Course Syllabus FALL 2013 BIOLOGY 200 (001-017): CONCEPTS IN BIOLOGY INSTRUCTORS: Maria Stanko and Christopher Trimby EMAIL: OFFICE: 434 &442 Colton Hall COURSE SCHEDULE: Lectures: M, W: 11:30am-12:55am –OR– T, R: 11:30am-12:55pm; GITC 1100 COURSE WEBSITE: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will introduce students to the study of biology at the beginning of their course of study. Central ideas in the biological sciences will be highlighted, with an emphasis on the process of scientific discovery and investigation. The course will provide the basis for more advanced coursework and learning experiences in biological sciences as students delve into the curriculum of study. PREREQUISITES: None: This course is REQUIRED for all NJIT and Rutgers-Newark Biology Majors. REQUIRED TEXT: Principles of Biology, Nature Education [978-1-9374-1599-0]. This is a digital textbook which you can purchase at the NJIT bookstore (you will get a card with an access code) or directly from the publisher; enter the course code (to be announced). An i▶Clicker is required for this course. You can purchase one from the NJIT or Rutgers campus bookstore. COURSE WEBSITE:, login with UCID. We will have frequent readings which will be posted to the course moodle site. Please ensure you can access the Moodle site as soon as possible! GRADING POLICY: Your grade for this course will be determined based on participation, quizzes, assignments, and three written projects. Grades will be determined by the percentage of the possible points earned, following the standard grade scale. Grades are not curved and we do not offer extra credit. Recitation Attendance/Participation Lecture i▶Clicker Participation Quizzes Assignments Projects TOTAL 070 points 030 points 100 points 120 points 130 points 450 points ATTENDANCE, MAKE-UP, AND LATENESS POLICY: ►Lectures and recitations are linked, and attendance at all course sessions is important to doing well in the course. ►Attendance at recitations is required. If you must miss recitation for a valid reason, please discuss making up the missed material with your recitation instructor as soon as possible. ►Attendance and participation in lecture will be assessed using the iClickers. ►Be sure you bring your iClicker to every lecture! ►You must respond to at least 80% of iClicker questions to receive full credit for lecture participation. ►Late assignments will be deducted 10% of the points available for each 24 hours after the assignment was due. Page 1 Course Syllabus FALL 2013 BIOLOGY 200 (001-017): CONCEPTS IN BIOLOGY SCHEDULE AND COURSE OUTLINE: Dates listed by week; lectures will meet twice every week and recitation will meet every week, unless otherwise noted. Quiz dates depend on your lecture section. WEEK OF LECTURE / RECITATION TOPIC NOTES Week 1 9/2-9/6 Introduction / What is Science? / Critical Thinking / Pre-quiz Week 2 9/9-9/13 Numbers & Graphing / Interpreting Figures Week 3 9/16-9/20 Scientific Writing / Bioethics & Plagiarism Week 4 9/23-9/27 DNA Structure & Transcription ► Have iClicker registered by 9/23 Week 5 9/30-10/4 Translation & Molecular Techniques Week 6 10/7-10/11 Cell Biology Week 7 10/14-10/18 Cell Division & Meiosis Week 8 10/21-10/25 Inheritance Week 9 10/28-11/1 Natural Selection & Evolution Week 10 11/4-11/8 Life Histories & Energetics Week 11 11/11-11/15 Community Interactions Week 12 11/18-11/22 Trophic Cascades / Biodiversity Patterns QUIZ 4: 11/18, 19 Week 13 11/25-11/27 Ecosystems 11/26-27: Classes follow a Thursday & Friday schedule NO RECITATIONS THIS WEEK NO LECTURE 11/27 ► 11/28-11/29 11/28-29: Thanksgiving Recess – No Classes Week 14 12/2-12/6 Global Change / Invasive Species Week 15 12/9-12/12 Post-quiz 12/12: Reading Day – No Classes Week 16 FINALS FRIDAY DECEMBER 13- THURSDAY DECEMBER 19, 2013 QUIZ 1: 9/23, 24 QUIZ 2: 10/9, 10 QUIZ 3: 10/28, 29 QUIZ 5: 12/9, 10 NO RECITATIONS THIS WEEK NO LECTURE 12/11 FINAL EXAM WEEK: DECEMBER 13-19, 2013 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: The course has a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating. Instances of dishonesty will be punished by a zero on the assignment and consultation with the office of the Dean of Students to determine if further action is required. If you have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism or cheating, please ask us or refer to the academic integrity code: Page 2 Course Syllabus FALL 2013 BIOLOGY 200 (001-017): CONCEPTS IN BIOLOGY LEARNING OBJECTIVES/GOALS: Students will be able to… 1. Develop hypotheses to explain observed phenomena. 2. Design a basic experiment to test a hypothesis, taking into account the ethical and methodological considerations for proper experimental design. 3. Read and evaluate data critically: a. identify and describe patterns in raw data. b. interpret statistical analysis of others’ results. c. draw conclusions based on graphical presentation of data. 4. Research topics via electronic and print sources: a. attribute sources correctly. b. identify appropriate strategy for information gathering. c. appraise appropriate source material. 5. Integrate information from multiple sources to formulate broader concepts. 6. Apply learned concepts to new topics. 7. Communicate scientific information effectively: a. present source material without plagiarizing. b. convey information in written and graphical form. c. target delivery appropriately to audience. 8. Develop personal learning strategies based on recognition of their own learning processes. Page 3