2014 FSHN Newsletter - Department of Food Science and Human

DepartMent of
Food Science And
Human Nutrition
Fall 2014
Inside this Issue:
+ Pilot Processing
Plant Campaign Launch
+ Flavor Science Lab Projects
+ Epigenetics Impact Health
+ Alumni Updates
+ Hospitality Industry
+ And more…
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS college of agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
from the Department of Food Science and
Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois
“Overall, the Department enjoys a strong national reputation and
has made significant accomplishments in their core missions.”
Six esteemed food, nutrition and hospitality management colleagues from around the country offered this collective
statement after their comprehensive review of the FSHN department. This past spring, FSHN was invited to undergo
the Provost Program Review, a process established by the University’s Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and
Provost, to evaluate four key elements of academic programs: 1) goals, trends and challenges; 2) academic and
student experiences; 3) research and scholarly vitality; and 4) human, physical and financial resources.
External reviewers gave high praise to all components of the department. Yet, one thread that wove itself throughout
each of these areas was the clear directive to renovate FSHN’s pilot processing plant. One challenge to maintaining
preeminence in food and nutrition sciences and to offering transformative learning experiences for students is the
need for state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities.
To meet this challenge, FSHN has launched a $3 million capital campaign to upgrade and reinvigorate our unique and
essential instructional and research facility. By doing so, FSHN faculty, students and external partners will be better
able to teach, learn, explore, discover and create innovative solutions for the grand societal challenge of feeding nine
billion individuals by the year 2050, in nutritionally sound, safe and sustainable ways. Moreover, this renovation will
establish new opportunities to expand the integration of food and nutrition sciences.
As you peruse the newsletter and learn more about current events in FSHN, take time to think about how our efforts
can be enhanced by a renovated pilot processing plant. Then, consider ways in which you can participate in this
transformation, and let us know how you will help!
When the next Provost Program Review is conducted in seven years, we will be reporting on how the pilot
processing plant renovation has substantially advanced our programs.
Sharon M. (Shelly) Nickols-Richardson, Ph.D., R.D.
Department Head
Newsletter Staff
Marla Todd – Editor
Sharon M. (Shelly) Nickols-Richardson – FSHN Head
DCC Marketing – Design
Contributing Writers
David Brandon
Jacob Dickey
Leanne Lucas
Contributing Photographers
Joyce Seay-Knoblauch
Table of contents:
Faculty and Staff Updates..................................................... 3
FSHN Departmental News.................................................... 5
Donor Recognition.................................................................. 9
Alumni News........................................................................... 10
P – 217-244-4498 | F – 217-265-0925
e-mail – fshn-general@illinois.edu
website – www.fshn.illinois.edu
Leslie Alexander joined
FSHN as assistant head,
business and strategic
planning, in November 2013.
She administers the business
operations of the department,
including finances, human
resources, facilities and general business
office management.
Leslie earned her M.S. in higher education
administration at the University of Illinois and
B.S. in business from Eastern Illinois University.
Prior to coming to FSHN, she worked in the
Department of Economics and academic human
resources, both at Illinois.
Leslie and her husband Craig live in Monticello,
Ill. with their children, Ella (11) and Lane (6).
David Brandon joined FSHN in
July. He coordinates strategic
research initiatives in food
and nutrition sciences by
assisting faculty in proposal
development and
program marketing.
He earned his Ph.D. in communications
at the University of Illinois and was
previously employed with the Theoretical
and Computational Biophysics Group at the
Beckman Institute at Illinois.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS college of agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Dr. Jozef (Joe) Kokini retired on October
15, 2013. He served as the Associate
Dean of Research in the College of ACES
from 2007 until 2012. In this position, he
developed and implemented several
transformative research initiatives.
Additionally, he held the Bingham
Professorship in Food Engineering. He
is highly regarded as one of the world’s
preeminent scholars in food engineering
and nanotechnology. Kokini’s position
papers on food nanotechnology have
been instrumental in moving this area of
science forward.
Upon retirement from Illinois, he joined
the food science department at Purdue
University as the Scholle Endowed Chair.
Zeynep Madak-Erdogan
joined FSHN as an associate
professor on August 16.
Her research focuses on
the impact of nutrients and
lifestyle on women’s health.
Dr. Madak-Erdogan earned a Ph.D. in cell and
developmental biology at the University of Illinois
and B.S. in molecular biology and genetics at
Bilkent University in Turkey. Prior to joining
FSHN, she was a postdoctoral associate in
the Department of Molecular and Integrative
Physiology at Illinois.
Dr. Madak-Erdogan and her husband, Mehmet,
have a 4-year-old daughter, Eda. She also
enjoys cooking and reading books.
In her spare time, she enjoys reading fiction,
taking walks and bike rides with her family, and
watching reality television.
