-T*g rnffit 1\O -)Vt 2.olZ I Instructor: mtlccourses Student: mtlccourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e iDate: !fime: **ffi Sc,-^.-f.fnq., 2. Decide whether the following statement is compound. +*e**'tt n r Slc}-tv*t-l Jerry's wife loves soup and she especially loves sandwiches. @ Is the statement a compound statement? ,' 3. _.: .1s$shis Ctrn \ O-.\c[ ', No Form the negation of the statement. It is below zero outside. Choose the correct answer below. fu, \---z is not berow zero outside. - It is never below zero outside. It is hot outside. 4. Give a negation of the inequality. k<13 The negation of the statement is k ffi 13. Page I Instructor: mtlccourses mtlccourses Student: Date: Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2412 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics,9e Time: Consider the statements. 5. p: The vest is brown. p bco"r^.\r $"s\0" ir "T tito.," $HT\Krl.til',"s Rewri€ the siatement pv-q in English. What is the English version of the statement pv-q? i ,'rA. If the vest is brown, then the shoe is not tan. ' ,8 The vest is not brown or the shoe is not tan. h. vest is brown or the shoe is not tan \1]le D The vest is brown and the shoe is not tan. i : 6. Let p and q represent the following simple statements. p: I get an A. ," (tuofiiitTiTl\**r*9\t$ns',r '$ Write the symbolic statement -(qtp) -(qvp) 0r -.< a,^, o$o1rw in words. words. Choose the correct sentence below. It is nor true thar this is an octopus and I get an A. a G,-u4e).i*:e ' l*t^. \': \ htil h90't\1AW ffi;"ffi;;:'-'^ \'*,&il.,ii\1*1n rhisisnoranocropusorrgetanA 7. Let p represent a true statement, and let q atru@valueot-@- represent compound statement. Tv;T=Tv F: T pv-q Is the compound statement true or false? ,r.,', false Page2 \W-st:$Tfnt l$[$ht*" I C-[* f *-q --------= fort*"toti.,f""o.rrr"r'.,t..o*r", Student: Date: AssignmentPracticeTest3 Cource: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2A12 Time: Bookl Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e 8. Let@,letorepresesta false statenent. and let r represent a true statement. + Find the truth value of the eiveEcompound ;T: :::i1:: G ilr : (r v r)v r Is the comnound statement tme or false? , 9. false =rv F =O - Determine the truth value for the statement whegg!g.,1fr5,_q is false, -(p.,q),.-(pnr)ir- *d:it frl*q- (Tvf)[^",w)i*TfiruF Choose the correct answer below. 10. Let p represent the statement 4 > 7 andlet q represent the statement 2 5 4' Find the futh value the given compound statement. q^-piTAoF=TnT (G\ \-_--l Is the compound statement true or false? p:\>l of =O false Page 3 t1 e€\ =F =T ? FAT A =\U i Instructor: mtlccourses Student: lD"t"t mtlccourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 20t2 1fime: Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e I ll. Let p and q represent the following statements. p:8+6:13EF q:2x3:12 F =, t Determine the truth value for thE statement ^.p^^q. = Choose the correct truth value below. i F A*F A TAT =O -, T^^q is true. -p^^q is false. t2. r"t p ,"pr9r"1fi ,tut"*",rt z. z, tr, , ,.p."r$frJ*"rn"r* : = * :, and let *$*t n. ,*r"* T",T:'Iil ; uffij= ,-ltr " t, AFI= *Lr ^FL false? I nr Is the statement true or ,. 13. i False Let p and q denote the following statements. n is "The taxes are hish." qir"IS@' Write the comnound statements in their svmbolic form. (") P' Etu*d. * v rvQs il. PV^\ hig! or itAnolt}?nt: to sleep. The symbolic form ir (U) The taxeS_efe hig[and it is not time to sleep. ragel$ F =U I Instructor: mtlccourses mtlccourses Student: Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring lDate: 2012 lTime: Book Lial: Fiaite Mathematics, 9e Give the number of rows in the truth table for-thq,compoun{statement' 14. 