VCOPs - Airedale Academy



Brain warmer upper activities


Think of at least 5 WOW words to describe a banana

(remember to use your senses).

Write some in a sentence.


Think of at least 5 WOW words to describe a sandwich (remember to use your senses).

Write some in a sentence.


Think of at least 5 WOW words to describe a cat

(remember to use your senses).

Write some in a sentence



Think of at least 5 WOW words to describe a mouse

(remember to use your senses).

Write some in a sentence



Think of at least 5 WOW words to describe an apple

(remember to use your senses).

Write some in a sentence.


Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb: e.g. ‘walked’ - quickly, slowly, etc.



Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb: e.g. ‘walked’ - quickly, slowly, etc.



Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb: e.g. ‘walked’ - quickly, slowly, etc.



Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb: e.g. ‘walked’ - quickly, slowly, etc.



Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb: e.g. ‘walked’ - quickly, slowly, etc.



Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb: e.g. ‘walked’ - quickly, slowly, etc.



Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb: e.g. ‘walked’ - quickly, slowly, etc.



Pick 3 WOW words off the board and write three sentences using them. dine, progress, create, adore, foreboding, speculation, silhouette, terrain, love, vision, atmosphere, argue


Pick 4 WOW words off the board and write four sentences using them. outstandingly, tenderly, quietly, formidable, bleak, outspoken, stern, comical, pathetic, yearning, dwell,


Pick 4 WOW words off the board and write four sentences using them. container, furnishings, robe, sensitively, timidly, calamity, pain, imagine, unfortunate, carefully, murderous


Pick 5 WOW words off the board and write five sentences using them. growth, patiently, feelings, courage, experience, peak, patience, wasteland, container, catalogue,


Pick 5 WOW words off the board and write five sentences using them. echoing, doubtful, emotion, anxiety, longing, progress, create, system, communication, ingredient, vibration, prefer, nourish, demonstrate, enjoy, leap


Pick 6 WOW words off the board and write six sentences using them. transport, shelter, baggage, companion, vehicle, thunderous, fearful, marvellous, attractive, squirm, helpful, generosity, echo


Pick 6 WOW words off the board and write six sentences using them. fierce, adventure, accident, magic, gigantic, weird, freezing, quietly, silently, bravely, happiness, joy, testify, sadness, fear


Pick 7 WOW words off the board and write seven sentences using them. beautiful, awful, enormous, first, because, next, exciting, afraid, lonely, despair, interesting, inconvenient, comparable


Write down as many words as you can beginning with the letter… a

If you get to 20 try another.

You choose the letter!


Write one sentence that includes all three of the following nouns: mouse, dog, horse


Write one sentence that includes all three of the following nouns: cat, tree, fish


Write one sentence that includes all four of the following nouns: house, necklace, dog, toilet


Write one sentence that includes all four of the following nouns: cloud, bird, key, carrot


Write one sentence that includes all four of the following nouns: boy, car, present, dog


Write one sentence that includes all five of the following nouns: frog, helicopter, ball, book, girl


Up Level these sentences by adding words, e.g.

The mouse ate the cheese.

The greedy mouse quickly ate the mouldy cheese.

The bird flew to the tree.

The dog bit the robber.

The sheep lay down.


Up Level these sentences by adding words, e.g.

The mouse ate the cheese.

The greedy mouse quickly ate the mouldy cheese.

The cat sat on mat.

The man went home.

The car crashed.


Up Level these sentences by adding words, e.g.

The mouse ate the cheese.

The greedy mouse quickly ate the mouldy cheese.

The fish swam.

The baby burped.

The clown smiled.


Up Level these sentences by adding words, e.g.

The mouse ate the cheese.

The greedy mouse quickly ate the mouldy cheese.

The dog growled.

The light dimmed.

The flower grew.


Up Level these sentences by adding words, e.g.

The mouse ate the cheese.

The greedy mouse quickly ate the mouldy cheese.

The alarm rang.

The crowd cheered.

The bomb exploded.

The boy cried.


Up Level these sentences by adding words, e.g.

The mouse ate the cheese.

The greedy mouse quickly ate the mouldy cheese.

The girl saw a fairy.

The boy heard a sound.

The woman felt a breeze.

The man smelled a rat.


Start a word list from the word below.

Each new word must be a noun and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. do g – g ir l – l am b – b o y – y o y o - o wl


Each letter is worth one point!