Professor Retires
Student News.......................................................................... 10
Contact Information
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
260 Bevier Hall | 905 S. Goodwin Ave. | Urbana, IL 61801
New faculty and Staff
Jessica Madson joined FSHN
in May as clinical assistant
professor and dietetic
internship director. She is
administering the dietetic
internship program,
mentoring dietetic interns,
and maintaining the accreditation standards
for the program.
She earned a M.S. in family and consumer
sciences at Illinois State University, B.S. in
dietetics at Iowa State University, and is currently
working on a doctoral degree in hospitality
management at Iowa State University.
Prior to coming to FSHN, she was an assistant
professor and dietetic internship director at
Viterbo University. She also practiced as a
clinical dietitian in Iowa and Illinois. Jessica
is currently in her second term as a program
reviewer for the Accreditation Council for
Education in Nutrition and Dietetics.
Outside of work, Jessica and her fiancé, Sha,
operate a food truck at fairs and festivals. She
also enjoys spending time with family, reading,
bike riding, and watching Chicago Bears football.
Audra Martin joined
FSHN as an office
support specialist in
April. She is providing
support for the online
master’s degree program,
advancement staff and other departmental
projects. Prior to coming to FSHN,
Audra worked at the University of Illinois
Foundation and the regional
Extension office.
Audra earned an associate’s degree
in liberal arts and sciences with a
concentration in theater. She is currently
working on a bachelor’s degree. In her
spare time, she enjoys spending time
with her 2-year-old grandson Jakob.
For ten years, she operated her own
candy business. She and her husband
Chad live in Urbana.
Heidi Meyer joined
FSHN as an office
support associate in
February. She can be
found assisting faculty,
staff and students in the
agriculture engineering sciences building
and the agriculture bioprocessing lab. She
also contributes to the FSHN accounting
and procurement efforts.
Heidi earned her bachelor’s degree from
Bradley University. Prior to coming to
FSHN, she worked for Marquette Group
in Peoria as a display editor, research
support representative and team leader.
In her spare time, Heidi reaches out to
African families who speak French and
have recently relocated to the ChampaignUrbana area. She also enjoys exploring
local businesses and events.
Faculty and Staff Celebrations
Dr. Soo-Yeun Lee was selected to serve as the College of Agricultural, Consumer and
Environmental Sciences Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Honors Programs. In this
part-time role, Dr. Lee will be responsible for overseeing programming for James Scholars
and Jonathan Baldwin Turner Scholars, the development of a new online journal and courses
in writing for undergraduate research, ACES Courses & Curriculum, and will represent
ACES on the campus general education board. She will continue her research program
and graduate student training in FSHN.
The Office of the Provost selected Dr. Kelly Tappenden as a Provost Fellow. The Provost
Fellows Program allows some of the most accomplished tenured faculty to further develop
academic leadership skills in key campus administrative roles. Dr. Tappenden’s work will
focus on enhancing support and leadership opportunities for women faculty. She previously
served as Associate Dean of the Graduate College.
Department of Food Science and Human nutrition
Faculty Awards
Dr. Hao Feng was promoted from associate professor
to professor in August 2014. Dr. Feng studies food
engineering and novel processing technologies. His
research specifically focuses on using acoustic energy
in food and bioproduct processing, novel food safety
practices, and heat and mass transfer analysis.
Dr. Yong-Su Jin was promoted from assistant professor
to associate professor in August 2014. Dr. Jin studies
microbial genomics. His research focuses on microbial
bioconversion of biomass into value-added products
and using microbial genomics to link genotypes and
beneficial phenotypes.
Pilot processing
plant renovation
campaign launched
Dr. John Erdman was selected as the 52nd
Chicago Section Institute of Food Technologists
(IFT) Tanner Lecture Award recipient. Dr.
Erdman’s lecture was “Does the Processing of
Food Affect Cancer Risk?” The Institute of Food
Technologists and American Society for Nutrition
also selected Dr. Erdman for the Gil Leveille
Lectureship award. He presented his lecture at
the IFT annual meeting in New Orleans.
Dr. Dawn Bohn received the 2014 National Association of
Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Teacher Fellow Award.
Architectural drawing of a food-grade
suite proposed as part of the pilot
processing plant renovation.
Dr. John Erdman, right, pictured with Dr. Gil Leveille,
at the IFT annual meeting in New Orleans where
Erdman presented the Gil Leveille Lecture.
aces Awards
Increased campus funding support, equipment acquisitions, and the creation of a proposed floor plan that captures the vision of a stateof-the-art teaching and research facility mark significant advances in the effort to upgrade the FSHN pilot processing plant.
Justine Karduck, director of didactic program in dietetics,
was recognized as the 2013-2014 Outstanding Dietetics
Educator for a didactic program in dietetics by the Illinois
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Dr. Sharon M. Donovan was the recipient of the Spitze Land-Grant Professional
Career Excellence Award. This award is presented to encourage and recognize
the professorial career of tenured faculty in their performance and commitment
to teaching and advising; research and publications; extension and public service;
faculty governance; and participation in professional associations.