3 e3 I a (-q n *w) v (w vt) The number of rows in the truth table is 15. 1\ \ie\AJ 2l fornrs n 23 = Kfg1$- Give the number of rows irtthe (uthtable -- statemgnt. for$e cgmpound r L r + k 9Sh*qrns.S(Prf,stc) (*p"^*)v(mvc) r$ __ t[ roNS Thenumberofrows inthetruth i i. J' table is Constnrct the tmth table for the following compound statement *p v q. What are the truth table values of -p v q? - 'V PV T -r ^,TVT =- FVI= Ir -T F \,TVFEFVF= .\rFvT ET vT F F F' "IFVF STVF = 17. Construct the truth table (Type T for true and F for the compound statement -(p n Complete the truth table. -(p n q) 18. T T T F F T F F i-OnF)=,,f -*(FAT)EruF =Q =$J Construct a tnrth table for the given statement' (qup)n*q Fill in the truth table. p)rc VT: TvF FVF (Type T for Pts A-T :TA-l A* F =TAF n-T FAT r\fE =TAF = Construct a truth table for the given statement' 19. (-pnq)v(qnp) Fill in the truth table. ^,T ATE FT\T '$TnF : F AF csFAT:TAT ^FAF (Type T for True and F for (*?A )v( nP) j"T/\T, \ (-r nr)=(Enn)vt T F\T ( rnrl F = F\f T F (.Nr v (rnr) =CrAF)v (rnAv F = TVF ^f) v F T ('r AT) = (rnf,vr = F VF v nr) = F iF br AF\ ir = Construct the truth table for the compound statement (p n ^.q) lr *r. Fill in the empty values of the truth table. T I TT T F Tf F F T T^vt)A-l'=trnflnF= f4I F TA-I)A'\f = (r^a 4r F sn-il:Jitll}\tl:Iffi (rtt"TYul=\ ? T fnprJn-r=(rnfnr-1ltg TT T Fnr -- -\ (rAF)Ar:FAT F Gn"irpF= FFT fff (Flit)t\T r$l = € $ifrr),t-,f (rAr) I\T ; fAF : (r ruF rb,T P"r 6 TTT TT F TF T TF F FT T FT F FFT FF F 'F F F T F F F F/ = TAF i j Instructor: mtlccourses mtlccourses Student: Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics,9e iDate; Construct a truth table for the following compound statement. 2l- (*q^-r)n(-st-q) Fill in thetruth table for (- q r) n (^- s r - q) line by line. -o/\-rtnt-sv* =.F r =F Vnt Ars n ruTVI, FNdT Fv* FAT:F TN) -T =$A Write the negarion of the following statement, applying De Mor 22. X' *50"*"f0",, n^1$t1 is hard *o *" ** F*;hE What is the simplified negation of the statement? ,/-,. a T'L- l-..L-*L^ll ;. L--n ^- *L- +.^i- i. -^+ ,l^-^^-^,'. tPAtl :,.1'Y \- L The basketball is not hard or the train is not danserous. -:C. .,U to The basketball is not hard and the train is dangerous. fffia 3T r:T illL rr h | '--Ttl-bosKstbqil \.:.-_ cn Tt-0"*cor" fs R*r,$ The basketball is not hard and the train is not dangerous. z-'t- n"yAio." i.,.r i'., ,, -.i She does not make the bed, or If I do not make the bed, she does not make the bed, then She does not make the bed, and She makes the bed, or I do not make the bed. I do not make the bed. I do not make the bed. PageOJ ffik$sb.H, mtlccourses i Instructor: mtlccourses iTime: Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 student: lDate: 24. Big\ ljall Flntg Mathrcmaticl, Assipmenfi ee *,I *A_t -. +PAt ae/"rp,,.nLl,.l Find the logic statement representing the following r\ {.,PtJ Practice Test 3 ^\ \) llr "Pvt circuit. Find the best solution. i-",A pv(qn-p) i 'e q^Ov-q) P ^(pv[,) OT ,'-,C pn(qn-p) ",D. pn(qv-p) 25. P ^(Xv-P) Find the logic statement representing the circuit. v (-\A0 r"\Af) Find the best solution. (pv^q)nr p^(^qw) pn(qnr) eaget$ lnstructor: mtlccourses jDate: Itme: ;..,,.,.,..... 26. Tell whether the conditional is true or false. Here T represents assignment: p*.ri". i.*, t F-+(6>6i 7 F+ r- Is the conditional true or false? a true statement and F /c\ statement. 