Mary Jane Wolfe University of Rio Grande PO Box 981 218 North


Mary Jane Wolfe

University of Rio Grande

PO Box 981

218 North College Avenue

Rio Grande, OH 45674

(740) 245-7243

Academic Degrees





The Pennsylvania State University


MA University of Nebraska





University of Nebraska

Secondary Education

Professional Experience

2002- Professor of Education

Bunce School of Education

University of Rio Grande

1988- Professor of Mathematics

School of Sciences





University of Rio Grande

Online Facilitator eTech Ohio

Mathematician Educator


Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Teacher Education

Miami University

Assistant Professor

Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Laboratory School

Middle School Mathematics Teacher in the Laboratory School, Grades 4-9

University of Wyoming

Teaching Licenses

Middle School Mathematics: Wyoming

Secondary Mathematics: Nebraska

Professional Organizations

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics,

Board Member 1996-1998

Courses Taught

University Undergraduate Courses


Field Experience: Culturally Diverse Settings

Integrating Educational Technology into the Curriculum (senior level)

Mathematics methods: early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence to young adult, intervention specialist

Planning for Instruction

School and Community (Introduction to the foundation and philosophies of education)

Technological Literacy (freshman level)

Technology for Special Populations

Developmental Mathematics

Arithmetic review




Calculus I & II

Calculus for Business I and II

Mathematics for Educators I and II


Discrete Mathematics

Number Theory


Critical Thinking: Concepts and Applications

Computer Applications in Mathematics I and II

Computer Science


Graduate Courses

OSI Discovery mathematics, professional development courses

Interdisciplinary mathematics

Mathematics and Art

Graduate online

Learning Theory

Educational Research & Evaluation Methods

The Hero’s Journey

Ohio Mathematics Academy Project: Geometry, Algebra

ARRA: Introduction to Transforming Education

Middle and Secondary School

Arithmetic (grades 4-8)


Algebra I and II


LOGO programming

Pascal Programming



A reciprocity law for cubic polynomials. Dissertation Abstracts 37(7): 1976.

A case when the class number of an imaginary quadratic field is divisible by 3.

Notices American Mathematical Society 23: A-268.

On the Diophantine equation 27 y 2 +4 x 3 = M. (with S. Chowla) J. Reine Agew. Math 291:1.

On the coefficients c n

in the expansion

 x


( 1

 x n



( 1

 x

11 n


2 

 

1 c n x n . (with S. Chowla)

J. Reine Agew. Math 292: 115-116.

On the number of zeros of diagonal cubic forms. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

J. Number Theory 9(4):504-506.

Congruence properties of the number of solutions of some equations. (with S. Chowla and J.


J. Reine Agew. Math 298:101-103.

The number of zeros of x 3 + y 3 +c z 3 in certain finite fields. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

Reine Agew. Math 299/300: 406-410.

Some problems from the study of cubic fields. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

K. Nor. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrm, 1979:1-2.

On the divisibility of the class number of imaginary quadratic fields.

J. Number Theory 12(1):113-115.

Congruence properties of Apery numbers. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

J. Number Theory 12(2):188-190.

On the number of conjugacy classes in SL(2,Z). (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

J. Number Theory 12(3):372-377.

On the differences of cubes (Mod p). (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles) Acta Arith. 37:61-65.

On x 3 + y 3 =D. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles) J. Number Theory 14(3):369-373.

Remarks on equations related to Fermat’s Last Theorem. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

Proceedings of the Vaughn Conference, Number Theory Related to Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Boston: Birkhauser. 1982.

On y 2 – x 3 + k and the Thue rank of cubic curves. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

J. Number Theory 18(1):86-90.

On the least quadratic residue and the class number. (with S. Chowla and J. Cowles)

J. Number Theory 22(1):1-3.

Pascal and

. Wyoming computing Nov/Dec, newsletter of the Wyoming Educational Computer

Consortium, 1986:6-7.

Summing consecutive positive integers. The Mathematics Teacher 81(7):548-549.

Combining mathematics instruction and computer science applications.

Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 8(1):44-45.