Dr. Soo-Yeun Lee received the
Regional Teaching Award for
Food and Agriculture Sciences
This award is sponsored by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
the American Association of
State Colleges and Universities,
and Association of Public and Land-Grand Universities.
This award recognizes university faculty for the use of
innovative teaching methods and service to students.
Dr. Donovan teaches multiple graduate level courses including FSHN 590, 591, 520,
and 421, and NUTR 550 and 590. In addition, her research interests are in pediatric
and neonatal nutrition.
Exciting architectural plans for the pilot processing plant emerged in October 2013 through a full feasibility study. Included in the plans
are two laboratory spaces, one used for food chemistry research, the other serving as an industrial test kitchen and analytical teaching
room. Five cold storage rooms will provide temperatures ranging from -15 to 34 Fahrenheit. Other renovations will provide high-level and
medium-level food-grade suites; dedicated product shipment, receiving and storage areas; equipment wash stations; clean equipment
storage; enclosed gown entry areas; and raw material washing. A visitor’s area will allow observation of activities in the medium and
high-level food suites. Updated heating and cooling utilities will serve the entire facility.
Dr. Nicki Engeseth was the recipient of the Senior Faculty Award for Excellence
in Teaching. This award recognizes outstanding experienced professional
achievement and demonstrated excellence in the areas of teaching, research,
and extension.
Dr. Engeseth teaches several graduate level courses including FSHN 595, 518 and
414. Her research interests are in chemical and biochemical reactions in food.
Dr. Michael J. Miller was the recipient of the College Faculty Award for Excellence
in Teaching. This award recognizes outstanding professional achievement and
demonstrated excellence in the areas of teaching, research, and extension.
Dr. Elvira de Mejia (middle)
receives the University Scholar
designation from Chancellor
Phyllis Wise and Vice President
for Academic Affairs
Dr. Christophe Pierre.
Dr. Elvira de Mejia was recognized as a University
Scholar. The University Scholar designation is one
of the highest honors at the University of Illinois
that recognizes and rewards outstanding teachers
and scholars. Dr. de Mejia was recognized for her
excellent research program in the mechanism of
action of bioactive food compounds with potential
effects against cancer, for her outstanding
contributions as an instructor and mentor, and
for her leadership at various levels of University
administration and recognition from national and
international professional societies.
Dr. Miller teaches two graduate level courses, FSHN 471 and 573. In addition,
he conducts extensive research in the functional genomics of lactic acid bacteria
(LAB), and the relationship between gut microbiota and human health.
Sarah K. Scholl was the recipient of the Louis V. Logeman Graduate Student
Teaching Award. The Louis V. Logeman Graduate Student Teaching Award
recognizes graduate students who excel as teachers in the classroom and/or
laboratory instruction in the College of ACES.
Sarah completed her Ph.D. under the advisement of Dr. Shelly Schmidt. She is
currently working for Tate and Lyle in Hoffman Estates, Ill.
Department of Food Science
and Human Nutrition Awards
Outstanding Advisor/Mentor
Dr. Sharon Donovan, Professor of Nutrition
George H. Lanter
Outstanding Staff
David Lopez, FSHN Account Technician
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS college of agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Upgrading the pilot processing plant stands to benefit both teaching and research. “In terms of teaching, food processing lab courses
will benefit tremendously,” says Associate Professor Youngsoo Lee. “For research, the range of projects that can be planned will be
expanded significantly.”
Pilot processing plant renovations will also facilitate industrial partnerships. “The quality and capability of the pilot facility must equal or
exceed the requirements and expectations of potential collaborators. There must be a value incentive for potential collaborators to justify
the investment to use the pilot processing plant, beyond what they can do on their own and beyond what other universities or private labs
can provide,” says Neil Widlak, University of Illinois alumnus, retired from ADM.
A boost to renovation funding will come from University of Illinois Office of the Provost 2014 Matching Funds Program. The College of
ACES and FSHN have also dedicated funds to the renovation. Case statements in the grant application also placed the pilot processing
plant within the health and wellness, energy and the environment, and economic development goals of the University’s 2013-2016
strategic plan.
Equipment donations have continued to arrive to the pilot processing plant from sources
including PepsiCo, Kraft, and Kellogg’s. Equipment purchased through a grant from the
Student Sustainability Committee has also arrived, including items such as a multi-mode
retort pressure canner, a 200-gallon steam kettle, and a hot break tank.
for more updates!
While progress has been substantial, funding challenges remain for the facility to meet educational, research, and partnership goals. In
response, options for supporting the pilot processing plant have grown over the last year as well. Acknowledgement opportunities for
spaces within the pilot processing plant are available to both corporations and individuals. And, those preferring an online cash option
can now visit the pilot processing plant renovation website (pilotplant.aces.illinois.edu) to make a gift or learn more about upgrade efforts.
Those seeking other contribution options are encouraged to contact Marla Todd, Associate Director of Advancement, at 217-244-2875 or
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research, subscribe to the ACES News Service at
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Bevier Café
Spice Box
College of ACES
Faculty research summaries available at
Department of Food Science and Human nutrition
advances, stays
focused on
customer service
As she enters her final year as a hospitality management
academic advisor and instructor, Beth Reutter reflects on her
experiences in and observations of the hospitality industry.
What changes have you seen in the hospitality industry since
you started your career?
After 25 years as a teaching associate in
hospitality management, Beth Reutter will
retire in August 2015. She is pictured with
Briana Cook, senior in hospitality management.
When Reutter began her career in hospitality education in
1979, the primary delivery was through vocational education at
high schools and some community colleges. It is now a highly
regarded professional career, as illustrated by the hospitality
management programs across the country.
More recently, social media has impacted the hospitality industry, becoming a key aspect of marketing strategies. However, at the same
time, the distraction wireless devices brings can impact the perceived customer service, she said.
“Some customers perceive a decline in customer service quality, when, in actuality, they are busy on their devices when the wait staff
comes to help them.” In general, the industry has experienced excessive growth, particularly in the fast food and quick service sectors.
What constants remain as part of the hospitality industry?
Hospitality will forever be a 24-7 job. Holidays and weekends are the busiest times, and work/life balance may be a challenge,
particularly early in careers. “It’s still all about customer service,” she said.
A hospitality personality is still a hiring point. People who are outgoing, talkative, jovial, pleasant, and have a smile on their face are
appealing employees for the hospitality industry.
What are the key advances that have been made in the hospitality management program while you have been at Illinois?
The renovation of the Bevier Café, Spice Box and kitchens was certainly a highlight. Guest counts and public perceptions illustrate
that this was the best thing that could have happened to the program, Reutter said.
With the valuable input of alumni, there were also key movements made in the hospitality management curriculum. “Alumni don’t hesitate
to bring valuable suggestions back to the curriculum,” Reutter said. “It may be as simple as sending a book recommendation from their
professional training sessions.”
What are your hopes for the future of the hospitality management program?
Flavor science lab couples technical testing,
fundamental discovery
Professor of flavor science Keith Cadwallader has built
a reputation with industry professionals that has resulted
in opportunities for graduate students to experience
real-world projects and timelines.
“You need to have a sustained presence in the field to build a strong
reputation,” Cadwallader said. By participating in scientific meetings,
developing accomplished graduate students who become successful
professionals, discovering new flavor compounds and technologies,
and publishing on these discoveries, Cadwallader has gained global
recognition in the flavor science field.
His excellence is acknowledged by receiving several awards from
professional organizations and being invited to present his research
to companies, universities and international organizations, said Gary
Reineccius, professor and former department head at the University of
Because he is one of the top flavor scientists, private industry reaches
out to Cadwallader for consulting and technical testing needs.
“Companies often have limited time, tools and personnel in particular
areas and reach out to our lab,” Cadwallader said.
“These corporate relationships often bring long term projects/
contracts and also give students some real-world, fast paced,
research experience. This is especially important for those students
who desire to work in the food industry,” Reineccius said.
“The number one product of this University is graduates,” Cadwallader
said. He has advised 30 M.S. and Ph.D. students to date at the
University of Illinois. Cadwallader is best known for teaching his
students to be problem solvers, Reineccius said.
By rotating technical testing projects amongst the 6-12 people
working in his lab, Cadwallader ensures students can balance these
experiences with fundamental long-term research projects. One such
project is multi-faceted exploration of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2-AP).
It is important to continue to review the course requirements of the hospitality management program, to ensure the program is attractive to
students, while preparing them for their careers.
2-AP, an important flavor compound, was first identified in cooked
rice by USDA researcher and flavor science pioneer Ron Buttery, and
was regarded as the most powerful odorant among all rice volatiles
identified. 2-AP contributes a roasted, popcorn-like aroma note to
nearly all foods that have undergone heating or cooking. Unfortunately,
because 2-AP is a highly unstable compound, it is scarcely used by
flavor companies in commercial flavor formulations, Cadwallader said.
The addition of another instructor would also expand opportunities for students, she said. An endowed chair that could excite students about
hospitality management would be invaluable to the program, Reutter suggests. An endowment would also ensure there is sustained funding
available for this position, strengthening the future of the program.
Cadwallader’s research group is studying the mechanism responsible
for degradation of 2-AP. Additionally, they are developing technologies
that may enable its commercial use as a flavoring substance.
The University of Illinois hospitality management program should continue to be known as the top program in the state. There are a few
factors, several which will require generous external support, to ensure sustained excellence, she said.
Resources need to be allocated to maintain the Bevier Café, Spice Box and kitchens as state-of-the-art for the educational benefit of the
students, she said. The kitchen may need a few additional updates, and general maintenance is an on-going priority.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS college of agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Dr. Keith Cadwallader (center) and students in his lab are
exploring 2-AP, a complex flavor compound. Pictured with
Dr. Cadwallader are graduate students Yun Yin (left) and
Bethany Hausch.
Dr. Mingchih Fang, a recent FSHN graduate, developed an attractive
method for stabilization of 2-AP and the structurally similar compounds
6-acetyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyrdine (ATHP, along with its tautomer
6-acetyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyridine), 2-propionyl-1-pyrroline (2PP), and
2-acetyl-2-thiazoline (2A2T) by coordination to zinc ions (ZnI2, ZnBr2
or ZnCl2), resulting in the formation of stable crystalline complexes.
Upon hydration, these complexes release the free odorant (US Patent
Pending). Stability studies showed that the 2-AP-zinc iodide complex
(with 14% loading) maintained greater than 94 percent retention of
2-AP after three months of storage at ambient temperature in a dry
Currently, graduate students Linda Moran and Yun Yin are developing
methods to further protect 2-AP-zinc ion complexes against moisture
by application of a secondary fat/wax coating using spray-chilling
technology. Graduate student Bethany Hausch is investigating the
fundamental chemistry responsible for the degradation of 2-AP, which
may lead to alternative strategies to improve its stability.
Six graduate students, two visiting scientists and several undergraduate
students currently work in the Cadwallader lab.
Department of Food Science and Human nutrition
Thank you to our generous donors
The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition would like to express sincere appreciation to the following
people and organizations for contributing to our program from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. It is with the support of
alumni and friends that FSHN is able to implement outstanding education, research and outreach programs.
Dr. John W. Erdman Jr. and Mrs. Edith A. Erdman
General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition
Mr. John Z. Hecker
Kraft Foods Group, Inc.
Mr. Francis Mar
Mott’s, LLP
Nestle Purina Pet Care Global Resources, Inc.
PepsiCo, Inc.
Dr. Fred W. Raths
Dr. Tai R. and Mrs. Catherine Shin Swagger Foods Corp.
Epigenetic research
addresses obesity,
disease risk
Dr. Yuan-Xiang Pan (left) and graduate students
(l to r) Adam Kriska, Diego Hernandez Saavedra
and Huan Wang, are exploring how maternal diet
is impacting the genetic markers of offspring.
Maternal nutrition and health have been shown to influence the health of
children throughout their lives. Dr. Yuan-Xiang Pan, professor of nutrition,
and his research team continue to expand these findings by employing
innovative methodologies of nutritional epigenetics. Their discoveries will
hopefully lead to the knowledge needed to develop recommendations for
mothers that will reduce the risk of obesity in children.
Another project from Dr. Pan’s research group reported that
maternal obesity promotes fat accumulation in the functional zone
of the placenta, compromising fetal nutrition and development.
Off-spring had significantly lower birth weights. The impact on
those infants may be more susceptibility to disease throughout
their life.
Pan’s research explores the relationship between maternal nutrition
and relative risk of developmentally-related disease, such as obesity,
diabetes, and cancer. He also works to identify the molecular
mechanisms that may contribute to the risk of developmentally-related
He encourages women of child-bearing age to consider lowering
their weight well before they become pregnant. “Obesity
creates unhealthy conditions in the mother’s body that take time
to correct,” he said. “A healthy mother will create a healthier
prenatal environment, helping a baby to be healthier.”
By identifying epigenetic marks and prenatal modification to genes,
medical professionals may be able to screen infants and children for risk
of obesity and diet-influenced diseases, Pan said.
In one recent study, Dr. Pan’s laboratory illustrated that in utero exposure
to a high-fat diet has the potential to program the gluconeogenic capacity
of offspring through epigenetic modifications, which might lead to
excessive glucose production and altered insulin sensitivity in off-spring.
As an investigator with the Illinois Children’s Environmental Health
Research Center, an inter-disciplinary, multi-institution partnership
supported by the National Institutes of Health, Pan also employs
highly innovative, translational research approaches to address
critical health problems impacted by maternal environment.
According to Pan, the center will conduct parallel studies in animal
models and humans, allowing for the rapid translation of new
knowledge from preclinical animal studies to clinical human trials.
“What women are eating during pregnancy can have long-term effects
on the metabolic pathways that affect their child’s glucose production,”
Pan said. “Knowing this, we urge pregnant woman to eat a balanced diet
that follows government guidelines. A woman can prime her child for a
healthy life, instead of future medical struggles.”
Pan’s research will continue to focus on the effects of mismatch
between postnatal environment with the environment that a child
was exposed to prior to birth. Further studies by Dr. Pan’s research
group may explore if optimal diet after birth can alleviate the
health related problems that are programmed before birth.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS college of agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Dr. James J. Albrecht
Holten Meat Inc.
IFMA Educational Foundation
Mr. Howard M. and Mrs. Carolyn A. Katz
King Saud University
Korea Food Research Institute
Martek Biosciences Corporation
Murzan Inc.
