Art Appreciation Course Syllabus Fall 2015


Art Appreciation

FNAR 120 – 1S1 CRN 13984

3 credit hours

Fall 2015

Room: City Park/ Building One/ Room 316E

Meets: 4-7pm M/W

Instructor: Daphne Loney

Office: Bld One 300W #3 (Walk through the art studio)

Office hours : Mon/Wed - 12:00 pm – 1pm

Tues/Thurs - 11:30am- 12:30pm / 2:00 pm-3.30pm

Telephone #: 504 671 6363

Emai (Please only use your Delgado email address)

Email is often the quickest way to get in touch with me; I do not check my email on the weekend. Please allow 24 hours for response during the work week.

Text : Living with Art (10 th edition), Mark Getlein

Special Facility or Equipment Needs/safety Rules and Issues : reliable computer and internet access

Course Prerequisites : None

Course Description : An introduction to the study of art for the novice. This course is a general overview of some of the most famous works of art created from Prehistoric to Contemporary times. Within the class, Western works are concentrated on, although works from various cultures around the globe are also introduced. Students are encouraged to develop a familiarity with the vocabulary of art including design terms and types of media.

Course Goal : Students who complete this course will have a general overview of some of the most famous works of art and of the artists that created them. Upon completion, students will be able to apply the vocabulary of design, various media and techniques used, in order to critique and therefore appreciate art. This course is intended to foster critical thinking and to demonstrate the value of individual, historical and various cultural works of art.

Student Learning Outcomes :

• Identify some of the most famous art works and artists from history.

•Apply the vocabulary of art to various art works

•Discuss the various themes of art (such as, different religious, cultural, and political artworks).

•Apply critique skills

Course Content and Unit Objectives:

Part I Introduction. Chapters 1,2, 3

Part II The Vocabulary of Art. Chapter 4,5

As a result of learning this material, students will be exposed to the scope of art, and various themes. Students will also be able to understand and apply terms such as, line, shape and mass, light, color, texture and pattern, space and perspective. In addition, students will be able to recognize and apply the principles of design, such as, unity and variety, balance, emphasis and subordination, scale, proportion, and rhythm.

Part III Two-Dimensional Media. Chapters 6,7,8,9, 10

Students will be able to recognize various two-dimensional media, such a pencil, charcoal, pastel, crayon, ink, encaustic, fresco, tempera, oil, watercolor, acrylic and the various techniques associated with each of these drawing and painting media. An overview of various printmaking and photographic processes and will be discussed. In doing so, the student will be able to see how the artist’s choice of material and technique affects the finished work.

Part IV Three-Dimensional Media. Chapters 11, 12, 13

Students will be able to recognize various three-dimensional media such as, sculpture, installation, crafts, and architecture and the various associated techniques. In doing so, the student will be able to see how the artist’s choice of material and technique affects the finished work

Requirements :

•The Text (as listed above) is required and students are expected to read the appropriate chapter before the lecture. I have put a copy on 2 hour reserve in the library (building 10) for anyone waiting for their book or financial aid etc. -I suggest strongly that you buy the book, it is very difficult to do well in this class when you cannot reference the book for vocabulary and theory.

•Access to the Delgado email and Blackboard. Please make sure that only Delgado email is used to contact the instructor and that your Delgado email is not full. For any problems, call 1 866

271 1458 (This hotline is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.)

*** you should check your email and blackboard at least twice a week for updates and announcements

There will be one quiz after each chapter There are no makeup quizzes for any reason

There are four exams. There are no makeup tests given for any reason !!!

There will be one project/paper. I will not accept late projects or papers

If you are having difficulty in the class, please contact me before your grade is in jeopardy.

I am here to help in any way I can!


Arts and Humanities Division Non-Attendance Policy Effective Spring 2015

By the official 14th class day (7th class day for summer session), all instructors are required to drop any student who has never attended the class or participated in an online course. If a student who has never attended class or participated in an online course by the official 14th class day

(7th class day for summer session) is not dropped for non-attendance, the student must be reported as attending and federal financial aid may be disbursed to the non-attending student.

The disbursement of federal financial aid funds creates an institutional responsibility to collect the unauthorized funds from the student, which in turn may result in the College’s inability to collect the funds and to incur financial losses and related federal fines.

It is the policy of the College and Arts and Humanities Division that instructors will not drop any student for non-attendance after the official 14 th

day (7th class day for summer session). It will be the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the class or online course that the student cannot attend regularly and meet the responsibilities indicated in the class syllabus. The student who does not complete the withdrawal process will receive a failing grade in the course.

Assessment Tasks and Evaluation : Grading will be based on the following:

Do Not try to “average your grades” / I do not average the points



Exams chapter quizzes


4 100 pts each

13 10 points each syllabus quiz first task

1 10 points

1 1 point paper or project 1 100 points

Total Points


There will be Extra credit assigned throughout the semester








Grading scale











Think of it as points in a bucket. Instead of averaging your grades at the end of the semester you can see at any time how many more points you will need to reach your goal.

The Student Judicial Code / and Classroom Disruption Policy is on your Canvas page

Americans with Disabilities Act

It is the general policy of Delgado Community College to assure equal opportunities for all qualified person. Reasonable accommodations for qualified person with disabilities will be made provided the students have self-identified with the Office of Disability Services and have provided required documentation. Individual instructors will modify the methods, requirements, and procedures of courses and examinations appropriately to accommodate the special needs of students with disabilities, provided the academic integrity of the course or examination is not violated, and the health and welfare of all students are safeguarded.

Disability Services Director: (504) 671 5161 CP 10, Rm120


Students who elect to pay tuition and fees on a payment plan are responsible for paying all remaining charges on the dates specified. Failure to pay will result in the student being withdrawn from all classes and not receiving a final grade. Mere attendance and participation does not warrant a grade without payment in a timely manner.

Week one

10/7 Wed-1 st day of class- Go over syllabus/ paperwork / due 1 st assignment

Week two

10/12 Mon -No Class / Fall Break –

10/14 Wed- Chapter One quiz / Chapter 2 quiz

Week three

10/19 Mon - Chapter 3 quiz / Chapter 4 quiz

10/ 21 Wed Chapter 5 quiz /Review

Week four

10/26 Mon- Exam One

10/28 Wed- Chapter 6 quiz / Chapter 7 quiz

Week five

11/2 Mon - Thurs Chapter 8 quiz/ Chapter 9 quiz

11/4 Wed - Chapter 10 quiz / review

Week six

11/9 Mon - Exam Two

11/11 Wed - Chapter 11 quiz / Chapter 12 quiz

Week seven

11/16 Mon- Chapter 13 quiz / Review

11/18 Wed – Exam 3- Papers/ projects due by 4pm.

Week eight

11/23 Mon- Review for Final

11/30 Wed- Final Exam