2't. mtlccourses Course: Math 110 MWF Coordiaator Spring 2012 Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics,9e ='{,) 'tfr"ffi ponles, and represenlmey rars represent 'tn" tet tr represent'bg represenilne ualns kalgr pelueF,' ano let ler r represent Let s represen, sne O*'ubr, nas a pet snaKe. snake, 'let monkeys.]ExpreSseachcompoundstatementinwords.< J. ' x$ s\s\r.s f^ es 5h0u,$"-.'htd"t p\rT^u^ (W$-d0NF0tf,." \l (-1',,) s-+ " What are the words that express the condirional statemeni flOniQJ $f \ ies or they raise monkeys. ;A If she does not hale i :g If she has a pet snake, then he does not fain ponies or they raise monkeys. C If she has a pet snake, then he trains ponies and they raise monkeys. u _ t i 28. t, -',D. If he does not ffain ponies, then she has a pet snake and they raise naonkeys. follo;ving statement in symbolic Write the folloying "v ;::l[:'T?li:'#finTffi::'J.:lKe the surprise parry,ruill be a rctp= n: success." form. form. rr vou -l 'o'ow \ tre recrpe exactrv' i:j t'you follow the recipe "the zurprise partv ft)-' q) vr :,, ;_3:: 29. ^ n Y or )\d\\b$nddhu*' {5.P ihr..o{./h. c]'"Jfi CGkg 'lo.le^ Cr]6o "Yo,Sb*k"adeliciouschocolatecake" {.ilc*}."Al(ifef t*"fi$l} exactly" success" what is the statement in svmbolic rorm? r= @! )'lw'-- wit be a (3+P)Vt f efu\\ ln"ttrt0^rgr({\rL}0r "ta,*.:jL .\r*fr\ \ ItoF,, i'+cJ,*r.L.L6\il\(rla:' Lr"ll,,Xltr,ns p'Xl Let w represent'I wash my windows,'let f represent'it floods,' and let t represent 'the tennis match is postponed.'Write the compound statement in symbols. -t-t\ The siatement is written symbolicall Page f $ : i lort Student: lDats lTime: * esig";.;tt r*.til"i"rt : uatorr *,faaourra" *rfaao"oat Course; Math I l0 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e t- 30. Is the statement true or false? 31. H:H.H::T;Ji:iffiT:*ITffi'fi::il"1, P2T, ::: ;::"":--T;i;^"il 3 \:T IT r + hnF) = = r+F Is the statement true or false? i'i 32. = O false r is f"t* ! g, 1-,iT'f;t,i=' -+(FrV/** F) F)..\- Kp' -[ (q -+ -r) -+ (, ' -q) ] ; *L(F {lv"-F). -.7 Determine the truth value for t}te statement whengp is tnre, cI tr FC *f f rhe T statementt'@ *[T '.+' 'TJ: = Page lO , and false. O s Conshrct 33. a truth table for the given statement. [(q-+p),..*p]-+^q Fill in the truth table. (Type T for True and F for F Is the statement a tautology? T T F f T+t: T tF l--5 T I T T+F ff )n* F+F ( ! b p)ru"p]+ f tf*rf)nn"T= T AF = fT F F ^, qu. TT (r-r) A*T -+n"T =LrA -rryF TF +il) =lrn :F +T : f+T FT t€ =Fnrl-rr Ye1 cta*,rbqr is A slCo^^,A .UU . N Ls aX,t^t"f ,.---fl- tr'q. Po1" tt s\-j Write the statement 34. as an equivalent statement that does not use the if...then q. '-r p -+ q is equivalent to -p v If she o A plant& those flowers, then thev are tlger lilies. _a Choose the esuivalent statement i:.)B i p ra 35. below. - She did not plant those flowers or they are not tiger lilies. -:C. Either E,-?t Ro,t^ot^h*^ she planted those flowers or they are not tiger lilies. i'ff '$W'Sff l$"il{itrKfisjlffi $r qhq q".+tp^ .!.'}lu,," Write the negation of the conditional statement. If it is pink, then it is not a carrot. Choose the correct negation below. l"t ^Lc-^d t: c. c^cr'^o/t'{/ It is pink or it is a carrot. If it is not pink, then it is a carrot. It is not pink and it is a carrol 36. Use truth tables to decide whether the pair statements is equivalent. of T p-+q; (qv*p) '5t. T TrT F T V^,T-{TV bF F V-TA FVF TV*F iIvJ f,v^'F Z tvT F T F F Yes Yes $O'trt9-- Construct a truth table to veri$ the following equivalence. p^(p+q)=qn(q-+p) First, complete the truth table below. Is p-+q rn(p-rql q-+p r^(q-+p) T T p q T T T F F IE T tE.i F F T T LE] F FJ T F F T FI T EI F. n pn(p*+q) equivalent to qn( m Fn (r*r):FAT A(T'Q={AF F A(F+Q=FAT TT TF A(T-tr)= TAT= A (raP)=Tn F FT F Aff+T)=FnT = = FF F = Pop la ^(F+Pl:FAT Draw a circdit repreienting the following statement. 