Prof. Manabu T. Nakamura
Nestle R&D Center, Inc.
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa
Dr. Anthony J. and Mrs. Diane M. Cutaia
Chicago Section of the Institute of Food Technologists
Illinois Amvets Service Foundation
Kellogg’s Corporation
Dr. Nancy J. Moriarity and Ms. Kris Sherred
Dr. Sharon M. Nickols-Richardson
PepsiCo Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
$1,000 - $4,999
Dr. Michael F. and Mrs. Susan K. Campbell
FONA International, Inc.
International Gold and Silver Plate Society
Mr. Scott E. Jamison
Dr. Guy H. and Mrs. Jean G. Johnson
Mr. John A. and Mrs. Lizbeth A. Katsinas
Dr. Barbara P. and Dr. Miles V. Klein
Kraft Foods Inc.
Dr. John H. Litchfield
Mr. Eleftherios E. Moros
Mr. Thomas E. Niedoborski
PepsiCo Advanced Research
Mrs. Alberta F. Perkins
Prof. Arthur J. Siedler
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Mr. Stephen R. Ayers
Mr. Jonathan M. and Mrs. Ashley E. Baner
Dr. Adriane Fugh Berman
Dr. Dawn M. and Mr. Joseph Bohn
Dr. Francis F. Busta
Dr. Munir Cheryan
Mrs. Charlotte W. Coltman
Ms. Richard Connell
Mr. Paul P. and Mrs. Patricia J. Coolley
Ms. Jill Craft
Mr. Merrill D. Crowley
Crowley Commodities LLC
Dr. Felicia A. De Santos
Dairy Research Institute
Dr. Sharon M. Donovan
Mr. Kenneth R. and Mrs. Amy A. Eathington
Mrs. Renny K. and Mr. Charles L. Ehler
Dr. James F. and Mrs. Marlene M. Evans
Mr. John W. Fellows and Mrs. Kristi J. Sternberg
Mr. Harry E. Fisher
Mrs. Judith T. Foster
Mrs. Cheryl R. Galligos
Mr. Todd E. Gleason
Ms. Jennifer Diane Grady
Ms. Wilma H. Graesser
Mr. John P. Graham
Mr. Steve Hammel
Mr. Scott J. Harms
Dr. Carl Wayne Hastings
Mrs. Kristen M. Henry
Mr. David S. Hubbs
Ms. Leah J. Jacko
Dr. Glen A. Jacobson
Dr. Michael G. and Mrs. Ellen R. Johnson
Mr. Thomas R. Kadlec
Mrs. Marjorie C. and Mr. Robert A. LaFont
Dr. Donald K. Layman
Drs. Henry K. and Cecilia T. Leung
Lincolnland Agri-Energy, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William C. MacLeod
Mr. Timothy C. McConnell
Ms. Janice K. McCoy
Dr. Robert J. McGorrin Jr.
and Mrs. Marlene A. McGorrin
Mr. Cottrell R. Meadors
and Ms. Barbara C. Hunter
Mr. Eric J. Mosbey
Mr. Wayne G. Nelson
Mrs. Hope H. Niedling
Dr. Toshikazu Nishida
Mrs. Aiko K. Perry
Mr. David G. Powless
Dr. Alice Jo and Mr. Richard J. Rainville
Ms. Katheryne J. Rehberg
Mrs. Penelope G. Roth
Ms. Victoria A. Rowe
Mr. Eric B. Rund
Mr. John C. Sailor
Drs. Joseph E. Schlesser and Judith L. Aulik
Mrs. Carol C. Schlitt
Mr. Joseph J. and Mrs. Mary V. Slawek
Mr. Brian G. Stark
Mr. Jon D. and Mrs. Kendy H. Stewart
Mrs. Dena K. Strehlow
Mrs. Susan K. Niemczyk Studzinski
Ms. Sharon B. Sugerman
Mr. Wayne E. and Mrs. Judith A. Swigert
Mr. David A. and Ms. Carolyn J. Tayabji
Unilever United States, Inc.
Mrs. Virginia G. Vinson
Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Voeks
Mr. Corey J. and Mrs. Laura L. Waldinger
Mr. Neil R. and Mrs. Trudy G. Widlak
Elizabeth B. Wier Estate
Dr. Karen L. and Mr. John Zotz
Department of Food Science and Human nutrition
Student News AND awards
Itzel Vazquez, graduate student studying with Margarita Teran-Garcia,
received the Verdell Frazier Young Scholarship from the University
of Illinois Women’s Resources Center.
Aly Becraft received a Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship from the
Institute of Food Technologists. She was also recognized as one of nine
Gamma Sigma Delta Outstanding First Year Students. Gamma Sigma
Delta is the premier honor society of agriculture.