Beyond Grade Assignment: Why We Assess Students. Ohio ASCD Journal 7(2):32-35. 2004

Using assessment to support learning. Prompt Intervention in Mathematics Education. Columbus:

Ohio Resource Center and Ohio Department of Education: 177-195. 2005


J.M. Vaugh Foundation

2235 Brentwood

Houston, Texas 77019

1983-1984 and 1985-1986

Awarded to support work related to Fermat’s Last Theorem



Awarded to promote the use of inquiry techniques in university level instruction

NSF & Michigan State University

The Ohio connected Mathematics Project

With Steven P. Meiring, Ohio Department of Education

June 1996-June 1999

Awarded to provide professional development for teachers in Ohio. Sessions focused on both the content and pedagogy associated with the Connected Mathematics Project, a middle school mathematics curriculum developed with funding from the National Science


Ohio board of Regents Title II Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant


Awarded to improve the pedagogy and content specific preparation of pre-service teachers by converting a traditional Number Theory course to an inquiry-based, technology enhanced course.

Improving Teacher Quality Grant


Classroom Teachers Embracing the Common Core

Awarded to support the implementation of Ohio’s Mathematics and Science New Learning in three Meigs County school Districts: Meigs Local, Eastern Local, and Southern Local


Remarks on equations related to Fermat’s last theorem

Modern Trends in Number Theory Conference

Dedham, Massachusetts

September 1981

Is the life after BASIC?

Joint conference of WAGE, WSTA, WECC, and WCTM

Casper, Wyoming

September 1983

Using students’ different learning styles to teach algebra

Encampment High School

Encampment, Wyoming

August 1985

Using tricks reading teachers know to teach algebra

Meeting of the Wyoming Mathematics/Statistids/Computer Science Cooperative

Riverton, Wyoming

February 1987

Using ideas from reading research to improve instruction in algebra

Joint conference of WAGE, WSTA, WECC, and WCTM

Cheyenne, Wyoming

October 1987

Using probability examples to teach computer programming

Joint conference of WAGE, WSTA, WECC, and WCTM

Rock Springs, Wyoming

February 1988

Excursions into chaos theory

Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual conference

Zanesville, Ohio

March 1990

Fractals and forever-A child looks at infinity

West Virginia council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting

Huntington, West Virginia

April 1991

The calculator, the environment, and developmental algebra with Robert W. Wolfe

Colloquium on Innovations in Teaching High School, Developmental, and College


University of Toledo community and Technical College

May 1994

Implementing the model curriculum through inquiry activities with David T. Hayes

Ohio council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference

Toledo, Ohio

October 1994

Statistics across the curriculum with David T. Hayes

South Central Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Pike County Joint Vocational Center

January 1995

Manipulatives, group work, and writing in developmental arithmetic with David T. Hayes and Robert W. Wolfe

Colloquium on Innovations in Teaching High School, Developmental, and college


Restructuring the Mathematical Bridge, Mathematics Reform for Underprepared College


University of Toledo Community and Technical college

May 1995

Rubrics, rubrics, rubrics: or rubrics cubed

With David T. Hayes and Robert W. Wolfe

Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual conference

Cleveland, Ohio

November 1995

Is there a method to our math-ness? with Robert W. Wolfe

Ohio council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual conference

Cleveland, Ohio

November 1995

Perfecting the art of students’ explanations

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional conference

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

November 1995

Getting to Know the Connected Mathematics Project with Janet Emerine

Discovery Teachers Conference

Columbus, Ohio

March 1996

Assessing mathematical communication through open response questions

74 th Annual conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

San Diego, California

April 1996

Finding your way with maps in social science and math with Robert W. Wolfe

Ohio council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual conference

Cincinnati, Ohio

October 1996

Nice numbers be gone! Gimme that real-world data

75 th Annual Conference of the National council of Teachers of Mathematics

Minneapolis-St. Paul

April 1997

Linear thinking in language and math

NCTM Eastern Regional conference

Cleveland, Ohio

November 1997

Estimation is sloppy computation, NOT!