Start a word list from the word below. Each new word must be a noun and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. do g – g ir l – l am b – b o y – y o y o - o wl


Each letter is worth one point!


Start a word list from the word below. Each new word must be a noun and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. do g – g ir l – l am b – b o y – y o y o - o wl


Each letter is worth one point!


Start a word list from the word below. Each new word must be a noun and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. do g – g ir l – l am b – b o y – y o y o - o wl


Each letter is worth one point!


Start a word list from the word below.

Each new word must be an adjective and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. gree n – n e w – w onderfu l – l ovely -


Each letter is worth one point!


Start a word list from the word below.

Each new word must be an adjective and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. gree n – n e w – w onderfu l – l ovely -


Each letter is worth one point!


Start a word list from the word below.

Each new word must be an adjective and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. gree n – n e w – w onderfu l – l ovely -


Each letter is worth one point!


Start a word list from the word below.

Each new word must be an adjective and must start with the last letter of the previous word: e.g. gree n – n e w – w onderfu l – l ovely -


Each letter is worth one point!


Find as many words as possible to describe this character’s appearance, personality, dress sense, life style, everything.


Using your words from last time write a paragraph about this character.

VOCABULARY as possible to describe this character’s appearance, personality, dress sense, life style, everything.


Using your words from last time write a paragraph about this character.


Find as many words as possible to describe this character’s appearance, personality, dress sense, life style, everything.


Using your words from last time write a paragraph about this character.


Find as many words as possible to describe this character’s appearance, personality, dress sense, life style, everything.


Using your words from last time write a paragraph about this character.


Find as many words as possible to describe this character’s appearance, personality, dress sense, life style, everything.


Using your words from last time write a paragraph about this character.


Find as many words as possible to describe this character’s appearance, personality, dress sense, life style, everything.


Using your words from last time write a paragraph about this character.


Find as many words as possible to describe this character’s appearance, personality, dress sense, life style, everything.


Using your words from last time write a paragraph about this character



Write as many words as you can to describe this setting - use your senses.


Write as many words as you can to describe this setting - use your senses.


Write as many words as you can to describe this setting- use your senses.


Write as many words as you can to describe this setting - use your senses.


Find as many words as you can that could be used instead of...


Can you use some of them in sentences?


Find as many words as you can that could be used instead of...


Can you use some of them in sentences?


Find as many words as you can that could be used instead of...


Can you use some of them in sentences?


Random Words

You need a book each. Open your book to page 7, count down to line 5 and then along to the 3 rd word. You must now quickly write a sentence using the word, underlining the word.

Try again for page 19, line 9, word 6.

Try again for page 12, line 2, word 7.

Try again for page 26, line 15, word 8..


Random Words

You need a book each. Without looking down, flick through the pages and stop anywhere.

Point anywhere on the open page. Write down the word you pointed to.

Do this four more times.

Write a sentence that makes sense using all five words.

If you have time, try again!


Look at these lists of nouns and verbs. Pick one from each and make a sentence that makes sense. e.g. The boy rushed downstairs and ran outside


Nouns engine pencil tree window burglar

Verbs groaned stole snapped revved rattled


Look at these lists of nouns and verbs. Pick one from each and try to make a silly sentence

. e.g. The pencil rushed downstairs and ran outside.

Nouns book car flower tambourine pineapple

Verbs slipped fell ran pushed caught


Look at these lists of nouns and verbs. Pick one from each and try to make a silly sentence

. e.g. The computer climbed the ladder.

Nouns watch iron chair castle ball

Verbs scraped shot walked followed saw


Think of three animals and write a sentence about each using two adjectives

. e.g. The big , fat pig could hardly fit through the gate.


Think of two animals and write a sentence about each using two adjectives and an adverb . e.g. The old dairy cow moved slowly to the milking shed.


Think of three animals and write a sentence about each using the word

‘ after ’ in each sentence. e.g. After the sun went down, the bat came out to hunt.


Think of three animals and write a sentence about each using the word

‘ when ’ in each sentence. e.g. The alligator appeared when we least expected it.


Think of four animals and write a sentence about each one using a simile in each sentence. e.g. He was as quiet as a mouse .

How about giraffe, lion, snake, fox, elephant, owl, bull?


Think of an animal and write an alliterative sentence about each one. e.g. The t errible t iger t ricked the t errified t ortoise!

How about snake, dog, monkey, penguin, cow, lion, cat, rabbit?


This is an acrostic poem. It doesn’t rhyme.

It’s about a monkey.