Ross Peterson, graduate student studying with Juan Andrade, received
the Pfizer, Inc. Predoctoral Fellowship from the American Society for
FSHN Departmental Awards
Bronze Tablet
Inscription on the Bronze Tablets recognizes sustained
academic achievement by undergraduate students at
the University of Illinois.
Students must have at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point
average through the academic term prior to graduation,
and rank in the top three percent of the students in their
graduating class to receive this recognition.
The following Food Science and Human Nutrition students
have been recognized with the Bronze Tablet distinction.
Eric Langenfeld (center),
recent graduate in hospitality
management, welcomed
President Robert Easter and
Cheryl Easter to his Spice Box
meal, America’s Street Fair,
during the spring 2014 semester.
Alexandra Pierce, Food Science from Springboro, Ohio
Rachel Cote, Food Science from Palatine, Illinois
Maria Pauls, Human Nutrition from Lake in the Hills, Illinois
Timothy Kim, Human Nutrition from Northbrook, Illinois
Amanda Hunter, Dietetics from Morris, Illinois
FSHN recognized the recipients
of the departmental awards
at the annual FSHN end of
year celebration.
Outstanding M.S. Student: Brittany Urbanus
Outstanding Ph.D. Student: Ed Dosz
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Leader: Katie (Graessle) Brown
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Researcher: Karen Chen
Outstanding Senior in Dietetics: Megan Weltmeyer
Outstanding Senior in Food Industry and Business: Amanda Rosendale
Outstanding Senior in Food Science: Rachel Cote
Outstanding Senior in Hospitality Management: Kathleen Hudson
Outstanding Senior in Human Nutrition: Maria Pauls
Outstanding Teaching Assistant: David Bloom
Chicago Section IFT funds students
Chicago Section IFT (CSIFT) has been a long-time supporter
of a Jonathon Baldwin Turner (JBT) Scholarship benefiting
students studying food science. The 2013 recipients of the
CSIFT JBT scholarships are Samantha Larocca and
Janique Tyler.
The CSIFT also funds a teaching assistantship for the
food science product development course. David Bloom,
graduate student studying with Dr. Soo Lee, held this teaching
assistantship for fall 2013.
CSIFT JBT Scholarship recipient Janique Tyler is pictured with CSIFT
representative Dr. Nancy Moriarity. (left) CSIFT JBT Scholarship recipient
Samantha Larocca is pictured with CSIFT representative Mike Wanous. (right)
ALUMni NEWs and Awards
Curtis Weller, B.S. ’77, M.S. ’83, Ph.D. ’87 ABE, was named a fellow of the
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Dr. Weller
was recognized for his outstanding contributions in teaching, curriculum
development, assessment, ABET accreditation, professional service,
engineering licensure, research, and outreach in food security. Weller is
director of the Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and professor,
Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Nebraska.
Sue Monckton, B.S. ’74, M.S. ’76,
passed away on March 20, 2014.
Sue had a successful career in dairy
research with Kraft Foods and was a
loyal member of the Chicago Section
IFT, including serving as chair
in 2003.
Alumni Receive ACES Award of Merit
Margaret (Meg) Barth, Ph.D. ’91, and Barbara (Bobbie) Klein, Ph.D. ’74, were each
presented an Award of Merit by the University of Illinois College of Agricultural,
Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) Alumni Association. The Award
of Merit annually honors College of ACES graduates who have made significant
contributions to their chosen profession.
Dr. Meg Barth (back left) and
Dr. Bobbie Klein (front right) were
recognized with the 2014 College
of ACES Alumni Award of Merit.
Dr. M. Margaret (Meg) Barth is an accomplished and highly regarded food industry
professional. After earning her Ph.D. in Food Science and Human Nutrition at
the University of Illinois, she served as an assistant professor at the University of
Kentucky. Because of her outstanding research and teaching performance, she
was quickly granted tenure and promoted to associate professor. In 1997, Dr. Barth
was recruited to work in the food industry. After 15 years of breakthrough findings
impacting the fruit and vegetable sector, Dr. Barth returned to academia in fall
2012 in the capacity of program director for a new nutrition curriculum at California
Baptist University.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS college of agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Janet (JL) Greger, B.S. ’70, may be retired from
being a professor in nutrition and toxicology at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, but she still
reads journals and puts bits of science into her
medical mystery/suspense novels: “Coming Flu”,
“Murder: A New Way to Lose Weight”, and “Ignore
the Pain” (published in November 2013).
Sophia Leung, M.S. ’06,
was married to Brian Wang
in September 2013 at the
Chicago Botanical Gardens.
Also pictured are Sophia’s
parents, Henry, Ph.D. ’75, and
Cecilia, M.S. ’71 Ph.D.
DNS ‘74
Dr. Barth receives numerous invitations and requests to present at professional meetings, serves on countless advisory boards in both the
private and public sectors, and is also an adjunct faculty member in FSHN. In this role, she provides guest lectures, mentors graduate students,
collaborates on research, and has represented Illinois at interviews for the 3+2 program with two universities in China. Dr. Barth is also highly
involved in the local sections and national divisions of the Institute of Food Technologists.