Ohio council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference

Akron, Ohio

October 1998

Lateral thinking in language and mathematics

77 th Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

San Francisco, California

April 1999

NSF Funded Curriculum Programs with Pat McNichols and Linda Hallenbeck

Ohio council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting

Dayton, Ohio

September 1999

Communicating Functions

79 th Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematids

Orlando, Florida

April 2001

Developing and implementing a mathematics and art graduate course with Robert W. Wolfe

Viewpoints 2001

Bloomington, Indiana

November 2001

Using Digital Cameras to Enhance Instruction

81 st Annual Conference of the National council of Teachers of Mathematics

San Antonio, Texas

April 2003

Developing arithmetic understanding through problem solving

East Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

April 2004

Using assessment to support learning

PRIME Conference

Columbus, Ohio

April 21, 2005

Numbers Equal to the Sum of the Cubes of Their Digits, or How Special is 153?

Mathematics & Statistics Conference

Miami University

Oxford Ohio

September 28, 2007

Teaching the Common Core Standards to Digital Natives

With S. Gulati

Appalachia from an Assets Perspective

Shawnee State University

Portsmouth, Ohio

December 3, 2012

In-services, Workshops, and Seminars Presented

Waverly/Pike County Middle School calculator workshop

Eisenhower Mathematics Technology Grant

Pike county Joint vocational School

November 28, 1994

Waverly/Pike County High School calculator workshop

Eisenhower Mathematics Technology Grant

Pike county Joint Vocational School

December 5, 1994

Communicating content through inquiry

Chillicothe Public Schools professional development

Chillicothe, Ohio

February 1, February 8, February 22, and March 8 1995

Using inquiry to teach measurement

Peebles Elementary Venture Capital professional development workshops

Peebles, Ohio

February 6 and February 13 1995

The TI-81 calculator in the middle school curriculum

South Point Venture Capital professional development workshop

South Point, Ohio

February 21, 1995

Implementing the science model-pre K through grade 1

Ohio Valley Vocational School

West Union, Ohio

June 13-14, 1995

Waverly/Pike Mathematics Technology Program

Technology/Mathematics Summer Institute

Eisenhower Mathematics Technology Grant

Pike County Joint Vocational School

June 24-June 28, 1995

Implementation strategies for the Ohio Model Mathematics Curriculum

South Region Professional Development Center workshop

Pike County Joint Vocational School

September 30, 1995

Intervention strategies for the Ohio math model curriculum

South Region Professional Development Center workshops

Ohio Valley Vocational School

West Union, Ohio

October 11, 1995

Shawnee State University

Portsmouth, Ohio

October 18, 1995

University of Rio Grande

Rio Grande, Ohio

November 8, 1995

Implementing Ohio’s model competency-based science program in grades K-3

Peebles Elementary

Peebles, Ohio

December 11, 1995 and January 8, 1996

The Connected Mathematics Project West Region Summer Workshop

West Regional Professional Development Center

Troy, Ohio

July 31-August 9, 1996

Finding your way with maps in social studies and math

Streetsboro, Ohio

March 12, 1997

CMP Leadership Development Course

Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio

June 16-20, 1997

Ohio University

Athens, Ohio

June 23-27, 1997

Authentic Assessment Strategies

Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative Workshop

Huntington, West Virginia

September 10-11, 1997

Calculator Workshop for 1 st -through 3 rd -grade teachers

Mansfield, Ohio

September 20, 1997

The connected Mathematics Project 5-Day Workshops and Courses

Kent University

Ohio State University – Lima

Ohio University

University of Dayton

Summer 2000

Chillicothe City Schools K-3 Mathematics Professional Development

Chillicothe, Ohio

September 23, October 21, November 12, 2004

February 10 and April 7, 2005

OMAP Module 2

South Regional School Improvement Team

Portsmouth, Ohio

November-December 2004

South Regional School Improvement Team

Portsmouth, Ohio

February-March 2005

OMAP Modules

Algebra, Probability, and Geometry

Vinton County Schools

Wellston, Ohio

September 18, 2008-May 5, 2009

eTech Ohio Facilitator

OMAP Geometry Modules

AARA Grant: Introduction to Transforming Education

November 2007-July 2010