M ess around a lot

O n the look out for food

N early always in trouble

K ind at times

E ver so smart

Y ells a lot

What about lion, cat, dog, rat, bird, elephant?


This is an acrostic poem. It doesn’t rhyme.

It’s about a tank.

T ough as they come

A rmed and ready

N ever get in the way

K ills on sight

What about car, fridge, watch, bus, desk, house?


Write three sentences using a different connective in each.

Underline the connective. and – but – because


Write four sentences using a different connective in each.

Underline the connective. so then – when if


Write five sentences using a different connective in each.

Underline the connective. however also even though – despite after


Take turns to say a line in a story which you then hand on to your partner by suggesting a connective, e.g.

Child 1: Once there was a woodcutter who

Child 2: spent many hours in the forest because

Child 1: his wife spent so much money at Marks &

Spencer, that he had no choice to work however

Here are some connectives for you to play with: meanwhile , furthermore , however , nonetheless ,

, whereas ,

, whoever ,

, consequently , despite , and suddenly , when all at once , even though ,


There are different ways to open a sentence. One way is description .

e.g. A lean, black cat stretched into a high arc and settled down to sleep.

How many openers can you think of using description? Make sure you finish off each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is ‘ ly ’ starters e.g. – Quick ly , she ran down the road.

How many openers can you think of like this? Make sure you finish each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is a

‘ where ’ starter. e.g. At the end of the lane , stood an old house.

How many openers can you think of like this? Remember to finish each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is an ‘ ing ’ starter. e.g. Runn ing too fast, Jim fell over.

How many openers can you think of like this?

Remember to finish off your sentences.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is ‘ Although ’. e.g. Although they were late, they walked slowly to school.

How many openers can you think of like this? Remember to finish each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is using

‘ similes ’.

e.g. She was as tall as a bus and everyone loved her.

How many openers can you think of like this? Remember to finish off your sentences.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is using

‘ alliteration ’. e.g. The s neaky, s limy s nake s lithered under the blanket.

How many openers can you think of like this. Remember to finish each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is the

‘ ed ’ starter. e.g. Exhaust ed , Rizwan decided to go to bed.

How many openers can you think of like this. Remember to finish each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is a drop-in ‘ ed ’ clause . e.g. Rizwan, exhaust ed by so much effort , went to bed.

How many openers can you think of like this?

Remember to finish your sentences.


There are different ways to open a sentence one is “ speech ” plus stage direction plus an ‘ ing ’ clause. e.g.

“ Wait ”, he whispered, pick ing up his torch.

How many openers can you think of like this?

Remember to finish each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is exclamation!

“Noodles, get down !

” shouted


How many openers can you think of like this? Remember to finish off each sentence.


There are different ways to open a sentence. One is a question .

“Are you sure that room is tidy ?

Mum yelled up the stairs.

How many openers can you think of like this? Remember to finish off your sentences.



Write four sentences using one of the following in each sentence:

? ! “ “ ed ing


Copy the sentence below, adding the correct punctuation. what did you say the teacher asked in disbelief how dare you say that in my class go to the head teachers office now jack left the class without saying another word


Copy the sentence below, adding the correct punctuation. the castle would have looked scary in the daylight but at night it was absolutely terrifying maybe we should go back mohammed said it was then that he realised he was alone


Copy the sentence below, adding the correct punctuation. the car was a light blue colour it wasn’t exactly what she wanted but it would be better than nothing it was in poor condition but at least it started first time she decided to buy it and left a deposit


Copy the sentence below, adding the correct punctuation. they listened in the dark there wasn’t a sound to be heard even nana who had been barking miserably all evening was quite quiet now but peter whose ears were very sharp heard footsteps in the distance


Copy the sentence below, adding the correct punctuation. that piece of cheese has been sitting on the court since last spring it must have dropped out of someones sandwich or something after a couple of days the cheese started getting all mouldy and nasty nobody would play basketball where the cheese was


Up level these sentences keeping the meaning. Remember, you can use openers, connectives, adverbs and wow words.

1) the cat sat on the mat

2) the dog walked down the road

3) the fish swam in the bowl

4) the man sat on the bench

5) there was a duck on the pond


Up level these sentences keeping the meaning. Remember, you can use openers, connectives, adverbs and wow words.

1) there was a bird in the tree

2) there was a rabbit down the hole

3) i saw a witch in the garden

4) i saw a cat on the fence

5) i saw a mouse in the cupboard