38. gnqr BARs -p^(-q^r) What is a circuit representing the statement? ,",A r *p -,e **dt -':'8. ---t4 * *7*a*?, c."p *\ *{*-: * L**{q *J -*< -F orthe 39. statem P*Ao Sldt I +\ "nta"to*J tr[goo!j!-*o'th*@ If it is nol ro-rn"r,Eo there-ls nost5n tn" pumpkin. HrtrH{,'T*'S3ffiTfi$lf"fr:'ff'SlK -:s. If it is still summer, p l: i a i'-'in. It is still summer or there is frost is not summer. on the pumpkin' The contraoositive of the siven statement is which of a.'$}e- 0 \\r+9*^ri5 no\{r"i i.:rB. If there is frost on the pumpkin, then it i is not summer. pumpkin. -,:C. If it is still summer, then there is not frost on the i::rD It is still summsr 40, folfqvine? pumpkin, then it is still summer' If there is frost on the pumpkin, then it +p P + \"srrr*rur,--p+^,1 * l,g$-"po''to^' \+ - r* it nqtshrn{b\rr {the rt ilstr-.lxr+, l'\o--\0^r-Ll ,.s $c.* ,n. tf t&re is not frost onte* _i or there is frost on the pumpkin. Find the inverse and the contrapositive of the statement- n-+-m What is the inverse? -N-S What is the contrapositive? ffi * E''nt" I - then there is not frost on the pumpkin. The inverse of the glyen Statement is which P- -+ N Cl:l \\An f oF Fl*pt^b\J' i il;;;t; Student: I *rr"r"*r*rnti..ooo", lttig"t.nt: Course; Math I l0 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics,9e iDate: tme: ffi; 41. Co$^r-r*: Lnrr.qa$r i What is the converse? What is the contrapositive? ffi*ffi^ 42. Practice Test 3 * (-n)-+ ruIrn, =@ For the following statement, write the converse, the inverse, and the conkapositive. Use De Morgan's laws to simplifu each. -p-+ (rnq) is the'conversE of - p (f :rn-q)-+-p ntr) (-r^-q) p-+ (-rv-q) p-+ What is tnJ*GFof - p -+ (r n (-rt-q)-+p (rnq)-)-p What is the conffaoositive of r- (r *.-$;Jy* - n -+ (r n o)? {') " B? :-5 = ,:-., p-+ (-r^-q) i','' (- rn - q) -+ - t u=-f t [PvX)=*(7^- -+ (r n q)? p rage I lV ( (_ft*) r Assignment: Practice Test 3 Student: jDate; lTlme: Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e Write the following statement in the form "if a... then b." 43. "You can ride your bike when the sun is shining." \\ The statement can be equivalentlv written in the form {{ ' $t*S\r^is_+"il_:trb "if a... then b" as which of the followine? )A\,*Sg.., niA\ ,: A If the sun is not shining, their you can ride your bike. i-,: s. If you can ride your bikq then the sun is shining. -:c If the sun is shining, then you can ride your bike. IA^ Hkol'- Write each statement in the form "if p . . . then q." 44. No pain is sufficient for no gain. \\-- Which statement below is a correct wording of the given statement in "if p . . . then q" form? {+ $\'^r. is n, laa.bnrM q"^* ,i-',,A. If there is no pain. then there is sain. LS ,ro {.c,^\.(, 0 -.i!- If there is pain, then tlere is gain. 45. Write each statement in the form "if p . . . then q." Being neither angelic nor evil is necessary for being a good person. t't+ Which statement below^ is a correct wqrding of the given statement in "if p . . . then q" form? Ir*iff **"m"r;h"m"ffi *T\^ o'-gil'ir "'o' euJ j' :_,,4 If you ,, are a good person, then you are neither angelic nor evi --.c If you are neither angelic :'-,D If you are a good person, nor evil, then you are a good person. then you are either angelic or evil. Page ll5 I Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book Lial: Finite Matheoratics, 9e _ i 46..'r{ *o ettie";.otr Po.ri"" r.r, : Instructor: mtlccourses mtlccourses Student: iDate: Time: Write the statement in the form'if p, then q.' "';;ffi'#'T#*,'*[$; "t ls rs!,,,/ All irrational numbers are real. sentence in the specified form. i - i n. If a number is real, then it is never irrational. r'-,C If a number is irrational, 47. then it is never real. 