Dr. Barbara Klein is an internationally recognized professional in the area of sensory evaluation. Her academic career, research accomplishments,
and service to her professional field have positively impacted the area of foods and nutrition. As a faculty member at the University of Illinois, Dr.
Klein advised more than 40 graduate students, garnered over $2 million in grant funds, and was instrumental in the founding of the Illinois Center for
Soy Foods, which she served as co-director. During her more than 30 year career, she served in a variety of administrative roles, including assisting
with the reorganization of the College of ACES in 1996. Additionally, she has served in numerous leadership roles within the Institute of Food
Technologists and was the Associate Scientific Editor for the Journal of Food Science.
Dr. Klein earned her Ph.D. in Home Economics at the University of Illinois in 1974. She holds a B.S. and M.S. in Home Economics from Cornell
University. In addition to her strong commitment to the food science field, Dr. Klein and her husband Miles, are avid supporters of Krannert Center
for the Performing Arts, serving on their Marquee Council. She is also active in the Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation.
Department of Food Science and Human nutrition
Alumni News & Awards
Manage diabetes with
mobile apps
Managing diabetes is an ongoing challenge.
University of Illinois Extension has developed two
mobile apps that give people with diabetes and
their caregivers additional tools to face some of
the day-to-day concerns.
Dr. Nathan Matusheski, middle, and
Dr. Susan Zaripheh, right, received
the 2013 College of ACES Young
Alumni Award.
Nathan Matusheski, Ph.D. ’03 and Susan Zaripheh,
M.S. DNS ’03, Ph.D. DNS ’05, received the 2013 College
of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Young Alumni Award. To qualify for the ACES Young
Alumni Award, the candidate must be under the age of
40, demonstrate outstanding professional achievement
and have enhanced the lives of others through
outstanding leadership or service.
Matusheski is an associate principal scientist with
Mondelez International. After earning his Ph.D., he held
several positions with Kraft Foods, until the transition
to Mondelez. His work includes designing, managing
and interpreting clinical and pre-clinical research to
substantiate value-added benefits of products and
ingredients. He holds several patents. He has also
served in leadership roles with the American Society for
Nutrition and Chicago Section IFT.
Zaripheh is the director of nutrition strategy and policy
for Coca Cola. Prior to this role, she was the senior
manager of nutrition research for Hillshire Brands and
held positions with the National Dairy Council/Dairy
Management Inc., Nestle and the Cleveland Clinic. She
is an adjunct faculty member in FSHN and is an active
member of several professional groups including the
American Society of Nutrition and American Oil
Chemists Society.
Support the Department
of Food Science and
Human Nutrition
We want to hear from you!
Send us your professional and personal updates,
including job changes, promotions, family news,
retirements, awards/recognition, and more!
Send updates to fshn-general@illinois.edu
Stay informed on FSHN news at
and www.news.aces.illinois.edu
Like us on Facebook.
“Those living with diabetes, and those cooking
for them continue to seek tools to manage the
disease,” said Dr. Karen Chapman-Novakofski,
professor of nutrition and Extension specialist.
“These mobile apps give them information at the
tips of their fingers.”
Healthy eating is a cornerstone of diabetes
management, and Recipes for Diabetes provides
more than 200 recipes that are easily prepared.
Each recipe contains an approximate nutritional
analysis for calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber,
sodium, and cholesterol. For those using carbohydrate
counting method of meal planning, carbohydrate units
are provided. Recipes can be organized by type or nutritional
information. Additional recipes can be added and favorite
recipes can be marked for future use.
“The recipes have been tested by faculty and the photographs are from meals
prepared and tested in Illinois labs,” said Jane Scherer, Extension specialist.
“This is an excellent resource for food selection and food management.”
The app is currently ranked second for diabetes recipes and is downloaded,
on average, 120 times per day.
The second app, Diabetes Lifelines Newsstand, is a bimonthly newsletter about
managing diabetes with special features
on medical and medication updates, recipes, and menu suggestions.
Both applications were developed by Chapman-Novakofski.
Go to http://web.extension.illinois.edu/state/apps.cfm to download Recipes for
Diabetes free from Google Play or the App Store;
Diabetes Lifelines Newsstand is available free from the App Store.
The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition appreciates
contributions in support of its programs and facilities. The generous
donations of alumni and friends assist in maintaining an excellent
educational experience for undergraduate and graduate students,
supporting continued research and building outreach programs.
You are encouraged to make a general donation or to direct your
contribution to a specific program or project of your choice
(for example: pilot processing plant renovation undergraduate
scholarships, graduate fellowships, endowed professorships).
Contribute online at www.giving.illinois.edu.
For more information on supporting the
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,
contact Marla Todd at 217-244-2875 (martodd@illinois.edu).