Basic Drafting Skills Alphabet of Lines 003.03 Identify line symbols Alphabet of Lines-Introduction o lines and line symbols used on drawings o drawings are easier to read o good contrast among different line symbols o generally two line widths: thick or thin o all lines are uniform, sharp and black 003.03 identify line symbols 0 13 7.00 3 2 1 10 8 6 A 1.25 15 7 A 4 9 14 HEX BOLT 11 5 1. Phantom 5. Leader 2. Section 6. Hidden 9. Extension 12. Section 3. Hidden 7. Center 10. Break SECTION A-A 4. Cutting/Viewing 8. Visible/Object 11. Visible/Object 13. Extension 14. Break 15. Dimension 12 Alphabet of Lines Visible/Object Lines o used to show edges of an object o are thick and dark 003.03 identify line symbols 0 13 7.00 1 10 3 2 8 6 A 1.25 15 7 A 4 9 14 HEX BOLT 11 5 SECTION A-A 12 Identify the Number(s) of Object/Visible Line Symbol Alphabet of Lines Hidden Lines o used to show edge that can not be seen in a plane o thin and dashed 003.03 identify line symbols 0 13 7.00 1 10 3 2 8 6 A 1.25 15 7 A 4 9 14 HEX BOLT 11 5 SECTION A-A 12 Identify the Number(s) of Hidden Line Symbol Alphabet of Lines Center Lines o used to show centers of round objects (arc & circles) o thin, long and short dashes 003.03 identify line symbols 0 13 7.00 1 10 3 2 8 6 A 1.25 15 7 A 4 9 14 HEX BOLT 11 5 SECTION A-A 12 Identify the Number(s) of Center Line Symbol Alphabet of Lines-Summary The alphabet of lines are thick and thin line symbols used on drawings that form a kind of graphic alphabet. Each line and line symbol has a special meaning. 003.03 identify line symbols 0