PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 6, NUMBER 7 JULY 1999 Dust–dust and dust-plasma interactions of monolayer plasma crystals H. Schollmeyer, A. Melzer, A. Homann, and A. Piel Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 24098 Kiel, Germany ~Received 30 October 1998; accepted 23 March 1999! The horizontal and vertical oscillation modes of monolayer plasma crystal are investigated and are related to dust–dust and dust-plasma interactions. It is found that the dust particles in the plasma sheath excited by a biased wire show parametric resonances. This parametric resonance is identified as the reason for the observed ‘‘sublimation’’ transition of the plasma crystal from a solid to a gaslike state. © 1999 American Institute of Physics. @S1070-664X~99!00807-1# oscillation, ~2! a global horizontal oscillation of all particles, and ~3! intrinsic longitudinal waves in the horizontal plane. I. INTRODUCTION Plasma crystals are an ideal model system for the investigation of strongly coupled dusty plasmas. Plasma crystals usually are generated in parallel plate rf discharges with monodisperse plastic particles of micrometer size trapped in the sheath above the lower electrode.1–3 The particles charge up due to the inflow of plasma electrons and ions. In the sheath the weight of the particles is balanced by the electric field force acting on them. Due to their mutual Coulomb repulsion the dust particles can form ordered structures, i.e., the plasma crystal. The plasma crystal has been investigated in view of phase transitions,4,5 structure,6,4,7 defects8,9 and waves10–13 and a quite reasonable understanding of the intrinsic modes of the crystal has been achieved. The situation is more complicated for the coupling between intrinsic modes and oscillations of the dust particles in the confining plasma trap. This coupling becomes evident when the plasma crystal is excited by a probe wire inserted in the plasma sheath which results in a number of horizontal and vertical type of oscillations and waves.10,11,14–16 It is the aim of this paper to analyze the different oscillations and wave type motions and to relate them quantitatively to the various dust–dust and dust-plasma interactions. Here, the excitation of monolayer, two-dimensional ~2D! plasma crystals and linear, one-dimensional ~1D! particle arrangements shall be investigated in detail. These systems are not subject to the ion streaming instability17 and can therefore be studied at relatively low gas pressure where damping of waves and oscillations is weak. Finally, single-layer crystals represent easier systems which are easier to handle in the theoretical analysis. A. Vertical oscillations In the vertical direction z, the dust particles are trapped in the sheath by the balance of gravitational force and electric field force. Since the electric field in the sheath of an rf discharge, to a good approximation, increases linearly with z, there is almost always a position where the gravitational force can be balanced, (m d is the dust mass, g the gravitational acceleration, Z the number of elementary charges on the particle, and z 0 the position of force balance.! The ~time-averaged! electric field can be written as E ~ z ! 5E ~ z 0 ! 1E 8 ~ z2z 0 ! , ~2! where it is assumed that E 8 5 ] E/ ] z is constant and that the change in the horizontal plane (x,y) is much smaller than in the vertical direction ( ] E/ ] x, ] E/ ] y! ] E/ ] z). This is justified in an ion matrix sheath model,18 where the horizontal extension of the electrodes is much larger than the sheath width. The electric field force and gravitational force then form a parabolic potential well for the particles V5 12 ZeE 8 ~ z2z 0 ! 2 , ~3! with a resonance frequency v 20 5 ZeE 8 . md ~4! This vertical resonance has been used by Melzer et al.3,19 in their resonance method for the determination of the dust charge. There the lower electrode was modulated at a lowfrequency voltage which exerts a periodical force F el sin(vt) on the particles in the well. The equation of motion then reads II. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL OSCILLATIONS OF THE PLASMA CRYSTAL The frequencies of different horizontal and vertical resonances in the dust particle motion allow for the quantitative determination of dust–dust and dust-plasma interactions. Here, the oscillatory motions and resonances of single-layer plasma crystals and linear particle arrangements shall be discussed in more detail. Under the conditions here, three different types of oscillations can be found: ~1! a global vertical 1070-664X/99/6(7)/2693/6/$15.00 ~1! m d g5ZeE ~ z 0 ! z̈1 b ż1 v 20 z5F el sin~ v t ! , ~5! which describes the resonance of a damped harmonic oscillator with the resonance near v 0 . The Epstein coefficient b 2693 © 1999 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 01 Nov 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 2694 Schollmeyer et al. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1999 describes the friction of the dust particles with the neutral gas. Relating E 8 with the ion density n i via Poisson’s equation E 8 5(e/ e 0 )n i , the resonance frequency allows us to determine the dust charge.3,19 Anharmonic effects due to distortion of the potential well by variation of the dust charge Z with height z in the sheath20 can be neglected because of small electrode modulation voltages used in the experiment. In conclusion, this vertical resonance is related to the interaction of dust particles with the vertical structure of the plasma trap. q is the ~complex! wave vector and k 5a/l D the screening strength in the plasma crystal. k n is the linearized stiffness of the electrostatic ‘‘spring’’ between two particles of distance na. Since these plasma crystal waves are driven, v has to be taken as real and q5q r 1iq i as complex. Boundary effects due to finite particle chains are neglected, here. The calculation of the dispersion relations can be found in more detail for linear and two-dimensional systems in Refs. 21,13. The investigation of waves allows a quantitative analysis of dust–dust interactions. Characteristic frequencies are of the order of the dust-plasma frequency B. Horizontal oscillations In the horizontal plane, the crystal usually is confined by a ring on the electrode in order to provide a plasma crystal of definite size and location. The ring on the electrode raises the equipotentials of the sheath environment in a region next to the ring. In that way the dust particles cannot overcome the potential barrier formed by the ring. Hence, the confinement potential in the horizontal plane is shaped like a ‘‘bathtub’’ with a flat potential in the middle of the ring and a rather steep potential rise at the borders. In this potential well global horizontal oscillations of all particles can be excited,11,14 where the particles bounce between the confining potential walls. Due to the flat potential in the horizontal plane, the resonance frequency of these oscillations is much smaller than in the vertical direction. v Pd5 A 3Z 2 e 2 4 p e 0m da 3 . ~9! In frictionless systems, the maximum excitation frequency, obtained for the shortest possible wavelength q r a5 p is the Debye frequency v D 5 A 43 exp~ 2 k !~ 212 k 1 k 2 ! v pd ~10! ~for next neighbor interaction N n 51). At frequencies higher than v D , the wave vector becomes imaginary ~and the wave is damped! in a frictionless system, similarly to the ‘‘cutoff’’ in usual plasma wave theory ~see Fig. 5 below!. A system with friction does not show such an abrupt change in behavior and the wave vector q r a5 p may not be reached. C. Waves in the horizontal plane III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP In the strongly coupled plasma crystal the particles interact by means of their mutual ~shielded! Coulomb repulsion. Under these conditions wave type motions of the particles relative to each other are possible and have been observed in different experiments.10,12,13 In linear particle arrangements as well as in monolayer plasma crystals these waves have been identified as dust lattice waves ~DLW!12,13 under strong coupling conditions. For simplicity of the calculation of the dispersion relation and the experimental realization, the dispersion of waves in a linear particle chain shall be discussed, here. The equation of motion for a dust particle then reads The experiments are performed in a parallel plate rf discharge operated in helium. The lower electrode is powered with 11 W at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. The upper electrode and the discharge vessel is grounded. Monodisperse plastic spheres of 9.47mm diameter are trapped in the sheath above the lower electrode. Laser diodes with their light expanded into horizontal and vertical laser fans allow for the illumination of perpendicular cross sections of the plasma crystal. The scattered light is recorded with two CCD ~charge coupled device! cameras from top and from the side. In the experiments presented here, the amount of trapped particles and the confining barrier on the lower electrode were chosen in such a way that either singlelayer plasma crystals or linear particle arrangements are produced. At a height of 7 mm above the electrode a tungsten wire of 150 mm diameter and 10 cm length was placed close to the plasma crystal @see Fig. 1~a!