Unit #11 Vocab Words

10 Honors English/Kephart
Name: _________________________________________________________ Period: ________
Unit 11 Vocabulary Words
Frankenstein Chapter 1-8
For word pronunciation go to: http://www.merriam-webster.com/
1. foreboding (pg. 1)
part of speech: adjective, noun
definition(s): (adj.) being or showing a sign of evil or calamity to come; (n.) a feeling that
something bad will happen; suspicion or fear of future harm or misfortune
synonyms: (adj.) sinister, portentous, threatening; (n.) presage, foreshadowing
antonyms: (adj.) unthreatening; (n.) optimism, hopefulness
sample sentence: (adj.) Before the war foreboding clouds began to gather. (n.) She is a
pessimist who is always overcome by a sense of foreboding before flying on an airplane.
2. perpetual (pg. 1)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): going on and on without an interruptions; lasting forever
synonyms: ceaseless, continual, incessant, enduring, eternal
antonyms: discontinuous, obsolete, impermanent, temporary, transient
sample sentence: The comedian was an immature jerk who seemed to be in a state of
perpetual adolescence.
3. ardent (pg. 2)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): having or expressing great depth of feeling; showing urgent desire or
interest; having a notably high temperature
synonyms: fervid, fiery, avid, enthusiastic, boiling
antonyms: apathetic, dispassionate, emotionless, unenthusiastic, icy
sample sentence: Tom Cruise once made ardent declarations of love on Oprah Winfrey’s
4. conjecture (pg. 2)
part of speech: noun, verb
definition(s): (n.) an opinion or judgment based on little or no evidence; (v.) to form an
opinion from little or no evidence; to guess
synonyms: (n.) guess, supposition, surmise; (v.) guess, assume
sample sentence: (n.) There have been many conjectures about the true identity of Jack
the Ripper. (v.) He conjectured that the theater could seat 1000 people.
5. requisite (pg. 2)
part of speech: adjective, noun
definition(s): (adj.) impossible to do without; (n.) something necessary, indispensable or
synonyms: (adj.) critical, imperative, vital; (n.) necessity, must-have
antonyms: (adj.) dispensable, inessential, unnecessary
sample sentence: (adj.) Abbey Road is the requisite album for lovers of the Beatles. (n.)
Art 101 is a requisite for Art 201.
6. consecrate (pg. 2)
part of speech: adjective; verb
definition(s): (adj.) set apart or worthy of veneration by association with God; (v.) to keep
or intend for a special purpose; to make holy through prayers or ritual
synonyms: (adj.) blessed, hallowed, sacred; (v.) allocate, dedicate
sample sentence: (adj.) The consecrate gold tablets were a treasure. (v.) There were
plans to consecrate the altar in the new church with great ceremony.
7. fastidious (pg. 14)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): hard to please
synonyms: demanding, finical, fussy, particular, picky
antonyms: undemanding, unfussy
sample sentence: He is very fastidious about how he arranges his music collection.
8. intonation (pg. 15)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): the rise and fall of the voice in speaking or singing
synonyms: inflection, pitch, tone, modulation, emphasis
sample sentence: It was very noticeable when the teacher read with the wrong
9. ameliorate (pg. 15)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to make better
synonyms: amend, better, enhance, upgrade, alleviate
antonyms: worsen
sample sentence: Social legislation must be given credit for ameliorating the lot of
millions of deprived people.
10. adversity (pg. 18)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): difficulties or misfortune
synonyms: tragedy, calamity, hardship, distress, affliction
antonyms: fortune, luck, serendipity
sample sentence: Many people overcame the adversities of the Great Depression and
rebuilt their fortunes.
11. predilection (pg. 24)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): a habitual attraction to some activity or thing
synonyms: affection, affinity, bias, penchant, predisposition
antonyms: aversion, disinclination
sample sentence: The young lad had a predilection for telling tall tales.
12. immutable (pg. 27)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): not capable of changing or being changed
synonyms: fixed, inalterable, invariable, unchangeable, constant
antonyms: alterable, changeable, flexible, variable, inconstant
sample sentence: One of the immutable laws of television is that low ratings inevitably
lead to cancellation.
13. prognosticate (pg. 28)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to tell of or describe beforehand
synonyms: augur, call, forecast, predict, presage
sample sentence: The students were using current trends to prognosticate the future of
the Earth’s atmosphere.
14. omnipotent (pg. 31)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): having unlimited power or authority
synonyms: all-powerful, almighty, sovereign, supreme, mighty
sample sentence: Christians believe that God is omnipotent and omniscient.
15. alchemist (pg. 31)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): a person who studies alchemy (the medieval forerunner of chemistry that
was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a
universal elixir)
sample sentence: In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, a real
alchemist, Nicholas Flamel is mentioned.
16. grandeur (pg. 32)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): impressiveness of beauty on a large scale
synonyms: brilliance, glory, majesty, splendor, grandness
sample sentence: On my trip to San Francisco, I was struck by the grandeur of the sun
setting over the Golden Gate Bridge.
17. palpable (pg. 33)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): capable of being touched or felt; easily perceptible
synonyms: tactile, concrete, apparent, tangible, noticeable
antonyms: imperceptible, undetectable, intangible, ambiguous, indistinct
sample sentence: The tension in the negotiating room was palpable.
18. delineate (pg. 43)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to draw or make apparent the outline of; to give a representation or account
of in words
synonyms: define, sketch, trace, depict, portray
sample sentence: The story does a remarkable job of delineating the emotions that
immigrants feel upon their arrival in a strange country.
19. carnage (pg. 63)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): the killing of a large number of people
synonyms: bloodbath, death, slaughter, butchery, bloodshed
sample sentence: The appalling carnage in a war-torn country requires that the outside
world intervene.
20. venerable (pg. 64)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): deserving honor and respect especially by reason of age; dating or surviving
from the distant past
synonyms: hallowed, revered, sacred, antique, aged
antonyms: modern, new, recent
sample sentence: The venerable old man was a cherished source of advice and wisdom
for the villagers.