BISHOP MACDONELL CATHOLIC SCHOOL OCTOBER 2014 School # 613-933-6739 MONDAY SUNDAY 29 Baked Pasta $2.50 Gr. 7/8 Soccer Tournament TUESDAY 30 5 Mass @ St.Columban’s @7:30,9:30&11:00am World Teacher’s Day 12 1 Good News Assembly 6 7 Chicken Bruschetta $2.50 Egg Salad or Turkey Sandwich $2.50 Avonmore Berry Farm Trip JK/SK & Gr.1/2 YouTube Favourites Fractions, Fractions Song What makes 10? Counting by 3’s song Parent Council Meeting 6:00 p.m. Library 13 WEDNESDAY Anti- Abuse Presentation Gr. 7/8 Gym 8:45a.m. 14 Pizza $2.00 Write out your doubles math facts with chalk (2+2=4, 6+6=12, etc…) 8 We found fractions in the classroom… How many fractions can your find at home? (At my house two of the nine pillows have no patter 2/9) NO SCHOOL St. Edward the Confessor 19 Mass @ St.Columban’s @7:30,9:30&11:00am 26 Mass @ St.Columban’s @7:30,9:30&11:00am Right of Welcoming Gr. 2 Students 11:00 am Mass One side of the scale has 9 cubes & the other has 3. How many would I have to add to 3 to make the scale balanced? 20 21 Egg Salad or Turkey Sandwich $2.50 27 3 St. Lawrence River Institute Water Festival Grade 4/5 C &3/4I Salad $2.00 4 Mass @ St.Columban’s@7pm Aquatic Center Trip Mr. McNally & Mrs Westenbroek St. Francis of Assisi 10 Sheppard’s Pie $2.50 Iona Cross Country Run SATURDAY 11 Salad $2.00 WITS Kick Off Assembly 8:45 a.m. Mass @ St.Columban’s@7pm Drumming Workshop Mrs. Craig & Mrs. Westenbroek 15 16 Pizza $2.00 LifeTouch Photos 17 Sheppard’s Pie $2.50 Thanksgiving Mass Gym 8:45 a.m. McMaze Trip Gr. 1-4 I & 4/5C 18 Salad $2.00 CAS Wear Purple Day Spirit Day Activity Mass @ St.Columban’s@7pm St. Luke, Evangelist St. Marguerite d’Youville Chicken Bruschetta $2.50 Bus Safety Week Oct. 20th-24th FRIDAY Wraps $2.00 9 Pizza $2.00 Egg Salad or Turkey Sandwich $2.50 Mass @ St.Columban’s @7:30,9:30&11:00am THURSDAY 2 Egg Salad or Turkey Sandwich $ 2.50 Doubles, Doubles Counting by 2’s Check out for more videos and tips. Board # 1-800-443-4562 28 Chicken Bruschetta $2.50 Egg Salad or Turkey Sandwich $2.50 How can I share 18 chocolate eggs equally between 3 kids? Write the answer as an addition and multiplication question. I have 2 quarters, 1 dime & 5 pennies. Do I have enough to buy a toy for 55 cents? Explain your answer Simon and Jude, Apostles 22 23 24 Pizza $2.00 Sheppard’s Pie $2.50 Help set the table & write a number sentence to show how many glasses, forks & plates you used. Toonies For Tuition Spirit Day Activity 29 Parent Involvement Event - Kemptville 30 Pizza $2.00 ath/grade2.htm Sheppard’s Pie $2.50 Set up some toys like a store and make price tags for each toy (less than a dollar). Take turns buying and selling with your family. PA Day No School 31 Halloween Salad $2.00 Good News Assembly Black & Orange Spirit Day 25 Mass @ St.Columban’s@7pm 1 November