Anatomy & Physiology Session 2 Quiz 1. The outer layer of the cell

Anatomy & Physiology
Session 2 Quiz
1. The outer layer of the cell is called?
A. endoplasmic reticulum
B. cytoplasm
C. organelle
D. cell membrane
2. The function of the (ER) endoplasmic reticulum is?
A. Initiate and coordinate cell division.
B. Digest cell parts and other useless foreign material not needed by the cell.
C. Networks of sacs & canals that store & transport materials within the cell.
D. Handles cellular medical emergencies.
3. Organelles are best described as?
A. small keyboard type bodies that add movement & rhythm to the cells
B. specialized structures in cells that carry out cell functions
C. tail-like projections on sperm cells
D. hair-like projections on cell membranes
4. The nucleus is?
A. the main living structure in the cell
B. contains the nucleolus
C. contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
D. all of the above
5. Cell division is called?
A. osmosis
B. diffusion
C. mitosis
D. metabolism
6. Which organelle in the cell releases ATP energy for cellular operation?
A. mitochondria
B. cytoplasm
C. lysosome
D. nucleus
7. The process in which simple compounds are built into substances needed for cell
activities and the body’s structure is called?
8. A combination of various tissues forms parts having a special function called?
A. systems
B. cells
C. bodies
D. organs
9. In which area would you find epithelial tissue?
A. the blood vessels
B. the uterus
C. the skin
D. all of the above
10. Blood and lymph are what type of tissue?
A. adipose
B. connective
C. areolar
D. superficial
11. Which is true of tendons?
A. they stretch muscles
B. they connect muscles to bones
C. they connect bones to bones
D. they are made of adipose tissue
12. Which statement is not true of fascia?
A. it is found directly under the skin
B. it is connective tissue
C. it is neurological tissue
D. it covers muscles
13. Which is not true of adipose tissue?
A. it is a food reserve for the body
B. it serves as a heat insulator
C. it is a protective padding
D. it is good for the heart
14. Which type of tissue secrets, sweat, digestive juices and mucus?
A. connective
B. adipose
C. nervous
D. epithelial
15. Where would synovial fluid be found?
A. the brain
B. the joints
C. the muscles
D. the heart
16. The pleura, pericardium and peritoneum consist of special epithelial tissue called:
A. dense connective tissue
B. deep fascia
C. areolar
D. mesothelium
17. Skeletal, smooth and cardiac are three examples of what type of tissue?
A. muscle
B. connective
C. nerve
D. epithelial
18. What releases energy from nutrients found in carbohydrates, fats and proteins?
A. neurons
B. enzymes
C. red blood cells
D. muscle contractions
19. Myofilaments would be found where?
A. in the blood
B. in the brain tissue
C. in the muscles
D. in the bones
20. What type of tissue is found in abundance in abdominal membranes, around the heart and just
beneath the skin?
deep fascia
dense connective tissue
striated muscle tissue