'Ts.s -f 5-5ifandonlyif 13:9 + 4 = ^ Identi$r the statement as true or false. T Is the statement true or false? 48. Identiff the following statement as true or false. "Purple is not a color if and only a foot has F<-->-T if F five toes." Is the stateinent true or false? False ragc f lb mtlccourses Student: Instructor: mtlccourses Date: Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 1fime: Assignment: Practice Test ine which are For the following statement, write the converse, the inverse, and the 49. 3 eouivalent. ;;;':;; - 'f; hou,",?* *" n"'3 rot orcash " What is the converse of the statement? ofcash. i -', c If we don't have a lot of cash, then we don't sell the house. What is the contrapositive ofthe following statement? (-t-l r'-',A If we don't sell the housg then we don't have a lot of Which statements are-equival I -:A. If we have we a lf of cash have -;the-n caBh. . i1 e$!rv q. we self the hou-se. . then we + p t\t 0e *-t) o t *ox X (^ n-f -+ *a rs. have a lot of cash- then we donl sell the house. If we don't hav f we have a lot of cash. then we sell the f we don't sell the house, then we don't have a Pagell? & t-t-t ^p) *il +^rP) \ "-S}Y,IS- stuM Instructor: mtlccourses Student: rDate: ! mtlccourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring ifimer 1- 2012 Book Lial: Fiuite Mathematics, Consider the foltolpng statement. \,) 9e T + If vou attent the meetine and ask ouesiions. vou set promoted. a. Use symbols to write this statement. b. '$/rite the contrapositive of this statement. a. Write the statement using symbols. Choose the correct answer below. r+(-pn^q) (r -+ -p) v ^q (pvq)*rr LtrSK (pn f r- f +(*p vryt) If you did not attend the meeting and did not ask questions, then you don't get prdmdted. [' ite the contrapositive of the statement. choose the correct answerbelow lf you do not t\ get promoted or did not ask questions, then you did not attend the meeting. If you do not get promoted, then you did not attend the meeting and did not ask questions. vou do not set nromoted- then vou did not attend the meetins or did not ask questions. f\tl y 51. *P Find the mean of the quiz scores in the table to the right. V Value Frequency o*o+o t s+s t\o+)o +l l+l\ IA \r.I g 0 J 5 2 10 J 11 2 ,\r \ Themeanr-@ (Round to the nearest tenth.) 52. For the following set of numbers, find the median. aatt 1 1, 13, 24, 9,24, 14, 10 The median 53. i. .-./-\, i_jq, For the following set of numbers, find the median. CorJr^\$r: : e. ro ir(i}Y z\ z+ @qi^on"fr.,\40o" $ O sftJl^ \ \ f.,, u/,&q\{S+#\d.o Q\ -l \\"t,*b'.r e^tu i Iustructor: mtlccourses mtlccourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math I l0 MWF Coordinator Spring Studen iDate: iTlme: 2012 Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e For the following set of numbers, find the modc. 54. rt ,_, 76. 78_ 76. 84.78. 73. 80 Select the correct choice below and, if necessary, fill in tlre answer box to complete your choice. (Use a comma to separate answers as needed.) iljB There is no mode. The figure at right contains the salaries of the employees at the Raggs, Ltd. Clothing Store. What ian. and mode salary? 55. **ffi I t. $t] . a1 1$o, lt9oo, ltQ o, The number of recognized blood types varies by species, as indicated by the table on the right. Find the mean, median, and mode of this data. lril.Gi) lType an inreger orMi rounded ro rwo decimal places as needed.) The median is I The mode is (Use a comma to T=E 19 Type Owner $27200 Salesperson $r8900 Secretaty Custodian $15900 $12000 Salarv araoc + ltluo+ lttoo+ Ktn* ltiou t lffoo x= rhemean I J ThemE 56. Number q answers as r tt+ Sr lo +9 t1+ttb'*G+Y t3 f +Y r =# = \0,3o1G1 : 10,31 ragellt lo I Xloor !