact-finding sub-corrmtttee nray Le (b) Temporary adjournmeni of the negolrai ng p:oc:lures to - a:iorr.=c .-lnr both teams. (i) obtarnadditionalinformation: (ii) consuit with expens and/or (iii) informally consulting each oth=: if :he:= are disputes between individual members of ine lwo ieaifls. (c) 12. Mediation by an independent person. ADDRESS AND NOTICES (a) Correspondence arising oui oi this A-oi3emeni \,, jl be addressed by the Empioyer to the Secretary-Ger::ral cf t:.: Union and by the Union to the Secretary to the C:bine: oi:re Republic of Namibia and the Employer and the Unicn choose lheir addresses for this purpose as follows: THE GOVERNMENT (postal): Office of ihe p:ime Minister P O Box 1117' WINDHOEK (physical): United Hcuse Corner o; Biilcw S:;eet and Independence Av=nue Tel. No. 2873911 Fax No. 225076 THE UNION (b) (posial): Namibia National Teachers Union P O Box 51009 KATUTURA (physical): Tuin Street 71 i B Katutura Tel. No.262217 Fzx No.261926 Either pafty to this Agreement may at any i re change its address by notice in writrng to the other pany p.cvided that the 5 APPENDIX THE PROCEDURE AND CONDUCT OF-N EG OTIATiONS RE!RESEN_NTAITqN 1. resent the the Employer and the Un rn' respectivelY, in the The respecttve negot;attng le:ms must be emPowered a team to The Employer and the Union will each appc'rl reP interests of neootialions. to iecide o- issues lnder otsc''rssior TEAM COMPOSITiON 2 Eachteamwillconsistofnotmoreihanon:spokesperson/|eaderand eight rePresentatives shall jointlY determine the The spo kespe rson si lea d ers of both teams (14) daYs of the time and the venue for negotiations withln iourieen : irhe r side. request of such a meeting belng made from 4. RECORDS OF MEETINGS the decisions The Employer shall provide secreiarial sel^':ces Only shall be reflected in the minutes However' tape i"kl n safe "t"L"tings ih"e discussions shall be maje and be kept in a ;;;;;;;;i tape the of ;l;;"-;uh. Employer. The Union may req-3st that.copies wher':ver the Emplover or ihe i;;;d-is;;; tadL available toofit tape recordings shall be made Union Jo requires, transcripts available.Eachteammayhavearecordtn;secreiarypresentwhois not a member of the team 5. CAUCUS meetings' Both parties shall have the right to caucus drring b. DELAYS without a Should either side Ieave the table or break off negotiations date for the next meeting having been agreed' the "rouiiionuf 72 hours in order !p-o'r", p"r. onr/lead e rs will contact each other within flnd an acceptable date, time and venue for the iJ-lointfy rucom*un""m"nt of neg otiations' 7. Both parties have the right to inform their respective consiituencies about progress made d u ring n eg otiatio n s. 1 1 APPENDIX I 8. PRESS AND MEDIA The Employer and the Union agree not to issue unilateral statements to the press or other media concerning any negotiations and consultations until the rrocess has been flnalised or either party has broken ofi negotiations unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties. nrmh/nan95'18 2