#. A low-frequency sinusoidal voltage is applied to this wire in order to excite the particle oscillatory motions. Hence, the experimental setup is similar to that presented in Refs. 11, 10, 14–16. Additionally, the rf voltage applied to the lower electrode can be modulated by a low-frequency sinusoidal voltage in order to excite pure vertical oscillations of the dust particles in the sheath3,19 in order to investigate the dust-sheath interaction and to determine the dust charge. This setup is used for the excitation of oscillations in monolayer crystals as well as in linear particle arrangements. For measuring the dispersion relation of the waves the laser beam is focused onto the first particle in a linear chain Nn ẍ1 b ẋ52 ( n52N n ,nÞ0 ¹ f ~ na ! , ~6! where f (x) is the particle–particle interaction potential and 2N n neighbors with interparticle distance a are taken into account. Assuming a Debye–Hückel interaction potential f (x)5Zeexp(2x/lD)/(4pe0x), where l D is the shielding length, the dispersion relation is obtained using the standard approach for longitudinal waves on an infinite linear chain. The dispersion relation for these waves then reads21,12 Nn v 2 1i b v 54 k ( n sin2 n51 m d S D nqa 2 ~7! with k n5 Z 2e 2 4 p e 0n 3a 3 exp~ 2n k !~ 212n k 1n 2 k 2 ! . ~8! Downloaded 01 Nov 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1999 FIG. 1. Experimental setup ~a! for the electrostatic excitation of dust particles by a wire or by a low-frequency modulation of the rf voltage, ~b! for the excitation of horizontal waves in a linear particle arrangement by the radiation pressure of the focused laser light. The laser for the illumination of the dust particles and the CCD camera for a side-on observation of the dust particles have been omitted here for clarity. of dust particles @Fig. 1~b!#. This particle is pushed by the radiation pressure of the laser beam. Switching the laser periodically ‘‘on’’ and ‘‘off’’ leads to oscillations of the first particle and to the excitation of waves in the linear particle arrangement.12 In conclusion, this experiment combines several experimental setups in order to provide a detailed analysis of the horizontal and vertical oscillations found in the plasma crystal which allows to quantify the dust–dust and dust-plasma interactions. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Monolayer crystals First, we present measurements in a monolayer plasma crystal at a gas pressure of 10 Pa. The crystal consists of about 200 particles that are arranged in a crystal lattice with hexagonal order. Multi-layer plasma crystal would be in a gaslike state under these conditions.4,5 A sinusoidal voltage of U 0 528 V pp is applied to a tungsten wire that is positioned close to the crystal. The frequency f is varied between 0.1 Hz and 50 Hz. Figure 2 shows the oscillation amplitudes of the dust particles in the horizontal and in the vertical direction as a function of f. At low frequencies ~up to 5 Hz! almost pure horizontal oscillations are observed. These are global oscillations of all particles in the crystal, which have a resonance at about 0.8 Hz. This oscillation mode is identified as the ‘‘bathtub mode’’ where the particles bounce back and forth in the horizontal potential well provided by the barrier on the electrode. This kind of oscillation has been observed also in Refs. 11, 14 with very similar resonance frequencies. When the frequency is increased, vertical oscillations become more and more prominent and horizontal oscillations are nearly undetectable. At a frequency of about 14 Hz a first resonance in the vertical oscillations can be seen and a second resonance appears at f 528 Hz. Dust-dust and dust-plasma interactions of monolayer . . . 2695 FIG. 2. Horizontal and vertical oscillation amplitudes of the dust particles in a monolayer plasma crystal and in a linear chain arrangement. The vertical resonances of plasma crystals and linear chains coincide very well. It is anticipated here that the monolayer crystal stays in an ordered, crystalline state when the particles show the global horizontal and vertical oscillations, but at the first resonance at f 514 Hz and, more pronounced, at the second resonance at f 528 Hz the ordered plasma crystal performs a sudden transition to a gaslike state, where the particles are completely disordered and swirl around at very high speed. This ‘‘sublimation’’ transition was previously reported in Refs. 14, 15. We will return to this point below. The vertical resonance at 14 Hz is easily identified as the resonance at v 0 due to the potential well formed by gravity and electric field force. This is shown by applying the lowfrequency modulation voltage to the lower electrode. Figure 3 shows a comparison of the resonance curves by wire excitation and electrode voltage modulation. One can clearly see that the first resonance at 14 Hz coincides for both types of excitation, but that the second resonance at 28 Hz can only be excited by the wire. We therefore propose that the second resonance is a parametric excitation of vertical particle oscillations due a distortion of the potential trap by the periodic voltage on the probe wire. From the excitation by modulating the electrode voltage, the resonance frequency is found at v 0 52 p 313.5 s21 . The Epstein friction coefficient is determined as b 57.4 s21 , which is slightly larger than the expected theoretical value of b 54.0 s21 . From the resonance frequency v 0 and the measured ion density, the dust charge is determined as Z 511 400. B. Parametric resonance Although a complete analysis of the parametric excitation by the wire is difficult in view of the complicated geometry and the sheath environment, we give a simplified analysis here, that is based on the reasonable assumption that the probe bias U5U 0 cos(vt) affects the sheath width, at least in the vicinity of the wire. In addition, the probe bias can lead to a temporal change of the dust charge by influ- Downloaded 01 Nov 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 2696 Schollmeyer et al. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1999 FIG. 3. Vertical resonance curves of the monolayer plasma crystal due to excitation by a voltage on the lower electrode. For comparison the resonance by wire excitation is also shown. The resonances at about 14 Hz coincide very well, the second resonance at 28 Hz can be excited by the wire, only. encing the plasma parameters and, hence, the particle charging currents. A change in the sheath width or in the dust charge results in a periodic modulation of the potential well and its resonance frequency v 20 → v 20 @ 11h cos~ v t !# , ~11! where h,1 is the modulation depth. The equation of motion for a dust particle in the sheath then becomes z̈1 b ż1 v 20 @ 11h cos~ v t !# z50, ~12! which for z̃5exp(2bt/2)z results in the standard form of the well-known Mathieu equation.22 This equation is the paradigm for the study of parametric resonances. The parametric resonances then occur at frequencies of v n5 2v0 , n n51,2, . . . , ~13! where the frequency width for the excitation of resonances decreases as h n .23 So the broadest resonance will be observable at the highest frequency v 52 v 0 , which is two times the frequency of the vertical resonance used for the charge measurement. Another resonance is also expected at v 5 v 0 , whereas the resonance at v 52 v 0 /3 usually is too small for detection.23 In the presence of damping ~as in the experiment! there exists a threshold h c for the modulation depth in order to excite parametric resonances h c5 2b v0 ~14! for the resonance at v 52 v 0 ~see Ref. 22 and references therein for details!. FIG. 4. ~a! Resonance curves for vertical oscillations of the dust particles in a monolayer plasma crystal for different excitation voltages U 0 on the probe wire. The curves have been shifted vertically for clarity. The corresponding zero is marked with an arrow on the right hand side. ~b! Resonance amplitude at 2 v 0 as a function of excitation voltage. At voltages higher than approximately U c 514 V a sudden onset of this resonance occurs. ~c! Variation of the excitation voltage necessary for the appearance of the parametric resonance as a function of gas pressure. In the experiment by wire excitation, resonances were found at v 0 52 p 314 Hz and at 2 v 0 which is a first indication of parametric resonance. In order to prove that the resonance at 2 v 0 indeed is due to parametric excitation the threshold behavior also has to be shown. The existence of a threshold is investigated by the variation of the amplitude of the voltage applied to the wire. Figure 4~a! shows the vertical resonance curves for different voltages. One can clearly see that below a voltage of U 0 512 V pp no resonance at 2 v 0 is found, whereas above U 0 516 V pp the parametric resonance can be excited @Fig. 4~b!#. Furthermore, the critical voltage and corresponding modulation depth for the excitation of the resonance at 2 v 0 as a function of gas pressure is shown in Fig. 4~c!. The excitation voltage increases with increasing neutral gas friction. At gas pressures higher than 15 Pa the damping was too strong to excite parametric resonances. The increase of the critical voltage with gas damping found in the experiment is stronger than linear calculated from Eq. ~14!. A full quantitative agreement, however, cannot be expected because Downloaded 01 Nov 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1999 Dust-dust and dust-plasma interactions of monolayer . . . 2697 Mathieu’s equation is used as a standard model for parametric excitation, here, to reveal the basic ideas of parametric resonance. However, the appearance of a resonance at 2 v 0 , where v 0 is the eigenfrequency of the potential well of the dust particles in the sheath, and the threshold behavior of this resonance with respect to gas damping and excitation voltage clearly shows that this resonance is of parametric nature. The excitation by electrode voltage modulation obviously does not lead to a parametric excitation of the vertical resonances, in contrast to the wire excitation. The detailed analysis of the difference in the excitation mechanisms and their coupling to the sheath environment cannot be done in a simple model and is beyond the scope of this work. C. Linear particle chain The resonances of the dust particle motion are, so far, related to dust-plasma sheath interactions. In order to compare these resonances dust–dust interactions the behavior of a linear particle arrangement is studied in the following, because of simpler geometry and easier wave excitation. First, the vertical resonances due to excitation by a voltage on a wire are compared with the situation of the monolayer plasma crystal. Figure 3 shows the resonance curves for vertical oscillations. The resonances are found at the same frequencies as in the monolayer crystal: One finds the resonance at the eigenfrequency v 0 of the potential well in the plasma sheath and the parametric resonance at 2 v 0 . Therefore, the results from the wave experiments can also be used for monolayer plasma crystal. The dust–dust interactions are measured by the excitation of longitudinal waves in the linear chain, where the beam of a laser diode focused onto the first particle. The laser power is square wave modulated at a frequency f. The motion of each particle in the chain is recorded and split into the time-averaged equilibrium position x (n) 0 in the chain and the time-dependent displacement about this equilibrium j (n) . A Fourier analysis of the particle motion gives the phase and amplitude for the oscillation of each particle. The complex wave vector q is determined according to j (n) 5exp(i(qr 1iqi)x(n) 0 ) from the linear increase of the phases and the exponential decay of the amplitudes with position in the linear chain. Finally, the complex wave vectors are determined for different excitation frequencies, thus yielding the dispersion relation q( v ) of the wave. A detailed discussion of this procedure is found in Refs. 12, 13. Figure 5 shows the dispersion relation of the wave in a linear chain arrangement of 10 dust particles at a gas pressure of 10 Pa. The real part of the dispersion relation shows an almost linear increase with frequency, whereas the imaginary part is almost constant for excitation frequencies below 2 Hz and exhibits a quite pronounced increase at higher frequencies. The theoretical dispersions of a dust lattice wave are fitted to the experimental results. The best fit is obtained for a damping coefficient b 56.3 s21 , a charge number Z 59000 and a screening strength k50.9. These values agree well with those determined from the resonance curve ~Fig. 3!. The value of k coincides with those of previous experiments.12,13 The theoretical dispersion for these values FIG. 5. Dispersion relation of the waves in the linear chain arrangement. The experimental values of the real and imaginary part of the wave vector are represented by the symbols. The best fit theoretical dispersion for k50.9, Z59000 and b56.3 s21 is shown by the lines. The shortest wavelength is obtained at f max53.35 Hz. Theoretical dispersions for the same values of k and Z, but without friction are also shown for comparison. The cutoff wavelength is then obtained at a Debye frequency f D 53.21 Hz. is shown for comparison in Fig. 5 along with the experimental data. The maximum frequency for this damped system is found for f max53.35 Hz ( v max521.4 s21 ) but at a wave vector of q r a52.25. So in the damped system the shortest principal wavelength corresponding to q r a5 p is not reached. Taking the values of Z and k for a frictionless system ~b50!, also shown in Fig. 5, the dispersion relation results in the Debye frequency of f D 53.21 Hz ( v D 520.2 s21 ) for q r a5 p . The Debye frequency for a monolayer plasma crystal for these values of Z and k is calculated to be f D 53.4 Hz. Taking into account the experimental errors in determining the wave vector q and the accuracy of the fitting procedure in neither case a Debye frequency above 4.0 Hz was found under these conditions. In conclusion, the dust– dust interactions give rise only to frequencies decisively below the vertical resonances. D. Parametric resonance and ‘‘sublimation’’ When the monolayer plasma crystal is excited by a lowfrequency voltage on a wire a phase transition of the plasma crystal at the parametric resonance at 2 v 0 /(2 p )528 Hz from an ordered solidlike structure to a gaslike structure is observed, a ‘‘sublimation’’ transition in classical terms. This ‘‘sublimation’’ transition was previously reported in Refs. 14, 15 in a very similar experiment performed in krypton. There the ‘‘sublimation’’ transition was found around a frequency f 540 Hz. In Ref. 15 this transition was attributed to the Debye frequency according to Eq. ~10!. It was assumed that this excitation frequency f is the Debye frequency with the corresponding wave vector q r a5 p and that a further Downloaded 01 Nov 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 2698 Schollmeyer et al. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1999 increase in frequency leads to the phase transition since shorter wavelengths cannot exist in the system. In Refs. 14,15 two observations are reported that support our interpretation in terms of the parametric resonance model also for those experiments. First, it is stated that at the border of the frequency range, where the phase transition takes place, the transition occurs only after a transient time of some seconds. Second, the frequency range for the transition grows with the voltage applied to the wire. Both findings are distinctive features of a parametric resonance where the growth rate of the unstable oscillations is very small ~corresponding to large rise times! at the border of the instability regions and where the width of the unstable regions grow with increased modulation. Our experiments, however, clearly show that the ‘‘sublimation’’ transition is related to a parametric excitation at 2 v 0 of the dust particles in the vertical direction. The dispersion relation was measured almost up to the Debye frequency f D which is found to be an order of magnitude less than the parametric resonance and no phase transition is observable near f D . Even though a complete description of the horizontal and vertical oscillations would require us to include the effects due to a finite chain and particle charge variations in the sheath, we can conclude from our findings that the two frequencies 2 v 0 and f D belong to different processes in the plasma crystal. The question arises as to why the plasma crystals turn into a gaslike state at the parametric resonances. When the resonance is excited, the dust particles have vertical oscillation amplitudes of 0.5 mm and more. At a frequency of 28 Hz this corresponds to a kinetic energy of the dust particle of 23104 eV. From plasma crystal experiments4,5 it is known that a phase transition from an ordered structure to a liquid phase occurs at particle energies of a few eV and gaslike structures are found at kinetic particle energies of about 20 eV. This energy is one thousandth of the kinetic oscillation energy at the vertical parametric resonance. Therefore, even a small disturbance of a purely vertically oscillating particle transfers a large amount of energy into its horizontal motion which then influences neighboring particles, thus leading to a transition into the gas phase. Exactly, this behavior was reported in Ref. 15 where the transition starts with a single particle leading to an avalanche-like particle heating. Since this phase transition is in no way related to intrinsic dust– dust interactions, the term ‘‘sublimation’’ is misleading. The phase transition is externally induced by a parametric heating of the particles in the plasma sheath. V. SUMMARY We have presented experiments on the vertical and horizontal oscillations of monolayer plasma crystals in the sheath of an rf discharge. From the different resonances properties of the dust-plasma and dust–dust interactions have been measured. From the excitation of waves in the plasma crystal, the charge and the screening strength for the dust–dust interactions can be derived; from the vertical resonances in the plasma sheath the dust charge can be determined. 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