CIHRT Exhibit P-3649 Page 1 Pathology Division Section: Anatomical Pathology / Grossing Number: PRC-PAT-310 draft 2 Page 1 of 2 Title: Grossing and Dictation of Small Bowel Resection Specimens Issuing Authority (s): Dr. N. Denic / T. Gulliver Author: B. Naghibi Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Issue Date: Date Effective: Revision Dates: Purpose This procedure provides instructions for grossing of small bowel resection specimens. Special safety precautions Wear appropriate personal protective equipment for handling chemicals. Procedure Follow the activities below for grossing and dictating small bowel resection specimens in cases of: • Inflammatory bowel disease • Ischemic Bowel • Tumour, lymphoma, adenoma, adenocarcinoma, lesions, sarcoma, and Meckel’s Diverticulum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The specimen should be opened along the anti-mesenteric border and cleaned. Record the dimensions of each of the components of the specimen (length and circumference) including length of mesentery and size of omentum if present. Record the thickness of the bowel wall and any variation in thickness. Identify and describe any lesions. Record the distance of lesions from margins. Describe the pattern of fat on the serosal surface. Mucosa for ulceration, skip lesion (normal mucosa alternating ulcerating mucosa). For Crohn’s Disease, mass, polyp. Sub-mucosa muscle for mass (carcinoid, lesions), color of mass. If the bowel is resected because of ischemia, the margin, the ischemic portion, and vessels found in the mesentery are sampled. References Lester, Susan C. Manual of Surgical Pathology, Second Edition. Elselvier. 2006. Related procedures 410J-PCO-200 Grossing of Surgical Specimens Policy PRC-PAT-300 General Surgical Specimens Grossing and Dictation CIHRT Exhibit P-3649 Page 2 Pathology Division Section: Anatomical Pathology / Grossing Number: PRC-PAT-310 draft 2 Page 2 of 2 Title: Grossing and Dictation of Small Bowel Resection Specimens Issuing Authority (s): Dr. N. Denic / T. Gulliver Author: B. Naghibi Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Issue Date: Documents/Forms/Records Specimen Requisition Grossing Worksheet Date Effective: Revision Dates: