

Saraschandra Karanam

S [dot] Karanam [at] uu [dot] nl


Cognitive aspects of

Information Search

Human Computer

Interaction, Usability


October 2014 - Till date

Post-Doctoral Researcher,

Utrecht University,

Buys Ballot Laboratory, Princetonplein 5,

Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Phone : +31-0644496788

Understanding and modeling the influence of cognitive factors on webnavigation and information search process as a whole.

Usability evaluation techniques, Usability testing with behavioral and eye tracking studies.

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Information and

Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Project MISSION: Modeling and Supporting Web Search and Navigation by Older Adults, in collaboration with Aline Chevalier, Mylene Sanchiz from Universitiet Toulouse and Wai Tat Fu, Jessie Chin from University of Illinois. As part of this project, working on extending cognitive models of web-navigation to include differences in search behavior caused by aging.


2007-April 2011


PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, IIIT-Hyderabad (In collaboration with Utrecht University) .

Thesis : A cognitive model of web-navigation based

on semantic information from pictures

Advisor : Prof. Bipin Indurkhya

Co-Advisor : Prof. Herre van Oostendorp (Utrecht

University, The Netherlands)

BTech in Computer Science and Engineering,

Hons in Cognitive Science, IIIT-Hyderabad (CGPA: 7.7/10)

Final Year Project : Cognitive modeling of aesthetic principles

underlying art

Advisor : Prof. Bipin Indurkhya


October 2012 – August 2014 Research Scientist, Xerox Research Centre-India.

January – October 2012 Research Consultant, Xerox Research Centre-India.


Designed and implemented an internet portal called SharePrint which encourages physical sharing of printed material. It has a dashboard where its users can post requests for articles, monitor others requests etc.

Integrated this successfully with a virtual currency based (GreenPoints) system in Xerox’s European research lab.


CrowdUtility is a recommendation and scheduling engine that takes requestors input in the form of batch size and SLA constraints, runs its

May – December 2011

January – March 2010

October – December 2008

April – September 2008 models internally and generates a recommendation as to which platform to post tasks to. It also provides the option of intelligently scheduling the batch to achieve the optimum performance.

Crowdsourced Form Digitization

Successfully implemented and delivered to a Xerox business group, a solution to digitize health insurance forms using crowd workers. This solution is an end-to-end solution starting from registering of forms, splitting them (for enhanced security), creation of tasks, aggregation of results and payment handling.

PostDoc Intern, Hewlett Packard Labs, Bangalore, India.

Explored mechanisms to support complex exploratory tasks on the web such as planning for a holiday.

Short Stay Fellow at Utrecht University

Collaborated with Prof. Herre van Oostendorp from Department of

Information and Computing Sciences. Developed a 3D simulated environment of a hospital from source code of Half Life game and explored navigation behaviors in real environments.



Teaching Assistant

Usability Engineering : Monsoon 2009

Supported the course in Monsoon 2010.

Topics in HCI, Spring 2011

Multi-text processing, Spring 2011

Advanced Cognitive Science: Spring 2008

Introduction to Cognitive Science: Monsoon 2007


Book Chapters




Short Stay Fellow at Utrecht University

Collaborated with Prof. Herre van Oostendorp and Prof. Mari Carmen from Department of Information and Computing Sciences. Conducted experiment exploring fully the interactive role of text and graphics in locating web-page widgets

Helped initiating a collaboration with and conducted various usability tests using eye tracker on their portal.

Van Oostendorp, H., Aggarwal., S. & Karanam, S. cognitive model of web-navigation

Development of a

(Accepted). J.Leon & I. Escudero

Dominguez (Eds.), Trends in Reading Research, John Benjamin Publ.

Karanam, S., Van Oostendorp, H., Sanchiz, M., Chevalier, A., Chin, J. &

Fu, W.T.

Performance of cognitive models of web-navigation on real websites. Special Issue on 'Search as Learning' in Journal of Information

Science, 42(1), 94-113.









Bhattacharya, S., Celis, L.E., Chander, D., Dasgupta, K., Karanam, S &

Vaibhav, R. Crowds of Crowds: Performance based modelling and optimization over multiple crowdsourcing platforms. Human

Computation, 2(1), 105-131.

Karanam, S., Oostendorp, H. van., Puerta Melguizo, M.C. & Indurkhya,

B. Interaction of semantic and graphical information in locating web page widgets . Behaviour and Information Technology.

Karanam, S., Oostendorp, H. van., Puerta Melguizo, M.C. & Indurkhya ,

B. Embedding semantic information from pictures into cognitive modeling of web-navigation . Special Issue of European Review of

Applied Psychology.

62(2). 83-92.

Oostendorp, H. van., Karanam, S. & Indurkhya, B. CoLiDeS+Pic: A cognitive model of web-navigation based on semantic information from pictures . Special Issue on Cognitive Modeling of Web-Navigation,

Behaviour and Information Technology.

31(1). 17-30.

Karanam, S., Oostendorp, H. van. & Indurkhya. B. Evaluating

CoLiDeS+Pic: The role of relevance of pictures in user navigation behaviors. Special Issue on Cognitive Modeling of Web-Navigation,

Behaviour and Information Technology.

31(1). 31-40.

Karanam, S., Van Oostendorp, H. & Indurkhya, B. (2012). A study on the role of non-hyperlink text on web-navigation. Computer Science.

13(3). 5-22.

Karanam, S. & Van Oostendorp, H. Age-related differences in the content of search queries when reformulating . (Accepted). ACM

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016) .

Karanam, S., Van Oostendorp, H., Sanchiz, M., Chevalier, A., Chin, J. &

Fu, W.T. Modeling and predicting information search behavior.


International Conference on Web-Intelligence, Mining and Semantics

(WIMS 2015), Article Number 7.

Chander, D., Bhattacharya, S., Celis, L. E., Dasgupta, K., Karanam, S.,

Rajan, V. & Gupta, A. CrowdUtility: A Recommendation System for

Crowdsourcing Platforms.

In Second AAAI Conference on Human

Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2014).

Karanam, S., Chander, D., Celis, L.E., Dasgupta, K. & Rajan, V.

Adaptive Performance Optimization over Crowd Labor Channels. In

Second AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing

(HCOMP 2014).

Dasgupta, K., Rajan, V., Karanam, S., Ponnavaikko, K., Balamurugan, C.

& Piratla, N. CrowdUtility: Know The Crowd That Works For You.

CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.






Others / Non-archival



Karanam, S., Rajan, V. & Dasgupta, K. Understanding dynamic performance variability across multiple crowdsourcing platforms.

Proceedings of ACM WebScience 2013.

Rajan, V., Bhattacharya, S., Celis, L.E., Dasgupta, K. & Karanam, S.

CrowdControl: An online learning approach for optimal task scheduling in a dynamic crowd platform.

ICML ’13 Workshop:

Machine Learning Meets Crowdsourcing.

Van Oostendorp, H. & Karanam. S. Navigating in a Virtual

Environment with Model-Generated Support . European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics ECCE 2013 .

Van Oostendorp, H. & Karanam S. Using a Cognitive Model of Web-

Navigation to Generate Support for 3D Virtual Navigation.

VSGAMES ’12 Procedia Computer Science 283-284.

Karanam, S., Oostendorp, H. van. & Indurkhya, B. Towards a fully computational model of web-navigation.

(2011). In Modern

Approaches in Applied Intelligence. 327-337.

Karanam, S., Oostendorp, H. van. & Indurkhya.


Role of content in addition to hyperlinks in user-clicking behavior. ECCE 2010,

European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Delft, The Netherlands.

Karanam, S., Viswanathan, J., Theertha, A., Indurkhya, B. & Oostendorp,

H. van. (2010).

Impact of placing picture icons next to hyperlinks on information retrieval tasks on the web. Cog Sci 2010, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Karanam, S., Oostendorp, H. van., Puerta Melguizo, M.C & Indurkhya,

B. (2009). Integrating graphical information into cognitive modeling of web navigation , Cog Sci 2009, 31 st

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive

Science Society.


Karanam, S. & Indurkhya, B. (2009). Eye movement analysis of tilt illuions , Perception , 38, ECVP Abstract Supplement, pg 23.

Karanam, S. & Indurkhya, B. (2008). An empirical Study on the role of

Asymmetry and Balance in Aesthetics , European Conference on Visual

Perception 08 , held at University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Van Oostendorp, H., Aggarwal, S. & Karanam, S. Development of a

Cognitive Model of Web-Navigation. Current Trends in Reading

Research, TAELEC 2013, Madrid, Spain.

Karanam, S. & Indurkhya, B. (2008). Exploring Mondrian Balance:

Role of Arrangement of Rectangles and their Color-Configuration

APA Congress 08 , held at Boston, MA, USA.



Karanam, S. & Indurkhya, B. (2007). Towards a Computational Model of Aesthetics: A Multi Agent based approach to modeling Balance ,

Summer Interactivist Institute , American University of Paris, Paris,


Karanam, S. & Indurkhya, B. (2006). Cognitive Modeling of Aesthetic

Principles Underlying Art , 2nd International Conference on Cognitive

Sciences ICCS 06 , Center for Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences,

University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India.





Ruud Meeuwsen (2008)

Floortje van Oosten (2015)

Method and system for selecting task templates. United States patent application US 20150007181 A1.

Method and system for recommending crowdsourcing platforms. United

States patent application US 20140279780 A1.

Method and system for recommending tasks to crowdworker. United

States patent application US 9152919 B2.

Crowdsourcing directory system. United States patent application US

20140188787 A1.

Creating material and conducting an experiment on ‘Interaction of textual and graphical information in locating web-page widgets’

Conducting a behavioural experiment with older-aged people on ‘The role of task difficulty and prior domain knowledge on information search behaviour of older-aged people’ and designing materials for another experiment on MISSION Project.


Experimental Psychology

Eye Trackers

Psychology software tools

Statistical Analysis tools


Operating Systems


Design and analysis of behavioral experiments.

Familiar with SR-Research, Tobii X120 and SMI Eye trackers.

DirectRT, Tobii Studio


C, Java, Python.





PC Member

Workshop on Web Search and Individual Differences (IndiDiff) 2016 in conjunction with Hypertext 2016.

CHIIR 2016, Hypertext 2016, XRCI Open 2015.

Reviewer CogSci 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, EAPCogSci 2015,.


2010 Organized TechEase-10, in collaboration with UsabilityMatters.Org

(UMO), a national level workshop on usability and user interface design.

Gave a talk in Seminar on Computational Cognitive Modeling of Web-


Navigation, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Co-organized this seminar with

Prof. Herre van Oostendorp, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

Organized TechEase-09, in collaboration with UsabilityMatters.Org

(UMO), a first of its kind national level workshop on Usability for engineering and design students.


2013 Xerox Innovation at Work , Department of Information and Computing

Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. (May 6 th


Understanding dynamic performance variability across multiple crowdsourcing platforms , Department of Computer Science, UCLA, LA,

USA. (November 14 th

, 2013)

Understanding dynamic performance variability across multiple crowdsourcing platforms , Department of Computer Science, UC, Irvine,

LA, USA. (November 15 th

, 2013).

Crowd-Control: An online learning approach for optimal task scheduling , Augmented and Social Computing Group, Palo Alto

Research Centre (PARC), SFO, USA. (November 12 th



Crowdsourced form digitization solution.

Played a major role in the development of a technical solution for digitizing health insurance forms using crowd workers.

Cognitive Science Lab




Will be provided on request.

Helped setting up a new research center at IIIT-H on Cognitive Science.

Was involved in every aspect of its growth in its early stages. Presented lab’s activities with various groups at Rediff, Amazon, Honeywell,

Rhythm and Hues, Tata Elxsi.

One of the Principal Investigators on a collaborative project with IIIT-H granted under Open Innovation Awards of Xerox Research Centre investigating cognitive aspects of task design for crowdsourcing.


Table Tennis Regularly playing TT



Practising pranayama and few yogasanas.

Underwent formal training to play violin for about 6-8 months during my under-graduation.

Was painting until my high school. Won many prizes including a district level first (Visakhapatnam) for a competition conducted by Ministry of

Surface Transport on Road Safety. I now occasionally do pencil sketches.