Digital Age Strategies for Teachers

University of Rio Grande

Rio Grande, Ohio

June 29-30, 2012

Continuing Education

COSCI 699M Special topics for secondary teachers

University of Wyoming Sum 1980

MATH 670M Special topics for secondary teachers

University of Wyoming Sum 1980

COSCI 301F Introduction to computer science

University of Wyoming Sp 1981

EDFND 791M Sex role stereotypes

University of Wyoming Sum 1981

COSCI 521F Business data processing I

University of Wyoming Fall 1981

COSCI 521G Business data processing II

University of Wyoming Sp 1982

COSCI 691M Topics for computer science educators

University of Wyoming Sp 1982

COSCI 602D Programming and data structures

University of Wyoming Fall 1983

COSCI 501D Assembly language

University of Wyoming Sp 1984

ART 301D Beginning drawing

University of Wyoming Sum 1984

COSCI 540D computer languages

University of Wyoming Fall 1984

EDAD 792 School Administration workshop

University of Wyoming Sum 1985

EDCI 801 Improving reading instruction

University of Wyoming Fall 1985

ART 511


ART 402

Life drawing

University of Wyoming Sp 1986 dBASE III workshop

University of Wyoming Sp 1986

Beginning painting

University of Wyoming Sp 1988

Non-credit Fine woodworking

University of Rio Grande Sp 1989

NSF workshop Matrix theory for applications

University of Wyoming Sum 1989

PSY 35204 Theories of learning

University of Rio Grande W 1992

MATH 699.3 Effective school mathematics instruction

Miami University Sum 1994

MATH699.S Patterns and Structures

Miami University Sum 1994

STAT 699.D Data analysis and measurement

Miami University Sum 1994

EDT 56204 Technology in school mathematics

University of Rio Grande W 1995

EDL 699.5 Implementation of Ohio’s New Learning Standards for Mathematics and Science

Miami University F 2014

Professional Development

Matrix theory for applications, a National Science Foundation supported institute

University of Wyoming

Laramie, Wyoming

July 17-august 4, 1989

Project Discovery Summer Institutes

Miami University

Oxford, Ohio

June 12-July 21, 1993

June 13-July 11, 1994

Leading the Way to Systemic Change: The Roles of Mathematics Teacher Educators, a National

Science Foundation supported workshop

University of Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska

June2-June 4, 1994

Moving mathematics and science assessment into the 21 st century, a collaboration of NCREL, MSC, and State Departments of Education

Hickory Ridge Conference Center

Lisle, Illinois

June 17-June 18, 1994

Project PROMPT: Professors rethinking options in mathematics for prospective teachers, a National

Science Foundation supported institute

Humboldt State University

Arcata, California

July 31 –August 12, 1994

July 31-August 5, 1995

Calculus for a new century, a National Science Foundation supported Chautauqua

David A. Smith and Lawrence C. Moore

Dayton, Ohio

May 22-May 24, 1995

The 1990 Census a resource for undergraduate teaching & research, a National Science Foundation supported Chautauqua

Dayton, Ohio

April 23-25, 1997

Training in administrating and scoring the TIMSS performance tasks, supported by OSI-Discovery and the National Science Foundation

Cincinnati, Ohio

February 12-13, 1998

Teaching Mathematics with Online Materials, a National Science Foundation supported online


Lawrence C. Moore and David A. Smith

Duke University, June 26-28, 2001

Cognition and Teaching Parts I and II, a National Science Foundation supported Chautauqua

Ruth S. Day

Duke University

May 7-9, 2003

May 5-7, 2004

The Creative Brain: Using Brain Research on Creativity & the Arts to Improve Learning

(also, Learning & the Brain Conference and Preconference Workshop: The Arts &


Washington D.C.

May 7-9, 2009

Web-Connected Minds: How Technology Will Transform Teaching, Student Attention &


Learning & the Brain Conference

Arlington, Virginia

May 4-9, 2012

Statistics in Sports

Fortieth Annual Mathematics/Statistics Conference

Miami University

Oxford, Ohio

September 28-29, 2012

Executive Skills for School Success: Enhancing Self-Regulation, Reasoning and Working Memory

Learning & the Brain Conference

Arlington, Virginia

May 3-5, 2013

Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) Training

Sponsored by OCPEA

Columbus, Ohio

June 5-7, 2013

2014 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference

San Francisco

March 15-17, 2014

2014 Fall CAEP Conference (in partnership with AACTE)

Washington, D.C.

September 30-October 1, 2014
