April 2012

A Monthly Newsletter of the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce
April 2012
Our Vision
The Delaware Area
Chamber of Commerce
shall be the region’s
business leader and business
community voice.
Our Mission
The Chamber serves as the
visionary leader for programs
and services benefiting our
members by promoting and
advocating a favorable business
climate, quality of life and the
orderly growth and development
of the Delaware area community.
Sustaining Members
Delaware Area Career Center
Grady Memorial Hospital
Grief, Inc.
Willow Brook Christian
Amanda Plumbing
Consolidated Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
Council for Older Adults
Delaware County Bank & Trust
Wolf, Rogers, Dickey & Co.
The Delaware Area
Chamber of Commerce
Established 1907
Advertisers in this issue
Alpha Group
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Dawson, Disantis & Myers, LLC
Delaware County Bank & Trust
First Citizens National Bank
Grady Memorial Hospital
The Ohio Machine
Price Realty
Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Workshop
Everything you need to know about
the BWC, claims management, TPAs
and much, much more. Hosted by the
Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce
Presenters include BWC fraud investigator, physician’s perspective, labor law
specialist attorneys, CompManagment TPA representative.
Topics include:
The Origin of Ohio’s Workers’
Compensation System
Knowing the Players
Ohio BWC
Industrial Commission of Ohio (IC)
Managed Care Organizations (MCO)
Third Party Administrators (TPA)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Employer Premiums
Manual Classifications
Handicap Reimbursement
Other programs
Internal BWC adjudication process
Identifying Compensable Claims
Injuries “arising out of” and “in the
course of” employment
Establishing causal connection and special causation problems
Full day session 8:30am—3:30pm
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Chamber office
32 S. Sandusky St., Delaware
Space is limited
Includes breakfast and lunch
$50 for chamber members
$65 for non-members
Click here to register
Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce
32 S. Sandusky St., Delaware, Ohio 43015
740-369-6221 ~ fax 740-369-4817
Types of Compensation
Temporary total disability
Wage loss
Permanent partial impairment
Permanent total disability
Lunch with BWC fraud investigator
Other Benefits
Living maintenance
Death Benefits
Violations of specific safety rules
Intentional tort
Medical Benefits
Free choice of physician
Process for approval
Standard for approval –“appropriate
and necessary”
Miscellaneous Issues
Employers’ right to medical release and
Employers’ right to examination by
physician of their choosing
Hearings before the Commission
Appeals to court
The chamber’s annual golf outing is set for Thursday, June 7 at
Kings Mill Golf Course. Our
corporate sponsors, Columbus
State Community College and
Franklin University invite you to register
and participate.
Click here for details.
Images of America: Delaware and
Delaware County
available now at the Chamber
From its early founding to becoming a
from the
era to the
Jug harness race,
and Delaware
have many stories to tell. Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes was born here; Vincente
Minnelli, set designer, director, and father of actress Liza Minnelli, spent his
youth in Delaware. Delaware and Delaware County were both established in
1808. Ohio Wesleyan University opened
in the heart of Delaware in 1842 and is
still a major presence in the community.
Starting in the 1850s, railroads made
Delaware an important regional center
of commerce and industry, with products ranging from grapes to chairs to
city transit buses. Today, Delaware
County is one of the fastest growing
counties in the nation. Even so, it has
retained much of its rural landscape.
The city of Delaware is home to some
34,000 residents but still has the character of a classic Midwestern courthouse town. In these pages, the reader
will discover the story of Delaware and
of Delaware County communities such
as Ashley, Galena, Ostrander, Powell,
Radnor, Shawnee Hills, and Sunbury.
Author Bio: Jeffrey T. Darbee is a historic preservation consultant in Columbus, Ohio, with a special interest in urban and railroad history. The Delaware County Historical Society,
founded in 1947, maintains a museum,
a large library/archives, several historical buildings, and a website at
Images of America: Delaware and
Delaware County can be purchased at the chamber for $23.47,
including tax.
Leadership program accepting applications for class of 2012
Leadership Delaware is now accepting applications for the class of 2012. This
prestigious program has become a must-have experience for emerging leaders in
Delaware County. Through Leadership Delaware class participants learn firsthand about the challenges and opportunities facing the community. The ninemonth program, which is held on the second Thursday each month September
through May, focuses on various topics, including:
Team building and leadership/learning styles
Delaware County history
City, county and township governments
Health care
Social Services, volunteerism & board service
Economic development
Law enforcement and the courts
More than 380 Delaware County professionals have graduated from the program since its inception in 1992. These alumni serve on local boards and committees helping to shape the future of the Delaware Area.
Tuition for the program is $790 for Delaware Chamber members and $840 for
non-members, and includes all materials and meals. In addition to the nine sessions, participants attend a kick-off luncheon in August and a graduation luncheon in May. The deadline to apply is June 30
and applications and a brochure that details
In this issue
B.E.D. & Breakfast
4 the program are available by visiting
Board and Staff
4 www.DelawareAreaChamber.com or by calling
Business After Hours
5 the chamber at 740-369-6221. All applicants
12 will be notified as to their acceptance by late
Leadership Delaware
8 July. Space in the program is limited and it fills
New & Reinvesting Members 12 up fast. Consider this the year that you or a
Safety Council
13 valuable member of your staff should experiThird Thursday luncheon
4 ence Leadership Delaware.
2012 Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Bob Kuederle, Chair
American Structurepoint Inc.
Shane Dawson, Chair elect
Dawson, Disantis & Myers
Ken Barton, Treasurer
Blue & Co.
Mary Jane Santos, Past Chair
Delaware County District Library
Shirley Cassidy, Vice Chair
Greif, Inc.
Bill Michael, Vice Chair
Suburban Natural Gas
Judd Scott, Vice Chair
V & P Hydraulic Products
Board Members At Large
Adam Bibb
Adam Bibb State Farm
Jack Brickner
Planned Communities
Tim Burke
Express Employment Professionals
Paul Craft
Delaware City Schools
Tony Eyerman
Mary Beth Freeman
Delaware Area Career Center
Rock Jones
Ohio Wesleyan University
Tom Latchem
Elford, Inc.
Jerry Lauer
Consolidated Electric Cooperative
Bruce Treiber
AHP, Inc.
A program of the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce
Shale & Central Ohio
Linda Woggon, Ohio Chamber of Commerce
sponsored by American Structurepoint, Inc.
Thursday, April 19, 2012, 11:45—1:00pm
Center for Older Adults
800 Cheshire Rd., Delaware 43015
Cost includes a buffet lunch ~ Check-in begins at 11:45
Chamber members: $15 Non-Chamber members: $20
Deadline to register is April 16
Cancellations after April 16 and no-shows will be charged.
Click here to register or call 740-369-6221
Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce
Business Education and Development Committee
p resents
Wellness Programs for Sm all Bus i ness
Nanc y Shapi ro
Delaware County General Health Dist rict
Ap ri l 10 , 2012 7:30am at the Chamber office
32 S. Sandusky St., Delaware 43015
There is no charge to attend, but reservations ARE required
to ensure seating
Click here to register Deadline to register is April 6
Holly Quaine, President
hquaine@DelawareAreaChamber.com Business After Hours &
Berni Dodeci, Office Mgr./
Ribbon Cutting
Safety Council Dir.
Join us on April 25, 2012
dachamber@DelawareAreaChamber.com 5:00 PM - 7:00 pm when Willow Brook
Matt Carbary, Communications Mgr. at Delaware Run, 100 Delaware Crossmcarbary@DelawareAreaChamber.com ings West, Delaware, hosts the chamber’s
32 S. Sandusky St.,
Business After Hours. The After Hours
Delaware, Ohio 43015
event is planned to celebrate the opening of the
facility’s new wing and includes a ribbon cutting
Fax: 740-369-4817
Bring plenty of business cards to share. Invite a
friend, co-worker or colleague.
Let us know you are coming.
RSVP to the chamber at 740-369-6221, email your reservation
to dachamber@DelawareAreaChamber.com or reserve online.
Click here for directions to the event.
State of th e Ci ty
T he ( New ) St ate of t he Cit y wa s D elaw ar e Ci ty m an ag e r
T o m H om an ’ s p re se n t a t i on t o t he c h amb e r a t i t s M a rch
T h i rd T hu rs d a y l u n c he o n . T he me s sa ge w a s o p t i mi sti c b ut
T o m w as qu ic k t o po int out t h at t he Cit y i s e x pe r ienc in g a
d i f fe rent no r m al t han t he ro lle r c o ast e r r ide of the p as t s i x
y e a rs . T h ose ye a rs sa w h u ge g r owt h fol l o we d b y a d e c l i n e ,
b ut on ly rel at ive t o t he p re vi ou s s ev e ra l ye ars . T he C ity ’ s
p o p ul at i on o f 3 4, 75 3 is a wh o p pin g 6 4% inc r e a se s in c e 1 9 9 0 .
B y al l ac cou nt s, D el aw a re h andle d th at
Thank you to
g r o wth inte lli gen tl y and , t h ro ugh co nse r vat ive s pen din g i s p o sit io ned
f o r t he f utu r e, in s p ite of cut s i n St ate f undi ng .
F ro m t he add i t i o n o f a m aj o r l e a gu e l a c ro s se f ra n c hi se ma king i ts
h o me a t Selb y F ie ld, to the o pen in g o f a st ate - o f -th e -a rt c om mu n it y
c en t e r and YM C A, t o a school district rated Excel lent w it h D is tinc ti on,
Del aware has maint aine d it s qu al it y o f l i fe and e con omic he alt h .
T om out li ned t he Cit y’ s pl an s fo r tran s po rt at ion and u ti lit ie s imfor sponsoring the
provements, e con omic deve lopmen t, re creat ion , and busine ss expan March luncheon
s i on. Cl ic k h e re fo r d et ai ls o f M r. H om an ’s pre sent at ion.
Than ks to our partners at the City.
Ten biggest legal mistakes you might be making in your business
So you’re an entrepreneur and own your own business. Outstanding. You put your back into it every day. But
threats can come from many directions and some may not be on your radar. The March B.E.D. & Breakfast
program, presented by Maribeth Deavers, attorney with Isaac Brant Ledman & Teetor, LLP, outlined
what she’ calls the ten biggest legal mistakes she sees businesses make. And the rules surrounding them can be
complex and puzzling. Here’s Maribeth’s list with a link to the details of her presentation.
Failure to have an exit strategy
Ignoring the Ohio Consumer Sales Practice Act
Offering a warranty...or not
1099’ing the “defendant” employee
Misinterpreting overtime regulations
Improper use of performance evaluations
Failing to protect/audit intellectual property
Not having/having a social media policy
Failure to accommodate (ADA)
Click here for slides of Maribeth’s presentation.
Bank celebrates 125 years!
It was part After Hours, part birthday
bash when Fidelity Federal Savings &
Loan hosted the March Business After
Hours. The bank is celebrating its 125th
anniversary and chamber members and
friends attended to show their support for
an institution that’s had a Downtown Delaware presence since 1887. The event included a surprise proclamaFantastic Business
tion from the Ohio House of Representatives, presented by Representative Andrew Brenner. The chamber congratulates bank presiOpportunity!
dent Greg Roy and wishes Fidelity another 125 years of success. Click
Successful downtown paint your here for photos of the event. Fidelity Federal will be celebrating their
birthday with prize drawings all year long including a weekend getapottery business for sale.
way to Ohio State Park Lodge, check out their anniversary page for
more information. For Information on April’s Business After Hours,
Call Shelley Davis for details
Click here.
Delaware’s west side celebrates growth
The first two of four grand openings on the west
end of Delaware were celebrated in back-to-back
ribbon cutting events.
On March 22, Dr. Jane Graebner opened her new
Foot & Ankle Center on the corner of W. William
and Houk Rd. The beautiful facility, at 7600 sq. ft.
is a far cry from Dr. Jane’s humble beginnings some
20 years ago in an 800 sq ft office on Troy Rd. With
two new partners, Jane calls “the future of the business”, chamber members, patients and friends wished her well. Click here
for more photos.
The following day, The Richwood Banking Company
unveiled their magnificent new Delaware branch just east of
Houk Rd. on W. William St. Doing business out of a temporary
building just yards from the permanent office, Richwood staff
watched the construction of this architectural jewel take shape.
Click here for more photos.
The chamber is thrilled to be part of their celebrations and
proud to claim Dr. Jane and Richwood as members.
And the other two west side events? Willow Brook at Delaware Run will open their new wing at this month’s Business
After Hours on April AND Buffalo Wild Wings will also
show off their remodel at a date TBD.
Chamber Book Club wants YOU
The chamber is looking to expand their
membership to the book club and invites
you to join. The club reads and discusses
books on professional development, wealth
management, leadership and such. Currently meeting the first Tuesday of every
month at 11:45. Interested? Please email
Holly at hquaine@DelawareAreaChamber.com.
Share your news
New staff? New product line? Industry recognition? Tell us
what’s going on in your business so that we can share it with our
membership. Call us at the Chamber at 740-369-6221 or e-mail
your news to hquaine@delawareareachamber.com
Chamber updates branding
In an effort to maintain consistent branding and website optimization, the chamber has changed both its email and website
addresses to reflect the name of our organization. Replacing
“Ohio” with “Area”, our new email address that is both our general mailbox and office manager Berni Dodeci’s is dachamber@DelawareAreaChamber.com and website is
www.DelawareAreaChamber.com. You can reach president Holly Quaine at hquaine@DelawareAreaChamber.com, and communications manager Matt Carbary at
mcarbary@DelawareAreaChamber.com. Although we will con- For a list of Anthem-authorized chamber member agents, call the chamber at 740-369-6221
tinue to receive emails via the old address for one year, we apor Click Here
preciate you updating your information.
Its Spring Cleaning Time and the Alpha Group is
ready for your projects.
Alpha Office and Lawn Services
The Alpha Group has been performing custodial and grounds
maintenance services since 1982. Our skilled and efficient
staff will do what it takes to ensure the job is done to your
specifications. Our customer list includes commercial
and industrial accounts, as well as, governmental agencies
and private residences.
We look forward to the opportunity to serve you!
“We have worked
with Alpha Office
and Lawn for
several years, and
their service and
support has been
Keith McWherter
Owner - Verity Enterprises
Alpha Group also has a full line of other services including:
Custodial*Packaging*Sealing*Labeling*Bulk Mailing &
Document Scanning and Destruction
For more information about Alpha
Services call:
Bob Singer
Business Development Director
We can
turn this
Into This
1000 Alpha Drive • Delaware, OH 43015
Phone: 740 368-5810 extension 138
Cell: 614 218-6306 • Fax: 740 368-5819
email: bobsinger@alphagroup.net
Law Enforcement & the Courts Day
Submitted by: Luke Reinhart, Dena Russell
This month, our leadership group had an overview of the Delaware County
court system and our local law enforcement.
We met with two Magistrates from the probate court system in their new offices since their court burned down on Sept 11th, 2010. We learned that magistrates cannot preside over jury trials
in juvenile court, but can issue a decision that the judge has to approve. They oversee child custody cases, appointing trustees, treatment court for those that can be rehabilitated, abuse and neglect cases, family advocate
programs, and a three-phased treatment program for drug offenses, to name a few. We toured the probate court
and then met with The Honorable W. Duncan Whitney in his courtroom in the Court of Common Pleas. Common pleas handle all cases except probate. We learned that the grand jury is the most important piece of the
criminal court process, 85% of criminal matters are drug related, and that there are no funds in Ohio for rehabilitation until several years in prison. Less than 5% of the 550 to 650 cases go to trial, comprised of criminal, foreclosures and civil cases. We can observe a trial, the public is welcome. We then had a panel discussion with
judges, attorneys, police captain, sheriff, probation officers, and county prosecutor. I think the most alarming
discovery for us was the drug problem in our county. Heroin use has spiked in the last two years, opiate deaths
have risen in our county and the youngest addict in Delaware was 12. Most panelists argued for earlier education
on drugs, crime, sex offenses, helping kids to understand what is normal. Also education to help parents be detectives. We toured the Delaware Police Dept. offices, holding cells, etc. An overall focus by the police and the
sheriff is to be more proactive. They have 51 sworn officers and are fully staffed, there were 3200 formal reports
in 2011. We toured the Delaware Municipal Court, and had a question and answer session with The Honorable
David Gormley and Cindy Dinovo, the Clerk of Courts.
Finally, we had the opportunity to tour the Delaware County Jail. At the time of the tour the jail contained approximately 210 inmates, but was still operating under capacity. Approximately 25% of the inmates are women,
but the percentages change frequently. The inmates were
housed in either single room cells for maximum security or in
“dorm” style housing which could hold up to 20 inmates per
dorm block. Delaware is one of the few counties in the state of
Ohio that utilizes the dorm style of cells for inmates. The jail
also requires inmates to pay back the county for the cost of
living in the jail at the time of their release, or participate in a
work program inside the jail to help pay for their stay. Many
don’t realize the coordinated effort it takes to house, feed, and
track such a large number of people. Taking a firsthand tour
of the jail was an eye opening experience for those who attended, and gave all a new appreciation for those who serve
and protect our county on a daily basis. Click here for photos
of the day.
Leadership Delaware Class of 2012
Kelly Barry
Council for Older Adults
Melinda Beebe
Delaware County Bank & Trust
Matthew Carbary
Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce
Brad Coffman
Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan
Sheri Donaugh
Greif, Inc.
Nikki Eaton
Animal Hospital of Polaris
Nicole Farrell
Grady Memorial Hospital
Scott Flores
National Lime & Stone
Angelo Frole
Columbus State Community College
Gina Grote
Blue & Co.
Dusty Hostutler
Edward Jones
Chris Jones
Oberfield’s, LLC
Steve Lust
FirstMerit Bank
Matt Keller
Delaware City Schools
Margaret Kroon Van Diest
Delaware General Health District
Barb Lyon
United Way of Delaware County
Julie Marshal
Delaware County Job & Family Services
Maureen Mathews
Comfort X-Press
Lori Midkiff
The Richwood Banking Co.
George Morrison
Delaware County District Library
Judy Myers
Canine Companions for Independence
Eric Nelson
8 Bank & Trust
Delaware County
Tony Neito
Delaware County Bank & Trust
Andy Nicolosi
Huntington Bank
Harry Pape
Delaware County Habitat for Humanity
Bill Piwtorak
Liberty Township Fire Department
Lisa-Marie Reinhart
Delaware Area Career Center
Luke Reinhart
Leaf Chiropractic
Dena Russell
Haller Wealth Management
Doug Sams
Delaware General Health District
Darren Shulman
City of Delaware
Chrissy Triskett
Delaware County District Library
Bob Walsh
Grady Memorial Hospital
Tracey Wilson
American Red Cross of Delaware County
Meade & Associates, Inc. named nationally one of the Best Places to Work in Collections
InsideARM.com announced the winners of the fourth annual
Best Places to Work in Collections for 2011, sponsored by
Kaulkin Ginsberg Company. This award program is designed to
identify, recognize, and honor the best places of employment in
the accounts receivable management
(ARM) industry, and was created and
facilitated by insideARM.com and Best Companies Group. ”We’re especially proud
to salute ARM companies committed to excellence, since the ‘bad seeds’ in our industry tend to get all the attention,” said Stephanie Eidelman, President of Kaulkin
Media and Publisher of insideARM.com. Companies who were eligible for the recognition underwent “a rigorous evaluation process, ensuring that the winning companies are truly succeeding
in their efforts to provide a challenging, satisfying, and motivating work environment for their employees.”
From Meade & Associates web site: founded in 1978, Meade & Associates has built an outstanding reputation for providing accounts receivable management services. We've built this reputation using our strongest asset, our people. Our philosophy is service, trust, and reliability. As a full service collection agency,
Meade & Associates provides personal service to each and every account.
Two Men and a Truck gains industry certification
Two Men and a Truck has been
officially certified as a ProMover by
the industry's trade group, the American Moving & Storage Association
(AMSA). AMSA provides ProMover
certification only after the designated
company has passed a background
check of its operations and has
agreed to abide by a set of honorable business practices and AMSA's
Code of Ethics.
Wear Blue to Work Day to recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month
Delaware County Department of Job and
Family Services would like your business to participate in Wear Blue to Work Day. In 2011 Delaware
County investigated 585 cases of abuse, neglect and
dependency. We are asking you to allow your employees to wear
blue attire to work on April 11, 2012 to represent National Child
Abuse Prevention Month. We also ask that you take photos of staff
that we can share with the community. Please send photos to Amber Huber at hubera@odjfs.state.oh.us
Frontier’s Metro-E Services now available in
Delaware County
Frontier Communications today announced the availability of
Metro Ethernet services in Delaware and Delaware County. MetroE is a scalable solution offering businesses customizable, secure and
reliable solutions that include next-generation Internet access and
wide area networking. “Speed, capacity and flexibility give businesses more control over the customer experience and greater opportunities to reduce costs. Medicine, education, banking, tourism
and entertainment are among the sectors that can realize immediate benefits from the simplicity and scalability of Frontier Metro-E,”
states Tom Travis, General Manager, Frontier Communications.
Metro-E delivers voice, data, video and other applications at speeds
up to 600 times faster than current ADSL or cable connections. For
more info contact Tom Travis at Thomas.Travis@ftr.com
New Members
Foot and Ankle Wellness Center
1871 West William Street
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 363-4373
Dr. Jane Graebner, Podiatrist
Group practice specializing in medical &
surgical care of the foot and ankle.
Hertz Rental Car
1151 Columbus Pike
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 363-3486
Ms. Stacy Webb, Branch Manager
Absolute Impressions Inc.
Allied Waste Services
Anesthesia Associates of Mansfield
Ashley Manor Assisted Living
Atrium Personnel Services
Benchmark Woodworks
Best Western Delaware Inn
Black Wing Shooting Center
Breakaway Cycling
Buffalo Wild Wings
Burgess & Niple
Carriage Town
Providing rental cars, SUVs, Minivans and 12 Providing bottled water, water softeners, and
passenger vans
drinking water systems.
Lucas, Wade
Pak Mail
8595 Columbus Pike
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Mr. Dave Lewis, Owner
Packing and shipping company for commercial and residential
Peacock Water
1800 Marion Marysville Road
Marion, OH 43302
Mr. Tim Peacock, Owner
Central Ohio Mat Co.
City of Delaware
Clinicare Consultants, Inc.
Conference Center of NorthPointe
Davis Farms
Delaware Business Systems
Ecosystems Pest Elimination
Edge Technology
Electronic Payments
Emerson Power/Liebert
Haines Publishing, Inc.
Hardscrabble Farms, Inc.
Hillborn Insurance
Lawyer's Title Agency
Little Bear Golf Club
Manos, Martin, Pergram & Dietz
Silver Crown Homecare
801 West Cherry Street, Suite 127
Sunbury, OH 43074
Mr. Mark Breker, President
Providing non-medical home care.
The Delaware Community Center
1121 South Houk Road
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 203-3051
Mr. Paul Weber, District Vice President
Providing quality programming and facilities
to the community.
MD Transmissions Ltd
MT Business Technologies
OhioHealth Urgent Care in partnership
with NextCare
Optimum Plastics, Inc.
Oxford Automotive
Preservation Parks of Delaware County
Shawan-Marquis Agency
Sheets, Steve & Linda
Sleep Outfitters
Small Business Payroll Services
State Farm Forman Insurance Agency
Table Rock Construction, Inc.
Terraine Evolution, Inc.
Vision Concepts Technology, LLC.
Woolpert, Inc.
Click on the event titles to learn more and to RSVP
Chamber Book Club
Tuesday, April 3
Chamber office
Chamber Ambassadors
Wednesday, April 4
Chamber office
B.E.D. & Breakfast
Wellness Programs for
Small Business
Tuesday, April 10
See page 4 for details
Safety Council
Tuesday, April 10
Delaware Area Career Center south
See page 13 for details
Chamber Agency Group
Wednesday, April 11
Chamber office
BWC Workshop
Tuesday, April 24
Chamber Office
Government Affairs Committee
See page 1 for details
Friday, April 13
Business After Hours
Chamber office
Wednesday, April 25
New Member Orientation
Tuesday, April 17
Willow Brook at Delaware Run
7:30am Chamber office
See page 4 for details
Leadership Delaware County
Thursday, April 12
Health Care Day
Board of Directors meeting
Wednesday, April 18
Chamber office
Economic Development
Committee meeting
Thursday, April 19
Chamber office
Third Thursday luncheon
Shale & Central Ohio
Thursday, April 19
Noon, Council for
12Older Adults
See page 4 for details
Saturday June 2
Electronic Recycling Event
Council for Older Adults
See page 15 for details
Thursday, June 7
Chamber Annual Golf Outing
Kings Mill Golf Course
Click here for info/registration
Delaware Area Safety Council News
Safety Council luncheon meetings
April 10, 2012
Tim Dimhoff, SACS Consulting and Investigative Services, Akron, Ohio will present a program on Bullying in the Workplace.
In conjunction with the Division of Safety &
Hygiene, the Delaware Area Safety Council
presents safety awards throughout Ohio to promote greater interest in the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses. Members with
the highest safety records will be recognized at
the Annual Awards Banquet.
May 8, 2012
Hearing and the Workplace presented by Dr.
Tim Rink
June 12, 2012
Fire Safety Techniques presented by Chief
Tim Jensen. *** This meeting will be held at
the Liberty Twp. Hall at 10104 Brewster Lane,
All Safety Council meetings are held at the
Delaware Area Career Center, South Campus on 23 South unless otherwise noted. The
cost of the luncheon is $10.00. 11:30 am is
lunch, meeting starts at noon.
Safety Council events are open to the public
and we encourage you to invite a co-worker or
colleague. To register:
March meeting recap
Dr. Abe Al-Tarawneh, Superintendent of
BWC's Division of Safety & Hygiene, provided
an overview of the challenges facing the workers’ compensation insurance industry in general and the Ohio Workers’ Compensation System, in particular. He discussed the value of
enhanced occupational safety and health and
accident and injury prevention in facing these
challenges, Including:
-How the demographics, needs, and injuries of
the workforce are changing and what the future
could bring.
-Why occupational safety and health is more
important today and tomorrow than it has ever
been in the past.
-What can be done right away to face these
This month’s sponsor, Abrasive Technology
provided several gifts for the member’s attendance drawing.
Tips to help your employees eat healthier
Eating healthy is a crucial part of staying healthy. So
whatever you can do to inspire your employees to eat a
healthy diet will have a big impact on their overall wellbeing. One simple way you can help your staff eat better is
by sharing these six tips with them.
 Choose foods that work the hardest for your body. Low
fat and low calorie are good, but nutrition-rich foods
are even better. The point is to focus more on maximizing nutrients and less on “diet foods.”
 Cut down on serving sizes and avoid oversized portions.
A neat way to do this is to use a smaller plate, bowl and
glass. Portion foods to fit that smaller plate or bowl.
And when you eat out, pick the smaller-sized option,
share a dish, or take some of the meal home to enjoy
later, all of which are great ways to save on food costs
 Eating breakfast is one of the easiest changes you can
make. It’s hard to meet the demands of the day with no
fuel, and eating a good breakfast gets your metabolism
revved up for whatever the day brings.
 Hard work takes energy. When your energy level starts
to drop, the best way to refuel is by snacking healthy. If
you bring snacks like fresh fruit, trail mix and raw veggies to work, you’ll be less tempted to visit the vending
 Many highly processed foods, like the ones available in
vending machines, are high in preservatives and saturated fats and have ingredients you can’t even pronounce. Staying healthy means staying away from them.
Likewise, it’s a good practice to cut back on sodium.
Flavorful cooking doesn’t have to include added salt and
it’s a good idea to keep salt off the kitchen counter and
the dinner table. Spices, herbs, garlic, vinegar, no-salt
seasoning mixes, and lemon juice are terrific alternatives to salt.
Eating healthy doesn’t have to
be expensive. For practical ways
to eat better without spending
more, check out
Source: nutrition.gov.
Electronic Recycling Event
Saturday, June 2nd 2012
Council for Older Adults
800 Cheshire Rd., Delaware
Also on site:
Accep ng clothing and
household goods
Ques ons? 740‐369‐6221
Business & Residen al Waste Accepted
Amplifiers Ba eries Cables Cameras CD‐Roms Cell Phones Computers Copiers CRT Monitors CRT Televisions Digital Cameras DVD & VCR Players Fax Machines Floppy Drives Game Systems  Hard Drives (guaranteed data destruc on)  Keyboards  Laptops  LCD Monitors  LCD TVs  Mice  Network Equipment  USB Drives  Wireless Equipment $15 charge for
All other
electronic processing
Household Appliances*
*No appliance with Freon
Microwaves Vacuum cleaners Toasters Blenders 
Blow dryers Coffee pots Electric skillets 