&+l@)a I St + l5qoe*l5if,D ool I slosri Number of Blood Types I 5 IstDtl2m 1or, I Lottrr Instructor: mtlccourses mtlccourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math I l0 MIVF Coordinator Spring 20t2 Book Lial: Finik Mathematics,9e stud€nt: lDate: lTime: j 57. Find the median for the list of numbers. t$\.r o* q\rrJtr'.n or/.1) J- to', n@le,4J:{. fr;y+i _'.tA. 26 i.:.,8 12 rT;r i--','C. 36 \_, 58. Find the median for the list of numbers. 6,8,27,24,30,35 -+Ga i,.1A 24 ffi-]}\ \---_ -"-7 i'^an t.'w. 6a \_.-.{ Gvr,rsqrlila n^,AJS,o. \nro Zl i'-':D. 21.5 59. Find the mode or modes. 20,23,46,23,49,23,49 -- t.,:A. 49 i'-'iD No mode 60. Find the mode or modes. _ 90,75,32,75,29,9A - ,:'-,,A. 65.2 i-,re.94,75 i-:C. 90 r-:D. No mode Pagele 30 3.' ry=+=e Instructor: mtlccourses Student: Date: mtlccourses Assignment: Practiee Test 3 Course; Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e Find the range and standard deviation for the qet of nurnbers. 61. ltl Jv-' 111, 117, 135,145,153, 160,208 rherangeiril. rhe standard -41- Srn = *",ffih$;y* (Round to the nearest-FmtHfi) Lot- 9r-.e \I :).\s I =@ \ iqr. \N" \^kl6uj-l fudu$*." it\q,$J, u T \^J" 0-9 4 10- 19 3 lq,5 20-29 30- 39 40-49 50- 59 6 zY,5 J 5 9 Y,S *Xo"\*iu,q) (r^r^l (. u"ft JIrnr5; $) cr) ((,u*h tot,^.S) ^bt iv,s ((1d"".] *T( *.rtS) $,) rlad.s,.'J q9,5 (p,tqs p",tqS' t,t".U) k 15t, *t ,D s\,s G&Ar^q P"*r^qt-f,rntil ^qt qs fi.bl{ $+ t:I "or+r^anl 63. 64. A medical laboratory tested 8 samples of human blood for acidity on the pH scale, with the results below. What percentage of *re data is within I standard deviation of the mean? S}rq\ast'i olkffi'rs#Jff 7'2 -'dil&*[db;t-"-{."4$,* ,^@@@@@,,7s72 *g@qrQX97s ^ 7's (€mffffij:3::;ly";T#:"fvia'[ion "'*"ffi;(i) ;.r'TJffi (6;-Y, ;;;;;G- l $*:l'il{ ffi[:;$, g\ffi * lr\rq Jq/qJ rp'" €/lv\J.\ tI ,-0.10\ o-lrtl ;.TT *lH' I \)'v\. u\c,v';,u'oF J\6\r--)."<._ yr\*.s.\ tf\ Jc.c./\ rs\r-^.*O^""o." 0. A.+^ o^*x\,, * ^,,.., _iN:.E.tllJltlq) B'ffi#,.9)aHffi^:ffi"'' i Instructor: mtlccourses Student: l 65. Assignment: Practice Tsst 3 Find the range for the set of numbers. $rvr i \* \ <)1 120, 140, 6fr, 293 a-t-Srn;6{l-)'l.o @ I 20 -rA 420, :SC-l ',,,8. 5 27 i',C. I 53 <--- tlry) 66. mtlccourses Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2At2 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e iDate: iTime: Find the range for the set of numbers. (r'" I-t 65, 149,-30, 118, , A 84 193 -aq-Sr,ft: lg3 _3S V ,. 67 -.',e 163 .,9 193 '',D 30 -J[3 Find the standard deviation for the set of numbers. 36, 25, 43, 37, 74, 76, 57, 53, 86 r .. r ,. 68. A 19.7 .,B 6.8 -.,c 22.3 t"9c^AN, Find the standard deviation for the set of numbers. 13, lg, 10, i":A. 1.5 i-,8 4 L{s&$\{S*\,\ $\o!,rdo^r) 1 1, 10, 13, U.:q$\J}q\\N', 20,9, 13,21 S^*\^.11or".sl c"fr^L\" Pagel AL Instructor; mtlccourses Studentr Date: Time: _ 5*,9 50-59 6\t,5 60-69 )tl-5 70-79 t\.5 qt,5 mtlccourses {s5ignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 8&89 90-99 Lnk t (4^U^S\,S $,'q+',*O'-'" g (.r^U^,.Gtt,s.{iqh}tiwJ ,- o o Q.Sr..rVs O-lXtp'"s) I r ig*^ttt,Satroa^tind (l"il\ns {"rt*,.t*U 'o 14'o 13.2 ^ M$mkMSlI -:-i (s,&!^l.5,ri,r\s+itr.e$ 11 (o"*h'|q.5 dla/ua^t',*nJ) G^t^f t. S $'+a!^t' r^11) ffi'*;mio$J.tr,5 #d\) (<A-^U.S s"o-t'vxl) gr, rlz 2* : s.5 r?_ b! =f ,ry =ls, lg)]=Ds, ry'11,5 Paeet &3 Instructor: mtlccourses Student: lnate: tTime: 7t. mtlccourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics,9e Find the percentage of area under a normal curye betweeo th€ mean and the given number of standard {r4i*iog. from the mean. This problem can be solved using technology or the table for the normal curve from your text. elcj< here to view page I of thel4bbelLck here to view page 2 of lhe talie. sd&il * 1.2 betrnreen the mean and - r'2 standard deviations from the :':;,*" $*:j'F,trffi Area under a normal curve to the left ofz (page 1) Ndq'. $^rtt"*q& p^il-Qh G.*t t**o^*^tN"*1, [\t Ns^,' S\"Y^.*\$ tl rs e +"^dr*\ ^-.r*"-[ 5r^tln^ J.a; tu+ill^t (."* <= :1,2 S., !^)c,^1, Sc^\"^\ \^rorfrv 9\-o-f f "^S**t=u =-)'Z G^J \^tr{r*-R\ \*t,Q.' fi^"J v!}"$ t \Nq #-*ry{4-?r r-W , Q.sctoo 0 JlBl S'$..'"S'\ Q.]t\9 = ?tlJ'/":3X1" =-r 1{5$^.).qs^s"J \,/ ragellY I Instructor: mtlccourses Student: i 1a mtlecourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e lDate: lTime; Find the percent of the total area under the standard nonnal curve between the following z-scores. This problem can be solved using technology or tle table for the standard normal curve from your text. the table. e liqkhere to yiew p4ge I of the tableClick here to viewffilf z:0.7 wrdz:|.l et.[) The percent of the total area between z = 0.7 and z (Round to the nearest whole percent as needed.) : t. t is [] %. Area under a normal curve to the left of z (page 1) t:o;? Jdky &&V t=.1.1 ?=t.r --) o.t(+13 Sut+n"f {:o..) -+j.lttt s*t'l*t ffi=ro,t3q.*@ Page(D&S Instructor: mtlccourses mtlccours€s Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Cmrdinator Spring 2012 Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e 73. Find the percent of the total area under the stmdard normal curve between the following z-scores. This problem can be solved using technology or the table for the standard normal curve from your text. e UsLbeielavrerv lage I olthe tablq.Click hple to vlew page? oflhe tirble, z= - 1.3 andz: * 0.65 z: - 0.65 isllK (Round to rhe nearest whole percent as needed.) y) C The percent of the total area betwesn z = - | .3 and 0 \7 Area under a normal curv€ to the left of z (page 1) [:.lJ .-D ,\- c;t35l r^na A t Xot *, f l:.Q,bf = - 0,65 O.tSl[ -> : * l'3o o'ot 6t S"tld -\ 0. - nageSLt 6 0 -l-f 6,lo% jstudent: Instructor: mtlccourses iDate: Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator jnme: mtlccourses Arsignment: Spring Practice Test 3 i I I 74. Find the z-score that best satisfies the conditiop. This pmblem can be solvsd using technology or the table for the standard norrnal curve from yorr text. Click here Lorriewpagd qlthe tableClick here tq view page 2 qflhc table. 33% - fffutal arf is to the left of z. '=if\-oXt+\ (Round tolhe.nearesi.#rndreclth as needed.) Area under a normal curve to the left of z (page 1) Q\^^:l {,q \^}q c.^s* Jd $w{;ff S\ \^A \sq"I rb a".K d"."\'u"q$ b4 q hru (iJ S^e- N,-")zr^.-Q,."+\ o.B (0" oi_SquoL_ "^J -0.4 o.3446 -0.3 0.3821 *11rw5, 0.3409 0.33',72 0.3783 0.374s 0.3336 0.3264 0.3228 0.3192 0.3707 3669 0.3632 0.3-594 0-3557 ?= -e.\y Pagetl f? 0.3156 0.3520 0.312r 0.3483 i Instructor: mtlccourses Student: lDatet rTime; 75. mtlccoursss Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course; Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Find the z-scoro that best satisfles the conditiqn. This problem can be solved using technology or the table for the standard normal curve &om your text. Click here lp view page I of lhe tablee Liqk hprs ts view pqgg 2 qf the table. 14% of pgtotalarea is to the right of z. ) ":ll[,ot toM...t (Round hundredth as needed.) Area under a normal curve to the left of z (page 1) :*** tb+.*$* -fr"\\lSr- a-tt l-.lY q\" btr*tro{$hilil** tb}\'rt?t+. r- A"-\r' Fr- currn i,s )., So 9\* c^.\S\ 1-in[1 f"M* h.a-: : .t6 SD. hs\.r \,.\ t\^'q \^*\" a^'ar. +b E[ {t1, 1oL fl^.j**I tr5\ c\s .x \* dt4"0^ri0\^s d?n^I.Qe-^u up.; g\-o\,,*).{^taq\ ULq ^cj".xs {o O..6Lb\ c-^.1 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.M13 0.8438 0.8461 0.8643 0.8665 *J\*S t 0.8686 S"- t "J_\ 0.03 0.04 0.8531 0.8485 0.8708 0.05 0.8129 0.8149 = l.ut Page la$ [.!& cssocadlA_ 0.06 0.07 0.8554 0.85 0.8770 0.8790 t-\jCh\ 0.8810 0.09 o.8621 0.8830 I Instrurtorr mtlccourses Student: iDate: mtlccowses Assignment: Practice Test 3 lTime: t i I i i Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring 2012 Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics, 9e _ i I l i i ; brand The number of light bulbs that can be expected to of nondefective light bulbs is normally distributed, lasg6e*drar-t21Q hr is with amean lifeof 1200 hrand astandarddeviation Suppose that the life expectancy of a certain of n $5 Y 6O) h,, *', \17 50hr. If 50,000 of these bulbs are produced, how many can be expected to last less than l270tr? Use the following links to view the StandardNormal Distribution table. e1ict bere 1s viery page I s_f tlrc lab]e. Click here to view oase 2 of the table. #t;Jffi,#.;L$)",9,lr*) z= + X- N(t2oo,so) I = p(xz.rzro)=qCa-#") F(z.R) ( (lLl-\) k'm+J,r llL c3 = (qr,qfA \ 5o o.qtiz t\H--\$tr sdth,\.. t^r.N'H\ 6r\' [hK : @Q.'Ill Cc-L s,rO".t*i*o los" $r"^ )Og\urnrJ T\r^- -L- Sc, cb-b (s o .,ob) (.q I 1 L) c^ Page*U I l- Instructor: mtlc€ourses mtlccourses Assignment Practice Test 3 Student: Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinaior Spring 2012 Book: Lial: Finite Mathematics,9e iDate: lTime: i with a mean gltl life of 1300 hr and a standard deviation of 150 hr. If 60,000 of these bulbs are produced, how many will last between 1105 hr and 1495 hr? Use the following links to view the Standard Norrnal Distribution table. elck-here to vrew page 1 o{.let4ble,, +-= K# \*tv03b\lso); t= F(t I o5 ( xr. lvr) = P(u53ou LL. uT'3.j :flh1,3 -T- Lz1 li) ' | uk"r\ ..ofio3l- -JL*V t-;ffi;n$'^* 5c b,\0bv (to,[vgJ q n" b.Ats rAg$9)^;rcnJ;iu^ n-* a^* 6o,ocD t"tll-59 ^ (6" ooq (.Bote) =Q\3$b*[ls eG--Lqdr&d"J S eq*trRer^ llost lv{J }-,0'. r. Paeell3$ lstudent Instructor: mtlccourses mtlccourses Assignment: Practice Test 3 Course: Math 110 MWF Coordinator Spring ln"t*t lTime: I 2Al2 Book Lial: Finite Matlematics, 9e A company installs 5000 light bulbs, each with an average life of 500 hours, standard deviation of 100 78. Y - 0.7 ^[ ho*r, and disnibution approximated by a normal curve. Find the apprqximate number of bulbs that can be " to tast the specified period ortime. ^X^* ( frO ,f OO) ffiF"Wff"t je i;;(;i : I - P(z ry $+N) 4ss -,'-pe.;1g) =l-0.11 'v -- - too@ t i a=d5s',-,, 79. (sooo nu)(o.oo\z) ..'W lN =0,q0t1 < +t t,^tb A company installs 5000 light bulbs, each with an average life of 500 *To"uard deviation of 100 hourso and distribution approximated by a normal curve. Find the approximate number of bulbs that can be X- N (soo,rot, ?= \s=\!F ruffi"louEltiiffi$, .in ,,,fts"o =P(}Ltu%P) -_3(z-o i,-:)8. 1000 ;..'.iC. 2400 ,..-.)D. 2500 80. Gcxru t^lt} = C.Soob (o" sos) =3Ecp t*!"tr A company installs 5000 light bulbs, each with an average life of 500 hours, standard deviation of 100 hours, and distribution approximated by a normal curve. Find the approximate number of bulbs that can be t &ffiSl$ffi';5ffiTi'v-rv(so,)^), = i- A 4700 P (rou 2256 4800 Csooo .; z- 6r f) -- ? 3 x : soq P(*** L+. trT;39 -T Lt-LJs) =f(o. CL oeser I lo.k? * o.Soos (,"t}"^t tJt.r)(o.ys??) : t2i1.s r rage'Oll o,y'qg &e b'"lts